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With the completion of the genome sequences of human, mouse, and other species and the advent of high throughput functional genomic research technologies such as biomicroarray chips, more and more genes and their products have been discovered and their functions have begun to be understood. Increasing amounts of data about genes, gene products and their functions have been stored in databases. To facilitate selection of candidate genes for gene-disease research, genetic association studies, biomarker and drug target selection, and animal models of human diseases, it is essential to have search engines that can retrieve genes by their functions from proteome databases. In recent years, the development of Gene Ontology (GO) has established structured, controlled vocabularies describing gene functions, which makes it possible to develop novel tools to search genes by functional similarity.  相似文献   



Genome sequencing and post-genomics projects such as structural genomics are extending the frontier of the study of sequence-structure-function relationship of genes and their products. Although many sequence/structure-based methods have been devised with the aim of deciphering this delicate relationship, there still remain large gaps in this fundamental problem, which continuously drives researchers to develop novel methods to extract relevant information from sequences and structures and to infer the functions of newly identified genes by genomics technology.  相似文献   

Gene expression array technology has made possible the assay of expression levels of tens of thousands of genes at a time; large databases of such measurements are currently under construction. One important use of such databases is the ability to search for experiments that have similar gene expression levels as a query, potentially identifying previously unsuspected relationships among cellular states. Such searches depend crucially on the metric used to assess the similarity between pairs of experiments. The complex joint distribution of gene expression levels, particularly their correlational structure and non-normality, make simple similarity metrics such as Euclidean distance or correlational similarity scores suboptimal for use in this application. We present a similarity metric for gene expression array experiments that takes into account the complex joint distribution of expression values. We provide a computationally tractable approximation to this measure, and have implemented a database search tool based on it. We discuss implementation issues and efficiency, and we compare our new metric to other standard metrics.  相似文献   

We propose new methods for finding similarities in protein structure databases. These methods extract feature vectors on triplets of SSEs (Secondary Structure Elements) of proteins. The feature vectors are then indexed using a multidimensional index structure. Our first technique considers the problem of finding proteins similar to a given query protein in a protein dataset. It quickly finds promising proteins using the index structure. These proteins are then aligned to the query protein using a popular pairwise alignment tool such as VAST. We also develop a novel statistical model to estimate the goodness of a match using the SSEs. Our second technique considers the problem of joining two protein datasets to find an all-to-all similarity. Experimental results show that our techniques improve the pruning time of VAST 3 to 3.5 times, while keeping the sensitivity similar. Our technique can also be incorporated with DALI and CE to improve their running times by a factor of 2 and 2.7 respectively. The software is available online at http://bioserver.cs.ucsb.edu/.  相似文献   



Similarity inference, one of the main bioinformatics tasks, has to face an exponential growth of the biological data. A classical approach used to cope with this data flow involves heuristics with large seed indexes. In order to speed up this technique, the index can be enhanced by storing additional information to limit the number of random memory accesses. However, this improvement leads to a larger index that may become a bottleneck. In the case of protein similarity search, we propose to decrease the index size by reducing the amino acid alphabet.  相似文献   



Protein structural data has increased exponentially, such that fast and accurate tools are necessary to access structure similarity search. To improve the search speed, several methods have been designed to reduce three-dimensional protein structures to one-dimensional text strings that are then analyzed by traditional sequence alignment methods; however, the accuracy is usually sacrificed and the speed is still unable to match sequence similarity search tools. Here, we aimed to improve the linear encoding methodology and develop efficient search tools that can rapidly retrieve structural homologs from large protein databases.  相似文献   

Database scanning programs such as BLAST and FASTA are used nowadays by most biologists for the post-genomic processing of DNA or protein sequence information (in particular to retrieve the structure/function of uncharacterized proteins). Unfortunately, their results can be polluted by identical alignments (called redundancies) coming from the same protein or DNA sequences present in different entries of the database. This makes the efficient use of the listed alignments difficult. Pretreatment of databases has been proposed to suppress strictly identical entries. However, there still remain many identical alignments since redundancies may occur locally for entries corresponding to various fragments of the same sequence or for entries corresponding to very homologous sequences but differing at the level of a few residues such as ortholog proteins. In the present work, we show that redundant alignments can be indeed numerous even when working with a pretreated non-redundant data bank, going as high as 60% of the output results according to the query and the bank. Therefore the accuracy and the efficiency of the post-genomic work will be greatly increased if these redundancies are removed. To solve this up to now unaddressed problem, we have developed an algorithm that allows for the efficient and safe suppression of all the redundancies with no loss of information. This algorithm is based on various filtering steps that we describe here in the context of the Automat similarity search program, and such an algorithm should also be added to the other similarity search programs (BLAST, FASTA, etc...).  相似文献   

Hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons transcribe, translate, store, and secrete a large number of chemical messengers. The neurons contain hypothalamic signal substances that regulate the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones as well as the neurohypophysial peptides vasopressin and oxytocin. In addition to the classical hypophysiotropic hormones, a large number of neuropeptides and classical transmitters of amine and amino acid nature are present in the same cells. This is particularly evident in the magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, and in parvocellular neurons of the arcuate and paraventricular nuclei. The changes in gene expression induced by experimental manipulations and the colocalization chemical messengers in hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons and its possible significance is summarized in this review.  相似文献   

Bacterial cell-cell communication is mediated by small signaling molecules known as autoinducers. Importantly, autoinducer-2 (AI-2) is synthesized via the enzyme LuxS in over 80 species, some of which mediate their pathogenicity by recognizing and transducing this signal in a cell density dependent manner. AI-2 mediated phenotypes are not well understood however, as the means for signal transduction appears varied among species, while AI-2 synthesis processes appear conserved. Approaches to reveal the recognition pathways of AI-2 will shed light on pathogenicity as we believe recognition of the signal is likely as important, if not more, than the signal synthesis. LMNAST (Local Modular Network Alignment Similarity Tool) uses a local similarity search heuristic to study gene order, generating homology hits for the genomic arrangement of a query gene sequence. We develop and apply this tool for the E. coli lac and LuxS regulated (Lsr) systems. Lsr is of great interest as it mediates AI-2 uptake and processing. Both test searches generated results that were subsequently analyzed through a number of different lenses, each with its own level of granularity, from a binary phylogenetic representation down to trackback plots that preserve genomic organizational information. Through a survey of these results, we demonstrate the identification of orthologs, paralogs, hitchhiking genes, gene loss, gene rearrangement within an operon context, and also horizontal gene transfer (HGT). We found a variety of operon structures that are consistent with our hypothesis that the signal can be perceived and transduced by homologous protein complexes, while their regulation may be key to defining subsequent phenotypic behavior.  相似文献   

Searching a database for a local alignment to a query under a typical scoring scheme, such as PAM120 or BLOSUM62 with affine gap costs, is a computation that has resisted algorithmic improvement due to its basis in dynamic programming and the weak nature of the signals being searched for. In a query preprocessing step, a set of tables can be built that permit one to (a) eliminate a large fraction of the dynamic programming matrix from consideration and (b) to compute several steps of the remainder with a single table lookup. While this result is not an asymptotic improvement over the original Smith-Waterman algorithm, its complexity is characterized in terms of some sparse features of the matrix and it yields the fastest software implementation to date for such searches.  相似文献   

Landscape similarity search involves finding landscapes from among a large collection that are similar to a query landscape. An example of such collection is a large land cover map subdivided into a grid of smaller local landscapes, a query is a local landscape of interest, and the task is to find other local landscapes within a map which are perceptually similar to the query. Landscape search and the related task of pattern-based regionalization, requires a measure of similarity – a function which quantifies the level of likeness between two landscapes. The standard approach is to use the Euclidean distance between vectors of landscape metrics derived from the two landscapes, but no in-depth analysis of this approach has been conducted. In this paper we investigate the performance of different implementations of the standard similarity measure. Five different implementations are tested against each other and against a control similarity measure based on histograms of class co-occurrence features and the Jensen–Shannon divergence. Testing consists of a series of numerical experiments combined with visual assessments on a set of 400 3 km-scale landscapes. Based on the cases where visual assessment provides definitive answer, we have determined that the standard similarity measure is sensitive to the way landscape metrics are normalized and, additionally, to whether weights aimed at controlling the relative contribution of landscape composition vs. configuration are used. The standard measure achieves the best performance when metrics are normalized using their extreme values extracted from all possible landscapes, not just the landscapes in the given collection, and when weights are assigned so the combined influence of composition metrics on the similarity value equals the combined influence of configuration metrics. We have also determined that the control similarity measure outperforms all implementations of the standard measure.  相似文献   

