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Abstract. An intermedia species-group is defined within Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy. P.pseudintermedia sp.n. is described from Greece, Yugoslavia and Spain and compared with its closest relative P. intermedia Macquart. P.alajensis Rodendorf, stat.rev. is established as a new senior synonym of P.sytshevskajae Grunin, syn.n.  相似文献   

Abstract. A rudis species-group is defined within Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy, and new characters found useful in the taxonomy of this genus are presented. P.rudis (Fabricius), P.angustigena Wainwright, stat.rev. and P.pseudorudis Rognes are redescribed. P.hungarica sp.n., P.longitheca sp.n. and P.luteovillosa sp.n. are described as new to science. A key is provided, and the terminalia of both sexes are illustrated for all the species. Some features of the puparia are figured for the species where these are known. A neotype is designated for Musca rudis , and a lectotype for P.angustigena. P.angustigena, P.pseudorudis and P.rudis are Holarctic species, and the latter two have also been found in New Zealand. The remaining species are confined to the western Palaearctic. P.hungarica is known from central Europe, including southern parts of Scandinavia, P.longitheca from the eastern Mediterranean, and P.luteovillosa from Algeria and Morocco in North Africa. In the larval stages P. rudis group members are parasites of or predators on earthworms. The species have several generations each year, and normally overwinter as adults. Eisenia rosea (Savigny) serves as a host for P.hungarica, P.pseudorudis and P.rudis according to the reared material available. A previous detailed account of the immature stages and life-cycle of lsquo;rudis' from North America is tentatively assigned to pseudorudis. Keilin's (1909,1915) often cited accounts of the immature stages and life-cycle of a species called 'rudis' are rejected as a source of information for any member of the rudis group.  相似文献   

Abstract. Within Pollenia Robineau-Desvoidy, a semicinerea species-group is defined. It consists of the redescribed P.semicinerea Villeneuve, P.grunini sp.n., P.mystica sp.n. and P.paragrunini sp.n., and P.pectinata Grunin, for which some new characters are given. A key is provided and the known terminalia of both sexes are illustrated. A lectotype is designated for P.semicinerea Villeneuve. P.semicinerea is known from the Middle East (Israel, Syria, Lebanon), P.grunini, P.mystica and P.paragrunini from the Caucasus and neighbouring areas in the U.S.S.R. and P.pectinata from the temperate parts of the Palaearctic Region except west of Poland and U.S.S.R. It is argued that the semicinerea- and racfe-groups are monophyletic sister-groups. The tenuiforceps-group is most probably the monophyletic sister-group of the composite monophyletic group ( rudis-group+semicinerea-group ). The intermedia-group and the griseo-tomentosa-group are both monophyletic. The composite group ( rudis- group + semicinerea-group + tenuiforceps-group + intermedia-group + griseotomentosa-group ) is probably a monophyletic subgroup of Pollenia. A partly resolved synapomorphy diagram is provided, which is compared to trees generated by various computer programs in the Phylogeny Inference Package (PHYLIP) of Felsenstein. Pollenia alajensis Rodendorf (= sytshevskajae Grunin) is assigned to the tenuiforceps species-group on the basis of male and female genitalia.  相似文献   

Oleg Pekarsky 《ZooKeys》2013,(351):49-81
The taxa of the Lygephila lusoria (Linnaeus, 1758) species-group are revised. The genital features of all known taxa are described and illustrated with special reference to the structure of vesica. The male genitalia of L. pallida pallida (Bang-Haas, 1907) are described and illustrated for the first time. L. pallida subpicata (Wiltshire, 1971) is treated here as a species, L. pallida subpicata (Wiltshire, 1971), stat. n., distinct from L. pallida. A new species, L. minima, sp. n.,from South Russia is described. Illustrations of the holotype and its genitalia are provided; a diagnostic comparison with L. pallida is given. L. alaica Remm, 1983 is included in the L. lusoria species-group for the first time.  相似文献   

Due to morphological comparisons the Tunisian desert ant species Cataglyphis bicolor has been divided into three parapatric species: C. bicolor, C. viatica, and C. savignyi. The species status of the latter is supported by sequence analyses of the mitochondrial CO1 and CO2 region, while analyses of the same mitochondrial region lacked resolution for the separation of C. bicolor and C. viatica. However, the geographic distribution of mtDNA haplotypes points to different population viscosities with C. bicolor queens having longer migration distances than queens of C. viatica. Furthermore, by the use of microsatellites we excluded ongoing gene flow between geographically overlapping populations of C. bicolor and C. viatica, and hence support the morphology-based three-species hypothesis. Concerning the ongoing discussion on the future roles of morphology and molecular biology in systematics we call for a combination of both whenever possible.  相似文献   

