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During the analysis of phytal meiobenthic samples collected from a rocky-sandy beach in the state of Nayarit, in the Mexican Pacific, several specimens of harpacticoid copepods were obtained and taxonomically examined. These specimens were found to represent an undescribed species of the peltidiid genus Peltidium Philippi, 1839. The new species, Peltidium nayarit sp. n. is described herein. It resembles Peltidium nichollsi Geddes and Peltidium lerneri Geddes from Bahamas but also the widespread Peltidium speciosum Thompson & Scott and Peltidium purpureum Philippi. The new species from the Mexican Pacific differs from its known congeners by its possession of a unique combination of characters, including a modified pectinate seta on the antennary exopod, three terminal setae on the second endopodal segment of leg 1, third exopodal segment of leg 1 with three elements, inner terminal claw twice as long as outer claw, female fifth leg with 5 exopodal setae, exopodal setae I-III stout, spinulose and seta IV being as long as seta V. This is the second species of the family known to be distributed in the Eastern Tropical Pacific and in Mexico. Pending additional data, the distribution of this species appears to be restricted to this area of the Mexican Pacific.  相似文献   

A new, monotypic genus of the interstitial marine cyclopoid copepod family Cyclopinidae G.O. Sars, 1913 is described from male and female specimens collected at Laguna de Términos, a large coastal lagoon system in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Mexiclopina campechana gen. et sp. n. cannot be adequately placed in any extant genus within the family. It differs from other cyclopinid genera in having a unique combination of characters including: 1) absence of modified brush-like seta on the mandibular exopod; 2) maxillule exopod with stout setal elements and brush-like setae absent; 3) basis of mandible with one seta; 4) presence of a modified seta on endopod of fourth leg; 5) fifth leg exopod unsegmented, armed with three elements in the female and five in the male; 6) intercoxal sclerite of first swimming leg with two medial spiniform processes on distal margin. The new genus is monotypic and appears to be most closely related to Cyclopina Claus, 1863 and Heptnerina Ivanenko & Defaye, 2004; the new species was compared with species of Cyclopina and it resembles Cyclopina americana Herbst, 1982 and Cyclopina caissara Lotufo, 1994. This is the second record of a species of Cyclopinidae in Mexico and the first in the Gulf of Mexico; the number of cyclopinid species recorded from the Americas is now 13.  相似文献   

Allocyclops silvaticus sp. n. is described from cultures of leaf litter collected in Atlantic rain forest in the State of Sergipe, northeastern Brazil. It is the first record of the genus in South America.  相似文献   

Fosshagen  Audun  Iliffe  Thomas M. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):357-361
Nanocopia minuta was collected from an inland marine cave on Bermuda. This new genus is reminiscent of Platycopia in its cephalic appendages and in the 5th legs of the male. The 1st leg has a 3-segmented exopod and a 1-segmented endopod. The other legs show reductions with no armature along the inner margin of the exopods and with 2-segmented endopods in the female. Only 2nd and 3rd legs bear two outer spines on the first exopodal segment.Owing to similarities in sexual characters, mouthparts, and modifications of the swimming legs, Nanocopia and Platycopia are considered more closely related to each other than either is to Antrisocopia.Platycopioida now contains three genera of which two are found only in Roadside Cave. The order has retained several primitive characters and seems to have separated early from the gymnoplean stem.  相似文献   

Stoch  Fabio 《Hydrobiologia》1997,350(1-3):49-61
Lessinocamptus n. gen. is established toaccomodate three species from northern Italian caves.It can be ascribed to the family Canthocamptidae Sars1906 and is distinguished from the other genera by thecombined characters of: antenna exopod 1-segmented andbearing 3 setae (or 1 seta and 1 spine); mandibularpalp 2-segmented with distal article bearing 5 setae;swimming legs exopods 3-segmented; setal formula ofexopods: P1 0.0.022; P2 0.1.112; P3 0.1.212; P4 0.1.212; P1endopod 2-segmented; P2 endopod 1- or2-segmented; female P3 endopod 1- or 2-segmented, maleP3 endopod 3-segmented and modified as usual inCanthocamptinae; male P5 baseoendopod with 2 spinesand exopod with 3 spiniform setae. Three species aredescribed in detail: L. caoduroi n.sp. from thevadose zone of Lessinian caves, L. insoletus(Chappuis 1928) and L. pivai n.sp. from caveBuso della Rana near Vicenza.  相似文献   

