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Based on a recent fieldwork in Panama, 25 species of rust fungi and several new hosts are reported for the first time from this country. Among the new records is one new species, Dicheirinia panamensis on Cojoba rufescens (Fabaceae). It differs from known species in the genus Dicheirinia by the presence of uredinia and telia without paraphyses, irregularly tuberculate urediniospores with two germ pores on the flattened sides, and tuberculate teliospores formed by three probasidial cells, subtended by a pedicel with three hyaline, apical cells. Taxonomical novelty: Dicheirinia panamensis J.R. Hern.,M. Piepenbr. and Vega Rios.  相似文献   

Hofmann TA  Piepenbring M 《Mycologia》2011,103(6):1284-1301
Two new species of the genus Asterina are described from living leaves collected in provinces Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro in western Panama. Asterina alloplecti on Alloplectus ichtyoderma (Gesneriaceae) differs from other Asterina on Gesneriaceae by its stalked appressoria and host relationship. Asterina compsoneurae on Compsoneura sprucei (Myristicaceae) can be distinguished from other members of Asterina on Myristicaceae by its larger ascomata, larger, prominently spinose ascospores and host relationship. New records for Panama are Asterina corallopoda from a new host plant species (Solanum trizygum, Solanaceae), A. diplopoda, A. ekmanii from a new host plant species (Gonzalagunia rudis, Rubiaceae), A. siphocampyli from a new host plant genus and species (Burmeistera vulgaris, Campanulaceae) and A. styracina from a new host-plant species (Styrax argenteus, Styracaceae). This study increases the number of species of Asterina known for Panama from 12 to 19 and the number of Asterinaceae from 14 to 21. Asterina corallopoda, A. diplopoda, A. ekmanii, A. siphocampyli and A. styracina are illustrated for the first time. A phylogeny inferred from the analysis of LSU rDNA sequences of species of Asterina is presented. The diversity and host-plant patterns of known Neotropical species of Asterina are discussed.  相似文献   

New species and records of cercosporoid hyphomycetes from Panama   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Cercosporoid hyphomycetes on living leaves of plants were collected in Panama, identified, described, and illustrated. Newly described species are Passalora guraniae from Gurania sp. (Cucurbitaceae), Pseudocercospora arrabidaeae from Arrabidaea cf. candicans (Bignoniaceae), Pseudocercospora hymenaeae from Hymenaea courbaril (Caesalpinioideae/Fabaceae), Pseudocercospora solandrae from Solandra sp. (Solanaceae), and Verrucisporota struthanthicola from Struthanthus sp. (Loranthaceae). New reports for Panama are Cercospora glauciana from a new host plant genus (Rhynchospora, Cyperaceae), Pseudocercospora acalyphicola from a new host plant species (Acalypha macrostachya, Euphorbiaceae), Pseudocercospora cecropiae, Pseudocercospora cecropiicola, Pseudocercospora cecropiigena, Pseudocercospora mirandensis, and Ramularia rubella.  相似文献   

Recently obtained material of Callionymus from the Pacific Ocean includes: Callionymus marquesensis sp. n. (Marquesas Islands), characterized within the C. variegatus-group of the subgenus Calliurichthys by its preopercular spine formula of with an upcurved main tip and a bony keel between the points on the dorsal margin, and a spotted dorsal fin without filaments which is higher than the 1st D2 ray in both sexes; C. pleurostictus Fricke, 1982, record from New Britain and Solomon Islands, with a discussion of competition with C. delicatulus; C.simplicicornis Valenciennes, 1837, record from Society Islands and Marquesas Islands, with a discussion of competition with C. marquesensis; C. obscurus sp. n. (Ambon, Indonesia) which is characterized within the subgenus Spini-capitichthys by its preopercular spine formula with an upcurved main tip and very small ventral serrae, its weakly armed head, and its 7 anal fin rays.  相似文献   

