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Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a necrotrophic, omnivorous plant pathogen with worldwide distribution. Sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum are pigmented, multihyphal structures that play a central role in the life and infection cycles of this pathogen. Calcineurin, a Ser/Thr phosphatase linked to several signal-transduction pathways, plays a key role in the regulation of cation homeostasis, morphogenesis, cell-wall integrity, and pathogenesis in fungi. We demonstrate that calcineurin expression in S. sclerotiorum is altered in a phase-specific manner during sclerotial development. Inhibition of calcineurin by FK506, cysclosporin A, or inducible antisense calcineurin expression impaired sclerotial development at the prematuration phase and increased germination of preformed sclerotia. Induction of antisense calcineurin expression in S. sclerotiorum resulted in reduced pathogenesis on tomato and Arabidopsis. However, secretion of oxalic acid, a key virulence factor of S. sclerotiorum, was not altered. Inhibition of calcineurin conferred a reduction in cell wall beta-1,3-glucan content and increased sensitivity to cell-wall-degrading enzymes and to the glucan synthase inhibitor caspofungin. Thus, calcineurin plays a major role in both sclerotial development and pathogenesis of S. sclerotiorum and, most likely, other phytopathogens.  相似文献   

The fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a necrotrophic plant pathogen causing significant damage on a broad range of crops. This fungus produces sclerotia that serve as the long‐term survival structures in the life cycle and the primary inoculum in the disease cycle. Melanin plays an important role in protecting mycelia and sclerotia from ultraviolet radiation and other adverse environmental conditions. In this study, two genes, SCD1 encoding a scytalone dehydratase and THR1 encoding a trihydroxynaphthalene reductase, were disrupted by target gene replacement, and their roles in mycelial growth, sclerotial development and fungal pathogenicity were investigated. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the deduced amino acid sequences of SCD1 and THR1 were similar to the orthologues of Botrytis cinerea. Expression of SCD1 was at higher levels in sclerotia relative to mycelia. THR1 was expressed at similar levels in mycelia and sclerotia at early stages, but was up‐regulated in sclerotia at the maturation stage. Disruption of SCD1 or THR1 did not change the pathogenicity of the fungus, but resulted in slower radial growth, less biomass, wider angled hyphal branches, impaired sclerotial development and decreased resistance to ultraviolet light.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-sensitive (HCN4) channels produce the “funny current,” If, which contributes to spontaneous pacemaking in sinoatrial myocytes (SAMs). The C-terminus of HCN channels inhibits voltage-dependent gating, and cAMP binding relieves this “autoinhibition.” We previously showed 1) that autoinhibition in HCN4 can be relieved in the absence of cAMP in some cellular contexts and 2) that PKA is required for β adrenergic receptor (βAR) signaling to HCN4 in SAMs. Together, these results raise the possibility that native HCN channels in SAMs may be insensitive to direct activation by cAMP. Here, we examined PKA-independent activation of If by cAMP in SAMs. We observed similar robust activation of If by exogenous cAMP and Rp-cAMP (an analog than cannot activate PKA). Thus PKA-dependent βAR-to-HCN signaling does not result from cAMP insensitivity of sinoatrial HCN channels and might instead arise via PKA-dependent limitation of cAMP production and/or cAMP access to HCN channels in SAMs.  相似文献   

The devastating plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum produces copious (up to 50 mM) amounts of oxalic acid, which, for over a quarter century, has been claimed as the pathogenicity determinant based on UV‐induced mutants that concomitantly lost oxalate production and pathogenicity. Such a claim was made without fulfilling the molecular Koch's postulates because the UV mutants are genetically undefined and harbour a developmental defect in sclerotial production. Here, we generated oxalate‐minus mutants of S. sclerotiorum using two independent mutagenesis techniques, and tested the resulting mutants for growth at different pHs and for pathogenicity on four host plants. The oxalate‐minus mutants accumulated fumaric acid, produced functional sclerotia and have reduced ability to acidify the environment. The oxalate‐minus mutants retained pathogenicity on plants, but their virulence varied depending on the pH and buffering capacity of host tissue. Acidifying the host tissue enhanced virulence of the oxalate‐minus mutants, whereas supplementing with oxalate did not. These results suggest that it is low pH, not oxalic acid itself, that establishes the optimum conditions for growth, reproduction, pathogenicity and virulence expression of S. sclerotiorum. Exonerating oxalic acid as the primary pathogenicity determinant will stimulate research into identifying additional candidates as pathogenicity factors towards better understanding and managing Sclerotinia diseases.  相似文献   

