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Different mating systems in group-living animals have characteristic behavioral correlates that are primarily related to mate competition. Mate competition may push individuals to selectively make dispersal decisions for the purpose of maximizing of opportunities for reproduction. The Sichuan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is a polygynous primate species endemic to China. We provide the first data on female dispersal in a free-ranging group of R. roxellana in the Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve, Qinling Mountains, China. Both adult and subadult female dispersal occurred. Immigration/emigration rates of adult females are higher than those of subadult females. Mate competition is one apparent driving force behind adult female dispersal, and inbreeding avoidance is the possible proximate factor influencing subadult female dispersal. Adult female R. roxellana employ various reproductive strategies related to dispersal, which may increase their reproductive success.  相似文献   

Group size influences many aspects of mammalian social life, including stress levels, disease transmission, reproductive rates, and behavior. However, much of what is known about the effects of group size on behavioral ecology has come from comparisons across multiple groups of different sizes. These findings may be biased because behavioral differences across groups may be more indicative of how environmental variation influences animal behavior, rather than group size itself. To partially circumvent this limitation, we used longitudinal data to examine how changes in group size across time affect the behavior of folivorous red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus) of Kibale National Park, Uganda. Controlling for food availability, we demonstrated that increasing group size resulted in altered activity budgets, based on 6 yr of data on a group that increased from 57 to 98 members. Specifically, as group size increased, individuals spent less time feeding and socializing, more time traveling, and increased the diversity of their diet. These changes appear to allow the monkeys to compensate for greater scramble competition apparent at larger group sizes, as increasing group size did not show the predicted relationship with lower female fecundity. Our results support recent findings documenting feeding competition in folivorous primates. Our results also document behavioral flexibility, an important trait that allows many social mammals to maximize the benefits of sociality (e.g., increased vigilance), while minimizing the costs (e.g., increased feeding competition).  相似文献   

Summary We present an empirical test of the Ghiselin—Reiss small-male hypothesis for the evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). In mating systems dominated by scramble competition, where male reproductive success is a function of encounter rate with females, small males may be favoured when food is limiting because they require lower absolute amounts of food. Given a trade-off between time and energy devoted to foraging and to mate acquisition, small males should be able to devote more time to the latter. If at the same time larger females are favoured, this mechanism will contribute to the evolution of SSD and may be the major determinant of the female-biased SSDs that characterize most animal taxa. We tested this hypothesis using the water strider,Aquarius remigis (Heteroptera: Gerridae), a scramble competitor which mates many times over a prolonged mating season and which shows female-biased SSD. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that foraging success and giving up times (GUTs) are lower for males than for females during the reproductive season and that male water striders flexibly alter their time budgets under conditions of energy limitation. Controlled feeding experiments showed that male and female longevity, female fecundity and male mating success are positively related to food availability. As predicted, male body size is negatively correlated with several indices of male fitness (longevity, number of mating attempts and mating success), while female body size is positively correlated with longevity. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that scramble competition for mates favours small males in this species and provides empirical support for the Ghiselin—Reiss small-male hypothesis.  相似文献   

Group size influences intragroup scramble competition, which in turn influences time budgets in some primates, and may impact age–sex classes differently. There is a great deal of debate about whether folivorous primates, e.g., colobines, experience significant feeding competition. Unlike most colobines, Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) live in extraordinarily large groups and eat mainly lichens supplemented by seasonal plant food. We examined the effect of group size on time budgets in this species by studying two groups of different sizes in the same habitat in Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, China (study periods: August 2006–July 2008 for the larger group, November 2008–July 2009 for the smaller group). Results showed that the distribution of activities throughout the day did not differ between groups, but that time budgets did differ. Specifically, the monkeys spent more time moving and less time resting in the larger group than in the smaller group. Intergroup comparisons for each age–sex class indicated that adult females (but not adult males or juveniles) in the larger group spent more time moving and less time resting, and tended to spend more time feeding compared to those in the smaller group. The results suggested that increased scramble competition was occurring for adult females in the larger group. We provided preliminary evidence for the existence of intragroup scramble competition in Rhinopithecus roxellana.  相似文献   

