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甘蓝型油菜与诸葛菜属间杂种无性系的变异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李再云  刘后利 《遗传学报》1996,23(4):315-321
从形态及细胞学两方面对甘蓝型油菜与诸葛菜属间杂种无性系的变异进行了研究。经过长期继代培养后,杂种在形态上越来越偏向母本甘蓝型油菜,而表现出较少的父本诸葛菜性状,但表现出对等双分枝的新性状。经细胞学观察表明,杂种体内杂种细胞比例下降,而甘蓝型油菜细胞比例大幅度上升并远高于核质杂种细胞(具有油菜细胞质与诸葛菜细胞核)的比例,以至较多的甘蓝型油菜染色体组被遗传下去。在该杂种继代培养中还观察到杂种细胞内的染色体消除及体细胞配对现象。  相似文献   

Phosphinothricin (PPT) resistant hybrid plants between Brassica napus L. cv. Kalinovsky and Orychophragmus violaceus (L.) O.E. Shulz. were obtained as a result of somatic hybridization experiments. The hybrids inherited PPT resistance from O. violaceus plants which were previously transformed by the vector containing Spm/dSpm Zea mays transposon system with bar gene located within the nonautonomous transposon. The obtained plants had intermediate morphology. Their hybrid nature has been confirmed by isozyme (esterase and amilase activity) and PCR (bar, gus, Spm/dSpm integration) analyses. The hybrids combined B. napus plastom and O. violaceus mithochondrion that was revealed by PCR-RFLP. The hybrid plants might be included to rapeseed breeding programme after examination of their oil quality as well as to chloroplast transformation experiments that is still urgent for B. napus.  相似文献   

The intergeneric hybrid between Brassica napus and Orychophragmus violaceus was obtained by means of embryo culture technique with the latter as the pollen parent. The hybrid was morphologically intermediate between its parents, but could produce a lot of seeds when selfed. Somatic separation of the genomes from the two parental species was observed during the mitotic divisions of some of the hybrid cells. Thus, the hybrid became the mixoploid in nature, consisting of haploid and diploid cells of B. napus, and a nuclear — cytoplasmic hybrid, with the cytoplasm of B. napus and the nuclei of O. violaceus, and the hybrid cells. Pollen mother cells with 19, 12 and 6 bivalents, respectively, were produced by the hybrid. From the selfed progeny of the hybrid, mainly two kinds of plants, B. napus and the hybrid, were found. The hybrid plants of the selfed progeny again produced two kinds of plants, B. napus and the hybrid.  相似文献   

Twenty-two intergeneric hybrids from a cross between Brassica napus (AACC, 2n = 38) cultivar Oro and the ornamental crucifer Orychophragmus violaceus (OO, 2n = 24) were produced without embryo rescue. The plants were classified into three groups based on morphological and cytological observations and RAPD banding patterns. Plants of Group I had morphological traits of both parents and 2n = 29 chromosomes. In these plants, 62.1% of the pollen mother cells (PMCs) had the pairing configuration 1 III + 9 II + 8 I; the remaining PMCs had 10 II + 9 I. The plants possessed 97.6-98.8% B. napus specific and 9.2-11.7% O. violaceus specific RAPD fragments. Plants of Group II exhibited novel morphological traits and possessed 2n = 35, 36, or 37 chromosomes. Plants of Group III were morphologically similar to B. napus and possessed 2n = 19, 37, 38, or 39 chromosomes. Plants of Group II and Group III had 94.1-99.4% B. napus specific RAPD fragments and no O. violaceus specific RAPD fragments. Chromosome fragments were observed in PMCs of most of the F1 plants in all groups. Based on the cytological results and RAPD analysis, it is suggested that genome doubling and chromosome elimination occurred in the intergeneric hybrids of B. napus x O. violaceus.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜与诸葛菜属间杂种的减数分裂观察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李再云  吴建国 《遗传学报》1997,24(4):373-379
在甘蓝型油莱与诸葛菜属间杂种细胞减数分裂中,观察到两种类型的染色体分离方式。第一种,细胞内的31条染色体呈两组分离,其中19条染色体至细胞一极,12条染色体至另一极;且在两极的染色体进行分裂,产生4个核,两个具有19条染色体,另两个具有12条染色体。故杂种细胞通过这种染色体分离方式,可同时产生具有19与12条染色体的两类配子。杂种细胞内发生的这种染色体行为,极有可能与来自两个亲本种的染色体组相关;即在细胞两极的19与12条染色体分别来自甘蓝型油菜与诸葛菜。第二种,在后期I至末期I,花粉母细胞内以6个二价体形式出现的12条染色体被落后在赤道板附近,而被排斥在末期核之外。这些落后二价体很有可能来自诸葛菜。因此,在杂种细胞减数分裂中,来自两个亲本种的染色体组被分开。文中还对染色体组分开的遗传意义等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The Orychophragmus violaceus chlorophylldefective line of "albino" type has been obtained by spectinomycin treatment. Somatic hybridization between Orychophragmus violaceus and Brassica napus was performed by fusion of green mesophyll protoplasts of rape and callus protoplasts of the O. violaceus "albino" line. Near two hundred of regenerant plants were selected according to the regeneration type and ability to become green, and were determined as hybrids. Chloroplast DNA in selected hybrids was identical to rape chlDNA, which was confirmed by the PCR-RFLP analysis of plastid DNA fragments. Fragments of hybrid mitochondrial DNA analyzed by the PCR-RFLP analysis were identical to fragments of O. violaceus. The nuclear genome of the majority of hybrids was represented by the O. violaceus genome, which was demonstrated by analyses of isoenzymes, DNA telomeric sequences, ribosomal and satellite DNAs, and the RAPD analysis. The cytogenetic analysis of a number of lines has shown variability in the number of chromosomes in the obtained lines.  相似文献   