Yu Y  Jiang D  Xie J  Cheng J  Li G  Yi X  Fu Y 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34962
The sclerotium is an important dormant body for many plant fungal pathogens. Here, we reported that a protein, named Ss-Sl2, is involved in sclerotial development of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Ss-Sl2 does not show significant homology with any protein of known function. Ss-Sl2 contains two putative PAN modules which were found in other proteins with diverse adhesion functions. Ss-Sl2 is a secreted protein, during the initial stage of sclerotial development, copious amounts of Ss-Sl2 are secreted and accumulated on the cell walls. The ability to maintain the cellular integrity of RNAi-mediated Ss-Sl2 silenced strains was reduced, but the hyphal growth and virulence of Ss-Sl2 silenced strains were not significantly different from the wild strain. Ss-Sl2 silenced strains could form interwoven hyphal masses at the initial stage of sclerotial development, but the interwoven hyphae could not consolidate and melanize. Hyphae in these interwoven bodies were thin-walled, and arranged loosely. Co-immunoprecipitation and yeast two-hybrid experiments showed that glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), Woronin body major protein (Hex1) and elongation factor 1-alpha interact with Ss-Sl2. GAPDH-knockdown strains showed a similar phenotype in sclerotial development as Ss-Sl2 silenced strains. Hex1-knockdown strains showed similar impairment in maintenance of hyphal integrity as Ss-Sl2 silenced strains. The results suggested that Ss-Sl2 functions in both sclerotial development and cellular integrity of S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

Fungal histidine kinases (HKs) are involved in osmotic and oxidative stress responses, hyphal development, fungicide sensitivity and virulence. Members of HK class III are known to signal through the high‐osmolarity glycerol mitogen‐activated protein kinase (HOG MAPK). In this study, we characterized the Shk1 gene (SS1G_12694.3), which encodes a putative class III HK, from the plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Disruption of Shk1 resulted in resistance to phenylpyrrole and dicarboximide fungicides and increased sensitivity to hyperosmotic stress and H2O2‐induced oxidative stress. The Shk1 mutant showed a significant reduction in vegetative hyphal growth and was unable to produce sclerotia. Quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (qRT‐PCR and glycerol determination assays showed that the expression of SsHOG1 (the last kinase of the Hog pathway) and glycerol accumulation were regulated by the Shk1 gene, but PAK (p21‐activated kinase) was not. In addition, the Shk1 mutant showed no change in virulence. All the defects were restored by genetic complementation of the Shk1 deletion mutant with the wild‐type Shk1 gene. These findings indicate that Shk1 is involved in vegetative differentiation, sclerotial formation, glycerol accumulation and adaption to hyperosmotic and oxidative stresses, and to fungicides, in S. sclerotiorum. Taken together, our results demonstrate, for the first time, the role of two‐component HKs in Sclerotinia.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is a necrotrophic plant pathogen with a worldwide distribution. The sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum are pigmented multicellular structures formed from the aggregation of vegetative hyphae. These survival structures play a central role in the life and infection cycles of this pathogen. Here, we characterized an atypical forkhead (FKH)‐box‐containing protein, SsFKH1, involved in sclerotial development and virulence. To investigate the role of SsFkh1 in S. sclerotiorum, the partial sequence of SsFkh1 was cloned and RNA interference (RNAi)‐based gene silencing was employed to alter the expression of SsFkh1. RNA‐silenced mutants with significantly reduced SsFkh1 RNA levels exhibited slow hyphal growth and sclerotial developmental defects. In addition, the expression levels of a set of putative melanin biosynthesis‐related laccase genes and a polyketide synthase‐encoding gene were significantly down‐regulated in silenced strains. Disease assays demonstrated that pathogenicity in RNAi‐silenced strains was significantly compromised with the development of a smaller infection lesion on tomato leaves. Collectively, the results suggest that SsFkh1 is involved in hyphal growth, virulence and sclerotial formation in S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