Female-biased size dimorphism, in which females are larger than males, is prevalent in many animals. Several hypotheses have been developed to explain this pattern of dimorphism. One of these hypotheses, the mobility hypothesis, suggests that female-biased size dimorphism arises because smaller males are favored in scramble competition for mates. Using radiotelemetry, we assessed the mobility hypothesis in the Cook Strait giant weta (Deinacrida rugosa), a species with strong female-biased size dimorphism, and tested the prediction that male traits promoting mobility (i.e., longer legs, smaller bodies) are useful in scramble competition for mates and thus promote reproductive success. Our predictions were supported: males with longer legs and smaller bodies exhibited greater mobility (daily linear displacement when not mating), and more mobile males had greater insemination success. No phenotypic traits predicted female mobility or insemination success. In species with female-biased size dimorphism, sexual selection on males is often considered to be weak compared to species in which males are large or possess weaponry. We found that male giant weta experience sexual selection intensities on par with males of a closely related harem-defending polygynous species, likely because of strong scramble competition with other males.  相似文献   

It has been argued that grouping patterns might influence the reproductive performance of individuals. Increasing group size results in greater travel costs and competition over depletable food resources, which could lead to reduced individual reproductive success. However, in groups with an increasing number of males, female reproductive success is predicted to augment because larger male groups might better protect immatures from infanticidal attacks. In contrast, male reproductive success is predicted to decrease with number of males in a group because fertilization cannot be shared between males. In this paper, we test these predictions on the Mesoamerican black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) with data on group size and composition for 120 groups from eight populations of black howler monkeys existing in eight protected forests in Mexico and Guatemala. Male and female reproductive success were calculated as a deviation of the observed number of infants (or immatures) from the expected number of infants (or immatures), relative to the number of males and females in a group. Results indicate that both male and female reproductive success decreased with group size. Male reproductive success decreased with an increasing number of males in a group and with increasing proportion of males relative to females in a group. Decreased female reproductive success was associated with increasing number of females in a group, and female reproductive success had a tendency to increase with increasing number of males in a group. These results suggest that in black howler monkeys, living in larger groups might negatively affect the reproductive success of each member. Our findings are similar to those reported for a population of a sister species, Alouatta palliata, living in larger groups.  相似文献   

Male mating tactics can vary according to the potential for scramble or contest competition but also as a consequence of individual characteristics, such as body condition and previous experience. The influence of experience, i.e., residency, on male recapture rates and reproductive success was studied in a population of free-living grey mouse lemurs. Long-term capture data from 320 individuals revealed that both sexes had very low recapture probabilities within their first year in the study population, but recapture rates declined less sharply during the following years. Capture results and telemetric analyses on 12 focal males revealed that resident males had larger body mass and larger home ranges than new males. Home range size correlated with the number of accessible females, indicating that resident males had higher probabilities to meet mates than new males. The reproductive success of 132 candidate fathers, representing both resident and new males, was determined by means of molecular genotyping. Paternity determination was successful in 38 cases (success rate: 19%). Sixteen resident males and seventeen new males sired offspring. However, in relation to the number of candidate fathers being present in the mating season, resident males were twice as likely to reproduce successfully as new males. These findings suggest experience-dependent reproductive tactics that most likely correspond to a differential spatial knowledge of resources, mates and potential threats. The results generally agree with the predictions made for a scramble competition regime and demonstrate substantial behavioral plasticity in a nocturnal primate species with a dispersed multi-male/multi-female mating system.  相似文献   

