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Many studies in both animal and plant systems have shown that matrix attachment regions (MARs) can increase the expression of flanking transgenes. However, our previous studies revealed no effect of the chicken lysozyme MARs (chiMARs) on transgene expression in the first generation transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants transformed with a β-glucuronidase gene (uidA) unless gene silencing mutants were used as genetic background for transformation. In the present study, we investigated why chiMARs do not influence transgene expression in transgenic wild-type Arabidopsis plants. We first studied the effect of chiMARs on transgene expression in the progeny of primary transformants harboring chiMAR-flanked T-DNAs. Our data indicate that chiMARs do not affect transgene expression in consecutive generations of wild-type A. thaliana plants. Next, we examined whether these observed results in A. thaliana transformants are influenced by the applied transformation method. The results from in vitro transformed A. thaliana plants are in accordance with those from in planta transformed A. thaliana plants and again reveal no influence of chiMARs on transgene expression in A. thaliana wild-type transformants. The effect of chiMARs on transgene expression is also examined in in vitro transformed Nicotiana tabacum plants, but as for A. thaliana, the transgene expression in tobacco transformants is not altered by the presence of chiMARs. Taken together, our results show that the applied method or the plant species used for transformation does not influence whether and how chiMARs have an effect on transgene expression. Finally, we studied the effect of MARs (tabMARs) of plant origin (tobacco) on the transgene expression in A. thaliana wild-type plants and suppressed gene silencing (sgs2) mutants. Our results clearly show that similar to chiMARs, the tobacco-derived MARs do not enhance transgene expression in a wild-type background but can be used to enhance transgene expression in a mutant impaired in gene silencing. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users. Miguel F.C. De Bolle, Katleen M.J. Butaye Contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

A new deletion allele of the APETALA1 (AP1) gene encoding a type II MADS-box protein with the key role in the initiation of flowering and development of perianth organs has been identified in A. thaliana. The deletion of seven amino acids in the conserved region of the K domain in the ap1-20 mutant considerably delayed flowering and led to a less pronounced abnormality in the corolla development compared to the weak ap1-3 and intermediate ap1-6 alleles. At the same time, a considerable stamen reduction has been revealed in ap1-20 as distinct from ap1-3 and ap1-6 alleles. These data indicate that the K domain of AP1 can be crucial for the initiation of flowering and expression regulation of B-class genes controlling stamen development.  相似文献   

The thale cress, Arabidopsis thaliana, is considered to be an important model species in studying a suite of evolutionary processes. However, the species has been criticized on the basis of its comparatively small size at maturity (and consequent limitations in the amount of available biomass for herbivores) and on the duration and timing of its life cycle in nature. In the laboratory, we studied interactions between A. thaliana and the cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae, in order to determine if plants are able to support the complete development of the herbivore. Plants were grown in pots from seedlings in densities of one, two, or four per pot. In each treatment, one, two, or five newly hatched larvae of P. rapae were placed on fully developed rosettes of A. thaliana. In a separate experiment, the same densities of P. rapae larvae were reared from hatching on single mature cabbage (Brassica oleracea) plants. Pupal fresh mass and survival of P. rapae declined with larval density when reared on A. thaliana but not on B. oleracea. However, irrespective of larval density and plant number, some P. rapae were always able to complete development on A. thaliana plants. A comparison of the dry mass of plants in different treatments with controls (= no larvae) revealed that A. thaliana partially compensated for plant damage when larval densities of P. rapae were low. By contrast, single cress plants with 5 larvae generally suffered extensive damage, whereas damage to B. oleracea plants was negligible. Rosettes of plants that were monitored in spring, when A. thaliana naturally grows, were not attacked by any insect herbivores, but there was often extensive damage from pulmonates (slugs and snails). Heavily damaged plants flowered less successfully than lightly damaged plants. Small numbers of generalist plant-parasitic nematodes were also recovered in roots and root soil. By contrast, plants monitored in a sewn summer plot were heavily attacked by insect herbivores, primarily flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp.). These results reveal that, in natural populations of A. thaliana, there is a strong phenological mismatch between the plant and most of its potential specialist insect herbivores (and their natural enemies). However, as the plant is clearly susceptible to attack from non-insect generalist invertebrate herbivores early in the season, these may be much more suitable for studies on direct defense strategies in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Three AtHSP90 isoforms, cytosol-localized AtHSP90.2, chloroplast-localized AtHSP90.5, and endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized AtHSP90.7 genes, were constitutively overexpressed in Arabidopsis thaliana to study their functional mechanisms under oxidative stress. Overexpression of AtHSP90 genes reduced germination of transgenic seeds under oxidative stress. When exposed to 10 mM H2O2, AtHSP90 transgenic seedlings displayed lower activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase; higher content of malondialdehyde; and higher levels of protein damage than detected in the wild type. This indicated that overexpression of AtHSP90.2, AtHSP90.5, and AtHSP90.7 in Arabidopsis impaired plant tolerance to oxidative stress. Moreover, overexpression of chloroplast- and ER-localized AtHSP90 resulted in lower resistance to oxidative stress than that of cytosolic AtHSP90. This suggested that HSP90.2, HSP90.5, and HSP90.7 localized in different cellular compartments were involved in different functional mechanisms during oxidative stress.  相似文献   

