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The simplified SH3 domain sequence, FP1, obtained in phage display selection experiments has an amino acid composition that is 95% Ile, Lys, Glu, Ala, Gly. Here we use NMR to investigate the tertiary structure of FP1. We find that the overall topology of FP1 resembles that of the src SH3 domain, the hydrogen-deuterium exchange and chemical shift perturbation profiles are similar to those of naturally occurring SH3 domains, and the (15)N relaxation rates are in the range of naturally occurring small proteins. Guided by the structure, we further simplify the FP1 sequence and compare the effects on folding kinetics of point mutations in FP1 and the wild-type src SH3 domain. The results suggest that the folding transition state of FP1 is similar to but somewhat less polarized than that of the wild-type src SH3 domain.  相似文献   

The assignment of the 1H and 15Nnuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the Src-homology region 3 domain ofchicken brain -spectrin has been obtained. A set of solutionstructures has been determined from distance and dihedral angle restraints,which provide a reasonable representation of the protein structure insolution, as evaluated by a principal component analysis of the globalpairwise root-mean-square deviation (rmsd) in a large set of structuresconsisting of the refined and unrefined solution structures and the crystalstructure. The solution structure is well defined, with a lower degree ofconvergence between the structures in the loop regions than in the secondarystructure elements. The average pairwise rmsd between the 15 refinedsolution structures is 0.71 ± 0.13 Å for the backbone atoms and1.43 ± 0.14 Å for all heavy atoms. The solution structure isbasically the same as the crystal structure. The average rmsd between the 15refined solution structures and the crystal structure is 0.76 Å forthe backbone atoms and 1.45 ± 0.09 Å for all heavy atoms. Thereare, however, small differences probably caused by intermolecular contactsin the crystal structure.  相似文献   

DOCK180 family proteins are Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors. DOCK1‐5 contains an N‐terminal SH3 domain implicated in their autoinhibition. Release of the closed conformation requires the interaction between SH3 and engulfment and cell motility (ELMO). Here, we solved the solution structure of DOCK180 SH3 domain, which shares similar target binding features with the SH3 domain of DOCK2. The conserved N‐terminal extension packs with the SH3 core domain and forms a new target binding site distinct from the canonical “PxxP” site. Our results demonstrate that the bidentate target binding mode of DOCK180 SH3 domain might be a general feature in all DOCK proteins. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a verified computational model of the SH3 domain transition state (TS) ensemble. This model was built for three separate SH3 domains using experimental phi-values as structural constraints in all-atom protein folding simulations. While averaging over all conformations incorrectly considers non-TS conformations as transition states, quantifying structures as pre-TS, TS, and post-TS by measurement of their transmission coefficient ("probability to fold", or p(fold)) allows for rigorous conclusions regarding the structure of the folding nucleus and a full mechanistic analysis of the folding process. Through analysis of the TS, we observe a highly polarized nucleus in which many residues are solvent-exposed. Mechanistic analysis suggests the hydrophobic core forms largely after an early nucleation step. SH3 presents an ideal system for studying the nucleation-condensation mechanism and highlights the synergistic relationship between experiment and simulation in the study of protein folding.  相似文献   

