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Multi-proxy palaeoecological data from two peat profiles at Esklets on the North York Moors upland provide a record of vegetation changes for much of the Holocene. Possible vegetation disturbance in the late Mesolithic and activity in the Neolithic and Bronze Age are recognised. In both profiles fine resolution analyses have been applied to the period leading up to the mid-Holocene Elm Decline which in this upland has been dated to ca. 4,800 bp (uncalibrated 14C years). Disturbance impacts at the Esklets Elm Decline are low scale, but phases of woodland disturbance, which include cereal (Hordeum)-type pollen, occur in both profiles ca. 5,200 bp, some centuries before the Elm Decline on the North York Moors, but similar to dates for this key palynological horizon in nearby lowland areas. A protocol is presented for the separation of Hordeum (cultivated species) and Glyceria (wild grass) pollen. The Esklets sites record disturbances during the late Mesolithic-Neolithic transition. These pre-Elm Decline disturbance phases represent either early penetration of neolithic cultivator-pastoralists into this upland or the activities of final mesolithic foragers. No neolithic archaeological sites occur nearby, but a ‘Terminal Mesolithic’ flint site dominated by microlith ‘rod’ forms occurs close to the palaeoecological sites. Such rod sites are dated in northern England to the centuries leading up to 5,000 bp and so are contemporary with the disturbance phases that included Hordeum-type pollen at Esklets. The cultural context of these disturbance phases and the role of ‘rod’ microlith sites during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition require further focused research to clarify all issues relating to this important period.  相似文献   

Pollen, micro-charcoal and non-pollen palynomorph (NPP) data from the mid Holocene Ulmus decline and the preceding millennium have provided evidence of repeated fire disturbance of the upland woodland at Bluewath Beck Head, on the North York Moors in northeast England. Woodland disturbance coincides with the Ulmus decline, which at several similar upland sites in northern England is dated to ca. 4800 uncal b.p. (ca. 5550 cal b.p.), and so to the early Neolithic period. Two fire events occur within a cycle of disturbance and regeneration between about 6100 (ca. 6950 cal b.p.) and 5700 b.p. (ca. 6475 cal b.p.), placing them in the later stages of the Late Mesolithic hunter-gatherer occupation of the upland and near the start of the transition to early Neolithic agricultural economies. Increased Melampyrum and Corylus pollen percentages characterise the post-fire vegetation response. These disturbances probably resulted from human activity, suggesting that fire was an integral part of the Late Mesolithic ecology. The local origin of some NPPs greatly enhances the palaeoecological interpretation, showing variations in the hydrological responses to disturbance that are much less visible in the pollen record, and helping to distinguish between local and regional vegetation changes. Other NPPs indicate burning near to the site. A substantial peak in spores of the wood-rot fungus Kretzschmaria deusta across the Ulmus decline may indicate girdling and other woodland management techniques as part of Neolithic woodland farming.  相似文献   

Abstract A method for constructing fire histories has recently been proposed for fire‐prone southern Australia based on the pattern of coloured bands in the remnant leaf‐bases on stems of grasstrees (Xanthorrhoea species; Xanthorrhoeaceae). In the absence of alternative high‐resolution techniques extending into the premodern period, this method has been utilized to construct fire histories for forest, woodland and shrubland ecosystems, principally in south‐western Australia. However, the technique has not been validated against known fire histories spanning more than one fire interval. Here we compare fire records from 100 grasstrees with a 30‐year record (1973–2002) of fire data derived from satellite imagery in a region of sandplain shrubland vegetation near Eneabba in south‐western Australia. Fires occurred in eight of the 30 years of the satellite record, with sampled grasstrees burning between zero and four times. The grasstree and satellite records agreed in terms of the overall incidence of fires experienced over the 30‐year period, with the grasstree record matching the satellite record significantly better than chance. However, comparison of the grasstree and satellite records found substantial error in the rate of both false positives and false negatives. Grasstrees failed to identify fire in 83% of fire occurrences identified by the satellite record, down to 53% if an error of ±2 years in the attribution of year of fire was allowed. A similar proportion of grasstree fire incidents were not matched in the satellite record (false positives). The rate of false positives increased with time before present, suggesting a temporal bias in the grasstree record. It is clear that the grasstree record does reflect fire history to a degree, but that it contains at least as many false as true fire records and may tend towards over‐reporting the incidence of fire in the past.  相似文献   

