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A characteristic property of anhydrotrypsin, i.e., its ability to strongly bind C-terminal arginine, proved to be useful as a tool for specific enrichment of a recombinant protein. An arginine tail was introduced at the C-terminus, for example, of a human beta-galactoside-binding lectin by site-directed mutagenesis. The resulting mutant recombinant lectin, which retained sugar-binding activity as high as the wild-type lectin, became recognizable by anhydrotrypsin. It was adsorbed on an anhydrotrypsin-agarose column and eluted with benzoylglycylarginine. The added arginine tail could be specifically removed by carboxypeptidase B. When E. coli lyzate containing the mutant lectin was applied to the column more than 10-fold enrichment of the mutant lectin was attained. This procedure should be generally applicable and may be advantageous because the addition of a single arginine residue may have minimal effect on the structure and function of the target protein.  相似文献   

Löwe J  van den Ent F 《Biochimie》2001,83(1):117-120
FtsA is an essential part of the septal ring structure in bacterial cell division. Two peptide-protein interactions are known in this process: FtsA and ZipA bind the C-terminus of FtsZ, the bacterial tubulin homologue, which is the first septal component to appear at the septum. Our recent crystal structure of FtsA revealed a possible peptide binding site on FtsA and a long disordered C-terminal region. Here we show that all FtsA proteins contain a conserved 10-13 residue motif at the C-terminal end that may facilitate targeting of downstream septal components.  相似文献   

L-Arginine uptake and Ca(2+) changes in unstirred platelets activated by thrombin, collagen and Ca(2+) ionophore A23187 were evaluated. Thrombin did not affect L-arginine uptake at short incubation times (2-15 min), but at prolonged times slowed down the amino acid transport. Collagen was ineffective. A23187 decreased the L-arginine uptake in a dose-dependent manner, producing the maximal inhibition at 5 microM. In FURA 2-loaded platelets collagen did not modify Ca(2+) basal level, thrombin induced a late Ca(2+) rise and A23187 dose-dependently increased cytosolic Ca(2+), eliciting the highest increase at 5 microM. It is likely that L-arginine uptake is inversely modulated by Ca(2+) concentrations and is inhibited during platelet stimulation with agonists which induce cytosolic Ca(2+) elevation.  相似文献   

A polypeptide corresponding to the full-length C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of a G-protein-regulated inwardly rectifying potassium channel (Kir3.1) bearing a hexahistidine (His6) tag was produced by DNA recombinant overexpression techniques in Escherichia coli. This permitted the isolation of approximately 5 mg of pure protein per liter of bacterial culture. Further purification by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) of the C-terminal domain revealed that it exists predominantly as a dimer. The secondary structure was estimated using circular dichroism measurements that indicated the presence of approximately 35% beta-sheet and approximately 15% alpha-helix. G-protein betagamma subunits incubated with His-tagged Kir3.1 C-terminal domain, bound to immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) resin, copurified with the peak of specifically eluted recombinant protein. These observations demonstrate that full-length Kir3.1 C-terminus can be purified in a stable conformation capable of binding proteins known to activate Kir3 channels and may contain elements involved in channel assembly.  相似文献   

We developed a convenient method for synthesizing homogeneous DNA-protein conjugates. The method is based on expressed protein ligation of intein-fusion proteins and oligonucleotides derivatized with a cysteine. A range of cysteinyl oligonucleotides were synthesized by using a new reagent 1 and were successfully applied to expressed protein ligation to attach the oligonucleotides specifically at the C-terminus of a recombinant protein.  相似文献   

