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Two new shrimp-associated gobies,Amblyeleotris yanoi sp. nov. andA. masuii sp. nov. are described on the basis of specimens from Iriomote-jima Island and Okinawa-jima Islands, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.A. yanoi is distinguished from other members of the genus by the combination of the following characters: 14 anal fin soft rays, 19 pectoral fin rays, 97–103 longitudinal scales, a candle flame-shaped marking on the caudal fin, a very low membrane connecting the pelvic fins and absence of a ventral frenum.A. masuii differs from all other congeners by having 92–97 longitudinal scales, the length of the interpelvic connecting membrane relative to the longest pelvic fin ray (0.43–0.66), black blotches on the sides of the chin, and blue spots on the opercle and preopercle.  相似文献   

A new marine goby Callogobius sheni collected from coral reefs off southern Taiwan is described. The new species can be distinguished from congeneric species by the following combination of features: dorsal fin rays VI-I, 9; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 18; longitudinal scale rows 27–28; predorsal scale rows 9–10; no posterior oculoscapular and preopercular canals; body pale white with five blackish brown cross bands; caudal and pectoral fins each with a large blackish brown blotch.  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby,Rhinogobius xianshuiensis sp. nov. was collected from the upper Mulan River basin of Xianyou County, Fujian Province, eastern China. The species is distinguished from related species in the region by 3–7 predorsal scales, 27 vertebrae, cephalic lateralis canals always always with 2 derived post-orbital pores (ε1) in adults, a reddish-brown vertical line below the anterior margin of the eye, and a red netlike pattern on the opercle. A key to species ofRhinogobius with higher vertebral numbers (27–29) from eastern China, Taiwan and Japan is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of mudskipper,Periophthalmus spilotus, is described on the basis of 16 specimens from Sumatra, Indonesia. It differs from other species ofPeriophthalmus by the following combination of characters: pelvic fins totally united into rounded disk; first dorsal fin high, greyish, no spots on fin nor elongate spines; second dorsal fin typically with 14 total elements; anal fin typically with either 14 or 15 total elements; length of anal-fin base 21.8–29.0% SL; and length of second dorsal-fin base 22.5–26.7% SL. This species is most similar to, and probably most closely related to,P. chrysospilos.  相似文献   

A new lotic species of leptocerid caddisfly, Leptocerus fluminalis sp. nov., is described based on adult and immature stages from Japan. The habitat and gut contents of this species are noted.  相似文献   

A new cottid species, Icelus sekii, is described on the basis of six specimens collected from off Rausu and Urakawa, Hokkaido Island, Japan. This species is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: supraocular and parietal spines absent; nuchal spine obscure; uppermost preopercular spine unbranched; no scales between dorsal scale row and lateral line scale row, and no scales below lateral line scale row; supraocular, parietal, and nuchal cirri present; five dark brown saddles dorsolaterally; anal fin rays 13; pectoral fin rays 15; vertebrae 12 + 24–25 = 36–37. Icelus sekii can be mature at the smallest size among the species of Icelus. As a secondary sexual character, the male holotype has unique ensiform flaps on the distal tips of the first dorsal fin.  相似文献   

A new species of the genusLaboulbenia, L. diplocheilae, has been established for specimens on the host genusDiplocheila (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Licinini).Laboulbenia diplocheilae is easily distinguished fromL. proliferans var.divaricata onChlaenius by the absence of a black constriction on the outermost branch of the outer appendage and by the simple stalks subtending grouped antheridia borne on appendage branches in the middle of the appendage system.  相似文献   

A new gobiid fish, Vanderhorstia papilio, is described based on a single specimen (40.9mm SL) captured from a sandy-mud bottom at a depth of 45m in a protected bay of Iriomote-jima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. It is distinguished from congeners in having the following combination of characters: 11 segmented dorsal-fin rays; 11 segmented anal-fin rays; 27 longitudinal scales; 11 predorsal scales; third spine of first dorsal fin elongate, filamentous, and longer than preceding spine; fifth and ninth branched caudal-fin rays elongate, filamentous, and forming bifurcated caudal fin; fifth and ninth branched caudal-fin rays with a single branch in each; cephalic sensory-papillae row a comprises three widely-spaced papillae; when live or fresh, numerous small yellow spots scattered on head, body, and dorsal fins; dusky yellowish-brown vertical bar below eye; four dark gray-brown saddles on body, in addition to a similarly colored large blotch at midlateral caudal-fin base. The limits and diagnosis of the genus Vanderhorstia are discussed.  相似文献   

