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Coral reef monitoring is a reliable tool to assess the effect of climate change as corals are sensitive to increases in water temperatures between 30 °C and 35 °C resulting in bleaching - a whitening process when the corals lose their color and the reefs begin to die. Existing satellite-based monitoring products facilitate coral bleaching monitoring over large spatial scales, but their use in predicting local scale stress that influences the bleaching severity across reefs is limited. In this paper, we describe a Stationary Reef Monitoring System (SRMS) that monitors the time evolution of coral reefs through the photography of nearby coral clusters. Simultaneously, the SRMS measures and records environmental parameters such as temperature, solar irradiance (PAR), and salinity in the waters surrounding the coral colonies. When deployed in the sea, the SRMS detected a 0.1–0.4 °C variability in temperature between the in situ and satellite datasets. The SRMS uses color photography along with quantitative data on environmental parameters to monitor the health of corals and eliminates the need for physical/visual verification of coral health by a diver. By this approach, one can determine the stress thresholds of corals and identify the vulnerable and resilient reefs so as to prioritize conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The present study describes ontogenetic shifts in habitat use for 15 species of coral reef fish at Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia. The distribution of fish in different habitats at three ontogenetic stages (new settler, juvenile, and adult) was investigated in coral-dominated and algal-dominated sites at two reefs (fringing reef and inner reef of motu). Three main ontogenetic patterns in habitat use were identified: (1) species that did not change habitats between new settler and juvenile life stages (60% of species) or between juvenile and adult stages (55% of species—no ontogenetic shift); (2) species that changed habitats at different ontogenetic stages (for the transition “new settler to juvenile stage”: 15% of species; for the transition “juvenile to adult stage”: 20% of species); and (3) species that increased the number of habitats they used over ontogeny (for the transition “new settler to juvenile stage”: 25% of species; for the transition “juvenile to adult stage”: 25% of species). Moreover, the majority of studied species (53%) showed a spatial variability in their ontogenetic pattern of habitat use according to alternate reef states (coral reef vs algal reef), suggesting that reef state can influence the dynamics of habitat associations in coral reef fish.  相似文献   

Underwater soundscapes vary due to the abiotic and biological components of the habitat. We quantitatively characterized the acoustic environments of two coral reef habitats, one in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (Panama) and one in the Caribbean (Florida Keys), over 2-day recording durations in July 2011. We examined the frequency distribution, temporal variability, and biological patterns of sound production and found clear differences. The Pacific reef exhibited clear biological patterns and high temporal variability, such as the onset of snapping shrimp noise at night, as well as a 400-Hz daytime band likely produced by damselfish. In contrast, the Caribbean reef had high sound levels in the lowest frequencies, but lacked clear temporal patterns. We suggest that acoustic measures are an important element to include in reef monitoring programs, as the acoustic environment plays an important role in the ecology of reef organisms at multiple life-history stages.  相似文献   

Revisiting coral reef connectivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large river plume generated by anomalous precipitation and oceanic circulation associated with Hurricane Mitch was detected off Honduras in October 1998 using SeaWiFS ocean color images. This event provides the background for analyzing connectivity between coral reefs and land in the Meso-American reef system. We discuss the potential implications of such short-term events for disease propagation and nutrification, and their potential significance in evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Meriam children are active reef-flat collectors. We demonstrate that while foraging on the reef, children are significantly less selective than adults. This difference and the precise nature of children’s selectivity while reef-flat collecting are consistent with a hypothesis that both children and adults attempt to maximize their rate of return while foraging, but in so doing they face different constraints relative to differences in walking speeds while searching. Implications of these results for general arguments about factors that shape differences between child and adult behavior and human life-histories are explored.  相似文献   

