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Above- and below-ground biomass production, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) tissue concentrations, and root: shoot ratios were examined for five species that are characteristic of a semiarid successional sequence under controlled greenhouse conditions. In two simultaneous experiments, seedlings of one forb, two grass, and two shrub species important in a sagebrush successional sere, were subjected to seven levels of N and P. Results of the experiments suggest distinct differences in nutrient response patterns between early and late seral species. Early seral species produced more biomass but had lower tissue nutrient concentrations than late seral species. As N and P availabilities decreased, late seral species displayed characteristics indicative of increasing competitive advantage over those of early seral species. Root: shoot ratios of the five species primarily reflected patterns related to lifeform, but with some early and late seral characteristics. Results from this study 1) confirm that nutrient use pattern, nutrient availability, and seral position relationships characteristic of mesic ecosystems hold equally true for semiarid systems, and 2) suggest that nutrients are important organizing factors in semiarid ecosystems.  相似文献   

During their life cycle, plants must be able to adapt to wide variations in the supply of soil nitrogen (N). Changes in N availability, and in the relative concentrations of NO3 and NH4 +, are known to have profound regulatory effects on the N uptake systems in the root, on C and N metabolism throughout the plant, and on root and shoot morphology. Optimising the plant’s responses to fluctuations in the N supply requires co-ordination of the pathways of C and N assimilation, as well as establishment of the appropriate allocation of resources between root and shoot growth. Achieving this integration of responses at the whole plant level implies long-distance signaling mechanisms that can communicate information about the current availability of N from root-to-shoot, and information about the C/N status of the shoot in the reverse direction. In this review we will discuss recent advances which have contributed to our understanding of these long-range signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The following evidence was obtained for the de novo synthesis of dipeptidase in squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch. var. Hubbard) cotyledons during germination: (i) the amount of [14C]leucine incorporated into the dipeptidase was greater than that found in other proteins; (ii) the enzyme coincided with a peak of radioactivity in DEAE column chromatography; and (iii) the specific radioactivity of the enzyme increased with purification. There was also a positive correlation between the rate of [14C]leucine incorporation into dipeptidase and the rate of dipeptidase development. Four plant growth regulators, gibberellic acid (GA) benzyladenine (BA), indol-3-acetic acid (IAA), and abscisic acid (ABA) were examined for their effect on the development of dipeptidase activity at 5 × 10?6 and 5 × 10?5 M. None of these regulators affected the activity of the isolated dipeptidase per se. In intact see ds, BA and IAA inhibited the development of dipeptidase activity at the higher concentration, ABA reduced the activity at both concentrations; however, GA enhanced its development at the higher concentration. In distal-half cotyledons, BA and GA stimulated enzyme development but they showed no synergistic effect. IAA suppressed the development of enzyme activity at the higher concentration and ABA inhibited development at both levels.  相似文献   

Nodule numbers are regulated through systemic auto‐regulatory signals produced by shoots and roots. The relative effects of shoot and root genotype on nodule numbers together with relationships to organ biomass, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) status, and related parameters were measured in pea (Pisum sativum) exploiting natural genetic variation in maturity and apparent nodulation intensity. Reciprocal grafting experiments between the early (Athos), intermediate (Phönix) and late (S00182) maturity phenotypes were performed and Pearson's correlation coefficients for the parameters were calculated. No significant correlations were found between shoot C/N ratios and plant morphology parameters, but the root C/N ratio showed a strong correlation with root fresh and dry weights as well as with shoot fresh weight with less significant interactions with leaf number. Hence, the root C/N ratio rather than shoot C/N had a predominant influence on plant morphology when pea plants are grown under conditions of symbiotic nitrogen supply. The only phenotypic characteristic that showed a statistically significant correlation with nodulation intensity was shoot length, which accounted for 68.5% of the variation. A strong linear relationship was demonstrated between shoot length and nodule numbers. Hence, pea nodule numbers are controlled by factors related to shoot extension, but not by shoot or root biomass accumulation, total C or total N. The relationship between shoot length and nodule numbers persisted under field conditions. These results suggest that stem height could be used as a breeding marker for the selection of pea cultivars with high nodule numbers and high seed N contents.  相似文献   