Many factors have been hypothesized to affect the size and adult sex ratios of primate groups and these, in turn, have been argued to influence birth rates. Using park-wide census data collected on a population of capuchins over a 25-year period, we examined whether group size and adult sex ratio affect the per capita reproductive success of male and female white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. We found that the reproductive success of females (measured as the observed minus the expected ratio of immatures to adult females in the group) decreased with increasing group size, whereas that of males was independent of group size. The proportion of adult males residing in groups had significant, yet contrasting effects on males and females. Male reproductive success was negatively associated with the proportion of males residing in groups whereas female reproductive success increased with the proportion of males. The latter finding supports the intersexual conflict hypothesis, which suggests that a conflict of interest occurs between males and females over adult sex ratios. The effects of group size and composition on the reproductive success of capuchins, a male-dispersed omnivorous species, are similar to those reported for howlers, a bisexually-dispersed folivorous species. One common factor between these taxa is that groups with low ratios of males to females are at greater risk of takeovers and resultant infanticide. Our results suggest that regardless of dietary preference and dispersal pattern, the threat of infanticide can constrain primate group size and composition.  相似文献   

Mountain gorillas are highly folivorous. Food is abundant and perennially available in much of their habitat. Still, limited research has shown that single gorilla groups heavily used areas where food biomass and quality were relatively high and where they met daily nutritional needs with relatively low foraging effort. Also, ecological factors influenced solitary males less than groups with females. Long-term data on habitat use by multiple mountain gorilla social units and more extensive data on variation in food distribution, presented here, confirm that food distribution influences areal occupation densities across groups and over time. These data also confirm the group/solitary male distinction and show that food distribution became more important for one male once he acquired females. Groups used 25 km 2 , and inter-annual home range and core area overlap was often low. Annual home range and core area size varied considerably within groups and across years. It bore no simple relationship to group size and estimated group biomass. Core areas were biased samples of total home ranges and were relatively good foraging areas. One group abruptly shifted its home range in response to male mating competition. Home ranges of two others expanded from 1981 to 1987, though at a decreasing rate. Data on one such group, which varied considerably in size, are consistent with arguments that costs of scramble competition are low except in unusually large groups. Low site fidelity, low scramble costs, and high home range overlap should decrease the ecological costs of female transfer.  相似文献   

Behavioural and physiological changes during the reproductive period were documented in male European ground squirrels including: initiated conflict, scent marking, locomotion and range size, as well as testis size, scrotal pigmentation, testosterone levels and changes in body mass. Spring emergence dates in adult males varied but preceded those of females. Gonadal maturation was complete in adult males at emergence. Most yearlings did not mature and emerged with females. After a quiescent premating phase, male range, range overlap, conflict rates and locomotion increased at female emergence. The synchrony of females, their small ranges and short latencies to ovulation produced a highly male-biased operational sex ratio (OSR) and potential for scramble competition polygyny. In contrast to other ground squirrel species, each female apparently mated with only a single male. Scramble competition did appear to occur, in that males tried to contact as many females as often as possible before copulation. Females placed high temporal prerequisites on males. Costs of scrambling were documented by body mass loss during mating, which covaried with the number of ‘acquired’ females. Testicular regression occurred earlier, and fattening, moult and onset of next hibernation were delayed in successful males. The determinant factor in these costs was found to be mass loss intensity during the main mating period. Surprisingly, this factor was best related to feeding changes and not to locomotion or aggression. Time budget constraints perhaps imposed by the female, with compounding influences of exercise and stress effects of conflict, then negatively affected ensuing seasonal activities. The individual changes may adversely affect individual survivability and/or future reproductive success.  相似文献   