We isolated several mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. that accumulated less anthocyanin in the plant tissues, but had seeds with a brown color similar to the wild-type. These mutants were allelic with the anthocyaninless1 (anl1) mutant that has been mapped at 15.0 cM of chromosome 5. We performed fine mapping of the anl1 locus and determined that ANL1 is located between the nga106 marker and a marker corresponding to the MKP11 clone. About 70 genes are located between these two markers, including three UDP-glucose:flavonoid-3-O-glucosyltransferase-like genes and a glutathione transferase gene (TT19). A mutant of one of the glucosyltransferase genes (At5g17050) was unable to complement the anl1 phenotype, showing that the ANL1 gene encodes UDP-glucose:flavonoid-3-O-glucosyltransferase. ANL1 was expressed in all tissues examined, including rosette leaves, stems, flower buds and roots. ANL1 was not regulated by TTG1.  相似文献   

Low doses of microtubule-interacting drugs cause wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana seedling roots to twist in a left-handed helical direction. We here report molecular characterization of an A. thaliana tubulin mutant whose roots twist in a right-handed direction and have shallow left-handed cortical microtubule arrays when challenged with low doses of microtubule drugs. In the absence of the drug, growth and development of the mutant was apparently normal. In this conditional twisting mutant, Cys213 of α-tubulin6 was exchanged with Tyr. The mutant tubulin was incorporated into the microtubule polymer with wild-type tubulins, and thus acted as a dominant-negative mutation. These results suggest that compromised microtubules in wild-type and mutant roots are qualitatively distinct and affect skewing direction differently.  相似文献   

Transport of nucleotide-sugars across the Golgi membrane is required for the lumenal synthesis of a variety of essential cell surface components, and is mediated by nucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs) which are members of the large drug/metabolite superfamily of transporters. Despite the importance of these proteins in plants, so far only two have been described, GONST1 and AtUTr1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. In this work, our aim was to identify further Golgi nucleotide-sugar transporters from Arabidopsis. On the basis of their sequence similarity to GONST1, we found four additional proteins, which we named GONST2, 3, 4 and 5. These putative NSTs were grouped into three clades: GONST2 with GONST1; GONST3 with GONST4; and GONST5 with six further uncharacterized proteins. Transient expression in tobacco cells of a member of each clade, fused to the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), suggested that all these putative NSTs are localised in the Golgi. To obtain evidence for nucleotide sugar transport activity, we expressed these proteins, together with the previously characterised GONST1, in a GDP-mannose transport-defective yeast mutant ( vrg4-2). We tested the transformants for rescue of two phenotypes associated with this mutation: sensitivity to hygromycin B and reduced glycosylation of extracellular chitinase. GONST1 and GONST2 complemented both phenotypes, indicating that GONST2, like the previously characterized GONST1, is a GDP-mannose transporter. GONST3, 4 and 5 also rescued the antibiotic sensitivity, but not the chitinase glycosylation defect, suggesting that they can also transport GDP-mannose across the yeast Golgi membrane but with a lower efficiency. RT-PCR and analysis of Affymetrix data revealed partially overlapping patterns of expression of GONST1–5 in a variety of organs. Because of the differences in ability to rescue the vrg4 -2 phenotype, and the different expression patterns in plant organs, we speculate that GONST1 and GONST2 are both GDP-mannose transporters, whereas GONST3, GONST4 and GONST5 may transport other nucleotide-sugars in planta.Communicated by G. JürgensThe first two authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Carboxylesterases hydrolyze esters of short-chain fatty acids and have roles in animals ranging from signal transduction to xenobiotic detoxification. In plants, however, little is known of their roles. We have systematically mined the genome from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana for carboxylesterase genes and studied their distribution in the genome and expression profile across a range of tissues. Twenty carboxylesterase genes (AtCXE) were identified. The AtCXE family shares conserved sequence motifs and secondary structure characteristics with carboxylesterases and other members of the larger / hydrolase fold superfamily of enzymes. Phylogenetic analysis of the AtCXE genes together with other plant carboxylesterases distinguishes seven distinct clades, with an Arabidopsis thaliana gene represented in six of the seven clades. The AtCXE genes are widely distributed across the genome (present in four of five chromosomes), with the exception of three clusters of tandemly duplicated genes. Of the interchromosomal duplication events, two have been mediated through newly identified partial chromosomal duplication events that also include other genes surrounding the AtCXE loci. Eighteen of the 20 AtCXE genes are expressed over a broad range of tissues, while the remaining 2 (unrelated) genes are expressed only in the flowers and siliques. Finally, hypotheses for the functional roles of the AtCXE family members are presented based on the phylogenetic relationships with other plant carboxylesterases of known function, their expression profile, and knowledge of likely esterase substrates found in plants.  相似文献   

