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A method, based on the bootstrap procedure, is proposed for the estimation of branch-length errors and confidence intervals in a phylogenetic tree for which equal rates of substitution among lineages do not necessarily hold. The method can be used to test whether an estimated internodal distance is significantly greater than zero. In the application of the method, any estimator of genetic distances, as well as any tree reconstruction procedure (based on distance matrices), can be used. Also the method is not limited by the number of species involved in the phylogenetic tree. An example of the application of the method in the reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree for the four hominoid species—human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan—is shown. Correspondence to: J. Dopazo  相似文献   

Summary Statistical properties of the ordinary least-squares (OLS), generalized least-squares (GLS), and minimum-evolution (ME) methods of phylogenetic inference were studied by considering the case of four DNA sequences. Analytical study has shown that all three methods are statistically consistent in the sense that as the number of nucleotides examined (m) increases they tend to choose the true tree as long as the evolutionary distances used are unbiased. When evolutionary distances (dij's) are large and sequences under study are not very long, however, the OLS criterion is often biased and may choose an incorrect tree more often than expected under random choice. It is also shown that the variance-covariance matrix of dij's becomes singular as dij's approach zero and thus the GLS may not be applicable when dij's are small. The ME method suffers from neither of these problems, and the ME criterion is statistically unbiased. Computer simulation has shown that the ME method is more efficient in obtaining the true tree than the OLS and GLS methods and that the OLS is more efficient than the GLS when dij's are small, but otherwise the GLS is more efficient.Offprint requests to: M. Nei  相似文献   

A 2 analysis was made of previously reported values for the amino acid composition of the large and small subunits of ribulose diphosphate carboxylase (E.C. 4, 1, 1, 39) isolated from five species ofNicotiana. The distributions of these values were then compared with published values for hemoglobin chains and cytochromec's of diverse origins. It was concluded that evolutionary diversity in the large and small subunits of RuDP carboxylase occurs even within the limited taxonomic category of the genusNicotiana. The large subunit was as stable towards mutation during evolution as the chains and cytochromes, whereas the small subunit was much less stable. The hypothesis is discussed that the large subunit played a more significant role than the small subunit in the enzyme function and/or structural integrity of the oligomeric protein. It was also speculated that the addition of small subunits to the molecule, which may have been a recent evolutionary event, enables the fixation of many evolutionarily favorable mutations. Thus, survival of the enzymatic activity in changing environments is favored.  相似文献   

The availability of fast and accurate sequencing procedures along with the use of PCR has led to a proliferation of studies of variability at the molecular level in populations. Nevertheless, it is often impractical to examine long genomic stretches and a large number of individuals at the same time. In order to optimize this kind of study, we suggest a heuristic procedure for detection of the shortest region whose informational content can be considered sufficient for significant phylogenetic reconstruction. The method is based on the comparison of the pairwise genetic distances obtained from a set of sequences of reference to those obtained for different windows of variable size and position by means of a simple index. We also present an approach for testing whether the informative content in the stretches selected in this way is significantly different from the corresponding content shown by the larger genomic regions used as reference. Application of this test to the analysis of the VP1 protein gene of foot-and-mouth-disease type C virus allowed us to define optimal stretches whose informative content is not significantly different from that displayed by the complete VP1 sequence. We showed that the predictions made for type C sequences are valid for type O sequences, indicating that the results of the procedure are consistent. Correspondence to: J. Dopazo  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulation has commonly been used in phylogenetic studies to test different tree-reconstruction methods, and consequently, its application for testing evolutionary models can be considered as a natural extension of this usage. Repetitive simulation of a given evolutionary process, under the restrictions imposed by the model to be tested, along a determinate tree topology allow the estimate of probability distributions for the desired parameters. Next, the phylogenetic tree can be reconstructed again without the constraints of the model, and the parameter of interest, derived from this tree, can be compared to the corresponding probability distribution derived from the restricted, simulated trees. As an example we have used Monte Carlo simulation to test the constancy of evolutionary rates in a set of cytochrome-c protein sequences. Correspondence to: J. Dopazo  相似文献   

Variability of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the honey bee Apis mellifera L. has been investigated by restriction and sequence analyses on a sample of 68 colonies from ten different subspecies. The 19 mtDNA types detected are clustered in three major phylogenetic lineages. These clades correspond well to three groups of populations with distinct geographical distributions: branch A for African subspecies (intermissa, monticola, scutellata, andansonii and capensis), branch C for North Mediterranean subspecies (caucasica, carnica and ligustica) and branch M for the West European populations (mellifera subspecies). These results partially confirm previous hypotheses based on morphometrical and allozymic studies, the main difference concerning North African populations, now assigned to branch A instead of branch M. The pattern of spatial structuring suggests the Middle East as the centre of dispersion of the species, in accordance with the geographic areas of the other species of the same genus. Based on a conservative 2% divergence rate per Myr, the separation of the three branches has been dated at about 1 Myr BP.  相似文献   