Comparative accuracy of methods for protein sequence similarity search   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: Searching a protein sequence database for homologs is a powerful tool for discovering the structure and function of a sequence. Two new methods for searching sequence databases have recently been described: Probabilistic Smith-Waterman (PSW), which is based on Hidden Markov models for a single sequence using a standard scoring matrix, and a new version of BLAST (WU-BLAST2), which uses Sum statistics for gapped alignments. RESULTS: This paper compares and contrasts the effectiveness of these methods with three older methods (Smith- Waterman: SSEARCH, FASTA and BLASTP). The analysis indicates that the new methods are useful, and often offer improved accuracy. These tools are compared using a curated (by Bill Pearson) version of the annotated portion of PIR 39. Three different statistical criteria are utilized: equivalence number, minimum errors and the receiver operating characteristic. For complete-length protein query sequences from large families, PSW's accuracy is superior to that of the other methods, but its accuracy is poor when used with partial-length query sequences. False negatives are twice as common as false positives irrespective of the search methods if a family-specific threshold score that minimizes the total number of errors (i.e. the most favorable threshold score possible) is used. Thus, sensitivity, not selectivity, is the major problem. Among the analyzed methods using default parameters, the best accuracy was obtained from SSEARCH and PSW for complete-length proteins, and the two BLAST programs, plus SSEARCH, for partial-length proteins.   相似文献   

MOTIVATION: We consider the problem of finding similarities in protein structure databases. Current techniques sequentially compare the given query protein to all of the proteins in the database to find similarities. Therefore, the cost of similarity queries increases linearly as the volume of the protein databases increase. As the sizes of experimentally determined and theoretically estimated protein structure databases grow, there is a need for scalable searching techniques. RESULTS: Our techniques extract feature vectors on triplets of SSEs (Secondary Structure Elements). Later, these feature vectors are indexed using a multidimensional index structure. For a given query protein, this index structure is used to quickly prune away unpromising proteins in the database. The remaining proteins are then aligned using a popular alignment tool such as VAST. We also develop a novel statistical model to estimate the goodness of a match using the SSEs. Experimental results show that our techniques improve the pruning time of VAST 3 to 3.5 times while maintaining similar sensitivity.  相似文献   

Text similarity: an alternative way to search MEDLINE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: The most widely used literature search techniques, such as those offered by NCBI's PubMed system, require significant effort on the part of the searcher, and inexperienced searchers do not use these systems as effectively as experienced users. Improved literature search engines can save researchers time and effort by making it easier to locate the most important and relevant literature. RESULTS: We have created and optimized a new, hybrid search system for Medline that takes natural text as input and then delivers results with high precision and recall. The combination of a fast, low-sensitivity weighted keyword-based first pass algorithm to cast a wide net to gather an initial set of literature, followed by a unique sentence-alignment based similarity algorithm to rank order those results was developed that is sensitive, fast and easy to use. Several text similarity search algorithms, both standard and novel, were implemented and tested in order to determine which obtained the best results in information retrieval exercises. AVAILABILITY: Literature searching algorithms are implemented in a system called eTBLAST, freely accessible over the web at http://invention.swmed.edu. A variety of other derivative systems and visualization tools provides the user with an enhanced experience and additional capabilities. CONTACT: Harold.Garner@UTSouthwestern.edu.  相似文献   

The challenge of similarity search in massive DNA sequence databases has inspired major changes in BLAST-style alignment tools, which accelerate search by inspecting only pairs of sequences sharing a common short "seed," or pattern of matching residues. Some of these changes raise the possibility of improving search performance by probing sequence pairs with several distinct seeds, any one of which is sufficient for a seed match. However, designing a set of seeds to maximize their combined sensitivity to biologically meaningful sequence alignments is computationally difficult, even given recent advances in designing single seeds. This work describes algorithmic improvements to seed design that address the problem of designing a set of n seeds to be used simultaneously. We give a new local search method to optimize the sensitivity of seed sets. The method relies on efficient incremental computation of the probability that an alignment contains a match to a seed pi, given that it has already failed to match any of the seeds in a set Pi. We demonstrate experimentally that multi-seed designs, even with relatively few seeds, can be significantly more sensitive than even optimized single-seed designs.  相似文献   

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