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Ena/VASP proteins regulate the actin cytoskeleton during cell migration and morphogenesis and promote assembly of both filopodial and lamellipodial actin networks. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying their cellular functions we used total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to visualize VASP tetramers interacting with static and growing actin filaments in vitro. We observed multiple filament binding modes: (1) static side binding, (2) side binding with one-dimensional diffusion, and (3) processive barbed end tracking. Actin monomers antagonize side binding but promote high affinity (K(d) = 9 nM) barbed end attachment. In low ionic strength buffers, VASP tetramers are weakly processive (K(off) = 0.69 s(-1)) polymerases that deliver multiple actin monomers per barbed end-binding event and effectively antagonize filament capping. In higher ionic strength buffers, VASP requires profilin for effective polymerase and anti-capping activity. Based on our observations, we propose a mechanism that accounts for all three binding modes and provides a model for how VASP promotes actin filament assembly.  相似文献   

Cells contain multiple formin isoforms that drive the assembly of profilin-actin for diverse processes. Given that many organisms also contain several profilin isoforms, specific formin/profilin pairs might be matched to optimally stimulate actin polymerization. We utilized a combination of bulk actin polymerization and single filament total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy assays to measure the effect of different profilin isoforms on the actin assembly properties of the cytokinesis formins from fission yeast (Cdc12p) and the nematode worm (CYK-1). We discovered that Cdc12p only effectively utilizes the single fission yeast profilin isoform SpPRF. Conversely, CYK-1 prefers the essential worm cytokinesis profilin CePFN-1 to the two non-essential worm profilin isoforms (SpPRF = CePFN-1 > CePFN-2 > CePFN-3). Chimeras containing the profilin-binding formin homology 1 (FH1) domain from one formin and the barbed-end associated FH2 domain from the other formin, revealed that both the FH1 and FH2 domains help confer profilin isoform specialization. Although the Cdc12p and CYK-1 FH1 domains cannot differentiate between profilin isoforms in the absence of actin, formin FH1 domains appear to preferentially select specific isoforms of profilin-actin. Surprisingly, analysis of profilin point mutants revealed that differences in highly conserved residues in both the poly-L-proline and actin binding regions of profilin do not explain their differential utilization by formin. Therefore, rapid formin-mediated elongation of profilin-actin depends upon favorable interactions of profilin-actin with the FH1 domain as well as the barbed-end associated FH2 domain. Specific formin FH1FH2 domains are tailored to optimally utilize actin bound to particular profilin isoforms.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of ATP that accompanies the polymerization of actin occurs on the F-actin subsequent to the addition of the G-ATP-actin subunit to the elongating filament. We now show that this ATP hydrolysis is essentially irreversible. Thus, a large decrease in free energy occurs at the cleavage step, F-ATP-actin----F-ADP-Pi-actin.  相似文献   

Drosophila Kinesin-73 (Khc-73), which plays a role in mitotic spindle polarity in neuroblasts, is a metazoan-specific member of the Kinesin-3 family of motors, which includes mammalian KIF1A and Caenorhabditis elegans Unc-104. The mechanism of Kinesin-3 motors has been controversial because some studies have reported that they transport cargo as monomers whereas other studies have suggested a dimer mechanism. Here, we have performed single-molecule motility and cell biological studies of Khc-73. We find that constructs containing the motor and the conserved short stretches of putative coiled-coil-forming regions are predominantly monomeric in vitro, but that dimerization allows for fast, processive movement and high force production (7 piconewtons). In Drosophila cell lines, we present evidence that Khc-73 can dimerize in vivo. We also show that Khc-73 is recruited specifically to Rab5-containing endosomes through its "tail" domain. Our results suggest that the N-terminal half of Khc-73 can undergo a monomer-dimer transition to produce a fast processive motor and that its C-terminal half possesses a specific Rab5-vesicle binding domain.  相似文献   

Profilin 1 (PFN1) is a regulator of the microfilament system and is involved in various signaling pathways. It interacts with many cytoplasmic and nuclear ligands. The importance of PFN1 for human tissue differentiation has been demonstrated by the findings that human cancer cells, expressing conspicuously low PFN1 levels, adopt a nontumorigenic phenotype upon raising their PFN1 level. In the present study, we characterize the ligand binding site crucial for profilin's tumor suppressor activity. Starting with CAL51, a human breast cancer cell line highly tumorigenic in nude mice, we established stable clones that express PFN1 mutants differentially defective in ligand binding. Clones expressing PFN1 mutants with reduced binding to either poly-proline-stretch ligands or phosphatidyl-inositol-4,5-bisphosphate, but with a functional actin binding site, were normal in growth, adhesion, and anchorage dependence, with only a weak tendency to elicit tumors in nude mice, similar to controls expressing wild-type PFN1. In contrast, clones expressing a mutant with severely reduced capacity to bind actin still behaved like the parental CAL51 and were highly tumorigenic. We conclude that the actin binding site on profilin is instrumental for normal differentiation of human epithelia and the tumor suppressor function of PFN1.  相似文献   