Populations of hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna and Eusphyra) have declined in many regions of the world. Six of the eight hammerheads known to date are distributed in the Mexican Pacific: S. corona, S. lewini, S. media, S. mokarran, S. tiburo and S. zygaena. These species, with exception of S. corona, were abundant in the Gulf of California in 1960s. I analyze records from fishery-dependent and fishery-independent surveys, and records from ichthyological collections to determine the presence and frequency of hammerheads in the Mexican Pacific. The most frequent hammerheads in fishery-dependent and fishery-independent surveys were S. lewini and S. zygaena. It appears that S. media, S. mokarran and S. tiburo might have been extirpated from the Gulf of California. In the last two decades, records of S. mokarran (n = 61) were restricted to Central and Southern Mexican Pacific, and records of S. tiburo (n = 3) and S. media (n = 3) were restricted to the Southern region. Given the continued fishing pressure, inferred declines and the probable extirpation of populations, S. tiburo and S. media should be reassessed for the IUCN red list as Endangered or Critically Endangered. Sphyrna corona should be reassessed as Endangered or Critically Endangered, because it is endemic to the Eastern Pacific and recent records have been obtained only from Colombian waters. The Endangered status of S. mokarran is confirmed for this region.  相似文献   

Species of Laboulbenia on ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) collected in a mountain rainforest in Western Panama are described and illustrated. A new species of Laboulbenia on carabids of the genus Platynus (Platynini) in Panama is proposed. It differs from the other species of Laboulbenia mainly by curved thalli and longitudinally twisted wall cells of the perithecia with lips oriented towards strongly branched appendages. L. decipiens, L. pseudomasei, L. subpunctata, and L. tenera are newly recorded for Panama. Only one species collected during the survey is already known for Panama, L. flagellata.  相似文献   

Four of the 27 Pacific sleeper sharks (Somniosus pacificus Bigelow and Schroeder) captured in the western North Pacific Ocean off eastern Taiwan between 19 March and 18 May 2002 hosted the parasitic copepod Dinemoura ferox (Kr?yer, 1838) on their body surface including the fins. This report documents a new host record as well as a new ocean record for D. ferox, which until now has only been reported from the benthopelagic sharks, Somniosus microcephalus (Bloch and Schneider) and Centrophorus squamosus (Bonnaterre), occurring in the north Atlantic Ocean off Greenland and Iceland.  相似文献   

Growth and mortality rates and maximum sizes are examined for16 urchin species using, primarily, values from the literature.A positive correlation exists between the Brody-Bertalanffygrowth constant K and the instantaneous natural mortality rateM: those urchins which approach maximum size very rapidly alsohave a high mortality rate. It is proposed that this relationshipis the result of the way particular species allocate resources.Those species in which individuals grow rapidly and expend alarge fraction of their resources on reproduction have lessto spend on maintenance. The result of this allocation is thatthese individuals suffer a decreased probability of survival.Predictable recruitment success is suggested as the factor whichdetermines whether a species can persist with fast rowth andshort life.  相似文献   

Two new species from upland Panama,Licania chiriquiensis Prance (Chrysobalanaceae), andDichapetalum gentryi Prance. (Dichapetalaceae), are described and illustrated, and their relationships within their respective genera are discussed.  相似文献   


Through 2014, 73 species of microcaddisflies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) were recorded from Panama. From 2015 to the present, an additional 91 species have been discovered. The reasons for this increase include more intensive collecting, repeated sampling over time at the same locations, and use of multiple collecting techniques. For the countries from Mexico to Colombia, only Mexico, Panama, and Costa Rica have been significantly collected. Calculation of Jaccard Similarity values amongst these three countries indicates little similarity amongst their hydroptilid faunas (all less than 10%). The affinity of Panama with other neighbouring regions is greatest within Central America and with Mexico. Based on recent work (2015–2017), we project a minimum of 300 microcaddisfly species and 550 total caddisfly species will be recorded for Panama within the next 10 years. At present, the greatest need is for training of native Panamanians in caddisfly systematics and biogeography.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2023,26(1):102015
Two new species of Onthophagus Latreille, 1802 from the Pacific Slope of Mexico are described and illustrated: Onthophagus gonzaloi Moctezuma, Hernández & Sánchez-Huerta, sp. nov., and Onthophagus yescaensis Moctezuma, Hernández & Sánchez-Huerta, sp. nov. New records for Onthophagus browni Howden & Cartwright, 1963 from the Mexican states of Jalisco (the southernmost locality known to date) and Zacatecas are provided.urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:51AA52C6-41BF-4A8B-9BC9-D78600EDB32E.  相似文献   

