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Habitat conditions and nutrient reserve levels during spring migration have been suggested as important factors affecting population declines in waterfowl, emphasizing the need to identify key sites used during spring and understand habitat features and resource availability at stopover sites. We used satellite telemetry to identify stopover sites used by surf scoters migrating through southeast Alaska during spring. We then contrasted habitat features of these sites to those of random sites to determine habitat attributes corresponding to use by migrating scoters. We identified 14 stopover sites based on use by satellite tagged surf scoters from several wintering sites. We identified Lynn Canal as a particularly important stopover site for surf scoters originating throughout the Pacific winter range; approximately half of tagged coastally migrating surf scoters used this site, many for extended periods. Stopover sites were farther from the mainland coast and closer to herring spawn sites than random sites, whereas physical shoreline habitat attributes were generally poor predictors of site use. The geography and resource availability within southeast Alaska provides unique and potentially critical stopover habitat for spring migrating surf scoters. Our work identifies specific sites and habitat resources that deserve conservation and management consideration. Aggregations of birds are vulnerable to human activity impacts such as contaminant spills and resource management decisions. This information is of value to agencies and organizations responsible for emergency response planning, herring fisheries management, and bird and ecosystem conservation. © 2010 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Pacific salmon migration timing can drive population productivity, ecosystem dynamics, and human harvest. Nevertheless, little is known about long‐term variation in salmon migration timing for multiple species across broad regions. We used long‐term data for five Pacific salmon species throughout rapidly warming southeast Alaska to describe long‐term changes in salmon migration timing, interannual phenological synchrony, relationships between climatic variation and migratory timing, and to test whether long‐term changes in migration timing are related to glaciation in headwater streams. Temporal changes in the median date of salmon migration timing varied widely across species. Most sockeye populations are migrating later over time (11 of 14), but pink, chum, and especially coho populations are migrating earlier than they did historically (16 of 19 combined). Temporal trends in duration and interannual variation in migration timing were highly variable across species and populations. The greatest temporal shifts in the median date of migration timing were correlated with decreases in the duration of migration timing, suggestive of a loss of phenotypic variation due to natural selection. Pairwise interannual correlations in migration timing varied widely but were generally positive, providing evidence for weak region‐wide phenological synchrony. This synchrony is likely a function of climatic variation, as interannual variation in migration timing was related to climatic phenomenon operating at large‐ (Pacific decadal oscillation), moderate‐ (sea surface temperature), and local‐scales (precipitation). Surprisingly, the presence or the absence of glaciers within a watershed was unrelated to long‐term shifts in phenology. Overall, there was extensive heterogeneity in long‐term patterns of migration timing throughout this climatically and geographically complex region, highlighting that future climatic change will likely have widely divergent impacts on salmon migration timing. Although salmon phenological diversity will complicate future predictions of migration timing, this variation likely acts as a major contributor to population and ecosystem resiliency in southeast Alaska.  相似文献   

Phylogeography of endemic ermine (Mustela erminea) in southeast Alaska   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The North Pacific Coast (NPC) of North America is a region of high mammalian endemism, possibly due to its highly fragmented landscape and complex glacial history. For example, four island and one mainland subspecies of ermine, Mustela erminea, have been described as endemic to southeast Alaska alone. To better understand the role of past climatic change in generating diversity in the region, we examined DNA sequence variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of 210 ermine from across North America, with an emphasis on Alaska and British Columbia. We found three distinct (1.5-3.6% uncorrected 'p') lineages of ermine, all of which occur in southeast Alaska. One lineage includes a southeast Alaska endemic and specimens from Alaska (outside of southeast) and Eurasia. A second lineage includes two southeast Alaskan endemics and ermine from western Canada and the coterminous United States. The close relationships of these purported endemics to ermine outside of southeast Alaska suggest that they colonized the region from Beringian and southern glacial refugia, respectively, following deglaciation of the NPC. The third lineage appears restricted to the Prince of Wales Island complex in southeast Alaska (two subspecies) and Graham Island (Haida Gwaii), British Columbia. This restricted distribution suggests that these populations may be derived from relicts that persisted in a coastal refugium during the Wisconsin glaciation. Studies of nuclear genes and adaptive morphological evolution are necessary to further explore discrepancies between the geographical pattern of differentiation based on mtDNA and the existing subspecific taxonomy based on morphology.  相似文献   

