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Theoretical values for the maximum yield, heat output, conversion of substrate energy and number of generations possible for carbon-limited growth of K. aerogenes in batch culture are reported. Values for the maintenance energy and maintenance coefficients are reported for growth in glucose- and -methylglucoside - limited media.  相似文献   

Generation of laterality depends on a pathway which involves the asymmetrically expressed genes nodal, Ebaf, Leftb, and Pitx2. In mouse, node monocilia are required upstream of the nodal cascade. In chick and frog, gap junctions are essential prior to node/organizer formation. It was hypothesized that differential activity of ion channels gives rise to unidirectional transfer through gap junctions, resulting in asymmetric gene expression. PKD2, which if mutated causes autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in humans, encodes the calcium release channel polycystin-2. We have generated a knockout allele of Pkd2 in mouse. In addition to malformations described previously, homozygous mutant embryos showed right pulmonary isomerism, randomization of embryonic turning, heart looping, and abdominal situs. Leftb and nodal were not expressed in the left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), and Ebaf was absent from floorplate. Pitx2 was bilaterally expressed in posterior LPM but absent anteriorly. Pkd2 was ubiquitously expressed at headfold and early somite stages, with higher levels in floorplate and notochord. The embryonic midline, however, was present, and normal levels of Foxa2 and shh were expressed, suggesting that polycystin-2 acts downstream or in parallel to shh and upstream of the nodal cascade.  相似文献   

Male mice of the Q strain were exposed to 60Co gamma-rays at 2 Gy and 2 X 2 Gy separated by increasing time intervals (from 0 min to 4 min). The chromosome translocations induced in spermatogonia were scored at diakinesis-metaphase I. A significant decrease of the translocation frequency at time intervals higher than 2 min was observed, confirming results obtained with plant materials.  相似文献   

This investigation is to study red marrow dose measurement for the 60Co gamma-ray treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma with the aid of Rando phantom. The energy of scattered radiation in space and in tissue was investigated by means of half-value layers with thermoluminescent dosimeters. Other related factors such as field size, SSD, and orientation of primary beams were also investigated. In the non-metastases cases, the red marrow dose is 26 +/- 6 rads which is about 0.40% tumor dose excluding the marrow at the NPC site. For the metastases cases, the red marrow dose is still about 0.40% tumor dose. If the red marrow at the NPC site is included, the red marrow dose is about 14.5% tumor dose for both non-metastases and metastases cases.  相似文献   

Labile memory is thought to be held in the brain as persistent neural network activity. However, it is not known how biologically relevant memory circuits are organized and operate. Labile and persistent appetitive memory in Drosophila requires output after training from the α'β' subset of mushroom body (MB) neurons and from a pair of modulatory dorsal paired medial (DPM) neurons. DPM neurons innervate the entire MB lobe region and appear to be pre- and postsynaptic to the MB, consistent with a recurrent network model. Here we identify a role after training for synaptic output from the GABAergic anterior paired lateral (APL) neurons. Blocking synaptic output from APL neurons after training disrupts labile memory but does not affect long-term memory. APL neurons contact DPM neurons most densely in the α'β' lobes, although their processes are intertwined and contact throughout all of the lobes. Furthermore, APL contacts MB neurons in the α' lobe but makes little direct contact with those in the distal α lobe. We propose that APL neurons provide widespread inhibition to stabilize and maintain synaptic specificity of a labile memory trace in a recurrent DPM and MB α'β' neuron circuit.  相似文献   

gamma-Aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptors are members of the Cys-loop superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels. Upon agonist binding, the receptor undergoes a structural transition from the closed to the open state, but the mechanism of gating is not well understood. Here we utilized a combination of conventional mutagenesis and the high precision methodology of unnatural amino acid incorporation to study the gating interface of the human homopentameric rho1 GABA(A) receptor. We have identified an ion pair interaction between two conserved charged residues, Glu(92) in loop 2 of the extracellular domain and Arg(258) in the pre-M1 region. We hypothesize that the salt bridge exists in the closed state by kinetic measurements and free energy analysis. Several other charged residues at the gating interface are not critical to receptor function, supporting previous conclusions that it is the global charge pattern of the gating interface that controls receptor function in the Cys-loop superfamily.  相似文献   

Determination of binding parameters for metal ion binding to proteins usually requires preceding steps to remove protein-bound metal ions. Removal of bound metal ions from protein is often associated with decreased stability and inactivation. We present two simple isothermal titration calorimetric procedures that eliminate separate metal ion removal steps and directly monitor the exchange of metal ions between buffer, protein, and chelator. The concept is to add either excess chelator or metal ion to the protein under investigation and subsequently titrate with metal ion or chelator, respectively. It is thereby possible in the same experimental trial to obtain both chelator-metal ion and protein-metal ion binding parameters due to the different thermodynamic "fingerprints" of chelator and protein. The binding models and regression routines necessary to analyze the corresponding binding isotherms have been constructed. Verifications of the models have been done by titrations of mixtures of calcium chelators (BAPTA, HEDTA, and EGTA) and calcium ions and they were both able to account satisfactorily for the observed binding isotherms. Therefore, it was possible to determine stoichiometric and thermodynamic binding parameters. In addition, the concept has been tested on a recombinant alpha-amylase from Bacillus halmapalus where it proved to be a consistent procedure to obtain calcium binding parameters.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cuff pressure in endotracheal (ET) tubes should be in the range of 20-30 cm H2O. We tested the hypothesis that the tube cuff is inadequately inflated when manometers are not used. METHODS: With IRB approval, we studied 93 patients under general anesthesia with an ET tube in place in one teaching and two private hospitals. Anesthetists were blinded to study purpose. Cuff pressure in tube sizes 7.0 to 8.5 mm was evaluated 60 min after induction of general anesthesia using a manometer connected to the cuff pilot balloon. Nitrous oxide was disallowed. After deflating the cuff, we reinflated it in 0.5-ml increments until pressure was 20 cmH2O. RESULTS: Neither patient morphometrics, institution, experience of anesthesia provider, nor tube size influenced measured cuff pressure (35.3 +/- 21.6 cmH2O). Only 27% of pressures were within 20-30 cmH2O; 27% exceeded 40 cmH2O. Although it varied considerably, the amount of air required to achieve a cuff pressure of 20 cmH2O was similar with each tube size. CONCLUSION: We recommend that ET cuff pressure be set and monitored with a manometer.  相似文献   

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