系贵州地区妙蝇属Myospila Rondani研究的系列论文之一,记述该属1新种群:净妙蝇群M.species-lauta并描述该新种群5新种:冯氏妙蝇M.fengisp.nov.,肖黄基妙蝇M.flavibasisoides sp.nov.,亚黄基妙蝇M.subflavibasis sp.nov.,亚净妙蝇M.sublauta sp.nov.和黄褐妙蝇M.xuthosa sp.nov.。文中给出了净妙蝇群的定义,编制了新种群所有已知种的检索表,描述了新种详细的形态特征及其与近缘种的鉴别特征。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。  相似文献   

Abstract A key is provided to twenty-four western Palaearctic species of Urophora Robineau-Desvoidy. The hosts of twenty-three species which attack Asteraceae are listed, including those being used or investigated as possible weed biocontrol agents. The species are divided into four species groups and the differing host relationships and types of galls induced by these groups are discussed. U.lopholomae sp.n. and U.affinis ssp. calcitrapae ssp.n., associated with Centaurea (Lopholoma) spp. and C. (Calcitrapa) spp. respectively, are described. U. algerica (Hering) and U.sjumorum (Rohdendorf) are both treated as subspecies of U. quadrifasciata (Meigen). U.pontica is given full specific status and U.hispanica is removed from synonymy. The following new synonymies are made (junior synonyms in parentheses): U. angustifascia (Hering) (= Euribia phaeocera Hering); U. cardui (Linnaeus) (= U. reaumurii Robineau-Desvoidy, lectotype designated); U. jaceana (Hering) (= E.conyzae Hering); U.maura (Frauenfeld) (= E. tecta Hering); U. mauritanica Macquart (= U. lejura Rondani, Trypeta macrura Loew); U.solstitialis (Linnaeus) (= E.sonderupi Hering, U. veruata Rondani ); U.stylata (Fabricius) (= E.pia Hering, U. vulcaanica Rondani); U. terebrans (Loew) (= E. approximata Hering, T. eriolepidis Loew, E. manni Hendel). The possibility that U. quadrifasciata is a species complex is discussed; it is also suggested that U.affinis and U.jaceana represent the morphological extremes of a complex. The misuse of the name Musca stylata Fabricius in the genus Myopites Blot is noted.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The eumenine genus Pseudodynerus is revised, and the phylogenetic relationships among its species are reconstructed based on adult morphology. The cladistic analyses of the 21 terminal species (15 ingroup and six outgroup species) and 48 characters, from external morphology and male genitalia, produced one cladogram under equal weights and two under implied weights. The monophyly of Pseudodynerus was corroborated in all three hypotheses, although the internal relationships varied depending on the weighting scheme. Two major clades were recovered under both equal and implied weights, one containing mostly Central and North American species and the other only South American species. The main difference between the hypotheses involves the placement of P. luctuosus , which comes out either as sister to a clade formed by P. hallinani  + ( P. maxillaris  +  P. quadrisectus  +  P. crypticus ) or as sister to a clade comprising the remaining species. Fifteen species of Pseudodynerus are recognized, of which four are described as new: P. crypticus from Costa Rica, P. carpenteri from French Guiana and Suriname, P. obesus from Rondônia, Brazil, and P. singularis from Espírito Santo, Brazil. One new synonymy is proposed: Odynerus ( Odynerus ) aztecus de Saussure, 1857  =  Pseudodynerus quadrisectus ( Say, 1837 ) syn.n. Names treated as varieties by Bequaert (1941) are not recognized at any level herein, as follows: Monobia mina-palumboi Gribodo, 1891 , stat.rev. ; Odynerus ( Leionotus ) beelzebub Zavattari, 1912 , stat.rev. ; Stenodynerus anisitsii garleppi Schrottky, 1911 , stat.rev. ; and Stenodynerus mondaiensis Bertoni, 1918, stat.rev. Lectotypes are designated for Odynerus bellone Lepeletier, 1841 , Odynerus ( Odynerus ) aztecus de Saussure, 1857 and Odynerus ( Stenodynerus ) migonei Bertoni, 1926 .  相似文献   