For group-living mammals, the ecological-constraints model predicts that within-group feeding competition will increase as group size increases, necessitating more daily travel to find food and thereby constraining group size. It provides a useful tool for detecting scramble competition any time it is difficult to determine whether or not food is limiting. We tested the ecological-constraints model on highly folivorous ursine colobus monkeys (Colobus vellerosus) at the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary in Ghana. Three differently sized groups were followed for 13 months and two others were followed for 6 months each in 2004-2005 using focal-animal sampling and ranging scans; ecological plots and phenology surveys were used to determine home-range quality and food availability. There was relatively little difference in home-range quality, monthly food availability, diet, adult female ingestion rates, and rate of travel within food patches between the groups. However, home-range size, day-range length, and percent of time spent feeding all increased with group size. We performed a single large test of the ecological-constraints model by combining several separate Spearman correlations, each testing different predictions under the model, using Fisher's log-likelihood method. It showed that the ecological-constraints model was supported in this study; scramble competition in this population is manifesting in increased ranging and time spent feeding. How costly this increased energy expenditure is for individuals in larger groups remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Demographic changes were recorded throughout a 12-year period for three social groups ofMacaca fascicularis in a natural population at Ketambe (Sumatra, Indonesia). We examined the prediction that females' lifetime reproductive success depended on dominance rank and group size. Average birth rate was 0.53 (184 infants born during 349 female years). For mature females (aged 8–20 yr) birth rate reflected physical condition, being higher in years with high food availability and lower in the year following the production of a surviving infant. High-ranking females were significantly more likely than low-ranking ones to give birth again when they did have a surviving offspring born the year before (0.50 vs 0.26), especially in years with relatively low food availability (0.37 vs 0.10). Controlled comparisons of groups at different sizes indicate a decline in birth rate with rroup size only once a group has exceeded a certain size. The dominance effect on birth rate tended to be strongest in large groups. Survival of infants was rank-dependent, but the survival of juveniles was not. There was a trend for offspring survival to be lower in large groups than in mid-sized or small groups. However, rank and group size interacted, in that rank effects on offspring survival were strongest in large groups. High-ranking females were less likely to die themselves during their top-reproductive years, and thus on average had longer reproductive careers. We estimated female lifetime reproductive success based on calculated age-specific birth rates and survival rates. The effects of rank and group size (contest and scramble) on birth rate, offspring survival, age of first reproduction for daughters, and length of reproductive career, while not each consistently statistically significant, added up to substantial effects on estimated lifetime reproductive success. The group size effects explain why large groups tend to split permanently. Since females are philopatric in this species, and daughters achieve dominance rank positions similar to their mother, a close correlation is suggested between the lifetime reproductive success of mothers and daughters. For sons, too, maternal dominance affected their reproductive success: high-born males were more likely to become top-dominant (in another group). These data support the idea that natural selection has favored the evolution of a nepotistic rank system in this species, even if the annual benefits of dominance are small.  相似文献   

A trade-off relationship between mating and feeding effort is important when considering reproductive strategies of long-lived species. I compared the influence of male sexual activities, female mate-choice behaviors and the daily activity budget on male mating success among males in a group of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) on Yakushima Island. The 1st-ranking male, which had immigrated into the troop at this rank, more frequently approached peri-ovulatory females, spent more time grooming peri-ovulatory females and in mounting series and spent less time feeding than subordinate males did. The 1st-ranking male attained the highest mating success as a result of his high expenditure of time and energy in sexual behaviors directed toward peri-ovulatory females. Mating success of subordinate males did not relate to the amount of sexual effort, but instead to the frequency of female approaches, female rush toward males and the number of peri-ovulatory females within the group. The pattern of intermale competition shifted from nearly contest competition to scramble competition as the number of peri-ovulatory females in the group increased. Feeding time of subordinate males did not vary between the days when they copulated and the days when they did not. The findings demonstrate that mate guarding in the 1st-ranking male is a high-cost mating tactic, while opportunistic mating in subordinate males is a low-cost mating tactic. The differences in male mating tactics are probably related to male life history and to the formation of groups with a high socionomic sex ratio.  相似文献   

