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Hans-Uwe Dahms    Pei-Yuan Qian 《Biofouling》2013,29(6):313-321
The effects of the neurotransmitter blockers idazoxan and phentolamine on the larval settlement of three marine invertebrate species belonging to three different phyla were investigated by using in vitro concentration-response bioassays. Since neurotransmitters are known to influence metamorphic transitions in invertebrate larvae, neurotransmitter blockers were tested to evaluate their sublethal effects on larvae. The α-adrenergic antagonists idazoxan and phentolamine inhibited settlement of Balanus amphitrite (Cirripedia), Bugula neritina (Bryozoa) larvae, and larvae of the polychaete Hydroides elegans (Polychaeta) in a concentration- and taxon-dependent manner. At concentrations of 10?3 M of both agents, larvae of all three species became immobile and subsequently died within 24 h. While cumulative settlement rates were observed after 48 h for B. amphitrite and H. elegans, and after 5 h for B. neritina, > 90% of the larvae that settled did so within 24 h for the first two species and within 1 h for B. neritina. The tendency of the hydrophobic idazoxan and phentolamine to accumulate at solid surfaces most probably contributes to their successful inhibition of larval settlement. This ability makes them particularly attractive as candidates for the development of slow-release carriers in antifouling paints.  相似文献   

Mizolastine, an antihistamine pharmaceutical, was found to significantly inhibit larval settlement of the barnacle Amphibalanus (=Balanus) amphitrite, the bryozoan Bugula neritina, and the polychaete Hydroides elegans with EC50 values of 4.2, 11.2, and 4.1 µg ml?1, respectively. No toxicity against the larvae of these three species was observed at the concentration range tested during incubations with mizolastine. To determine whether the anti-settlement activity of mizolastine is reversible, recovery bioassays using these three species were conducted. More than 70% of the larvae that had been exposed for 4 h to mizolastine at concentrations four-fold greater than their respective EC50 values completed normal metamorphosis. The results of the recovery bioassay provide evidence that the anti-settlement effect of mizolastine is reversible in addition to being nontoxic. The anti-settlement activities of several intermediates of the synthesis process of mizolastine were also examined. One of the intermediates, 2-chloro-1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-1H-benzo[d]imidazole, inhibited larval settlement and metamorphosis with low toxicity. These results may improve the understanding of the key functional group responsible for the anti-settlement activity of mizolastine.  相似文献   


This study examined the inhibitory effect of 3 phenolic compounds and 12 strains of marine bacteria on the larval settlement of Balanus amphitrite amphitrite. The phenolic compounds used were phlorotannins, phloroglucinol and tannic acid. Phlorotannins are polymers of phloroglucinol (1,3,5‐trihydroxybenzene) known only from brown algae. Tannic acid, which exists in terrestrial plants, is composed of oligomers of phloroglucinol attached to a sugar molecule. The bacterial strains used were isolated from a natural biofilm. The following were investigated: 1) the toxicity of the phenolic compounds to B. a. amphirite in three different larval stages, viz. nauplius II, nauplius V and cyprid; 2) the potency of the compounds as inhibitors of larval settlement and the possible mechanism involved in settlement inhibition; and 3) the effects of the bacteria on larval settlement. The level of toxicity of the phenolic compounds varied widely for the larvae. Phlorotannins were most toxic, having LC50 values ranging from 9.47 to 40.35 μg ml‐1; phloroglucinol was least toxic, having LC50 values of 235.12 to 368.28 μg ml‐1. In general, nauplii were more sensitive to the toxicity of the phenolic compounds than cyprids. The greater sensitivity of nauplii may be due to their active feeding behavior, which exposes the interior of their bodies to the compounds by active intake. Phloroglucinol was the most potent settlement inhibitor, having an EC50 value of 0.02 μg ml‐1. Phlorotannins and tannic acid had EC50 values of 1.90 μg ml‐1 and 14.05 μg ml‐1, respectively. Phloroglucinol appeared to inhibit larval settlement through a relatively non‐toxic mechanism as its LC50 value was four orders of magnitude higher than its EC50 value. The high potency of phloroglucinol indicates that a simple constituent of a complex natural compound can be more effective than the natural compound itself. Larval settlement bioassays with monospecies bacterial films indicated that some of the bacterial species were inhibitory to larval settlement while the others showed no effect. None of the bacterial strains in this study induced larval settlement.  相似文献   