系贵州地区妙蝇属Myospila Rondani研究的系列论文之一,记述该属1新种群,黄股妙蝇群Myospila femorataspecies-group,并描述该新种群3新种:弯端妙蝇Myospilaacrula sp.nov.,黄叶妙蝇Myospila flavilobulusa sp.nov.和绯角妙蝇Myospila ruficornica sp.nov.。文中给出了黄股妙蝇群的定义,编制了该新种群所有已知8种的检索表,描述了新种详细的形态特征及其与近缘种的鉴别特征。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。黄股妙蝇群的鉴别特征本文定义的黄股妙蝇群具备下列区别于妙蝇属其它成员的组合特征雄额狭,至多如单眼三角宽,触角黄色或黑色;前胸基腹片具毛;小盾片黑色,背面的正常毛被不越出缘鬃一线,且下侧缘无向下弯的、或多或少呈淡色的细毛;翅内鬃1+2或1+2;翅的前缘基鳞及翅肩鳞黄色。R1脉背面通常具毛;R4+5脉基部具毛或裸。足主要呈黄色,但个别跗节呈暗色。在上述黄股妙蝇群的鉴别特征中,仅小盾片黑色,翅的前缘基鳞及翅肩鳞黄色及足主要呈黄色这一组合特征是突出的、特有的,足以区别妙蝇属中前胸基腹片具毛,下腋瓣不具小叶(棘蝇型)和小盾片侧腹缘裸的类群。黄股妙蝇群的分种检索表1.触角通常橘黄色或暗红色,雄额宽等于或略狭于单眼三角宽,如果雄额狭窄如线,则触角呈黑色……………………………………2触角黑色,雄额宽通常等于前单眼宽,仅个别如单眼三角宽…62.翅内鬃1+1…………………………………………………………3翅内鬃1+2…………………………………………………………43.雄额宽约如头宽的的0.07倍,R1脉背面具稀疏毛,R4+5脉裸黄叶妙蝇,新种M.flavilobulusa sp.nov.……………………………雄额宽约如头宽的的0.05倍(据Shinonaga,2003),R1脉背面裸,R4+5脉背、腹面具毛……怯妙蝇M.pudica(Stein,1915)4.下后头具黄色毛………绯角妙蝇,新种M.ruficornica sp.nov.下后头具黑色毛……………………………………………………55.额宽约如前单眼宽或狭如线,触角黑色至黑褐色,背侧片裸,R1脉基半具毛,足基节黑色,腹第5背板全黑黄股妙蝇M.femorata(Malloch,1935)…………………………………………………额宽约如单眼三角宽,触角橘黄色或暗橘黄色,背侧片具毛,R1脉几乎全长具毛,足基节黑褐色,腹第5背板端部黄色黄尾妙蝇M.flavicauda Wei,1991…………………………………………6.雄额宽,约如单眼三角宽,下后头具黄色毛,跗节黑色弯端妙蝇,新种M.acrula sp.nov.…………………………………………雄额狭,仅约如前单眼宽,下后头具黑色毛,跗节黄色…………77.雄腹第3背板具1对小而略圆的斑,R1脉背面全长具毛暗基妙蝇M.fuscicoxa(Li,1980)…………………………………………雄腹第3背板无斑,R1脉背面基部1/3具毛类暗基妙蝇M.fuscicoxoides Xue et Lin,1996……………………………………1弯端妙蝇,新种M.acrula sp.nov.(图1~3)雄体长约8~9mm。在黄股妙蝇群中,新种前股黑色是独有的特征,新种与暗基妙蝇M.fuscicoxa(Li,1980)和类暗基妙蝇M.fuscicoxoidesXue et Lin,1996近缘,3者的区别详检索表的记述。正模♂,贵州平坝大坡林场(25°24.3’N,106°8.3’E;海拔1400m),2007年9月22日,魏濂艨、曹维平、刘美华、张田等采。副模:3♂♂,同正模;1♂,贵州平坝城关林场,海拔1200m,2007年11月24,28日,魏濂艨、曹维平、刘美华、张田等采;3♂♂,采集人及采集地同上,2007年12月22日;1♂,贵州安顺凤凰山林场,海拔1300m,2009年3月11日,魏濂艨、曹维平、刘美华等采;2♂♂,贵州关岭红岩碑,海拔1000m,2009年1月18日,魏濂艨、曹维平、刘美华等采;1♂,采集人及采集地同上,2009年2月18日;1♂,黄果树王安村,海拔1100m,人工松林,魏濂艨、蒋绍贵、曹维平、张宵等采,2009年1月18日;1♂,贵州关岭花江大峡谷,海拔640m,2009年1月6~15日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、龙彪、张波、刘美华等采;1♂,采集地同上,2009年12月9日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵等采;1♂,贵州关岭断桥,海拔500m,2008年3月18日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、金伟等采;1♂,安顺市对门山,海拔1300m,2009年1月1日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵等采集;5♂♂,贵州紫云浪风关林场,海拔1300m,2009年2月22日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、吴建霖、刘美华等采;3♂♂,采集人及采集地同上,2009年3月22~31日;2♂♂,贵州普定城关林场,海拔1200m,2009年9月12日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、王玉胜等采;1♂,采集人及采集地同上,2009年9月9日;1♂,贵州普定猴场普屯坝,海拔1500m,2007年10月20~21日,魏濂艨、曹维平、刘美华、吴建霖、张田、寿天虹、顾鸥等采;1♂,贵州普定补郎35公桩,海拔1550m,2009年9月1~30日;魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、龙彪等采;7♂♂,贵州安顺轿子山林场,海拔1500m,2007年10月1~30日,魏濂艨、曹维平、龙彪、刘美华等采;1♂,采集人及采集地同上,2009年6月1~30日。词源:新种种名源自希腊词acrul意为"端部弯曲的",在此指新种类雄肛尾叶端部弯曲。2黄叶妙蝇,新种M.flavilobulusa sp.nov.(图4~6)雄体长约5.8mm。新种十分类似怯妙蝇M.pudica(Stein,1915),两者的区别详检索表的记述。正模♂,贵州关岭花江大峡谷(25°41.94’N,105°36.1’E;海拔640m),2009年9月11日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、刘美华等采。副模:1♂,采集地及采集人同正模,2008年11月29~30日;1♂,采集地同正模,2008年11月2~4日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、寿天虹等采;1♂,贵州关岭断桥,海拔600m,2009年11月2~4日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、刘美华、龙彪等采。词源:新种种名源自拉丁词flav意为"黄色",lobulusa意为"叶",在此指新种雄第5腹板侧叶黄色。3绯角妙蝇,新种M.ruficornica sp.nov.(图7~9)雄体长约5.8mm。新种十分类似黄股妙蝇M.femorata(Malloch,1935)和黄尾妙蝇M.flavicauda Wei,1991,3者的区别详检索表的记述。正模♂,贵州关岭花江大峡谷(25°41.94’N,105°36.1’E;海拔640m),2008年11月29~30日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、刘美华等采。词源:新种种名源自拉丁词ruf意为"暗红色",cornice意为"触角",在此指新种触角呈暗红色。  相似文献   

