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Genetic incompatibilities are an important component of reproductive isolation. Although theoretical studies have addressed their evolution, little is known about their maintenance when challenged by potentially high migration rates in secondary contact. Although theory predicts that recombination can erode barriers, many empirical systems have been found to retain species‐specific differences despite substantial gene flow. By simulating whole genomes in individuals of hybridizing species, we find that the genetic architecture of two contrasting models of epistatic hybrid incompatibilities and the context of hybridization can substantially affect species integrity and genomic heterogeneity. In line with theory, our results show that intergenomic incompatibilities break down rapidly by recombination, but can maintain genome‐wide differentiation under very limited conditions. By contrast, intragenomic interactions that arise from genetic pathways can maintain species‐specific differences even with high migration rates and gene flow, whereas introgression at large parts of the genome can simultaneously remain extensive, consistent with empirical observations. We discuss the importance of intragenomic interactions in speciation and consider how this form of epistatic fitness variation is implicated and supported by other theoretical and empirical studies. We further address the relevance of replicates and knowledge of context when investigating the genomics of speciation.  相似文献   

Maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) facilitates the evolutionary accumulation of mutations with sex‐biased fitness effects. Whereas maternal inheritance closely aligns mtDNA evolution with natural selection in females, it makes it indifferent to evolutionary changes that exclusively benefit males. The constrained response of mtDNA to selection in males can lead to asymmetries in the relative contributions of mitochondrial genes to female versus male fitness variation. Here, we examine the impact of genetic drift and the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) among mutations—including the correlation of mutant fitness effects between the sexes—on mitochondrial genetic variation for fitness. We show how drift, genetic correlations, and skewness of the DFE determine the relative contributions of mitochondrial genes to male versus female fitness variance. When mutant fitness effects are weakly correlated between the sexes, and the effective population size is large, mitochondrial genes should contribute much more to male than to female fitness variance. In contrast, high fitness correlations and small population sizes tend to equalize the contributions of mitochondrial genes to female versus male variance. We discuss implications of these results for the evolution of mitochondrial genome diversity and the genetic architecture of female and male fitness.  相似文献   

In spatially heterogeneous environments, the processes of gene flow, mutation, and sexual reproduction generate local genetic variation and thus provide material for local adaptation. On the other hand, these processes interchange maladapted for adapted genes and so, in each case, the net influence may be to reduce local adaptation. Previous work has indicated that this is the case in stable populations, yet it is less clear how the factors play out during population growth, and in the face of temporal environmental stochasticity. We address this issue with a spatially explicit, stochastic model. We find that dispersal, mutation, and sexual reproduction can all accelerate local adaptation in growing populations, although their respective roles may depend on the genetic make‐up of the founding population. All three processes reduce local adaptation, however, in the long term, that is when population growth becomes balanced by density‐dependent competition. These relationships are qualitatively maintained, although quantitatively reduced, if the resources are locally ephemeral. Our results suggest that species with high levels of local adaptation within their ranges may not be the same species that harbor potential for rapid local adaptation during population expansion.  相似文献   

