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Both arrhenotokous and thelytokous reproduction are known to occur in the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens. The cytological mechanism of thelytoky was previously reported to involve the formation of a restitution metaphase after the reduction division, but the exact nature of the subsequent divisions, whether reductional or equational, remained unclear. We reinvestigated the cytological mechanisms in a thelytokous strain collected in France. Our observations confirm previous results, but an equational and not a reduction division was observed after restitution. This type of reproduction can be classified as central fusion automictic parthenogenesis. In two arrhenotokous strains the normal pattern of oogenesis and syngamy of Hymenoptera was observed. In addition, we used PCR amplification to show that thelytoky in V. canescens is not caused by Wolbachia bacteria. The results are discussed in relation to maintenance of heterozygosity and female sex.  相似文献   

Using a molecular marker that allows the differentiation of two strains of the solitary endoparasitoid wasp Venturia canescens, the study investigated the influence of host mass and the time interval between ovipositions on the survival and development of larvae from both the first and second laid eggs in superparasitised Ephestia kuehniella. As the time interval between ovipositions increased both overall and superparasitism success decreased, however, time between, and order of, ovipositions had little effect on other developmental parameters. Adult size increased with host mass under both parasitism and superparasitism, while host mortality decreased with host mass under superparasitism. In addition, wasps emerging from superparasitised hosts were larger than wasps from parasitised hosts. The results confirm that for V. canescens on the host E. kuehniella both self- and conspecific-superparasitism will be an adaptive strategy when hosts are the limiting factor.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of superparasitism on the rate of development, adult size and mortality of Venturia canescens (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) were investigated. Parasitoids were reared from third (L3) and fifth (L5) instars of one of its hosts, Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) containing one, two or four parasitoid eggs.
  • 2 Superparasitism increased the development time of Venturia reared from both instars, but the developmental delay was more evident in wasps from L5 hosts.
  • 3 The size of parasitoids from L3 hosts was unaffected by egg number, but wasps from both superparasitized L5 treatments were significantly smaller than those from singly parasitized hosts.
  • 4 Parasitoid mortality was significantly higher in L5 than L3, but within instars did not differ significantly with egg number.
  • 5 The results confirm that superparasitism may affect the fitness of both the adult female wasp and her progeny, and should therefore be incorporated into models of superparasitism as an adaptive foraging strategy.

Amylase inhibitors (AIs) are suitable candidates for protecting plants and their products from attacks by herbivorous and granivorous insects. However, detailed studies of the suppressive effects of AIs on target and non‐target insects are necessary before their application in post‐harvest protection. To address this issue, laboratory bioassays were used to test the effect of the non‐proteinaceous inhibitor acarbose on a stored product pest, the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and its parasitoid Venturia canescens (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Two sublethal concentrations (0.001 and 0.0001%, wt/wt) of acarbose were incorporated into the diet of parasitized and unparasitized larvae of E. kuehniella. Development time and fresh body weight of the larvae, together with the size of the wasps, were compared for insects reared on acarbose‐treated and control diets. On the diet containing 0.001% acarbose, the developmental time was longer and relative weight gains of the E. kuehniella larvae were lower, but the weight of the larvae prior to pupation was similar to that of the control. The acarbose did not have a suppressive effect on the parasitoid V. canescens; in fact the wasps that emerged from the hosts reared on a diet containing 0.0001% acarbose were on average larger and heavier than the controls. These results demonstrate that it might be possible to enhance the control of stored product pests by using both biological control and AIs.  相似文献   

Continuous mass rearing of Trichogramma brassicae (Bezdenko) at commercial mass-rearing insectaries may affect both quality and performance of natural enemies. In the present study, we studied the quality and performance of a colony of T. brassicae reared for over 45 generations (G) on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller using two-sex life table parameters and parasitism capacity. Our results revealed that although different generations showed no significant difference in terms of female longevity or total life span until G35, G5 and G10 had the highest values of fecundity, gross reproductive rate (GRR), net reproductive rate (R0), intrinsic rate of natural increase (r), and finite rate of increase (λ). No significant difference in male adult longevity was found among different generations. The longest and shortest mean generation times (T) were found in G10 (13.65 ± 2.31 d) and G45 (13.25 ± 3.37 d), respectively. The finite rate of parasitism (ω) ranged from 0.355 ± 2.332 host/parasitoid/day in G5 to 0.242 ± 0.017 host/parasitoid/day in G45. However, ω did not show any significant difference until G20. These results indicate that T. brassicae wasps held under continuous laboratory rearing declined in quality after 20 generations, and therefore periodical rejuvenation of the colony by adding feral parasitoids is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

