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The neuropeptide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide (FMRFa) dose dependently (ED50 = 23 nM) activated a K+ current in the peptidergic caudodorsal neurones that regulate egg laying in the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis. Under standard conditions ([K+]o = 1.7 mM), only outward current responses occurred. In high K+ salines ([K+]o = 20 or 57 mM), current reversal occurred close to the theoretical reversal potential for K+. In both salines, no responses were measured below −120 mV. Between −120 mV and the K+ reversal potential, currents were inward with maximal amplitudes at ∼−60 mV. Thus, U-shaped current–voltage relations were obtained, implying that the response is voltage dependent. The conductance depended both on membrane potential and extracellular K+ concentration. The voltage sensitivity was characterized by an e-fold change in conductance per ∼14 mV at all [K+]o. Since this result was also obtained in nearly symmetrical K+ conditions, it is concluded that channel gating is voltage dependent. In addition, outward rectification occurs in asymmetric K+ concentrations. Onset kinetics of the response were slow (rise time ∼650 ms at −40 mV). However, when FMRFa was applied while holding the cell at −120 mV, to prevent activation of the current but allow activation of the signal transduction pathway, a subsequent step to −40 mV revealed a much more rapid current onset. Thus, onset kinetics are largely determined by steps preceding channel activation. With FMRFa applied at −120 mV, the time constant of activation during the subsequent test pulse decreased from ∼36 ms at −60 mV to ∼13 ms at −30 mV, confirming that channel opening is voltage dependent. The current inactivated voltage dependently. The rate and degree of inactivation progressively increased from −120 to −50 mV. The current is blocked by internal tetraethylammonium and by bath- applied 4-aminopyridine, tetraethylammonium, Ba2+, and, partially, Cd2+ and Cs+. The response to FMRFa was affected by intracellular GTPγS. The response was inhibited by blockers of phospholipase A2 and lipoxygenases, but not by a cyclo-oxygenase blocker. Bath-applied arachidonic acid induced a slow outward current and occluded the response to FMRFa. These results suggest that the FMRFa receptor couples via a G-protein to the lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism. The biophysical and pharmacological properties of this transmitter operated, but voltage-dependent K+ current distinguish it from other receptor-driven K+ currents such as the S-current- and G-protein-dependent inward rectifiers.  相似文献   

Abstract— Microscopic fluorescence analysis of fura-2-loaded bovine adrenal chromaffin cells demonstrates that ~70% of the cells responded to arachidonic acid in increasing the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Because this increase was markedly less in the absence of external Ca2+, we examined the effect of arachidonic acid on Ca2+ influx electrophysiologically. Bath application of 10 μM arachidonic acid induced a long-lasting inward current when the cell was clamped at -50 mV. Other fatty acids, such as oleic acid, linoleic acid, eicosatrienoic acid, and eicosa-pentaenoic acid, were all ineffective. The current-voltage relationships suggest that arachidonic acid may activate voltage-insensitive channels. Arachidonic acid (2μM) activated a single-channel current in the inside-out patch, even in the presence of inhibitors of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, possibly suggesting that arachidonic acid could activate channels directly. The onset delay of the inward channel current in the outside-out patch configuration (54.02 ± 63.5 s; mean SD) was significantly shorter than that in the inside-out patch one (197.3 ± 177.7 s). Washout of arachidonic acid decreased the probability of channel openings in the outside-out patch but not in the inside-out one. These results suggest that arachidonic acid activates channels reversibly from outside of the plasma membrane. The unitary conductarce for Ca2+ of arachidonic acid-activated channel was ~17 pS. The arachidonic acid-activated channel was permeable to Ba2+, Ca2+, and Na+ but not to Cl?. The opening probability of the arachidonic acid-activated channel did not depend on membrane potential. These results demonstrate that arachidonic acid activates cation-selective, Ca2+-permeable channels in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