Along with manipulating habitat, the direct release of domesticated individuals into the wild is a practice used worldwide to augment wildlife populations. We test between possible outcomes of human‐mediated secondary contact using genomic techniques at both historical and contemporary timescales for two iconic duck species. First, we sequence several thousand ddRAD‐seq loci for contemporary mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) throughout North America and two domestic mallard types (i.e., known game‐farm mallards and feral Khaki Campbell's). We show that North American mallards may well be becoming a hybrid swarm due to interbreeding with domesticated game‐farm mallards released for hunting. Next, to attain a historical perspective, we applied a bait‐capture array targeting thousands of loci in century‐old (1842–1915) and contemporary (2009–2010) mallard and American black duck (Anas rubripes) specimens. We conclude that American black ducks and mallards have always been closely related, with a divergence time of ~600,000 years before present, and likely evolved through prolonged isolation followed by limited bouts of gene flow (i.e., secondary contact). They continue to maintain genetic separation, a finding that overturns decades of prior research and speculation suggesting the genetic extinction of the American black duck due to contemporary interbreeding with mallards. Thus, despite having high rates of hybridization, actual gene flow is limited between mallards and American black ducks. Conversely, our historical and contemporary data confirm that the intensive stocking of game‐farm mallards during the last ~100 years has fundamentally changed the genetic integrity of North America's wild mallard population, especially in the east. It thus becomes of great interest to ask whether the iconic North American mallard is declining in the wild due to introgression of maladaptive traits from domesticated forms. Moreover, we hypothesize that differential gene flow from domestic game‐farm mallards into the wild mallard population may explain the overall temporal increase in differentiation between wild black ducks and mallards, as well as the uncoupling of genetic diversity and effective population size estimates across time in our results. Finally, our findings highlight how genomic methods can recover complex population histories by capturing DNA preserved in traditional museum specimens.  相似文献   

We investigate the conditions for the origin and maintenance of postzygotic isolation barriers, so called (Bateson‐)Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibilities or DMIs, among populations that are connected by gene flow. Specifically, we compare the relative stability of pairwise DMIs among autosomes, X chromosomes, and mitochondrial genes. In an analytical approach based on a continent‐island framework, we determine how the maximum permissible migration rates depend on the genomic architecture of the DMI, on sex bias in migration rates, and on sex‐dependence of allelic and epistatic effects, such as dosage compensation. Our results show that X‐linkage of DMIs can enlarge the migration bounds relative to autosomal DMIs or autosome‐mitochondrial DMIs, in particular in the presence of dosage compensation. The effect is further strengthened with male‐biased migration. This mechanism might contribute to a higher density of DMIs on the X chromosome (large X‐effect) that has been observed in several species clades. Furthermore, our results agree with empirical findings of higher introgression rates of autosomal compared to X‐linked loci.  相似文献   

The recent advances of new genomic technologies have enabled the identification and characterization of sex chromosomes in an increasing number of nonmodel species, revealing that many plants and animals undergo frequent sex chromosome turnovers. What evolutionary forces drive these turnovers remains poorly understood, but it was recently proposed that drift might play a more important role than generally assumed. We analysed the dynamics of different types of turnovers using individual‐based simulations and show that when mediated by genetic drift, turnovers are usually easier to achieve than substitutions at neutral markers, but that their dynamics and relative likelihoods vary with the type of the resident and emergent sex chromosome system (XY and/or ZW) and the dominance relationships among the sex‐determining factors. Focusing on turnovers driven by epistatically dominant mutations, we find that drift‐mediated turnovers that preserve the heterogamety pattern are 2–4× more likely than those along which the heterogametic sex changes. This ratio nevertheless decreases along with effective population size and can even reverse in case of extreme polygyny. This can be attributed to a ‘drift‐induced’ selective force, known to influence transitions between male and female heterogamety, but which according to our study does not affect turnovers that preserve the heterogametic sex.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances have expanded and increased the resolution of studies in evolutionary biology, creating a need for a modern textbook that highlights the latest developments in the field. Evolutionary Genetics: Concepts, Analysis, and Practice, by Glenn‐Peter Sætre and Mark Ravinet (2019), as well as the book's accompanying online tutorials, provide a clear, up‐to‐date, and enjoyable introduction to evolutionary biology and genetics that explains fundamental evolutionary concepts, illustrates recent exciting findings, and offers hands‐on experience in analysing and interpreting genomic data. The book's accessible nature and emphasis on developing practical skills make it a valuable resource for undergraduate courses on evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

