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赵建元  丁寄葳  米泽云  周金明  魏涛  岑山 《遗传》2015,37(5):480-486
人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)急性感染过程中,病毒的遗传多样性显著减少,往往只有一株或几株病毒可以建立有效感染,这种病毒被称为初始传播病毒(Transmitted/Founder virus)。病毒蛋白R(Vpr)是HIV-1的辅助蛋白之一,在病毒复制过程中起重要作用。研究初始传播病毒Vpr基因遗传变异与生物学特征对于阐明病毒建立感染的关键环节具有重要意义。文章利用流式细胞术分析了C亚型HIV-1初始传播病毒株与慢性感染株MJ4的 Vpr蛋白诱导细胞G2期阻滞和细胞凋亡的能力。结果显示,初始传播病毒ZM246和ZM247的Vpr诱导细胞G2期阻滞和细胞凋亡的能力显著高于慢性感染株MJ4 Vpr。氨基酸序列分析表明,初始传播病毒Vpr在第77、85和94位上存在高频突变。研究结果提示初始传播病毒可能在病毒感染早期,通过Vpr基因的遗传突变,提升病毒诱导细胞停滞G2期和细胞凋亡的能力,进而促进病毒在宿主体内的复制和传播。  相似文献   

塞来昔布诱导HCT-116结肠癌细胞G2/M阻滞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究选择性COX-2抑制剂塞来昔布诱导结肠癌细胞株HCT-116细胞周期阻滞的作用及其可能的机制。方法:应用流式细胞仪检测塞来昔布对HCT-116细胞周期的影响,定量PCR检测细胞周期素cyclinB1及COX-2 mRNA表达水平,Western-Blot检测细胞周期素cyclinB1的蛋白水平。结果:塞来昔布诱导HCT-116细胞G2/M阻滞的作用呈剂量依赖性,塞来昔布在mRNA及蛋白水平下调HCT-116细胞的cyclinB1。结论:塞来昔布能在体外抑制HCT-116细胞的增殖,诱导G2/M的阻滞,其作用与下调细胞周期素cyclinB1有关。  相似文献   

目的:构建DADS诱导HL60-细胞G2/M期阻滞的差异表达文库,初步筛选相关基因.方法:分别提取无DADS和有DADS处理HL-60细胞的总RNA和mRNA,构建消减cDNA文库.随即挑选正向SSH的阳性克隆,PCR检测插入片段,将含插入片段的克隆测序.Blastn分析差异cDNA片段的同源性.结果:构建了DADS诱导人白血病HL-60细胞G2/M期阻滞差异表达文库,其中包含120个正向SSH的克隆和100个反向SSH的克隆.50个随机正向SSH的克隆测序、比较同源性,发现5个新EST片段,已经在GenBank中登录.结论:所构建的DADS诱导人白血病HL-60细胞G2/M期阻滞消减文库为进一步筛选白血病HL-60细胞G2/M期阻滞相关基因奠定了基础.  相似文献   

γH2AX焦点(foci)被普遍当做DNA双链断裂(DSB)损伤的分子标志物.为探 讨细胞周期进程相关的H2AX磷酸化规律特征,采用胸腺嘧啶双阻滞结合噻氨酯哒唑(nocodazole)的后续处理,将HeLa细胞同步于有丝分裂的前中期.然后,用流式细胞仪检测细胞周期、Western印迹和免疫荧光法,观察γH2AX表达和γH2AX焦点的形成.结果显示,细胞进入G2/M期和有丝分裂过程中,γH2AX水平显著增加 ;在无DNA DSB发生的情况下,部分M期细胞中也存在大量的γH2AX焦点.随着细 胞完成有丝分裂从M期退出再进入G1期,γH2AX的表达水平逐渐降低.这种 γH2AX表达变化特征与G2/M期密切关联的PLK1和Cyclin B1的表达规律相类似. 在4 Gy大剂量照射下,HeLa细胞于照后8 到12 h出现明显的G2/M期阻滞.γH2AX 焦点数在照后1 h达高峰,随后降低,照后8 h又上升,出现了第2个峰值.与之不同的是,在1 Gy低剂量照射下,细胞的G2/M期阻滞微弱,γH2AX焦点数在照后 0.5 h最高,随后下降,且无反弹,符合DNA DSB的修复动力学特征.因此,将γ H2AX当做DNA DSB分子标志物时,还需要考虑细胞周期变化的影响.γH2AX适合 作为1 Gy以下照射的DNA双链断裂损伤的分子标志.  相似文献   

