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Drawing on documents both published and archival, this paper explains how the prokaryote-eukaryote dichotomy of the 1960s was constructed, the purposes it served, and what it implied in terms of classification and phylogeny. In doing so, I first show how the concept was attributed to Edouard Chatton and the context in which he introduced the terms. Following, I examine the context in which the terms were reintroduced into biology in 1962 by Roger Stanier and C. B. van Niel. I study the discourse over the subsequent decade to understand how the organizational dichotomy took on the form of a natural classification as the kingdom Monera or superkingdom Procaryotae. Stanier and van Niel admitted that, in regard to constructing a natural classification of bacteria, structural characteristics were no more useful than physiological properties. They repeatedly denied that bacterial phylogenetics was possible. I thus examine the great historical irony that the "prokaryote," in both its organizational and phylogenetic senses, was defined (negatively) on the basis of structure. Finally, we see how phylogenetic research based on 16S rRNA led by Carl Woese and his collaborators confronted the prokaryote concept while moving microbiology to the center of evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

Carl Woese developed a unique research program, based on rRNA, for discerning bacterial relationships and constructing a universal tree of life. Woese''s interest in the evolution of the genetic code led to him to investigate the deep roots of evolution, develop the concept of the progenote, and conceive of the Archaea. In so doing, he and his colleagues at the University of Illinois in Urbana revolutionized microbiology and brought the classification of microbes into an evolutionary framework. Woese also provided definitive evidence for the role of symbiosis in the evolution of the eukaryotic cell while underscoring the importance of lateral gene transfer in microbial evolution. Woese and colleagues'' proposal of three fundamental domains of life was brought forward in direct conflict with the prokaryote-eukaryote dichotomy. Together with several colleagues and associates, he brought together diverse evidence to support the rRNA evidence for the fundamentally tripartite nature of life. This paper aims to provide insight into his accomplishments, how he achieved them, and his place in the history of biology.  相似文献   

This paper examines the species problem in microbiology and its implications for the species problem more generally. Given the different meanings of ‘species’ in microbiology, the use of ‘species’ in biology is more multifarious and problematic than commonly recognized. So much so, that recent work in microbial systematics casts doubt on the existence of a prokaryote species category in nature. It also casts doubt on the existence of a general species category for all of life (one that includes both prokaryotes and eukaryotes). Prokaryote biology also undermines recent attempts to save the species category, such as the suggestion that species are metapopulation lineages and the idea that ‘species’ is a family resemblance concept.  相似文献   

Twenty-one biology teachers from a variety of disciplines (genetics, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, etc.) met at the University of Colorado to begin discussions about approaches to assessing students' conceptual understanding of biology. We considered what is meant by a "concept" in biology, what the important biological concepts might be, and how to go about developing assessment items about these concepts. We also began the task of creating a community of biologists interested in facilitating meaningful learning in biology. Input from the physiology education community is essential in the process of developing conceptual assessments for physiology.  相似文献   

Two formal assumptions implied in Willi Hennig’s “phylogenetic systematics” were repeatedly criticized for not being biologically grounded. The first is that speciation is always dichotomous; the second is that the stem‐species always goes extinct when its lineage splits into two daughter species. This paper traces the theoretical roots of Hennig’s “principle of dichotomy”. While often considered merely a methodological principle, Hennig’s realist perspective required him to ground the “principle of dichotomy” ontologically in speciation. As a methodological principle, the adherence to a strictly dichotomously structured phylogenetic system allowed Hennig to be unequivocal in character analysis and precise in the rendition of phylogenetic relationships. The ontological grounding of the “principle of dichotomy” in speciation remains controversial, however. This has implications for the application of techniques of phylogeny reconstruction to populations of bisexually reproducing organisms (phylogeography). Beyond that, the “principle of dichotomy” has triggered an intensive debate with respect to phylogeny reconstruction at the prokaryote level. © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

