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The intramolecular dynamics of the excimer-forming dipyrenyl lipids (DipynPE) of different chain lengths (n) in fully hydrated dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) binary mixtures was investigated by the use of frequency-domain fluorescence intensity dcay technique. Using a 3-state model (see companion paper), the extent of aggregation and rotational rate of the two covalently attached pyrene moieties in DipynPE were estimated from the frequency-domain data. At 1 degrees C, the rotational rate and aggregation for Dipy4PE and Dipy10PE were insensitive to DOPE% of the lipid bilayer. At 27 degrees C, the rotational rate decreased, whereas the aggregation increased steadily for Dipy10PE as the DOPE% of the bilayer increased from 0 to 80. However, an abrupt increase in the rotational rate and a decrease in the aggregation for Dipy10PE were detected as the DOPE% reached 100, at which point the membranes are in the inverted hexagonal (HII) phase. No similar changes were found for Dipy4PE. These results indicate that the presence of PE with large intrinsic-curvature increases the lateral stress at the region near the center of the bilayer, and that this stress can be relieved as the membranes enter the highly curved HII phase.  相似文献   

R M Epand  N Fuller    R P Rand 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(4):1806-1810
The bilayer-to-hexagonal phase transition temperatures (T(H)) of di-18:1(C) phosphatidylethanolamine with double bonds at positions 6, 9, and 11 are 37 degrees C, 8 degrees C, and 28 degrees C, respectively, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry and x-ray diffraction. Thus T(H) exhibits a minimum when the C=C is around position 9, similar to what has been found for the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition temperature in other lipids. Factors that may contribute to the dependence of T(H) on double bond position were studied by x-ray diffraction of the hexagonal phases in the presence and absence of added alkane, with or without the osmotic stress of polyethylene glycol, and over a wide temperature range. The lattice dimensions show that the intrinsic radius of lipid monolayer curvature increases as the double bond is moved toward the tail ends. A measure of the bending moduli of these lipid monolayers shows a higher value for the 9 position, and lower values for the other two. Consideration of the bilayer-to-hexagonal transition in terms of bending and interstitial energies provides a rationale for the relative values of T(H).  相似文献   

The intramolecular dynamics of the excimer forming dipyrenyl lipids (DipynPC) of different chain lengths (n) in ethanol and in dimyristoylphosphatidycholine (DMPC) membranes was investigated by the use of frequency-domain fluorescence intensity decay technique. Based on a 3-state model, the extent of aggregation and rotational rate of the two intralipid pyrene moieties in the dipyrenyl lipids were estimated from the frequency-domain data. In ethanol (20 degrees C), the rotational rate for DipynPC increased progressively as n was varied from 4 to 12. At the gel (L beta)-to-liquid crystalline (L alpha) phase transition of DMPC (approximately 23 degrees C), the rotational rate increased and aggregation decreased significantly for Dipy10PC, whereas only the rotational rate was changed for Dipy4PC. In the presence of 30 mol% cholesterol, significant increases in both the rotational rate and aggregation were observed for Dipy10PC in both L beta and L alpha phases. However, for the case of Dipy4PC, an increase in the rotational rate but a decrease in the aggregation were noticed only in the L beta phase, and no similar changes were detected in the L alpha phase. Our results indicate differential effects of cholesterol on the conformational dynamics of acyl chains at different depths of the membranes.  相似文献   

Electron spin resonance experiments were carried out on 3-doxyl-5 alpha-cholestane spin-label (CSL) molecules embedded in multilamellar liposomes and small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) of palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC), dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) and dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC). The experimental spectra were analyzed by a numerical solution of the stochastic Liouville equation. Effects of temperature, presence of unsaturated bonds and high bilayer curvature on the dynamic behaviour of the lipid molecules were studied. Our results, combined with results from planar multibilayers with a varying hydration rate (Korstanje et al. (1989) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 980, 225-233), give a consistent picture of the orientational order and rotational dynamics of CSL molecules embedded in lipid matrices with various geometrical configurations. Increase of hydration or temperature reduces molecular ordering and increases molecular dynamics. In highly curved vesicle configurations, SUVs, molecular order is found to be lower than in multilamellar liposomes. In contrast, rotational motion is not affected by increase of curvature. In all lipid configurations studied, increase of the number of unsaturated bonds in the fatty acid chains reduces molecular ordering. We find, however, no effect of unsaturation on the rotational mobility of the CSL probe molecules. These results clearly show that changes in molecular orientational order and reorientational dynamics have to be considered separately, and that they are not necessarily correlated as implied by the common concept of membrane fluidity. Comparing our results with data from a motional narrowing analysis shows that the latter approach seriously overestimates the rate of molecular reorientation.  相似文献   