The modulation of I A K+ current by ten trivalent lanthanide (Ln3+) cations spanning the series with ionic radii ranging from 0.99 ? to 1.14 ? was characterized by the whole-cell patch clamp technique in bovine adrenal zona fasciculata (AZF) cells. Each of the ten Ln3+s reduced I A amplitude measured at +20 mV in a concentration-dependent manner. Smaller Ln3+s were the most potent and half-maximally effective concentrations (EC50s) varied inversely with ionic radius for the larger elements. Estimation of EC50s yielded the following potency sequence: Lu3+ (EC50= 3.0 μm) ≈ Yb3+ (EC50= 2.7 μm) > Er3+ (EC50= 3.7 μm) ≥ Dy3+ (EC50= 4.7 μm) > Gd3+ (EC50= 6.7 μm) ≈ Sm3+ (EC50= 6.9 μm) > Nd3+ (EC50= 11.2 μm) > Pr3+ (EC50= 22.3 μm) > Ce3+ (EC50= 28.0 μm) > La3+ (EC50= 33.7 μm). Ln3+s altered selected voltage-dependent gating and kinetic parameters of I A with a potency and order of effectiveness that paralleled the reduction of I A amplitude. Ln3+s markedly slowed activation kinetics and shifted the voltage-dependence of I A gating such that activation and steady-state inactivation occurred at more depolarized potentials. In contrast, Ln3+s did not measurably alter inactivation or deactivation kinetics and only slightly slowed kinetics of inactivated channels returning to the closed state. Replacement of external Ca2+ with Mg2+ had no effect on the concentration-dependent inhibition of I A by Ln3+s. In contrast to their action on I A K+ current, Ln3+s inhibited T-type Ca2+ currents in AZF cells without slowing activation kinetics. These results indicate that Ln3+ modulate I A K+ channels through binding to a site on I A channels located within the electric field but which is not specific for Ca2+. They are consistent with a model where Ln3+ binding to negative charges on the gating apparatus alters the voltage-dependence and kinetics of channel opening. Ln3+s modulate transient K+ and Ca2+ currents by two fundamentally different mechanisms. Received: 21 January 1997/Revised: 3 April 1998  相似文献   

The ability of an ion channel to open in response to a defined stimulus is central to its function. In ligand-gated channels, pore opening is conferred through transduction of a conformational change in a gating domain to the helices of the pore. Here, we present the construction of a designed cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel, named KcsA-CNG, by addition of a prokaryotic cyclic nucleotide-binding domain to a KcsA-derived K+ channel. This channel is functional in lipid bilayers at physiological pH and has the combined properties of both of its parent-derived components. It conducts K+ and is blocked by the K+ channel inhibitors Na+ and agitoxin-2. Channel open times are increased by about two orders of magnitude compared to wild-type KcsA. The average number of open channels increases by approximately 50% upon addition of cAMP. Although the absolute open probabilities are somewhat variable from one channel to the next, the property of cyclic nucleotide sensitivity is very reproducible. An apparent Kd value of approximately 90 nM was estimated. The successful construction of a cyclic nucleotide-gated KcsA K+ channel suggests that it should be possible to produce channels that will respond to novel ligands.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated potassium channels of plants are multimeric proteins built of four α-subunits. In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana , nine genes coding for K+ channel α-subunits have been identified. When co-expressed in heterologous expression systems, most of them display the ability to form heteromeric K+ channels. Till now it was not clear whether plants use this potential of heteromerization to increase the functional diversity of potassium channels. Here, we designed an experimental approach employing different transgenic plant lines that allowed us to prove the existence of heteromeric K+ channels in plants. The chosen strategy might also be useful for investigating the activity and function of other multimeric channel proteins like, for instance, cyclic-nucleotide gated channels, tandem-pore K+ channels and glutamate receptor channels.  相似文献   

Extracellular protons have been shown to modulate voltage-activated ionic channels. It has been proposed that synaptic modulation by exocytosed vesicular protons would be a characteristic feature of ribbon-type synapses. Type-I hair cells have a calyceal afferent junction with a diffusionally restricted synaptic cleft. These led us to study the action of extracellular pH changes on the voltage-activated Ca2+ and K+ currents evaluated using a whole-cell patch clamp in isolated cells. The amplitude of the Ca2+ and the K+ current were reduced by extracellular acidification, but without significant changes with extracellular alkalization. A shift in the voltage dependence to a more positive membrane potential was achieved at pH < 6.8. Our results shows that the presynaptic K+ and Ca2+ currents are modulated by protons, indicating that protons released along with an afferent neurotransmitter would participate as a feedback mechanism in type-I hair cells. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Ricardo Tapia.  相似文献   

In the present study the effects of chronic manganese (Mn) treatment on adenosine A2a receptor binding in mouse brain have been assessed. Male albino mice were divided in two groups: In the Mn-treated group, the animals were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with MnCl2 (5 mg/kg/day) five days per week during 9 weeks; in the control group, they were injected likewise with a saline solution. A significant decrease of the Kd without alteration of Bmax in the cerebellum and, an increase of the Kd and Bmax in hippocampus of mice treated with Mn were found. Also, an increase of Kd in frontal cortex was observed. The binding parameters in caudate nucleus, olfactory bulb and hypothalamus were not altered by Mn. A significant decrease in the adenosine concentration in caudate nucleus, olfactory bulb and hypothalamus, without significant changes in hippocampus, frontal cortex and cerebellum was also detected. These findings suggest that chronic administration of Mn could affect adenosine receptor function and turnover, depending on the brain region analyzed.  相似文献   

