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The ligand binding domain of the LDL receptor (LDLR) contains seven structurally homologous repeats. The fifth repeat (LR5) is considered to be the main module responsible for the binding of lipoproteins LDL and β‐VLDL. LR5, like the other homologous repeats, is around 40‐residue long and contains three disulfide bonds and a conserved cluster of negatively charged residues surrounding a hexacoordinated calcium ion. The calcium coordinating cage is formed by the backbone oxygens of W193 and D198, and side‐chain atoms of D196, D200, D206, and E207. The functionality of LDLR is closely associated with the presence of calcium. Magnesium ions are to some extent similar to calcium ions. However, they appear to be involved in different physiological events and their concentrations in extracellular and intracellular compartments are regulated by different mechanisms. Whether magnesium ions can play a role in the complex cycle of LDLR internalization and recycling is not known. We report here a detailed study of the interaction between LR5 and these two cations combining ITC, emission fluorescence, high resolution NMR, and MD simulations, at extracellular and endosomal pHs. Our results indicate that the conformational stability and internal dynamics of LR5 are strongly modulated by the specific bound cation. It appears that the difference in binding affinity for these cations is somewhat compensated by their different concentrations in late LDL‐associated endosomes. While the mildly acidic and calcium‐depleted environment in late endosomes has been proposed to contribute significantly to LDL release, the presence of magnesium might assist in efficient LDLR recycling. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) is a major modulator of Ca2+ signaling with a known role in neurotransmitter release. NCS-1 has one cryptic (EF1) and three functional (EF2, EF3, and EF4) EF-hand motifs. However, it is not known which are the regulatory (Ca2+-specific) and structural (Ca2+- or Mg2+-binding) EF-hand motifs. To understand the specialized functions of NCS-1, identification of the ionic discrimination of the EF-hand sites is important. In this work, we determined the specificity of Ca2+ binding using NMR and EF-hand mutants. Ca2+ titration, as monitored by [15N,1H] heteronuclear single quantum coherence, suggests that Ca2+ binds to the EF2 and EF3 almost simultaneously, followed by EF4. Our NMR data suggest that Mg2+ binds to EF2 and EF3, thereby classifying them as structural sites, whereas EF4 is a Ca2+-specific or regulatory site. This was further corroborated using an EF2/EF3-disabled mutant, which binds only Ca2+ and not Mg2+. Ca2+ binding induces conformational rearrangements in the protein by reversing Mg2+-induced changes in Trp fluorescence and surface hydrophobicity. In a larger physiological perspective, exchanging or replacing Mg2+ with Ca2+ reduces the Ca2+-binding affinity of NCS-1 from 90 nM to 440 nM, which would be advantageous to the molecule by facilitating reversibility to the Ca2+-free state. Although the equilibrium unfolding transitions of apo-NCS-1 and Mg2+-bound NCS-1 are similar, the early unfolding transitions of Ca2+-bound NCS-1 are partially influenced in the presence of Mg2+. This study demonstrates the importance of Mg2+ as a modulator of calcium homeostasis and active-state behavior of NCS-1.  相似文献   

Human multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) is a membrane protein that belongs to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transport proteins. MRP1 contributes to chemotherapy failure by exporting a wide range of anti-cancer drugs when over expressed in the plasma membrane of cells. Here, we report the first high-resolution crystal structure of human MRP1-NBD1. Drug efflux requires energy resulting from hydrolysis of ATP by nucleotide binding domains (NBDs). Contrary to the prokaryotic NBDs, the extremely low intrinsic ATPase activity of isolated MRP1-NBDs allowed us to obtain the structure of wild-type NBD1 in complex with Mg2+/ATP. The structure shows that MRP1-NBD1 adopts a canonical fold, but reveals an unexpected non-productive conformation of the catalytic site, providing an explanation for the low intrinsic ATPase activity of NBD1 and new hypotheses on the cooperativity of ATPase activity between NBD1 and NBD2 upon heterodimer formation.  相似文献   

