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Chironomidae (Diptera) of Baldwin Lake,Illinois, a cooling reservoir   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The chironomid fauna of Baldwin Lake, a closed-cycle cooling reservoir for a power plant, was sampled monthly to semi-monthly for one year at four stations, two in the discharge channel and two in the main basin. Qualitative samples were also taken elsewhere and with multiple-plate samplers. Twenty-four species were collected. Annual mean population density was less than 100 larvae m–2 in the channel, 1037 M–2 in the main basin. Three species of Tanypodinae formed over 96 percent of the larval population in the main basin: Tanypus stellatus Coquillett, Procladius bellus (Loew), and Coelotanypus concinnus (Coquillett). The principal species on the multiple-plate samplers were Dicrotendipes nervosus (Staeger), Glyptotendipes lobiferus (Say), and Parachironomus monochromus (Wulp). Temperatures of 35°C or more in the channel virtually eliminated the chironomids, whereas temperatures up to 32°C in the main basin increased the number of generations of T. stellatus from the usual two to four at Station 3 and three at Station 4. Station 3 had almost 1,000 degree-days more heat than Station 4.  相似文献   

The aquatic larvae of two simuliid species, Austrosimulium furiosum (Skuse) and Simulium ornatipes Skuse, which often occur together in Victorian streams, were shown in laboratory experiments to have preferences for different water velocities: larvae of A. furiosum preferred water velocities of 0.2–0.3 m s–1, and S. ornatipes preferred water velocities of 0.9–1.3 m s –1 . Final instar larvae of both species selected slow water speeds of less than 0.25 m s –1 prior to pupation. Flow patterns around a cylinder in a laboratory stream were mapped, and the distribution of A. furiosum larvae within the wake, paired vortices and horseshoe vortex was recorded. Larvae selected areas with suitable water velocities and aligned with the flow, providing flow visualization of micro-current speed and direction. The potential for micro-habitat partitioning is discussed in relation to benthic sampling strategies.  相似文献   

The ten year research (1995–2004) of adult mosquitoes in the area of Osijek by dry ice baited CDC traps has provided significant information on mosquito species, species prevalence, their dynamics and seasonal activity. A total of 207,136 adult mosquitoes comprising twenty species belonging to the following genera: Anopheles, Ochlerotatus, Aedes, Culex, Coquillettidia, Culiseta and Uranotaenia were collected. The seven most common species collected during this study were: Aedes vexans (75.6%), Ochlerotatus sticticus (13.3%), Culex pipiens complex (5.9%), Anopheles maculipennis complex (1.9%), Oc. cantans (0.9%), Oc. caspius (0.6%) and Oc. excrucians (0.6%). The temporal changes in the relative abundance of the twenty mosquito species in the Osijek area were reflected in three peaks: in May, July and September. Seasonal population dynamics differed between years and between mosquito species in relation to wetland, urban and forest habitats and was influenced by water level of the Drava and the Danube rivers.  相似文献   

J. B. Rasmussen 《Oecologia》1987,73(1):133-138
Summary The effect of a predatory leech, Nephelopsis obscura, on survivorship, growth, and production of chronomid larvae was studied by enclosure experiments carried out in a small pond. The prey population was composed almost entirely of the tubiculous, microphagous chironomid larvae, Chironomus riparius and Glyptotendipes paripes. Nephelopsis significantly reduced chironomid survivorship within the enclosures, and accounted for most of the measured mortality of fourth instar larvae. The cropping by Nephelopsis was not significantly biased toward either prey species. In long-term experiments (66 d) chironomid biomass in enclosures without leeches reached much higher levels than in enclosures containing Nephelopsis. This increase in biomass was due to growth of surviving larvae, rather than recruitment, since emergence and oviposition were not going on during the course of the experiments. The enhanced survivorship of larvae within leech-free enclosures was eventually accompanied by reduced growth and specific production (daily production/biomass) for C. riparius, which made up about 90% of the larval population. Growth and specific production of G. paripes (10% of larval population) was not affected. Short-term experiments (25 d) involving manipulation of densities and species ratio (9:1 CR:GP and 1:9 CR:GP) of larvae revealed that growth of the majority species was strongly influenced by larval density, whereas growth of the minority species was not. The same pattern was observed both in the presence and in the absence of Nephelopsis and was a result of differences in resource utilization between the two species. In the shortterm experiments, growth rates estimated for larvae exposed to leeches were significantly less than those for larvae in leech-free enclosures. This could be due either to size-biased consumption of larvae by Nephelopsis, or possibly a disturbance factor leading to reduced larval food intake and/or increased metabolic costs.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the walls of the tubuli of larvae of two Chironomus species living in lakes and four species from small ponds were studied, in order to decide whether the function of the tubuli is primarily a respiratory one or not.Data suggest a reinforcement of the concept of a respiratory function and a hypothesis is discussed which might explain the differences found between the tubuli of lake- and pond-dwelling species.  相似文献   

