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Identifying seasonal shifts in community assembly for multiple biological groups is important to help enhance our understanding of their ecological dynamics. However, such knowledge on lotic assemblages is still limited. In this study, we used biological traits and functional diversity indices in association with null model analyses to detect seasonal shifts in the community assembly mechanisms of lotic macroinvertebrates and diatoms in an unregulated subtropical river in China. We found that functional composition and functional diversity (FRic, FEve, FDis, MNN, and SDNN) showed seasonal variation for macroinvertebrate and diatom assemblages. Null models suggested that environmental filtering, competitive exclusion, and neutral process were all important community assembly mechanisms for both biological groups. However, environmental filtering had a stronger effect on spring macroinvertebrate assemblages than autumn assemblages, but the effect on diatom assemblages was the same in both seasons. Moreover, macroinvertebrate and diatom assemblages were shaped by different environmental factors. Macroinvertebrates were filtered mainly by substrate types, velocity, and CODMn, while diatoms were mainly shaped by altitude, substrate types, and water quality. Therefore, our study showed (a) that different biological assemblages in a river system presented similarities and differences in community assembly mechanisms, (b) that multiple processes play important roles in maintaining benthic community structure, and (c) that these patterns and underlying mechanisms are seasonally variable. Thus, we highlight the importance of exploring the community assembly mechanisms of multiple biological groups, especially in different seasons, as this is crucial to improve the understanding of river community changes and their responses to environmental degradation.  相似文献   

Seston in the impounded North Anna River (NAR) was analyzed and compared to that in the free-flowing South Anna River (SAR) in Virginia, U.S.A. A wet filtration technique was used to separate seston into five size classes. The overall quantity of organic seston was much lower in the NAR than in the SAR. The seston in the NAR was composed of more living organisms, in particular zooplankters in the medium large (234–864 µm) and small (105–234 µm) size classes and diatoms and other algae in the fine (43–105 µm) and very fine (25–43 µm) size classes. The percentage of zooplankton declined sharply before reaching the downstream study site (32 km). The seston in the NAR tended to consist of slightly larger particles, but 80–85% of the seston in both rivers was in the ultrafine (0.45–25 µm) size class, which was almost entirely composed of detritus. One indication of seston food quality, the organic/inorganic ratio, was considerably higher for the medium large and small size classes in the NAR immediately below the dam and for the fine and very fine size classes farther downstream. Another indication of food quality, the usable caloric content, showed that the seston in the NAR contained considerably less total assimilable energy as far as 32 km downstream from the dam, but that the medium large and small size classes were rich in assimilable energy immediately below the dam because of zooplankton released from the reservoir. Thus, the overall quantity and quality of seston was lower in the NAR, but the quality of the seston, for at least a short distance below the dam, was higher in a well-defined size range that can be effectively utilized by certain filter feeders.  相似文献   

Data on macroinvertebrate functional groups and benthic and suspended organic matter were examined using polar ordination techniques to test for distribution patterns in relation to stream size along an extended section of the Salmon River, Idaho (U.S.A.). Responses over a 200-km 8th-order section were studied in autumn 1978 and the succeeding summer. Overall trends and those of individual parameters comprising the three categories studied were used to examine aspects of the River Continuum Concept of Vannoteet al. (1980). Community composition of functional groups changed in an orderly fashion as a function of stream size (measured as link magnitude) along the 8th-order section in autumn but not in summer.Likewise, the composition of transported and combined (benthic plus transported) organic matter was a statistically significant function of stream size in autumn but not in summer. Only selected, individual functional groups and organic matter parameters demonstrated significant river continuum patterns; again, these were more prevalent in autumn than in summer. We conclude that continuum relationships within a segment of a given order are discerned better through analysis of compositional trends based on polar ordination than a focus on individual parameters.  相似文献   

