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Voluntary exercise by rats running in a freely rotating wheel (free wheel) produces conditioned taste avoidance (CTA) of a flavored solution consumed before running [e.g., Lett, B.T., Grant, V.L., 1996. Wheel running induces conditioned taste aversion in rats trained while hungry and thirsty. Physiol. Behav. 59, 699-702]. Forced exercise, swimming or running, also produces CTA in rats [e.g., Masaki, T., Nakajima, S., 2006. Taste aversion induced by forced swimming, voluntary running, forced running, and lithium chloride injection treatments. Physiol. Behav. 88, 411-416]. Energy expenditure may be the critical factor in producing such CTA. If so, forced running in a motorized running wheel should produce CTA equivalent to that produced by a similar amount of voluntary running. In two experiments, we compared forced running in a motorized wheel with voluntary running in a free wheel. Mean distance run over 30 min was equated as closely as possible in the two apparatuses. Both types of exercise produced CTA relative to sedentary, locked-wheel controls. However, voluntary running produced greater CTA than forced running. We consider differences between running in the free and motorized wheels that may account for the differences in strength of CTA.  相似文献   

Behavioural lateralisation, which has been postulated to be an individual personality trait, is related to the activity of various physiological systems including the immune system. As lateralisation has been related to anxiety, which is known to influence immune reactivity, it can be hypothesized that the relation between lateralisation and immune reactivity involves individual behavioural patterns as they appear in exploratory-based anxiety models. In order to answer this question, a behavioural investigation focussing on exploratory activity was undertaken in male and female C3H mice previously selected for their paw preference. The observations were performed using two generic paradigms: elevated plus-maze and open field. Exploratory behaviour in the open field, but not in the plus-maze, was influenced by the interactive effect of gender and behavioural lateralisation. A significant difference between male and female mice was found in left-pawed but not in right-pawed nor ambidextrous animals, left-pawed female mice displaying the less exploratory behaviours. These results provide a first evidence of inter-individual variations in exploratory behaviours involving interaction between gender and lateralisation.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, compared to non-reinforced presentation of a food stimulus (A → no US), the association of a food stimulus with wheel running (A → US) blocked subsequent avoidance of a distinctive flavor (X), when both the food and flavor were followed by wheel running (AX → US). Experiment 2 replicated and extended the blocking effect, demonstrating that the amount of avoidance of X after AX → wheel training depended on the correlation between A-alone trials and wheel running—the predictiveness of the A stimulus. The present study is the first to demonstrate associative blocking of conditioned taste avoidance (CTA) induced by wheel running and strongly implicates associative learning as the basis for this kind of avoidance.  相似文献   

Conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is a vital adaptive reaction governed by highly reliable but poorly understood central mechanisms. In an attempt to elucidate the site of action of various CTA eliciting drugs, equipotent dosages were applied by the systemic (i.p.) and intracerebral (i.c.) route. Rats were offered water on days 1 and 2. On day 3 they received 0.1% sodium saccharin (CS) followed by pentobarbital anaesthesia and i.p. or i.c. injection of the drug (US). After water on day 4, the rats were allowed to choose between water and saccharin on day 5. The putative central action of amphetamine was not confirmed by this experimental arrangement, since CTA was evoked by only moderately (about 10 times) lower i.c. than i.p. dosages. Similar ratio of the i.c. to i.p. effective dosages was obtained with carbachol. On the other hand, CTA of clearly central origin was caused by harmaline and by other monoamine oxidase inhibitors, pargyline and clorgyline, which elicited comparable aversion using 500, 400 and 250 times lower i.c. than i.p. dosages, respectively. The intracerebral gradient of the effect pointed to the lower medulla (inferior olive, raphe nuclei) as the critical brain region and to serotonin as the transmitter participating in the aversive labeling of the gustatory stimulus. The CTA-forming mechanism can also be studied by analysing the action of drugs, e.g. convulsants, which do not produce CTA even when applied at highly toxic dosages (LD 50) eliciting long lasting convulsions (picrotoxin, 5 mg/kg; bicuculline, 5 mg/kg). It is concluded that comparison of brain events elicited by drugs which can or cannot serve as unconditioned stimuli in the CTA paradigm may substantially contribute to the exploration of the underlying neural mechanisms.  相似文献   