In this issue, Flaxman et al. ( 2014 ) report the results of sophisticated whole‐genome simulations of speciation with gene flow, enhancing our understanding of the process by building on previous single‐locus, multilocus and analytical works. Their findings provide us with new insights about how genomes can diverge and the importance of statistical and chromosomal linkage in facilitating reproductive isolation. The authors characterize the conditions under which, even with high gene flow and weak divergent selection, reproductive isolation between populations can occur due to the emergent stochastic process of genomewide congealing, where numerous statistically or physically linked loci of small effect allow selection to limit effective migration rates. The initial congealing event can occur within a broad range conditions, and once initiated, the self‐reinforcing process leads to rapid divergence and ultimately two reproductively isolated populations. Flaxman et al.'s ( 2014 ) work is a valuable contribution to our understanding of speciation with gene flow and in making a more predictive field of evolutionary genomics and speciation.  相似文献   

Selective sweeps reduce neutral genetic diversity. In sexual populations, this “hitchhiking” effect is thought to be limited to the local genomic region of the sweeping allele. While this is true in panmictic populations, we find that in spatially extended populations the combined effects of many unlinked sweeps can affect patterns of ancestry (and therefore neutral genetic diversity) across the whole genome. Even low rates of sweeps can be enough to skew the spatial locations of ancestors such that neutral mutations that occur in an individual living outside a small region in the center of the range have virtually no chance of fixing in the population. The fact that nearly all ancestry rapidly traces back to a small spatial region also means that relatedness between individuals falls off very slowly as a function of the spatial distance between them.  相似文献   

With novel developments in sequencing technologies, time‐sampled data are becoming more available and accessible. Naturally, there have been efforts in parallel to infer population genetic parameters from these data sets. Here, we compare and analyse four recent approaches based on the Wright–Fisher model for inferring selection coefficients (s) given effective population size (Ne), with simulated temporal data sets. Furthermore, we demonstrate the advantage of a recently proposed approximate Bayesian computation (ABC)‐based method that is able to correctly infer genomewide average Ne from time‐serial data, which is then set as a prior for inferring per‐site selection coefficients accurately and precisely. We implement this ABC method in a new software and apply it to a classical time‐serial data set of the medionigra genotype in the moth Panaxia dominula. We show that a recessive lethal model is the best explanation for the observed variation in allele frequency by implementing an estimator of the dominance ratio (h).  相似文献   

Phylogenies indicate that the transition from outcrossing to selfing is frequent, with selfing populations being more prone to extinction. The rates of transition to selfing and extinction, acting on different timescales, could explain the observed distributions of extant selfing species among taxa. However, phylogenetic and theoretical studies consider these mechanisms independently, that is transitions do not cause extinction. Here, we theoretically explore the demographic consequences of the evolution of self‐fertilization. Deleterious mutations and mutations modifying the selfing rate are recurrently introduced and the number of offspring depends on individual fitness, allowing for a demographic feedback. We show that mutational meltdowns can be triggered in populations evolving near strict selfing. Populations having survived a demographic crash are more stable than ancestral outcrossing populations once deleterious mutations are purged. The relatively rapid time‐scales at which extinctions occur indicate that during evolutionary transitions the accumulation of deleterious mutations may not be the cause of extinctions observed on longer time scales, but could lead to the underestimation of transition rates from outcrossing to selfing.  相似文献   

Statistics and Jost's D have been proposed for replacing FST as measures of genetic differentiation. A principal argument in favour of these statistics is the independence of their maximal values with respect to the subpopulation heterozygosity HS, a property not shared by FST. Nevertheless, it has been unclear if these alternative differentiation measures are constrained by other aspects of the allele frequencies. Here, for biallelic markers, we study the mathematical properties of the maximal values of and D, comparing them to those of FST. We show that and D exhibit the same peculiar frequency‐dependence phenomena as FST, including a maximal value as a function of the frequency of the most frequent allele that lies well below one. Although the functions describing , D, and FST in terms of the frequency of the most frequent allele are different, the allele frequencies that maximize them are identical. Moreover, we show using coalescent simulations that when taking into account the specific maximal values of the three statistics, their behaviours become similar across a large range of migration rates. We use our results to explain two empirical patterns: the similar values of the three statistics among North American wolves, and the low D values compared to and FST in Atlantic salmon. The results suggest that the three statistics are often predictably similar, so that they can make quite similar contributions to data analysis. When they are not similar, the difference can be understood in relation to features of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