Over 30 species of fleshy-fruited plants are found in southeast Alaska. In this paper we examine traits such as plant growth form, phenology, fruit color, seed load, pulp dry weight, and pulp nutrient content and compare them with those of fruits from central Illinois. Two comparative methods (continuous time Markov model and phylo-Anova) were used to compare both qualitative and quantitative traits between the two regions. Although fleshy-fruited plants from SE Alaska appear to be predominantly shrubs or herbs in contrast to central Illinois, where trees and vines tend to be more common, no significant differences among growth forms were found when accounting for plant phylogeny. In SE Alaska, most fruits mature in August and September, whereas most fruits mature later in the autumn in Illinois. Red fruits are more common in Alaska than in Illinois, where blue-black fruits predominate. Alaskan fruits have a significantly greater seed load than fruits in Illinois, while pulp dry weight does not differ between the two regions. Although the proportion of sugars and lipids in the pulp was not statistically different between the two regions, total reward of the pulp (estimated as the absolute amount of sugars plus twice the amount of lipids, as lipids provide about twice the energy of sugars) was greater in Alaskan than in Illinois fruits. Neither phylogenetic constraints nor selection by frugivores appear to account fully for the regional distribution of fruit characteristics.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that bogs are climax (structurally and compositionally stable) communities has been proposed for several large regions including southeast Alaska. A logical consequence of the bog climax is the hypothesis that, where there is infrequent large-scale physical disturbance, landscape-level changes from early successional woodland to late successional peatland should have occurred during the Holocene. This hypothesis is tested in southeast Alaska using analyses of fossil arthropods and site stratigraphy, as well as a review of the ecological literature.
Results indicate at least three major landscape types have dominated since deglaciation: deciduous woodland (about 9000 to 6000 yr BP), coniferous woodland (about 6000 to 3000 yr BP), and peatland (about 3000 yr BP to present). Other paleoecological and ecological studies from around the region provide evidence for directional changes, both past and present, from woodland to peatland. Furthermore, there is no clear evidence for peatland to woodland transitions in the absence of large-scale disturbance. These results suggest that the bog climax hypothesis deserves a more careful examination by ecologists studying succession.  相似文献   

1. Adult Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) transport marine nutrients to fresh waters and disturb sediments during spawning. The relative importance of nutrient fertilisation and benthic disturbance by salmon spawners can be modulated by environmental conditions (e.g. biological, chemical and physical conditions in the catchment, including human land use). 2. To determine the importance of the environmental context in modifying the uptake and incorporation of salmon‐derived material into stream biota, we measured the nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotopic composition of benthic algae (i.e. epilithon) and juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in seven streams across a timber‐harvest gradient (8–69% catchment area harvested), both before and during the salmon run. Conditional bootstrap modelling simulations were used to assess variability in the response of epilithon and juvenile coho salmon to spawning salmon. 3. In response to spawning salmon, epilithon exhibited enrichment in both δ15N (mean: 1.5‰) and δ13C (2.3‰). Juvenile coho were also enriched in both δ15N (0.7‰) and δ13C (1.4‰). Conditional bootstrap models indicate decreased variation in data as spatial replication increases, suggesting that the number of study sites can influence the results of Pacific salmon isotope studies. 4. Epilithon isotopic enrichment was predicted by environmental conditions, with δ15N enrichment predicted by stream temperature and timber harvest (R2 = 0.87) and δ13C enrichment by discharge, sediment size, timber harvest and spawner density (R2 = 0.96). Furthermore, we found evidence for a legacy effect of salmon spawners, with pre‐spawner δ15N and δ13C of both epilithon and juvenile coho predicted by salmon run size in the previous year. 5. Our results show that the degree of incorporation of salmon‐derived nitrogen and carbon differs among streams. Furthermore, the environmental context, including putative legacy effects of spawning salmon, can influence background isotopic concentrations and utilisation of salmon‐derived materials in southeast Alaska salmon streams. Future studies should consider the variation in isotopic composition of stream biota when deciding on the number of study sites and samples needed to generate meaningful results.  相似文献   

