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Heterostyly is a genetic polymorphism in which plant populations are composed of two or more morphs that differ in stigma and anther heights. The polymorphism promotes intermorph pollen transfer, thus outcrossing. Heterostyly has been reported in 28 angiosperm families and is frequently lost in heterostylous lineages. To assess ecological factors related to shifts from heterostyly to monomorphy, we examined the reproductive ecology of heterostylous tropical shrubs of Psychotria . Among 21 species at Barro Colorado Island and the nearby Parque Nacional Soberania, Panama, 14 species were heterostylous while seven were monomorphic. A molecular phylogeny and the existence elsewhere of heterostylous populations indicated that the breakdown of heterostyly had occurred independently. Heterostylous and monomorphic species were visited by the same bee species, although visit frequencies were lower in monomorphic species. Monomorphic species had significantly lower population density and greater fruit set than did heterostylous species. Autonomous autogamy made a large contribution to fruit set in monomorphic species and was only rarely observed in heterostylous species. The results indicate monomorphic and heterostylous species produce more seeds through selfing and outcrossing, respectively. The limitation of outcrossing as a result of low population density may be related to the breakdown of heterostyly and the evolution of selfing.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 125–134.  相似文献   

In the N-limited alpine tundra, plants may utilize a diversity of N sources (organic and inorganic N) in order to meet their nutritional requirements. To characterize species-level differences in traits related to N acquisition, we analyzed foliar '15N, nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and mycorrhizal infection in co-occurring alpine species during the first half of the growing season and compared these traits to patterns of N uptake using a 15N (15N-NH4+, 15N-NO3-) or 13C,15N ([1]-13C-15N-glycine) tracer addition in the greenhouse. 13C enrichment in belowground tissue indicated that all species were capable of taking up labeled glycine, although only one species showed uptake of glycine potentially exceeding that of inorganic N. Species showing the most depleted foliar '15N and elevated NRA in the field also tended to show relatively high rates of NO3- uptake in the greenhouse. Likewise, species showing the most enriched foliar '15N also showed high rates of NH4+ uptake. The ratio of NO3-:NH4+ uptake rates and growth rate explained 64% and 72% of the variance in foliar '15N, respectively, suggesting that species differ in the ability to take up NO3- and NH4+ in the field and that such differences may enable species to partition soil N on the basis of N form.  相似文献   

Many plant species are miniaturized in the alpine region in Yakushima, Japan. To examine how these alpine dwarf plants are different from their related lowland ones of the same species, we analyzed two phylogenetically distinct species cytologically, genetically and morphologically: one is a fern species, Blechnum niponicum, and the other is an angiosperm species, Lysimachia japonica. The analysis shows that the alpine dwarf and the lowland plants in each of these species do not differ in chromosome number or genetic constitution. The organ-level comparison between the alpine dwarf and lowland plants of B. niponicum shows that the fertile leaf size correlates closely with the sterile one. By contrast, the flower size does not correlate with the leaf size in L. japonica. At the cell level, the leaf size of the alpine dwarf plants of B. niponicum consists of a smaller number of epidermal cells than that of the lowland plants of this species. On the other hand, the smaller leaf size of the alpine dwarf plants of L. japonica depends on both the smaller number and the smaller size of the epidermal cells. We conclude that plant dwarfism in Yakushima shows variation at both the organ and cell levels.  相似文献   

Globalisation has resulted in the movement of organisms outside their natural range, often with negative ecological and economic consequences. As cities are hubs of anthropogenic activities, with both highly transformed and disturbed environments, these areas are often the first point of entry for alien species. We compiled a global database of cities with more than one million inhabitants that data had on alien species occurrence. We then identified the most prominent pathways of introduction and vectors of spread of alien species in these cities. Most species were intentionally introduced to cities and were released or escaped from confinement. The majority of alien species then spread within cities through natural means (primarily unaided dispersal). Pathway prominence varied across the taxonomic groups of alien species: the most prominent pathway for plants and vertebrates was the escape pathway; for invertebrates the stowaway and contaminant pathways were most likely to facilitate introductions. For some organisms, pathway prominence varied with the geographical and climatic characteristics of the city. The characteristics of the cities also influenced the prominence of vectors of spread for alien species. Preventing the natural spread of alien species within cities, and into adjacent natural environments will be, at best, difficult. To prevent invasions, both the intentional and unintentional introduction of potentially harmful alien species to cities must be prevented. The pathways of introduction and vectors of spread identified here should be prioritised for management.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of 2 yr of CO(2) flux measurements on grassland communities of varying species richness, exposed to either the current or a warmer climate. We grew experimental plant communities containing one, three or nine grassland species in 12 sunlit, climate-controlled chambers. Half of these chambers were exposed to ambient air temperatures, while the other half were warmed by 3 degrees C. Equal amounts of water were added to heated and unheated communities, implying drier soils if warming increased evapotranspiration. Three main CO(2) fluxes (gross photosynthesis, above-ground and below-ground respiration) were measured multiple times per year and reconstructed hourly or half-hourly by relating them to their most important environmental driver. While CO(2) outputs through respiration were largely unchanged under warming, CO(2) inputs through photosynthesis were lowered, especially in summer, when heat and drought stress were higher. Above-ground CO(2) fluxes were significantly increased in multispecies communities, as more complementary resource use stimulated productivity. Finally, effects of warming appeared to be smallest in monocultures. This study shows that in a future warmer climate the CO(2) sink capacity of temperate grasslands could decline, and that such adverse effects are not likely to be mitigated by efforts to maintain or increase species richness.  相似文献   