Grb2-Sos1 interaction, mediated by the canonical binding of N-terminal SH3 (nSH3) and C-terminal SH3 (cSH3) domains of Grb2 to a proline-rich sequence in Sos1, provides a key regulatory switch that relays signaling from activated receptor tyrosine kinases to downstream effector molecules such as Ras. Here, using isothermal titration calorimetry in combination with site-directed mutagenesis, we show that the nSH3 domain binds to a Sos1-derived peptide containing the proline-rich consensus motif PPVPPR with an affinity that is nearly threefold greater than that observed for the binding of cSH3 domain. We further demonstrate that such differential binding of nSH3 domain relative to the cSH3 domain is largely due to the requirement of a specific acidic residue in the RT loop of the β-barrel fold to engage in the formation of a salt bridge with the arginine residue in the consensus motif PPVPPR. While this role is fulfilled by an optimally positioned D15 in the nSH3 domain, the chemically distinct and structurally non-equivalent E171 substitutes in the case of the cSH3 domain. Additionally, our data suggest that salt tightly modulates the binding of both SH3 domains to Sos1 in a thermodynamically distinct manner. Our data further reveal that, while binding of both SH3 domains to Sos1 is under enthalpic control, the nSH3 binding suffers from entropic penalty in contrast to entropic gain accompanying the binding of cSH3, implying that the two domains employ differential thermodynamic mechanisms for Sos1 recognition. Our new findings are rationalized in the context of 3D structural models of SH3 domains in complex with the Sos1 peptide. Taken together, our study provides structural basis of the differential binding of SH3 domains of Grb2 to Sos1 and a detailed thermodynamic profile of this key protein-protein interaction pertinent to cellular signaling and cancer.  相似文献   

Ligand binding to transport sites constitutes the initial step in the catalytic cycle of transport ATPases. Here, we consider the well characterized Ca2+ ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SERCA) and describe a series of Ca2+ binding isotherms obtained by equilibrium measurements in the presence of various H+ and Mg2+ concentrations. We subject the isotherms to statistical mechanics analysis, using a model based on a minimal number of mechanistic steps. The analysis allows satisfactory fits and yields information on occupancy of the specific Ca2+ sites under various conditions. It also provides a fundamental method for analysis of binding specificity to transport sites under equilibrium conditions that lead to tightly coupled catalytic activation.  相似文献   

We studied the interaction of several nona-peptide mimotopes of different sequence and Staphylococcal protein A (SpA) with a recombinant human IgG1 antibody using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The amino acid primary structure of the peptides was varied in order to identify the specific antibody-peptide binding sites. Additionally, the influence of temperature and salt concentration was investigated. An attempt was made to elucidate the structural changes upon complex formation using the determined thermodynamic parameters. The amino acid composition of the mimotopes determined their binding affinity. The binding constant K a of the mimotopes was in the range 1 × 104 to 1 × 106 M−1. The binding constant of SpA was on the average about three orders of magnitude higher than that of the peptides. The binding constant of the peptides and of SpA decreased with temperature and the binding process was connected with negative changes in enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity. The binding of the mimotopes to the Fab part of the IgG1 antibody and binding of SpA to the Fc part of the IgG1 antibody were mainly driven by hydrophobic effects and associated with a relatively large change in water-accessible surface area. Determinants for a strong/reduced antibody-peptide binding were identified.  相似文献   

A novel Ca2+-binding protein (EhCaBP2) was identified from the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. EhCaBP2 has 79% sequence identity with calcium-binding protein EhCaBP1. The 3D structure of EhCaBP2 was determined using multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic techniques. The study reveals that the protein consists of two globular domains connected by a short flexible linker region of four residues. On comparison of the 3D structure and dynamics of EhCaBP2 with those of EhCaBP1, it is found that they vary significantly in their N-terminal domains and interdomain linker. Immunofluorescence localization experiments revealed that EhCaBP1 and EhCaBP2 may not carry out similar functions, as their cellular distribution patterns are not the same. The functional differences between the two isoforms are explained on the basis of results obtained from the structural studies. The structural variation in the interdomain linker region and the formation of functionally important hydrophobic clefts in different regions of EhCaBP1 and EhCaBP2 provide interesting insights into the differences in the functionality of these two isoforms. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. S. M. Mustafi and R. B. Mutalik equally contributed to this work.  相似文献   