Populations of Chironomus gr. thummi larvae from two differently polluted lowland streams (Dommei, high cadmium and zinc; Ijse, medium copper and organic xenobiotics) were screened for behavioural and morphological responses to pollution. Behaviours such as locomotion (swimming and looping), respiration movements (ventilation) and inactivity were quantified with impedance conversion technique. Chironomids from the Dommel were more active than larvae from Ijse. In Ijse, deformed larvae showed less emergence, less locomotion and more ventilation than non-deformed larvae. In Dommel, deformed and normal larvae were equally fit (behaviour, emergence).  相似文献   

We analyzed the effects of planktivorous Holeshestes heterodon Eigenmann (Characidae) predation on the plankton community of a small subtropical reservoir, using four enclosures (volume about 17.5 m3), open to the sediment, established in the littoral zone. Two enclosures were stocked with fish (mean TL 5.7 cm), at a density of about 4–5 fish m–3 (approx. 8 g m–3), whereas two remained fishless. The experiment lasted a little longer than one month. In the fish enclosures, most Crustacea and Chaoborus larvae remained scarce, probably as a result of visually selective fish predation. In both fishless enclosures, Chaoborus larvae became abundant. However, in only one of these did large individuals become relatively numerous; this discrepancy in the demographic structure of the Chaoborus populations between the two fishless enclosures is unexplained. Only in the fishless enclosure without appreciable numbers of large Chaoborus did densities of Crustacea increase greatly. It is suggested that in the enclosure containing large Chaoborus individuals, crustacean populations were prevented from developing due to predation pressure, while the small Chaoborus larvae of the other enclosure could not readily consume these prey. Rotifers were low in abundance in the absence of fish, probably as a consequence of Chaoborus predation. Phytoplankton density increased in all four enclosures, due probably to the lack of water flow. Only in the fishless enclosure with high densities of crustaceans did phytoplankton abundance decrease markedly at the end of the experiment, perhaps because of grazing losses.  相似文献   

Cadmium, Zn, Pb and Cu uptake and effects in larvae ofChironomus riparius (Meigen) were studied in an integrated laboratory investigation, in which metal analyses in different instar stages, uptake kinetics and effects on development and growth were considered in three separate experiments.In short-term experiments with fourth instar larvae, it was demonstrated that only a minor portion of metals was adsorbed on the larval exoskeletons. No conclusive evidence on the uptake mechanism was found, but active uptake of trace metals seemed highly unlikely.In partial life cycle experiments, all four metals studied were readily accumulated in chironomid larvae. Uptake could be described satisfactorily utilizing a first-order one-compartment uptake model which incorporated growth. In all cases steady state conditions were approached and high uptake and elimination rate constants were estimated. Distinct differences between essential (Zn and Cu) and non-essential (Cd and Pb) metals were noted. Larval growth was significantly impaired upon exposure.Finally, long-term exposure experiments with low Cd concentrations (0.010 and 0.025 mg 1–1) resulted initially in growth impairment and high mortality in first instar stages, but surviving larvae restored growth and adults emerged even before control adults. In similar experiments with Zn (0.1 and 1.0 mg 1–1), development of larvae was significantly retarded. High Zn concentrations in larvae were noted and almost no adult midges emerged.  相似文献   

The biomass and maximum depth of colonization (Z max) of Egeria najas Planchon (submerged), and the biomass and area covered by a stand of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Salvinia herzogii Raddi (floating species) were assessed to measure the effects of a 5 m drawdown in water level of the Itaipu Reservoir (Brazil–Paraguay), which lasted about 3 months. The frequency of occurrence of the two first species, and of Salvinia spp was also assessed in the main arms of the reservoir. A conspicuous decrease of E. najas biomass was observed and this attribute did not reach the previous values even 10 months after the water level had returned to normal. Rapid growth of free-floating species (surface t doub = 2.9 and 3.2 days for total biomass of S. herzogii and E. crassipes, respectively, and 2.3 days for surface area covered by both species) was recorded immediately after the water level returned to normal. This fast growth was related to phosphorus increases in water. A clear succession was observed over a period of 103 days, during which S. herzogii was slowly substituted by E. crassipes. The effects of water level drawdown were also observed on E. najas frequency, given that this species occurred in 38% of the stands investigated before the water drawdown, but in only 9 and 6% of stands following 1 and 10 months of water level recovery, respectively. Water drawdown did not affect the frequency of occurrence of the floating species, which remained approximately constant, and lower than 15% in several of the reservoir arms investigated.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn inChironomus gr.thummi were determined for 4th instar larvae from the polluted Dyle River, tributary of the Scheldt River (Belgium). Comparison was made between larvae with deformed and normal menta. Deformed larvae showed higher overall metal concentrations than normal larvae. Especially Pb and Cu had higher concentrations in deformed larvae (16.22 mg kg–1 dry weight and 39.66 respectively) than in normal larvae (12.80 mg kg–1 dry weight and 35.70 respectively). No significant differences were found in the concentrations of Cd and Zn (mean [Cd] = 0.81 mg kg–1 dry weight and mean [Zn] = 313.12 mg kg–1 dry weight). There was no difference between the two larval groups as far as total length, dry weight and developmental stage of the imaginal discs are concerned.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine theDrosophila melanogaster larval response to light. We survey the morphology of the larval visual and motor systems in relation to larval locomotory behavior and phototaxis. In addition, this paper proposes a model of sensorimotor transformation and examines the reversal in taxis occurring at theD. melanogaster larval wnadering stage.  相似文献   