埃塞俄比亚芥与诸葛菜属间杂种的基因组原位杂交分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用幼胚培养方法重新获得的埃塞俄比亚芥(Brassica carinata A.Braun,2n=34)与诸葛菜(Orychophragmus violaceus (L.)O.E.Schulz,2n=24)的属间杂种仍为混倍体(2n=14~34),2n=34细胞的频率最高;绝大多数花粉母细胞(PMCs)表现正常的17个二价体配对和17:17的分离。基因组原位杂交分析结果表明,在所有体细胞和PMCs中不含有整条的诸葛菜染色体,2n=34的体细胞和PMCs中包含了来自黑芥(B.nigra (L.)Koch,2n=16)的16条染色体。这些具有完全或部分埃塞俄比亚芥染色体组成的细胞,可能来源于以前提出的杂种细胞在有丝分裂中完全或部分亲本染色体组分开和染色体复制,并伴随诸葛菜染色体的消除。  相似文献   

Fitness of interspecific hybrids is sometimes high relative to their parents, despite the conventional belief that they are mostly unfit. F(1) hybrids between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and weedy B. rapa can be significantly more fit than their weedy parents under some conditions; however, under other conditions they are less fit. To understand the reasons, we measured the seed production of B. napus, B. rapa, and different generations of hybrid plants at three different densities and in mixtures of different frequencies (including pure stands). Brassica napus, B. rapa, and backcross plants (F(1) ♀ × B. rapa) produced many more seeds per plant in pure plots than in mixtures and more seeds in plots when each was present at high frequency. The opposite was true for F(1) plants that produced many more seeds than B. rapa in mixtures, but fewer in pure stands. Both vegetative and reproductive interactions may be responsible for these effects. Our results show that the fitness of both parents and hybrids is strongly frequency-dependent and that the likelihood of introgression of genes between the species thus may depend on the numbers and densities of parents and their various hybrid offspring in the population.  相似文献   

Ma N  Li ZY  Cartagena JA  Fukui K 《Plant cell reports》2006,25(10):1089-1093
New Brassica napus inbred lines with different petal colors and with canola quality and increased levels of oleic (∼70%, 10% higher than that of B. napus parent) and linoleic (28%) acids have been developed in the progenies of one B. napus cv. Oro × Orychophragmus violaceus F5 hybrid plant (2n=31). Their genetic constituents were analyzed by using the methods of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and amplified fragments length polymorphism (AFLP). No intact chromosomes of O. violaceus origin were detected by GISH in their somatic cells of ovaries and root tips (2n=38) and pollen mother cells (PMCs) with normal chromosome pairing (19 bivalents) and segregation (19:19), though signals of variable sizes and intensities were located mainly at terminal and centromeric parts of some mitotic chromosomes and meiotic bivalents at diakinesis or chromosomes in anaphase I groups and one large patch of chromatin was intensively labeled and separated spatially in some telophase I nuclei and metaphase II PMCs. AFLP analysis revealed that substantial genomic changes have occurred in these lines and O. violaceus–specific bands, deleted bands in ‘Oro’ and novel bands for two parents were detected. The possible mechanisms for these results were discussed.  相似文献   