A new genus and new species of the family Cletopsyllidae Huys & Willems, 1989 from deep-sea sediment in the Gulf of Mexico, are reported and fully described and illustrated. The new genus Pentacletopsyllus (type species: P. montagnisp. n.) can be distinguished from the four known genera of the family by antennule segmentation, length ratio of first and second endopodal segments of P1, and armature pattern on P5 exopod. It also differs from its sister genera by the rostrum being bifid at the tip, third segment of the female antennule having a smooth posterior margin, the baseoendopod of P5 with biarticulate outer setophore bearing basal seta, and female caudal rami without lobate expansion. A revised key to species of the family Cletopsyllidae Huys & Willems, 1989 is provided.  相似文献   

Kim BW  Soh HY  Lee W 《Zoological science》2005,22(11):1279-1293
A new species, Attheyella namkungi sp. nov., is described from Gosu cave at Danyang, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea. This species bears a superficial resemblance to A. coreana Miura, 1969 in having a 2-segmented mandibular palp with only four smooth apical setae, and in the armature formulae of the antennary exopod and thoracic legs. However the new species is clearly distinguishable by the non-sexually dimorphic caudal rami, two long plumose setae and a short seta on leg 6, and the absence of the setular row at the inner lateral margin of each caudal ramus. The new species is characterized from other congeners by having two adjacent inner spines on female leg 3 endopod-2, the caudal ramus twice as long as its width, absence of a barbed apophysis on male leg 3 endopod-2, and the seta number of legs 5 and 6. A key to the Korean species of the genus Attheyella is provided.  相似文献   

Members of a new genus and species of harpacticoid copepod crustacean appeared in samples from semi-terrestrial (moist arboreal mosses, wet soil) and aquatic (bromeliad tanks, Sphagnum moss, rock pools, stream) habitats in a remnant of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil. The new taxon, for which we propose the name Pindamoraria boraceiae sp. nov. , is distinguished by a unique combination of characters, in particular the segmentation and setation pattern of legs 1–4 in both sexes, the structure of leg 5 in the female, and the strongly modified claw of the maxilliped in the male. It most resembles the canthocamptid genera Moraria , Pseudomoraria , Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis . Both previous records of species of Moraria from South America refer to members of Antarctobiotus , which is not considered a member of the Moraria group: Moraria (Kuehneltiella) neotropica Löffler has previously been transferred to Antarctobiotus ; and we propose herein the transfer of Moraria kummeroworum Ebert & Noodt to Antarctobiotus as well. In the New World, the genus Moraria extends only as far south as Honduras; and Pseudomoraria , Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis are Old World genera. The new species from Brazil is therefore the only member of the Moraria group known from South America.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139, 81–92.  相似文献   

Reid  Janet W. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):429-434
Yansacyclops ferrarii, new genus, new species (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) is described from the plankton of Rios Guamá and Acará Grande near Belém, State of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a revision of the genus Halectinosoma . Four new species are described, based on examination of ectinosomatid material from localities in western Europe, eastern Canada and the Arctic. Halectinosoma mandibularis sp. nov. is distinguishable from other species by the reduced setation of the mouthparts and enlarged mandibular gnathobase. Halectinosoma latisetifera sp. nov. bears an affinity with H. cooperatum but is easily distinguished by the shape of the setae on the female fifth leg. A species previously erroneously ascribed to H. finmarchicum (Scott) by several authors is described here as Halectinosoma kliei sp. nov. Halectinosoma gothiceps (Giesbrecht) is redescribed and the closely related Halectinosoma paragothiceps sp. nov. is described and distinguished from H. gothiceps . It is considered likely that some previous records of H. gothiceps are in error.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 149 , 453–475.  相似文献   