A major clade of prokaryotes with ancient adaptations to life on land   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evolutionary trees of prokaryotes usually define the known classes and phyla but less often agree on the relationships among those groups. This has been attributed to the effects of horizontal gene transfer, biases in sequence change, and large evolutionary distances. Furthermore, higher level clades of prokaryote phyla rarely are supported by information from ecology and cell biology. Nonetheless, common patterns are beginning to emerge as larger numbers of species are analyzed with sophisticated methods. Here, we show how combined evidence from phylogenetic, cytological, and environmental data support the existence of an evolutionary group that appears to have had a common ancestor on land early in Earth's history and includes two-thirds of known prokaryote species. Members of this terrestrial clade (Terrabacteria), which includes Cyanobacteria, the gram-positive phyla (Actinobacteria and Firmicutes), and two phyla with cell walls that differ structurally from typical gram-positive and gram-negative phyla (Chloroflexi and Deinococcus-Thermus), possess important adaptations such as resistance to environmental hazards (e.g., desiccation, ultraviolet radiation, and high salinity) and oxygenic photosynthesis. Moreover, the unique properties of the cell wall in gram-positive taxa, which likely evolved in response to terrestrial conditions, have contributed toward pathogenicity in many species. These results now leave open the possibility that terrestrial adaptations may have played a larger role in prokaryote evolution than currently understood.  相似文献   

The Formation of the Theory of Homology in Biological Sciences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Homology is among the most important comparative concepts in biology. Today, the evolutionary reinterpretation of homology is usually conceived of as the most important event in the development of the concept. This paradigmatic turning point, however important for the historical explanation of life, is not of crucial importance for the development of the concept of homology itself. In the broadest sense, homology can be understood as sameness in reference to the universal guarantor so that in this sense the different concepts of homology show a certain kind of "metahomology". This holds in the old morphological conception, as well as in the evolutionary usage of homology. Depending on what is (or was) taken as a guarantor, different types of homology may be distinguished (as idealistic, historical, developmental etc.). This study represents a historical overview of the development of the homology concept followed by some clues on how to navigate the pluralistic terminology of modern approaches to homology.  相似文献   

A body plan is a suite of characters shared by a group of phylogenetically related animals at some point during their development. The concept of bauplane, or body plans, has played and continues to play a central role in the study of evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo). Despite the importance of the body plan concept in evo-devo, many researchers may not be familiar with the progression of ideas that have led to our current understanding of body plans, and/or current research on the origin and maintenance of body plans. This lack of familiarity, as well as former ties between the body plan concept and metaphysical ideology is likely responsible for our underappreciation of the body plan concept in its own right, as well as its role in evo-devo. My aim in this review is to outline how we have arrived at our modern definition of body plan, the controversies associated with the concept, its role in evo-devo, and how current research is informing us on body plans. To this end, I integrate concepts such as the nature of phyla, the Cambrian explosion, constraint, evolvability, and results from recent research on gene regulatory networks with the much older concept of the body plan.  相似文献   