1. The necrobiome is a unique microcosm in which various organisms interact and compete for access to an ephemeral resource, such as carrion, that ultimately determines the structure and composition of these assemblages. 2. Blowfly species exhibit different competitive abilities which, when associated with other types of behaviour, such as predation or cannibalism, influence coexistence. Knowledge of the effects of competition between native and invasive species on development and survival is essential to understanding the dynamics of insect communities and to assess biological invasions. 3. Laboratory experiments were performed to evaluate the effect of interspecific competition on the bionomics and survival of a native (Cochliomyia macellaria) and an invasive (Chrysomya rufifacies) blowfly species at different population densities. 4. The deleterious effect of competition on the larval parameters of C. macellaria increased proportionally with increases in the larval density of C. rufifacies. When exposed to increased densities of C. rufifacies, larvae of C. macellaria accelerated their development and, as a trade‐off for this strategy, surviving adults were smaller and had reduced wing size, which were likely to reduce dispersal and reproductive capacity. 5. Larval competition – both as species‐dependent and density‐dependent phenomena – influences morphological and biological traits of surviving individuals. The impact of the invasive species has consequences at the population level, such as displacement or local population depletion of native species, a phenomenon likely to occur in other systems involving insects and ephemeral resources.  相似文献   

Increasingly, biogeographical knowledge and analysis are playing a fundamental role in assessing the representativeness of biodiversity in protected areas, and in identifying critical areas for conservation. With almost 20% of the country assigned to protected areas, Chile is well above the conservation target (i.e. 10–12%) proposed by many international conservation organizations. Moreover, the Chilean government has recently proposed new conservation priority sites to improve the current protected area network. Here, we used all 653 terrestrial vertebrate species present in continental Chile to assess the performance of the existing and proposed reserve networks. Using geographical information systems, we overlaid maps of species distribution, current protected areas, and proposed conservation priority sites to assess how well each species is represented within these networks. Additionally, we performed a systematic reserve selection procedure to identify alternative conservation areas for expanding the current reserve system. Our results show that over 13% of the species are not covered by any existing protected area, and that 73% of Chilean vertebrate species can be considered partial gaps, with only a small fraction of their geographical ranges currently under protection. The coverage is also deficient for endemic (species confined to Chile) and threatened species. While the proposed priority sites do increase coverage, we found that there are still several gaps and these are not the most efficient choices. Both the gap analysis and the reserve selection analysis identified important areas to be added to the existing reserve system, mostly in northern and central Chile. This study underscores the need for a systematic conservation planning approach to redefine the conservation priority sites in order to maximize the representation of species, particularly endemic and threatened species.  相似文献   