The jezoensis species-group is established within the genus Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy consisting of four species, Fannia curvostylata n. sp., Fannia densa Nishida, Fannia jezoensis Nishida and Fannia zhangi Xue. The new species described here is from the Tibetan Plateau. The known species of this group are all described, illustrated and keyed. Geographic distributions are updated. The systematic position and biogeography of the F. jezoensis-group are also discussed.  相似文献   

The four described taxa in the Disphragis notabilis (Schaus) species-group are reviewed, including the types and their dissected genitalia. Disphragis hemicera (Schaus), stat. rev., is elevated to species rank, D. normula (Dognin) is retained as a synonym of D. notabilis, D. sobolis Miller is confirmed as distinct from D. hemicera, and D. bifurcata sp. n., is newly described. Both D. hemicera and D. bifurcata occur in Costa Rica. The known ranges of the other species are outlined. Defining characters of each species are presented and a key to species is provided. Unusual variation in the genitalia is noted.  相似文献   

Six new species of the genus Richtersia Steiner, 1916 are described from the Mediterranean Sea: R. bathyalis sp.n., R. spinosa sp.n., R. heipi sp.n., R. mediterranea sp.n., R. staresensis sp.n. and R. coomansi sp.n. Some morphological adaptations of R. bathyalis, R. spinosa and R. heipi are discussed in relation to their small body size. The structure of the stomatal region, labial region and spicules is described in detail and probably holds for the entire genus.  相似文献   