Cotton fibres are single, highly elongated cells derived from the outer epidermis of ovules, and are developmentally similar to the trichomes of Arabidopsis thaliana. To identify genes involved in the molecular control of cotton fibre initiation, we isolated four putative homologues of the Arabidopsis trichome-associated gene TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1 (TTG1). All four WD-repeat genes are derived from the ancestral D diploid genome of tetraploid cotton and are expressed in many tissues throughout the plant, including ovules and growing fibres. Two of the cotton genes were able to restore trichome formation in ttg1 mutant Arabidopsis plants. Both these genes also complemented the anthocyanin defect in a white-flowered Matthiola incana ttg1 mutant. These results demonstrate parallels in differentiation between trichomes in cotton and Arabidopsis, and indicate that these cotton genes may be functional homologues of AtTTG1.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis deletion mutant was fortuitously identified from the alpha population of T-DNA insertional mutants generated at the University of Wisconsin Arabidopsis Knockout Facility. Segregation and reciprocal crosses indicated that the mutant was a gametophytic pollen sterile mutant. Pollen carrying the mutation has the unusual phenotype that it is viable, but cannot germinate. Thus, the mutant was named pollen germination defective mutant 1 (pgd1), based on the pollen phenotype. Flanking sequences of the T-DNA insertion in the pgd1 mutant were identified by thermal asymmetric interlaced (TAIL) PCR. Sequencing of bands from TAIL PCR revealed that the T-DNA was linked to the gene XLG1, At2g23460, at its downstream end, while directly upstream of the T-DNA was a region between At2g22830 and At2g22840, which was 65 genes upstream of XLG1. Southern blotting and genomic PCR confirmed that the 65 genes plus part of XLG1 were deleted in the pgd1 mutant. A 9,177 bp genomic sequence containing the XLG1 gene and upstream and downstream intergenic regions could not rescue the pgd1 pollen phenotype. One or more genes from the deleted region were presumably responsible for the pollen germination defect observed in the pgd1 mutant. Because relatively few mutations have been identified that affect pollen germination independent of any effect on pollen viability, this mutant line provides a new tool for identification of genes specifically involved in this phase of the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Somatic hybrids were produced by protoplast fusion between Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia and a male-sterile radish line MS-Gensuke (Raphanus sativus) with the Ogura cytoplasm. Forty-one shoots were differentiated from the regenerated calli and established as shoot cultures in vitro. About 20 of these shoots were judged to be hybrids based on growth characteristics and morphology. Molecular analyses of 11 shoots were performed, confirming the hybrid features. Of these 11 shoots, eight were established as rooted plants in the greenhouse. Polymerase chain reaction and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analyses of the nuclear genomes of all analyzed shoots and plants confirmed that they contained hybrid DNA patterns. Their chromosome numbers also supported the hybrid nature of the plants. Investigations of the organelles in the hybrids revealed that the chloroplast (cp) genome was exclusively represented by radish cpDNA, while the mitochondrial DNA configuration showed a combination of both parental genomes as well as fragments unique to the hybrids. Hybrid plants that flowered were male-sterile independent of the presence of the Ogura CMS-gene orf138.Abbreviations CMS Cytoplasmic male sterilityCommunicated by M.R. Davey  相似文献   

Simple method of Arabidopsis thaliana w.t. cv. Columbia (L.) Heynh. cultivation in liquid nutrient medium is presented. After 5 weeks of growth in soil, the plants were transferred to modified Hoagland nutrient medium. This allowed us to cultivate Arabidopsis in conditions comparable to all other hydroponically grown higher plants used in plant physiology and plant stress physiology experiments. Absence of agar in growth medium and free access to whole root system makes this method useful also in experiments concerning root physiology.  相似文献   

The exact localization of an insertion in the genome of transgenic plants obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is an integral part of most experiments aimed at studying these types of mutants. There are several methods for isolating unknown nucleotide sequences of genomic DNA which flank the borders of T-DNA integrated in the genome of plants. However, all the methods based on PCR have limitations which in some cases do not permit the desired objective to be achieved. We have developed a new technique for isolating flanking sequence tags (FSTs) via modified inverse PCR. This method is highly efficient and simple, but also retains the advantages of previously well-documented approaches.  相似文献   

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