Climate warming and plant species richness loss have been the subject of numerous experiments, but studies on their combined impact are lacking. Here we studied how both warming and species richness loss affect water use in grasslands, while identifying interactions between these global changes. Experimental ecosystems containing one, three or nine grassland species from three functional groups were grown in 12 sunlit, climate-controlled chambers (2.25 m2 ground area) in Wilrijk, Belgium. Half of these chambers were exposed to ambient air temperatures (unheated), while the other half were warmed by 3°C (heated). Equal amounts of water were added to heated and unheated communities, so that warming would imply drier soils if evapotranspiration (ET) was higher. After an initial ET increase in response to warming, stomatal regulation and lower above-ground productivity resulted in ET values comparable with those recorded in the unheated communities. As a result of the decreased biomass production, water use efficiency (WUE) was reduced by warming. Higher complementarity and the improved competitive success of water-efficient species in mixtures led to an increased WUE in multi-species communities as compared to monocultures, regardless of the induced warming. However, since the WUE of individual species was affected in different ways by higher temperatures, compositional changes in mixtures seem likely under climatic change due to shifts in competitiveness. In conclusion, while increased complementarity and selection of water-efficient species ensured more efficient water use in mixtures than monocultures, global warming will likely decrease this WUE, and this may be most pronounced in species-rich communities.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural practices of semi-natural mountain grasslands are expected to modify plant community structure and shift dominance patterns. Using vegetation surveys of 11 sites in semi-natural grasslands of the Swiss Jura and Swiss and French Alps, we determined the relative contribution of dominant, subordinate and transient plant species in grazed and abandoned communities and observed their changes along a gradient of productivity and in response to abandonment of pasturing.The results confirm the humpbacked diversity–productivity relationship in semi-natural grassland, which is due to the increase of subordinate species number at intermediate productivity levels. Grazed communities, at the lower or higher end of the species diversity gradient, suffered higher species loss after grazing abandonment. Species loss after abandonment of pasturing was mainly due to a higher reduction in the number of subordinate species, as a consequence of the increasing proportion of dominant species.When plant biodiversity maintenance is the aim, our results have direct implications for the way grasslands should be managed. Indeed, while intensification and abandonment have been accelerated since few decades, our findings in this multi-site analysis confirm the importance of maintaining intermediate levels of pasturing to preserve biodiversity.  相似文献   

BackgroundMitochondrial membrane permeabilisation (MMP) is classically considered as a point of no return in several forms of cell death and is involved in numerous diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders or ischemia/reperfusion injuries. Many studies established that reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Ca2 + were the prominent inducers of MMP. However, the mechanisms connecting ROS and Ca2 + to the players of MMP are still a matter of debate.Scope of reviewThe aim of this review is to summarise the various studies related to the mechanisms of ROS- and Ca2 +-induced MMP. Several lines of evidence suggest that ROS and Ca2 + cooperate to induce MMP but the molecular details of the ROS–Ca2 +-MMP network remain controversial. We then discuss recent data depicting this topic.Major conclusionsCytotoxic stimuli may be transduced within the cell by ROS and Ca2 + increases. In most models, Ca2 + and ROS can cooperate to induce MMP. Moreover, several data suggest that MMP increases mitochondrial Ca2 + and ROS which therefore amplify the cytotoxic signal. Intriguingly, many reports have identified players of MMP as direct ROS targets. On the contrary, direct targets of Ca2 + remain elusive. At the same time, the mechanisms by which mitochondrial Ca2 + overload induces ROS generation are well documented. Upon these observations, we hypothesise that Ca2 + cannot directly induce MMP and requires ROS production as a mandatory step.General significanceGiven the importance of Ca2 +- and ROS-induced MMP in diseases, we expect that a better understanding of this process will lead to the development of novel therapies.  相似文献   



The dramatic consequences of stroke on patient autonomy in daily living activities urged the need for new reliable therapeutic strategies. Recently, bimanual training has emerged as a promising tool to improve the functional recovery of upper-limbs in stroke patients. However, who could benefit from bimanual therapy and how it could be used as a part of a more complete rehabilitation protocol remain largely unknown. A possible reason explaining this situation is that coupling and symmetry-breaking mechanisms, two fundamental principles governing bimanual behaviour, have been largely under-explored in both research and rehabilitation in stroke.  相似文献   

The Mytilus complex of marine mussel species forms a mosaic of hybrid zones, found across temperate regions of the globe. This allows us to study ‘replicated’ instances of secondary contact between closely related species. Previous work on this complex has shown that local introgression is both widespread and highly heterogeneous, and has identified SNPs that are outliers of differentiation between lineages. Here, we developed an ancestry‐informative panel of such SNPs. We then compared their frequencies in newly sampled populations, including samples from within the hybrid zones, and parental populations at different distances from the contact. Results show that close to the hybrid zones, some outlier loci are near to fixation for the heterospecific allele, suggesting enhanced local introgression, or the local sweep of a shared ancestral allele. Conversely, genomic cline analyses, treating local parental populations as the reference, reveal a globally high concordance among loci, albeit with a few signals of asymmetric introgression. Enhanced local introgression at specific loci is consistent with the early transfer of adaptive variants after contact, possibly including asymmetric bi‐stable variants (Dobzhansky‐Muller incompatibilities), or haplotypes loaded with fewer deleterious mutations. Having escaped one barrier, however, these variants can be trapped or delayed at the next barrier, confining the introgression locally. These results shed light on the decay of species barriers during phases of contact.  相似文献   

