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A new Dictyostelium discoideum cyclase gene was identified that encodes a protein (sGC) with 35% similarity to mammalian soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC). Gene disruption of sGC has no effect on adenylyl cyclase activity and results in a >10-fold reduction in guanylyl cyclase activity. The scg- null mutants show reduced chemotactic sensitivity and aggregate poorly under stringent conditions. With Mn(2+)/GTP as substrate, most of the sGC activity is soluble, but with the more physiological Mg(2+)/GTP the activity is detected in membranes and stimulated by GTPgammaS. Unexpectedly, orthologues of sGC and sAC are present in bacteria and vertebrates, but absent from Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Arabidopsis thaliana and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Degradation of allantoin, allantoate, or urea by Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires the participation of four enzymes and four transport systems. Production of the four enzymes and one of the active transport systems is inducible; allophanate, the last intermediate of the pathway, functions as the inducer. The involvement of allophanate in the expression of five distinct genes suggested that they might be regulated by a common element. This suggestion is now supported by the isolation of a new class of mutants (dal80). Strains possessing lesions in the DAL80 locus produce the five inducible activities at high, constitutive levels. Comparable constitutive levels of activity were also observed in doubly mutant strains (durl dal80) which are unable to synthesize allophanate. This, with the observation that arginase activity remained at its uninduced, basal level in strains mutated at the DAL80 locus, eliminates internal induction as the basis for constitutive enzyme synthesis. Mutations in dal80 are recessive to wild-type alleles. The DAL80 locus has been located and is not linked to any of the structural genes of the allantoin pathway. Synthesis of the five enzymes produced constitutively in dal80-1-containing mutants remains normally sensitive to nitrogen repression even though the dal80-1 mutation is present. From these observations we conclude that production of the allantoin-degrading enzymes is regulated by the DAL80 gene product and that induction and repression of enzyme synthesis can be cleanly separated mutationally.  相似文献   

Some kinetic and thermodynamic properties of the plasma membrane adenylyl cyclase (AC) from the protist Euglena gracilis were examined. The AC kinetics for Mg-ATP was hyperbolic with a K(m) value of 0.33-0.43 mM, whereas the inhibition exerted by 2('),5(')-dideoxyadenosine was of the mixed type with a K(i) of 80-147 microM. The V(m) value (0.9 or 1.8 nmol(mg protein)(-1)min(-1)) changed, depending upon the carbon source in the growth medium (lactic acid or glutamate plus malate). Lactic acid membrane AC was slightly more thermolabile (from 28 to 40 degrees C) and showed higher activation energy (range 15-25 degrees C). With lactate, the total and saturated fatty acid percentage content in the plasma membrane was significantly greater than with glutamate plus malate, whereas the percentage content of polyunsaturated (n-3) fatty acids was lower. The data suggest that the fatty acid composition, as changed by the carbon source in the growth medium, may modulate the AC activity in Euglena.  相似文献   

In addition to a bicarbonate-regulated soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC), mammalian spermatozoa, like somatic cells, appear to contain receptor/G protein-regulated AC activity that contributes to the modulation of specialized cell processes. This study provides evidence that agents, known to influence somatic membrane-associated AC (mAC) but apparently not germ cell sAC, can modulate cAMP production and functional state in mouse spermatozoa. Specifically, forskolin significantly enhanced cAMP production and capacitation, while inclusion of 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine significantly blocked these responses. Furthermore, GTPgammaS and NaF stimulated cAMP, but GDPbetaS and mastoparan had no apparent effect, consistent with recent evidence that G(s), but not G(i), contributes to AC/cAMP regulation in uncapacitated cells. In addition, intact mouse spermatozoa were screened for all known mAC isoforms by immunolocalization, using commercially available specific antibodies. The most abundant isoforms appeared to be AC2, AC3, and AC8, each with distinct distributions in the acrosomal and flagellar regions; AC1 and AC4 also appeared to be present, although less abundantly, in the midpiece and acrosomal cap regions, respectively. Intriguingly, however, Western blotting revealed that the major immunoreactive proteins in mouse sperm lysates were considerably smaller (approximately 50-60 kDa) than their somatic cell counterparts, suggesting that mature spermatozoa contain multiple mACs which may function in a shortened form. Of particular interest were AC3 and AC8, located in the same regions as, and hence possibly directly associated with, specific cell surface receptors and G proteins that are able to regulate the spermatozoon's acquisition and maintenance of fertilizing ability via changes in AC/cAMP.  相似文献   