For ecosystems perceived as degraded, but for which the causal factors or timescales for the degradation are disputed or not known, long-term (palaeo-)ecological records may aid understanding and lead to more meaningful conservation approaches. To help ‘bridge the gap’ between (very) long-term ecology and contemporary ecology for practical application, there have been calls for working relationships to be established between palaeoecologists and conservation ecologists. One environment in which this has been attempted is blanket mire. Many blanket mires in Europe are degraded and contain few sphagna. In South Wales, almost all exhibit symptoms of degradation, with dominance by purple moor grass (Molinia caerulea) widespread. We used palaeoecological techniques on three peat profiles in the Brecon Beacons to investigate vegetation history of high-altitude blanket mire to help assess the relative contribution of various factors in mire degradation and to inform strategies for mire conservation and restoration management. We found that declines in sphagna preceded the rise to dominance of monocotyledons. Macrofossil records showed that although Molinia was already present on the Beacons before the start of the industrial revolution, its major rise to dominance in one profile was within the 20th Century, coincident with evidence for local fire. In another profile, it was out-competed by Eriophorum vaginatum after the start of the industrial revolution; there is circumstantial evidence to suggest that a reduction in burning contributed to the rise in E. vaginatum. Conservation management to reduce the current local dominance of both Eriophorum and Molinia is supported by the palaeoecological data, but severe erosion and hagging of peat will constrain practical methods for achieving this on the Beacons until the peat is stabilised. We suggest that palaeoecological techniques have wider applicability in conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract: The local fire history of a coastal swamp catchment in New South Wales was reconstructed using two proxy records of fire: sedimentary macroscopic charcoal and fire‐scar analyses of Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. The charcoal analysis provided a record of fire activity spanning the last 2800 years, while the Xanthorrhoea record covered the last approx. 300 years. The ability of each method to accurately record fire events was verified by cross referencing against the recent (post 1968) historic fire record. Fire history was then extrapolated beyond the historic record, to reveal an unprecedented level of fire activity in the last 35 years, which coincides with increased human activity in the area. In the prehistoric period charcoal and fire scars are comparatively rare, which is most parsimoniously ascribed to little fire activity, but perhaps represents skilful fire manipulation, as is often attributed to Aboriginal people. The comparatively minor fluctuations in macroscopic charcoal during the prehistoric period were approximately coeval with previous evidence of late Holocene environmental change in south‐eastern Australia, suggesting that fire frequency at the site responded to climatic variability. The longer temporal perspective of this palaeoenvironmental approach provides information for the contemporary management of fire in this conservation reserve.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the Neolithic and Early Copper Age (ECA) part of two pollen records from the Middle Tisza Floodplain in association with the local archaeological settlement record. We address the hypothesis of Willis and Bennett (2004) that there was little human impact by farmers on the environment of SE Europe until the Bronze Age. Contrary to this hypothesis, our results show that small-scale agriculture and woodland clearance is already attestable in the earliest Neolithic in Eastern Hungary, there are signs of expanding scale of mixed farming in the Middle Neolithic and strong evidence for extensive landscape alterations with enhanced pasturing and mixed farming in the Late Neolithic (LN) and ECA. The main vegetation exploitation techniques in the alluvial plain of Sarló-hát were selective tree felling (mainly Quercus), coppicing (mainly Corylus and Ulmus) and woodland clearance to establish grazing pastures and small-scale crop farming. Comparison with other well-dated pollen diagrams from Eastern Hungary suggested that, in the Early and Middle Neolithic (8000–7000?cal.?b.p.), Corylus and Ulmus coppicing were probably frequent, while pastoral activities and associated woodland clearance is distinguished in the LN (7000–6500?cal.?b.p.). Our data also suggested a shift to moister summer conditions in the alluvium during the ECA, which may have contributed to a trend towards settlement dispersion and increased reliance on animal husbandry in the NE Hungarian Plain.  相似文献   