In rivers supporting Pacific salmon in southeast Alaska, USA, regional trends toward a warmer, wetter climate are predicted to increase mid‐ and late‐21st‐century mean annual flood size by 17% and 28%, respectively. Increased flood size could alter stream habitats used by Pacific salmon for reproduction, with negative consequences for the substantial economic, cultural, and ecosystem services these fish provide. We combined field measurements and model simulations to estimate the potential influence of future flood disturbance on geomorphic processes controlling the quality and extent of coho, chum, and pink salmon spawning habitat in over 800 southeast Alaska watersheds. Spawning habitat responses varied widely across watersheds and among salmon species. Little variation among watersheds in potential spawning habitat change was explained by predicted increases in mean annual flood size. Watershed response diversity was mediated primarily by topographic controls on stream channel confinement, reach‐scale geomorphic associations with spawning habitat preferences, and complexity in the pace and mode of geomorphic channel responses to altered flood size. Potential spawning habitat loss was highest for coho salmon, which spawn over a wide range of geomorphic settings, including steeper, confined stream reaches that are more susceptible to streambed scour during high flows. We estimated that 9–10% and 13–16% of the spawning habitat for coho salmon could be lost by the 2040s and 2080s, respectively, with losses occurring primarily in confined, higher‐gradient streams that provide only moderate‐quality habitat. Estimated effects were lower for pink and chum salmon, which primarily spawn in unconfined floodplain streams. Our results illustrate the importance of accounting for valley and reach‐scale geomorphic features in watershed assessments of climate vulnerability, especially in topographically complex regions. Failure to consider the geomorphic context of stream networks will hamper efforts to understand and mitigate the vulnerability of anadromous fish habitat to climate‐induced hydrologic change.  相似文献   

Modern salmon hatcheries in Southeast Alaska were established in the 1970s when wild runs were at record low levels. Enhancement programs were designed to help rehabilitate depressed fisheries and to protect wild salmon stocks through detailed planning and permitting processes that included focused policies on genetics, pathology, and management. Hatcheries were located away from significant wild stocks, local sources were used to develop hatchery broodstocks, and juveniles are marked so management can target fisheries on hatchery fish. Initially conceived as a state-run system, the Southeast Alaska (SEAK) program has evolved into a private, non-profit concept centered around regional aquaculture associations run by fishermen and other stakeholders that pay for hatchery operations through landing fees and sale of fish. Today there are 15 production hatcheries and 2 research hatcheries in SEAK that between 2005 and 2009 released from 474 to 580 million (average 517 million) juvenile salmon per year. During this same period commercial harvest of salmon in the region ranged from 28 to 71 million salmon per year (average 49 million). Contributions of hatchery-origin fish to this harvest respectively averaged 2%, 9%, 19%, 20%, and 78% for pink, sockeye, Chinook, coho, and chum salmon. Both hatchery and wild salmon stocks throughout much of Alaska have experienced high marine survivals since the 1980s and 1990s resulting in record harvests over the past two decades. Although some interactions between hatchery salmon and wild salmon are unavoidable including increasing concerns over straying of hatchery fish into wild salmon streams, obvious adverse impacts from hatcheries on production of wild salmon populations in this region are not readily evident.  相似文献   

The species composition and distribution of mosses over microrelief features on bogs have been assessed with various types of the water-mineral nutrient supply. The density of moss stalks in different moss species mats has been examined. Fraction analysis has been applied to weight and morphological characteristics of moss stalks. The contributions made by each fraction to the biomass production have been estimated. The linear and weight parameters of the photosynthesizing layer in mosses have been determined.  相似文献   