A modified root ingrowth method was developed to minimize destructive sampling in experiments with limited space, and used to estimate belowground net primary production and root tissue quality in a native semiarid grassland exposed to elevated CO2 for five years. Increases in root production of over 60% were observed with elevated CO2 during years of intermediate levels of precipitation, with smaller effects in a very wet year and no effects in a very dry year. Aboveground to belowground production ratios, and the depth distribution of root production, did not differ between ambient and elevated CO2 treatments. Root soluble concentrations increased an average of 11% and lignin concentrations decreased an average of 6% with elevated CO2, while nitrogen concentrations decreased an average of 21%. However, most tissue quality responses to CO2 varied greatly among years, and C:N ratios were higher in only one year (22 ambient vs. 33 elevated). Among years, root nitrogen concentrations declined with increasing aboveground plant nitrogen yield, and increased over the study period. Estimates of root production by the ingrowth donut method were much lower than previous estimates in the shortgrass steppe based on 14C decay. We discuss reasons why all ingrowth methods will always result in relative rather than absolute estimates of root production.  相似文献   

Spring wheat cv. ‘Gutha’ was grown in continuous wheat (W/W) and narrow-leafed lupin (L. angustifolius L. cv. Yandee)-wheat (L/W) rotation on a yellow earth over mottled clay (Arenic Fragiudult) in a mediterranean climate for two years. The first year had a higher than average rainfall with adequate soil water until anthesis. The second year was very dry (only 232 mm total rainfall) and soil water contents were low throughout the growing season. Nitrogen fertilizer (+N) treatments were included in both years. In the first year an adjacent experiment compared the effects of loosening a pronounced traffic pan which existed on the site (LS)versus unloosened (US). In the first year roots contained more dry matter than tops in the early vegetative stage in all crops and then declined exponentially to a ratio of 0.1 in the US and LS treatments. In the second year however, the decline was both linear and much less, so that root:shoot ratios at harvest were still between 0.4 and 0.8. There was a consistent trend in root:shoot ratios from the most favourable (LS) to least favourable (W/W-N) treatments over the combined two years’ data, and this was also found in grain yield, with a higher yield in year one from the LS than US, and the lowest yield in year two from the W/W-N treatment. The proportion of total biomass recovered from below ground was substantially higher than is commonly reported from studies carried out in temperate, high fertility soils, but probably still under-estimates of the true amount of dry matter in roots because of inadequacies of sampling, washing and storage techniques. Root length densities were much greater in the drier year, especially in the surface 0.1-m, and based on theoretical considerations, much greater than required for extraction of available water. The effect of environmental conditions on the relative size of cereal crop carbon sinks are discussed in relation to these results.  相似文献   

Jasmonic acid (JA) is thought to be part of a signal-transduction pathway which dramatically increases de-novo nicotine synthesis in the roots and increases whole-plant (WP) nicotine pools in response to the wounding of the leaves in Nicotiana sylvestrisSpegazzini and Comes (Solanaceae). We report the synthesis of a doubly labeled JA ([1, 2-13C]JA) and use it as an internal standard to quantify by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry the changes in root and shoot JA pools in plants subjected to differing amounts of standardized leaf wounding. Wounding increased JA pools 10-fold locally in damaged leaves within 90 min and systemically in the roots (3.5-fold) 180 min after wounding. If JA functions as an intermediary between stimulus and response, quantitative relationships among the stimulus, JA, and the response should exist. To examine these relationships, we varied the number of punctures in four leaves and quantified both the resulting JA in damaged leaves after 90 min and the resulting WP nicotine concentration after 5 d. We found statistically significant, positive relationships among number of leaf punctures, endogenous JA, and WP nicotine accumulation. We used two inhibitors of wound-induced nicotine production, methyl salicylate and indole-3-acetic acid, to manipulate the relationships between wound-induced changes in JA and WP nicotine accumulation. Since wounding and the response to wounding occur in widely separated tissues, we applied inhibitors to different plant parts to examine their effects on the local and systemic components of this response. In all experiments, inhibition of the wound-induced increase in leaf JA 90 min after wounding was associated with the inhibition of the nicotine response 5 d after wounding. We conclude that wound-induced increases in leaf JA are an important component of this long-distance signal-transduction pathway. Received: 24 April 1996 / Accepted: 18 July 1996  相似文献   