Summary Inward currents carried by external Cs, Rb, NH4 and K through theI K1 channel were studied using a whole-cell voltage clamp technique. Cs, NH4, and Rb currents could be recorded negative to –40 mV following depolarizing prepulses (0 mV and 200–1000 msec in duration). The current activation displayed an instantaneous component followed by a monoexponential increase () to a peak amplitude. Subsequent inactivation was fit by a single exponential, i. With hyperpolarization, and i decreasede-fold per 36 and 25 mV, respectively. In Ca-free external solutions (pipette [Mg]0.3mm), inactivation was absent, consistent with the hypothesis that inactivation represents time- and voltage-dependent block of Cs, NH4, and Rb currents by external Ca. The inactivation and degree of steady-state block was greatest when Cs was the charge carrier, followed by NH4, and then Rb. K currents, however, did not inactivate in the presence of Ca. Na and Li did not carry any significant current within the resolution of our recordings. Comparison ofpeak inward current ratios (I x/IK) as an index of permeability revealed a higher permeance of Cs (0.15), NH4 (0.30), and Rb (0.51) relative to K (1.0) than that obtained by comparing thesteady-state current ratios (CsNH4RbK0. At any given potential, was smaller the more permeant the cation. In the absence of depolarizing prepulses, the amplitude of was reduced. Divalent-free solutions did not significantly affect activatio in the presence of 0.3mm pipette [Mg]. When pipette [Mg] was buffered to 50 m, however, removal of external Ca and Mg lead to a four- to fivefold increase in Cs currents and loss of both time-dependent activation and inactivation (reversible upon repletion of external Ca).These results suggest that (i) permeability ratios forI K1 should account for differences in the degree to which monovalent currents are blocked by extracellular Ca and (ii) extracellular or intracellular divalent cations contribute to the slow phase of activation which may represent either (a) the actual rate of Mg or Ca extrusion from the channel into the cell, a process which may be enhanced by repulsive interaction with the incoming permeant monovalent cation or (b) an intrinsic gating process that is strongly modulated by the permeant monovalent ion and divalent cations.  相似文献   

kappa-conotoxin PVIIA is the first conotoxin known to interact with voltage-gated potassium channels by inhibiting Shaker-mediated currents. We studied the mechanism of inhibition and concluded that PVIIA blocks the ion pore with a 1:1 stoichiometry and that binding to open or closed channels is very different. Open-channel properties are revealed by relaxations of partial block during step depolarizations, whereas double-pulse protocols characterize the slower reequilibration of closed-channel binding. In 2.5 mM-[K+]o, the IC50 rises from a tonic value of approximately 50 to approximately 200 nM during openings at 0 mV, and it increases e-fold for about every 40-mV increase in voltage. The change involves mainly the voltage dependence and a 20-fold increase at 0 mV of the rate of PVIIA dissociation, but also a fivefold increase of the association rate. PVIIA binding to Shaker Delta6-46 channels lacking N-type inactivation or to wild phenotypes appears similar, but inactivation partially protects the latter from open-channel unblock. Raising [K+]o to 115 mM has little effect on open-channel binding, but increases almost 10-fold the tonic IC50 of PVIIA due to a decrease by the same factor of the toxin rate of association to closed channels. In analogy with charybdotoxin block, we attribute the acceleration of PVIIA dissociation from open channels to the voltage-dependent occupancy by K+ ions of a site at the outer end of the conducting pore. We also argue that the occupancy of this site by external cations antagonizes on binding to closed channels, whereas the apparent competition disappears in open channels if the competing cation can move along the pore. It is concluded that PVIIA can also be a valuable tool for probing the state of ion permeation inside the pore.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) treatment of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells results in a sustained elevation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in these cells. Because the continued elevation of [Ca2+]i was dependent on extracellular Ca2+ concentration, it can be assumed that the PGE2-induced [Ca2+]i increase is due, at least in part, to an opening of membrane Ca2+ channels. In this study, we used electrophysiological methods to examine the mechanism of the PGE2-induced [Ca2+]i increase directly. Puff application of PGE2 to the external medium resulted in a prolonged depolarization in about half of the chromaffin cells examined. In whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings, an increase in inward current was observed over a 6-7 min period following bath application of PGE2 (greater than or equal to 10 microM), even in the absence of external Na+. This inward current was abolished when the recordings were made with the cells in a Ca2(+)-free medium, but it was not inhibited by Mn2+, a blocker of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. In cell-attached patch-clamp configuration, PGE2 produced an increase in the opening frequency of inward currents. The reversal potential of the PGE2-induced currents was about +40 mV, which is close to the reversal potential of the Ca2+ channel. The opening frequency was not affected by membrane potential changes. In inside-out patch-clamp configuration, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (2 microM) added to the cytoplasmic side activated the Ca2(+)-channel currents, but PGE2 was ineffective when applied to the cytoplasmic side. These results suggest that PGE2 activates voltage-independent Ca2+ channels in chromaffin cells through a diffusible second messenger, possibly inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate.  相似文献   