Santa Cruz and El Gambute, two mangrove systems with associated tidal flats, were sampled in Coiba National Park, Coiba Island, Pacific of Panama. At each site, two samplings were done at low, middle and high intertidal levels in February and November of 1997. A new orbiniid species were found: Orbinia oligopapillata n. sp. is characterized by having 15-16 thoracic chaetigers with four or five rows of uncini and up to three papilliform postchaetal processes on neuropodial lobes by the abdominal parapodia bearing flail-tipped neurochaetae, and by the presence on anterior-most abdominal chaetigers of interramal cirri and a low number of subpodial and stomach papillae. A specimen belonging to genus Leitoscoloplos Day, 1977 is described as "Leitoscoloplos sp.", characterized by the lateral pouches on its abdominal chaetigers, a unique case for the family because these brooding structures have only been previously cited in two species of Scoloplos. Naineris sp. is characterized by the number of its thoracic chaetigers, branchiae, uncini and bilobed abdominal neuropodia with protruding aciculae.  相似文献   

The echinoid fauna of the Gulf of Mexico collected during three research cruises (20-1260 m depth) was surveyed from samples were taken at 43 stations. A total of 190 individuals were identified (eight orders, 11 families, 15 genera and 18 species). Six species are new records for the Gulf of Mexico: Stylocidaris lineata, Phormosoma placenta placenta, Plesiodiadema antillarum, Plethotaenia spatangoides, Brissopsis atlantica and Hypselaster limicolus. This adds to the little information available on the echinoid fauna of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche and Yucatan states in Mexico.  相似文献   

Dissolved reactive manganese seems to be one of the parameters which determines the trophic status of limnic waters, as suggested by its strong correlations with total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, and water pH. The determination of the trophic status involved the application of reactive manganese due to its bioavailability, providing information on the actual, not just the potential (as in the case of total phosphorus or total organic carbon), threat of water eutrophication.The calculation of trophic states index (TSI) based on the reactive manganese concentration, as determined by TSIDRMn = 20.61 ln (DRMn)  35.03, permits the rational assessment of the trophic status of lakes. Oligotrophic lakes are distinguished by concentrations of DRMn < 25 μg/L, mesotrophic by 25–60 μg/L, eutrophic by 60–150 μg/L, and hypertrophic by >150 μg/L.The trophic status of 25 lakes located in central Europe in north-eastern Poland was determined based on the proposed “manganese index” and verified by commonly applied indices proposed by Carlson, Kratzer and Brezonik, and Dunalska.  相似文献   

Holasteroids are a major clade of irregular echinoids that today is confined to the deep-sea, but which has a rich fossil record extending back to the start of the Cretaceous Period. A cladistic analysis of this clade, encompassing the great majority of living and fossil genera, is undertaken based on new data on test architecture. The classification of the group is reviewed and a new hierarchical scheme is proposed. The highly atypical apical disc structure of pourtalesiid holasteroids is discussed and critical data for understanding its plate homologies are provided by the most primitive pourtalesiid, the Late Cretaceous Galeaster . This supports the idea that plates previously identified as posterior genital plates in pourtalesiids are in fact ocular plates II and IV. An evolutionary tree for holasteroids is constructed by calibrating the cladogram against the stratigraphic record. This is then used to examine how holasteroid diversity and ecology have changed through time. Holasteroids have migrated into the deep-sea at least four times independently. Three of these lineages can be traced back to sister taxa living in deep-water continental shelf environments in the Late Cretaceous–early Tertiary, while a fourth represents a very much younger migration event, possibly Late Miocene in age.  相似文献   

During a survey of plant-parasitic microfungi in Panama, a new species in a new genus of Parmulariaceae (Ascomycota), Antoniomyces loranthicola, was found on leaves of Gaiadendron punctatum (Loranthaceae). It is described and illustrated. The new species and the new genus differ morphologically from all other known species and genera known in Parmulariaceae by deep internal stroma and superficial radiating hyphae without appressoria.  相似文献   

Xenobrama microlepis gen. et sp. nov. is described on the basis of 17 adult and subadult specimens collected by surface gill nets, bottom trawl and midwater trawl from the subantarctic waters of the South Pacific Ocean. This monotypic new genus is distinguished from other bramid genera by the following characters: inner lower edges of mandible touching each other (except near symphysis); gill rakers short, thick, and stout; subpectoral region very narrow; interpelvic space flat and wide; vertebrae 49–51; and scales in longitudinal series more than 83. The new taxon is widely distributed in the high seas of the South Pacific, 38–54°S, 79–176°W, but is rather rare compared toBrama spp. in catches of drift gill nets.  相似文献   

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