Previous analyses of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and γ‐proteobacterial endosymbiont diversity have suggested that the marine bryozoan Bugula neritina is a complex of three cryptic species, namely Types S, D and N. Types D and N were previously reported to have restricted distributions along California (western USA) and Delaware and Connecticut (eastern USA), respectively, whereas Type S is considered widespread in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions due to anthropogenic transport. Here, Bayesian species delimitation analysis of a data set composed of two mitochondrial (COI and large ribosomal RNA subunit [16S]) and two nuclear genes (dynein light chain roadblock type‐2 protein [DYN] and voltage‐dependent anion‐selective channel protein [VDAC]) demonstrated that Types S, D and N correspond to three biological species. This finding was significantly supported, in spite of the combinations of priors applied for ancestral population size and root age. Furthermore, COI sequences were used to assess the introduction patterns of the cosmopolitan Type S species. Two COI haplotypes of Type S (S1a and S1d) were found occurring at a global scale. Mantel tests showed correlation between these haplotypes and local sea surface temperature tolerance. Accordingly, the distributions of Type S haplotypes may reflect intraspecific temperature tolerance variation, in addition to the role of introduction vectors. Finally, we show that the Type N may also have been introduced widely, as this species was found for the first time in Central California and north‐eastern Australia.  相似文献   

Zhang YF  Wang GC  Ying X  Sougrat R  Qian PY 《Biofouling》2011,27(5):467-475
Butenolide [5-octylfuran-2(5H)-one] is a very promising antifouling compound. Here, the effects of butenolide on larval behavior and histology are compared in two major fouling organisms, viz. cypris larvae of Balanus amphitrite and swimming larvae of Bugula neritina. Butenolide diminished the positive phototactic behavior of B. amphitrite (EC50=0.82 μg ml(-1)) and B. neritina (EC50=3 μg ml(-1)). Its effect on the attachment of cyprids of B. amphitrite was influenced by temperature, and butenolide increased attachment of larvae of B. neritina to the bottom of the experimental wells. At concentrations of 4 μg ml(-1) and 10 μg ml(-1), butenolide decreased attachment of B. amphitrite and B. neritina, respectively, but the effects were reversible within a certain treatment time. Morphologically, butenolide inhibited the swelling of secretory granules and altered the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in the cement gland of B. amphitrite cyprids. In B. neritina swimming larvae, butenolide reduced the number of secretory granules in the pyriform-glandular complex.  相似文献   

Butenolide [5-octylfuran-2(5H)-one] is a very promising antifouling compound. Here, the effects of butenolide on larval behavior and histology are compared in two major fouling organisms, viz. cypris larvae of Balanus amphitrite and swimming larvae of Bugula neritina. Butenolide diminished the positive phototactic behavior of B. amphitrite (EC50 = 0.82 μg ml?1) and B. neritina (EC50 = 3 μg ml?1). Its effect on the attachment of cyprids of B. amphitrite was influenced by temperature, and butenolide increased attachment of larvae of B. neritina to the bottom of the experimental wells. At concentrations of 4 μg ml?1 and 10 μg ml?1, butenolide decreased attachment of B. amphitrite and B. neritina, respectively, but the effects were reversible within a certain treatment time. Morphologically, butenolide inhibited the swelling of secretory granules and altered the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in the cement gland of B. amphitrite cyprids. In B. neritina swimming larvae, butenolide reduced the number of secretory granules in the pyriform-glandular complex.  相似文献   