Plectin belongs to the plakin family of cytoskeletal crosslinkers, which is part of the spectrin superfamily. Plakins contain an N-terminal conserved region, the plakin domain, which is formed by an array of spectrin repeats (SR) and a Src-homology 3 (SH3), and harbors binding sites for junctional proteins. We have combined x-ray crystallography and small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) to elucidate the structure of the central region of the plakin domain of plectin, which corresponds to the SR3, SR4, SR5, and SH3 domains. The crystal structures of the SR3-SR4 and SR4-SR5-SH3 fragments were determined to 2.2 and 2.95 Å resolution, respectively. The SH3 of plectin presents major alterations as compared with canonical Pro-rich binding SH3 domains, suggesting that plectin does not recognize Pro-rich motifs. In addition, the SH3 binding site is partially occluded by an intramolecular contact with the SR4. Residues of this pseudo-binding site and the SR4/SH3 interface are conserved within the plakin family, suggesting that the structure of this part of the plectin molecule is similar to that of other plakins. We have created a model for the SR3-SR4-SR5-SH3 region, which agrees well with SAXS data in solution. The three SRs form a semi-flexible rod that is not altered by the presence of the SH3 domain, and it is similar to those found in spectrins. The flexibility of the plakin domain, in analogy with spectrins, might contribute to the role of plakins in maintaining the stability of tissues subject to mechanical stress.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the N-terminal SH3 domain (residues 583–660) of murine Vav, which contains a tetra-proline sequence (Pro 607-Pro 610), was determined by NMR. The solution structure of the SH3 domain shows a typical SH3 fold, but it exists in two conformations due to cis-trans isomerization at the Gly614-Pro615 bond. The NMR structure of the P615G mutant, where Pro615 is replaced by glycine, reveals that the tetra-proline region is inserted into the RT-loop and binds to its own SH3 structure. The C-terminal SH3 domain of Grb2 specifically binds to the trans form of the N-terminal SH3 domain of Vav. The surface of Vav N-terminal SH3 which binds to Grb2 C-terminal SH3 was elucidated by chemical shift mapping experiments using NMR. The surface does not involve the tetra-proline region but involves the region comprising the n-src loop, the N-terminal and the C-terminal regions. This surface is located opposite to the tetra-proline containing region, consistent with that of our previous mutagenesis studies.  相似文献   

CD2 associated protein (CD2AP) is an adaptor protein that plays an important role in cell to cell union needed for the kidney function. CD2AP interacts, as an adaptor protein, with different natural targets, such as CD2, nefrin, c-Cbl and podocin. These proteins are believed to interact to one of the three SH3 domains that are positioned in the N-terminal region of CD2AP. To understand the network of interactions between the natural targets and the three SH3 domains (SH3-A, B and C), we have started to determine the structures of the individual SH3 domains. Here we present the high-resolution structure of the SH3-C domain derived from NMR data. Full backbone and side-chain assignments were obtained from triple-resonance spectra. The structure was determined from distance restraints derived from high-resolution 600 and 800 MHz NOESY spectra, together with phi and psi torsion angle restraints based on the analysis of 1HN, 15N, 1Hα, 13Cα, 13CO and 13Cβ chemical shifts. Structures were calculated using CYANA and refined in water using RECOORD. The three-dimensional structure of CD2AP SH3-C contains all the features that are typically found in other SH3 domains, including the general binding site for the recognition of polyproline sequences.  相似文献   

SH3 Domains provide interesting targets for investigations of protein structure and dynamics because of their compact size and importance for signal transduction. The present review summarizes recent research investigating SH3 domain structure and dynamics, the discovery of novel SH3 domains, the role of SH3 domains in disease, and progress in targeting SH3 domains for the development of novel therapeutics. Particular emphasis is placed on the unfolding/refolding characteristics of SH3 domains and the potential importance of these processes for regulation of signal transduction.  相似文献   

We perform a detailed analysis of the thermodynamics and folding kinetics of the SH3 domain fold with discrete molecular dynamic simulations. We propose a protein model that reproduces some of the experimentally observed thermodynamic and folding kinetic properties of proteins. Specifically, we use our model to study the transition state ensemble of the SH3 fold family of proteins, a set of unstable conformations that fold to the protein native state with probability 1/2. We analyze the participation of each secondary structure element formed at the transition state ensemble. We also identify the folding nucleus of the SH3 fold and test extensively its importance for folding kinetics. We predict that a set of amino acid contacts between the RT-loop and the distal hairpin are the critical folding nucleus of the SH3 fold and propose a hypothesis that explains this result.  相似文献   

SH3 domains are a conserved feature of many nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinases, such as Hck, and often function in substrate recruitment and regulation of kinase activity. SH3 domains modulate kinase activity by binding to polyproline helices (PPII helix) either intramolecularly or in target proteins. The preponderance of bimolecular and distal interactions between SH3 domains and PPII helices led us to investigate whether proximal placement of a PPII helix relative to an SH3 domain would result in tight, intramolecular binding. We have fused the PPII helix region of human GAP to the C-terminus of Hck SH3 and expressed the recombinant fusion protein in Eschericheria coli. The fusion protein, SH3Hck: PPIIhGAP, folded spontaneously into a structure in which the PPII helix was bound intramolecularly to the hydrophobic crevice of the SH3 domain. The SH3Hck: PPIIhGAP fusion protein is useful for investigating SH3: PPII helix interactions, for studying concepts in protein folding and design, and may represent a protein structural motif that is widely distributed in nature.  相似文献   