The soluble calmodulin-sensitive isoform of adenylyl cyclase isolated from equine sperm is unique because it requires Mn(2+) rather than Mg(2+) for activity. To gain insight into the molecular action of metals on sperm adenylyl cyclase, the kinetics of Mn(2+) and ATP effect was examined. A biphasic response to increases in ATP concentration was observed when metal was held constant. When [Mn(2+)] exceeded [ATP], however, greatly enhanced enzyme activity was observed. The kinetic profiles were consistent with allosteric activation of adenylyl cyclase by Mn(2+). Linear transformation of the data yielded an apparent K(m) for Mn-ATP of 5.8 mM and calculated V(max) of 12 nM cyclic AMP formed/min/mg. Data analysis using calculated equilibrium concentrations of free and complexed reactants provided similar estimates of these kinetic parameters.  相似文献   

Caspase-14 is a cysteine endoproteinase that is expressed in the epidermis and a limited number of other tissues. It is activated during keratinocyte differentiation by zymogen processing, but its precise function is unknown. To obtain caspase-14 for functional studies, we engineered and expressed a constitutively active form of human caspase-14 (Rev-hC14) in Escherichia coli and cultured mammalian cells. Rev-hC14 required no proteolytic processing for activity, showed strong activity against the caspase substrate WEHD, and was inhibited by the pan-caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk. Mammalian cells that expressed active caspase-14 showed normal cell adherence and morphology. Using positional scanning of synthetic tetrapeptide libraries, we determined the substrate preference of human caspase-14 to be W (or Y)-X-X-D. These studies affirm that caspase-14 has a substrate specificity similar to the group I caspases, and demonstrate that it functions in a distinct manner from executioner caspases to carry out specific proteolytic events during keratinocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

The cyclic AMP (cAMP) signaling pathway is implicated in the development of alcohol use disorder. Previous studies have demonstrated that ethanol enhances the activity of adenylyl cyclase (AC) in an isoform specific manner; AC7 is most enhanced by ethanol, and regions responsible for enhancement by ethanol are located in the cytoplasmic domains of the AC7 protein. We hypothesize that ethanol modulates AC activity by directly interacting with the protein and that ethanol effects on AC can be studied using recombinant AC in vitro. AC recombinant proteins containing only the C1a or C2 domains of AC7 and AC9 individually were expressed in bacteria, and purified. The purified recombinant AC proteins retained enzymatic activity and isoform specific alcohol responsiveness. The combination of the C1a or C2 domains of AC7 maintained the same alcohol cutoff point as full-length AC7. We also find that the recombinant AC7 responds to alcohol differently in the presence of different combinations of activators including MnCl2, forskolin, and Gsα. Through a series of concentration-response experiments and curve fitting, the values for maximum activities, Hill coefficients, and EC50 were determined in the absence and presence of butanol as a surrogate of ethanol. The results suggest that alcohol modulates AC activity by directly interacting with the AC protein and that the alcohol interaction with the AC protein occurs at multiple sites with positive cooperativity. This study indicates that the recombinant AC proteins expressed in bacteria can provide a useful model system to investigate the mechanism of alcohol action on their activity.  相似文献   

We have carefully characterized and reexamined the motility and phototactic responses of Synechocystis sp. adenylyl cyclase (Cya1) and catabolite activator protein (SYCRP1) mutants to different light regimens, glucose, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, and cyclic AMP. We find that contrary to earlier reports, cya1 and sycrp1 mutants are motile and phototactic but are impaired in one particular phase of phototaxis in comparison with wild-type Synechocystis sp.  相似文献   

Mutagenic treatment with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) inPhaffia rhodozyma generated 15 mutants with a wide diversity of color variants ranging from white to dark red. Characterization of the mutants by absorption spectra, TLC and HPLC was performed. Two categories could be distinguished: astaxanthin hyperproducing and astaxanthin hypoproducing mutants. Hyperproducing mutants exhibited considerable increases in astaxanthin content whereas hypoproducing mutants showed higher β-carotene contents than the wild-type strain. The characterization of carotenoid mutants inP. rhodozyma could contribute to the knowledge of the biosynthetic pathway of astaxanthin production of this microorganism.  相似文献   

The intracellular levels of cAMP play a critical role in the meiotic arrest of mammalian oocytes. However, it is debated whether this second messenger is produced endogenously by the oocytes or is maintained at levels inhibitory to meiotic resumption via diffusion from somatic cells. Here, we demonstrate that adenylyl cyclase genes and corresponding proteins are expressed in rodent oocytes. The mRNA coding for the AC3 isoform of adenylyl cyclase was detected in rat and mouse oocytes by RT-PCR and by in situ hybridization. The expression of AC3 protein was confirmed by immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence analysis in oocytes in situ. Cyclic AMP accumulation in denuded oocytes was increased by incubation with forskolin, and this stimulation was abolished by increasing intraoocyte Ca(2+) with the ionophore A23187. The Ca(2+) effects were reversed by an inhibitor of Ca(2+), calmodulin-dependent kinase II. These regulations of cAMP levels indicate that the major cyclase that produces cAMP in the rat oocyte has properties identical to those of recombinant or endogenous AC3 expressed in somatic cells. Furthermore, mouse oocytes deficient in AC3 show signs of a defect in meiotic arrest in vivo and accelerated spontaneous maturation in vitro. Collectively, these data provide evidence that an adenylyl cyclase is functional in rodent oocytes and that its activity is involved in the control of oocyte meiotic arrest.  相似文献   