Three levels of physical disturbance were applied to corals in permanent 10x10 m quadrats along a section of fringing reef at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef to investigate the response of fish assemblages. Tabular and corymbose corals were overturned and left in situ, reducing total hard coral cover from ˜55% to ˜47%, ˜43%, and ˜34%. Despite pre-existing associations with benthic cover, all fish groups examined (pomacentrids, labrids, chaetodontids, and acanthurids) were resistent to benthic disturbances at the level and scale at which they were applied. Partial Mantel's tests, in combination with partial Canonical Correspondence Analysis enabled spatial and temporal variation to be factored out from experimental effects. Most of the variation in the fish community could be assigned to spatio-temporal variables, indicating that spatial structure over the reef landscape may moderate localised disturbance effects. This study indicates that coral reef fish assemblages may be more resistant to disturbance than many correlative studies would suggest, and highlights a need for further information on levels and scales of natural habitat disturbance in order to apply a structured approach to the experimental investigation of the importance of habitat in structuring coral-reef fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Synopsis Development of the fish community on a submerged 16 m barge and variation in fish abundance on nearby transects were surveyed twice monthly for twenty months. A steady increase in abundance was observed for certain fishes on the barge, whereas a few species exhibited distinct seasonal variation on both the barge and transects. Most of the seasonal species settled between March and May.Some seasonal species appeared to be site selective in their settlement and consequently settled juveniles were clumped in their distribution. An abundance of preferred topographical features may be why settlement was relatively high at the study site and indirectly why predators became significantly (r3 = 7.67***, N = 37) more abundant at the study area during the months of maximum prey settlement. Concurrent settlement of several species during the same few months may be important because juveniles become an abundant food source to predators during those few months only. Periodic swamping of predators by abundant juvenile prey may improve the chances for individuals of rarer prey species to be overlooked and therefore be succesfully recruited.  相似文献   

Coral cover has declined rapidly on Caribbean reefs since the early 1980s, reducing carbonate production and reef growth. Using a cross-regional dataset, we show that widespread reductions in bioerosion rates—a key carbonate cycling process—have accompanied carbonate production declines. Bioerosion by parrotfish, urchins, endolithic sponges and microendoliths collectively averages 2 G (where G = kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1) (range 0.96–3.67 G). This rate is at least 75% lower than that reported from Caribbean reefs prior to their shift towards their present degraded state. Despite chronic overfishing, parrotfish are the dominant bioeroders, but erosion rates are reduced from averages of approximately 4 to 1.6 G. Urchin erosion rates have declined further and are functionally irrelevant to bioerosion on most reefs. These changes demonstrate a fundamental shift in Caribbean reef carbonate budget dynamics. To-date, reduced bioerosion rates have partially offset carbonate production declines, limiting the extent to which more widespread transitions to negative budget states have occurred. However, given the poor prognosis for coral recovery in the Caribbean and reported shifts to coral community states dominated by slower calcifying taxa, a continued transition from production to bioerosion-controlled budget states, which will increasingly threaten reef growth, is predicted.  相似文献   

Summary Although all fisheries are multispecies and spatially heterogeneous, coral reef fisheries are an extreme in both respects. The two main approaches to stock assessment have been either to consider individual species separately or to lump all species together. Both are limited in their predictive power. The lack of ecological knowledge and the large number of parameters required make methods based on single species often impractical or expensive. However, where the appropriate information is available, ecological studies do not provide significant improvements on yield-per-recruit or surplus yield models currently used.Alternative community models based on aggregates of species lack predictive power, empirical support and relative data. Models are further limited because they do not address various economic aspects, fish movement and recruitment, all of which must be spatially resolved. However, the ECOPATH model, based on trophic compartments, represents a new approach useful to multispecies assessment, and the only way at present to include predation in stock models. In practice the data available will be the most important factor in the choice of stock assessment model.The major concern for management of many coral reefs is conservation of the habitat and stocks. In some cases this has been achieved with little reference to stock assessment, by using community management and closed areas, which are receiving increasing support. However, once the objective of conservation is achieved, stock assessment should have an important role in improving the economic performance of the fisheries. The wider problems of management have no simple solutions, but managers should look to adaptive management, designing their own experiments to choose between management models.  相似文献   