漓江大型底栖动物功能摄食类群时空分布及生态效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于2009年9月至2012年8月期间对漓江上中下游3个河流区段的4次采样调查,分析了漓江大型底栖动物功能摄食类群的组成与时空分布状况及其对河流生境变化的响应情况。结果表明:漓江大型底栖动物以刮食者占据绝对优势,其次依次是滤食者、收集者、捕食者和撕食者。刮食者中优势种为中华园田螺和黑龙江短沟蜷,滤食者中优势种为河蚬和纹石蚕,收集者中优势种为小蜉和摇蚊幼虫,捕食者中优势种为扁舌蛭和蜻蜓幼虫,撕食者中优势种为泥甲。根据功能摄食类群参数对河流生境以及人类活动影响的评价表明,人类居住生活对生境稳定性的影响显著大于旅游观光带来的影响,环境因子中溶解氧(DO)、pH、电导率(EC)、温度(Temp)、浊度(Tur)、化学需氧量(COD)和总氮(TN)等环境因子与漓江大型底栖动物功能摄食类群的相关性均较强。  相似文献   

官昭瑛  何莹  安玉蓉  蔡吉花  童晓立 《生态学报》2010,30(11):2828-2835
在亚热带地区一条2级溪流中比较了本地植物(红锥和薏米)和外来植物(托里桉和马缨丹)凋落物的分解速率及底栖动物定殖及其摄食功能群的组成。结果显示,本地植物凋落物的分解速率为:0.020 d-1(红锥)和0.056 d-1(薏米),外来树叶的分解速率则为:0.038 d-1(托里桉)和0.041 d-1(马缨丹),它们均属于快速分解组。定殖在外来和本地树叶凋落物上的大型底栖动物种类分别为21种和24种。在外来和本地树叶上定殖的底栖动物平均密度差异不显著(P0.05)。从大型底栖动物摄食功能群的比例来看,定殖在本地凋落物上的集食者的比例最高(73.5%),其次是撕食者(10.9%)和捕食者(8.7%),刮食者(6.8%)的比例最低,在外来凋落物上,摄食功能群的比例分别为集食者(67.6%)、撕食者(13.9%)、刮食者(12.1%)和捕食者(6.1%),两者相比,底栖动物的摄食功能群均以集食者和撕食者为主,在组成比例上并无显著差异。结果表明2种外来植物凋落物分解对底栖动物多样性及其摄食功能群的影响不明显。  相似文献   

Jani Heino 《Hydrobiologia》2000,418(1):229-242
Littoral zones of small water bodies are spatially heterogeneous habitats, harbouring diverse biotic communities. Despite this apparent heterogeneity, many studies have stressed the importance of water chemistry in determining the structure of littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages. The purpose of this study was to consider the relative importance of several spatial and water chemistry variables in explaining the patterns in the structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages in 21 lentic water bodies in northeastern Finland. Water bodies were selected to represent various habitat conditions ranging from small permanent bog ponds to small forest lakes. According to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), the most important environmental factors related to assemblage composition were water body area, moss cover, total nitrogen and water hardness. In general, species composition in small bog ponds tended to differ from that in larger lakes with forested shoreline. Total species richness was best explained by a composite variable (PCA) describing physical habitat heterogeneity, species richness being lowest in small bog lakes with simple bottom structure and low amount of aquatic plants. Species numbers in dominant functional feeding groups were related to different environmental factors. Shredder species richness was best explained by a regression model incorporating total nitrogen and the amount of organic matter, both of which were negatively related to the number of shredder species. The number of gatherer species increased with mean substratum particle size. Scraper species richness was negatively affected by the abundance of detritus and positively affected by depth, and a model including both variables explained most of the variation. Variation in the number of predatory species was best explained by a regression model including moss cover and lake area.  相似文献   

1. The effect of channel drying on macroinvertebrate production was studied at the habitat and reach scale in a catchment drained by intermittent streams in Maine, U.S.A. The catchment includes two first‐order streams and their second‐order confluence. Six reaches were selected for study based on differences in channel slope and habitat cover (bedrock, riffle/run, debris dam and pool). Stream water in each reach was acidic and oligotrophic. 2. The study reaches had different degrees of channel drying. In the first‐order reaches, surface flow ceased earlier in the season and for longer periods than second‐order reaches. Regardless of reach, pool and debris dam habitats retained water longer than riffle/runs and bedrock. Unlike other habitats, debris dams retained moisture for relatively long periods following cessation of surface flow. 3. Reach‐specific macroinvertebrate production ranged from approximately 1.7 to 2.9 g AFDM m−2 year−1 which are among the lowest values ever reported. Habitat‐specific production ranged from approximately 0.5 to 5.0 g AFDM m−2 year−1 (bedrock and debris dams, respectively). 4. At the reach scale, quantities of stored benthic organic matter (range approximately 200–600 g AFDM−2) decreased in a downstream direction. 5. A combination of differences in the timing and duration of channel drying, habitat structure and detritus standing stocks appeared to influence levels of invertebrate production among the study reaches. 6. Our interpretation of a canonical correspondence analysis indicates that drying is more important than habitat in affecting macroinvertebrate production in this intermittent stream system.  相似文献   