Understanding how the concentration and chemical quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) varies in soils is critical because DOM influences an array of biological, chemical, and physical processes. We used PARAFAC modeling of excitation–emission fluorescence spectroscopy, specific UV absorbance (SUVA254) and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) incubations to investigate the chemical quality of DOM in soil water collected from 25 cm piezometers in four different wetland and forest soils: bog, forested wetland, fen and upland forest. There were significant differences in soil solution concentrations of dissolved organic C, N, and P, DOC:DON ratios, SUVA254 and BDOC among the four soil types. Throughout the sampling period, average DOC concentrations in the four soil types ranged from 9–32 mg C l−1 and between 23–42% of the DOC was biodegradable. Seasonal patterns in dissolved nutrient concentrations and BDOC were observed in the three wetland types suggesting strong biotic controls over DOM concentrations in wetland soils. PARAFAC modeling of excitation–emission fluorescence spectroscopy showed that protein-like fluorescence was positively correlated (r 2 = 0.82; P < 0.001) with BDOC for all soil types taken together. This finding indicates that PARAFAC modeling may substantially improve the ability to predict BDOC in natural environments. Coincident measurements of DOM concentrations, BDOC and PARAFAC modeling confirmed that the four soil types contain DOM with distinct chemical properties and have unique fluorescent fingerprints. DOM inputs to streams from the four soil types therefore have the potential to alter stream biogeochemical processes differently by influencing temporal patterns in stream heterotrophic productivity.  相似文献   

Aim This article reviews the history of seaweed collections in Southeast Alaska from the early Russian explorers to contemporary efforts. It summarizes other studies of Southeast Alaskan seaweeds from a biogeographical perspective, and compares the known seaweed flora near three population centres (Ketchikan, Sitka and Juneau) with those of other regions within Alaska, and with nearby regions. Location For this article, Southeast Alaska includes all inside and outside waters of the Alexander Archipelago from Dixon Entrance (54°40′ N, 133°00′ W) to Icy Point (58°23′10″ N, 137°04′20″ W). Methods The literature on seaweeds occurring in Southeast Alaska is reviewed from a biogeographical perspective, and herbarium records for Southeast Alaska from the Alaska Seaweed Database project are used to provide an overview of the biogeography of the area. Records for the population centres of Ketchikan, Sitka and Juneau are compared with records from other areas within Alaska and with nearby regions to determine floristic similarities. Results Southeast Alaska has the most diverse seaweed flora of any region of Alaska. A list of species known to occur in Southeast Alaska is appended (in Supplementary Material) and includes their reported occurrences in three population centres (Juneau, Ketchikan and Sitka). Recognition of at least three distinct biogeographical areas associated with these three centres is supported by a comparison of their floras with those of other regions in the North Pacific. A close relationship of some species with conspecifics in the north‐west Atlantic is also noted. In contrast, ecological, physiological and genetic differentiation of Southeast Alaskan seaweeds from conspecifics in Washington State or even from different areas of Southeast Alaska are documented. A ShoreZone coastal habitat system, which is being implemented to inventory and map the entire shoreline of Southeast Alaska, is defining new biogeographical units called ‘bioareas’ on the basis of the distribution of canopy kelps and lower intertidal algal assemblages. Main conclusions Southeast Alaska has the most diverse seaweed flora of any region of Alaska. This is a reflection of its extensive coastline, with varied past and present environmental conditions. Different parts of Southeast Alaska show similarities to different areas outside Southeast Alaska. Despite this, much remains to be learned about the biogeography of seaweeds in Southeast Alaska, and many questions remain to be answered.  相似文献   