ATR和ATM是DNA损伤引起的G2—M期阻滞的主要信号因子,它们通过调节不同的细胞因子在细胞G2—M期阻滞中发挥不同的作用,并且它们相互作用在诱发细胞凋亡方面也有重要意义。本文着重阐述了近年来报道的有关ATR和ATM在G2—M期阻滞与凋亡中的作用及相互关系方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

TAB182是一个端锚聚合酶1(tankyrase 1)结合蛋白,它在体外能够被tankyrase 1发生二磷酸腺苷核糖基化(PAR)修饰,其生物学功能目前尚不明确.本研究发现,TAB182蛋白水平受电离辐射诱导表达,HeLa细胞经过4 Gy照射处理时,TAB182在2 h表达含量最高; 经过不同剂量照射处理,2 h后2 Gy、4 Gy照射剂量组HeLa细胞中TAB182的表达有明显增加. 通过shRNA沉默HeLa细胞中TAB182基因表达,导致其对4 Gy及以下剂量 辐射的敏感性增加,但对8 Gy大剂量照射的敏感性没有明显变化. 与对照组相比,4 Gy照射诱发TAB182基因沉默细胞的G2/M期阻滞时间显著延长.抑制TAB182表达导致细胞中DNA损伤反应蛋白DNA PKcs、ATM、Chk2的表达水平显著降低. 实验结果提示,TAB182蛋白参与放射DNA损伤信号反应和调控细胞周期G2/M进程.  相似文献   

目的:研究白花地胆草(Elephantopus mollis H.B.K)的乙醇提取物EM-3抗肿瘤作用分子机制。方法:MTT、克隆形成抑制和细胞划痕实验检测EM-3对鼻咽癌细胞增殖、迁移能力的影响;Annexin V-FITC/PI双染法检测细胞凋亡;PI单染检测细胞周期;超速流式分选细胞仪检测鼻咽癌CNE2-S18肿瘤干细胞样SP细胞(side population cell)比例;Western blotting检测细胞凋亡、周期、侵袭迁移及肿瘤干细胞相关蛋白表达变化。结果:MTT、克隆形成抑制和细胞划痕实验结果表明,EM-3可以显著抑制鼻咽癌细胞的增殖,随着药物浓度的增大,细胞克隆数逐渐减少,体积逐渐变小,而且能够显著抑制鼻咽癌细胞的迁移;流式细胞术结果表明随着药物浓度的增加,凋亡率逐渐增加,并且G_2/M期细胞比例逐渐增加;超速流式分选细胞仪结果表明,EM-3可以显著降低CNE2-S18肿瘤干细胞样SP细胞的比例;Western blotting结果表明,随着药物浓度的增加,x IAP、Bcl-2、Cyclin D1、MMP2(药物高浓度)、MMP9、p-Met、Oct4(药物高浓度)及Sox2蛋白表达减少,而Cyclin B1、Bax蛋白表达增多,并伴随Caspase-9、Caspase-3活化及多聚ADP核糖聚合酶PARP酶切失活。结论:EM-3通过抑制Stat3通路诱导鼻咽癌细胞发生凋亡,并诱导G_2/M期阻滞。此外,EM-3经MMPs途径抑制鼻咽癌细胞迁移,同时可以有效降低CNE2-S18肿瘤干细胞样SP细胞干性。  相似文献   

从烟草品种k326中克隆到2个干旱应答元件结合蛋白类(DREB-Like)转录因子基因,命名为NtDREBI和NtDREB1A.序列分析发现,NtDREBI和NtDREB1A编码的蛋白质具有典型的AP2/EREBP转录因子家族EREBP亚族A类特征.酵母单杂交结果显示,NtDREBI具有激活功能, 而NtDREB1A不能激活下游基因,但可以与DRE元件结合.将NtDREBI、NtDREB1A与其它AP2/EREBP类转录因子序列比对,发现在C末端第148位氨基酸有显著差别.采用定点突变方法进一步研究表明,DREB1A类转录因子的第148位氨基酸残基与其邻近氨基酸残基的相互作用对调控转录激活功能起关键作用.  相似文献   