Zhigang Zhao  Ni Ma  Zaiyun Li 《Génome》2007,50(2):226-233
In an earlier study, the progenies of intergeneric hybrids Brassica napus (2n = 38) x Orychophragmus violaceus (2n = 24) were investigated in successive generations (F1-F4) for the cytological phenomenon of parental genome separation during mitotic and meiotic division. In the present study, inbred lines (F5-F8) derived from 1 such hybrid were characterized for morphology, chromosome pairing behaviour, and genome composition. One F5 plant (2n = 31) with slightly yellow petals and 12:19 and 15:16 segregation ratios in its pollen mother cells (PMCs) produced F6 plants with distinct morphological characteristics and wide variations in fertility and chromosome numbers (2n = 25-38). F7 and F8 lines with distinctive morphology and wide ranges in chromsome numbers were established. In PMCs of F7 plants from 4 F6 plants, 0-12 labelled chromosomes from O. violaceus, which predominantly appeared as bivalents, were identified by genomic in situ hybridization. They behaved synchronously with B. napus chromosomes during meiotic division. The results provide molecular cytogenetic evidence of the inclusion of O. violaceus chromosomes in the original hybrids and the cytology in the hybrids documented earlier. They also show that chromosome behaviour was altered and the parental chromosomes became synchronized after successive generations.  相似文献   

We have earlier shown extensive introgression between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and B. rapa in a weedy population using AFLP markers specific for the nuclear genomes. In order to describe the progress of this introgression, we examined 117 offspring from 12 maternal plants from the introgressed population with the same AFLP-markers; AFLP data were supported by chromosome counting. We also analysed the offspring with a species-specific chloroplast marker and finally evaluated the reproductive system in selected maternal plants. Our results indicated a high outcrossing rate of the introgressed maternal plants. It seemed that B. rapa most often functioned as the maternal plant in the introgression process and that the amount of oilseed rape DNA was highly diminished in the offspring compared to their introgressed maternal plants. However, our analysis of plants from the weedy population indicated that introgression can lead to both (1) exchange of chloroplast DNA between species producing B. rapa-like plants with B. napus chloroplasts and (2) incorporation of B. napus C-genome DNA into the B. rapa genome. Therefore, we question whether it can be regarded as containment to position transgenes in the chloroplast or in specific parts of the nuclear genome of B. napus.  相似文献   

One of the major aims of pollination ecology has been to understand the role and relative importance of different pollinator species in both natural and agricultural systems. This study explores how the quantity of pollen delivered in a single visit to a stigma (SVD) differs across insect species from a wide range of taxa (Orders: Hymenoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera) and assesses the morphological and behavioural traits that lead to differences in pollen delivery. We used oilseed rape (OSR) (Brassica napus L.), an economically important crop with open self-fertile flowers, as a test system. Behavioural traits and SVD were measured in the field for individuals of all frequent flower-visiting species of OSR. Individuals were collected and morphological traits were measured in the laboratory. The quantities of free pollen on different body parts of flower visitors, or ‘pollen load’, were also measured. Behavioural and morphological traits were then assessed as predictors of SVD. The individuals that delivered most pollen were (in order of greatest median number of pollen grains delivered): bumblebees (Bombus spp.), mining bees (Andrenidae) and honeybees (Apis mellifera). However, all but one family of flies tested delivered a significantly greater median number of pollen grains than the control, and most delivered more than sweat bees (Halictidae). Behavioural and morphological traits were important in determining pollen delivery, with greater body length, hairiness and visit duration all resulting in greater SVD. Pollen load was measured for a proportion of individuals and we found that for momentary flower visits, a greater quantity of pollen on the head of the flower visitor was linked to a greater SVD. This study demonstrates that, while bees are important pollinators in this system, many fly taxa are also effective at delivering pollen and this is linked to morphological and behavioural traits found in both groups.  相似文献   