Pollen, microscopic charcoal and peat humification analyses were applied to radiocarbon-dated peat cores to examine environmental change before and after the mid-Holocene transition from hunter-gatherer (Mesolithic) to agricultural (Neolithic) communities in presently marginal upland pasture at Stanshiel Rig, Annandale, southern Scotland. The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in northern Britain is characterised by a number kf key environmental changes as well as economic shifts, including temporal patterns of fire and the Ulmus decline. Deliberate vegetation modification by Mesolithic communities is not demonstrable at Stanshiel Rig, and openings in the woodland canopy may have been promoted by grazing by wild animals or have been a consequence of climate change. Changes in fire frequency are also correlated with peat- and pollen-stratigraphic evidence for shifts to a drier climate in the late Mesolithic, probably mediated through pedological and biomass-storage change. A single Ulmus decline occurred between ca. 5650 and 5600 cal B. P., and is related here to climate change. Neolithic-age impacts on the woodland were limited, and no cereal-type pollen were found. The difference between hunter-gatherer and opportunistic farmer/hunter-gatherer at this locally is argued to be insignificant, or not detectable palynologically. Received October 4, 2001 / Accepted July 22, 2002 Correspondence to: S. M. Cayless  相似文献   

Recent high-latitude warming is increasing the vulnerability of permafrost to thaw, which is amplified by local disturbances such as fire. However, the long-term ecological effects and carbon dynamics are not well understood. Here we present a 2200-year record of pollen, plant macrofossils, testate amoebae, and apparent carbon (C) accumulation rates from two peat cores in a collapse-scar bog (thermokarst) near Fairbanks, Alaska. A black spruce ecosystem with low apparent C accumulation rates existed on the site during the first ~1500 years of the record. We identify two thaw events, which are linked to local fires. Permafrost aggraded rapidly following the first thaw, which we attribute to local vegetation feedbacks and a cooler climate. The second thaw event at 525 cal y BP is preceded by a stand-replacing fire, as evidenced by a drastic decline in Picea and an initial increase in Epilobium, Salix, and ericaceous shrubs, followed by a sustained increase in Populus. Locally, the forest does not recover for more than 100 years, and the site has remained permafrost-free for the last 500 years. Following thaw, average apparent C accumulation rates (60 to >100 g C m?2 y?1) are 5–6 times higher than average boreal C accumulation rates, indicating that peat C accumulation rates can remain substantially elevated for much more than a century following thaw. The low apparent C accumulation for the formerly forested, permafrost peat (<5 g C m?2 y?1) may suggest that C accumulation increases substantially following thaw, but it remains unknown whether deep peat C loss occurred immediately following thaw. Well-preserved Sphagnum peat dominates during this period of rapid accumulation, except for an interval from ~400 to 275 cal y BP which alternates between Sphagnum and vascular plant-dominated peat and wetter, minerotrophic conditions. A decline in Picea pollen during this interval and again ~100 cal y BP suggests a decrease in suitable substrate for tree growth likely attributable to thermokarst expansion on the collapse-scar margin. These findings suggest that the combined effects of fire and thermokarst will result in a long-term reduction of spruce ecosystems in interior Alaska.  相似文献   

Two 17,000-yr-old peat bog records from low-elevation sites in Tierra del Fuego (Harberton, 54°54′S) and southern Patagonia (Río Rubens, 52°4′48″S) and one c. 14,000 cal yr BP record from the upper treeline in Tierra del Fuego (Paso Garibaldi, 54°43′S) were analyzed for pollen, charcoal, and plant macrofossils to reconstruct changes in regional and local vegetation, fire frequency, and bog hydrology, respectively. Past environmental changes in both lowland records and in the upper treeline record are interpreted in terms of variations in effective moisture. During the late-glacial period, effective moisture changes at both low and high-elevation sites were interpreted from comparable shifts between mesic herb-rich grasslands and arid Empetrum heath or shrub-grassland with abundant disturbance indicators. The late-glacial effective moisture changes were primarily driven by temperature changes. During the early Holocene, expansion of open Nothofagus woodlands in the lowlands in present-day areas of dense forest was related to a marked precipitation increase. However, precipitation must have remained highly variable with century-long periods of increased summer drought, as evidenced by repeated intervals when bogs dried out and fire frequency was high. Up-slope shifts of the Nothofagus forest — Andean tundra ecotone at 11,000 and 9000 cal yr BP also appear to reflect precipitation increases. Precipitation variability, however, must not have affected the upper treeline environments as no fires were recorded and the present-day Nothofagus forest had become established after 9000 cal yr BP. Upper treeline apparently was below present from 8000 to 7000 and 2500 to c. 400 cal yr BP. During those times low-elevation environments did not register change which suggests that the upper treeline may have been affected by lower temperatures. After c. 5000 cal yr BP fires became rare in the lowlands, suggesting a shift to an equable precipitation regime with only minor intervals of summer drought. No simultaneous change was recorded at the upper treeline. Thus, for the late-glacial and early Holocene the upper and lower treeline environments apparently responded similarly to primarily moisture changes. Only during the mid- and late Holocene environmental changes at high and low elevations differed, suggesting responses to different climate signals, precipitation in the lowlands and temperature at high elevation.  相似文献   