为探索八氯腺苷的抗肿瘤作用机制,以神经母细胞瘤SH-SY5Y和SK-N-SH细胞为对象,采用四唑盐比色实验(MTT法)证明,八氯腺苷具有明显的抑制肿瘤细胞增殖的作用,这种抑制作用呈剂量-时间依赖性.流式细胞分析显示,10 μmol/L八氯腺苷作用48 h后可导致靶细胞生长停滞于G 2/M期;SH-SY5Y细胞发生明显细胞凋亡,但SK-N-SH细胞却未见凋亡.Hoechst 33342染色显示,SK-N-SH细胞发生了核分裂异常.蛋白质免疫印迹分析证明,10 μmol/L 八氯腺苷处理SH SY5Y 48~72 h后,G2检验点调节蛋白ATM、Chk1、Cdc25C和Cdc2磷酸化形式明显上调,同时伴有caspase-3的激活,提示SH-SY5Y细胞发生了G2检验点通路和细胞凋亡途径的激活.与SH-SY5Y细胞不同,在SK-N-SH细胞中,八氯腺苷处理24~96 h时,磷酸化ATM、磷酸化Chk1/Chk2、磷酸化Cdc25C以及磷酸化Cdc2的水平呈现逐渐降低的趋势.结果提示,SK-N-SH细胞在八氯腺苷处理后发生了G2检验点失败.蛋白质免疫印迹分析还显示,八氯腺苷可诱导p53在SH-SY5Y细胞的表达,但却不能影响SK—N-SH细胞的p53组成性表达水平.p21在SK-N-SH的组成性表达随八氯腺苷处理时间延长而逐渐减少,但在处理前后的SH-SY5Y细胞均未检测到p21蛋白的表达.上述实验结果提示,八氯腺苷抑制两种细胞增殖的机制不同:在SH-SY5Y细胞,八氯腺苷可激活ATM-Chk-Cdc25C-Cdc2/cyclin途径和凋亡通路,使细胞发生G2/M期阻滞和细胞凋亡;在SK-N-SH细胞,八氯腺苷诱导G2检验点失败,导致细胞阻滞在有丝分裂期,并发生有丝分裂异常.2种不同的细胞命运可能还与p53和p21表达不同有关.  相似文献   

DNA是生命活动中最重要的遗传物质,保持其分子结构的完整性对于细胞至关重要,因此研究DNA损伤修复是生命科学的重要课题之一。基因组比较简单,易于操作的单细胞真核生物酵母遂成为研究DNA损伤修复的重要材料。对紫外线或电离辐射敏感的酵母突变株称为rad突变株。酵母细胞的基因组中有近30个遗传位点与辐射抗性有关。根据单突变和双突变的敏感特征所得出的上位关系可将其分为3个上位显性组:RAD3组,该组成员参与核苷酸的切除修复,其突变株对紫外线敏感;  相似文献   



Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the most common malignant neoplasms in Taiwan. Activation of the mTOR signaling pathway has been linked to decreased radiation responsiveness in human oral cancer, thus it limits efficacy of radiotherapy. To address this question, we investigated the effect of AZD2014, a novel small molecular ATP-competitive inhibitor of mTORC1 and mTORC2 kinase, as a radiosensitizer in primary OSCC and OSCC-derived cell line models.


We isolated primary tumor cells from OSCC tissues and cell lines. AZD2014 was administered with and without ionizing radiation. The radiosensitizing effect of AZD2014 were then assessed using cell viability assays, clonogenic survival assays, and cell cycle analyses. Western blotting was used to detect protein expression.


Combination treatment with AZD2014 and irradiation resulted in significant reduction in OSCC cell line and primary OSCC cell colony formation due to the enhanced inhibition of AKT and both mTORC1 and mTORC2 activity. Pre-treatment with AZD2014 in irradiated oral cancer cells induced tumor cell cycle arrest at the G1 and G2/M phases, which led to disruption of cyclin D1-CDK4 and cyclin B1-CDC2 complexes. Moreover, AZD2014 synergized with radiation to promote both apoptosis and autophagy by increasing caspase-3 and LC3 in primary OSCC cells.