The process of introgression between a transgenic crop modified for better agronomic characters and a wild relative could lead potentially to increased weediness and adaptation to the environment of the wild species. However, the formation of hybrid and hybrid progeny could be associated with functional imbalance and low fitness, which reduces the risk of gene escape and establishment of the wild species in the field. Our work compares the fitness components of parents and different types of backcross in the sixth generation of hybrids between transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus, AACC, 2n = 38) resistant to the herbicide glufosinate and wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum, RrRr, 2n = 18). The backcross with oilseed rape cytoplasm (OBC) has a fitness value 100 times lower than that of the backcross with wild radish cytoplasm (RBC). The herbicide-resistant RBC has similar growth to the susceptible RBC, but final male and female fitness values are two times lower. In turn, susceptible RBC exhibit similar fitness to the control wild radishes. The relative fitnesses of the different types are the same whether or not they grow under competitive conditions. The consequence on fitness of the chromosome location of the transgene conferring resistance and the relevance of these results to the impact of gene flow on the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Few data is available on the nematodes found in Brassicaceae, except for the most important plant parasite. However, studying the structure of nematofauna could be an important database for the soil quality and in order to assess the effects of future disturbance. This is particularly important considering that the diffusion of the canola crop in the world is increasing because of its use as a bio-diesel. Very diffused is also the Bt variety of oil seed rape, and, in this case, the study of the impact on the soil health and on bio-diversity is essential. In this research we have analyzed the nematode community, used as a bio-indicator of the soil condition. The nematofauna found in canola (Brassica napus var. oleifera) fields located in Southern Italy (Metaponto - MT) was investigated. The nematode community was studied considering its abundance, genus composition and trophic structure. Maturity and biodiversity indices were also calculated. A total of 5286 nematodes were extracted. They belong to 14 families and 24 genera. Bacterial and fungal feeders, 50.18% and 42.90% of the total respectively, dominated the trophic structure. Aphelencus is the most abundant genus (23.71%) followed by Acrobeloides (20.49%) and Aphelencoides (19.18%). Among plant feeders (6.59%), Pratylenchus is the dominant genus (2.20%) and Tylenchidae the main family (3.54%). No infestation of Meloidogyne, Heterodera or Naboccus, important plant-parasitic nematodes of canola crops, was recorded. Other important phytophagous were Helycotylenchus (0.5%), Trichotylenchus (0.5%) and Filenchus (0.9%). All of them had an abundance level below injury level. The indices of biodiversity are rather low (H'=0.93, J'=0.67), as is typical for agro ecosystems. However, the nematofauna community is quite well structured (N2=6.31, D=0.16) and the maturity index rather high (EMI=1.94). These values demonstrate that oilseed rape has a lower impact on the soil compared to other crop systems and that it could be taken into consideration for crop rotation programs. Canola could follow other more stressful crops, trying to maintain soil equilibrium.  相似文献   

In most experimental hybridizations between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and weedy B. campestris, either intra- or interspecific pollen has been applied to individual flowers. Under field conditions, however, stigmas will often receive a mixture of the two types of pollen, thereby allowing for competition between male gametophytes and/or seeds within pods. To test whether competition influences the success of hybridization, pollen from the two species was mixed in different proportions and applied to stigmas of both species. The resulting seeds were scored for paternity by isozyme and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Using data on the proportion of fully developed seeds and the proportion of these seeds that were hybrids, a statistical model was constructed to estimate the fitness of conspecific and heterospecific pollen and the survival of conspecific and heterospecific zygotes to seeds. B. campestris pollen in B. napus styles had a significantly lower fitness than the conspecific pollen, whereas no difference between pollen types was found in B. campestris styles. Hybrid zygotes survived to significantly lower proportions than conspecific zygotes in both species, with the lowest survival of hybrid zygotes in B. napus pods. This is in contrast to the higher survival of hybrid seeds in B. napus than in B. campestris pods when pollinations are made with pure pollen. Altogether, the likelihood of a foreign pollen grain producing a seed was much lower on B. napus than on B. campestris. In addition, pods on B. napus developed to a lower extent the more heterospecific pollen was in the mix, whereas this had no effect on B. campestris.  相似文献   

Development of methodologies for early selection is one of the most important goals of olive breeding programs at present. In this context, the identification of molecular markers associated with beneficial alleles could allow the development of marker-assisted selection (MAS) strategies in olive breeding programs. Fruit-related and plant vigor traits, which are of key importance for olive selection and breeding, were analyzed during two seasons in a progeny derived from the cross ‘Picual’ × ‘Arbequina.’ Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses were performed using MapQTL 4.0. A total of 22 putative QTLs were identified in the map of ‘Arbequina.’ QTLs clustered in linkage groups (LG) 1, 10 and 17. QTLs for oil-related traits located in LG 1 and 10 explained around 20–30 % of the phenotypic variability depending on the season and the trait. QTL for moisture-related traits were detected in LG 1, 10 and 17, and QTLs for the ratio pulp to stone were identified in LG 10 and 17 explaining around 15–20 %. Interaction between QTLs for the same trait was investigated. The significance of these results was discussed considering the co-localization of QTLs and Pearson correlations among traits. Five additional QTLs were detected in the map of ‘Picual.’ Four of them clustered in LG 17 indicating the presence of a QTL for fruit weight explaining around 12.7–15.2 % of the variability. Additionally, a QTL for trunk diameter was detected in LG 14 explaining 16 % of the variation. These results represent an important step toward the application of MAS in olive breeding programs.  相似文献   