A headwater river-reservoir system was studied from March–November, 1982 to determine effects of impoundment on seston quality. We used epifluorescent microscopy to compate and contrast microbial colonization of seston and abundance of free microbes. There was a significant relationship between colonization density and particle size at all sites. Smaller particles were colonized more densely by bacteria than larger particles. Total counts of bacteria (free plus attached) did not differ significantly beween sites. However there were significantly more free bacteria (# ml–1) in the reservoir and 5 km below the dam than upstream of the impoundment. Density of attached bacteria (# µm–2) was similar upstream and downstream of the reservoir but slightly higher at lentic sites. Proportionally, attached bacteria were more important upstream (mean 42–45% of total counts) than in the reservoir and downstream (19–31%). We concluded that reservoir seston was of higher quality than riverine seston and major downstream effects included decreases in seston concentration (due to sedimentation) and shifts in proportional abundance of free and attached bacteria. Seston consumers capable of using ultrafine particles (<25 µm), including free bacteria, had higher quality food resources below the dam than in upstream areas.  相似文献   

  1. Habitat fragmentation is one of the main threats to biodiversity. Barriers to dispersal caused by anthropogenic habitat alteration may affect phylogeographic patterns in freshwater mussels. Knowledge of the phylogenetic and phylogeographic patterns of unionoids is vital to inform protection of their biodiversity.
  2. Here, we assessed influences of dams and their environmental effects on the genetic diversity and population connectivity of a broadly distributed freshwater mussel, Nodularia douglasiae, in Poyang Lake Basin.
  3. The results showed high genetic diversity in areas without dams and low genetic diversity in areas with dams. High genetic differentiation and low gene flow were found among the 11 populations. Genetic variation was significantly correlated with dissolved oxygen levels.
  4. The observation of low genetic diversity in populations separated by dams indicated that those populations were subjected to genetic erosion and demographic decline because they are disconnected from other populations with higher diversity. High genetic differentiation and low gene flow among the 11 populations could be correlated with anthropogenic habitat alteration.
  5. These results indicated that anthropogenic habitat alterations have led to the decline in freshwater mussel diversity. Therefore, we recommend maintaining favourable habitat conditions and connectivity of rivers or lakes, and strengthening study of life histories with host-test experiments to identify potential host fish species to strengthen the knowledge base underpinning freshwater mussel conservation.