Thirteen microsatellite loci were used to address three hypotheses regarding genetic diversity in the humpback whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis complex in Alaska. The test results provided further insight into the factors influencing C. clupeaformis complex population structure and level of genetic variation. First, the microsatellite data did not provide evidence of two spatially distinct Beringian and Eurasian refugial groups as revealed in previous phylogeographic analyses of mitochondrial DNA variation. Rather, the population structure inferred from the microsatellite variation appears to reveal the influence of factors on a more recent time scale, including gene flow among the refugial groups and isolation of some anadromous and freshwater resident populations. Second, anadromous C. clupeaformis complex collections exhibited higher intra‐population genetic diversity than freshwater resident collections. This outcome is consistent with previous meta analyses suggesting that freshwater resident populations probably have smaller historical effective population sizes and less conspecific gene flow because the habitat tends to be smaller and supports fewer and smaller populations. Finally, the analysis of contemporary immigration rates was consistent with, but did not provide statistical support for, the hypothesis that gene flow among anadromous C. clupeaformis complex populations along coastal Alaska is influenced by the Alaska Coastal Current. Further studies are needed to evaluate gene flow among coastal Alaska C. clupeaformis complex populations.  相似文献   

The Identity Division of Labor in Native Alaska   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT  There is often an implicit assumption that womens' technologies and associated tasks in subsistence-based groups are expedient and simple. For instance, in Native Alaska, the butchering of fish has been illustrated as arduous but uncomplicated work. On the contrary, closer examinations, as well as discussions with the people who are still learning and practicing subsistence tasks, indicate that this perspective is inaccurate. Instead, these taken-for-granted technologies and techniques require a lifetime of training and practice, and not all people achieve master status. Drawing from data from contemporary herring processing and the related tools of the trade, I explore the division of labor in the context of expertise and apprenticeship. [Keywords: apprenticeship, expertise, gender, age, Alaska]  相似文献   

The Praxis of Indigenism and Alaska Native Timber Politics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article addresses the most recent discourse on indigenism in Southeast Alaska that has emerged around the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 and its subsequent revisions. It argues that one must consider the "politics of recognition" in Southeast Alaska in terms of the larger political dynamics that shape state and industry access to resources, especially commercially valuable stands of timber. In Southeast Alaska, recognition of Native claims has allowed industrial timber and pulp producers to, in effect, circumvent environmental laws aimed at curbing production, thus allowing them to continue devastating the living conditions of many Natives. Among the local responses to the manipulation of Native claims and identity, the all–Native, radical Christian churches that have taken a strong stance against the recent, corporate–sponsored, cultural revitalization are unique in their resistance to indigenist politics. [Keywords: indigenism, Alaska Natives, development, Pentecostalism]  相似文献   

A key is provided for the identification of the thirty-eight psyllid species recorded from Alaska. Additional notes on host plant and distribution are given for each species. The species are: Aphalara manitobaensis Cald.,A.nigra Cald., Craspedolepta alaskensis (Ash.), C.nebulosa (Zett.) ssp. kincaidi (Ash.), C. schwarzi (Ash.), C.subpunctata (Förster), Psylla alaskensis Ash., P.betulaenanae Oss., P.breviata Patch, P.fibulata Crawf., P.floccosa Patch, P.galeaformis Patch, P.haliaeeti sp.nov., P.hamata Tuthill, P.highwoodensis sp.nov., P.jenseni sp.nov., P.kananaskensis Hod., P.ledi Flor., P.longiforceps sp.nov., P.minor Crawf., P.macleani sp.nov., P.myrtilli Wag. ssp. canadensis Hod., P.palmeni Löw, P.phlebophyllae sp.nov., P.rara Tuthill, P.rufipennis sp.nov., P.sinuata Crawf., P.striata Patch, P.stricklandi Crawf., P.toolikensis sp.nov., P.zaecevi Sulc, Trioza albifrons Crawf., Trioza artica sp.nov., T.atkasookensis sp.nov., T.incerta Tuthill, T.salicivora Reut. (=T.maura auctt. N.Amer.), T.stylifera Patch, Trioza sp.nov. (undescribed). All the newly described species were collected on Salix. The Alaskan fauna is made up of four major components: 1, true Arctic species; 2, Arctic/subarctic species; 3, subarctic/alpine species; 4, northern forest zone species. Eight of the Alaskan psyllids exhibit an holarctic distribution and there is a strong faunal affinity with similar areas in northern Scandinavia: the same four genera recur throughout the northern holarctic. There is strong circumstantial evidence that certain psyllid species are parthogenetic over part of their range, particularly in arctic/alpine situations.  相似文献   

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