These findings suggest that in irradiated OSCC cells, co-treatment with AZD2014, which targets mTORC1 and mTORC2 blockade, is an effective radiosensitizing strategy for oral squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) viral protein R (Vpr) has been shown to cause G2 cell cycle arrest in human cells by inducing ATR-mediated inactivation of p34cdc2, but factors directly engaged in this process remain unknown. We used tandem affinity purification to isolate native Vpr complexes. We found that damaged DNA binding protein 1 (DDB1), viral protein R binding protein (VPRBP), and cullin 4A (CUL4A)--components of a CUL4A E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, DDB1-CUL4A(VPRBP)--were able to associate with Vpr. Depletion of VPRBP by small interfering RNA impaired Vpr-mediated induction of G2 arrest. Importantly, VPRBP knockdown alone did not affect normal cell cycle progression or activation of ATR checkpoints, suggesting that the involvement of VPRBP in G2 arrest was specific to Vpr. Moreover, leucine/isoleucine-rich domain Vpr mutants impaired in their ability to interact with VPRBP and DDB1 also produced strongly attenuated G2 arrest. In contrast, G2 arrest-defective C-terminal Vpr mutants were found to maintain their ability to associate with these proteins, suggesting that the interaction of Vpr with the DDB1-VPRBP complex is necessary but not sufficient to block cell cycle progression. Overall, these results point toward a model in which Vpr could act as a connector between the DDB1-CUL4A(VPRBP) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex and an unknown cellular factor whose proteolysis or modulation of activity through ubiquitination would activate ATR-mediated checkpoint signaling and induce G2 arrest.  相似文献   