Peter W. Barlow 《Protoplasma》2016,253(5):1283-1297
Concepts in biology feed into general theories of growth, development and evolution of organisms and how they interact with the living and non-living components of their environment. A well-founded concept clarifies unsolved problems and serves as a focus for further research. One such example of a constructive concept in the plant sciences is that of the quiescent centre (QC). In anatomical terms, the QC is an inert group of cells maintained within the apex of plant roots. However, the evidence that established the presence of a QC accumulated only gradually, making use of strands of different types of observations, notably from geometrical-analytical anatomy, radioisotope labelling and autoradiography. In their turn, these strands contributed to other concepts: those of the mitotic cell cycle and of tissue-related cell kinetics. Another important concept to which the QC contributed was that of tissue homeostasis. The general principle of this last-mentioned concept is expressed by the QC in relation to the recovery of root growth following a disturbance to cell proliferation; the resulting activation of the QC provides new cells which not only repair the root meristem but also re-establish a new QC.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic diversity and the importance of culturing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In this paper, we review the literature on the growing body of data demonstrating the rapid evolution of sex and reproduction related (SRR) genes and show how a paradigm shift to the study of SRR genes can provide new approaches to solving some of the old problems in evolutionary biology. The argument is based on (1) the growing scope and importance of sexual selection in evolution, (2) the growing number of case studies showing rapid evolution of sexual traits in a wide variety of taxa, (3) the faster rate of DNA sequence divergence in genes affecting sexual function and fertility, (4) the evidence for the involvement of novel traits/genes in sexual functions, and (5) a proposed sex/non-sex dichotomy of the gene pool affecting viability versus fertility. It is argued that the adoption of the sex/non-sex dichotomy of genes/traits can provide new perspectives on such problems as species concepts, modes (allopatric/sympatric) of speciation, Haldane's rule, reinforcement, and the founder effect. It is proposed that the evolutionary study of genes affecting viability versus fertility is the key to understanding the genetic basis of speciation.  相似文献   

To understand speciation, we first need to know what species are. Yet debates over species concepts have seemed endless, with little obvious relevance to the study of speciation. Recently, there has been progress in resolving these debates, favoring a lineage-based, evolutionary species concept. This progress calls for reconsideration of the study of speciation. Traditional speciation research based on the biological species concept has led to great advances in understanding how nonallopatric speciation occurs and how species diverge and remain separate from each other. However, this research has neglected the question of how new species arise in the first place for the most common geographic mode (allopatric). A new and very different research program is needed to understand the ecological and evolutionary processes that split an ancestral species into new allopatric lineages. This research program will connect speciation to many other fundamental questions in evolutionary biology, ecology, biogeography, and conservation biology.  相似文献   

Ernst Mayr’s influence on philosophy of biology has given the field a particular perspective on evolution, phylogeny and life in general. Using debates about the tree of life as a guide, I show how Mayrian evolutionary biology excludes numerous forms of life and many important evolutionary processes. Hybridization and lateral gene transfer are two of these processes, and they occur frequently, with important outcomes in all domains of life. Eukaryotes appear to have a more tree-like history because successful lateral events tend to occur among more closely related species, or at a lower frequency, than in prokaryotes, but this is a difference of degree rather than kind. Although the tree of life is especially problematic as a representation of the evolutionary history of prokaryotes, it can function more generally as an illustration of the limitations of a standard evolutionary perspective. Moreover, for philosophers, questions about the tree of life can be applied to the Mayrian inheritance in philosophy of biology. These questions make clear that the dichotomy of life Mayr suggested is based on too narrow a perspective. An alternative to this dichotomy is a multidimensional continuum in which different strategies of genetic exchange bestow greater adaptiveness and evolvability on prokaryotes and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

“Synthetic biology” is a concept that has developed together with, or slightly after, “systems biology”. But while systems biology aims at the full understanding of large systems by integrating more and more details into their models, synthetic biology phrases different questions, namely: what particular biological function could be obtained with a certain known subsystem of reduced complexity; can this function be manipulated or engineered in artificial environments or genetically modified organisms; and if so, how? The most prominent representation of synthetic biology has so far been microbial engineering by recombinant DNA technology, employing modular concepts known from information technology. However, there are an increasing number of biophysical groups who follow similar strategies of dissecting cellular processes and networks, trying to identify functional minimal modules that could then be combined in a bottom-up approach towards biology. These modules are so far not as particularly defined by their impact on DNA processing, but rather influenced by core fields of biophysics, such as cell mechanics and membrane dynamics. This review will give an overview of some classical and some quite new biophysical strategies for constructing minimal systems of certain cellular modules. We will show that with recent advances in understanding of cytoskeletal and membrane elements, the time might have come to experimentally challenge the concept of a minimal cell.  相似文献   