The dipteran parasitoid Emblemasoma auditrix locates its host acoustically. Analysis showed that phonotactic female flies usually carry fully developed larvae within their uteri. The mean number of larvae per female at the beginning of the season was 37.9 (range from 10 to 50). The number of larvae decreased rapidly with increasing singing activity of the host cicada (Okanagana rimosa). In high-density host populations the parasitoid is likely to become egg-limited. A possible selective phonotactic responsiveness depending on the number of larvae or the age of the female was tested with song models. Phonotaxis depended on both the temporal structure and the frequency content, but in the field no correlation was found between the number of larvae and the preferences for the acoustic signal. Experiments in the laboratory showed that flies without host contact broadened their phonotactic stimulus range with age.  相似文献   

The interfacial feeding behavior, mouthpart movements, and particle flow patterns of Anopheles quadrimaculatuslarvae were investigated, using videotape recordings, high-speed microcinematography, SEM, and laboratory experiments. While positioned at the water surface, larvae demonstrated 12 behaviors associated with movements of the head. In one of these, a larva rotated its head 180° and directed its mouthparts against the air-water interface. The larva rapidly extended and retracted its lateral palatal brushes (LPBs) at a rate of 5 cycles/s (5 Hz), creating currents and allowing for the collection of particles. Particles moved toward the head at a velocity of 4.31 mm/s, in discrete stops and starts, as the LPBs beat. Our analyses determined that particle movement toward the mouth was governed by very low Reynolds numbers (0.002–0.009). This finding indicated that viscous forces predominated in Anophelesfeeding and no inertial movement of particles occurred. According to this model, the LPBs cannot intercept particles directly, but function as paddles for particle entrainment. We did not observe the pharynx to function in particle filtration but, rather, in food bolus formation. We propose that the maxillary pilose area and midpalatal brush function as interception structures. It appeared that the LPBs do not break the surface film to feed, but collect particles from the surface microlayers. A plume of uningested particles emerged from the sides of the cibarium and descended into the water column. The plume consisted of alternately clear and dark, lenticular laminae formed beneath the larval head during the collecting filtering feeding mode. A comparison of particle sizes from surface microlayers and gut contents of fourth instars showed that larvae ingested mainly small particles in the range of 1.5 to 4.5 pm in diameter. The potential significance of interfacial feeding by anopheline larvae in their aquatic environment is discussed.  相似文献   

Male and female imagines, and pupal exuviae of Cricotopus (C.) nevadensis sp. n. are described. A discussion on the systematic position, a differential diagnosis and notes on the ecology of this new species are given.  相似文献   

Benthos investigations were carried out in the channel and flood-plain of the Kuibyshev water reservoir during 1958–1985. Hydrobiological monitoring data obtained at 12–16 stations in all Deeps excluding littoral areas are discussed. In 1987–1900 benthofauna distribution was also studied at the Priplotinny Deep. An increase of the reservoir trophic state is reported. The observed trend was an increase of the total benthos biomass. Changes in both species and trophic structure of the chironomid community due to the eutrophication problem are discussed.  相似文献   

The chironomid fauna of Baldwin Lake, an off-stream closed-cycle cooling reservoir for an 1800-megawatt coal-fired power plant, was sampled semi-monthly to monthly at four stations for six years, beginning five months after the reservoir was filled and ending 23 months after the third unit of the power plant went into operation. In the main basin three species dominated: Coelotanypus concinnus (Coquillett), Procladius bellus (Loew), and Tanypus stellatus Coquillett. The last did not become established until the lake was two years old, probably because temperatures were too low the first winter. Populations of all three species were initially large and sharply fluctuating, but later became smaller and less fluctuant in C. concinnus and P. bellus, due, probably, to more intense predation on them. Only in T. stellatus were changes in voltinism clearly evident: it changed from bivoltine to tri- and quatrivoltine as degree-days of heat increased. Photoperiod also affected its life cycle, as evidenced by synchronous development of summer generations each year. Temperature and perhaps food supply affected development time of its overwintering generation. All three species tolerated a temperature of 38 °C; their populations were kept low in the discharge channel by the current, not the temperature. Six species of Chironominae were sporadically abundant in the discharge channel.  相似文献   

