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Molecular cloning of the human fibroblast Ca2+ channel pore-forming α1C subunit revealed (Soldatov, 1992. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:4628-4632) a naturally occurring mutation g2254→ a that causes the replacement of the conservative alanine for threonine at the position 752 at the cytoplasmic end of transmembrane segment IIS6. Using stably transfected HEK293 cell lines, we have compared electrophysiological properties of the conventional α1C,77 human recombinant L-type Ca2+ channel with those of its mutated isoform α1C,94 containing the A752T replacement. Comparative quantification of steady-state availability of the current carried by α1C,94 and α1C,77 showed that A752T mutation prevented a large (≈25%) fraction of the current carried by Ca2+ or Ba2+ from fully inactivating. This mutation, however, did not appear to alter significantly the Ca2+-dependence and kinetics of decay of the inactivating fraction of the current or its voltage-dependence. The data suggests that Ala752 at the cytoplasmic end of IIS6 might serve as a molecular determinant of the Ca2+ channel inactivation, possibly regulating the voltage-dependence of its availability. Received: 14 January 2000/Revised: 20 June 2000  相似文献   

The α1 subunit coding for the human brain type E calcium channel (Schneider et al., 1994) was expressed in Xenopus oocytes in the absence, and in combination with auxiliary α2δ and β subunits. α1E channels directed with the expression of Ba2+ whole-cell currents that completely inactivated after a 2-sec membrane pulse. Coexpression of α1E with α2bδ shifted the peak current by +10 mV but had no significant effect on whole-cell current inactivation. Coexpression of α1E with β2a shifted the peak current relationship by −10 mV, and strongly reduced Ba2+ current inactivation. This slower rate of inactivation explains that a sizable fraction (40 ± 10%, n= 8) of the Ba2+ current failed to inactivate completely after a 5-sec prepulse. Coinjection with both the cardiac/brain β2a and the neuronal α2bδ subunits increased by ≈10-fold whole-cell Ba2+ currents although coinjection with either β2a or α2bδ alone failed to significantly increase α1E peak currents. Coexpression with β2a and α2bδ yielded Ba2+ currents with inactivation kinetics similar to the β2a induced currents, indicating that the neuronal α2bδ subunit has little effect on α1E inactivation kinetics. The subunit specificity of the changes in current properties were analyzed for all four β subunit genes. The slower inactivation was unique to α1E2a currents. Coexpression with β1a, β1b, β3, and β4, yielded faster-inactivating Ba2+ currents than currents recorded from the α1E subunit alone. Furthermore, α1E2bδ/β1a; α1E2bδ/β1b; α1E2bδ/β3; α1E2bδ/β4 channels elicited whole-cell currents with steady-state inactivation curves shifted in the hyperpolarized direction. The β subunit-induced changes in the properties of α1E channel were comparable to modulation effects reported for α1C and α1A channels with β3≈β1b > β1a≈β4≫β2a inducing fastest to slowest rate of whole-cell inactivation. Received: 27 March 1997/Revised: 10 July 1997  相似文献   

The Ca2+ channel α1B subunit is a pore-forming component capable of generating N-type Ca2+ channel activity. Although the N-type Ca2+ channel plays a role in a variety of neuronal functions, α1B-deficient mice did not show apparent behavioral abnormality. In a previous study, we observed a compensatory increase of mRNA expression of the P/Q-type Ca2+ channel α1A subunit gene in olfactory bulb of α1B-deficient mice with a CBA × C57BL/6 background; these mice showed a normal reproductive ability. In this study, we found that the mRNA expression level of the α1A subunit was the same in olfactory bulb of wild, heterozygous, and homozygous α1B-deficient mice with a CBA/JN background, and the homozygous male mice produced no offspring. These results suggest that the genetic background influences α1A subunit mRNA expression and reproductive ability in α1B-deficient mice.  相似文献   