Optimization of surface exposed charge-charge interactions in the native state has emerged as an effective means to enhance protein stability; but the effect of electrostatic interactions on the kinetics of protein folding is not well understood. To investigate the kinetic consequences of surface charge optimization, we characterized the folding kinetics of a Fyn SH3 domain variant containing five amino acid substitutions that was computationally designed to optimize surface charge-charge interactions. Our results demonstrate that this optimized Fyn SH3 domain is stabilized primarily through an eight-fold acceleration in the folding rate. Analyses of the constituent single amino acid substitutions indicate that the effects of optimization of charge-charge interactions on folding rate are additive. This is in contrast to the trend seen in folded state stability, and suggests that electrostatic interactions are less specific in the transition state compared to the folded state. Simulations of the transition state using a coarse-grained chain model show that native electrostatic contacts are weakly formed, thereby making the transition state conducive to nonspecific, or even nonnative, electrostatic interactions. Because folding from the unfolded state to the folding transition state for small proteins is accompanied by an increase in charge density, nonspecific electrostatic interactions, that is, generic charge density effects can have a significant contribution to the kinetics of protein folding. Thus, the interpretation of the effects of amino acid substitutions at surface charged positions may be complicated and consideration of only native-state interactions may fail to provide an adequate picture.  相似文献   

Myosins play essential roles in migration, cytokinesis, endocytosis, and adhesion. They are composed of a large N-terminal motor domain with ATPase and actin binding sites and C-terminal neck and tail regions, whose functional roles and structural context in the protein are less well characterized. The tail regions of myosins I, IV, VII, XII, and XV each contain a putative SH3 domain that may be involved in protein-protein interactions. SH3 domains are reported to bind proline-rich motifs, especially "PxxP" sequences, and such interactions serve regulatory functions. The activity of Src, PI3, and Itk kinases, for example, is regulated by intramolecular interactions between their SH3 domain and internal proline-rich sequences. Here, we use NMR spectroscopy to reveal the structure of a protein construct from Dictyostelium myosin VII (DdM7) spanning A1620-T1706, which contains its SH3 domain and adjacent proline-rich region. The SH3 domain forms the signature beta-barrel architecture found in other SH3 domains, with conserved tryptophan and tyrosine residues forming a hydrophobic pocket known to bind "PxxP" motifs. In addition, acidic residues in the RT or n-Src loops are available to interact with the basic anchoring residues that are typically found in ligands or proteins that bind SH3 domains. The DdM7 SH3 differs in the hydrophobicity of the second pocket formed by the 3(10) helix and following beta-strand, which contains polar rather than hydrophobic side chains. Most unusual, however, is that this domain binds its adjacent proline-rich region at a surface remote from the region previously identified to bind "PxxP" motifs. The interaction may affect the orientation of the tail without sacrificing the availability of the canonical "PxxP"-binding surface.  相似文献   

Summary The solution structure of the SH3 domain of human p56 Lck tyrosine kinase (Lck-SH3) has been determined by multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. The structure was calculated from a total of 935 experimental restraints comprising 785 distance restraints derived from 1017 assigned NOE cross peaks and 150 dihedral angle restraints derived from 160 vicinal coupling constants. A novel combination of the constant-time 1H–13C NMR correlation experiment recorded with various delays of the constant-time refocusing delays and a fractionally 13C-labelled sample was exploited for the stereo-specific assignment of prochiral methyl groups. Additionally, 28 restraints of 14 identified hydrogen bonds were included. A family of 25 conformers was selected to characterize the solution structure. The average root-mean-square deviations of the backbone atoms (N, C, C, O) among the 25 conformers is 0.42 Å for residues 7 to 63. The N- and C-terminal residues, 1 to 6 and 64 to 81, are disordered, while the well-converged residues 7 to 63 correspond to the conserved sequences of other SH3 domains. The topology of the SH3 structure comprises five anti-parallel -strands arranged to form two perpendicular -sheets, which are concave and twisted in the middle part. The overall secondary structure and the backbone conformation of the core -strands are almost identical to the X-ray structure of the fragment containing the SH2-SH3 domains of p56 Lck [Eck et al. (1994) Nature, 368, 764–769]. The X-ray structure of the SH3 domain in the tandem SH2-SH3 fragment is spatially included within the ensemble of the 25 NMR conformers, except for the segment of residues 14 to 18, which makes intermolecular contacts with an adjacent SH2 molecule and the phosphopeptide ligand in the crystal lattice. Local structural differences from other known SH3 domains are also observed, the most prominent of which is the absence in Lck-SH3 of the two additional short -strands in the regions Ser15 to Glu17 and Gly25 to Glu27 flanking the so-called RT-Src loop. This loop (residues Glu17 to Leu24), together with the n-Src loop (residues Gln37 to Ser46) confines the ligand interaction site which is formed by a shallow patch of hydrophobic amino acids (His14, Tyr16, Trp41, Phe54 and Phe59). Both loops are flexible and belong to the most mobile regions of the protein, which is assessed by the heteronuclear 15N,1H-NOE values characterizing the degree of internal backbone motions. The aromatic residues of the ligand binding site are arranged such that they form three pockets for interactions with the polyproline ligand.Abbreviations CT constant time - HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum coherence - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - SH2 Src homology domain 2 - SH3 Src homology domain 3  相似文献   