Over the last half decade, we have studied saturated and unsaturated phosphatidylcholine (PC)-cholesterol membranes, with special attention paid to fluid-phase immiscibility in cis-unsaturated PC-cholesterol membranes. The investigations were carried out with fatty acid and sterol analogue spin labels for which reorientational diffusion of the nitroxide was measured using conventional ESR technique. We also used saturation recovery ESR technique where dual probes were utilized. Bimolecular collision rates between a membrane-soluble square-planar copper complex,3-ethoxy-2-oxobutyraldehyde bis(N4,N4-dimethylthiosemicarbazonato)copper(II) (CuKTMS2) and one of several nitroxide radical lipid-type spin labels were determined by measuring the nitroxide spin-lattice relaxation time (T1). The results obtained in all these studies can be explained if the following model is assumed: 1) at physiological temperatures, fluid-phase micro-immiscibility takes place in cis-unsaturated PC-cholesterol membranes, which induces cholesterol-rich domains in the membrane due to the steric nonconformability between the rigid fused-ring structure of cholesterol and the 30 degrees bend at the cis double bond of the alkyl chains of unsaturated PC. 2) The cholesterol-rich domains are small and/or of short lifetime (10(-9) s to less than 10(-7) s). Our results also suggest that the extra space that is available for conformational disorder and accommodation of small molecules is created in the central part of the bilayer by intercalation of cholesterol in cis-unsaturated PC membrane due to the mismatch in the hydrophobic length and nonconformability between cis-unsaturated PC alkyl chains and the bulky tetracyclic ring of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Based on a physicochemical property profile, we tested the hypothesis that different perfluorochemical (PFC) liquids may have distinct effects on intrapulmonary PFC distribution, lung function, and PFC elimination kinetics during partial liquid ventilation (PLV). Young rabbits were studied in five groups [healthy, PLV with perflubron (PFB) or with perfluorodecalin (DEC); saline lavage injury and conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV); saline lavage injury PLV with PFB or with DEC]. Arterial blood chemistry, respiratory compliance (Cr), quantitative computed tomography of PFC distribution, and PFC loss rate were assessed for 4 h. Initial distribution of PFB was more homogenous than that of DEC; over time, PFB redistributed to dependent regions whereas DEC distribution was relatively constant. PFC loss rate decreased over time in all groups, was higher with DEC than PFB, and was lower with injury. In healthy animals, arterial PO(2) (Pa(O(2))) and Cr decreased with either PFC; the decrease was greater and sustained with DEC. Lavaged animals treated with either PFC demonstrated increased Pa(O(2)), which was sustained with PFB but deteriorated with DEC. Lavaged animals treated with PFB demonstrated increased Cr, higher Pa(O(2)), and lower arterial PCO(2) than with CMV or PLV with DEC. The results indicate that 1) initial distribution and subsequent intrapulmonary redistribution of PFC are related to PFC properties; 2) PFC distribution influences PFC elimination, gas exchange, and Cr; and 3) PFC elimination, gas exchange, and Cr are influenced by PFC properties and lung condition.  相似文献   

S. Mathew 《Genetica》1981,55(1):23-26
The transverse cephalic curvature index defined by Dash Sharma (Proc. Indian Sci. Cong. 54:496, 1967) was studied in 38 families of both the Adivasi population of Orissa and the Andhras of Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh). Correlation coefficients estimated for the different familial combinations gave a negative result, suggesting the non-hereditary nature of the index.  相似文献   

Classification and inheritance study of transverse cephalic curvature index   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
P. Dash Sharma 《Genetica》1971,42(3):271-277
In the present paper an arbitrary classification of the transverse cephalic curvature index has been proposed as low (up to 36.9), medium (37.0–39.9) and high (40.0 and upwards) on the basis of the study of 163 Punjabi families. The inheritance study of this index has been attempted by estimating the coefficient of correlation of the different familial combinations of 49 Punjabi families (all adults). The correlation coefficients observed for the different combinations suggest the hereditary nature of this index, but presently it could not be decided whether or not there exists any sex-influence or sex-limitation of the character, though population studies suggest significant sex difference.  相似文献   

Removal of lipids from submitochondrial particles or detergent-solubilized mitochondrial preparations of rat liver resulted in a 90% loss of ferrochelatase (protochemeferro-lyase, EC activity. The addition of either a fatty acid or phospholipid restored enzyme activity; the extent of reactivation being correlated with the degree of unsaturation of the fatty acid or acyl chain and independent of the polar head group of the phospholipid, Arrhenius plots of the ferrochelatase activities of submitochondrial particles and detergent-solubilized mitochondrial preparations showed transition temperatures of 37 and 28.5 degrees C, respectively. Ferrochelatase of submitochondrial particles or detergent-solubilized preparations had an absolute requirement for Ca2+. The ferrous salt of oxalic acid, a Ca2+ chelator, was a very poor substrate for these preparations. In contrast, ferrochelatase activities of fatty acid- or lipid-supplemented acetone extracts of these preparations were not dependent on the presence of Ca2+ and ferrous oxalate served as substrate for these extracts.20  相似文献   