Mitochondria from several tissues contain a potassium-specific channel similar to the ATP-regulated K+ (KATP) channel of the plasma membrane. The mitochondrial channel shares with the plasma membrane KATP channel the sensitivity to sulfonylurea derivatives and some other blockers as well as to channel openers of diverse chemical character. In contrast to the plasma membrane channel, which is blocked by free ATP, the mitochondrial KATP channel reconstituted into liposomes requires the ATP-Mg complex for inhibition. The mitochondrial KATP channel, possibly in a concerted action with other K+ permeability pathways, plays an important role in mitochondrial volume control. Its function in the regulation of the components of the protonmotive force is also suggested.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol on maxi Ca2+-activated K+ channels (BK channels) in GH3 pituitary tumor cells was investigated using single-channel recordings and focusing on intracellular signal transduction. In outside-out patches, ethanol caused a transient concentration-dependent increase of BK-channel activity. 30 mm (1.4‰) ethanol significantly increased mean channel open time and channel open probability by 26.3 ± 9% and 78.8 ± 10%, respectively; single-channel current amplitude was not affected by ethanol. The augmenting effect of ethanol was blocked in the presence of protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors staurosporine, bisindolylmaleimide, and PKC (19–31) pseudosubstrate inhibitor as well as by AMP-PNP (5′-adenylylimidodiphosphate), a nonhydrolyzable ATP-analogue, but not by the phospholipase C blocker U-73122. Phosphatase inhibitors microcystin-LR and okadaic acid promoted the ethanol effect. The blocking effect was released at higher concentrations of ethanol (100 mm) suggesting a second site of action or a competition between blockers and ethanol. Our results suggest that the effect of ethanol on BK-channels is mediated by PKC stimulation and phosphorylation of the channels which increases channel activity and hence may influence action potentials duration and hormone secretion. Received: 24 July 1996/Revised: 27 December 1996  相似文献   

Large-conductance Ca-activated potassium channels (BK channels) are uniquely sensitive to both membrane potential and intracellular Ca2+. Recent work has demonstrated that in the gating of these channels there are voltage-sensitive steps that are separate from Ca2+ binding steps. Based on this result and the macroscopic steady state and kinetic properties of the cloned BK channel mslo, we have recently proposed a general kinetic scheme to describe the interaction between voltage and Ca2+ in the gating of the mslo channel (Cui, J., D.H. Cox, and R.W. Aldrich. 1997. J. Gen. Physiol. In press.). This scheme supposes that the channel exists in two main conformations, closed and open. The conformational change between closed and open is voltage dependent. Ca2+ binds to both the closed and open conformations, but on average binds more tightly to the open conformation and thereby promotes channel opening. Here we describe the basic properties of models of this form and test their ability to mimic mslo macroscopic steady state and kinetic behavior. The simplest form of this scheme corresponds to a voltage-dependent version of the Monod-Wyman-Changeux (MWC) model of allosteric proteins. The success of voltage-dependent MWC models in describing many aspects of mslo gating suggests that these channels may share a common molecular mechanism with other allosteric proteins whose behaviors have been modeled using the MWC formalism. We also demonstrate how this scheme can arise as a simplification of a more complex scheme that is based on the premise that the channel is a homotetramer with a single Ca2+ binding site and a single voltage sensor in each subunit. Aspects of the mslo data not well fitted by the simplified scheme will likely be better accounted for by this more general scheme. The kinetic schemes discussed in this paper may be useful in interpreting the effects of BK channel modifications or mutations.  相似文献   