A new species of cave-dwelling beetle from the pyrenean massif, Aphaenops (Cerbaphaenops) jauzioni n. sp. (Coleoptera: Carabidae), is described. Geometric morphometric analyses based on five morphological structures and comparisons with two populations of the closely related species Aphaenops (Cerbaphaenops) cerberus Dieck 1869 support the uniqueness of the new species. The specific status of the new taxon is also confirmed by the male genitalia structures. A putative scenario of population isolation is proposed.  相似文献   

A new species of the freshwater planktonic copepod genus Hesperodiaptomusis described from material collected in several water bodiesin the state of Morelos, central Mexico. Hesperodiaptomus morelensisn. sp. differs from its congeners in having a very reduced endopodon the male fifth right leg, and a hook-shaped cuticular processon the inner margin of the first exopodal segment of the sameleg. Besides other characters of the female fifth legs, thenew species has a distinctive genital somite, with asymmetricallateral wing-like processes. This species seems to be closelyrelated to H. kiseri mainly because of similarities betweenthe male fifth legs and the structure of the female genitalsomite. This predominantly nearctic genus is known to be distributedmainly in north-western and central North America, althougha few species have been recorded in north-eastern Asia (Siberia).Hesperodiaptomus has not been recorded previously south of California.Apparently, this genus radiated in North America and spreadin different directions. The apparent disjunct distributionof at least two species (including the new one) could be explainedas resulting from a previous extensive radiation related toglaciation and consequent post-glacial repopulation that mighthave left these forms as stranded remnants, or by dispersalprocesses: central Mexico is connected with North America bytwo high-altitude potential passages. The new species seemsto be restricted to a high altitude area in Mexico. It seemsunlikely that species of Hesperodiaptomus will be recorded furthersouth on the American continent.  相似文献   

A new species of the freshwater planktonic copepod genus Leptodiaptomus is described for a small pond in Northwestern Mexico. Leptodiaptomus dodsoni n. sp. can be easily distinguished mainly by the presence of an unusually large sinusoid spine on male antennular segment 13, and by the features of the fifth legs of both sexes. This genus is known to be distributed mainly in North America with 19 recognized species. Of these, six ocur in Mexico, and the new species seems to be closely related to most of them. It is probable that this group of species (including the new one) represents the southwards radiation of the genus from North America. Compared to the Caribbean and South American, the North American influence seems to be the most relevant for diaptomid copepods in Mexico. At least two Mexican species of Leptodiaptomus, including L.dodsoni, are restricted in distributional range to high-altitude temporal ponds, and both could be considered endemics.   相似文献   

Paracyclops longispina n. sp. and Paracyclops altissimus n. sp. are described. New characters derived from detailed examination of body and limb ornamentation are used to differentiate them from other Paracyclops species. Paracyclops longispina n. sp. resembles Paracyclops fimbriatus (Fischer, 1853) and Paracyclops imminutus Kiefer, 1929. It differs from the former by the presence of a well-developed spinular row near the base of the inner setae on the antennal coxobasis in both sexes, and from the latter in the structure of the seminal receptacle and the position of the mid-distal spinular row on the posterior surface of the coxa of leg 1. Paracyclops altissimus n. sp. can be distinguished from other members of genus mainly by the structure of the seminal receptacle and leg 5. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A new genus and new species of the family Darcythompsoniidae Lang (1936), and a new record of Darcythompsonia fairliensis (T. Scott, 1899), from a coastal lagoon in the south-eastern Gulf of California (Mexico), are reported and fully described and illustrated. Pabellonia olganoguerae gen. no v., sp.nov. shares features with Darcythompsonia T. Scott, 1906, such as the presence of a dimorphic second endopodal segment of the male second swimming leg, and with Kristensenia Por, 1983, the lack of sexual dimorphism in the caudal rami, anal operculum and urosomites. Thus it is considered closely related to these genera, and to represent a third component of mis lineage. Some notes on the biogeography of Darcythompsonia T. Scott, 1906, are also presented.  相似文献   