The large-conductance Ca2+-activated potassium (BKCa) channel of smooth muscle is unusually sensitive to Ca2+ as compared with the BKCa channels of brain and skeletal muscle. This is due to the tissue-specific expression of the BKCa auxiliary subunit β1, whose presence dramatically increases both the potency and efficacy of Ca2+ in promoting channel opening. β1 contains no Ca2+ binding sites of its own, and thus the mechanism by which it increases the BKCa channel''s Ca2+ sensitivity has been of some interest. Previously, we demonstrated that β1 stabilizes voltage sensor activation, such that activation occurs at more negative voltages with β1 present. This decreases the work that Ca2+ must do to open the channel and thereby increases the channel''s apparent Ca2+ affinity without altering the real affinities of the channel''s Ca2+ binding sites. To explain the full effect of β1 on the channel''s Ca2+ sensitivity, however, we also proposed that there must be effects of β1 on Ca2+ binding. Here, to test this hypothesis, we have used high-resolution Ca2+ dose–response curves together with binding site–specific mutations to measure the effects of β1 on Ca2+ binding. We find that coexpression of β1 alters Ca2+ binding at both of the BKCa channel''s two types of high-affinity Ca2+ binding sites, primarily increasing the affinity of the RCK1 sites when the channel is open and decreasing the affinity of the Ca2+ bowl sites when the channel is closed. Both of these modifications increase the difference in affinity between open and closed, such that Ca2+ binding at either site has a larger effect on channel opening when β1 is present.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) are heteromeric protein complexes that initiate action potentials in excitable cells. The voltage-gated sodium channel accessory subunit, Navβ1, allosterically modulates the α subunit pore structure upon binding. To date, the molecular determinants of the interface remain unknown. We made use of sequence, knowledge and structure-based methods to identify residues critical to the association of the α and β1 Nav1.4 subunits. The Navβ1 point mutant C43A disrupted the modulation of voltage dependence of activation and inactivation and delayed the peak current decay, the recovery from inactivation, and induced a use-dependent decay upon depolarisation at 1 Hz. The Navβ1 mutant R89A selectively delayed channel inactivation and recovery from inactivation and had no effect on voltage dependence or repetitive depolarisations. Navβ1 mutants Y32A and G33M selectively modified the half voltage of inactivation without altering the kinetics. Despite low sequence identity, highly conserved structural elements were identified. Our models were consistent with published data and may help relate pathologies associated with VGSCs to the Navβ1 subunit.  相似文献   



The Cavβ subunits of high voltage-activated Ca2+ channels control the trafficking and biophysical properties of the α1 subunit. The Cavβ-α1 interaction site has been mapped by crystallographic studies. Nevertheless, how this interaction leads to channel regulation has not been determined. One hypothesis is that βs regulate channel gating by modulating movements of IS6. A key requirement for this direct-coupling model is that the linker connecting IS6 to the α-interaction domain (AID) be a rigid structure.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The present study tests this hypothesis by altering the flexibility and orientation of this region in α12.2, then testing for Cavβ regulation using whole cell patch clamp electrophysiology. Flexibility was induced by replacement of the middle six amino acids of the IS6-AID linker with glycine (PG6). This mutation abolished β2a and β3 subunits ability to shift the voltage dependence of activation and inactivation, and the ability of β2a to produce non-inactivating currents. Orientation of Cavβ with respect to α12.2 was altered by deletion of 1, 2, or 3 amino acids from the IS6-AID linker (Bdel1, Bdel2, Bdel3, respectively). Again, the ability of Cavβ subunits to regulate these biophysical properties were totally abolished in the Bdel1 and Bdel3 mutants. Functional regulation by Cavβ subunits was rescued in the Bdel2 mutant, indicating that this part of the linker forms β-sheet. The orientation of β with respect to α was confirmed by the bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay.


These results show that the orientation of the Cavβ subunit relative to the α12.2 subunit is critical, and suggests additional points of contact between these subunits are required for Cavβ to regulate channel activity.  相似文献   

The α4 subunit of the GABAA receptor (GABAAR) is highly expressed in the thalamus where receptors containing the α4 and δ subunits are major mediators of tonic inhibition. The α4 subunit also exhibits considerable plasticity in a number of physiological and pathological conditions, raising questions about the expression of remaining GABAAR subunits when the α4 subunit is absent. Immunohistochemical studies of an α4 subunit knockout (KO) mouse revealed a substantial decrease in δ subunit expression in the ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus as well as other forebrain regions where the α4 subunit is normally expressed. In contrast, several subunits associated primarily with phasic inhibition, including the α1 and γ2 subunits, were moderately increased. Intracellular localization of the δ subunit was also altered. While δ subunit labeling was decreased within the neuropil, some labeling remained in the cell bodies of many neurons in the ventrobasal nucleus. Confocal microscopy demonstrated co-localization of this labeling with an endoplasmic reticulum marker, and electron microscopy demonstrated increased immunogold labeling near the endoplasmic reticulum in the α4 KO mouse. These results emphasize the strong partnership of the δ and α4 subunit in the thalamus and suggest that the α4 subunit of the GABAAR plays a critical role in trafficking of the δ subunit to the neuronal surface. The findings also suggest that previously observed reductions in tonic inhibition in the α4 subunit KO mouse are likely to be related to alterations in δ subunit expression, in addition to loss of the α4 subunit.  相似文献   