A new acropomatid, Malakichthys barbatus, is described on the basis of 27 specimens (76.3–180.1 mm SL) collected from Suruga Bay to Tosa Bay, along the southern Pacific coast of Japan. The new species is unique in having numerous pairs of spines on the chin (a pair of spines in other congeners). Although the new species resembles M. elegans in having a slender body (the depth less than 35% SL), the former is further distinguishable from the latter in having a slender first proximal radial of the anal fin with no hollow (broad with a cone-shaped hollow in M. elegans), 43–48 lateral line scales (48–51), modally 21 gill rakers on the lower arm (modally 23), and a dark blotch on the opercle (no remarkable blotch). Received: July 2, 2000 / Revised: September 27, 2000 / Accepted: January 30, 2001  相似文献   

A minute basidiomycete belonging to Flagelloscypha (Niaceae, Agaricales) was found on blighted leaves of Rodgersia podophylla in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. The fungus proved to be a new species and was named Flagelloscypha japonica based on its morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

A new shrimp-associated goby, Stonogobiops yasha sp. nov., is described on the basis of nine specimens collected from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. This species is easily distinguished from other congeneric species in having reddish-orange stripes on a white body and only two median cephalic sensory pores on the head. Received: July 21, 1999 / Revised: July 10, 2001 / Accepted: July 26, 2001  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius wangi, was collected from a small tributary of the Hanjiang Basin, Guangdong Province, southeastern China. The species can be distinguished from all congeneric species by the following unique combination of features: second dorsal fin rays I, 8; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 16; rather large scales as longitudinal scale series 26–27; predorsal scales 8–9; vertebral count 10 + 17 = 27; seven parallel, deep brown oblique stripes crossing on cheek in male; branchiostegal membrane with brownish-red spots in male; seven longitudinal deep brown lines on lateral side of body; pectoral fin base with a blackish-brown bar. A key to all nominal species with high vertebral counts from China (Hanjiang to Chiangtangjiang basins), Taiwan, and Japan is also provided.  相似文献   

A new gobiid species,Acanthogobius insularis, is described from 88 specimens collected from Amami-oshima Island and Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan. The species is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of dorsal and anal fin ray counts, vertebral counts, cephalic sensory system patterns and coloration.  相似文献   

Hemitriakis complicofasciata sp. nov. is described from 18 specimens from the waters of the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan. This new species is distinguishable from other congeners by the following characters: higher vertebral counts (46–52 monospondylous vertebrae and 124–131 precaudal total vertebrae), presence of a developed posterior nasal flap, first dorsal fin origin anterior to free rear tips of pectoral fin, shorter snout length (snout tip to oral length less than 1.8 times internarial width), absence of an accessory cartilage at symphysial part of upper jaw, and dark complicated lines and rings on embryos and juveniles.  相似文献   

A new species of cyclopoid copepod, Ochridacyclops nipponensis is described from Japan. This is the third species of the genus. The type material was collected from small streams in the mountainous regions in Shikoku. The new species can easily be distinguished from other members of genus by its 12-segmented antennule, by the proportional length of genital double-somite relative to the length of 3 free abdominal somites, and by the shape of caudal rami. The male is unknown.  相似文献   

A new rockfish, Sebastes kiyomatsui, is described on the basis of 13 specimens from the Pacific coast of southern Japan. The new species resembles S. scythropus in having two sharp preorbital and robust preocular, supraocular, and postocular spines, but differs from the latter in having a black blotch on the opercle not extending to the subopercle, indistinct crimson marks on the body, blackish region of the oral cavity reaching to the prevomer and palatine, blackish tongue, a small ridge on the upper edge of the lachrymal, somewhat larger orbit, somewhat lower caudal peduncle, and seven lower unbranched pectoral fin rays. Sebastes kiyomatsui is a deep water (ca. 250m) inhabitant.  相似文献   

Echinogobius hayashii, a new genus and species of Gobiidae is described, based on 11 specimens from Japan and Australia. This genus is distinguishable from all other gobiid genera in having the following combination of characters: first spine of first dorsal fin hard and straight, about 1.5 times second spine in thickness; first spine of second dorsal fin hard, with similar thickness as first soft ray of second dorsal fin, supported by two normally-sized pterygiophores; snout convex; preopercular spine absent; predorsal scales absent; all scales cycloid. The species occurs between 1–20 m in clear water on clear sandy bottoms influenced by fast tidal currents. Based on our observations, it is not associated with an alpheid shrimp.  相似文献   

A new species of West Balkanian freshwater sand-goby Pomatoschistus montenegrensis sp. nov. (Teleostei: Gobiidae) is described from the Morača River, southern Montenegro, and shown to be related to the euryhaline Adriatic Pomatoschistus canestrinii . The generic status of these two species is discussed with reference to the limits of Pomatoschistus (type Gobius minutus ) and the status of a subgenus [ Ninnigobius (type-species Gobius canestrini )]. The habitat and the local distribution of the new species are described.  相似文献   

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