To determine which arginine residues are responsible for band 3-mediated anion transport, we analyzed hydroxyphenylglyoxal (HPG)-modified band 3 protein in native erythrocyte membranes. HPG-modification leads to inhibition of the transport of phosphoenolpyruvate, a substrate for band 3-mediated transport. We analyzed the HPG-modified membranes by reverse phase-HPLC, and determined that arginine 901 was modified by HPG. To determine the role of Arg 901 in the conformational change induced by anion exchange, we analyzed HPG-modification of the membranes when 4,4'-dinitrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DNDS) or diethypyrocarbonate (DEPC) was present. DNDS and DEPC fix band 3 in the outward and inward conformations, respectively. HPG-modification was unaffected in the presence of DEPC but decreased in the presence of DNDS. In addition to that, 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), which specifically reacts with the outward conformation of band 3, did not react with HPG-modified membranes. Furthermore, we expressed a band 3 mutant in which Arg 901 was replaced by alanine (R901A) on yeast membranes. The kinetic parameters indicated that the R901A mutation affected the rate of conformational change of the band 3 protein. From these results, we conclude that the most C-terminal arginine, Arg 901, has a functional role in the conformational change that is necessary for anion transport.  相似文献   

Atypical protein kinases C, including protein kinase Ciota (PKCiota), play critical roles in signaling pathways that control cell growth, differentiation and survival. This qualifies them as attractive targets for development of novel therapeutics for the treatment of various human diseases. In this study, the full-length PKCiota was expressed in Sf9 insect cells, purified, and digested with trypsin and endoproteinase Asp-N, and its phosphorylation analyzed by liquid chromatography-high accuracy mass spectrometry. This strategy mapped 97% of the PKCiota protein sequence and revealed seven new Ser/Thr phosphorylation sites, in addition to the two previously known, pThr403 in the activation loop and pThr555 in the turn motif of the kinase domain. Most of the newly identified phosphorylation sites had low estimated occupancies (below 2%). Two phosphorylation sites were located in domain connecting amino acid sequence stretches (pSer217 and pSer237/pSer238) and may contribute to an improved stability and solubility of the protein. The most interesting new phosphorylation site was detected in a well-accessible loop of the PB1 domain (pSer35/pSer37) and may be involved in the interactions of the PB1 domain with different partners in the relevant signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The interaction between BPN' or Carlsberg subtilisins and peptides of the type Ac-Glyn-X-OMe (n = 0, 1, 2, 3), where X denotes one of five different aromatic amino acids, was investigated to elucidate the effect of the secondary interaction on catalysis in relation to the nature of the X residue. The increase in interaction upon elongation of the chain was accompanied by a large increase in kcat but with no marked change in Km in all the series of sensitive substrates. The peptides containing 2-(2-nitro-4-carboxyphenylsulfenyl)-tryptophan, however, acted as competitive inhibitors and exhibited an invariant dissociation constant in spite of the different chain lengths. These observations suggest that the secondary enzyme-substrate interaction induces a conformational change in the active site of the enzyme or in the substrate in such a way as to lower the activation energy and to form a stabilized transient complex. In this respect, BPN' and Carlsberg subtilisins are similar to porcine pepsin and Streptomyces griseus protease 1 rather than to alpha-chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

Despite remarkable recent progress in our chemical and structural understanding of the mechanisms of peptide bond formation by the ribosome, only very limited information is available about whether amino acid side chains affect the rate of peptide bond formation. Here, we generated a series of peptidyl-tRNAs that end with different tRNA-attached amino acids in the P-site of the Escherichia coli ribosome and compared their reactivity with puromycin, a rapidly A-site-accessing analog of aminoacyl-tRNAs. Among the 20 amino acids examined, proline was found to receive exceptionally slow peptidyl transfer to puromycin. These results raise a possibility that the peptidyl transferase activity of the ribosome may have some specificity with regard to the P-site amino acids.  相似文献   

2021年2月5日Nature Chemical Biology报道,韩国首尔国立大学工程学院研究团队开发了一个合成蛋白质质量控制系统(protein quality control,ProQC),可以增强细菌的蛋白质全长翻译能力。重组蛋白质已经广泛应用于各种工业领域。蛋白质需要保持全长和适当的三维结构才能发挥功能。但是,由于细菌中的转录和翻译步骤同时发生在同一个地方,截短的基因可以作为核糖体翻译的模板,从而产生不完整的多肽。  相似文献   