The influence of the acclimation temperature on the thermotropic behaviour of mitochondrial respiration and on the degree of unsaturation of mitochondrial membrane lipids has been studied. The mitochondria were isolated from red muscle, white muscle and liver of goldfish acclimated to 5, 20 and 30 degrees C. ADP-activated succinate oxidation was measured at different temperatures and resulted in non-linear Arrhenius-plots with breaks between 10 and 23 degrees C. As for the break-temperatures, there was found a shift downwards in preparations of decreased acclimation temperatures. This could be caused by a changed composition of membrane lipids and a simultaneous shift of the membrane phase transition temperature. Therefore, the fatty acid composition of all membrane preparations was analyzed. However, no consistent change of the degree of unsaturation due to a changed acclimation temperature could be found.  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies were carried out in the rabbit model to determine alterations in the concentration and density distribution of plasma lipids and apolipoproteins during the acute phase response (APR) characterized by elevated levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid A (SAA). Twelve hr after the intramuscular injection of croton oil, SAA was detectable in high density lipoprotein (HDL). At the height of the response (72 hr), HDL decreased while SAA became the major HDL apoprotein, up to 80% of the proteins in the higher density fractions. The SAA-enriched particles became denser (density of HDL3) but larger (size of HDL2), had slower electrophoretic mobility, and were depleted in apoA-I, cholesterol, triglyceride, and phospholipid. HDL-cholesterol decreased and was redistributed to other fractions while apoA-I disappeared from the circulation. During this time plasma triglycerides increased 6- to 10-fold while plasma cholesterol and phospholipids showed minimal changes. ApoB increased 5- to 6-fold while the apoB-containing particles shifted to higher density resulting in elevated IDL and then LDL during recovery. VLDL (d less than 1.006 g/ml) increased and acquired 30-40% of the plasma triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipid, and apoB. SAA also increased in VLDL while apoE decreased.  相似文献   

Small (600 base pair) DNA plasmids were modeled with a simplified representation (3DNA) and the intramolecular motions were studied using molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics techniques. The model is detailed enough to incorporate sequence effects. At the same time, it is simple enough to allow long molecular dynamics simulations. The simulations revealed that large-scale slithering occurs in a homogeneous sequence. In a heterogeneous sequence, containing numerous small intrinsic curves, the centers of the curves are preferentially positioned at the tips of loops. With more curves than loop tips (two in unbranched supercoiled DNA), the heterogeneous sequence plasmid slithers short distances to reposition other curves into the loop tips. However, the DNA is immobilized most of the time, with the loop tips positioned over a few favored curve centers. Branching or looping also appears in the heterogeneous sequence as a new method of repositioning the loop tips. Instead of a smooth progression of increasing writhing with increasing linking difference, theoretical studies have predicted that there is a threshold between unwrithed and writhed DNA at a linking difference between one and two. This has previously been observed in simulations of static structures and is demonstrated here for dynamic homogeneous closed DNA. Such an abrupt transition is not found in the heterogeneous sequence in both the static and dynamic cases. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Most studies reported until now on the magnetically alignable system formed by the binary mixtures of long- and short-chain lipids were based on the mixture of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (D14PC) and 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (D6PC) lipids. We have recently shown that a large part of the phase diagrams of this lipid mixture could be understood by taking into account the partial miscibility between the long-chain lipids and the short-chain lipids when the sample was heated above the melting transition temperature (Tm) of the long-chain lipids. In this work, we show by modifying the chain length of either one of the two lipids that it is possible to control their miscibility and thus the intervals of temperature and composition where spontaneous alignment is observed in a magnetic field. By using 31P NMR, we demonstrate that the very special properties of such binary lipid mixtures are correlated with the propensity for short-chain lipids to diffuse into the bilayer regions. We also show that lipid mixtures with comparable properties can be formed with unsaturated lipids such as 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC).  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of fully hydrated bilayers in the liquid-crystalline state made of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) or 1-palmitoyl-2-elaidoyl-phosphatidylcholine (PEPC) were carried out to investigate the effect of the incorporation of a double bond in the phosphatidylcholine (PC) beta-chain (cis or trans) on the membrane/water interface. The bilayers reached thermal equilibrium after 3 and 1 ns of MD simulations, respectively, and productive runs were carried out for 3 ns for each bilayer. As reference systems, the 1,2-dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer (M. Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, Y. Takaoka, H. Miyagawa, K. Kitamura, and A. Kusumi, 1999, Biophys. J. 76:1228-1240) and DMPC-cholesterol (Chol) bilayer containing 22 mol % Chol (M. Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, T. Róg, K. Kitamura, A. and Kusumi, 2000, Biophys. J. 78:1376-1389) were used. The study shows that at the interface of POPC, PEPC, and DMPC-Chol bilayers, average numbers of PC-water and PC-PC interactions are similar and, respectively, greater and smaller than in the DMPC bilayer. The average area/PC in mono-unsaturated bilayers is approximately 4 A(2) larger than in the DMPC bilayer; nevertheless, a strong correlation was found between a single molecular area (SMA) of a PC and the number of interactions this PC makes; i.e., PCs (either saturated or unsaturated) with the same SMA form similar numbers of intermolecular links. The numbers and corresponding SMAs are distributed about averages pertinent to each bilayer. No significant difference between cis and trans bonds was found.  相似文献   