Utricularia purpurea is a rootless, free-floating, aquatic, carnivorous plant. I quantified biomass investment in U. purpurea traps and determined when traps begin to function and what they trap in natural habitats. In the Everglades of south Florida, plants invest an average of 26% of their biomass in bladders, although bladder number varies among sites and over time. Leaves begin trapping as they mature, and on leaves one whorl older than the most recently matured leaves, almost 100% of bladders have allochthonous material. Despite the substantial investment in their biomass, bladders capture few aquatic microinvertebrates. Almost all mature bladders, however, have living communities of algae, zooplankton, and associated debris. These results support the hypotheses that the important association in U. purpurea bladders is a mutualism rather than a predator-prey interaction and that the major benefit to the plants from bladders is derived from this community.  相似文献   

Identifying processes underlying the genetic and morphological differences among populations is a central question of evolutionary biology. Forest trees typically contain high levels of neutral genetic variation, and genetic differences are often correlated with geographic distance between populations [isolation by distance (IBD)] or are due to historic vicariance events [isolation by colonization (IBC)]. In contrast, morphological differences are largely due to local adaptation. Here, we examined genetic (microsatellite) and morphological (from a common garden experiment) variation in Populus nigra L., European black poplar, collected from 13 sites across western Europe and grown in a common garden in Belgium. Significant genetic differentiation was observed, with populations from France displaying greater admixture than the distinct Spanish and central European gene pools, consistent with previously described glacial refugia (IBC). Many quantitative traits displayed a bimodal distribution, approximately corresponding to small‐leaf and large‐leaf ecotypes. Examination of nine climatic variables revealed the sampling locations to have diverse climates, and although the correlation between morphological and climatic differences was significant, the pattern was not consistent with strict local adaptation. Partial Mantel tests based on multivariate summary statistics identified significant residual correlation in comparisons of small‐leaf to large‐leaf ecotypes, and within the small‐leaf samples, but not within large‐leaf ecotypes, indicating that variation within the small‐leaf morphotype in particular may be adaptive. Some small‐leaf populations experience climates very similar to those in large‐leaf sites. We conclude that adaptive differentiation and persistent IBC acted in combination to produce the genetic and morphological patterns observed in P. nigra.  相似文献   

Abstract:ITS1 and ITS2 regions were sequenced from a number of Parmeliopsis ambigua andP. hyperopta specimens from Uppland, Sweden. The data were analysed cladistically and the ITS region was found to contain enough variation to support the hypothesis that the taxa should be regarded as species rather than chemotypes.  相似文献   

Dietrich B  Wehner R 《Oecologia》2003,136(1):63-72
Two extremely morphologically similar sister species of desert ants, Cataglyphis bicolor and C. savignyi, exhibit broadly overlapping distributional ranges within Tunisia. In order to analyse the microhabitats of C. bicolor and C. savignyi within the sympatric and allopatric areas of both ant species, the plant species located at 113 different nest sites of the two ant species were determined. In the sympatric area, the two species exhibit a clear-cut nest site segregation. This is not the case in the allopatric areas. Hence the two species differentiate their microhabitat only when they are sympatric. The plant species associated mainly with the nest sites of C. bicolor indicate that this species prefers a type of vegetation that needs irrigation. This is in contrast to the nest sites of C. savignyi, which are usually found around plants that characterize typical dry steppe areas. As the ants' foraging paths recorded in the sympatric area reveal, C. bicolor performs significantly shorter foraging runs with respect to both length and time, and covers a much smaller foraging range than C. savignyi does. This result reflects the fact that the microhabitat occupied by the colonies of C. bicolor is richer in food abundance. When direct interspecific interactions were investigated by placing a bait midway between two heterospecific nests, C. bicolor foragers dominated over those of C. savignyi. The same dominance of C. bicolor over C. savignyi occurred in laboratory experiments. These results suggest that the dominant species drives the subordinate one out of the high quality microhabitats, and that the subordinate species is forced to survive in the less lucrative habitats. In conclusion, coexistence seems to be maintained by the asymmetric competitive relationship between the two species and the fact that the subordinate species has the ability to endure in the less favourable microhabitat.  相似文献   

Species may be able to respond to changing environments by a combination of adaptation and migration. We study how adaptation affects range shifts when it involves multiple quantitative traits evolving in response to local selection pressures and gene flow. All traits develop clines shifting in space, some of which may be in a direction opposite to univariate predictions, and the species tracks its environmental optimum with a constant lag. We provide analytical expressions for the local density and average trait values. A species can sustain faster environmental shifts, develop a wider range and greater local adaptation when spatial environmental variation is low (generating low migration load) and multitrait adaptive potential is high. These conditions are favoured when nonlinear (stabilising) selection is weak in the phenotypic direction of the change in optimum, and genetic variation is high in the phenotypic direction of the selection gradient.  相似文献   

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