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Improved site-directed mutagenesis method using PCR.   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文

We have developed a system which facilitates the rapid modification of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) insert DNA. Specific modifications, such as deletions, insertions and point mutations, can be generated by a two-step allele replacement method using the yeast translational suppressor, SUP4-o, as both a positive and negative selection. The introduction of the SUP4-o gene was successful in 4 out of 24 selected transformant colonies, while the subsequent homologous elimination occurred in 2 out of 30 colonies. The use of a simple, short-range PCR assay rapidly identified the correct events among the genetically selected isolates and should be generally applicable to YAC modifications.  相似文献   

Three-step PCR mutagenesis for 'linker scanning'.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
'Linker scanning' has been used as an efficient method for systematically surveying a segment of DNA for functional elements by mutagenesis. A three-step PCR method was developed to simplify this process. In this method, a set of 'mutation primers' was made with 6 to 8 base substitutions in the center of the primers. In the first PCR reaction, these 'mutation primers' are paired with an 3' primer from the opposite end of the analyzed sequences to form a 'ladder' of fragments containing the base pair substitutions. These are used as templates in the second PCR with the 3' primer as the only primer to generate single stranded sequences, which are used as primers in the third PCR paired with an 5' primer to complete the mutagenesis. We have tested the method in a mutation screen of the steroid sulfatase promoter. Its application to general site specific mutagenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Creating random mutagenesis libraries using megaprimer PCR of whole plasmid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Miyazaki K  Takenouchi M 《BioTechniques》2002,33(5):1033-4, 1036-8
The conventional method for cloning a DNA fragment is to insert it into a vector and ligate it. Although this method is commonly used, it is labor intensive because the ratio and concentrations of the DNA insert and the vector need optimizing. Even then, the resultant library is often plagued with unwanted plasmids that have no inserts or multiple inserts. These species have to be eradicated to avoid tedious screening, especially when producing a mutant gene library. To overcome these problems, we modified the QuikChange protocol so that each plasmid carries a single insert. Although the QuikChange was originally developed for site-directed mutagenesis using complementary mutagenic oligonucleotide primers in whole plasmid PCR, we found that the protocol also worked for megaprimers consisting of hundreds of nucleotides. Based on this discovery, we used insert fragments, which we wanted to clone, as the primers in the QuikChange reaction. The resultant libraries were virtually free from species with no inserts or multiple inserts. The present method, which we designated MEGAWHOP (megaprimer PCR of whole plasmid), is thus ideal for creating random mutagenesis megalibraries.  相似文献   

D H Jones  S C Winistorfer 《BioTechniques》1992,12(4):528-30, 532, 534-5
Two simple methods for site-specific mutagenesis are described and compared. In each method, the PCR is used in two separate amplifications to mutate the site of interest and to add ends to one PCR product that are homologous to the ends of the other PCR product. In the first method, the two products are combined, denatured and reannealed prior to transformation of E. coli in order to form recombinant circles in vitro, while in the second method, the two linear products are co-transfected directly into E. coli without prior manipulation, resulting in transformation of E. coli with the recombinant of interest by recombination in vivo. Each PCR amplification uses a plasmid template that has been linearized by restriction enzyme digestion outside the region to be amplified. This permits use of unpurified PCR products in these two protocols and generation of the mutant of interest with no other enzymatic manipulation in vitro apart from PCR amplification. In each protocol greater than or equal to 50% of the resulting clones contained the mutation of interest without detected errors.  相似文献   

A rapid method is described to efficiently perform site-directed mutagenesis based on overlap extension polymerase chain reaction (OE-PCR). Two template DNA molecules in different orientations relative to only one universal primer were amplified in parallel. By choosing a high dilution of mutagenic primers it was possible to run an overlap extension PCR in only one reaction without purification of intermediate products. This method which we have named one-step overlap extension PCR (OOE-PCR) can in principle be applied to every DNA fragment which can be cloned into a multiple cloning site of any common cloning vector.  相似文献   

To develop a simple, speedy, economical and widely applicable method for multiple-site mutagenesis, we have substantially modified the Quik-Change™ Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit protocol (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). Our new protocol consists of (i) a PCR reaction using an in vitro technique, LDA (ligation-during-amplification), (ii) a DpnI treatment to digest parental DNA and to make megaprimers and (iii) a synthesis of double-stranded plasmid DNA for bacterial transformation. While the Quik Change™ Kit protocol introduces mutations at a single site, requiring two complementary mutagenic oligonucleotides, our new protocol requires only one mutagenic oligonucleotide for a mutation site, and can introduce mutations in a plasmid at multiple sites simultaneously. A targeting efficiency >70% was consistently achieved for multiple-site mutagenesis. Furthermore, the new protocol allows random mutagenesis with degenerative primers, because it does not use two complementary primers. Our mutagenesis strategy was successfully used to alter the fluorescence properties of green fluorescent protein (GFP), creating a new-color GFP mutant, cyan-green fluorescent protein (CGFP). An eminent feature of CGFP is its remarkable stability in a wide pH range (pH 4–12). The use of CGFP would allow us to monitor protein localization quantitatively in acidic organelles in secretory pathways.  相似文献   