A new genus and a new species of Canthocamptidae: Maraenobiotus canadensis and Neomaraenobiotus laurentiacus (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) are described and their taxonomic relationships are discussed. They have been collected from wet mosses in Northern Canada.  相似文献   

A survey on the harpacticoid copepods from an intertidal zone in Hyeopjae sandy beach, Jeju Island, Korea, resulted in the discovery of an unusual laophontid, Jejulaophonte hyeopjaeensis sp. n., which cannot be placed in any extant genus within the family. To accommodate the species, a new genus of the family Laophontidae T. Scott, 1905 is proposed and fully described here. The new species is closely related to the lineage of the five primitive genera, Carraroenia McCormack, 2006, Coullia Hamond, 1973, Hemilaophonte Jakubisiak 1933, Psammoplatypus Lee & Huys, 1999, and Robustunguis Fiers, 1992 (the CCHPR-lineage) by the reduced P2 endopod, ovate shape of the female P5 exopod and sexual dimorphism in the P3 endopod. However, it displays discrepancies from the species of the CCHPR-lineage in the presence of an inner seta on P3 and P4 exp-2, four setae on P4 enp-2, and an inner seta on P3 and P4 enp-2 in the female. Furthermore, no other species within the family Laophontidae has three setae on P2 exp-3 and a seta on P2 enp-2 at the same time. The new species has sexual dimorphism in the antennule, genital segmentation and the legs from P2 to P5. The terminal seta on the second endopodal segment of P2 in the male is longer than that in the female. The endopod of P3 is 3-segmented and displays a short inner apophysis on the second segment in the male. The outer setae on the exopod of P3 and P4 are distinctly thicker and stronger in the male than in the female. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) sequencing of the new species has been realized in order to be used in future phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

Mielke  Wolfgang 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):77-83
Loureirophonte psammophila n. sp. was collected from coarse sediments of a beach near La Paz, Baja California, Mexico. The species belongs to the subterranea-group as defined by Fiers (1993). It differs from the other representative of the group, L. subterranea (Lang, 1965) in the presence of an outer dentiform process on 2nd segment of the antennula, the chaetotaxy of P.2–P.5 and the 1-segmented male endopodite P.4. A map with the distribution of the eleven species known so far is provided.  相似文献   

Both sexes of Echinosunaristes bathyalis gen. ct sp. n. are described from the rectum of a deepwater spatangoid sea-urchin Palaeopneustes sp. taken off San Salvador Island, Bahamas. The new genus displays strong sexual dimorphism in body form, size, antennules and caudal rami. E. bathyalis can also be readily distinguished from the other members of the family by the specialized geniculation mechanism of the male antennule, the atypical reductions in the mouthparts and the unusual facies of the swimming legs. On the basis of the structure of the genital field in both sexes, Echinosunaristes is placed in the Sunaristes lineage which groups species that arc primarily associated with crustacean hosts. A ncw genus Intersunaristes is established to accommodate Sunaristes curticaudata Thompson & A. Scott, 1903 and S. dardani Humes & Ho, 1969. Canuella paenelanitica Fiers, 1992 is formally transferred to the genus Elanella Por, 1984. Records of Canuellidae associated with other invertebrates arc compiled and a key to the 17 genera of the family is presented.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of scorpion belonging to the family Pseudochactidaeare described based on four specimens collected in the Tien Son cave at the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh Province, Vietnam. The new species represents a true troglobitic element, the first one known for the family Pseudochactidae. This represents the third known record of a pseudochactid, and the first from Vietnam.  相似文献   

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