Aims:  To investigate the involvement of oxidative stress and thiol redox state (TRS) in sclerotial differentiation of Sclerotium rolfsii and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.
Methods and results:  Oxidative stress in these fungi was assessed by lipid peroxidation, which was higher in comparison with their nonsclerotiogenic counterpart strains. TRS [measured as glutathione (GSH) and cysteine] was associated with oxidative stress and differentiation using the TRS modulator and antioxidant Ν -acetylcysteine (AcCSH) and the GSH biosynthesis inducer and inhibitor l -2-oxo-thiazolidine-4-carboxylate and l -buthionine- S , R -sulphoximine (BSO) respectively. Differentiation and oxidative stress was decreased by AcCSH in both fungi. The decrease of differentiation by BSO was not associated with oxidative stress in these fungi.
Conclusions:  Differentiation and oxidative stress in both fungi depends on the availability of antioxidant noncytotoxic –SH groups and is not depended on any direct antioxidant role of GSH and its precursor cysteine.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study helps to understand the mechanism(s) of sclerotial differentiation in these agriculturally important phytopathogenic fungi and proposes that AcCSH can be used as potent fungicide by (i) acting as growth inhibiting cytotoxic oxidant and (ii) sustaining these fungi in their undifferentiated hyphal stage where they are vulnerable to degradation by soil micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) that recognize pathogen associated molecular patterns and chemoattractant receptors (CKRs) that orchestrate leukocyte migration to infected tissue are two arms of host innate immunity. Although TLR signaling induces synthesis and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, which recruit leukocytes, many studies have reported the paradoxical observation that TLR stimulation inhibits leukocyte chemotaxis in vitro and impairs their recruitment to tissues during sepsis. There is consensus that physical loss of chemokine receptor (CKR) at the RNA or protein level or receptor usage switching are the mechanisms underlying this effect. We show here that a brief (<15 min) stimulation with LPS (lipopolysaccharide) at ~0.2 ng/ml inhibited chemotactic response from CCR2, CXCR4 and FPR receptors in monocytes without downmodulation of receptors. A 3 min LPS pre-treatment abolished the polarized accumulation of F-actin, integrins and PIP(3) (phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate) in response to chemokines in monocytes, but not in polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs). If chemoattractants were added before or simultaneously with LPS, chemotactic polarization was preserved. LPS did not alter the initial G-protein signaling, or endocytosis kinetics of agonist-occupied chemoattractant receptors (CKRs). The chemotaxis arrest did not result from downmodulation of receptors or from inordinate increase in adhesion. LPS induced rapid p38 MAPK activation, global redistribution of activated Rap1 (Ras-proximate-1 or Ras-related protein 1) GTPase and Rap1GEF (guanylate exchange factor) Epac1 (exchange proteins activated by cyclic AMP) and disruption of intracellular gradient. Co-inhibition of p38 MAPK and Rap1 GTPase reversed the LPS induced breakdown of chemotaxis suggesting that LPS effect requires the combined function of p38 MAPK and Rap1 GTPase.  相似文献   

The anti-fungal efficacy for two Labiate plants, rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and Greek sage (Salvia fructicosa Mill.), against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum fungus (Lib.) de Bary has been investigated. The inhibitory effect of these plants as crude leaf ethanolic extract on the radial mycelial growth as well as on sclerotial production and germination was measured in vitro at various concentrations (stock?=?0.5?g dry leaf powder/ml ddH2O) in the growth medium. In general, rosemary extract revealed a remarkable anti-fungal effect against the fungus, being more inhibitory than Greek sage in this respect. This was evident as total inhibition of radial mycelial growth by rosemary occurred at 10% extract concentration, while sage was half as potent producing such an effect at double the concentration (20%). Both rosemary and sage extracts were more inhibitory to sclerotial formation than to mycelial growth as the fungus ceased to produce any sclerotia at the lower concentrations of 5 and 5–10%, respectively. In addition, rosemary was highly effective in inhibiting sclerotia germination as total inhibition of germination occurred at 20% extract concentration at three?days and onward after incubation. Moreover, at this level, the survival of sclerotia was totally lost when examined after 12?days of incubation. For sage, inhibition of sclerotial germination/death was only 20% at 12th day of incubation. The results of this study indicate that the extracts of rosemary and Greek sage leaves could become natural alternatives to synthetic fungicides to manage diseases of S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