R I Near 《BioTechniques》1992,12(1):88-97
A technique, Replacement PCR Mutagenesis, was developed to replace one immunoglobulin variable region (V) in a M13 phage cassette with a different, homologous V. This allows the use of the same mutagenesis and subsequent expression vectors for many V regions or V segments. The method combines PCR of V fragments and in vitro mutagenesis. Primers homologous to 3' and 5' ends of both V regions initiate PCR synthesis of the V DNA fragment (donor) that will replace the V region (recipient) in M13. Donor V PCR DNA may originate from mRNA, cloned V genes or genomic templates. The donor V PCR DNA is denatured and annealed to the M13 cassette containing the recipient V to be supplanted. The second strand is synthesized, transfected into bacteria and mutant plaques selected by hybridization. Since restriction sites in primers are not required, altered primer-encoded amino acids are avoided. Further, the PCR donor piece can be of any length if it shares homology with the recipient gene. This allows construction and expression of complete gene replacements and chimeras. This method is also applicable to V "humanization" and studying sets of homologous genes containing polymorphic or evolutionary disparities. The potential uses of the technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Codon-based mutagenesis using dimer-phosphoramidites.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A new approach for the synthesis of randomized DNA sequences containing the 20 codons corresponding to all natural amino acids is described. The strategy is based on the use of dinucleotide phosphoramidite building blocks within a resin-splitting procedure. Through this protocol, a minimal number of seven dimers is sufficient to encode all 20 natural amino acids. This synthesis procedure is extremely flexible and allows codon usage from different hosts to be accommodated.  相似文献   

The sequence SRKKQxxP near the C-terminus is conserved in pyrophosphatases of the recently discovered family II and includes a triplet of positively charged residues, two of which (Arg295 and Lys296 in Bacillus subtilis pyrophosphatase) are part of the active site and one (Lys297) is not. The importance of this triplet for catalysis by B. subtilis pyrophosphatase has been estimated by mutational analysis. R295K and K296R substitutions were found to decrease the catalytic constant 650- and 280-fold, respectively, and decrease the pK(a) of the essential acidic group by 1.1 and 0.5, respectively. K297R substitution was found to increase the catalytic constant 4.7-fold and to markedly change the protein circular dichroism spectrum in the range 250-300 nm. These results, together with the results of theoretical modelling of the enzyme-substrate complex, provide support for the direct involvement of Arg295 and Lys296 in substrate binding in family II pyrophosphatases.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis of two previously cloned plant genes, maize storage protein cZ22B1 gene and barley Photosystem II protein D1 gene (psbA), was carried out. To improve the nutritional quality of zein, the DNA region corresponding to the protein sixth alpha-helix rod was substituted by a synthetic segment bearing three codon changes for Lys. Additional stabilization of this helix was achieved by three more codon changes for Glu. By means of oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis five different copies of psbA gene were obtained, bearing single codon change of Ser264 (wild type) for Gly, Ala, Cys, Asn, and Thr, respectively. These constructs can be used for studying functional topography of protein D1 and core region.  相似文献   

We describe a novel PCR-based method that allows the generation of nested termination fragments by integrating both selective DNA amplification and directed chain termination into a single PCR reaction. These termination fragments can be examined for sequence variation in either denaturing or non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels. This method provides a one-step and highly effective approach for the detection of both insertions/deletions and single base pair substitutions in sequences up to 1 kb in length.  相似文献   

We describe a rapid and efficient megaprimer PCR procedure for site-directed mutagenesis that does not require any intermediate purification of DNA between the two rounds of PCR. This protocol is based on the design of forward and reverse flanking primers with significantly different melting temperatures ( T m). A megaprimer is synthesized in the first PCR reaction using a mutagenic primer, the low T m flanking primer and a low annealing temperature. The second PCR reaction is performed in the same tube as the first PCR and utilizes the high T m flanking primer, the megaprimer product of the first PCR and a high annealing temperature, which prevents priming by the low T m primer from the first PCR reaction. We have used this protocol with two different plasmids to produce cDNAs encoding seven distinct mutated proteins. We have observed an average mutagenesis efficiency of 82% in these experiments.  相似文献   

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