黔西高原MIS3-MIS2期炭屑记录与火灾模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火灾与气候、植被存在复杂的关系,搞清东亚季风区的火灾模式及其发生机制,对预测未来气候变化及火灾防治具有重要意义。通过对黔西高原MIS3—MIS2期间的古湖相沉积物进行炭屑分析并结合AMS~(14)C测年数据研究发现:MIS3晚期以来研究区的火灾主要发生于36.3—35 cal ka BP、26.2—17.6 cal ka BP期间,中粒炭屑和大炭屑分别在35、26.2、23.6 cal ka BP记录到3次地方火。研究区炭屑记录对冷干事件响应敏感,炭屑峰值区对应Heinrich事件(H事件)、末次冰盛期(LGM)等干旱事件,低值区对应DO事件,呈现千年旋回的特征。比对东亚地区的炭屑记录发现,在大范围的东亚季风区MIS2期比MIS3末期在火的强度和频率上都要高,与欧洲模式显著不同。火的发生机制可能受气候因素的控制,同时受植被类型的影响。  相似文献   

As a reference for ongoing studies reconstructing past vegetation, climate and environment, pollen spectra in tundra peat profiles from Svalbard, were investigated. The base of tundra peat cores collected from Ny Ålesund, Stuphallet, Blomstrand and Isdammen has been 14C dated to 350–490 BP, 5710 BP, 4670 BP and 700–900 BP, respectively. The Stuphallet and Blomstrand (Brøggerhalvøya) peat profiles were composed of a peat developed in a nutrient enriched and wet tundra environment of steep birdcliffs. Pollen concentrations were low, Brassicaceae pollen dominated the whole profile. In contrast, the Ny Ålesund and Isdammen profiles contained high pollen concentrations and suggest a nutrient-poor, dry tundra environment. Pollen of the polar willow, Salix polaris, occurred commonly throughout all four peat profiles. In the relatively high resolution (10 years per peat core sample) analysis of the Ny Ålesund core, starting before or at the beginning of the Little Ice Age (LIA, 16th-mid 19th century), dominance of Saxifraga oppositifolia indicates a cold and dry climate, followed by a decline of Saxifraga oppositifolia and gradual increase of Salix polaris after the LIA, which indicates a moist and milder climate.  相似文献   

A temperate peatland located in the St. Lawrence lowlands (Southern Québec) was studied in order to specify the past influence of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on its postglacial development. Seven profiles were analysed for pollen, macroremains, microfossils, macro- and microcharcoal, and loss-on-ignition. Fire incidence was important between 9300 and 8200 cal b.p. and during the last 300 years. The Early Holocene fires were contemporaneous with local waterlogged conditions, which prevented the destruction of peat. In contrast, the effects of the recent fires were enhanced by surface dryness resulting from the creation of at least six successive ditch networks over the entire peatland. The modification of the local hydrology and the regular occurrence of fire induced profound vegetation changes. The bryophytic carpet notably regressed in favour of a shrubby coverage, dominated by Chamaedaphne calyculata, Aronia melanocarpa and Betula populifolia. The results obtained suggest that rehabilitation of such an ecosystem is realistic, although relatively urgent in order to preserve the relict populations of endangered species, such as Woodwardia virginica and Dendroica palmarum. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings based on a palynological investigation of artificially accreting (plaggen) soils from the settlement of Village Bay, Hirta, in the St Kilda archipelago, which was perhaps the most distant and inhospitable outpost of sustained human habitation in the British Isles. The soils were developed principally through the addition of turf ash and seabird waste, although some ash may have been derived from upland peats. It is assumed that the woodland pollen signal (much lower in the soils than in an upland peat site nearby) represents off-island sources. Corylus avellana-type pollen (frequent in upland sites), along with Potentilla-type, may provide markers in the Village Bay profiles for the addition of ashed hillside turf, and possibly peat, to the plaggen soils. Cereal-type pollen is well represented through the profiles and is often strongly associated with the record for Chrysanthemum segetum (corn marigold), a frequent indicator of arable land. The Brassicaceae signal may partly reflect the cultivation of cabbages; Chelidonium majus (greater celandine) may have been grown for medicinal use. Soil mixing has rendered radiocarbon dating meaningless at this site, but the establishment of a change in cultivation regime before AD 1830 may have been identified from the patterns of pollen concentration and preservation in the profiles.  相似文献   