The behavioural responses of flying western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) to the colour yellow and the odour anisaldehyde were examined. In a wind tunnel, upwind flight by female thrips was common in an airflow of 0.11 m s–1 but was impeded at 0.22 m s–1. In the absence of anisaldehyde, flying female thrips exhibited an oriented response towards a yellow cue in the wind tunnel at a wind speed of 0.11 m s–1. The main response of females to anisaldehyde in the wind tunnel was flight inhibition. There was no evidence of an odour-induced visual response, an odour-induced anemotactic response or chemotaxis by female thrips to anisaldehyde in wind tunnel bioassays, but chemokinesis was implicated. With a matrix of yellow or black water traps with and without anisaldehyde in a greenhouse sweet pepper crop, yellow traps with anisaldehyde caught more thrips adults than yellow traps without anisaldehyde, black traps with anisaldehyde and black traps without anisaldehyde (1.3, 28 and 721 times for males respectively and 2.4, 9 and 117 times for females, respectively). Differences between respective traps were statistically significant in almost all cases. Trapping experiments using a centre-baited trap design to reduce the interaction of anisaldehyde between baited and unbaited traps were undertaken in tomato and sweet pepper greenhouse crops. When the spatial distribution of the thrips adult population within the greenhouse was taken into account, yellow water traps with anisaldehyde caught between 11 and 15 times more female and 3 and 20 times more male F. occidentalis adults than yellow traps without anisaldehyde.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The locomotory response of walking parasitoids to a contact chemical from their host is reviewed, and in particular the response of the ichneumonid, Nemeritis canescens Grav., to the mandibular gland secretion of its host, Plodia interpunctella Hubn., is investigated. In response to the presentation of the host chemical on a surface, a walking Nemeritis exhibits a complex ortho-kinetic response involving stopping, walking at a reduced speed and probing with the ovipositor. In response to the removal of the chemical following presentation, as would occur when the insect left the edge of the chemical patch, the wasp exhibits a klinotactic response which directs it back to the patch at an average angle of 157° relative to the orientation at the moment of stimulation. This turning-back response at the patch edge greatly increases the time spent on a patch of contact chemical. The waning of this response determines when a host patch is abandoned. This waning is retarded by increasing the concentration of contact chemical on the patch and by opposition while on the patch.  相似文献   

Summary Ovipositional response inVenturia canescens (Grav.) parasitizingAnagasta kühniella (Zeller) is analyzed for all combinations of five parasite densities (2, 5, 10, 25, and 50), four host densities (25, 50, 100, and 200), and three floor area universe sizes (76 cm2, 160 cm2, and 345 cm2). Over this range, no mutual interference (as measured by decreasing parasite fecundity) was observed, althoughNicholson’s area of discovery decreased significantly with parasite density increase as a result of a non-Poisson distribution of parasite eggs; use of this parameter is therefore not a suitable means of determining if mutual interference is present. Other parameters studied, and for which significant correlations were obtained, include mean parasite eggs per host, percentage parasitization, percentage of parasite eggs wasted, and negative binomialk approximations. This study was conducted as part of a broad investigation into the processes operating in the dynamics of arthropod populations under a grant toC. B. Huffaker by the U.S. Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

We examined the survival and development of the endoparasitoid Venturia canescens in a Bt-tolerant laboratory strain of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella, in which Bt-tolerance has been shown to be associated with an inducible elevation of the insect's immune response. The results indicate the elevated immune status associated with Bt-tolerance does not confer cross-protection against parasitism by V. canescens. No significant difference was observed in the rate of emergent wasps from parasitised Bt-tolerant and Bt-susceptible hosts. In addition, wasps from Bt-tolerant hosts had longer development times and were larger than wasps from Bt-susceptible hosts.  相似文献   