A rabbit antiserum to the C-terminus of the putative brain amyloid precursor was used to probe Western blots of tissue proteins separated by SDS-PAGE. The antiserum specifically labelled a protein of approx. 70 kDa in the Tris buffer-soluble fraction of brain samples from rat, Alzheimer subjects, cases of young and old Down's syndrome, and age-matched controls. The 70 kDa protein was present in low concentrations in human liver and kidney, and was undetectable in human skeletal muscle. The 70 kDa protein may be a metabolite of the amyloid precursor.  相似文献   

Transposase activity that mediates the mobility of class II transposable elements, is most commonly initiated by the assembly of higher order synaptic complexes, called transpososomes. The formation of these complexes, that contain the transposable element's DNA as well as two or more molecules of the transposase, is dependent on interactions between transposase molecules. Using the yeast Two-Hybrid system, we were able to identify three regions mediating multimerization of the Hermes transposase, an element used for germline transformation of insects belonging to the hAT family of transposable elements. One region facilitating protein binding of Hermes transposase molecules was found within the first 252 amino acids of the transposase. The second region was located at the C-terminus of the transposase, and was found to be specific for Hermes transposase multimerization. Amino acids 551-569 were not only required for multimerization but were also necessary for transposition of the element. The third region was located between amino acids 253 and 380 and was found to eliminate the non-specific protein binding ability of the N-terminal protein interaction region but was required for the specific protein binding ability of the C-terminal region of the transposase. Five point mutations affecting the structural integrity of the C-terminal multimerization region abolished or significantly reduced transpositional activity. The same region had been previously identified to mediate dimerization in Activator (Ac), another hAT element, indicating that hAT transposase multimerization is likely to be a prerequisite for mobility of their elements.  相似文献   

Production of hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein requires the cleavages of polyprotein by signal peptidase and signal peptide peptidase (SPP). Cleavage of signal peptide at the C-terminus of HCV core protein by SPP was characterized in this study. The spko mutant (mutate a.a. 189–193 from ASAYQ to PPFPF) is more efficient than the A/F mutant (mutate a.a 189 and 191 from A to F) in blocking the cleavage of signal peptide by signal peptidase. The cleavage efficiency of SPP is inversely proportional to the length of C-terminal extension of the signal peptide: the longer the extension, the less efficiency the cleavage is. Thus, reducing the length of C-terminal extension of signal peptide by signal peptidase cleavage could facilitate further cleavage by SPP. The recombinant core protein fused with signal peptide from the C-terminus of p7 protein, but not those from the C-termini of E1 and E2, could be cleaved by SPP. Therefore, the sequence of the signal peptide is important but not the sole determinant for its cleavage by SPP. Replacement of the HCV core protein E.R.-associated domain (a.a. 120–150) with the E.R.-associated domain (a.a.1–50) of SARS-CoV membrane protein results in the failure of cleavage of this recombinant protein by SPP, though this protein still is E.R.-associated. This result suggests that not only E.R.-association but also specific protein sequence is important for the HCV core protein signal peptide cleavage by SPP. Thus, our results suggest that both sequences of the signal peptide and the E.R.-associated domain are important for the signal peptide cleavage of HCV core protein by SPP. Electronic Supplementary MaterialThe online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Melatonin receptors interact with pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins to inhibit adenylate cyclase. However, the G protein coupling profiles of melatonin receptor subtypes have not been fully characterised and alternative G protein coupling is evident. The five C-terminal residues of Galpha subunits confer coupling specificity to G protein-coupled receptors. This report outlines the use of Galphas chimaeras to alter the signal output of human melatonin receptors and investigate their interaction with the C-termini of Galpha subunits. The Galphas portion of the chimaeras confers the ability to activate adenylate cyclase leading to cyclic AMP production. Co-transfection of HEK293 cells expressing MT(1) or MT(2) melatonin receptors with Galphas chimaeras and a cyclic AMP activated luciferase construct provided a convenient and sensitive assay system for identification of receptor recognition of Galpha C-termini. Luciferase assay sensitivity was compared with measurement of cyclic AMP elevations by radioimmunoassay. Differential interactions of the melatonin receptor subtypes with Galpha chimaeras were observed. Temporal and kinetic parameters of cyclic AMP responses measured by cyclic AMP radioimmunoassay varied depending on the Galphas chimaeras coupled. Recognition of the C-terminal five amino acids of the Galpha subunit is a requisite for coupling to a receptor, but it is not the sole determinant.  相似文献   