Golden nematode, Globodera rostochiensis (GN) population decline under resistant potatoes was related to cyst distance from plants 23 cm apart in rows 92 cm apart. GN decline, determined by sampling an infested field planted to the resistant cultivar ''Yankee Chipper'', was 81.8% in cores 11.5 cm from plants within rows. Decline was 27.4% at 23 cm from plants between rows and 36.6% at 46 cm. Population decline of juveniles in cysts added to soil in bags was 90.3% for cysts 11.5 cm from plants within rows planted to the resistant cultivar ''Rosa''. Decline between rows was 83.5, 76.9, and 60.4% at 11.5, 23.0, and 46.0 cm from plants, respectively. Maximum decline within for rows 30.5, 46.0, 61.0, and 92.0 cm apart, respectively. Decline under fallow was 43.5%, signif- which peaked 7 weeks AE. There was no effect of soil depth on population decline at any sampling position. Decreasing row spacing resulted in 79.9, 74.2, 73.4, and 66.1% GN population decline for rows 30.5, 46.0, 61.0, and 92.0 cm apart, respectively. Decline under fallow was 43.5%, significantly less than under potatoes. Potato root weight between rows was negatively correlated with row spacing and positively correlated with GN population decline.  相似文献   

Transition zones between forest and savanna in northern South America are important areas for improving our understanding of ecosystem dynamics and climate change. The uniquely available mid-Holocene sediment deposits from the Serra do Tepequém plateau in Roraima State, northwestern Brazil, were used to analyze past forest-savanna dynamics through pollen, spores, microcharcoal and loss on ignition (LOI). In this newly studied landscape, two distinct periods of vegetation, fire and climate dynamics have been recorded. The first phase from ca. 7,570 to 6,190 cal bp, with the dominance of savanna vegetation in particular with Poaceae and Cyperaceae and some small forest patches with Moraceae/Urticaceae, Alchornea and Schefflera, indicates a relatively dry period. Based on the microcharcoal concentration and influx data, frequent regional fires occurred at that time. The second phase from ca. 6,190 to 4,900 cal bp shows a change in the vegetation composition with an increase of Ilex, Schefflera and Fabaceae. In this period forest expanded, while savanna became reduced, reflecting an increase of wetter conditions. The fire frequency was markedly lower. The first occurrence of Mauritia flexuosa palm was at ca. 7,300 cal bp and an early expansion occurred at around 6,600 cal bp. This early expansion of M. flexuosa showed a development that was in opposition to the increase of fire and savanna expansion found in other regions in northern South America. The increase of wetter conditions in Serra do Tepequém in the mid-Holocene confirms other results found in savannas of Colombia and Venezuela between 7,000 and 6,600 cal bp.  相似文献   

Many peatlands have a recent history of being degraded by extraction, drainage, burning, overgrazing and atmospheric pollution often leading to erosion and loss of peat mass. Restoration schemes have been implemented aimed at rewetting peatlands, encouraging revegetation of bare peat or shifting the present vegetation assemblage to an alternative. Here we demonstrate the use of palaeoecological techniques that allow reconstruction of the historical development of a blanket peatland and provide a historical context from which legitimate restoration targets can be determined and supported. We demonstrate the applicability of simple stratigraphic techniques to provide a catchment-wide peatland development history and reinforce this with a detailed macrofossil reconstruction from a central core. Analysis at Keighley Moor Reservoir Catchment in northern England showed that the present vegetation state was ‘atypical’ and has been characteristic for only the last c. 100 years. Sphagnum moss was an important historic contributor to the vegetation cover between 1500 years ago and the early 1900s. Until the early 1900s Sphagnum occurrence fluctuated with evidence of fire, routinely returning after fire demonstrating good resilience of the ecosystem. However, from the turn of the 20th century, Sphagnum levels declined severely, coincident initially with a wildfire event but remaining extremely diminished as the site regularly underwent managed burning to support grouse moor gun sports where practitioners prefer a dominant cover of heather. It is suggested that any intention to alter land management at the site to raise water tables and encourage greater Sphagnum abundance is in line with peatland development at the site over the past 1500 years. Similar palaeoecological studies providing historical context could provide support for restoration targets and changes to peatland management practice for sites globally.  相似文献   