Gregariousness in marine invertebrate larvae is an important regulator of benthic community structure. Previous laboratory settlement assays employing Balanus amphitrite Darwin cyprids found gregarious effects with as few as 3 larvae well(-1), together with modulation of such effects by chemical cues. Here, the relationship between settlement rate and larval density was rigorously tested through a fully randomised design. Seawater conditioned with adult B.amphitrite was tested alongside unconditioned seawater to determine the effect of a conspecific cue on gregarious interactions. Gregarious effects were detected in both conditioned and unconditioned seawater at < or =4 larvae well(-1). In untreated seawater, settlement rate increased linearly with larval density, levelling off at densities of > or =10 larvae well(-1). In conditioned seawater, settlement induction was observed at < or =4 larvae well(-1), switching to inhibition at 6, 8 and 10 larvae well(-1), before asymptoting at the highest densities tested. These results advocate the use of individual larvae in laboratory assays that investigate factors stimulating barnacle settlement.  相似文献   


The barnacle Balanus improvisus is the major fouling macroorganism in Swedish waters and it colonizes most man‐made surfaces submerged in the sea. New or impending legislation restricts the use of traditional, hazardous antifouling coatings based on heavy metals, mainly copper and tin. This calls for the development of new non‐toxic methods that prevent barnacle settlement. In this work several adrenoceptor compounds are shown to be very efficient in preventing the settlement of cyprid larvae of B. improvisus. The settlement rate of laboratory‐reared cyprids was studied in hydrophilised polystyrene dishes containing adrenoceptor antagonists and agonists dissolved in seawater. Two of these drugs, medetomidine and clonidine, repeatedly inhibited settlement at concentrations between 1 nM and 10 nM. In the vertebrate adrenoceptor classification system, which separates pharmacological substances according to their receptor affinity, both of these substances are classified as α2 adrenoceptor agonists. An inhibiting effect on presyn‐aptic receptors is suggested, but the localization of the receptor effect requires futher studies. Experiments also revealed that the inhibiting effect of medetomidine was reversible. Cyprids incubated with medetomidine for 20 h attached and metamorphosed into juvenile barnacles after washing and transferrence to seawater. The antagonizing compound atipamezole reversed the effect of medetomidine. This observation supports the assumption that this substance acts at the receptor level. Studies of the surface affinity of medetomidine revealed a strong tendency to accumulate in solid/ liquid phase boundaries. This ability makes it particularly attractive as a candidate for the development of a slow‐release carrier in marine coatings. Panels coated with medetomidine in an acrylate polymer and exposed in the field reduced the recruitment of B. improvisus by 96% after 4 weeks and by 70% after 8 weeks.  相似文献   

For sessile invertebrates, the degree to which dispersal mechanisms transport individuals away from their natal grounds can have significant ecological implications. Even though the larvae of the marine bryozoan Bugula stolonifera have limited dispersal potential, high levels of genetic mixing have been found within their conspecific aggregations. In this study, we investigated whether this high mixing within aggregations of B. stolonifera also resulted in high mixing between aggregations. Adult colonies were collected from five sites within and one site outside of Eel Pond, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, in August 2009 and genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Significant genotypic differentiation was found between most sites, suggesting limited connectivity across sites, even those separated by only 100 m. This investigation was extended to determine if low levels of genetic mixing throughout the reproductive season could result in increased homogeneity between sites. Four of the five sites in Eel Pond were sampled early, mid-, and late in the reproductive season in 2010, and again in early 2011. Inter- and intra-annual genotypic differentiation was then assessed within and between sites. Results from these analyses document that low levels of mixing could result in increased homogeneity between some aggregations, but that barriers to genetic exchange prevented mixing between most sites. Further, results from inter-annual comparisons within sites suggest that any potential homogeneity achieved throughout the reproductive season will likely be lost by the beginning of the next reproductive season due to the annual cycle of colony die-back and regrowth experienced by B. stolonifera colonies in Eel Pond.  相似文献   