We examined the role of ATP hydrolysis by the Arp2/3 complex in building the leading edge of a cell by studying the effects of hydrolysis defects on the behavior of the complex in the lamellipodial actin network of Drosophila S2 cells and in a reconstituted, in vitro, actin-based motility system. In S2 cells, nonhydrolyzing Arp2 and Arp3 subunits expanded and delayed disassembly of lamellipodial actin networks and the effect of mutant subunits was additive. Arp2 and Arp3 ATP hydrolysis mutants remained in lamellipodial networks longer and traveled greater distances from the plasma membrane, even in networks still containing wild-type Arp2/3 complex. In vitro, wild-type and ATP hydrolysis mutant Arp2/3 complexes each nucleated actin and built similar dendritic networks. However, networks constructed with Arp2/3 hydrolysis-defective mutants were more resistant to disassembly by cofilin. Our results indicate that ATP hydrolysis on both Arp2 and Arp3 contributes to dissociation of the complex from the actin network but is not strictly necessary for lamellipodial network disassembly.  相似文献   

Class IX myosins are unique among the many classes of known actin-based motors in that the tail region of these myosins contains a GTPase-activating protein domain for the small GTP-binding protein, Rho. Previous studies on human myosin-IXb indicate that this myosin is mechanochemically active and exhibits actin-binding properties similar to the processive motor, myosin-Va. Motility analysis of antibody-tethered myosin-IXb performed using the sliding actin filament assay indicates that this myosin does exhibit properties characteristic of a processive motor. Like myosin-Va, the velocity of myosin-IXb remains constant (38.2 +/- 1.2 nm/s) even at single motor/filament densities. At low motor densities, filaments can be seen passing through and pivoting about single points on the motility surface. Analysis of filament landing rates as a function of motor density also indicates that a single motor is sufficient for filament movement. However, in contrast to myosin-Va, which uses coordinated motion of its two heads to move processively along the filament, hydrodynamic and chemical cross-linking studies indicate that under the conditions tested, myosin-IXb is a single-headed motor consisting of a single heavy chain and associated light chains.  相似文献   

Highsmith S  Polosukhina K  Eden D 《Biochemistry》2000,39(40):12330-12335
We have investigated coupling of lever arm rotation to the ATP binding and hydrolysis steps for the myosin motor domain. In several current hypotheses of the mechanism of force production by muscle, the primary mechanical feature is the rotation of a lever arm that is a subdomain of the myosin motor domain. In these models, the lever arm rotates while the myosin motor domain is free, and then reverses the rotation to produce force while it is bound to actin. These mechanical steps are coupled to steps in the ATP hydrolysis cycle. Our hypothesis is that ATP hydrolysis induces lever arm rotation to produce a more compact motor domain that has stored mechanical energy. Our approach is to use transient electric birefringence techniques to measure changes in hydrodynamic size that result from lever arm rotation when various ligands are bound to isolated skeletal muscle myosin motor domain in solution. Results for ATP and CTP, which do support force production by muscle fibers, are compared to those of ATPgammaS and GTP, which do not. Measurements are also made of conformational changes when the motor domain is bound to NDP's and PP(i) in the absence and presence of the phosphate analogue orthovanadate, to determine the roles the nucleoside moieties of the nucleotides have on lever arm rotation. The results indicate that for the substrates investigated, rotation does not occur upon substrate binding, but is coupled to the NTP hydrolysis step. The data are consistent with a model in which only substrates that produce a motor domain-NDP-P(i) complex as the steady-state intermediate make the motor domain more compact, and only those substrates support force production.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of ATP associated with actin and profilin-actin polymerization is pivotal in cell motility. It is at the origin of treadmilling of actin filaments and controls their dynamics and mechanical properties, as well as their interactions with regulatory proteins. The slow release of inorganic phosphate (Pi) that follows rapid cleavage of ATP gamma phosphate is linked to an increase in the rate of filament disassembly. The mechanism of Pi release in actin filaments has remained elusive for over 20 years. Here, we developed a microfluidic setup to accurately monitor the depolymerization of individual filaments and determine their local ADP-Pi content. We demonstrate that Pi release in the filament is not a vectorial but a random process with a half-time of 102 seconds, irrespective of whether the filament is assembled from actin or profilin-actin. Pi release from the depolymerizing barbed end is faster (half-time of 0.39 seconds) and further accelerated by profilin. Profilin accelerates the depolymerization of both ADP- and ADP-Pi-F-actin. Altogether, our data show that during elongation from profilin-actin, the dissociation of profilin from the growing barbed end is not coupled to Pi release or to ATP cleavage on the terminal subunit. These results emphasize the potential of microfluidics in elucidating actin regulation at the scale of individual filaments.  相似文献   