Thionins are a group of antimicrobial polypeptides that form part of the plant's defense mechanism against pathogens. The Thi 2.1 thionin gene of Arabidopsis thaliana has been shown to be inducible by jasmonic acid (JA), an oxylipin-like hormone derived from oxygenated linolenic acid and synthesized via the octadecanoid pathway. The JA-dependent regulation of the Thi 2.1 gene has been exploited for setting up a genetic screen for the isolation of signal transduction mutants that constitutively express the Thi 2.1 gene. Ten cet-mutants have been isolated which showed a constitutive expression of the thionin gene. Allelism tests revealed that they represent at least five different loci. Some mutants are dominant, others recessive, but all cet mutations behaved as monogenic traits when backcrossed with Thi 2.1-GUS plants. Some of the mutants overproduce JA and its bioactive precursor 12-oxophytodienoic acid (OPDA) up to 40-fold while others have the same low levels as the control wildtype plants. Two of the mutants showed a strong induction of both the salicylic acid (SA)- and the JA-dependent signaling pathways, while the majority seems to be affected only in the octadecanoid pathway. The Thi 2.1 thionin gene and the Pdf 1.2 defensin gene are activated independently, though both are regulated by JA. The cet-mutants, except for one, also show a spontaneous leaf cell necrosis, a reaction often associated with the systemic acquired resistance (SAR) pathway.  相似文献   

Crystallographic studies have elucidated the binding mechanism of forskolin and P-site inhibitors to adenylyl cyclase. Accordingly, computer-assisted drug design has enabled us to identify isoform-selective regulators of adenylyl cyclase. After examining more than 200 newly synthesized derivatives of forskolin, we found that the modification at the positions of C6 and C7, in general, enhances isoform selectivity. The 6-(3-dimethylaminopropionyl) modification led to an enhanced selectivity for type V, whereas 6-[N-(2-isothiocyanatoethyl) aminocarbonyl] and 6-(4-acrylbutyryl) modification led to an enhanced selectivity for type II. In contrast, 2'-deoxyadenosine 3'-monophosphate, a classical and 3'-phosphate-substituted P-site inhibitor, demonstrated a 27-fold selectivity for inhibiting type V relative to type II, whereas 9-(tetrahydro-2-furyl) adenine, a ribose-substituted P-site ligand, showed a markedly increased, 130-fold selectivity for inhibiting type V. Consequently, on the basis of the pharmacophore analysis of 9-(tetrahydro-2-furyl) adenine and adenylyl cyclase, a novel non-nucleoside inhibitor, 2-amino-7-(2-furanyl)-7,8-dihydro-5(6H)-quinazolinone (NKY80), was identified after virtual screening of more than 850,000 compounds. NKY80 demonstrated a 210-fold selectivity for inhibiting type V relative to type II. More importantly, the combination of a type III-selective forskolin derivative and 9-(tetrahydro-2-furyl) adenine or NKY80 demonstrated a further enhanced selectivity for type III stimulation over other isoforms. Our data suggest the feasibility of adenylyl cyclase isoform-targeted regulation of cyclic AMP signaling by pharmacological reagents, either alone or in combination.  相似文献   

A novel gene encoding an adenylyl cyclase, designated cyaG, was identified in the filamentous cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. The predicted amino acid sequence of the C-terminal region of cyaG was similar to the catalytic domains of Class III adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases. The N-terminal region next to the catalytic domain of CyaG was similar to the dimerization domain, which is highly conserved among guanylyl cyclases. As a whole, CyaG is more closely related to guanylyl cyclases than to adenylyl cyclases in its primary structure. The catalytic domain of CyaG was expressed in Escherichia coli and partially purified. CyaG showed adenylyl cyclase (but not guanylyl cyclase) activity. By site-directed mutagenesis of three amino acid residues (Lys(533), Ile(603), and Asp(605)) within the purine ring recognition site of CyaG to Glu, Arg, and Cys, respectively, CyaG was transformed to a guanylyl cyclase that produced cGMP instead of cAMP. Thus having properties of both cyclases, CyaG may therefore represent a critical position in the evolution of Class III adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases.  相似文献   

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