Knowledge on the home range size of a species or population is important for understanding its behavioral and social ecology and improving the effectiveness of conservation strategies. We studied the home range size of two different-sized groups of golden snub-nosed monkeys(Rhinopithecus roxellana) in Shennongjia, China. The larger group(236 individuals)had a home range of 22.5 km2 from September2007 to July 2008, whereas the smaller group(62 individuals) occupied a home range of 12.4 km2 from November 2008 to July 2009. Both groups exhibited considerable seasonal variation in their home range size, which was likely due to seasonal changes in food availability and distribution. The home range in any given season(winter, spring, summer, or winter+spring+summer) of the larger group was larger than that of the smaller group. As the two groups were studied in the same area, with the confounding effects of food availability thus minimized, the positive relationship between home range size and group size suggested that scramble feeding competition increased within the larger group.  相似文献   

Sexual interference (SI), which is defined as any disturbance directed to a mating pair by other individuals, has been reported in several primate species. It is widely suggested that successful harassers experience improved mating success by increasing their access to reproductive partners as well as by reducing the mating success of rivals. Although theories of primate sexual conflict highlight male intra-sexual mating competition, females also are reported to actively disrupt copulations between mating partners. In this study, we investigated SI in a multilevel troop of Golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) inhabiting the Qinling Mountains, China. Behavioral observations of 11 one-male units (OMU) that comprised the multilevel troop were conducted from September 2007 to May 2008. During this period 17.1% of 652 documented intra-OMU sexual encounters were characterized either by mild or aggressive forms of harassment. Sexual harassment was typically performed by a single individual (91.9%), and in 75.7% of cases the harasser was an adult or sub-adult female. The frequency of female harassment was positively correlated with the number of adult and sub-adult females residing in an OMU, and resulted in a significant decrease in matings ending in ejaculation. We found that the amount of SI a female received was not a significant predictor of her reproductive success. However, females who conceived during the mating season directed higher levels of harassment at other females than females who did not conceive. We evaluate the strength of the sexual competition hypothesis and the hormonally modulated aggression hypothesis in explaining patterns of SI in female Golden snub-nosed monkeys.  相似文献   

When the availability of sperm limits female reproductive success, competition for sperm, may be an important broker of sexual selection. This is because sperm limitation can increase the variance in female reproductive success, resulting in strong selection on females to compete for limited fertilization opportunities. Sperm limitation is probably common in broadcast-spawning marine invertebrates, making these excellent candidates for investigating scramble competition between broods of eggs and its consequences for female reproductive success. Here, we report our findings from a series of experiments that investigate egg competition in the sessile, broadcast-spawning polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa. We initially tested whether the order in which eggs encounter sperm affects their fertilization success at two ecologically relevant current regimes. We used a split-clutch-split--ejaculate technique to compare the fertilization success of eggs from individual females that had either first access (competition-free treatment) or second access (egg competition treatment) to a batch of sperm. We found that fertilization success depended on the order in which eggs accessed sperm; eggs that were assigned to the competition-free treatment exhibited significantly higher fertilization rates than those assigned to the egg competition treatment at both current speeds. In subsequent experiments we found that prior exposure of sperm to eggs significantly reduced both the quantity and quality of sperm available to fertilize a second clutch of eggs, resulting in reductions in fertilization success at high and low sperm concentrations. These findings suggest that female traits that increase the likelihood of sperm-egg interactions (e.g. egg size) will respond to selection imposed by egg competition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   The epaulets of male Red-winged Blackbirds ( Agelaius phoeniceus ) are frequently cited as a sexually selected plumage ornament, but a number of laboratory and field studies provide little evidence that they are currently experiencing sexual selection. We used hair dye to dull epaulets of free-living territorial males prior to pair formation to determine if manipulated males experienced disadvantages in comparison with control males. We found no differences between control males and males with dulled epaulets in territorial behavior (territory size, song rate, trespass rate, and loss of territory), paternal care (time spent on territory and in antipredator sentinel behavior, and response to a model crow to simulate the threat of predation), pairing success (number of social mates), apparent reproductive success (numbers of nesting attempts, eggs/nest, nestlings/egg, and fledglings/nestling), or realized reproductive success (numbers of within-pair, extra-pair, and total fledglings as determined by DNA fingerprinting). We then used a meta-analysis of 11 published studies of Red-winged Blackbirds to determine if there is an overall effect of epaulet color or size on male-male competition, female choice, or reproductive success. Our results show that epaulet size has a small positive effect on male reproductive success, but epaulet color has no effect on male-male competition, female choice, and male reproductive success. One explanation for the seeming contradiction between studies that show that epaulets are necessary for territory defense and those that conclude that epaulets are not currently under selection is that epaulets serve as one of several cues of species recognition, especially among males at close range. An alternative explanation proposes counter-balancing intersexual advantages and intrasexual disadvantages of epaulet expression. Additional studies are needed to test these alternatives.  相似文献   