Aim This paper aims to reconstruct a high‐resolution fire and vegetation history from a period when humans were absent in Australia. This is then used to comment on the frequency of natural fire in high biodiversity heathland, and to compare this with historical fire regime in the same region. Methods A section of varved sediment covering a period of c. 84 years was taken from Palaeolake Yallalie in south‐western Australia. The sediments were separated into approximately single to small multiples of years and then analysed for charcoal, pollen and sediment analysis to reconstruct the environmental conditions at the time. Results The charcoal record indicates fire recurrence to have been roughly between 5 and 13 years, a little longer than those of the historical period. The pollen record was dominated by Casuarinaceae, Myrtaceae and a large number of Proteaceae species; these are intermixed with Araucariaceae, Nothofagus and Podocarpus. This suggests there was a mix of sclerophyll woodland and a mosaic of rain forest elements, thus conditions must have been wetter, particularly in the summers, compared with today. Conclusions We assume that fire was most likely confined to the sclerophyll vegetation, and that fire has been a significant feature of the environment long before humans entered Australia. The slightly longer fire recurrence times compared with the present result from the intermittent nature of lightning and wetter summers at the time.  相似文献   

The palaeoenvironment and age of coal-bearing lacustrine deposits in the Jidong Basin, Heilongjiang Province, is poorly understood. New pollen data from the Yongqing Formation and the overlying lower part of the Daqingshan Formation recovered in borehole 91-205 revealed a rich and diverse palynoflora representing approximately 70 taxa at the genus/family level. Of these taxa, Ulmus, Quercus, Carya, Liquidambar, Pinus, Tilia, Fagus, and Alnus are the main woody elements; these occur together with numerous pteridophytes, subordinate herbs, and rare algae and acritarchs. Abundant woody taxa suggest a mixed deciduous/conifer forest in the region in association with local shrubs, herbs and algal communities. Some of the pollen types, especially those of climate sensitive genera such as Ulmus, Carya, Liquidambar and Fagus, vary considerably in relative abundances, suggesting climate variability. The reflected climate shows an overall trend towards cooling or deterioration which is largely in agreement with global climate change during the Neogene.Comparisons of the pollen record with representative datasets from neighbouring areas, together with the appearance of the highly-evolved genus Artemisia, suggest that the Yongqing Formation and the lower part of the Daqingshan Formation are of Miocene age.  相似文献   

We measured the carbon isotopic composition of pore water carbon dioxide from Sallie’s Fen, a New Hampshire poor fen. The isotope profiles are used in combination with a one‐dimensional diffusion–reaction model to calculate rates of methane production, oxidation and transport over an annual cycle. We show how the rates vary with depth over a seasonal cycle, with methane produced deeper during the winter months and at progressively shallower depths into the summer season. The rates of methane production, constrained by the measured δ13Cdic profiles, cannot explain high methane emission during the summer. We suggest that much of the methane produced during this time comes either from the unsaturated peat, or from the top 1–3 cm of saturated peat where episodic exchange with the atmosphere makes it invisible to our method.  相似文献   

Question: The role edges play in mediating the effects of disturbance is unclear. Bayhead tree islands, which experience above‐ and belowground fire, contain trees that recover from disturbance by seed (Pinus elliottii var. densa) and by sprouting (Gordonia lasianthus). How does distance‐to‐edge affect survival and post‐fire response of trees with these contrasting life‐history strategies? Location: Two bayhead tree islands at Archbold Biological Station, central Florida, North America. Methods: Stem diameter, depth of peat smoldering, char height, resprouting status, and location were recorded for all Pinus and Gordonia stems ≥8 cm. Distance to the edge of the tree island was quantified using GIS. Results: The focal species showed contrasting patterns of survival across the edge‐to‐interior gradient that reflected gradients of fire severity. Survival of Gordonia was lowest in the bayhead interior where peat smolder was deepest. Conversely, survival of Pinus was lowest near the edges where char heights were greatest. The distinct types of Gordonia resprouting (crown versus basal) also showed spatially contrasting patterns. Basal resprouting dominated near the edges and was positively influenced by char height, while crown resprouting was nearly constant across the edge‐to‐interior gradient and was negatively influenced by char height. Conclusions: The spatial patterns of tree survival and resprouting observed are likely due to gradients in intensity of peat smoldering and aboveground burning, coupled with differential susceptibility to these two types of fire. Despite the rarity of fire in wetland tree islands (compared to uplands) it may play an important role in structuring the spatial distribution of trees.  相似文献   

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