At present there is no standardized method to derive frequencies from bilateral non-metric traits. In this paper the commonly used methods are evaluated in light of statistical considerations and degree of sample preservation. In particular, we explore the question of dependence between sides for the bilateral traits. Several workers have tested for bilateral trait correlation in incorrect ways, confusing tests for differences in side frequencies with tests for independence. An easy method to test for independence, using the chi-squared test, is recommended. This test is used on 16 bilateral traits in a large sample of prehistoric carnia from Central California and significant dependence is found for all 16 of these traits. We suggest the traditional method of deriving frequencies be used. Both sides of the cranium should be considered, dividing the number of times the trait occurs by the number of sides available for observation. This method can be used even in poorly preserved samples. Side to side correlation may be compensated for by modifying the constants subtracted in the mean measure of divergence and in the expression for the approximate variance of the mean measure of divergence when the samples are drawn from identical populations.  相似文献   

In recent years osteologists have frequently used non-metric (dichotomous) cranial data to measure biological distance between skeletal samples of Homo sapiens. Applying methods used earlier by biologists, these workers begin by attempting to stabilize the variance of the measures used by transforming the observed trait frequencies using some type of inverse sine transformation. The frequently used Grewal-Smith transformation doesn't work well for small samples of the size often considered by osteologists. As a consequence the mean measure of divergence between populations determined by this method is strongly influenced by a bias which depends on sample size. This paper compares several transformations in terms of how close the actual variance of the transformed frequency corresponds to its nominal value. It is suggested that the traditional (Grewal-Smith) inverse sine transformation not be used, and several alternatives are considered.  相似文献   

Abstract The diversity of resolvase ( tnpR ) genes carried by a number of mercury resistant soil bacteria has been investigated by DNA sequencing. The resulting DNA sequence information was compared to previously published tnp R. DNA sequences and to previously published restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) data, permitting the relationships between DNA sequencing and RFLP approaches to be studied by the use of phylogenetic trees. DNA maximum likelihood and DNA parsimony were used to construct a variety of phylogenetic trees. DNA sequencing confirmed the validity of RFLP analysis and highlighted the importance of restriction endonuclease choice upon the resulting RFLP patterns and dendrogram topology. The tnp R genes of two previously uncharacterised mercury resistant bacteria, T2–7 and T2–12 were also studied. DNA sequence data placed T2–7 in a previously described gene class, tnp R-D and T2–12 in a new gene class, tnp R-F. The significance of this data with respect to the recombination and evolution events occurring within bacterial populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Initiation of translation driven by internal ribosome entry site (IRES) elements depends upon the structural organization of this mRNA region. Besides translation initiation factors (eIFs), auxiliary proteins can also affect IRES activity. With the aim to identify proteins interacting with two unrelated IRESs present in the genome of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) we have used a proteomic approach. This procedure allowed the identification of 21 RNA-binding proteins interacting with discrete regions of the FMDV IRES, domains 3 and 5, and 16 interacting with domain III of the HCV IRES. In support of the binding specificity, the factors interacting with domain 3 differed from those interacting with domain 5, and included three poly(rC)-binding protein (PCBP) members, besides proliferation-associated 2G4 (PA2G4) and deleted-azoospermia 1 (DAZ1) protein. Around 71% of the identified factors associated with the FMDV IRES differ from those interacting with the HCV IRES. The group of proteins interacting with the FMDV or the HCV IRES includes eIF4B and 5 subunits of eIF3, respectively, known to interact with each of these RNAs, validating the results of this approach. According to the function of the identified proteins, 55% are involved in translation control, whereas 35% play a role in different aspects of RNA lifespan. Compilation of factors preferentially associated with FMDV or HCV IRES provides a basis for examining the strategies used by IRESs to recruit the translation machinery.  相似文献   

We present a Monte-Carlo simulation analysis of the statistical properties of absolute genetic distance and of Nei's minimum and standard genetic distances. The estimation of distances (bias) and of their variances is analysed as well as the distributions of distance and variance estimators, taking into account both gamete and locus samplings. Both of Nei's statistics are non-linear when distances are small and consequently the distributions of their estimators are extremely asymmetrical. It is difficult to find theoretical laws that fit such asymmetrical distributions. Absolute genetic distance is linear and its distributions are better fit by a normal distribution. When distances are medium or large, minimum distance and absolute distance distributions are close to a normal distribution, but those of the standard distance can never be considered as normal. For large distances the jack-knife estimator of the standard distance variance is bad; another standard distance estimator is suggested. Absolute distance, which has the best mathematical properties, is particularly interesting for small distances if the gamete sample size is large, even when the number of loci is small. When both distance and gamete sample size are small, this statistic is biased.  相似文献   