The fungus Harpella melusinae (Harpellales: Trichomycetes) is obligately associated with the midguts of larval Simuliidae (Diptera). The level of infestation of a population of Simulium ornatum by H. melusinae was monitored at a stream in Hampshire, England. Significant temporal changes in the level of infestation were recorded during monthly and weekly collections; a twenty-fold increase being recorded over a nine-day period. Possible mechanisms by which these changes occur are discussed.  相似文献   

The olfactory responses of the native parasitoids Doryctobracon areolatus (Szépligeti) and Asobara anastrephae (Muesebeck) and of the exotic parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) to guava (Psidium guajava L.) infested or not with fruit fly larvae were evaluated. D. areolatus and D. longicaudata females responded to the odors of uninfested rotting guavas, although D. areolatus was also attracted to fruits at the initial maturation (turning) stage. The females of these species recognized the volatiles of guavas containing Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) larvae. However, in bioassays involving fruits with larvae of different instars, D. longicaudata females were not able to separate between fruits containing C. capitata larvae at the initial instars and larvae at the third instar. In the evaluations of volatiles released by guavas containing C. capitata and Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) larvae, the D. longicaudata females were oriented toward the volatiles of fruits containing both host species, but differed significantly from volatiles of guavas containing C. capitata larvae. The D. areolatus females also showed responses to both species, although with a preference for volatiles of fruits containing A. fraterculus larvae. The A. anastrephae females were oriented toward the odors of fruits infested with both fruit fly species. In the shade house, D. longicaudata females were oriented to volatiles of rotting fruits containing larvae or not, but could not significantly differentiate between hosts. D. areolatus females were not attracted toward fruits on the ground in the shade house, regardless of host, suggesting that this parasitoid does not forage on fallen fruits.  相似文献   

Stratiolaelaps ( = Hypoaspis) miles (Berlese) (Acari: Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) is a polyphagous soil-dwelling predatory mite that is widely marketed for use in greenhouse production systems to manage populations of dark-winged fungus gnats, Bradysia spp. (Diptera: Sciaridae) and for supplemental control of thrips. The suggestion by Walter and Campbell (2003, Biol. Control 26: 253–269) that North American commercial cultures of S. miles may actually be S. scimitus was confirmed. The development and reproduction at 21–23 °C of S. scimitus provided ad libidum with one of three different prey – the fungus gnat Bradysia aff. coprophila (Lintner), potworms (Enchytraeidae), or Sancassania aff. sphaerogaster (Zachvatkin, 1937) (Acari: Astigmata: Acaridae) – were compared. Developmental duration of the egg and non-feeding larval stages were 2.47 and 1.11 days, respectively; mortalities were 8.3 and 5.5%. Stratiolaelaps scimitus failed to develop beyond the protonymphal stage when provided with S. aff. sphaerogaster alone, although some feeding was observed. Development and reproduction of S. scimitus was successful on both fungus gnat larvae and enchytraeids, with no influence of prey on protonymphal duration (4.70 days) and mortality (8.3%), or on deutonymphal duration (4.61 days) and mortality (6.1%). Adult female S. scimitus feeding on potworms, compared to those feeding on fungus gnat larvae, had a significantly shorter pre-oviposition period (2.69 vs. 4.59 days). However, diet did not influence other adult female developmental or reproductive characteristics (oviposition period, 18.6 days; post-oviposition period, 6.2 days; total adult longevity, 27.3 days; total number of eggs, 26.5). S. scimitus reared on potworms tended (p = 0.06) to have a higher intrinsic rate of increase, a higher finite rate of increase and a shorter doubling time (r m = 0.142 day−1, λ = 1.153, Dt = 4.85 days) than those reared on fungus gnat larvae (r m = 0.105 day−1, λ = 1.110, Dt = 6.58 days), but differences in net reproductive rate (R 0) and generation time (G) were not significant.  相似文献   

We examined the locomotor activity ofDrosophila melanogaster for the existence of circadian rhythms, using the wild type and two mutants of theperiod (per) gene,per o andper s. This was accomplished using a newly described apparatus for the recording and measurement of larval path lengths over a 96-h test period. None of the larvae examined exhibited appreciable diel rhythms under cycling conditions of light or temperature. Larvae were also not rhythmic under free-running conditions. Our results suggest that theper gene does not influence an observable locomotor behavioral phenotype in the larval stage of development.  相似文献   

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