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Nair  Abhilash T. 《Aerobiologia》2021,37(2):185-203
Aerobiologia - Landfilling is one of the indispensable parts of solid waste management in various countries. Solid waste disposed of in landfill sites provides nutrients for the proliferation of...  相似文献   

Rainbow lizards (Agama agama) are common in suburban areas throughout Africa, and have an opportunistic foraging strategy, with arthropods being the main prey source. In a coastal resort in southern Togo, West Africa, several individuals in a population were observed while feeding regularly upon non-natural human-made food (pizza) and showing a clear preference for a given type of food versus others that were offered (‘four cheeses’ being the preferred one). The fact that all monitored individuals fed upon a same type of pizza suggests that they may have some chemical cues attracting them.  相似文献   

Physical, clinical, biochemical, and functional examinations have been carried out in 70% of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 treated in health resorts. Patients were treated with diet, drugs, and physiotherapy during a 3-5-week period. It was found, that the whole period of the treatment may be divided into 3 subperiods: period I is characterized by the subjective symptoms produced by the process of adaptation to different environment. This period lasts for 4 days, on average. Periods II and III are characterized by the set of symptoms reflecting a sum of therapeutical physical stimuli. Such symptoms are known in the literature as bath- or spa-reaction. Symptoms of spa-reaction were noted in about 50% of the examined patients. In 21% of them late reaction, i.e. after about 3 weeks, was seen. No worsening of diabetes mellitus was observed during spa-reaction. No correlation between the onset of this reaction and duration of the disease as well as the results of therapy was found. However, spa-reaction was more frequent in the elderly. Period III was followed by the decrease of the symptoms of spa-reaction with marked improvement in glycaemia. Authors' observations lead to some practical conclusions concerning the programs of physiotherapy in dependence on the course of patients' adaptation to the spa. Regulations concerning the routine 24-day treatment period of all patients in health resorts should be revised.  相似文献   

生态旅游景区环境容量研究   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
对五指山生态旅游区游客量、服务环境容量与生态环境容量及其相互关系的定量分析表明,王指山山上游览区正常游客量为1918游客时,极端游客量为2301游客时,其生态环境容量为2400游客时,服务环境容量6000游客时,由于景区生态脆弱,生物群落对游客可能的干扰承载力弱、生态系统退化后复缓慢等原因生态环境容量小于服务环境容量,会首先为游客量逐年增加的限制因素。  相似文献   

Ambient bioaerosols are ubiquitous in the daily environment and can affect health in various ways. However, few studies have been conducted to comprehensively evaluate personal bioaerosol exposure in occupational and indoor environments because of the complex composition of bioaerosols and the lack of standardized sampling/analysis methods. We conducted a study to determine the most efficient collection/analysis method for the personal exposure assessment of multiple bioaerosols. The sampling efficiencies of three filters and four samplers were compared. According to our results, polycarbonate (PC) filters had the highest relative efficiency, particularly for bacteria. Side-by-side sampling was conducted to evaluate the three filter samplers (with PC filters) and the NIOSH Personal Bioaerosol Cyclone Sampler. According to the results, the Button Aerosol Sampler and the IOM Inhalable Dust Sampler had the highest relative efficiencies for fungi and bacteria, followed by the NIOSH sampler. Personal sampling was performed in a pig farm to assess occupational bioaerosol exposure and to evaluate the sampling/analysis methods. The Button and IOM samplers yielded a similar performance for personal bioaerosol sampling at the pig farm. However, the Button sampler is more likely to be clogged at high airborne dust concentrations because of its higher flow rate (4 L/min). Therefore, the IOM sampler is a more appropriate choice for performing personal sampling in environments with high dust levels. In summary, the Button and IOM samplers with PC filters are efficient sampling/analysis methods for the personal exposure assessment of multiple bioaerosols.  相似文献   

The deposition patterns of large-particle microbiological aerosols within the respiratory tract are not well characterized. A novel system (the flow-focusing aerosol generator [FFAG]) which enables the generation of large (>10-μm) aerosol particles containing microorganisms under laboratory conditions was characterized to permit determination of deposition profiles within the murine respiratory tract. Unlike other systems for generating large aerosol particles, the FFAG is compatible with microbiological containment and the inhalational challenge of animals. By use of entrapped Escherichia coli cells, Bacillus atrophaeus spores, or FluoSphere beads, the properties of aerosols generated by the FFAG were compared with the properties of aerosols generated using the commonly available Collison nebulizer, which preferentially generates small (1- to 3-μm) aerosol particles. More entrapped particulates (15.9- to 19.2-fold) were incorporated into 9- to 17-μm particles generated by the FFAG than by the Collison nebulizer. The 1- to 3-μm particles generated by the Collison nebulizer were more likely to contain a particulate than those generated by the FFAG. E. coli cells aerosolized using the FFAG survived better than those aerosolized using the Collison nebulizer. Aerosols generated by the Collison nebulizer and the FFAG preferentially deposited in the lungs and nasal passages of the murine respiratory tract, respectively. However, significant deposition of material also occurred in the gastrointestinal tract after inhalation of both the small (89.7%)- and large (61.5%)-particle aerosols. The aerosols generated by the Collison nebulizer and the FFAG differ with respect to mass distribution, distribution of the entrapped particulates, bacterial survival, and deposition within the murine respiratory tract.  相似文献   

【背景】嗜盐微生物多生活于高盐环境,具有独特的生理代谢特征,是一类重要的极端环境微生物资源。【目的】为更好地认识我国陆相盐矿的嗜盐微生物多样性组成,更好地开发利用嗜盐微生物资源积累丰富的微生物菌种。【方法】对安徽定远盐矿盐芯样品进行嗜盐微生物的纯培养分离,并对所分离菌株进行基于16SrRNA基因的测序和序列相似性分析,并对所分离菌株进行物种多样性分析。在此基础上,对代表菌株进行菌落形态和耐盐度及酶活测定。【结果】通过纯培养共分离获得了嗜盐微生物264株,其中嗜盐古菌150株,占56.8%;嗜盐细菌114株,占43.2%。嗜盐古菌物种分别来自于Halorubrum、 Halopenitus、 Haloterrigena、 Natrinema、 Natronoarchaeum和Natronomonas等6个属;嗜盐细菌物种分别来自于Pseudomonas、Aliifodinibius、Halobacillus、Halomonas和Halospina等5个属。通过代表菌株的酶活平板检测,发现产胞外蛋白酶菌株1株,酯酶1株,淀粉酶2株;能液化明胶菌株2株。在物种多样性组成方面,发现嗜盐古菌的物种多样性指数高于嗜盐细菌。【结论】本研究对我国安徽定远陆相盐矿的可培养嗜盐微生物多样性进行探究,积累了丰富的嗜盐微生物菌株资源。  相似文献   

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