Amyloid formation is associated with structural changes of native polypeptides to monomeric intermediate states and their self-assembly into insoluble aggregates. Characterizations of the amyloidogenic intermediate state are, therefore, of great importance in understanding the early stage of amyloidogenesis. Here, we present NMR investigations of the structural and dynamic properties of the acid-unfolded amyloidogenic intermediate state of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) SH3 domain--a model peptide. The monomeric amyloidogenic state of the SH3 domain studied at pH 2.0 (35 degrees C) was shown to be substantially disordered with no secondary structural preferences. (15)N NMR relaxation experiments indicated that the unfolded polypeptide is highly flexible on a subnanosecond timescale when observed under the amyloidogenic condition (pH 2.0, 35 degrees C). However, more restricted motions were detected in residues located primarily in the beta-strands as well as in a loop in the native fold. In addition, nonnative long-range interactions were observed between the residues with the reduced flexibility by paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) experiments. These indicate that the acid-unfolded state of the SH3 domain adopts a partly folded conformation through nonnative long-range contacts between the dynamically restricted residues at the amyloid-forming condition.  相似文献   



CASKIN2 is a neuronal signaling scaffolding protein comprised of multiple ankyrin repeats, two SAM domains, and one SH3 domain. The CASKIN2 SH3 domain for an NMR structural determination because its peptide-binding cleft appeared to deviate from the repertoire of aromatic enriched amino acids that typically bind polyproline-rich sequences.


The structure demonstrated that two non-canonical basic amino acids (K290/R319) in the binding cleft were accommodated well in the SH3 fold. An K290Y/R319W double mutant restoring the typical aromatic amino acids found in the binding cleft resulted in a 20 °C relative increase in the thermal stability. Considering the reduced stability, we speculated that the CASKIN2 SH3 could be a nonfunctional remnant in this scaffolding protein.


While the NMR structure demonstrates that the CASKIN2 SH3 domain is folded, its cleft has suffered two substitutions that prevent it from binding typical polyproline ligands. This observation led us to additionally survey and describe other SH3 domains in the Protein Data Bank that may have similarly lost their ability to promote protein-protein interactions.

The presence of residual structure in the unfolded state of the N-terminal SH3 domain of Drosophila drk (drkN SH3 domain) has been investigated using far- and near-UV circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopy. The unfolded (U(exch)) state of the drkN SH3 domain is significantly populated and exists in equilibrium with the folded (F(exch)) state under non-denaturing conditions near physiological pH. Denaturation experiments have been performed on the drkN SH3 domain in order to monitor the change in ellipticity, fluorescence intensity, and chemical shift between the U(exch) state and chemically or thermally denatured states. Differences between the unfolded and chemically or thermally denatured states highlight specific areas of residual structure in the unfolded state that are cooperatively disrupted upon denaturation. Results provide evidence for cooperative interactions in the unfolded state involving residues of the central beta-sheet, particularly the beta4 strand. Denaturation as well as hydrogen-exchange experiments demonstrate a non-native burial of the Trp ring within this "cooperative" core of the unfolded state. These findings support the presence of non-native hydrophobic clusters, organised by Trp rings, within disordered states.  相似文献   