Myosin is an actin-based molecular motor that constitutes a diverse superfamily. In contrast to conventional myosin, which binds to actin for only a short time during cross-bridge cycling, recent studies have demonstrated that class V myosin moves along actin filaments for a long distance without dissociating. This would make it suitable for supporting cargo movement in cells. Because myosin V has a two-headed structure with an expanded neck domain, it has been postulated to 'walk' along the 36-nm helical repeat of the actin filament, with one head attached to the actin and leading the other head to the neighbouring helical pitch. Here, we report that myosin IXb, a single-headed myosin, moves processively on actin filaments. Furthermore, we found that myosin IXb is a minus-end-directed motor. In addition to class VI myosin, this is the first myosin superfamily member identified that moves in the reverse direction. The processive movement of the single-headed myosin IXb cannot be explained by a 'hand-over-hand' mechanism. This suggests that an alternative mechanism must be operating for the processive movement of single-headed myosin IXb.  相似文献   

Sen S  Karthikeyan G  Rao BJ 《Biochemistry》2000,39(33):10196-10206
Microsatellite repeats such as mono-, di-, and trinucleotides are highly abundant and viable targets for homologous recombination in the genome. However, if recombination ensues in such repetitive regions, they are intrinsically prone to frame misalignments during pairing and might eventually give rise to genetic instabilities. Suboptimally paired frames lead to an abrogation of branch migration at the junctions of mixed sequences and repeats, due to a heterologous register. If so, can recombination machinery rectify such misalignments in order to avoid subsequent arrest in branch migration? We analyzed Escherichia coli RecA, the universal prototype of a recombinase, for its pairing abilities across repeats. We used a complementary pairing assay to test whether RecA can mediate realignments of stochastically paired suboptimal frames to a maximally aligned register. Here, we demonstrate that RecA-single stranded DNA filament indeed facilitates such a realignment, probably by sliding the paired strands across mono- and di- as well as trinucleotide repeats. These realignments apparently have no net directional bias. Such a putative "motor" function of RecA seems to be ATP hydrolysis-dependent.  相似文献   

Assembled actin filaments support cellular signaling, intracellular trafficking, and cytokinesis. ATP hydrolysis triggered by actin assembly provides the structural cues for filament turnover in vivo. Here, we present the cryo-electron microscopic (cryo-EM) structure of filamentous actin (F-actin) in the presence of phosphate, with the visualization of some α-helical backbones and large side chains. A complete atomic model based on the EM map identified intermolecular interactions mediated by bound magnesium and phosphate ions. Comparison of the F-actin model with G-actin monomer crystal structures reveals a critical role for bending of the conserved proline-rich loop in triggering phosphate release following ATP hydrolysis. Crystal structures of G-actin show that mutations in this loop trap the catalytic site in two intermediate states of the ATPase cycle. The combined structural information allows us to propose a detailed molecular mechanism for the biochemical events, including actin polymerization and ATPase activation, critical for actin filament dynamics.  相似文献   

Active macromolecular transport between the nucleus and cytoplasm proceeds through nuclear pore complexes and is mostly mediated by transport receptors of the importin beta-superfamily. Here we identify exportin 6 (Exp6) as a novel family member from higher eukaryotes and show that it mediates nuclear export of profilin.actin complexes. Exp6 appears to contact primarily actin, but the interaction is greatly enhanced by the presence of profilin. Profilin thus functions not only as the nucleotide exchange factor for actin, but can also be regarded as a cofactor of actin export and hence as a suppressor of actin polymerization in the nucleus. Even though human and Drosophila Exp6 share only approximately 20% identical amino acid residues, their function in profilin.actin export is conserved. A knock-down of Drosophila Exp6 by RNA interference abolishes nuclear exclusion of actin and results in the appearance of nuclear actin paracrystals. In contrast to a previous report, we found no indications of a major and direct role for CRM1 in actin export from mammalian or insect nuclei.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization in the mammalian cytosol can be locally activated by mechanisms that relieve the autoinhibited state of N-WASP, an initiator of actin assembly, a process that also requires the protein Toca-1. Several pathogenic bacteria, including Shigella, exploit this host feature to infect and disseminate efficiently. The Shigella outer membrane protein IcsA recruits N-WASP, which upon activation at the bacterial surface mediates localized actin polymerization. The molecular role of Toca-1 in N-WASP activation during physiological or pathological actin assembly processes in intact mammalian cells remains unclear. We show that actin tail initiation by S. flexneri requires Toca-1 for the conversion of N-WASP from a closed inactive conformation to an open active one. While N-WASP recruitment is dependent on IcsA, Toca-1 recruitment is instead mediated by S. flexneri type III secretion effectors. Thus, S. flexneri independently hijacks two nodes of the N-WASP actin assembly pathway to initiate localized actin tail assembly.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium myosin-5b is the gene product of myoJ and one of two closely related myosin-5 isoenzymes produced in Dictyostelium discoideum. Here we report a detailed investigation of the kinetic and functional properties of the protein. In standard assay buffer conditions, Dictyostelium myosin-5b displays high actin affinity in the presence of ADP, fast ATP hydrolysis, and a high steady-state ATPase activity in the presence of actin that is rate limited by ADP release. These properties are typical for a processive motor that can move over long distances along actin filaments without dissociating. Our results show that a physiological decrease in the concentration of free Mg(2+)-ions leads to an increased rate of ADP release and shortening of the fraction of time the motor spends in the strong actin binding states. Consistently, the ability of the motor to efficiently translocate actin filaments at very low surface densities decreases with decreasing concentrations of free Mg(2+)-ions. In addition, we provide evidence that the observed changes in Dd myosin-5b motor activity are of physiological relevance and propose a mechanism by which this molecular motor can switch between processive and non-processive movement.  相似文献   