Conditioned taste aversion (CTA) to saccharin induced by orallithium chloride and normal saline were investigated in 270Wistar rats in a CTA paradigm. They were trained to drink for20-min sessions per day in a two-bottle choice, providing saccharinand water simultaneously. Saccharinn neophobia was replacedby a preference with two more exposures. Saccharin was withheldfor 2 days following force-feeding of lithium or saline in orderto assess lithium-illness. Lithium-fed rats showed signs ofillness followed by a strong CTA to saccharin persisting for3–4 days. Saline-fed rats did not suffer from any illnessbut showed a weak and inconsistent CTA lasting for a day ortwo. Scopolamine injections prior to force-feeding did not affectthe pattern of aversion in either group, but significantly suppressedthe revocation of CTA in the saline-fed rats by a second oraldose of saline.  相似文献   

Conditioned saccharin aversion was elicited in rats by the use of scorpion venom. After 15 min of saccharin drinking, groups of rats were injected with venom, Nembutal, LiCl or isotonic saline. Two groups were anaesthetized 10 min after saccharin drinking and injected with venom or with LiCl. During retention test saccharin aversion was observed in the venom and LiCl groups. It is concluded that anaesthesia does not prevent conditioned taste aversion engram formation.  相似文献   

We replicated the finding of bivalent conditioning of tastes by wheel running by Hughes and Boakes (2008), but without pre-exposure to the wheel. Rats received six days of conditioning with a flavoured solution presented for 10 min before a 40-min placement in a running wheel and another flavoured solution presented for 10 min after. A highly palatable liquid meal replacement was used as a vehicle for the flavours to encourage consumption, allowing us to equate before and after presentation intervals. Relative to a third flavour, we found that the taste preceding wheel running was consumed less, and the taste that followed wheel running was consumed more. Novel wheel running can therefore condition both taste avoidance and taste preference.  相似文献   

It is well established that wheel running in rats produces conditioned taste avoidance; that is, rats that run in wheels after consuming a novel-tasting solution later consume less of that solution than rats that do not run. In experiment 1, we found that wheel running also produces conditioned disgust reactions, indicated by gapes elicited by both the taste and context that were experienced before running. Experiment 2 showed that the conditioned disgust reactions were likely not due to running itself but to a by-product of running, the rocking of the wheel that occurs when the running stops. When rocking was reduced, the disgust reactions were also reduced, but consumption of the taste solution was not changed, showing dissociation of conditioned taste avoidance and disgust. These findings indicate that the taste avoidance induced by wheel running itself is more like the taste avoidance produced by rewarding drugs than that produced by nausea-inducing drugs.  相似文献   

Voluntary running in an activity wheel endowed rats with aversion to a taste solution consumed before the running. This running-based taste aversion was attenuated by extra running opportunities interspersed among the taste–running pairings, but the attenuating effect was reduced by signaling the extra running by another taste cue. These results correspond to the so-called degraded contingency effect and cover-cue effect in the traditional preparations of Pavlovian conditioning.  相似文献   

The lesser bandicoot rat after ingesting a sublethal dose of 0.025% zinc phosphide, in preferred food millet (Pennisetum typhoides) grains, for 4 days, showed aversion for 5-6 days towards plain millet offered in choice with the less preferred sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) grains. The aversion response to nontoxic bait was stronger (aversion index greater than 0.7) for first 3-4 days in individual and for 1-2 days in paired rats. 100% or more shift in aversion index from pre-treatment to post-treatment periods indicated that the aversive and naive partners of the heterosexual and unisexual female pairs mutually influence the feeding preferences of each other as a result of which they showed aversion for first 2-3 days to the plain food in which poison was given to one of the partner earlier.  相似文献   

Conditioned taste aversion and motion sickness in cats and squirrel monkeys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between vomiting and conditioned taste aversion was studied in intact cats and squirrel monkeys and in cats and squirrel monkeys in which the area postrema was ablated by thermal cautery. In cats conditioned 7-12 months after ablation of the area postrema, three successive treatments with xylazine failed to produce either vomiting or conditioned taste aversion to a novel fluid. Intact cats, however, vomited and formed a conditioned aversion. In squirrel monkeys conditioned 6 months after ablation of the area postrema, three treatments with lithium chloride failed to produce conditioned taste aversion. Intact monkeys did condition with these treatments. Neither intact nor ablated monkeys vomited or evidenced other signs of illness when injected with lithium chloride. When the same ablated cats and monkeys were exposed to a form of motion that produced vomiting prior to surgery, conditioned taste aversion was produced and some animals vomited. These findings confirm other studies indicating motion can produce vomiting in animals with the area postrema destroyed and demonstrate that motion-induced conditioned taste aversion can be produced after ablation of the area postrema. The utility of conditioned taste aversion as a measure of subemetic motion sickness is discussed by examining agreement and disagreement between identifications of motion sickness by conditioned taste aversion and vomiting. It is suggested that a convincing demonstration of the utility of conditioned taste aversion as a measure of nausea requires the identification of physiological correlates of nausea, and caution should be exercised when attempting to interpret conditioned taste aversion as a measure of nausea.  相似文献   