Reef building corals form close associations with unicellular microalgae, fungi, bacteria and archaea, some of which are symbiotic and which together form the coral holobiont. Associations with multicellular eukaryotes such as polychaete worms, bivalves and sponges are not generally considered to be symbiotic as the host responds to their presence by forming physical barriers with an active growth edge in the exoskeleton isolating the invader and, at a subcellular level, activating innate immune responses such as melanin deposition. This study describes a novel symbiosis between a newly described hydrozoan (Zanclea margaritae sp. nov.) and the reef building coral Acropora muricata (=A. formosa), with the hydrozoan hydrorhiza ramifying throughout the coral tissues with no evidence of isolation or activation of the immune systems of the host. The hydrorhiza lacks a perisarc, which is typical of symbiotic species of this and related genera, including species that associate with other cnidarians such as octocorals. The symbiosis was observed at all sites investigated from two distant locations on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and appears to be host species specific, being found only in A. muricata and in none of 30 other species investigated at these sites. Not all colonies of A. muricata host the hydrozoans and both the prevalence within the coral population (mean = 66%) and density of emergent hydrozoan hydranths on the surface of the coral (mean = 4.3 cm−2, but up to 52 cm−2) vary between sites. The form of the symbiosis in terms of the mutualism–parasitism continuum is not known, although the hydrozoan possesses large stenotele nematocysts, which may be important for defence from predators and protozoan pathogens. This finding expands the known A. muricata holobiont and the association must be taken into account in future when determining the corals’ abilities to defend against predators and withstand stress.  相似文献   

Coral reef islands are among the most vulnerable environments on Earth to climate change because they are low lying and largely constructed from unconsolidated sediments that can be readily reworked by waves and currents. These sediments derive entirely from surrounding coral reef and reef flat environments and are thus highly sensitive to ecological transitions that may modify reef community composition and productivity. How such modifications – driven by anthropogenic disturbances and on‐going and projected climatic and environmental change – will impact reef island sediment supply and geomorphic stability remains a critical but poorly resolved question. Here, we review the unique ecological–geomorphological linkages that underpin this question and, using different scenarios of environmental change for which reef sediment production responses can be projected, explore the likely resilience of different island types. In general, sand‐dominated islands are likely to be less resilient than those dominated by rubble grade material. However, because different islands typically have different dominant sediment constituents (usually either coral, benthic foraminifera or Halimeda) and because these respond differently to individual ecological disturbances, island resilience is likely to be highly variable. Islands composed of coral sands are likely to undergo major morphological change under most near‐future ecological change scenarios, while those dominated by Halimeda may be more resilient. Islands composed predominantly of benthic foraminifera (a common state through the Pacific region) are likely to exhibit varying degrees of resilience depending upon the precise combination of ecological disturbances faced. The study demonstrates the critical need for further research bridging the ecological–geomorphological divide to understand: (1) sediment production responses to different ecological and environmental change scenarios; and (2) dependant landform vulnerability.  相似文献   

Juvenile and adult reef fishes often undergo migration, ontogenic habitat shifts, and nocturnal foraging movements. The orientation cues used for these behaviours are largely unknown. In this study, the use of sound as an orientation cue guiding the nocturnal movements of adult and juvenile reef fishes at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef was examined. The first experiment compared the movements of fishes to small patch reefs where reef noise was broadcast, with those to silent reefs. No significant responses were found in the 79 adults that were collected, but the 166 juveniles collected showed an increased diversity each morning on the reefs with broadcast noise, and significantly greater numbers of juveniles from three taxa (Apogonidae, Gobiidae and Pinguipedidae) were collected from reefs with broadcast noise. The second experiment compared the movement of adult and juvenile fishes to reefs broadcasting high (>570 Hz), or low (<570 Hz) frequency reef noise, or to silent reefs. Of the 122 adults collected, the highest diversity was seen at the low frequency reefs; and adults from two families (Gobiidae and Blenniidae) preferred these reefs. A similar trend was observed in the 372 juveniles collected, with higher diversity at the reefs with low frequency noises. This preference was seen in the juvenile apogonids; however, juvenile gobiids were attracted to both high and low sound treatments equally, and juvenile stage Acanthuridae preferred the high frequency noises. This evidence that juvenile and adult reef fishes orientate with respect to the soundscape raises important issues for management, conservation and the protection of sound cues used in natural behaviour.  相似文献   

The concept of bioindication in the sense of the use of organisms for detecting environmental stress has been employed in coral reef conservation and management for the past several years. Important tools are coral growth rates and various community parameters, notably hard coral cover. The present need is the optimal coordination of international efforts for the earliest possible institution of an effective monitoring system.  相似文献   

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