Wright JC 《Tissue & cell》1988,20(5):745-758
Fine structure and lipid distribution are studied in cuticles of five tardigrade species using TEM and SEM. Double osmication using partitioning methods reveals a substantial lipid component in the intracuticle and in irregular granular regions within the procuticle. These results are substantiated by the loss of osmiophily following lipid extraction with chloroform and methanol. Other lipid components are revealed by osmication following unmasking of lipo-protein complexes with thymol. These occur in the outer epicuticle and in the trilaminar layer lying between the epi- and intracuticles. Anhydrous fixation of dehydrated tardigrades (tuns) reveals dense, superficial masses of osmiophilic material, apparently concentrated lumps of the surface mucopolysaccharide ('flocculent coat'). However, cryo-SEMs of tuns reveal similar dense aggregations which apparently exude from pores (not visible) and are removed by chloroform. These results suggest extruded lipids since the flocculent coat is unaffected by chloroform; likely functions of such lipids are discussed.  相似文献   

The hydraulic conductivity of a connective tissue is determined both by the fine ultrastructure of the extracellular matrix and the effects of larger particles in the interstitial space. In this study, we explored this relationship by examining the effects of 30- or 90-nm-diameter latex nanospheres or low-density lipoproteins (LDL) on the hydraulic conductivity of Matrigel, a basement membrane matrix. The hydraulic conductivity of Matrigel with latex nanospheres or LDL particles added at 4.8% weight fraction was measured and compared with the hydraulic conductivity of Matrigel alone. The LDL-derived lipids in the gel were visualized by transmission electron microscopy and were seen to have aggregated into particles up to 500 nm in size. The addition of these materials to the medium markedly decreased its hydraulic conductivity, with the LDL-derived lipids having a much larger effect than did the latex nanospheres. Debye-Brinkman theory was used to predict the effect of addition of particles to the hydraulic conductivity of the medium. The theoretical predictions matched well with the results from adding latex nanospheres to the medium. However, LDL decreased hydraulic conductivity much more than was predicted by the theory. The validation of the theoretical model for rigid particles embedded in extracellular matrix suggests that it could be used to make predictions about the influence of particulates (e.g., collagen, elastin, cells) on the hydraulic conductivity of the fine filamentous matrix (the proteoglycans) in connective tissues. In addition, the larger-than-predicted effects of lipidlike particles on hydraulic conductivity may magnify the pathology associated with lipid accumulation, such as in Bruch's membrane of the retina during macular degeneration and the blood vessel wall in atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

An equation of state for lipid monolayers at the air-water interface is presented, which takes into account the effects of the conformation and the number and position of double bonds of the hydrocarbon chains. The total Hamiltonian of the monolayer is assumed to consist of three terms. Two of them are calculated exactly within the limitations of the formulation. These are the two-dimensional entropy of mixing of the lipid and water molecules at the surface and the conformational entropy of the chains using a model available from the literature. These two terms give rise to positive surface pressure. The third term, which includes all energies that are not amenable to calculation, was obtained as the difference between the sum of the two calculated terms and experimental data and is found to represent an approximately area-independent tension. The effects of chain unsaturation on the equation of state were modeled in the present theory in two ways; the chain bend caused by cis double bonds increases the minimal molecular area, and the double bond linkage on a chain decreases the degrees of freedom of the chain. Calculations revealed that the former is highly significant whereas the latter is negligible. The deduced equation of state reproduces experimental data with appropriate values for three parameters, which represent the collapse area, the overlap of adjacent chains, and the combined effects of the intra- and intermolecular interactions other than the surface mixing entropy and the chain conformational energy.  相似文献   

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