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Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulates a broad spectrum of cellular processes. This enzyme is a collection of varied heterotrimeric complexes, each composed of a catalytic (C) and regulatory (B) subunit bound together by a structural (A) subunit. To understand the cell cycle dynamics of this enzyme population, we carried out quantitative and qualitative analyses of the PP2A subunits of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found the following: the level of each subunit remained constant throughout the cell cycle; there is at least 10 times more of one of the regulatory subunits (Rts1p) than the other (Cdc55p); Tpd3p, the structural subunit, is limiting for both catalytic and regulatory subunit binding. Using green fluorescent protein-tagged forms of each subunit, we monitored the sites of significant accumulation of each protein throughout the cell cycle. The two regulatory subunits displayed distinctly different dynamic localization patterns that overlap with the A and C subunits at the bud tip, kinetochore, bud neck, and nucleus. Using strains null for single subunit genes, we confirmed the hypothesis that regulatory subunits determine sites of PP2A accumulation. Although Rts1p and Tpd3p required heterotrimer formation to achieve normal localization, Cdc55p achieved its normal localization in the absence of either an A or C subunit.  相似文献   

Regulation of mating in the cell cycle of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
The capacity of haploid a yeast cells to mate (fuse with a haploid strain of alpha mating type followed by nuclear fusion to produce a diploid cell) was assessed for a variety of temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) mutants at the permissive and restrictive temperatures. Asynchronous populations of some mutants do not mate at the restrictive temperature, and these mutants define genes (cdc 1, 4, 24, and 33) that are essential both for the cell cycle and for mating. For most cdc mutants, asynchronous populations mate well at the restrictive temperature while populations synchronized at the cdc block do not. Populations of a mutant carrying the cdc 28 mutation mate well at the restrictive temperature after synchronization at the cdc 28 step. These results suggest that mating can occur from the cdc 28 step, the same step at which mating factors arrest cell cycle progress. The cell cycle interval in which mating can occur may or may not extend to the immediately succeeding and diverging steps (cdc 4 and cdc 24). High frequency mating does not occur in the interval of the cell cycle extending from the step before the initiation of DNA synthesis (cdc 7) through DNA synthesis (cdc 2, 8, and 21), medial nuclear division (cdc 13), and late nuclear division (cdc 14 and 15).  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase type I (PP1), encoded by the single essential gene GLC7 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, functions in diverse cellular processes. To identify in vivo subcellular location(s) where these processes take place, we used a functional green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Glc7p fusion protein. Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy revealed GFP-Glc7p localizes predominantly in the nucleus throughout the mitotic cell cycle, with the highest concentrations in the nucleolus. GFP-Glc7p was also observed in a ring at the bud neck, which was dependent upon functional septins. Supporting a role for Glc7p in bud site selection, a glc7-129 mutant displayed a random budding pattern. In alpha-factor treated cells, GFP-Glc7p was located at the base of mating projections, again in a septin-dependent manner. At the start of anaphase, GFP-Glc7p accumulated at the spindle pole bodies and remained there until cytokinesis. After anaphase, GFP-Glc7p became concentrated in a ring that colocalized with the actomyosin ring. A GFP-Glc7-129 fusion was defective in localizing to the bud neck and SPBs. Together, these results identify sites of Glc7p function and suggest Glc7p activity is regulated through dynamic changes in its location.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Regulation of phosphatidate phosphatase (EC 3.1.34) activity was examined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells supplemented with phospholipid precursors. Addition of inositol to the growth medium of wild-type cells resulted in a twofold increase in phosphatidate phosphatase activity. The increase in phosphatidate phosphatase activity was not due to soluble effector molecules, and inositol did not have a direct effect on enzyme activity. The phosphatidate phosphatase activity associated with the mitochondrial, microsomal, and cytosolic fractions of the cell was regulated by inositol in the same manner. Cells supplemented with inositol had elevated phospholipid levels and reduced triacylglycerol levels compared with unsupplemented cells. Serine, ethanolamine, and choline did not significantly affect the phosphatidate phosphatase activity of cells grown in the absence or presence of inositol. Enzyme activity was not regulated in inositol biosynthesis regulatory mutants, suggesting that regulation by inositol is coupled to regulation of inositol biosynthesis. Phosphatidate phosphatase activity was pleiotropically expressed in structural gene mutants defective in phospholipid biosynthesis. These results suggested that phosphatidate phosphatase was regulated by inositol at a genetic level.  相似文献   