We examined genetic differentiation among 23 samples of non-migratory river galaxias from 17 streams in the Taieri River system, South Island, New Zealand. Four major genetic types were found, two of which occur in narrow sympatry in one location. These were compared with topotypical material representing Galaxias anomalus from the Clutha system (Otago) and G. vulgaris from the Waimakariri system (Canterbury) in order to establish identity. Morphological examination of these four major genetic types revealed consistent concomitant differences. The results suggest that there are at least three species of river galaxias in the Taieri system: G. anomalus, G. vulgaris and at least one previously undescribed species. We propose that the genetic structuring and subsequent speciation of this group has been promoted by the absence of the marine juvenile phase that is found in five other members of the genus native to New Zealand. This structuring may be exacerbated by population fragmentation over the last century owing to the negative influence of introduced trout. The phylogenetic diversity within the river system mirrors the diverse flora and invertebrate fauna of the region, and has conservation implications that parallel those resulting from our improved knowledge of the New Zealand herpetofauna through the application of genetic analysis.  相似文献   

We examined genetic variation at 13 isozyme loci in three diadromous and two non-diadromous species of galaxiid fish from streams in South and Stewart Islands of New Zealand. Analysis of allele frequency data revealed higher Fs7 and Nei's D values among conspecific populations of the non-diadromous species. We propose that the genetic structurings of these species are affected by their migratory behaviours. We suggest that the derived condition of non-diadromous behaviour may increase scope for speciation, but also the probability of extinction. This is exacerbated by population fragmentation over the last century.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation between three populations of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca (Norway, Czech Republic and Spain, respectively) was investigated at microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and compared with the pattern of differentiation of male plumage colour. The Czech population lives sympatrically with the closely related collared flycatcher (F. albicollis) whereas the other two are allopatric. Allopatric populations are on average more conspicuously coloured than sympatric ones, a pattern that has been explained by sexual selection for conspicuous colour in allopatry and a character displacement on breeding plumage colour in sympatry that reduces the rate of hybridization with the collared flycatcher. The Czech population was genetically indistinguishable from the Norwegian population at microsatellite loci and mtDNA sequences. Recent isolation and/or gene flow may explain the lack of genetic differentiation. Accordingly, different selection on plumage colour in the two populations is either sufficiently strong so that gene flow has little impact on the pattern of colour variation, or differentiation of plumage colour occurred so recently that the (presumably) neutral, fast evolving markers employed here are unable to reflect the differentiation. Genetically, the Spanish population was significantly differentiated from the other populations, but the divergence was much more pronounced at mtDNA compared to microsatellites. This may reflect increased rate of differentiation by genetic drift at the mitochondrial, compared with the nuclear genome, caused by the smaller effective population size of the former genome. In accordance with this interpretation, a genetic pattern consistent with effects of small population size in the Spanish population (genetic drift and inbreeding) were also apparent at the microsatellites, namely reduced allelic diversity and heterozygous deficiency.  相似文献   

The fauna of oceanic islands provide exceptional models with which to examine patterns of dispersal, isolation and diversification, from incipient speciation to species level radiations. Here, we investigate recent differentiation and microevolutionary change in Berthelot's pipit (Anthus berthelotii), an endemic bird species inhabiting three Atlantic archipelagos. Mitochondrial DNA sequence data and microsatellite markers were used to deduce probable colonization pathway, genetic differentiation, and gene flow among the 12 island populations. Phenotypic differentiation was investigated based on eight biologically important morphological traits. We found little mitochondrial DNA variability, with only one and four haplotypes for the control region and cytochrome b, respectively. However, microsatellite data indicated moderate population differentiation (FST=0.069) between the three archipelagos that were identified as genetically distinct units with limited gene flow. Both results, combined with the estimated time of divergence (2.5 millions years ago) from the Anthus campestris (the sister species), suggest that this species has only recently dispersed throughout these islands. The genetic relationships, patterns of allelic richness and exclusive alleles among populations suggest the species originally colonized the Canary Islands and only later spread from there to the Madeiran archipelago and Selvagen Islands. Differentiation has also occurred within archipelagos, although to a lesser degree. Gene flow was observed more among the eastern and central islands of the Canaries than between these and the western islands or the Madeiran Islands. Morphological differences were also more important between than within archipelagos. Concordance between morphological and genetic differentiation provided ambiguous results suggesting that genetic drift alone was not sufficient to explain phenotypic differentiation. The observed genetic and morphological differences may therefore be the result of differing patterns of selection pressures between populations, with Berthelot's pipit undergoing a process of incipient differentiation.  相似文献   