Lars Vogt 《Zoomorphology》2009,128(3):201-217
Due to lack of common data standards, the communicability and comparability of biological data across various levels of organization and taxonomic groups is continuously decreasing. However, the interdependence between molecular and higher levels of organization is of growing interest and calls for co-operations between biologists from different methodological and theoretical backgrounds. A general data standard in biology would greatly facilitate such co-operations. This article examines the role that defined and formalized vocabularies (i.e., ontologies) could have in developing such a data standard. I suggest basic criteria for developing data standards on grounds of distinguishing content, concept, nomenclatural, and format standards and discuss the role of data bases and their use of bio-ontologies in current activities for data standardization in biology. General principles of ontology development are introduced, including foundational ontology properties (e.g. class–subclass, parthood), and how concepts are defined. After addressing problems that are specific to morphological data, the notion of a general structure concept for morphology is introduced and why it is required for developing a morphological ontology. The necessity for a general morphological ontology to be taxon-independent and free of homology assumptions is discussed and how it can solve the problems of morphology. The article concludes with an outlook on how the use of ontologies will likely establish some sort of general data standard in biology and why the development of a set of commonly used foundational ontology properties and the use of globally unique identifiers for all classes defined in ontologies is crucial for its success.  相似文献   

In the half century since the formulation of the prokaryote : eukaryote dichotomy, many authors have proposed that the former evolved from something resembling the latter, in defiance of common (and possibly common sense) views. In such ‘eukaryotes first’ (EF) scenarios, the last universal common ancestor is imagined to have possessed significantly many of the complex characteristics of contemporary eukaryotes, as relics of an earlier ‘progenotic’ period or RNA world. Bacteria and Archaea thus must have lost these complex features secondarily, through ‘streamlining’. If the canonical three-domain tree in which Archaea and Eukarya are sisters is accepted, EF entails that Bacteria and Archaea are convergently prokaryotic. We ask what this means and how it might be tested.  相似文献   

在古生物群落中新近出现的地点覆盖度或发生率的概念,以及对生物集合种群的空间动态学的深入了解,使古生物学和现代生物学的联系更加紧密。集合群落的概念以及地质时期动物群的古生物学认识显示,将古生物学和生态学结合在一起是大有希望的。评述了目前对这些概念的理解,并以欧亚大陆大型食草动物群落的发育作为范例,介绍了运用这些理论来研究化石记录的方法。研究结果表明,化石记录中种群覆盖度的研究可以在以化石为基础的进化研究和以现生有机体为基础的进化研究之间架起一座桥梁。地点覆盖度最大的类群,像现代生态学中发生率最大的类群一样,往往是地理分布最广泛、在当地最丰富的类群。  相似文献   

Associations with cytoplasmically inherited microorganisms are fundamental to the ecology and reproductive biology of many insects. Molecular phylogenetics now provides a window into the previously obscure history of these associations. This approach has recently yielded striking findings for two cases: the mutualistic endosymbionts of aphids and relatives, and some of the cytoplasmically inherited organisms that induce reproductive abnormalities in various arthropods. These examples provide useful reference points for future extensions of molecular phylogenetic methods to other prokaryote-eukaryote associations.  相似文献   

Crosslinking mass spectrometry has become a core technology in structural biology and is expanding its reach towards systems biology. Its appeal lies in a rapid workflow, high sensitivity and the ability to provide data on proteins in complex systems, even in whole cells. The technology depends heavily on crosslinking reagents. The anatomy of crosslinkers can be modular, sometimes comprising combinations of functional groups. These groups are defined by concepts including: reaction selectivity to increase information density, enrichability to improve detection, cleavability to enhance the identification process and isotope-labelling for quantification. Here, we argue that both concepts and functional groups need more thorough experimental evaluation, so that we can show exactly how and where they are useful when applied to crosslinkers. Crosslinker design should be driven by data, not only concepts. We focus on two crosslinker concepts with large consequences for the technology, namely reactive group reaction kinetics and enrichment groups.  相似文献   

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