The fact that most female primates (and many other mammals)live in groups is paradoxical, given that the presence of otherspresumably increases competition for foods and may, for some,reduce reproductive success. Competition for food resourcesis generally inferred from any of the following observations:(1) female dominance hierarchies within groups; (2) female aggressionbetween groups; (3) increasing home-range size with increasinggroup size; (4) longer day-range length with increasing groupsize; and (5) lower reproductive rates in larger groups. Bothfemale aggression (interference competition) and adjustmentsof ranging behavior to group size (exploitative competition)have been linked in the past to patterns of food distributionand abundance. Using data largely from the literature, thispaper examines the covariance of female aggression and rangingbehavior among 20 species of primates in an attempt to betterexplain the variation in female relationships within and betweengroups of primates. Results show that groups of females areaggressive toward other groups and that home-range size increaseswith increasing group size in most species. In addition, inthose species with strong dominance hierarchies within groups,day-range length increases as a function of group size. However,in those species that do not have strong dominance hierarchieswithin groups, dayrange length does not increase as a functionof group size. The implications of these results are presentedin a model that suggests that intergroup competition is determinedby food abundance, whereas intragroup competition is determinedby food distribution. This model differs from earlier modelsin its explanation of the ecological conditions that influencefemale relationships within and between groups of primates.[Behav Ecol 1991;2:143–155]  相似文献   

Konior M  Keller L  Radwan J 《Heredity》2005,94(6):577-581
Sperm competition is a potent evolutionary force shaping the reproductive biology of most animal species. Here, we estimated the heritability of sperm competition success in the promiscuous bulb mite Rhizoglyphus robini. Sperm competition success was measured with the sterile male technique as the proportion of eggs fertilised by the second of three males mated with a single female. Sperm competition success responded significantly to selection. The heritability estimated from the response to five generations of selection was 0.13. We also estimated the effect of inbreeding on sperm competition success. Males produced by sib-mating (F=0.25) had a significantly lower sperm competition success than outbred males. The estimated coefficient of inbreeding depression was 0.53. Such high inbreeding depression together with moderately low heritability is consistent with the view that sperm competitive ability is under strong directional selection and strongly influences the reproductive success of males.  相似文献   

Sperm size and number are important determinants of male reproductive success. The genus Drosophila exhibits a remarkable diversity of sperm production strategies, including the production of multiple sperm morphs by individual males, a phenomenon called sperm heteromorphism. Sperm-heteromorphic Drosophila species in the obscura group produce large numbers of infertile "parasperm" in addition to fertile eusperm. Parasperm have been hypothesized to perform a number of roles in place of fertilization, predominantly focused on their potential function in postcopulatory sexual selection. However, the evolutionary significance of parasperm remains unknown. Here we measured several male and female morphological, behavioral, and life-history traits in 13 obscura group species to test competing hypotheses of parasperm function using comparative methods. We found that parasperm size was unrelated to female reproductive tract morphology but was negatively related to our two indices of sperm competition, suggesting that postcopulatory sexual selection may indeed have shaped the evolution of parasperm. We also found abundant coevolution between male and female reproductive traits. Some of these relationships have been found in both sperm-monomorphic and sperm-heteromorphic taxa, but others are dissimilar. We discuss the significance of our results to the evolution of reproductive traits and the elusive function of Drosophila parasperm.  相似文献   

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