In the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel family, transmitter binds in the extracellular domain and conformational changes result in channel opening in the transmembrane domain. In the muscle nicotinic receptor and other heteromeric members of the family one subunit does not contribute to the canonical agonist binding site for transmitter. A fundamental question is whether conformational changes occur in this subunit. We used records of single channel activity and rate-equilibrium free energy relationships to examine the β1 (non-ACh-binding) subunit of the muscle nicotinic receptor. Mutations to residues in the extracellular domain have minimal effects on the gating equilibrium constant. Positions in the channel lining (M2 transmembrane) domain contribute strongly and relatively late during gating. Positions thought to be important in other subunits in coupling the transmitter-binding to the channel domains have minimal effects on gating. We conclude that the conformational changes involved in channel gating propagate from the binding-site to the channel in the ACh-binding subunits and subsequently spread to the non-binding subunit.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Cav2.1 Ca2+ channels undergo dual modulation by Ca2+, Ca2+-dependent inactivation (CDI), and Ca2+-dependent facilitation (CDF), which can influence synaptic plasticity in the nervous system. Although the molecular determinants controlling CDI and CDF have been the focus of intense research, little is known about the factors regulating these processes in neurons. Here, we show that calretinin (CR), a Ca2+-binding protein highly expressed in subpopulations of neurons in the brain, inhibits CDI and enhances CDF by binding directly to α12.1. Screening of a phage display library with CR as bait revealed a highly basic CR-binding domain (CRB) present in multiple copies in the cytoplasmic linker between domains II and III of α12.1. In pulldown assays, CR binding to fusion proteins containing these CRBs was largely Ca2+-dependent. α12.1 coimmunoprecipitated with CR antibodies from transfected cells and mouse cerebellum, which confirmed the existence of CR-Cav2.1 complexes in vitro and in vivo. In HEK293T cells, CR significantly decreased Cav2.1 CDI and increased CDF. CR binding to α12.1 was required for these effects, because they were not observed upon substitution of the II-III linker of α12.1 with that from the Cav1.2 α1 subunit (α11.2), which lacks the CRBs. In addition, coexpression of a protein containing the CRBs blocked the modulatory action of CR, most likely by competing with CR for interactions with α12.1. Our findings highlight an unexpected role for CR in directly modulating effectors such as Cav2.1, which may have major consequences for Ca2+ signaling and neuronal excitability.  相似文献   

Co-expression of the auxiliary β1 subunit with the pore forming α subunit of BK dramatically alters apparent calcium sensitivity. Investigation of the mechanism underlying the increase in calcium sensitivity of BK in smooth muscle has concentrated on the energetic effect of β1′s interaction with α. We take a novel approach, exploring whether β1 modification of calcium sensitivity reflects altered interaction between the channel protein and surrounding lipids. We reconstituted hSlo BK α and BK α+β1 channels into two sets of bilayers. One set contained POPE with POPS, POPG, POPA and POPC, where the length of acyl chains is constant, but surface charge differs. The second set is a series of neutral bilayers formed from DOPE with phosphatidylcholines (PCs) of varying acyl chain lengths: C (14∶1), C (18∶1), C (22∶1) and C (24∶1), and with brain sphingomyelin (SPM), in which surface charge is constant, but bilayer thickness varies. The increase in calcium sensitivity caused by the β1 subunit was preserved in negatively charged lipid bilayers but not in neutral bilayers, indicating that modification of apparent Ca2+ sensitivity by β1 is modulated by membrane lipids, requiring negatively charged lipids in the membrane. Moreover, the presence of β1 reduces BK activity in thin bilayers of PC 14∶1 and thick bilayers containing SPM, but has no significant effect on activity of BK in PC 18∶1, PC 22∶1 and PC 24∶1 bilayers. These data suggest that auxiliary β1 subunits fine-tune channel gating not only through direct subunit-subunit interactions but also by modulating lipid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Oxidation of key methionine residues on fibrin leads to altered fibrin polymerization producing severely altered fibrin gel structure and function. This is important because fibrinogen and its modification by oxidative stress have been implicated as key contributors to both pathological thrombotic and hemorrhagic diseases ranging from cardiovascular thrombosis to the acute coagulopathy of trauma. However, how oxidation leads to altered fibrin polymerization remains poorly understood at the molecular level. We have applied a powerful and novel well-tempered ensemble parallel tempering (PT-WTE) technique along with conventional molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to investigate the molecular-level consequences of selective methionine oxidation of fibrinogen. We offer new insights into molecular mechanisms of oxidation-induced changes in fibrin polymerization, while focusing on the D region knob ‘B’ and hole ‘b’ interaction and αC-domain interactions, both of which are hypothesized to contribute to the lateral aggregation mechanism of fibrin fibrils. Methionine oxidation did not alter the native state or the stability of a bound knob ‘B’ surrogate when interacting with hole ‘b’ in the D region. However, applying PT-WTE simulation to a human homology model of the bovine N-terminal subdomain fragment from the αC-domain revealed that methionine oxidation altered the conformation of the hairpin-linking region to favor open rather than closed hairpin structures. We attribute this alteration to the disruption of the hairpin-linking region''s conformation, with oxidation increasing the radius of gyration for this segment. This result is in agreement with experimental data demonstrating decreased fibrin protofibril lateral aggregation when methionine oxidation is present in the same αC-domain fragment. Therefore, single methionine oxidation within the αC-domain is a likely molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