Soluble free amino acids, ammonium and nitrate ions as sources of nitrogen for plant growth were measured in soils of a coastal marsh grazed by snow geese in Manitoba, Canada. Amounts of nitrogen, primarily ammonium ions, increased in the latter half of the growing season and over winter, but fell to low values early in the growing season. Free amino acid concentrations relative to ammonium concentrations were highest during the period of rapid plant growth in early summer, especially in soils in the intertidal zone, where the median ratio of amino acid nitrogen to ammonium nitrogen was 0·36 and amino acid concentrations exceeded those of ammonium ions in 24% of samples. Amino acid profiles, which were dominated by alanine, proline and glutamic acid, were similar to goose faecal profiles. In a continuous flow hydroponic experiment conducted in the field, growth of the salt‐marsh grass, Puccinellia phryganodes, on glycine was similar to growth on ammonium ions at an equivalent concentration of nitrogen. When supplies of soil inorganic nitrogen are low, amino acids represent a potentially important source of nitrogen for the re‐growth of plants grazed by geese and amino acid uptake may be as high as 57% that of ammonium ions.  相似文献   

Spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golf) was grown at different nitrate supply rates, controlled by using the relative addition rate technique, in order to elucidate the relationship between nitrate-N supply and root and shoot levels of abscisic acid (ABA). The plants were maintained as (1) standard cultures where nitrate was supplied at relative addition rates (RAs) of 0.03, 0.09 and 0.18 day−1, and (2) split-root cultures at RA 0.09 day−1 but with the nitrate distributed between the two root parts in ratios of 100:0, 80:20 and 60:40. Time-dependent changes in root and shoot concentrations of ABA (determined by radioimmunoassay using a monoclonal antibody) were observed in both standard and split-root cultures during 12 days of acclimation to the different nitrate regimes. However, the ABA responses were similar at all nitrate supply rates. Further experiments were performed with split-root cultures where the distribution of nitrate between the two root parts was reversed from 80:20 to 20:80 so that short-term effects to local perturbations of nitrate supply could be studied without altering whole-plant N absorption. Transient increases in ABA concentrations (maximum of 25 to 40% after 3 to 4 h) were observed in both subroot parts, as well as in xylem sap and shoot tissue. By pruning the root system it was demonstrated that the change in ABA had its origin in the subroot part receiving the increased nitrate supply (i.e. switched from 20 to 80% of the total nitrate supply). The data indicate that ABA responses are easily transmitted between different organs, including transmission from one set of seminal roots to another via the shoot. The data do not provide any indication that long-term nitrate supplies or general nitrogen status of barley plants affect, or are otherwise related to, the average tissue ABA concentrations of roots and shoots.  相似文献   

Novel techniques were devised to explore the mechanisms mediating the adverse effects of compacted soil on plants. These included growing plants in: (i) profiles containing horizons differing in their degree of compaction and; (ii) split-pots in which the roots were divided between compartments containing moderately (1·4 g cm ? 3) and severely compacted (1·7 g cm ? 3) soil. Wild-type and ABA-deficient genotypes of barley were used to examine the role of abscisic acid (ABA) as a root-to-shoot signal. Shoot dry weight and leaf area were reduced and root : shoot ratio was increased relative to 1·4 g cm ? 3 control plants whenever plants of both genotypes encountered severely compacted horizons. In bartey cultivar Steptoe, stomatal conductance decreased within 4 d of the first roots encountering 1·7 g cm ? 3 soil and increased over a similar period when roots penetrated from 1·7 g cm ? 3 into 1·4 g cm ? 3 soil. Conductance was again reduced by a second 1·7 g cm ? 3 horizon. These responses were inversely correlated with xylem sap ABA concentration. No equivalent stomatal responses occurred in Az34 (ABA deficient genotype), in which the changes in xylem sap ABA were much smaller. When plants were grown in 1·7 : 1·4 g cm ? 3 split-pots, shoot growth was unaffected relative to 1·4 g cm ? 3 control plants in Steptoe, but was significantly reduced in Az34. Excision of the roots in compacted soil restored growth to the 1·4 g cm ? 3 control level in Az34. Stomatal conductance was reduced in the split-pot treatment of Steptoe, but returned to the 1·4 g cm ? 3 control level when the roots in compacted soil were excised. Xylem sap ABA concentration was initially higher than in 1·4 g cm ? 3 control plants but subsequently returned to the control level; no recovery occurred if the roots in compacted soil were left intact. Xylem sap ABA concentration in the split-pot treatment of Az34 was initially similar to plants grown in uniform 1·7 g cm ? 3 soil, but returned to the 1·4 g cm ? 3 control level when the roots in the compacted compartment were excised. These results clearly demonstrate the involvement of a root-sourced signal in mediating responses to compacted soil; the role of ABA in providing this signal and future applications of the compaction procedures reported here are discussed.  相似文献   