A new self-correcting distance geometry method for predicting the three-dimensional structure of small globular proteins was assessed with a test set of 8 helical proteins. With the knowledge of the amino acid sequence and the helical segments, our completely automated method calculated the correct backbone topology of six proteins. The accuracy of the predicted structures ranged from 2.3 A to 3.1 A for the helical segments compared to the experimentally determined structures. For two proteins, the predicted constraints were not restrictive enough to yield a conclusive prediction. The method can be applied to all small globular proteins, provided the secondary structure is known from NMR analysis or can be predicted with high reliability.  相似文献   

Abstract The 16S rRNA gene sequences of 19 strains covering 97% of the molecules were determined for the members of the family Rhizobiaceae and related bacteria by PCR and DNA sequencer. The three biovars of Agrobacterium were located separately, whereas Agrobacterium rubi clustered with A. tumefaciens . Phylogenetic locations for the species of the genera Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium, Agrobacterium, Phylobacterium, Mycoplana (M. dimorpha), Ochrobactrum, Brucella and Rochalimaea (a rickettsia) were intermingled with each other with the similarity values higher than 92%. The family Rhizobiaceae should be redefined including the above-mentioned genera despite the ability for plant association and nitrogen fixation. Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Mycoplana bullata were far remote from the other species and should be excluded from this family.  相似文献   

Summary Ninety-three accessions representing 21 species from the genus Oryza were examined for restriction fragment length polymorphism. The majority (78%) of the accessions, for which five individuals were tested, were found to be monomorphic. Most of the polymorphic accessions segregated for only one or two probes and appeared to be mixed pure lines. For most of the Oryza species tested, the majority of the genetic variation (83%) was found between accessions from different species with only 17% between accessions within species. Tetraploid species were found to have, on average, nearly 50% more alleles (unique fragments) per individual than diploid species reflecting the allopolyploid nature of their genomes.Classification of Oryza species based on RFLPs matches remarkably well previous classifications based on morphology, hybridization and isozymes. In the current study, four species complexes could be identified corresponding to those proposed by Vaughan (1989): the O. ridleyi complex, the O. meyeriana complex, the O. officinalis complex and the O. sativa complex. Within the O. sativa complex, accessions of O. rufipogon from Asia (including O. nivara) and perennial forms of O. rufipogon from Australia clustered together with accessions of cultivated rice O. sativa. Surprisingly, indica and japonica (the two major subspecies of cultivated rice) showed closer affinity with different accessions of wild O. Rufipogon than to each other, supporting a hypothesis of independent domestication events for these two types of rice. Australian annual wild rice O. meridionalis (previously classified as O. rufipogon) was clearly distinct from all other O. rufipogon accessions supporting its recent reclassification as O. meridionalis (Ng et al. 1981). Using genetic relatedness as a criterion, it was possible to identify the closest living diploid relatives of the currently known tetraploid rice species. Results from these analyses suggest that BBCC tetraploids (O. malampuzhaensis, O. punctata and O. minuta) are either of independent origins or have experienced introgression from sympatric C-genome diploid rice species. CCDD tetraploid species from America (O. latifolia, O. alta and O. grandiglumis) may be of ancient origin since they show a closer affinity to each other than to any known diploid species. Their closest living diploid relatives belong to C genome (O. eichingeri) and E genome (O. Australiensis) species. Comparisons among African, Australian and Asian rice species suggest that Oryza species in Africa and Australia are of polyphyletic origin and probably migrated to these regions at different times in the past.Finally, on a practical note, the majority of probes used in this study detected polymorphism between cultivated rice and its wild relatives. Hence, RFLP markers and maps based on such markers are likely to be very useful in monitoring and aiding introgression of genes from wild rice into modern cultivars.  相似文献   

McCaig BC  Meagher RB  Dean JF 《Planta》2005,221(5):619-636
Completed genome sequences have made it clear that multicopper oxidases related to laccase are widely distributed as multigene families in higher plants. Laccase-like multicopper oxidase (LMCO) sequences culled from GenBank and the Arabidopsis thaliana genome, as well as those from several newly cloned genes, were used to construct a gene phylogeny that clearly divided plant LMCOs into six distinct classes, at least three of which predate the evolutionary divergence of angiosperms and gymnosperms. Alignments of the predicted amino acid sequences highlighted regions of variable sequence flanked by the highly conserved copper-binding domains that characterize members of this enzyme family. All of the predicted proteins contained apparent signal sequences. The expression of 13 of the 17 LMCO genes in A. thaliana was assessed in different tissues at various stages of development using RT-PCR. A diversity of expression patterns was demonstrated with some genes being expressed in a constitutive fashion, while others were only expressed in specific tissues at a particular stage of development. Only a few of the LMCO genes were expressed in a pattern that could be considered consistent with a major role for these enzymes in lignin deposition. These results are discussed in the context of other potential physiological functions for plant LMCOs, such as iron metabolism and wound healing.  相似文献   

