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The antiradiation properties of the ecdysteroid-containing preparations ("serpisten" and inokosterone) are studied under their application before or after the 22.6 cGy chronic low intensity gamma-irradiation of mice. It is shown that the antiradiation of these compounds depend on the dose of preparations and time of the application before or after irradiation of mice. "Serpisten" prevented the decrease of the growth of the body mass of irradiated mice. The normalization of the phospholipid composition of the mice liver and blood erythrocytes for the most investigated parameters revealed under the application of this compound at the dose of 50 mg/kg after the irradiation of animals. The capacity of "serpisten" to decompose of peroxides is shown in vitro. Inokosterone had the certain anabolic properties, caused the normalization of the total peroxidase activity of blood and intensity of the lipid peroxidation (LPO) in brain and in liver, and also the repair of the interrelation between the LPO intensity and catalase activity in the irradiated mice liver. The obtained results allow to conclude that the antiradiation properties of the ecdysteroid-containing preparations under the chronic low intensity irradiation of animals at the low dose due to their capacity to depend on the LPO regulatory system parameters.  相似文献   

The radioprotective effect (RPE) of some arylalkylamines (AAAs) was studied in experiments on mice. Mesaton and its close analogues were injected subcutaneously 15 minutes prior to irradiation at a dose of 800 rad. The protective effect is exerted by AAAs in low doses (25--50 mumole/kg), the compounds show stable and high RPE (80--80% survival, dose reduction factor being 1.3--1.4) and low toxicity (LD50 = 4--8 mumole/kg). AAAs studied are not less effective than aminothiols. Their pharmacological spectrum--K = LD50/ED50 (200--500) is superior to that of known aminothiols and indolylalkylamines.  相似文献   

Bone marrow cellularity in the femur, mass and cellularity of the spleen and small intestine, and nucleic acid concentration in the leukocyte mass of blood were investigated after the intraperitoneal administration of betamide (500 mg/kg) 15 min before gamma irradiation of mice with doses of 4, 7 and 9 Gy. The number of myelokaryocytes and splenocytes in the protected animals was shown to exceed considerably that in the controls on days 3 and 9 after irradiation with the three doses. With betamide injected on day 9 following irradiation the number of nucleated cells of the small intestine was larger and the nucleic acid concentration in leukocytes higher than the same indices in the irradiated control.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of 2 meningococcal vaccines, multicomponent vaccine produced at the Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera in Moscow and polysaccharide vaccine obtained from Merck Sharp & Dohme (USA), was evaluated on experimental meningococcal sepsis in mice, produced by the injection of meningococcal culture in mucin suspension. The protective effect of these 2 vaccines, expressed in terms of ED50, was 0.28 +/- 0.12 for the multicomponent vaccine and 0.25 +/- 0.24 for the polysaccharide vaccine; the challenge dose used in the test was 10 LD50 of the culture. The multicomponent vaccine gave the maximum immunological effect in a dose of 8 micrograms, while higher or lower doses induced a lesser increase in antibody titer and thus gave lower protection to mice against infection.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at evaluating the radioprotective effectiveness of beta-estradiol following its prophylactic administration in conditions of acute irradiation. Evaluation of the radioprotective efficiency was performed by studying the 30-day survival rate, life expectancy, the structure of irradiated mice death, the bone marrow hematopoiesis using the method of exogenous colony formation. The prophylactic use of beta-estradiol at doses of 20 and 40 mg/kg 5 days before irradiation has been established to protect the exposed mice against radiation death induced by X-rays at doses LD50-90/30, thus increasing their survival rate by 17-58%, and to favor the reduced expression of post radiation disorders of bone marrow hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

On a model of intraperitoneal infection of albino mice the authors demonstrated a protective action of the fraction enriched with IgM and of gamma-globulin isolated from the normal human blood serum, against E. coli O111. The intensity of the protective action depended on the method, duration of administration of the preparation and also on the infective dose. Protective properties of the fraction enriched with IgM were more pronounced in comparison with the gamma-globulin preparation.  相似文献   

A comparative study of virulence of P. aeruginosa strains PAO containing and not containing plasmids has been made. A number of plasmids which are present in strains PAO decrease their virulence for mice 3-7 times. The virulence-affecting plasmids considerably differ in their biological properties. Bacterial mutations rpm, selected as mutations stabilizing RP4 plasmid in PAO cells, have also been found to affect virulence of bacteria, decreasing its level several times. The introduction of plasmids into PAO cells carrying mutations rpm is not accompanied by decrease of virulence.  相似文献   

The action of clindamycin monohydrate on the general state and weight rise, liver and kidney functions, peripheral blood count and pathomorphological state of the viscera was studied on rats in chronic experiments. Clindamycin was administered to laboratory animals orally in doses of 50, 100, 150 and 300 mg/kg. It was shown that some adverse reactions to the drug and in particular disorders in blood coagulation and morphological changes in the intestine did not depend on its dose and were due to duration of the drug use and probable development of dysbacteriosis. At the same time the disorders in the liver and kidney functions though transitory did depend, to a greater extent, on the dose and were evident after the antibiotic overdosage.  相似文献   

The methodological aspects of the study of the microflora of the parietal mucous layer (parietal mucin) of the large intestine is discussed; the study is difficult because the mucin layer is thin closely associated with epithelium and the impossibility of the mechanical separation of this layer from the epithelium without damaging the latter is possible. The method of homogenization fails to determine of the composition of parietal mucin proper. Such possibility becomes real after the dissolution of mucin and obtaining the suspension of microbial cells. As experimentally shown in vitro, urea solution, reducing disulfide bonds, effectively depolymerized mucin and exhibited no antibacterial and cytolytic activity. With the use of urea treatment, microflora of parietal mucin of the large intestine was studied on 44 non-inbred mice. This newly developed method was shown to have higher resolution in comparison with the traditional one (homogenization). Some qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the microflora of parietal mucin were established. In the same group of mice the study of fecal microflora was made and compared with microflora of parietal mucin.  相似文献   

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