Behavioural interactions between the solitary koinobiont parasitoid,Venturia canescens, and two of its hosts,Plodia interpunctella andCorcyra cephalonica, were investigated. The response of both hosts to simulated antennation using a two-haired brush was examined over instars 3 (L3) to 5 (L5). YoungP. interpunctella larvae predominantly adopted escape tactics (writhe, trash) whereas L5P. interpunctella usually froze after the stimulus was applied. L3C. cephalonica larvae were more aggressive (headrear, flick) thanP. interpunctella in response to the application of the stimulus, but olderC. cephalonica responded less aggressively than in earlier instars. AlthoughV. canescens readily jabbed its ovipositor at both hosts after antennation,P. interpunctella was considerably more susceptible to parasitoid attack thanC. cephalonica, irrespective of size in the final (L5) instar.C. cephalonica, the larger, more aggressive host, actively resisted parasitism whereasP. interpunctella responded much more passively after parasitoid contact. Parasitoids examined and jabbed their ovipositors at dead hosts, but this behaviour was not sustained, implying that host movement stimulates parasitoid attack. On patches containingV. canescens, L5C. cephalonica andP. interpunctella, mostP. interpunctella larvae responded by freezing after parasitoid contact.P. interpunctella that froze usually avoided parasitism, whereas larvae that attempted to escape by crawling were pursued with vigour byV. canescens and usually parasitized. Irrespective of behaviour after parasitoid contact,C. cephalonia displayed more aggressive behaviour and had much greater success in warding off parasitoid attack. Host acceptance byV. canescens is clearly affected by the size and species of the host it attacks. The influence of host defensive behaviour is discussed in relation to the evolution of parasitoid counter-defences and oviposition strategies.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature, adult feeding, and host instar on life table parameters of Venturia canescens Gravenhorst (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) parasitizing larvae of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were studied in the laboratory. Experimental adults lived under various regimes of temperature (15, 20, 25, and 30 degrees C), food supply (with or without access to honey), and host instar (second, third, fourth, and fifth). Temperature increase resulted in higher values of the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)), the net reproductive rate (R(o)), the finite capacity of increase (lambda), and the gross reproductive rate (GRR), whereas it was followed by decrease of the mean generation time (G) and the doubling time (DT) values. Feeding on honey caused remarkable increase of r(m), R(o), and GRR, whereas r(m) and lambda reached their maximum when full-grown hosts (fifth instar) were parasitized. This is the first time life table parameters of V. canescens have been studied. The findings of the current study are discussed on the basis of improving V. canescens performance as a biological agent against moth pests of stored products.  相似文献   

The reproductive performance of the parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) against the moths Anagasta kuehniella Zeller and Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was studied in the laboratory. The analysis was based on the comparison of parasitoid's life table parameters related to those of its hosts at various conditions of host density (daily supply of 1, 5, 15, and 30 full-grown host larvae). The estimated parameters were the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm), the net reproductive rate (R0), the mean generation time (G), the finite capacity of increase (lambda), the gross reproductive rate (GRR), the doubling time (DT), the reproductive value (Vx), and the life expectancy (ex). The rm of H. hebetor proved to be significantly higher than those of its hosts at all host densities. When only one host per day was supplied, the wasp had the lowest reproductive potential, whereas it was maximized when 15 hosts per day were exposed. Maximum values of R0 and GRR were obtained at densities > or =15 host larvae per day. Any increase in host supply above this threshold did not cause significant changes in life table parameters. Variation of rm as a function of host density can be described by the linear regression. Sex ratio of wasp progeny (females/total) ranged from 0.36 to 0.42, irrespective of host density or species. Newly emerged adults recorded maximum ex and Vx. The results of this study can be used to improve mass rearing programs and inoculative release applications of H. hebetor against moth pests of stored products.  相似文献   

Pyralid moths, Ephestia kuehniella and Plodia interpunctella, are prevalent stored product pests. The insecticides are the main tool to control these moths in the stores. The data describing the response of these moths to insecticides are scarce. The lethal effect of the organophosphate, pyrethroid, and halogenated-pyrrole on moths larvae were compared in laboratory test. The hypothesis was that the very polyphagous P. interpunctella would have generally higher insecticide tolerance than that of the stenophagous E. kuehniella. Different insecticide concentrations were applied onto the inner surface of glass tube vials. Ten larvae of 14 or 21 d old of E. kuehniella and 7 or 14 d old of P. interpunctella were used by treatment. The larval mortality was checked after 24 h of exposure. The mortality was significantly influenced by age of larvae and the groups of chemicals. No differences among the efficacies of the tested formulations with identical active compounds were found, except significant different mortality of E. kuehniella on deltamethrin formulations. A comparison of analytical standards showed that P. interpunctella was less susceptible to the active ingredient pirimiphos-methyl than E. kuehniella, while E. kuehniella was less susceptible to deltamethrin than P. interpunctella. No differences between the two species were observed for chlorfenapyr. We therefore rejected the hypothesis that polyphagy/stenophagy can be a general predictor of insecticide tolerance in the two tested storage moths. The most important finding for effective use was that the young larvae of both species were more susceptible to tested insecticides than older larvae.  相似文献   