Transport of coarse particulate organic matter in an Idaho river,USA   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ted R. Angradi 《Hydrobiologia》1991,211(3):171-183
I investigated organic matter transport in the Henry's Fork of the Snake River, Idaho, USA, from August 1987 to November 1988. Mean discharge during the study was 15 m3 s–1. Screens were used to sample very coarse (> 6 mm) transported aquatic macrophyte material (VCTMM). Drift nets were used to sample coarse (1–6 mm) and fine (0.25–1 mm) transported particulate organic matter (CTOM and FTOM). Mean monthly concentration of VCTMM was 0.064 mg AFDWl–1 and was significantly higher than CTOM (0.024 mg AFDW l–1) and FTOM (0.036 mg AFDW l–1). VCTMM concentration was highest in December (0.163 mg AFDW l–1) and lowest in May (0.018 mg AFDW l–1). The sample position along a transect across the channel had a significant effect on the amount of transported organic matter collected in many months. The concentration of debris from individual species tracked the standing stock of that species during the growing season. In Fall, a dramatic increase in VCTMM corresponded to a decrease in macrophyte standing stock. FTOM and CTOM concentrations were highest in January (CTOM: 0.048; FTOM: 0.111 mg AFDW l–1), lowest in November 1988 (<0.006 mg AFDW l–1), were not correlated with discharge, and were inversely correlated with the standing stocks of macrophytes upstream, probably because macrophyte beds influenced the retentiveness of the channel. Standing stock of aquatic macrophytes was highest in September–October (5.2 kg wet weight m –2) and lowest in February (1.7 kg wet weight m–2). Annual movement of particulate organic matter past the sampling point was about 45 000 kg AFDW, of which 21 000 kg was VCTMM, 8 000 kg was CPOM, and 16 000 kg was FPOM.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Using experimental streams, we studied the impact of the crayfish Orconectes limosus on (i) the transport of gravel and sand at baseflow; (ii) the sediment surface (bedform, particle consolidation, proportion of sand, algal and gravel cover); and (iii) the critical shear stress (τC) causing incipient gravel and sand motion during simulated floods. We examined (i) and (ii) in experimental outdoor flumes that replicated riffle‐pool sequences and (iii) in a larger laboratory flume, in which we exposed sediments retrieved from the outdoor flumes to a progressively increasing discharge. 2. Habitat changes induced by crayfish, such as bedform alterations in riffles (downstream displacement of riffle heads) and the increase of gravel on sand dunes in pools, had major impacts on the spatial and temporal patterns of the baseflow transport of gravel and sand. 3. In addition to their impact on bedform in riffles and on gravel cover in pools, crayfish prevented the physical consolidation of particles in riffles and reduced the algal cover and the proportion of sand in the surface layer in both riffles and pools. These crayfish impacts on sediment surface variables had complex, interacting effects on the mobilisation of gravel and sand during subsequent flood simulations. For sand, crayfish progressively decreased the τC (i.e. the sum of bedform drag and skin friction) by about 50% along the entire biomass gradient in pools, whereas the presence of crayfish abruptly decreased the τC by about 75% in riffles. For gravel, the discharge causing motion in riffles produced a shear stress (in terms of skin friction) on an even bedform that was about 75% lower in all flumes with crayfish compared with the flumes without crayfish. Crayfish had no impact on τC for gravel in pools. 4. Scaling‐up these experimental results to real streams suggests that crayfish could affect the patch dynamics of major sediment transport events and habitat suitability for other organisms that, at larger spatial scales, could increase the overall spatio‐temporal habitat diversity and thus the overall structural and functional biodiversity of lotic communities.  相似文献   

Natural environments disturbed by human activities can suffer from species extinctions, but some can still harbor high taxonomic diversity. However, disturbances may have impacts beyond the species level, if the species lost represent unique functions in the ecosystem. In this study, we evaluated to what extent the amount of habitat can determine the functional diversity and nestedness of amphibian communities in an Atlantic Forest fragmented landscape in Brazil, and if there is a threshold of habitat amount beyond which there is severe loss of functional diversity. As species responses may depend on their habitat type, we performed the analyses for three different sets of species: all species, forest‐dependent species, and generalist species. We also evaluated the relative importance of turnover and nestedness components to total functional dissimilarity among sites. Habitat amount affected functional diversity of frogs, especially for forest‐dependent species where a linear reduction was detected. The functional dissimilarity among sites was mostly explained by the nestedness component. The reduction of functional diversity was mediated by an ordered loss of traits, leading to a functionally nested metacommunity. These sensitive traits were closely related to habits and reproductive modes that depend on rivers and streams. The maintenance of functional diversity of frogs in fragmented landscapes must rely on the conservation of both terrestrial and aquatic environments, as some species and their traits can disappear from remnants of native vegetation lacking some specific habitats (e.g. streams). Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