A new chimeric protein, named WT-CIIA, was designed by connecting the proline-rich decapeptide PPPVPPYSAG to the C-terminus of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain through a natural twelve-residue linker to obtain a single-chain model that would imitate intramolecular SH3-ligand interaction. The crystal structure of this fusion protein was determined at 1.7 Å resolution. The asymmetric unit of the crystal contained two SH3 globules contacting with one PPPVPPY fragment located between them. The domains are related by the twofold non-crystallographic axis and the ligand lies in two opposite orientations with respect to the conservative binding sites of SH3 domains.  相似文献   

Proteins with similar structures are generally assumed to arise from similar sequences. However, there are more cases than not where this is not true. The dogma is that sequence determines structure; how, then, can very different sequences fold to the same structure? Here, we employ high temperature unfolding simulations to probe the pathways and specific interactions that direct the folding and unfolding of the SH3 domain. The SH3 metafold in the Dynameomics Database consists of 753 proteins with the same structure, but varied sequences and functions. To investigate the relationship between sequence and structure, we selected 17 targets from the SH3 metafold with high sequence variability. Six unfolding simulations were performed for each target, transition states were identified, revealing two general folding/unfolding pathways at the transition state. Transition states were also expressed as mathematical graphs of connected chemical nodes, and it was found that three positions within the structure, independent of sequence, were consistently more connected within the graph than any other nearby positions in the sequence. These positions represent a hub connecting different portions of the structure. Multiple sequence alignment and covariation analyses also revealed certain positions that were more conserved due to packing constraints and stabilizing long‐range contacts. This study demonstrates that members of the SH3 domain with different sequences can unfold through two main pathways, but certain characteristics are conserved regardless of the sequence or unfolding pathway. While sequence determines structure, we show that disparate sequences can provide similar interactions that influence folding and lead to similar structures.  相似文献   

Nebulin, a giant modular protein from muscle, is thought to act as a molecular ruler in sarcomere assembly. The C terminus of nebulin, located in the sarcomere Z-disk, comprises an SH3 domain, a module well known for its role in protein/protein interactions. SH3 domains are known to recognize proline-rich ligands, which have been classified as type I or type II, depending on their relative orientation with respect to the SH3 domain in the complex formed. Type I ligands are bound with their N terminus at the RT loop of the SH3 domain, while type II ligands are bound with their C terminus at the RT loop. Many SH3 domains can bind peptides of either class. Despite the potential importance of the SH3 domain for the function of nebulin as an integral part of a complex network of interactions, no in vivo partner has been identified so far. We have adopted an integrated approach, which combines bioinformatic tools with experimental validation to identify possible partners of nebulin SH3. Using the program SPOT, we performed an exhaustive screening of the muscle sequence databases. This search identified a number of potential nebulin SH3 partners, which were then tested experimentally for their binding affinity. Synthetic peptides were studied by both fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy. Our results show that nebulin SH3 domain binds selectively to type II peptides. The affinity for a type II peptide, 12 residues long, spanning the sequence of a stretch of titin known to colocalise with nebulin in the Z-disk is in the submicromolar range (0.7 microM). This affinity is among the highest found for SH3/peptide complexes, suggesting that the identified stretch could have significance in vivo. The strategy outlined here is of more general applicability and may provide a valuable tool to identify potential partners of SH3 domains and of other peptide-binding modules.  相似文献   

Recently a suite of six CPMG relaxation dispersion experiments has been described for quantifying millisecond time-scale exchange processes in proteins. The methodology has been applied to study the folding reaction of a G48M Fyn SH3 domain mutant that exchanges between the native state, and low populated unfolded and intermediate states. A complex non-linear global optimization protocol allows extraction of the kinetics and thermodynamics of the 3-site exchange process from the experimental data, as well as reconstruction of the amide group chemical shifts of the excited states. We show here, through a series of Monte-Carlo simulations on various synthetic data sets, that the 3-site exchange parameters extracted for this system on the basis of 15N single-quantum (SQ) dispersion profiles exclusively, recorded at a single temperature, are significantly in error. While a temperature dependent 15N study improves the robustness of extracted parameters, as does a combined analysis of 15N and 1H SQ data sets measured at a single temperature, the best agreement is observed in cases where the full complement of six dispersion profiles per residue is analyzed.  相似文献   

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