We explored the effects of the presence of conspecifics on host patch choice decisions made by the parasitoid Venturia canescens. Different odor sources were located in plastic boxes at the end of each arm of a glass Y-tube olfactometer. In a set of experiments, odor sources were either (a) host kairomone patches with or without conspecifics (5 or 20) or (b) two odor sources located in successive boxes (a host kairomone patch and a patch with 20 conspecifics in one arm versus a host patch and an empty patch in the other). Our results indicate that V. canescens avoids competition only at high conspecific densities. Avoidance occurs only when foraging wasps perceive the combined odors from host kairomones and conspecific females. Separating the host patch from conspecific parasitoids does not perturb avoidance behavior.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(3):287-292
Kairomonal activities of silk extracts of host Plodia interpunctella were determined by measuring the rates of behavioral responses of two parasitic wasps, Venturia canescens and Bracon hebetor. Silk of P. interpunctella larvae attracted both parasitic wasps but the cocoon silk of silkworm, Bombyx mori and the web silk of two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae did not. Silk components of P. interpunctella were extracted by using either hexane or methanol, and tested the rates of three serial responses of wasps; host location, antennal drumming and ovipositor probing behaviors. The patterns of each behavioral response were similar in two wasps. The rates of each response were increased at the higher concentrations of both extracts. Antennal drumming behavior was much more responsive to lower concentrations of both extracts than ovipositor probing behavior was. Furthermore, the rate of antennal drumming response was higher in hexane-extracts rather than methanol-extract in both wasps; V. canescens and B. hebetor for 20 and 17 times, respectively. However, ovipositor probing response was similar in two different extracts. Both extracts elicited 100% of antennal drumming response but ovipositor probing response was only 60 to 80% of all tested individuals. Our results were shown that silk extracts of host larvae elicited strong behavioral responses of two parasitic wasps and could be applied for practical application of parasitoids attraction in the biological control of agricultural pests.  相似文献   

Observations were made over one hour of individual parasites, N. canescens, searching for their hosts, larvae of the moth Plodia interpunctella, at five different host densities. Records were made of the total number of hosts encountered at each density, the total number of eggs laid and the handling time per host.Holling's disc equation was found to fit the data well and gave estimates for rate of parasite search (a) and handling time (b) close to values actually observed. Despite the good fit, rate of search and handling time both declined as host density increased. The time spent handling already parasitised hosts, avoidance time was found to be about half the value of handling time.
Resume Les observations ont été faites durant une heure sur des parasites isolés, N. canescens, prospectant des lots de chenilles de Plodia interpunctella — leurs hôtes — à cinq densités différentes. Pour chaque densité, ont été notés: le nombre total d'hôtes rencontrés, le nombre total d'ufs pondus et le temps d'examen par hôte.L'équation de Holling s'est bien adaptée aux données et a fourni des estimations pour le taux de prospection des parasites (a) et le temps d'examen (b) proches des valuers réellement observées. Malgré une bonne adaptation, le taux de prospection et le temps d'examen diminuent tous deux quand la densité de l'hôte augmente. Le temps dépensé à l'examen des hôtes déjà parasités, temps de rejet correspond à environ la moitié du temps d'examen.

李欣  刘树生 《昆虫学报》2003,46(6):749-754
研究了半闭弯尾姬蜂寄主搜索过程中的学习行为。结果表明,成虫期之前的饲养寄主所取食的寄主植物对成蜂行为没有影响,而雌蜂早期的短暂经历可对其随后的行为反应产生显著影响,从而对已经历的植物气味表现出显著的嗜好,但这种通过学习所表现出的嗜好又可因新的经历而改变。雌成蜂不仅能对其所经历的虫伤寄主植物释放的信息化合物进行学习,而且对其所经历的寄主幼虫的信息化合物也能进行学习。  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps use a variety of mechanisms to alter their host's physiology to the benefit of the developing endoparasite inside the host larva. Association of certain wasps with viruses and virus-like particles (VLPs) that contribute to their success in parasitism is one of the fascinating evolutionary adaptations conferring active or passive protection for the endoparasite from the host immune system. Venturia canescens has been shown to produce VLPs that provide protection for the developing parasitoid egg inside the host, Ephestia kuehniella. Here, we report on the presence of a novel small RNA-containing virus from V. canescens, designated as VcSRV, occurring in the ovaries of the wasp. The virus particles are found together with VcVLPs in the lumen of the calyx region of the ovaries and are injected together with the egg and VcVLPs into E. kuehniella larvae where they enter hemocytes. Alignment of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene of VcSRV indicates that the virus most likely belongs to the recently described genus Iflavirus.  相似文献   

We previously reported that development of the embryos of the larval endoparasitoid Venturia canescens proceeded in the insect cell culture medium, MGM-450, and was promoted by the addition of a pupal extract from their host Galleria mellonella. The developmental promotion also was obtained by supplementing an equal amount of chicken egg yolk instead of the pupal extract to the medium. In this case, approximately 30% of the embryos developed into the second instar, but the value increased to more than 90% by treatment with 20-hydroxyecdysone. The medium supplemented with a G. mellonella pupal extract obtained by using Carlson's solution displayed growth-promoting ability, and in the extract, apolipophorin I was electrophoretically detected in large amounts. Both lipophorin purified from G. mellonella pupae and low density lipoprotein from chicken egg yolk acted as a growth-promoting substance for parasitoid development, although fetal bovine serum and 20-hydroxyecdysone were required as supplements to the medium for the expression of the ability. This indicated that lipophorin or lipophorin-transported lipids could act as a substance closely related to the growth-promoting factor(s) putatively involved in the host extract.  相似文献   

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