Mutations in ClC-5 (chloride channel 5), a member of the ClC family of chloride ion channels and antiporters, have been linked to Dent's disease, a renal disease associated with proteinuria. Several of the disease-causing mutations are premature stop mutations which lead to truncation of the C-terminus, pointing to the functional significance of this region. The C-terminus of ClC-5, like that of other eukaryotic ClC proteins, is cytoplasmic and contains a pair of CBS (cystathionine beta-synthase) domains connected by an intervening sequence. The presence of CBS domains implies a regulatory role for nucleotide interaction based on studies of other unrelated proteins bearing these domains [Ignoul and Eggermont (2005) Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 289, C1369-C1378; Scott, Hawley, Green, Anis, Stewart, Scullion, Norman and Hardie (2004) J. Clin. Invest. 113, 274-284]. However, to date, there has been no direct biochemical or biophysical evidence to support nucleotide interaction with ClC-5. In the present study, we have expressed and purified milligram quantities of the isolated C-terminus of ClC-5 (CIC-5 Ct). CD studies show that the protein is compact, with predominantly alpha-helical structure. We determined, using radiolabelled ATP, that this nucleotide binds the folded protein with low affinity, in the millimolar range, and that this interaction can be competed with 1 muM AMP. CD studies show that binding of these nucleotides causes no significant change in secondary structure, consistent with a model wherein these nucleotides bind to a preformed site. However, both nucleotides induce an increase in thermal stability of ClC-5 Ct, supporting the suggestion that both nucleotides interact with and modify the biophysical properties of this protein.  相似文献   

The prion protein (PrP) binds divalent copper at physiologically relevant conditions and is believed to participate in copper regulation or act as a copper-dependent enzyme. Ongoing studies aim at determining the molecular features of the copper binding sites. The emerging consensus is that most copper binds in the octarepeat domain, which is composed of four or more copies of the fundamental sequence PHGGGWGQ. Previous work from our laboratory using PrP-derived peptides, in conjunction with EPR and X-ray crystallography, demonstrated that the HGGGW segment constitutes the fundamental binding unit in the octarepeat domain [Burns et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 3991-4001; Aronoff-Spencer et al. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 13760-13771]. Copper coordination arises from the His imidazole and sequential deprotonated glycine amides. In this present work, recombinant, full-length Syrian hamster PrP is investigated using EPR methodologies. Four copper ions are taken up in the octarepeat domain, which supports previous findings. However, quantification studies reveal a fifth binding site in the flexible region between the octarepeats and the PrP globular C-terminal domain. A series of PrP peptide constructs show that this site involves His96 in the PrP(92-96) segment GGGTH. Further examination by X-band EPR, S-band EPR, and electron spin-echo envelope spectroscopy, demonstrates coordination by the His96 imidazole and the glycine preceding the threonine. The copper affinity for this type of binding site is highly pH dependent, and EPR studies here show that recombinant PrP loses its affinity for copper below pH 6.0. These studies seem to provide a complete profile of the copper binding sites in PrP and support the hypothesis that PrP function is related to its ability to bind copper in a pH-dependent fashion.  相似文献   

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