Binding of myosin to actin in myofibrils during ATP hydrolysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A M Duong  E Reisler 《Biochemistry》1989,28(3):1307-1313
Measurements of cross-bridge attachment to actin in myofibrils during ATP hydrolysis require prior fixation of myofibrils to prevent their contraction. The optimal cross-linking of myofibrils was achieved by using 10 mM carbodiimide (EDC) under rigor conditions and at 4 degrees C. The fixed myofibrils had elevated MgATPase activity (150%) and could not contract. As judged by chymotryptic digestions and subsequent SDS gel electrophoresis analysis, less than 25% of myosin heads were cross-linked in these myofibrils. The isolated, un-cross-linked myosin heads showed pH-dependent Ca2+- and EDTA(K+)-ATPase activities similar to those of standard intact S-1. For measurements of myosin binding to actin, the modified myofibrils were digested with trypsin at a weight ratio of 1:50 under rigor, relaxed, and active-state conditions. Aliquots of tryptic digestion reactions were then cleaved with chymotrypsin to yield isolated myosin heads and their fragments. Analysis of the decay of myosin heavy-chain bands on SDS gels yielded the rates of myosin cleavage under all conditions and enabled the measurements of actomyosin binding in myofibrils in the presence of MgATP. Using this approach, we detected rigorlike binding of 25 +/- 6% of myosin heads to actin in myofibrils during ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Profilins are thought to be essential for regulation of actin assembly. However, the functions of profilins in mammalian tissues are not well understood. In mice profilin I is expressed ubiquitously while profilin II is expressed at high levels only in brain. In extracts from mouse brain, profilin I and profilin II can form complexes with regulators of endocytosis, synaptic vesicle recycling and actin assembly. Using mass spectrometry and database searching we characterized a number of ligands for profilin I and profilin II from mouse brain extracts including dynamin I, clathrin, synapsin, Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase, the Rac-associated protein NAP1 and a member of the NSF/sec18 family. In vivo, profilins co-localize with dynamin I and synapsin in axonal and dendritic processes. Our findings strongly suggest that in brain profilin I and profilin II complexes link the actin cytoskeleton and endocytic membrane flow, directing actin and clathrin assembly to distinct membrane domains.  相似文献   

Drosophila Ncd, a kinesin-14A family member, is essential for meiosis and mitosis. Ncd is a minus-end-directed motor protein that has an ATP-independent microtubule binding site in the tail region, which enables it to act as a dynamic crosslinker of microtubules to assemble and maintain the spindle. Although a tailless Ncd has been shown to be nonprocessive, the role of the Ncd tail in single-molecule motility is unknown. Here, we show that individual Ncd dimers containing the tail region can move processively along microtubules at very low ionic strength, which provides the first evidence of processivity for minus-end-directed kinesins. The movement of GFP-Ncd consists of both a unidirectional and a diffusive element, and it was sensitive to ionic strength. Motility of a truncation series of Ncd and removal of the tubulin tail suggested that the Ncd tail serves as an electrostatic tether to microtubules. Under higher ionic conditions, Ncd showed only a small bias in diffusion along "single" microtubules, whereas it exhibited processive movement along "bundled" microtubules. This property may allow Ncd to accumulate preferentially in the vicinity of focused microtubules and then to crosslink and slide microtubules, possibly contributing to dynamic spindle self-organization.  相似文献   

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