The yeast Cdc7 function is required for the G1/S transition and is dependent on passage through START, a point controlled by the Cdc28/cdc2/p34 protein kinase. CDC7 encodes a protein kinase activity, and we now show that this kinase activity varies in the cell cycle but that protein levels appear to remain constant. We present several lines of evidence that periodic activation of CDC7 kinase is at least in part through phosphorylation. First, the kinase activity of the Cdc7 protein is destroyed by dephosphorylation of the protein in vitro with phosphatase. Second, Cdc7 protein is hypophosphorylated and inactive as a kinase in extracts of cells arrested at START but becomes active and maximally phosphorylated subsequent to passage through START. The phosphorylation pattern of Cdc7 protein is complex. Phosphopeptide mapping reveals four phosphopeptides in Cdc7 prepared from asynchronous yeast cells. Both autophosphorylation and phosphorylation in trans appear to contribute to this pattern. Autophosphorylation is shown to occur by using a thermolabile Cdc7 protein. A protein in yeast extracts can phosphorylate and activate Cdc7 protein made in Escherichia coli, and phosphorylation is thermolabile in cdc28 mutant extracts. Cdc7 protein carrying a serine to alanine change in the consensus recognition site for Cdc28 kinase shows an altered phosphopeptide map, suggesting that this site is important in determining the overall Cdc7 phosphorylation pattern.  相似文献   

Synchronous cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae prepared by selection of small unbudded cells from an elutriating rotor were used to measure trehalase activity during the cell cycle. After the small cells had been removed from the rotor, the remainder was used to prepare asynchronous control cultures. Both synchronous and control cultures were studied for two cell cycles. In asynchronous cultures the trehalase activity of crude cell lysates rose continuously. In synchronized populations trehalase activity increased from the beginning of budding onwards. However, around the period of cell division the enzyme activity dropped rapidly but transiently by more than 5-fold. The same changes were found during the second budding cycle. Measurements of invertase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities in the same synchronous and asynchronous cultures revealed a continuous increase for both enzymes. Incubation of cell lysates with cAMP-dependent protein kinase before assaying for trehalase resulted in a 2-fold enhancement of enzyme activity in asynchronous control cultures. In synchronized cells this treatment also led to a significant stimulation of trehalase activity, and largely abolished the cell-cycle-dependent oscillatory pattern of enzyme activity. These results suggest that the activity of trehalase during the cell cycle is regulated, presumably at the post-translational level, by a phosphorylation-dephosphorylation mechanism.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle   总被引:101,自引:0,他引:101  

cDNAs encoding three protein phosphatases, termed PP2Bw (Da Cruz e Silva, E.F. and Cohen, P.T.W. (1989) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1009, 293-296), PPZ1 and PPZ2 that have been isolated from a Clontech 'rabbit brain' library are shown to be Saccharomyces cerevisiae clones. PPZ1 and PPZ2 are two novel yeast phosphatases showing 93% amino acid sequence identity to one another. PPZ1 shows approx. 60% sequence identity to S. cerevisiae or mammalian PP1 and approx. 40% identity to S. cerevisiae or mammalian PP2A. These and other observations suggest that the two isoforms of PPZ have functions distinct from those of PP1.  相似文献   