The influence of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (protocatechuic acid), a naturally occurring benzoic acid derivative, on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cell and tissue cultures was examined. The response to 0.1, 10 and 1000 µM 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid was tested with regards to cell proliferation in leaf explants, callus growth and shoot formation. Effects on shoot and root growth in micropropagated plants were also analysed. The highest concentration of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid strongly inhibited the proliferation of leaf tissues, callus growth, shoot regeneration and root growth in micropropagated plants. On the contrary, the lowest concentration (0.1 µM) showed auxin-like activity by stimulating cell dedifferentiation, callus induction and rooting of leaf tissues. The presence of auxins and cytokinins in the media contrasted 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid inhibition of callus growth at all tested concentrations.  相似文献   

Possible involvement of systemic regulation of the photosynthetic properties of young leaves by the local environments and/or photosynthate production of the mature leaves were examined using Phaseolus vulgaris plants. When primary leaves (PLs) were treated with air containing 150 microL CO2 L(-1) with the other plant parts in ambient air at a photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 300 micromol photon m(-2) s(-1), decreases in the photosynthetic rate measured at 360 microL CO2 L(-1) and a PPFD of 300 micromol photon m(-2) s(-1) (A360) were markedly retarded in both PLs and the first trifoliate leaves (TLs) as compared to plants treated with 400 microL CO2 L(-1). Conversely, when PLs were treated with 1000 microL CO2 L(-1), decreases in A360 were accelerated in both PLs and TLs. Shading of PLs accelerated the decrease in PL A360, and delayed the decrease in TLs. In the CO2 treatments, changes in A360 in TLs were mainly attributed to the changes in ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation rate, while the shading of PLs caused increases in both the RuBP carboxylation and regeneration rates in TLs. The ribulose 1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity on chlorophyll basis, an indicator of sun/shade acclimation, differed both among PLs and among TLs in accordance with the redox state of photosystem II (PSII) in PLs. Although carbohydrate contents of TLs were not affected by any manipulation of PLs, changes in the photosynthetic capacities of TLs acted to compensate for changes in PL photosynthesis. These results clearly indicate that the CO2 and shade treatments of PLs not only affect photosynthetic properties of the PLs themselves, but also systemically affected the photosynthetic properties of TLs. Possible roles of the redox state and photosynthate concentration in PLs in regulation of photosynthesis in PLs and TLs are discussed.  相似文献   

Some plants have the ability to maintain similar respiratory rates (measured at the growth temperature), even when grown at different temperatures, a phenomenon referred to as respiratory homeostasis. The underlying mechanisms and ecological importance of this respiratory homeostasis are not understood. In order to understand this, root respiration and plant growth were investigated in two wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Stiletto and cv. Patterson) with a high degree of homeostasis, and in one wheat cultivar (T. aestivum L. cv. Brookton) and one rice cultivar (Oryza sativa L. cv. Amaroo) with a low degree of homeostasis. The degree of homeostasis (H) is defined as a quantitative value, which occurs between 0 (no acclimation) and 1 (full acclimation). These plants were grown hydroponically at constant 15 or 25 °C. A good correlation was observed between the rate of root respiration and the relative growth rates (RGR) of whole plant, shoot or root. The plants with high H showed a tendency to maintain their RGR, irrespective of growth temperature, whereas the plants with low H grown at 15 °C showed lower RGR than those grown at 25 °C. Among several parameters of growth analysis, variation in net assimilation rate per shoot mass (NARm) appeared to be responsible for the variation in RGR and rates of root respiration in the four cultivars. The plants with high H maintained their NARm at low growth temperature, but the plants with low H grown at 15 °C showed lower NARm than those grown at 25 °C. It is concluded that respiratory homeostasis in roots would help to maintain growth rate at low temperature due to a smaller decrease in net carbon gain at low temperature. Alternatively, growth rate per se may control the demand of respiratory ATP, root respiration rates and sink demands of photosynthesis. The contribution of nitrogen uptake to total respiratory costs was also estimated, and the effects of a nitrogen leak out of the roots and the efficiency of respiration on those costs are discussed.  相似文献   