Alteration in the L-type current density is one aspect of the electrical remodeling observed in patients suffering from cardiac arrhythmias. Changes in channel function could result from variations in the protein biogenesis, stability, post-translational modification, and/or trafficking in any of the regulatory subunits forming cardiac L-type Ca2+ channel complexes. CaVα2δ1 is potentially the most heavily N-glycosylated subunit in the cardiac L-type CaV1.2 channel complex. Here, we show that enzymatic removal of N-glycans produced a 50-kDa shift in the mobility of cardiac and recombinant CaVα2δ1 proteins. This change was also observed upon simultaneous mutation of the 16 Asn sites. Nonetheless, the mutation of only 6/16 sites was sufficient to significantly 1) reduce the steady-state cell surface fluorescence of CaVα2δ1 as characterized by two-color flow cytometry assays and confocal imaging; 2) decrease protein stability estimated from cycloheximide chase assays; and 3) prevent the CaVα2δ1-mediated increase in the peak current density and voltage-dependent gating of CaV1.2. Reversing the N348Q and N812Q mutations in the non-operational sextuplet Asn mutant protein partially restored CaVα2δ1 function. Single mutation N663Q and double mutations N348Q/N468Q, N348Q/N812Q, and N468Q/N812Q decreased protein stability/synthesis and nearly abolished steady-state cell surface density of CaVα2δ1 as well as the CaVα2δ1-induced up-regulation of L-type currents. These results demonstrate that Asn-663 and to a lesser extent Asn-348, Asn-468, and Asn-812 contribute to protein stability/synthesis of CaVα2δ1, and furthermore that N-glycosylation of CaVα2δ1 is essential to produce functional L-type Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that B-type Ca2+ channels observed in rat ventricular myocytes markedly reacted to agents known to affect the ion-motive plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) pump. Chlorpromazine (CPZ)-activated B-type Ca2+ channels were completely blocked by internal application of PMCA pump inhibitors, namely La3+ (100 μm), eosin (10 μm) and AIF3 (100 μm). Calmodulin (50 U/ml), the main endogenous positive regulator of PMCA, was unable to activate but significantly reduced CPZ-activated B-type channel activity. In the same manner, ATP (1 and 4 mm), the main energizing substrate of PMCA, was able to reversibly and significantly reduce this activity in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, anti-PMCA antibody 5F10, but not anti-Na/K ATPase antibody (used as a negative control) induced a marked Ba2+-conducting channel activity that shared the same characteristics with that of CPZ-activated B-type channels. 5F10-Activated channels were mostly selective towards Ba2+, mainly had three observed conductance levels (23, 47 and 85 pS), were observed with a frequency of about 1 out of 5 membrane patches and were completely blocked by 10 μm eosin. These results suggest that B-type Ca2+ channels are some form of the PMCA pump. Received: 24 July 2000/Revised: 5 October 2000  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome is responsible for regulated proteolysis in eukaryotic cells. It is composed of one 20 S core particle (CP) flanked by one or two 19 S regulatory particles. The CP is composed of seven different α-type subunits (α1-α7) and seven different β-type subunits, three of which are catalytic. Vertebrates encode four additional catalytic β subunits that are expressed predominantly in immune tissues and produce distinct subtypes of CPs particularly well suited for the acquired immune system. In contrast, the diversity of α subunits remains poorly understood. Recently, another α subunit, referred to as α4s, was reported. However, little is known about α4s. Here we provide a detailed characterization of α4s and the α4s-containing CP. α4s is exclusively expressed in germ cells that enter the meiotic prophase and is incorporated into the CP in place of α4. A comparison of structural models revealed that the differences in the primary sequences between α4 and α4s are located on the outer surface of the CP, suggesting that α4s interacts with specific molecules via these unique regions. α4s-containing CPs account for the majority of the CPs in mouse sperm. The catalytic β subunits in the α4s-containing CP are β1, β2, and β5, and immunosubunits are not included in the α4s-containing CP. α4s-containing CPs have a set of peptidase activities almost identical to those of α4-containing CPs. Our results provide a basis for understanding the role of α4s and male germ cell-specific proteasomes in mammals.