Two recent studies have mapped QTLs associated with the level of seed glucosinolates in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). It was likely that the two most significant QTLs identified in each study were the same, as they were linked to RFLP alleles identified by common DNA probes. To investigate the utility of these probes in breeding programmes, they were used to study RFLPs in a range of low- and high-glucosinolate cultivars and breeding lines. It was shown that all low glucosinolate spring and winter cultivars possessed a specific RFLP fragment identified by probe wg3f7 which is linked to theGSL-1 QTL, and all high-glucosinolate cultivars possessed a specific RFLP fragment identified by probe wg7a8, which is linked to theGSL-2 QTL. Cultivar Ariana, which has intermediate levels of glucosinolates possessed the low-glucosinolate fragment atGSL-1 but the high-glucosinolate fragment atGSL-2. A similar result was found with the cvs. Martina and Bronowski which have intermediate and variable levels of glucosinolates. There were no other RFLP fragments identified by other DNA probes which were specific to either the low- or high-glucosinolate phenotypes. The use of probes wg3f7 and wg7a8 in selection of low-glucosinolate lines in breeding programmes is discussed.  相似文献   

Oxylipins are products of oxygenase-catalyzed reactions of fatty acids. Oxylipins have been found or implied to participate in a variety of different functions in or between organisms. In this report we investigated the potential of various naturally occurring oxylipins found in plants for their effects as fungicides on a number of fungal pathogens interfering with Brassica cultivation. The fungi investigated were Alternaria brassicae, Leptosphaeria maculans, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Verticillium longisporum. An in vitro growth inhibition assay was used, where the relative growth rate of the fungi were determined in the presence of various concentrations of oxylipins. While no universal fungicidic effect was found for the 10 compounds investigated there were examples of oxylipins having inhibitory effects. In certain cases the inhibitory effects was overcome by time, however. Since several of the oxylipins tested were found to be stable in the absence of the fungus this effect could be explained by induction of the degrading capacity of the fungus or increased tolerance. Several of the oxylipins also inhibited germination of L. maculans spores but the relative potency differed compared to the effects on hyphae. The study suggests that selected oxylipins may be used for disease control on Brassica plants.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis by developing embryos of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to assess the photosynthetic potentialof developing seeds of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) andto compare photosynthetic properties of embryo plastids withthose of leaf chloroplasts from the same species. Measurementsof CO2-dependent O2 evolution show that developing seeds ofB. napus are photosynthetically active in vitro. Essentially,all of the photosynthetic activity of the developing seed isaccounted for by the embryo. The rate of photosynthesis by developingembryos increased until the onset of desiccation, after whichit declined, so that by maturity embryos were no longer photosyntheticallyactive. Photosynthetic activity was positively correlated withchlorophyll content throughout development. Comparison of thephotosynthetic characteristics of leaf and embryo chloroplastsrevealed that rates of uncoupled electron transport were 2.5-foldgreater in those from the embryo. Light-saturated rates of CO2-dependentO2 evolution, per unit chlorophyll, and CO2 saturation pointswere similar for chloroplasts from both tissues. However, light-saturationpoints and chlorophyll a/b ratios were lower for embryo thanfor leaf choroplasts. Embryos and embryo chloroplasts also containedconsiderably less ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenaseprotein per unit total protein, than leaves. Although excisedembryos were capable of high rates of CO2-dependent O2 evolution(90–100 mol mg–1 chlorophyll h–1) under asaturating photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), low transmittanceof light through the silique wall (30%), together with the highPPFD required to achieve light compensation points in developingseeds (500 mol m–2 s–1), suggests that photosynthesisin vivo is unlikely to make a net contribution to carbon economyunder normal environmental conditions. Key words: Embryo, development, photosynthesis, chloroplast, Brassica napus L.  相似文献   

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