A glycogen synthase phosphatase was purified from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The purified yeast phosphatase displayed one major protein band which coincided with phosphatase activity on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This phosphatase had a molecular mass of about 160,000 Da determined by gel filtration and was comprised of three subunits, termed A, B, and C. The subunit molecular weights estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were 60,000 (A), 53,000 (B), and 37,000 (C), indicating that this yeast glycogen synthase phosphatase is a heterotrimer. On ethanol treatment, the enzyme was dissociated to an active species with a molecular weight of 37,000 estimated by gel filtration. The yeast phosphatase dephosphorylated yeast glycogen synthase, rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase, casein, and the alpha subunit of rabbit muscle phosphorylase kinase, was not sensitive to heat-stable protein phosphatase inhibitor 2, and was inhibited 90% by 1 nM okadaic acid. Dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase, phosphorylase, and phosphorylase kinase by this yeast enzyme could be stimulated by histone H1 and polylysines. Divalent cations (Mg2+ and Ca2+) and chelators (EDTA and EGTA) had no effect on dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase or phosphorylase while Mn2+ stimulated enzyme activity by approximately 50%. The specific activity and kinetics for phosphorylase resembled those of mammalian phosphatase 2A. An antibody against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of the catalytic subunit of rabbit skeletal muscle protein phosphatase 2A reacted with subunit C of purified yeast phosphatase on immunoblots, whereas the analogous peptide antibody against phosphatase 1 did not. These data show that this yeast glycogen synthase phosphatase has structural and catalytic similarity to protein phosphatase 2A found in mammalian tissues.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes ELM1, ELM2, and ELM3 were identified on the basis of the phenotype of constitutive cell elongation. Mutations in any of these genes cause a dimorphic transition to a pseudohyphal growth state characterized by formation of expanded, branched chains of elongated cells. Furthermore, elm1, elm2, and elm3 mutations cause cells to grow invasively under the surface of agar medium. S. cerevisiae is known to be a dimorphic organism that grows either as a unicellular yeast or as filamentous cells termed pseudohyphae; although the yeast-like form usually prevails, pseudohyphal growth may occur during conditions of nitrogen starvation. The morphologic and physiological properties caused by elm1, elm2, and elm3 mutations closely mimic pseudohyphal growth occurring in conditions of nitrogen starvation. Therefore, we propose that absence of ELM1, ELM2, or ELM3 function causes constitutive execution of the pseudohyphal differentiation pathway that occurs normally in conditions of nitrogen starvation. Supporting this hypothesis, heterozygosity at the ELM2 or ELM3 locus significantly stimulated the ability to form pseudohyphae in response to nitrogen starvation. ELM1 was isolated and shown to code for a novel protein kinase homolog. Gene dosage experiments also showed that pseudohyphal differentiation in response to nitrogen starvation is dependent on the product of CDC55, a putative B regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A, and a synthetic phenotype was observed in elm1 cdc55 double mutants. Thus, protein phosphorylation is likely to regulate differentiation into the pseudohyphal state.  相似文献   

We isolated a mutant carrying a conditional mutation in the GLC7 gene, encoding the catalytic subunit of a type 1 protein phosphatase, by selection of suppressors that restored the growth defect of cdc24 mutants at high temperature and simultaneously conferred cold-sensitive growth. This cold sensitivity for growth is caused by a single mutation (glc7Y-170) at position 170 of the Glc7 protein, resulting in replacement of cysteine with tyrosine. Genetic analysis suggested that the glc7Y-170 allele is associated with a recessive negative phenotype, reducing the activity of Glc7 in the cell. The glc7Y-170 mutant missegregated chromosome III at the permissive temperature, arrested growth as large-budded cells at the restrictive temperature, exhibited a significant increase in the number of nuclei at or in the neck, and had a short spindle. Furthermore, the glc7Y-170 mutant exhibited a high level of CDC28-dependent protein kinase activity when incubated at the restrictive temperature. These findings suggest that the glc7Y-170 mutation is defective in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Thus, type 1 protein phosphatase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is essential for the G2/M transition.  相似文献   