Bocavirus is a newly classified genus of the family Parvovirinae. Infection with Bocavirus minute virus of canines (MVC) produces a strong cytopathic effect in permissive Walter Reed/3873D (WRD) canine cells. We have systematically characterized the MVC infection-produced cytopathic effect in WRD cells, namely, the cell death and cell cycle arrest, and carefully examined how MVC infection induces the cytopathic effect. We found that MVC infection induces an apoptotic cell death characterized by Bax translocalization to the mitochondrial outer membrane, disruption of the mitochondrial outer membrane potential, and caspase activation. Moreover, we observed that the activation of caspases occurred only when the MVC genome was replicating, suggesting that replication of the MVC genome induces apoptosis. MVC infection also induced a gradual cell cycle arrest from the S phase in early infection to the G2/M phase at a later stage, which was confirmed by the upregulation of cyclin B1 and phosphorylation of cdc2. Cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase was reproduced by transfection of a nonreplicative NS1 knockout mutant of the MVC infectious clone, as well as by inoculation of UV-irradiated MVC. In contrast with other parvoviruses, only expression of the MVC proteins by transfection did not induce apoptosis or cell cycle arrest. Taken together, our results demonstrate that MVC infection induces a mitochondrion-mediated apoptosis that is dependent on the replication of the viral genome, and the MVC genome per se is able to arrest the cell cycle at the G2/M phase. Our results may shed light on the molecular pathogenesis of Bocavirus infection in general.The Bocavirus genus is newly classified within the subfamily Parvovirinae of the family Parvoviridae (21). The currently known members of the Bocavirus genus include bovine parvovirus type 1 (BPV1) (17), minute virus of canines (MVC) (57), and the recently identified human bocaviruses (HBoV, HBoV2, and HBoV3) (4, 7, 36).MVC was first recovered from canine fecal samples in 1970 (10). The virus causes respiratory disease with breathing difficulty (14, 32, 49) and enteritis with severe diarrhea (11, 39), which often occurs with coinfection with other viruses (39), spontaneous abortion of fetuses, and death of newborn puppies (14, 29). Pathological lesions in fetuses in experimental infections were found in the lymphoid tissue of the lung and small intestine (14). MVC was isolated and grown in the Walter Reed/3873D (WRD) canine cell line (10), which is derived from a subdermoid cyst of an irradiated male dog (10). The full-length 5.4-kb genome of MVC was recently mapped with palindromic termini (60). Under the control of a single P6 promoter, through the mechanism of alternative splicing and alternative polyadenylation, MVC expresses two nonstructural proteins (NS1 and NP1) and two capsid proteins (VP1 and VP2). Like the NS1 proteins of other parvoviruses, the NS1 of MVC is indispensable for genome replication. The NP1 protein, which is unique to the Bocavirus genus, appears to be critical for optimal viral replication, as the NP1 knockout mutant of MVC suffers from severe impairment of replication (60). A severe cytopathic effect during MVC infection of WRD cells has been documented (10, 60).The HBoV genome has been frequently detected worldwide in respiratory specimens from children under 2 years old with acute respiratory illnesses (2, 34, 55). HBoV is associated with acute expiratory wheezing and pneumonia (3, 34, 55) and is commonly detected in association with other respiratory viruses (34, 55). Further studies are necessary, however, to identify potential associations of HBoV infection with clinical symptoms or disease of acute gastroenteritis (7, 36). The full-length sequence of infectious MVC DNA (GenBank accession no. FJ214110) that we have reported shows 52.6% identity to HBoV, while the NS1, NP1, and VP1 proteins are 38.5%, 39.9%, and 43.7% identical to those of HBoV, respectively (60).The cytopathic effect induced during parvovirus infection has been widely documented, e.g., in infections with minute virus of mice (MVM) (13), human parvovirus B19 (B19V) (58), parvovirus H-1 (25, 52), and BPV1 (1). In Bocavirus, cell death during BPV1 infection of embryonic bovine tracheal cells has been shown to be achieved through necrosis, independent of apoptosis (1). B19V-induced cell death of primary erythroid progenitor cells has been shown to be mainly mediated by an apoptotic pathway (58) in which the nonstructural protein 11kDa plays a key role (16). In contrast, the MVM-induced cytopathic effect has been revealed to be mediated by NS1 interference with intracellular casein kinase II (CKII) signaling (22, 44, 45), a nonapoptotic cell death. Oncolytic parvovirus H-1 infections can induce either apoptosis or nonapoptotic cell death, depending on the cell type (25, 40). Therefore, the mechanisms underlying parvovirus infection-induced cell death vary, although NS1 has been widely shown to be involved in both apoptotic and nonapoptotic cell death. The nature of the cytopathic effect during Bocavirus MVC infection has not been studied.Parvovirus replication requires infected cells at the S phase. Infection with parvovirus has been revealed to accompany a cell cycle perturbation that mostly leads to an arrest in the S/G2 phase or the G2/M phase during infection (30, 33, 42, 47, 65). MVM NS1 expression induces an accumulation of sensitive cells in the S/G2 phase (6, 46, 47). Whether MVC infection-induced cell death is accompanied by an alternation of cell cycle progression and whether the viral nonstructural protein is involved in these processes have not been addressed.In this study, we found, in contrast with other members of the family Parvoviridae, expression of both the nonstructural and structural proteins of MVC by transfection did not induce cell death or cell cycle arrest. However, the cytopathic effect induced during MVC infection is a replication-coupled, mitochondrion-mediated and caspase-dependent apoptosis, accompanied with a gradual cell cycle arrest from the S phase to the G2/M phase, which is facilitated by the MVC genome.  相似文献   

Budding yeast Mec1, encoded by the yeast ATR/ATM homolog, negatively regulates cell cycle progression by activating Rad53 (Chk2) and Chk1, two parallel downstream checkpoint pathways. Chk1 phosphorylates Pds1 (securin), which prevents Pds1 degradation. We determined whether activation of both downstream pathways is required to establish G2 arrest in response to double-strand breaks (DSBs). In a hypomorphic mec1 mutant, Rad53 activation was not required to establish G2 arrest triggered by a single HO endonuclease-generated DSB. However, Pds1 phosphorylation did correlate with G2 arrest and mec1-21 pds1 cells did not arrest in G2 after exposure to ionizing radiation. The G2 checkpoint genes, CHK1 and PDS1, did confer radiation resistance in mec1-21, indicating that CHK1-mediated pathway is functional in the mec1 hypomorph. Thus, phosphorylation of Pds1 but not Rad53 correlates with G2 arrest in response to DSBs in the mec1 hypomorphic mutant.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that certain tyrphostins which block EGF-R phosphorylation in cell-free systems fail to do so in intact cells. Nevertheless, we found that this family of tyrphostins inhibits both EGF- and calf serum-induced cell growth and DNA synthesis [Osherov, N.A., Gazit, C., Gilon, and Levitzki, A. (1993). Selective inhibition of the EGF and HER2/Neu receptors by Tyrphostins.J. Biol. Chem.268, 11134–11142.] Now we show that these tyrphostins exert their inhibitory activity even when added at a time when the cells have already passed their restriction point and receptor activation is no longer necessary. AG555 and AG556 arrest 85% of the cells at late G1, whereas AG490 and AG494 cause cells to arrest at late G1 and during S phase. No arrest occurs during G2 or M phase. Further analysis revealed that these tyrphostins act by inhibiting the activation of the enzyme Cdk2 without affecting its levels or its intrinsic kinase activity. Furthermore, they do not alter the association of Cdk2 to cyclin E or cyclin A or to the inhibitory proteins p21 and p27. These compounds also have no effect on the activating phosphorylation of Cdk2 by Cdk2 activating kinase (CAK) and no effect on the catalytic domain of cdc25 phosphatase. These compounds lead to the accumulation of phosphorylated Cdk2 on tyrosine 15 which is most probably the cause for its inhibition leading to cell cycle arrest at G1/S. A structure–activity relationship study defines a very precise pharmacophore, suggesting a unique molecular target not yet identified and which is most probably involved in the regulation of the tyrosine-phosphorylated state of Cdk2. These compounds represent a new class of cell proliferation blockers whose target is Cdk2 activation.  相似文献   