Backward pairings of a distinctive chamber as a conditioned stimulus and wheel running as an unconditioned stimulus (i.e., running-then-chamber) can produce a conditioned place preference in rats. The present study explored whether a forward conditioning procedure with these stimuli (i.e., chamber-then-running) would yield place preference or aversion. Confinement of a rat in one of two distinctive chambers was followed by a 20- or 60-min running opportunity, but confinement in the other was not. After four repetitions of this treatment (i.e., differential conditioning), a choice preference test was given in which the rat had free access to both chambers. This choice test showed that the rats given 60-min running opportunities spent less time in the running-paired chamber than in the unpaired chamber. Namely, a 60-min running opportunity after confinement in a distinctive chamber caused conditioned aversion to that chamber after four paired trials. This result was discussed with regard to the opponent-process theory of motivation.  相似文献   

Training rats with serial presentations of two taste solutions before confinement in an activity wheel (X → A → running) resulted in weak aversion to taste X, compared to a training procedure without the presentation of A. Demonstration of the overshadowing effect in the present study provides another parallel feature between running-based taste aversion learning and Pavlovian conditioning preparations including poison-based taste aversion learning. It also indirectly supports the claim that cue competition causes degraded contingency effect and cover-cue effect in rats’ running-based taste aversion (Nakajima, 2008).  相似文献   

C M Aragon  K Spivak  Z Amit 《Life sciences》1985,37(22):2077-2084
This investigation seeks to present evidence for the oxidation of ethanol in the brain via the peroxidatic activity of catalase and simultaneously provide evidence for the role of central acetaldehyde (ACH) in the mediation of an ethanol-induced conditioned taste aversion (CTA). Ethanol is capable of inducing a conditioned taste aversion. Pretreatment with the catalase inhibitor, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (AT), shows an attenuation of this ethanol-induced CTA. Animals receiving ethanol injections showed a CTA to a novel solution paired with a drug administration, while ethanol injected animals pretreated with AT did not show a CTA to ethanol administration. This effect of AT appears to be specific to the effects of ethanol as CTA's to morphine and lithium chloride were not affected by AT pretreatment. Peripheral levels of ethanol were the same in all animals regardless of pretreatment indicating that AT had no effect on peripheral levels of ethanol. These data increase support for the notion that acetaldehyde is produced directly in the brain and that it may be the agent mediating some of the psychopharmacological properties of ethanol.  相似文献   

Conditioned food aversion produced by toxicosis in Atlantic cod   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

To develop and use a behavioral paradigm for assessments of what nutrient properties are detected by intestinal chemoreceptors, we combined features of the "electronic esophagus" preparation (Elizalde G and Sclafani A. Physiol Behav 47: 63-77, 1990) and the conditioned taste aversion protocol (Garcia J and Koelling RA. Psychon Sci 4: 123-124, 1966). In four experiments, separate groups of food-deprived rats with gastric (experiments 1-4) or duodenal (experiment 4) catheters were infused with either carbohydrates (maltodextrin) or fats (corn oil) into their stomachs or small intestines, either while they consumed nonnutritive flavored solutions (experiments 1 and 2) or in the absence of any intake (experiments 3 and 4). For some animals, one of the macronutrient infusions was paired with lithium chloride injections shown to support conventional conditioned aversions. After training, in various oral preference test trials, animals were given opportunities to taste and consume the nonnutritive solutions that had served as oropharyngeal conditioned stimuli as well as the nutrients that had been infused intragastrically, with or without poisoning, but never sampled by mouth. As previously established, preferences for the nonnutritive flavors were enhanced by association with intragastric infusions of macronutrients, with carbohydrates producing the greater preference. On first exposure to the two macronutrients for oral consumption, animals reduced their intake of the nutrient that had been previously poisoned when it was infused into the gastrointestinal tract. These results, along with additional controls, suggest that nutrient tastes detected in the intestines can be recognized centrally based on oropharyngeal gustatory stimulation.  相似文献   

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