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is comprised of three homologous subunits (α, β, and γ) that have a similar topology with two transmembrane domains, a large extracellular region, and cytoplasmic N and C termini. Although ENaC activity is regulated by a number of factors, palmitoylation of its cytoplasmic Cys residues has not been previously described. Fatty acid-exchange chemistry was used to determine whether channel subunits were Cys-palmitoylated. We observed that only the β and γ subunits were modified by Cys palmitoylation. Analyses of ENaCs with mutant β subunits revealed that Cys-43 and Cys-557 were palmitoylated. Xenopus oocytes expressing ENaC with a β C43A,C557A mutant had significantly reduced amiloride-sensitive whole cell currents, enhanced Na+ self-inhibition, and reduced single channel Po when compared with wild-type ENaC, while membrane trafficking and levels of surface expression were unchanged. Computer modeling of cytoplasmic domains indicated that β Cys-43 is in proximity to the first transmembrane α helix, whereas β Cys-557 is within an amphipathic α-helix contiguous with the second transmembrane domain. We propose that β subunit palmitoylation modulates channel gating by facilitating interactions between cytoplasmic domains and the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is composed of three homologous subunits (α, β, and γ) with cytoplasmic N and C termini. Our previous work revealed that two cytoplasmic Cys residues in the β subunit, βCys-43 and βCys-557, are Cys-palmitoylated. ENaCs with mutant βC43A/C557A exhibit normal surface expression but enhanced Na+ self-inhibition and reduced channel open probability. Although the α subunit is not palmitoylated, we now show that the two cytoplasmic Cys residues in the γ subunit are palmitoylated. ENaCs with mutant γC33A, γC41A, or γC33A/C41A exhibit reduced activity compared with wild type channels but normal surface expression and normal levels of α and γ subunit-activating cleavage. These mutant channels have significantly enhanced Na+ self-inhibition and reduced open probability compared with wild type ENaCs. Channel activity was enhanced by co-expression with the palmitoyltransferase DHHC2 that also co-immunoprecipitates with ENaCs. Secondary structure prediction of the N terminus of the γ subunit places γCys-33 within an α-helix and γCys-44 on a coil before the first transmembrane domain within a short tract that includes a well conserved His-Gly motif, where mutations have been associated with altered channel gating. Our current and previous results suggest that palmitoylation of the β and γ subunits of ENaCs enhances interactions of their respective cytoplasmic domains with the plasma membrane and stabilizes the open state of the channel. Comparison of activities of channels lacking palmitoylation sites in individual or multiple subunits revealed that γ subunit palmitoylation has a dominant role over β subunit palmitoylation in modulating ENaC gating.  相似文献   

Gene association studies in humans have linked the α5 subunit gene CHRNA5 to an increased risk for nicotine dependence. In the CNS, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) that contain the α5 subunit are expressed at relatively high levels in the habenulo-interpeduncular system. Recent experimental evidence furthermore suggests that α5-containing receptors in the habenula play a key role in controlling the intake of nicotine in rodents. We have now analysed the subunit composition of hetero-oligomeric nAChRs in the habenula of postnatal day 18 (P18) C57Bl/6J control mice and of mice with deletions of the α5, the β2, or the β4 subunit genes. Receptors consisting of α3β4* clearly outnumbered α4β2*-containing receptors not only in P18 but also in adult mice. We found low levels of α5-containing receptors in both mice (6%) and rats (2.5% of overall nAChRs). Observations in β2 and β4 null mice indicate that although α5 requires the presence of the β4 subunit for assembling (but not of β2), α5 in wild-type mice assembles into receptors that also contain the subunits α3, β2, and β4.  相似文献   

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