B-cell activation and proliferation can be induced by a variety of extracellular stimuli. The fate of an activated B cell following mitogen stimulation can be dictated by the strength or duration of the signal, the expression of downstream signaling components necessary to promote proliferation, and the cell intrinsic sensors and regulators of the proliferative program. Previously we have identified the DNA damage response (DDR) signaling pathway as a cell intrinsic sensor that is activated upon latent infection of primary human B cells by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Here we have assessed the role of the DDR as a limiting factor in the proliferative response to non-viral B-cell mitogens. We report that TLR9 activation through CpG-rich oligonucleotides induced B-cell hyper-proliferation and an ATM/Chk2 downstream signaling pathway. However, B-cell activation through the CD40 pathway coupled with interleukin-4 (IL-4) promoted proliferation less robustly and only a modest DDR. These two mitogens, but not EBV, modestly induced intrinsic apoptosis that was independent from the DDR. However, all three mitogens triggered a DDR-dependent G1/S phase cell cycle arrest preventing B-cell proliferation. The extent of G1/S arrest, as evidenced by release through Chk2 inhibition, correlated with B-cell proliferation rates. These findings have implications for the regulation of extra-follicular B-cell activation as it may pertain to the development of auto-immune diseases or lymphoma.  相似文献   

Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a highly aggressive form of breast cancer resistant to many common treatments. In this study, we compared the effects of 12 phytochemical drugs on four cancer cell lines, and noticed that Cucurbitacin E (CuE) significantly inhibited TNBC cell growth by inducing cell cycle G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis. CuE reduced expression of Cyclin D1, Survivin, XIAP, Bcl2, and Mcl-1 in MDA-MB-468 and SW527, and within MDA-MB-468, CuE significantly increased activation of JNK and inhibited activation of AKT and ERK. Collectively, these results suggest that CuE may be a viable compound for developing novel TNBC therapeutics.  相似文献   

There were studies investigating the effects of broadband infrared radiation (IR) on cancer cell, while the influences of middle-infrared radiation (MIR) are still unknown. In this study, a MIR emitter with emission wavelength band in the 3–5 µm region was developed to irradiate A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells. It was found that MIR exposure inhibited cell proliferation and induced morphological changes by altering the cellular distribution of cytoskeletal components. Using quantitative PCR, we found that MIR promoted the expression levels of ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated), ATR (ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related and Rad3-related), TP53 (tumor protein p53), p21 (CDKN1A, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A) and GADD45 (growth arrest and DNA-damage inducible), but decreased the expression levels of cyclin B coding genes, CCNB1 and CCNB2, as well as CDK1 (Cyclin-dependent kinase 1). The reduction of protein expression levels of CDC25C, cyclin B1 and the phosphorylation of CDK1 at Thr-161 altogether suggest G2/M arrest occurred in A549 cells by MIR. DNA repair foci formation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) marker γ-H2AX and sensor 53BP1 was induced by MIR treatment, it implies the MIR induced G2/M cell cycle arrest resulted from DSB. This study illustrates a potential role for the use of MIR in lung cancer therapy by initiating DSB and blocking cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

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