We report on the factors affecting the production of the newly characterized laccase from the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary. The carbon/nitrogen ratio appears to be of great importance. Rather than a simple nutrient-rich nitrogen source, yeast extract (YE) behaves as a true laccase upregulator, apparently acting via a stress pathway. Chelidonium majus extract, a known antifungal agent, acts in a similar manner. The compound(s) in the YE responsible for enhancing laccase synthesis are suggested to be hydrolysable choline derivatives. Both extracts reduce biomass and sclerotia development and enhance laccase production, leading to an increase in laccase activity by one order of magnitude compared to controls. The pH of the medium, a well-known virulence regulator for this fungus, also acts as a true laccase regulator, though via a different mechanism. The effect of pH appeared to be linked to the acidification kinetics of the extracellular medium during fungal development. A number of other known laccase inducers were found to enhance laccase production at most twofold.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence exists supporting the notion that Csk and CHK, two negative regulatory kinases of the Src tyrosine kinase family, play distinct roles during development of the nervous system. One of the differences relies on the effects of both kinases on the MAPK transduction pathway. Specifically, CHK was shown to enhance MAPK signaling, while the role of Csk was unclear. In this work, we compared the effect of CHK versus Csk on MAPK signaling and elucidated the signaling pathway mediated by CHK leading to the activation of Erk1/2. Exogenous expression of wild-type CHK, but not Csk or a dead-kinase mutant of CHK, resulted in enhanced Erk1/2 phosphorylation in PC12 cells. CHK inhibited Src activity following stimulation of the cells with NGF. However, stimulation of Erk1/2 activation by CHK was independent of the NGF stimulation or the inhibition of Src kinase by CHK. CHK induced a complex formation between SHP-2 and Grb2, subsequently leading to the increased activity of Ras as well as Erk1/2 activation via the Raf/MEK1/2 pathway. Down-regulation of the expression of endogenous CHK by RNAi in PC12 cells led to a significant decrease in MAPK activation following NGF stimulation. Stimulation of CHK-overexpressing PC12 cells with EGF induced neurite outgrowth in the majority of cells. Taken together, this study describes for the first time the Src-independent actions of CHK and provides novel insights into CHK function in neural cells.  相似文献   

Sclerotia are hard, asexual, resting structures which can survive for years in soil. In Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which provides a good model system for studying sclerotial development, sclerotial development has been traditionally divided to three macroscopically distinct stages (initiation, development and maturation). However, additional phases (which can be visualized microscopically) indicate a complex, multi-step, process is involved. Environmental changes, primary metabolism and secondary messengers have been well documented factors affecting sclerotial development, yet analysis of the molecular mechanisms involved in sclerotial development is in its infancy. Here, we review the current status of the known molecular components involved in sclerotial development, with an emphasis on phosphorylative regulation of sclerotial development in S. sclerotiorum. Components such as cAMP-dependent protein kinase, ERK-like mitogen-activated protein kinase and Ser/Thr phosphatases type 2A and 2B, shown to regulate other developmental processes in fungi, have recently been shown to also be involved in regulation of sclerotium development. Reversible protein phosphorylation, as well as additional regulatory mechanisms of gene expression such as DNA methylation and ribosome inactivation, most likely function in concert with secondary metabolites, reactive oxygen species, pH and light in order to regulate sclerotial development in different fungi. The diversity of sclerotium-producing fungi promises to yield exciting variations into the molecular mechanisms regulating this developmental process in different species.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1982,6(3):259-267
Sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum contained a major protein of about 36, 000 daltons which was not detected in vegetative cells. The protein accumulated rapidly during sclerotial formation and ultimately comprised about 35–40% of the mature sclerotial protein. The protein did not decrease in concentration in sclerotial residue or appear in vegetative cells when sclerotia germinated myceliogenically. In contrast, the concentration of the protein decreased in sclerotia undergoing carpogenic germination and a small amount of the protein was present in the resultant apothecia. This development-specific protein was purified to near homogeneity as judged by one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel analysis. However, at least two other minor protein bands were detected by two-dimensional gel analysis which may be modified forms of the major protein. The protein had an isoelectric point of 6.0 and contained all 20 amino acids commonly present in proteins.  相似文献   

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