Mutualistic relationships are beneficial for both partners and are often studied within a single environment. However, when the range of the partners is large, geographical differences in selective pressure may shift the relationship outcome from positive to negative. The marine bryozoan Bugula neritina is a colonial invertebrate common in temperate waters worldwide. It is the source of bioactive polyketide metabolites, the bryostatins. Evidence suggests that an uncultured vertically transmitted symbiont, “Candidatus Endobugula sertula”, hosted by B. neritina produces the bryostatins, which protect the vulnerable larvae from predation. Studies of B. neritina along the North American Atlantic coast revealed a complex of two morphologically similar sibling species separated by an apparent biogeographic barrier: the Type S sibling species was found below Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, while Type N was found above. Interestingly, the Type N colonies lack “Ca. Endobugula sertula” and, subsequently, defensive bryostatins; their documented northern distribution was consistent with traditional biogeographical paradigms of latitudinal variation in predation pressure. Upon further sampling of B. neritina populations, we found that both host types occur in wider distribution, with Type N colonies living south of Cape Hatteras, and Type S to the north. Distribution of the symbiont, however, was not restricted to Type S hosts. Genetic and microscopic evidence demonstrates the presence of the symbiont in some Type N colonies, and larvae from these colonies are endowed with defensive bryostatins and contain “Ca. Endobugula sertula”. Molecular analysis of the symbiont from Type N colonies suggests an evolutionarily recent acquisition, which is remarkable for a symbiont thought to be transmitted only vertically. Furthermore, most Type S colonies found at higher latitudes lack the symbiont, suggesting that this host-symbiont relationship is more flexible than previously thought. Our data suggest that the symbiont, but not the host, is restricted by biogeographical boundaries.  相似文献   

Settlement of many benthic marine invertebrates is stimulated by bacterial biofilms, although it is not known if patterns of settlement reflect microbial communities that are specific to discrete habitats. Here, we characterized the taxonomic and functional gene diversity (16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequencing analyses), as well as the specific bacterial abundances, in biofilms from diverse nearby and distant locations, both inshore and offshore, and tested them for their ability to induce settlement of the biofouling tubeworm Hydroides elegans, an inhabitant of bays and harbours around the world. We found that compositions of the bacterial biofilms were site specific, with the greatest differences between inshore and offshore sites. Further, biofilms were highly diverse in their taxonomic and functional compositions across inshore sites, while relatively low diversity was found at offshore sites. Hydroides elegans settled on all biofilms tested, with settlement strongly correlated with bacterial abundance. Bacterial density in biofilms was positively correlated with biofilm age. Our results suggest that the localized distribution of H. elegans is not determined by ‘selection’ to locations by specific bacteria, but it is more likely linked to the prevailing local ecology and oceanographic features that affect the development of dense biofilms and the occurrence of larvae.  相似文献   

Abstract A new rhizocephalan parasite which infests the barnacles Chthamalus challengeri and Balanus amphitrite amphitrite is described. It is known only from the type locality, Aburatsubo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Its position in the family Chthamalophilidae is assured by the cyprids lacking a thorax, by the position of the mesenteric canal opposite to the stalk, and by its host being a balanomorph barnacle. Among the three previously described species of the Chthamalophilidae, the new species most closely resembles Boschmaella balani, but it differs in details of the internal root system and in the externa being found both on the host body and on the inner mantle. About two-thirds of the infested hosts carry more than one externa.  相似文献   

The photoreceptors of adult barnacles use histamine as their neurotransmitter and take up (3)H-histamine selectively from the extracellular medium. We assayed for the uptake of (3)H-histamine into the eyes of the free-swimming (nauplius) and settling (cyprid) larval stages of Balanus amphitrite. The extracellular space of nauplii proved permeable to dyes below about 800 molecular weight (MW), indicating that (3)H-histamine (MW 111) introduced into seawater would have access to internal structures. (3)H-Histamine was taken up into nauplii by a process with a K(D) of 0.32 microM. Uptake was antagonized by chlorpromazine, which also blocks uptake of (3)H-histamine into adult photoreceptors. In autoradiographs of serial sections of nauplii and cyprids incubated in (3)H-histamine, the ocelli and compound eyes were labeled; other structures in the animal were not. No eyes or other structures were labeled with (3)H-serotonin, a related amine whose transporter commonly transports histamine as well. These experiments show that a histamine-specific transporter similar to that found in the adult is expressed in all of the eyes of barnacle larvae. In the ocelli, where photoreceptors and pigment cells may be distinguished in the light microscope, label was unexpectedly concentrated far more over the pigment cells than over the photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Gibbs surface energy has long been considered to be an important parameter in the design of fouling-resistant surfaces for marine applications. Rigorous testing of the hypothesis that settlement is related to Gibbs surface energy however has never been accomplished, due mainly to practical limitations imposed by the necessary combination of surface engineering and biological evaluation methods. In this article, the effects of surface charge and Gibbs surface energy on the settlement of cyprids of an important fouling barnacle, Balanus amphitrite, were evaluated. Settlement assays were conducted on a range of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) (CH3-, OH-, COOH-, N(CH3)3 +-, NH2-terminated), presented in gold-coated polystyrene well plates, varying in terms of their surface charge and Gibbs surface energy. Contrary to contemporary theory, settlement was not increased by high-energy surfaces, rather the opposite was found to be the case with cyprids settling in greater numbers on a low-energy CH3- SAM compared to a high-energy OH- SAM. Settlement was also greater on negatively-charged SAMs, compared to neutral and positively-charged SAMs. These findings are discussed in the context of data drawn from surfaces that varied in multiple characteristics simultaneously, as have been used previously for such experiments. The finding that surface charge, rather than total surface energy, may be responsible for surface selection by cyprids, will have significant implications for the design of future fouling-resistant materials.  相似文献   