Pracheil T  Thornton J  Liu Z 《Genetics》2012,190(4):1325-1339
The target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase, a central regulator of eukaryotic cell growth, exists in two essential, yet distinct, TOR kinase complexes in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: rapamycin-sensitive TORC1 and rapamycin-insensitive TORC2. Lst8, a component of both TOR complexes, is essential for cell viability. However, it is unclear whether the essential function of Lst8 is linked to TORC1, TORC2, or both. To that end, we carried out a genetic screen to isolate lst8 deletion suppressor mutants. Here we report that mutations in SAC7 and FAR11 suppress lethality of lst8Δ and TORC2-deficient (tor2-21) mutations but not TORC1 inactivation, suggesting that the essential function of Lst8 is linked only to TORC2. More importantly, characterization of lst8Δ bypass mutants reveals a role for protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in the regulation of TORC2 signaling. We show that Far11, a member of the Far3-7-8-9-10-11 complex involved in pheromone-induced cell cycle arrest, interacts with Tpd3 and Pph21, conserved components of PP2A, and deletions of components of the Far3-7-8-9-10-11 complex and PP2A rescue growth defects in lst8Δ and tor2-21 mutants. In addition, loss of the regulatory B' subunit of PP2A Rts1 or Far11 restores phosphorylation to the TORC2 substrate Slm1 in a tor2-21 mutant. Mammalian Far11 orthologs FAM40A/B exist in a complex with PP2A known as STRIPAK, suggesting a conserved functional association of PP2A and Far11. Antagonism of TORC2 signaling by PP2A-Far11 represents a novel regulatory mechanism for controlling spatial cell growth of yeast.  相似文献   

In this paper, specific PHO13 alkaline phosphatase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was demonstrated to possess phosphoprotein phosphatase activity on the phosphoseryl proteins histone II-A and casein. The enzyme is a monomeric protein with molecular mass of 60 kDa and hydrolyzes p-nitrophenyl phosphate with maximal activity at pH 8.2 with strong dependence on Mg2+ ions and an apparent Km of 3.6×10−5 M. No other substrates tested except phosphorylated histone II-A and casein were hydrolyzed at any significant rate. These data suggest that the physiological role of the p-nitrophenyl phosphate-specific phosphatase may involve participation in reversible protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Regulation of protein kinase cascades by protein phosphatase 2A.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Many protein kinases themselves are regulated by reversible phosphorylation. Upon cell stimulation, specific kinases are transiently phosphorylated and activated. Several of these protein kinases are substrates for protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), and PP2A appears to be the major kinase phosphatase in eukaryotic cells that downregulates activated protein kinases. This idea is substantiated by the observation that some viral proteins and naturally occurring toxins target PP2A and modulate its activity. There is increasing evidence that PP2A activity is regulated by extracellular signals and during the cell cycle. Thus, PP2A is likely to play an important role in determining the activation kinetics of protein kinase cascades.  相似文献   

Regulation of cell size in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
For cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the size at initiation of budding is proportional to growth rate for rates from 0.33 to 0.23 h-1. At growth rates lower than 0.23 h-1, cells displayed a minimum cell size at bud initiation independent of growth rate. Regardless of growth rate, cells displayed an increase in volume each time budding was initiated. When abnormally small cells, produced by starvation for nitrogen, were placed in fresh medium containing nitrogen but with different carbon sources, they did not initiate budding until they had grown to the critical size characteristic of that medium. Moreover, when cells were shifted from a medium supporting a low growth rate and small size at bud initiation to a medium supporting a higher growth rate and larger size at bud initiation, there was a transient accumulation of cells within G1. These results suggest that yeast cells are able to initiate cell division at different cell sizes and that regulation of cell size occurs within G1.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae responds to deperivation of nutrients by arresting cell division at the unbudded G1 stage. Cells situated outside of G1 at the time of deperivation complete the cell cycle before arresting. This prompted an investigation of the source of nutrients used by these cells to complete division and the mechanisms controlling their availability. We found a close correlation between accumulation of unbudded cells and loss of previously formed allophanate hydrolase activity after nutrient starvation. These losses were not specific to the allantoin, system since they have been observed for a number of other enzymes and also when cellular protein levels were monitored with [3H]leucine. Loss of hydrolase activity was also observed when protein synthesis was inhibited either by addition of inhibitors or loss of the prtl gene product. We found that onset of nutrient starvation brought about release of large quantities of arginine and allantoin normally sequestered in the cell vacuole. Treatment of a cells with alpha-factor resulted in both the release of allantoin and arginine from the cell vacuole and the onset of intracellular protein degradation. These effects were not observed when either alpha cells or a/alpha diploid strains were treated with alpha-factor. These data suggest that release of vacuolar constitutents and protein turnover may be regulated by the G1 arrest signal.  相似文献   

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