Intra‐ and interpopulation variation was studied, by means of cellulose acetate allozyme electrophoresis, on 16 populations of helicoid snail Bradybaena fruticum (O. F. Müller, 1774) in South Poland. Four enzyme systems, coded by seven loci, were analysed. Calculated with Fisher's technique and Ohta's D‐statistics, four cases of linkage disequilibrium were detected, reflecting population subdivision. The mean number of alleles per locus equalled 2.16 and the mean expected heterozygosity was 0.287. Exact multipopulation and multilocus tests for Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium indicated a statistically significant homozygote excess in all the loci and all populations but three. Each population, however, was at Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for most loci, though the values of f (FIS) were usually high. Homozygote excess was ascribed partly to inbreeding and partly to Wahlund's effect (spatial subdivision of population; at least two cohorts of adult, reproducing snails), disrupting selection in this polymorphic species not excluded. F‐statistics showed relatively low values of θ (FST ; mean for all loci = 0.224) and those of Nm usually below 1 (mean 0.866). Pairwise values of either θ or Cavalli‐Sforza and Edwards arc distance were statistically significantly associated with geographic distances. Contrary to this, no geographic pattern of interpopulation differences was detected by correspondence analysis on allele frequencies, non‐linear multidimensional scaling, UPGMA clustering or neighbour‐joining trees constructed on θ and Cavalli‐Sforza and Edwards arc distance. Accordingly, some most distant populations were more similar to one another than the close ones.  相似文献   

The mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, exhibits extensive latitudinal clinal variation in a number of physiological and biochemical traits, coupled with phylogeographical patterns at mitochondrial and nuclear DNA loci that suggest a complicated history of spatially variable selection and secondary intergradation. This species continues to serve as a model for understanding local and regional adaptation to variable environments. Resolving the influences of historical processes on the distribution of genetic variation within and among extant populations of F. heteroclitus is crucial to a better understanding of how populations evolve in the context of contemporary environments. In this study, we analysed geographical patterns of genetic variation at eight microsatellite loci among 15 populations of F. heteroclitus distributed throughout the North American range of the species from Nova Scotia to Georgia. Genetic variation in Northern populations was lower than in Southern populations and was strongly correlated with latitude throughout the species range. The most common Northern alleles at all eight loci exhibited concordant latitudinal clinal patterns, and the existence of an abrupt transition zone in allele frequencies between Northern and Southern populations was similar to that observed for mitochondrial DNA and allozyme loci. A significant pattern of isolation by distance was observed both within and between northern and southern regions. This pattern was unexpected, particularly for northern populations, given the recent colonization history of post-Pleistocene habitats, and was inconsistent with either a recent northward population expansion or a geographically restricted northern Pleistocene refugium. The data provided no evidence for recent population bottlenecks, and estimates of historical effective population sizes suggest that post-Pleistocene populations have been large throughout the species distribution. These results suggest that F. heteroclitus was broadly distributed throughout most of its current range during the last glacial event and that the abrupt transition in allele frequencies that separate Northern and Southern populations may reflect regional disequilibrium conditions associated with the post-Pleistocene colonization history of habitats in that region.  相似文献   

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