Unlike pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes (PDCs) from prokaryotes, PDCs from higher eukaryotes have an additional structural component, E3-binding protein (BP), for binding of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3) in the complex. Based on the 3D structure of the subcomplex of human (h) E3 with the di-domain (L3S1) of hBP, the amino acid residues (H348, D413, Y438, and R447) of hE3 for binding to hBP were substituted singly by alanine or other residues. These substitutions did not have large effects on hE3 activity when measured in its free form. However, when these hE3 mutants were reconstituted in the complex, the PDC activity was significantly reduced to 9% for Y438A, 20% for Y438H, and 18% for D413A. The binding of hE3 mutants with L3S1 determined by isothermal titration calorimetry revealed that the binding affinities of the Y438A, Y438H, and D413A mutants to L3S1 were severely reduced (1019-, 607-, and 402-fold, respectively). Unlike wild-type hE3 the binding of the Y438A mutant to L3S1 was accompanied by an unfavorable enthalpy change and a large positive entropy change. These results indicate that hE3-Y438 and hE3-D413 play important roles in binding of hE3 to hBP.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic mRNAs possess a poly(A) tail at their 3′-end, to which poly(A)-binding protein C1 (PABPC1) binds and recruits other proteins that regulate translation. Enhanced poly(A)-dependent translation, which is also PABPC1 dependent, promotes cellular and viral proliferation. PABP-interacting protein 2A (Paip2A) effectively represses poly(A)-dependent translation by causing the dissociation of PABPC1 from the poly(A) tail; however, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. This study was conducted to investigate the functional mechanisms of Paip2A action by characterizing the PABPC1–poly(A) and PABPC1–Paip2A interactions. Isothermal titration calorimetry and NMR analyses indicated that both interactions predominantly occurred at the RNA recognition motif (RRM)2–RRM3 regions of PABPC1, which have comparable affinities for poly(A) and Paip2A (dissociation constant, Kd = 1 nM). However, the Kd values of isolated RRM2 were 200 and 4 μM in their interactions with poly(A) and Paip2A, respectively; Kd values of 5 and 1 μM were observed for the interactions of isolated RRM3 with poly(A) and Paip2A, respectively. NMR analyses also revealed that Paip2A can bind to the poly(A)-binding interfaces of the RRM2 and RRM3 regions of PABPC1. Based on these results, we propose the following functional mechanism for Paip2A: Paip2A initially binds to the RRM2 region of poly(A)-bound PABPC1, and RRM2-anchored Paip2A effectively displaces the RRM3 region from poly(A), resulting in dissociation of the whole PABPC1 molecule. Together, our findings provide insight into the translation repression effect of Paip2A and may aid in the development of novel anticancer and/or antiviral drugs.  相似文献   



Phospholipid scramblases are a group of four homologous proteins conserved from C. elegans to human. In human, two members of the scramblase family, hPLSCR1 and hPLSCR3 are known to bring about Ca2+ dependent translocation of phosphatidylserine and cardiolipin respectively during apoptotic processes. However, affinities of Ca2+/Mg2+ binding to human scramblases and conformational changes taking place in them remains unknown.


In the present study, we analyzed the Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to the calcium binding motifs of hPLSCR1–4 and hPLSCR1 by spectroscopic methods and isothermal titration calorimetry.


The results in this study show that (i) affinities of the peptides are in the order hPLSCR1  > hPLSCR3 > hPLSCR2 > hPLSCR4 for Ca2+ and in the order hPLSCR1 > hPLSCR2 > hPLSCR3 > hPLSCR4 for Mg2+, (ii) binding of ions brings about conformational change in the secondary structure of the peptides. The affinity of Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to protein hPLSCR1 was similar to that of the peptide I. A sequence comparison shows the existence of scramblase-like motifs among other protein families.


Based on the above results, we hypothesize that the Ca2+ binding motif of hPLSCR1 is a novel type of Ca2+ binding motif.

General significance

Our findings will be relevant in understanding the calcium dependent scrambling activity of hPLSCRs and their biological function.  相似文献   

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