A simple method of growing plants in agar was exploited to investigate the effect of long-term nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deficiencies on respiratory metabolism and growth in shoots and roots of Nicotiana tabacum seedlings, and their interaction with exogenously supplied sucrose. Levels of hexose phosphates and 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA) were low in P-deficient shoots and roots and high in N-deficient shoots and roots. The ratio of hexose phosphates to 3-PGA and levels of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate were high in P-deficient plants and low in N-deficient plants. These data reflect differences in the way metabolism was perturbed, yet both deficiencies were associated with increased root growth relative to shoot growth, starch accumulation in the shoots, and soluble carbohydrate accumulation, especially hexoses, in the roots. Enzymes for sucrose degradation (sucrose synthase, acid and alkaline invertase) and glycolysis (phosphofructokinase, pyrophosphate-dependent phospho-fructokinase and pyruvate kinase) remained unaltered or declined in the shoots and roots. The accumulation of hexoses in roots of N- and P-deficient plants may result from maintenance of high invertase activities relative to sucrose synthase and glycolytic enzymes in the roots. The possibility that hexose accumulation may drive preferential root growth osmotically in N and P deficiencies is discussed. The addition of sucrose to roots to further investigate the interaction of carbohydrates with growth and allocation in low N and low P produced clear effects even though endogenous levels of soluble carbohydrate were already high in the nutrient-deficient plants. In complete nutrition, growth was stimulated, protein content particularly of the roots was increased and there was a preferential increase in activity of sucrose synthase in roots. At low P, enzyme activities in roots were increased, including sucrose synthase, and protein content increased, particularly in the roots, but there was no increase in growth. In N-deficient plants, exogenous sucrose led to decreased protein, Rubisco and chlorophyll content in shoots, in contrast to the other conditions, and a higher protein content and a general increase of catabolic enzyme activities and growth in the roots.  相似文献   

Soil flooding damages shoot systems by inhibiting root functioning. An example is the inhibition of water uptake brought about by decreased root hydraulic conductance. The extent of any resulting foliar dehydration this causes is limited by partial stomatal closure that begins within 4 h and is maintained for several days. Root to shoot signals that promote closure in flooded tomato plants have remained elusive but may include changes in solute delivery to the shoot by transpiration. Accordingly, we examined total osmolites and selected mineral ions in samples of xylem sap flowing at rates approximating whole plant transpiration. After 2.5 h flooding,delivery of total osmolites and of PO4 3-SO4 2-Ca2+K+NO3 and H+strongly decreased while Na+ remained excluded. Several hours later, deliveries of osmolites, PO4 3-, SO4 2-, Ca2+, and Na+ rose above control values, suggesting that, after approximately 10 h, root integrity became degraded and solute uptake de-regulated. Deliveries of NO3 remained below control values. Reducing or eliminating the supply of K+ to detached leaves to test the potential of decreased K+ delivery to close stomata proved negative. Decrease in H+ delivery was associated with sap alkalisation. However, raising the pH of buffer from 6.0 or 6.5 to 7.0 did not close stomata when tested in the presence of abscisic acid (ABA) at a concentration (10 mol m–3) typical of the transpiration stream of flooded plants. It is concluded that despite their rapidity and scale, negative messages in the form of increased pH and decreased solute delivery from roots to shoots are, themselves, unlikely initiators of stomatal closure in flooded tomato plants.  相似文献   

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