T. Tani  H. Kudoh  N. Kachi 《Plant and Soil》2003,255(1):227-237
The understory evergreen perennial Pteridophyllum racemosum Sieb. et Zucc. (Papaveraceae) has the ability to increase root mass per unit transpiring leaf area (RMA) if irradiance increases gradually over several years. In this study, we examined how P. racemosum changes its root length/leaf area ratio and specific root length when the species encounters abrupt increases in irradiance, such as sudden and unexpected canopy openings. Plants were transplanted from a low light condition in a subalpine wave-regenerating forest (photon flux density on the forest floor relative to the full sun (RPFD) was 2.7%) to a high light condition in a glasshouse (30% RPFD) (LH treatment). Transplantation from the low light condition in the forest to a low light condition in the glasshouse (LL) and transplantation from a high light condition in the forest (33% RPFD) to a high light condition in the glasshouse (HH) were also conducted as controls. Compared to the LL plants, the LH plants exhibited significant increases in RMA and root length/leaf area ratio from 30 to 70 days after transplantation. On the other hand, the effect of increased irradiance on specific root length (SRL) was weak, and both the LL and LH plants showed increased SRL from 30 to 70 days after transplantation. Increased SRL results from longer root length per unit construction cost. We concluded that increased root length/leaf area ratio of P. racemosum in response to abrupt increases in irradiance was caused by a combination of enhanced carbon allocation to roots with increased SRL.  相似文献   

We present here a comprehensive analysis of proteases in the peptide substrate space and demonstrate its applicability for lead discovery. Aligned octapeptide substrates of 498 proteases taken from the MEROPS peptidase database were used for the in silico analysis. A multiple‐category naïve Bayes model, trained on the two‐dimensional chemical features of the substrates, was able to classify the substrates of 365 (73%) proteases and elucidate statistically significant chemical features for each of their specific substrate positions. The positional awareness of the method allows us to identify the most similar substrate positions between proteases. Our analysis reveals that proteases from different families, based on the traditional classification (aspartic, cysteine, serine, and metallo), could have substrates that differ at the cleavage site (P1–P1′) but are similar away from it. Caspase‐3 (cysteine protease) and granzyme B (serine protease) are previously known examples of cross‐family neighbors identified by this method. To assess whether peptide substrate similarity between unrelated proteases could reliably translate into the discovery of low molecular weight synthetic inhibitors, a lead discovery strategy was tested on two other cross‐family neighbors—namely cathepsin L2 and matrix metallo proteinase 9, and calpain 1 and pepsin A. For both these pairs, a naïve Bayes classifier model trained on inhibitors of one protease could successfully enrich those of its neighbor from a different family and vice versa, indicating that this approach could be prospectively applied to lead discovery for a novel protease target with no known synthetic inhibitors.  相似文献   

We describe the following Sieblosiidae: an unamed “gen. and sp. A” from the Miocene of Italy, Miostenolestes zherikhini nov. gen., nov. sp., Paraoligolestes stavropolensis nov. sp., Stenolestes fasciata nov. sp. (all from the Miocene of North Caucasus), Stenolestes (?) adygeianensis nov. sp. (Oligocene of North Caucasus), and Stenolestes cerestensis nov. sp. (Oligocene of France). The genus Sieblosia Handlirsch, 1906 is restored. A new phylogenetic analysis of the Sieblosiidae is proposed. The two taxa “gen. and sp. A” and Oligolestes fall in most inclusive positions in the same clade with the Sieblosiidae. Within the Sieblosiidae sensu stricto, the two clades (Paraoligolestes + (Parastenolestes + Stenolestes)) and (Parastenolestes + Stenolestes) are the best supported. The family Sieblosiidae seems to be restricted to the Oligocene-Miocene of Europe.  相似文献   

We examine ways of testing for the reliability of inference from biological sequence data using sequences from Xiphophorus fishes and newly implemented methodology for sequence analysis. The approach we take provides one means to examine the fit between model and data for different sequences and hence to evaluate heterogeneity between data sets. In the case of the present study we show D-loop sequences to be a better molecule for studying the phylogeny of Xiphophorus fishes than cytochrome b sequences. The results of the split decomposition and spectral analysis confirm an earlier phylogenetic hypothesis which had been based on maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, maximum likelihood analyses. Correspondence to: A. Meyer  相似文献   

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