We applied an extensive data set from 211 locations along Austrian rivers to assess community structure and the ratios of functional feeding groups of benthic macroinvertebrates. A total of 569 taxa have been identified. At the catchment scale, the Enns, Salzach, and Traun Rivers exhibited the highest taxa richness whereas the Inn River showed the lowest richness. Beta-diversity was highest along the impounded and fragmented Enns and Drau Rivers. Consequently, high corridor diversity corresponded to a low degree of nestedness. Overall, scrapers and gathering-collectors dominated the benthic community. Further, the relationship between habitat conditions and metrics based on functional feeding groups were statistically analyzed to validate the potential of these metrics as indicators of ecosystem attributes. We examined four major ecosystem attributes: species diversity, material cycling, longitudinal material transport, and lateral material input. Multiple regression analyses for midorder rivers demonstrated that metrics were significantly related to habitat conditions. For example, the metric set indicating primary production was positively correlated with periphyton cover, dissolved oxygen, dominant sediment size, and average annual discharge. Overall, most metrics exhibited unique responses to habitat conditions, implying that they are useful proxies of ecosystem attributes. Thus, a function-based approach based on macroinvertebrates has the potential to become an effective tool for the assessment of river ecosystems.  相似文献   

Upstream range shifts of freshwater fishes have been documented in recent years due to ongoing climate change. River fragmentation by dams, presenting physical barriers, can limit the climatically induced spatial redistribution of fishes. Andean freshwater ecosystems in the Neotropical region are expected to be highly affected by these future disturbances. However, proper evaluations are still missing. Combining species distribution models and functional traits of Andean Amazon fishes, coupled with dam locations and climatic projections (2070s), we (a) evaluated the potential impacts of future climate on species ranges, (b) investigated the combined impact of river fragmentation and climate change and (c) tested the relationships between these impacts and species functional traits. Results show that climate change will induce range contraction for most of the Andean Amazon fish species, particularly those inhabiting highlands. Dams are not predicted to greatly limit future range shifts for most species (i.e., the Barrier effect). However, some of these barriers should prevent upstream shifts for a considerable number of species, reducing future potential diversity in some basins. River fragmentation is predicted to act jointly with climate change in promoting a considerable decrease in the probability of species to persist in the long‐term because of splitting species ranges in smaller fragments (i.e., the Isolation effect). Benthic and fast‐flowing water adapted species with hydrodynamic bodies are significantly associated with severe range contractions from climate change.  相似文献   

1. Food sources and trophic structure of the macroinvertebrate community along a longitudinal gradient were examined in a glacier stream of the Swiss Alps (Val Roseg). Analysis of multiple stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and measurement of C : N ratios were used to differentiate between allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter.
2. Although isotopic signatures of algae varied widely among sites and dates, it was possible to discriminate between allochthonous and autochthonous food sources using a site-specific approach.
3. Dominant food sources of herbivorous invertebrates in all main channel sites were epilithic diatoms and the filamentous gold alga Hydrurus foetidus . Allochthonous organic matter was of some importance only in a groundwater-fed stream close to the floodplain margin.
4. Seasonal changes in the δ13C signature of the macroinvertebrates corresponded with seasonal changes in δ13C of the gold alga H. foetidus . This indicated that the energy base remains autochthonous throughout the year.
5. Because of limited food sources, feeding plasticity of the invertebrate community was high. Both grazers and shredders fed predominantly on algae, whereas gatherer-collectors seemed to be omnivorous.
6. The overall enrichment of δ15N was 2.25‰ ( r 2=0.99) per trophic level. On a gradient from the glacier site to a downstream forested site trophic enrichment was constant but variation in δ15N within trophic levels decreased.  相似文献   

1. Spatiotemporal patterns of canopy true bug diversity in forests of different tree species diversity have not yet been disentangled, although plant diversity has been shown to strongly impact the diversity and distribution of many insect communities. 2. Here we compare species richness of canopy true bugs across a tree diversity gradient ranging from simple beech to mixed forest stands. We analyse changes in community composition by additive partitioning of species diversity, for communities on various tree species, as well as for communities dwelling on beech alone. 3. Total species richness (γ‐diversity) and α‐diversity, and abundance of true bugs increased across the tree diversity gradient, while diversity changes were mediated by increased true bug abundance in the highly diverse forest stands. The same pattern was found for γ‐diversity in most functional guilds (e.g. forest specialists, herbivores, predators). Temporal and even more, spatial turnover (β‐diversity) among trees was closely related to tree diversity and accounted for ~90% of total γ‐diversity. 4. Results for beech alone were similar, but species turnover could not be related to the tree diversity gradient, and monthly turnover was higher compared to turnover among trees. 5. Our findings support the hypothesis that with increasing tree diversity and thereby increasing habitat heterogeneity, enhanced resource availability supports a greater number of individuals and species of true bugs. Tree species identity and the dissimilarity of true bug communities from tree to tree determine community patterns. 6. In conclusion, understanding diversity and distribution of insect communities in deciduous forests needs a perspective on patterns of spatiotemporal turnover. Heterogeneity among sites, tree species, as well as tree individuals contributed greatly to overall bug diversity.  相似文献   

Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and related climate change have stimulated much interest in the potential of soils to sequester carbon. In ‘The Jena Experiment’, a managed grassland experiment on a former agricultural field, we investigated the link between plant diversity and soil carbon storage. The biodiversity gradient ranged from one to 60 species belonging to four functional groups. Stratified soil samples were taken to 30 cm depth from 86 plots in 2002, 2004 and 2006, and organic carbon contents were determined. Soil organic carbon stocks in 0–30 cm decreased from 7.3 kg C m?2 in 2002 to 6.9 kg C m?2 in 2004, but had recovered to 7.8 kg C m?2 by 2006. During the first 2 years, carbon storage was limited to the top 5 cm of soil while below 10 cm depth, carbon was lost probably as short‐term effect of the land use change. After 4 years, carbon stocks significantly increased within the top 20 cm. More importantly, carbon storage significantly increased with sown species richness (log‐transformed) in all depth segments and even carbon losses were significantly smaller with higher species richness. Although increasing species diversity increased root biomass production, statistical analyses revealed that species diversity per se was more important than biomass production for changes in soil carbon. Below 20 cm depth, the presence of one functional group, tall herbs, significantly reduced carbon losses in the beginning of the experiment. Our analysis indicates that plant species richness and certain plant functional traits accelerate the build‐up of new carbon pools within 4 years. Additionally, higher plant diversity mitigated soil carbon losses in deeper horizons. This suggests that higher biodiversity might lead to higher soil carbon sequestration in the long‐term and therefore the conservation of biodiversity might play a role in greenhouse gas mitigation.  相似文献   

功能性状对环境变化敏感,在生物多样性与生态系统功能关系的研究中扮演关键角色;基于生物性状的功能多样性与生态系统过程密切相关,是了解生态系统和群落功能的关键所在。基于新薛河底栖动物3个季度的调查数据,对功能性状和功能多样性时空动态及其对环境梯度的响应进行了研究。研究结果表明10个功能性状的等级性状间均存在显著差异。空间格局上,33个等级性状中有21个在河段间差异显著,涉及10个功能性状中的9个;而在时间序列上,仅有12个等级性状于各季节间差异显著,涉及10个功能性状中的6个。功能多样性于各河段间差异显著,表现为D≥E、A≥CB;而于各季节间整体表现为差异不显著;底栖动物各功能性状之间存在一定的权衡关系;水文条件是影响研究区域底栖动物功能多样性的主要因素;功能性状及功能多样性对河流生境质量具有较好的响应性。  相似文献   

Urbanization is a major land use form that has large impacts on ecosystems. Urban development in the watershed impacts stream ecosystems by increasing nutrient and organic matter loads, altering hydrology, and reducing biodiversity. Puerto Rico is an ideal location to assess and monitor the effects of urbanization on streams, because it is increasingly urbanized and streams do not receive inputs of untreated sewage, characteristic of many other tropical urban areas. The objective of this study was to determine how leaf litter decomposition and aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages varied along a tropical urban gradient. We conducted the study in the Río Piedras watershed, San Juan Metropolitan Area, in six low‐order streams that formed an urban gradient ranging from 10% to 70% urban land cover. At each stream, we placed six 5 g leaf bags of Ficus longifolia in three different pools and collected one bag on each sampling date. Decomposition rates were fast in forested streams (range 0.021–0.039/day) and decreased with increasing urbanization (range 0.007–0.008/day). Rates were strongly and negatively correlated with percent impervious surface cover (R = 0.81, p = 0.01). Functional feeding group diversity was higher in forested streams, with the presence of shredders. Decomposition rates were significantly and positively correlated with functional feeding group diversity and abundance (R = 0.66, p = 0.04). Overall, our results show that urbanization affected the environment and macroinvertebrate diversity resulting in large negative effects on stream ecosystem function. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

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