Nick Aldred  Guozhu Li  Ye Gao 《Biofouling》2013,29(6):673-683
Zwitterionic polymers such as poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) (polySBMA) and poly(carboxybetaine methacrylate) (polyCBMA) have demonstrated impressive fouling-resistance against proteins and mammalian cells. In this paper, the effects of these surface chemistries on the settlement and behavior of an ubiquitous fouling organism, the cypris larva of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite (=Amphibalanus amphitrite), were studied in the laboratory. Conventional settlement assays and behavioral analysis of cyprids using Noldus Ethovision 3.1 demonstrated significant differences in settlement and behavior on different surfaces. Cyprids did not settle on the polySBMA or polyCBMA surfaces over the course of the assay, whereas settlement on glass occurred within expected limits. Individual components of cyprid behavior were shown to differ significantly between glass, polySBMA and polyCBMA. Cyprids also responded differently to the two zwitterionic surfaces. On polySBMA, cyprids were unwilling or unable to settle, whereas on polyCBMA cyprids did not attempt exploration and left the surface quickly. In neither case was toxicity observed. It is concluded that a zwitterionic approach to fouling-resistant surface development has considerable potential in marine applications.  相似文献   

Isethionic acid (2-hydroxyethane sulfonic acid) and floridoside (2-O-alpha-D-galactopyranosylglycerol) were extracted from the red alga, Grateloupia turuturu, and tested for anti-settlement activity against cyprid larvae of the tropical barnacle, Balanus amphitrite and for their toxicity to nauplius larvae. Isethionic acid was active for anti-settlement but had the disadvantage of being toxic to nauplius larvae. Floridoside was a potent inhibitor of cyprid settlement at non-toxic concentrations to nauplii (0.01 mg ml(-1)).  相似文献   

Gibbs surface energy has long been considered to be an important parameter in the design of fouling-resistant surfaces for marine applications. Rigorous testing of the hypothesis that settlement is related to Gibbs surface energy however has never been accomplished, due mainly to practical limitations imposed by the necessary combination of surface engineering and biological evaluation methods. In this article, the effects of surface charge and Gibbs surface energy on the settlement of cyprids of an important fouling barnacle, Balanus amphitrite, were evaluated. Settlement assays were conducted on a range of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) (CH(3)-, OH-, COOH-, N(CH(3))(3) (+)-, NH(2)-terminated), presented in gold-coated polystyrene well plates, varying in terms of their surface charge and Gibbs surface energy. Contrary to contemporary theory, settlement was not increased by high-energy surfaces, rather the opposite was found to be the case with cyprids settling in greater numbers on a low-energy CH(3)- SAM compared to a high-energy OH- SAM. Settlement was also greater on negatively-charged SAMs, compared to neutral and positively-charged SAMs. These findings are discussed in the context of data drawn from surfaces that varied in multiple characteristics simultaneously, as have been used previously for such experiments. The finding that surface charge, rather than total surface energy, may be responsible for surface selection by cyprids, will have significant implications for the design of future fouling-resistant materials.  相似文献   

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