Acrorhynchides styliferus sp.n. from Norway and the British Isles and Polycystis contorta sp.n. and Typhlopolycystis coomansi sp.n. from Norway and the Mediterranean are described. Additional notes are given on the anatomy and distribution of Paracrorhynchus bergensis Karling, Polycystis groenlandica (Levinsen), P. crocea (Fabricius) and Typhlopolycystis mediterranea Brunet. The taxonomy of the species and the corresponding genera is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of parasitic copepod, Prohatschekia mediterranea n. sp. (Siphonostomatoida: Hatschekiidae), is described from a scorpaenid fish, Scorpaena elongata, collected off Algeria. This is the seventh species of Prohatschekia Nunes-Ruivo, 1954 to be described and the first record of the genus from the Mediterranean Sea. The new species is most closely related to P. cremouxi Nunes-Ruivo, 1954, known from a congeneric host collected in Senegal. A key is provided to distinguish the new species from other members of the genus.  相似文献   

Abstract The Pepila fuscomaculata species-group from Australia, including P. fuscomaculata ( Baly 1877 ), P. hypocrita ( Blackburn 1896 ), P. submetallescens ( Baly 1877 ), P. tumbyensis ( Blackburn 1896 ), P. blackburni sp. n., P. brittoni sp. n., P. nikitini sp. n. and P. reidi sp. n., is analysed. A key to all the species is presented. Line drawings of male and female genitalia of all species are included. Brief ecological and zoogeographical data are also reported.  相似文献   

The most accepted taxonomic treatment of the New World sulphurs of the genus Phoebis Hübner, [1819] recognizes 16 species including those in the current synonyms Aphrissa and Rhabdodryas. This total conflicts with the results of several recent pierid DNA barcode studies across the Neotropics. We used a five-locus dataset to carry out species delimitation analyses using the coalescence-based method implemented in bpp software. After testing the resulting species hypotheses using marginal likelihood estimates, we inferred their phylogenetic relationships and performed an ancestral range reconstruction with biogeobears. Our analyses recovered two different hypotheses, 26 and 24 species, that scored the highest marginal likelihood estimate. Differences between these two hypotheses, when reconciled with barcode clusters and morphology, indicated that 24 is the most likely number of species. Phoebis neocypris stat. rev. , Phoebis rurina stat. rev. , Phoebis virgo stat. rev. , Phoebis marcellina stat. rev. , Phoebis thalestris stat. rev. , and Phoebis rorata stat. rev. are raised to the species rank. We dated the crown age of Phoebis to the mid-Miocene, with the islands of the Greater Antilles as the most probable ancestral range. Three main clades of Phoebis diverged early in the evolutionary history of the genus, but most extant species-level diversity arose after the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary. Our analyses recovered alternate range expansions and contractions, and dispersal from the islands to the continent and back, in the three main clades. Both sympatric and allopatric speciation seem to have shaped the current species richness.  相似文献   

This work presents a multiple-gene phylogenetic analysis of 70 species representing 24 genera of Cochylina and eight species representing eight genera of Euliina, and a maximum-likelihood analysis based on 293 barcodes representing over 220 species of Cochylina. The results confirm the hypothesis that Cochylina is a monophyletic group embedded within a paraphyletic Euliina. Six major monophyletic lineages are recognized and defined within Cochylina: a Phtheochroa Group, a Henricus Group, an Aethes Group, a Saphenista Group, a Phalonidia Group and a Cochylis Group. The work summarizes the groups (including related genera not included in our analysis), provides morphological characters that support the molecular data, and compares results to previous phylogenies of Cochylina. The following nomenclatural changes are proposed: Brevicornutia, rev.stat. ; Neocochylis, rev.stat. ; Paracochylis, rev.stat. ; Pontoturania, rev.stat. ; and Platphalonidia, rev.stat.  相似文献   

Six new species of the genus Psylliodes Latr. are described from the Palaearctic Region. P. concolor sp. n. from Georgia and P. diversicolor sp. n. from Turkey belong to the luteolus species-group. P. amurensis sp. n. and P. laxus sp. n. from the Russian Far East are included in the punctifrons species-group. P. submontanus sp. n. from the North Caucasus is provisionally included in the napi species-group, but it is similar to P. ozisiki Leon. et Arnold from the cupreus species-group. P. insularis sp. n. from the Canaries belongs to the chrysocephalus species-group.  相似文献   

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