Gintonin, a novel, ginseng-derived G protein-coupled lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) receptor ligand, elicits [Ca2+]i transients in neuronal and non-neuronal cells via pertussis toxin-sensitive and pertussis toxin-insensitive G proteins. The slowly activating delayed rectifier K+ (IKs) channel is a cardiac K+ channel composed of KCNQ1 and KCNE1 subunits. The C terminus of the KCNQ1 channel protein has two calmodulin-binding sites that are involved in regulating IKs channels. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of gintonin-mediated activation of human IKs channel activity by expressing human IKs channels in Xenopus oocytes. We found that gintonin enhances IKs channel currents in concentration- and voltage-dependent manners. The EC50 for the IKs channel was 0.05 ± 0.01 μg/ml. Gintonin-mediated activation of the IKs channels was blocked by an LPA1/3 receptor antagonist, an active phospholipase C inhibitor, an IP3 receptor antagonist, and the calcium chelator BAPTA. Gintonin-mediated activation of both the IKs channel was also blocked by the calmodulin (CaM) blocker calmidazolium. Mutations in the KCNQ1 [Ca2+]i/CaM-binding IQ motif sites (S373P, W392R, or R539W)blocked the action of gintonin on IKs channel. However, gintonin had no effect on hERG K+ channel activity. These results show that gintonin-mediated enhancement of IKs channel currents is achieved through binding of the [Ca2+]i/CaM complex to the C terminus of KCNQ1 subunit.  相似文献   

目的:研究尼古丁对Wistar大鼠冠状动脉平滑肌大电导钙激活钾通道(BKca)活性的抑制作用及其细胞信号转导机制。方法:8周雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为两组:生理盐水组和尼古丁组;分别予以生理盐水和尼古丁2mg/(kg.d)注射21 d,蛋白酶法分离冠状动脉血管平滑肌细胞,将两组平滑肌细胞分别以对氯苯硫基环腺苷酸(CPT-cAMP,100μmol/L)和佛司可林(forskolin,10μmol/L)干预,单通道膜片钳记录干预前后平滑肌细胞单通道电流的平均开放时间(To)、平均关闭时间(Tc)、平均开放概率(Po)。结果:CPT-cAMP和Forskolin均能显著延长生理盐水组大鼠BKca的平均开放时间,缩短平均关闭时间,增加通道开放概率(P均<0.01)。对尼古丁组BKca的To、Tc、Po均无明显影响。结论:尼古丁促使冠状动脉血管收缩的生理机制是通过抑制cAMP/PKA途径诱导的大电导钙激活钾通道活性增加实现的。  相似文献   

Nystatin perforated-patch clamp and single-channel recording methods were used to characterize macroscopic and single-channel K+ currents and the effects of angiotensin II (AngII) in cultured rat adrenal glomerulosa cells. Two basic patterns of macroscopic current-voltage relationships were observed: type 1 exhibited a rapidly activating, noninactivating, voltage-dependent outward current and type 2 exhibited an inactivating voltage-dependent outward current attributed to charybdotoxin sensitive Ca++-dependent K+ channels. Most cells exhibited the type 1 pattern and experiments focused on this cell type. Cell-attached and inside-out patches were dominated by a single K+ channel class which exhibited an outward conductance of 12 pS (20 mm K+ pipette in cell-attached and inside-out configurations, 145 mm K+ in), a mean open time of 2 msec, and a weakly voltage-dependent low open probability that increased with depolarization. Channel open probability was reversibly inhibited by bath stimulation with AngII. At the macroscopic level, type 1 cell macroscopic K+ currents appeared comprised of two components: a weakly voltage-dependent current controlling the resting membrane potential (−85 mV) which appeared mediated by the 12 pS K+ channel and a rapidly activating, noninactivating voltage-dependent current activated above −50 mV. The presence of the second voltage-dependent K+ channel class was suggested by the effects of AngII, the blocking effects of quinidine and Cs+, and the properties of the weakly voltage-dependent K+ channel described. The K+ selectivity of the macroscopic current was demonstrated by the dependence of current reversal potentials on the K+ equilibrium potential and by the effects of K+ channel blockers, Cs+ and quinidine. AngII (10 pm to 1 nm) reversibly inhibited macroscopic K+ currents and this effect was blocked by the AT1 receptor antagonist losartin. Received: 6 August 1996/Revised: 15 November 1996  相似文献   

目的观察15-酮基二十碳四烯酸(15-ketoeicosatetraenoic acid,15-KETE)对大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞(pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells,PASMCs)膜电压门控钾离子通道(Kv)的作用,探讨其收缩肺动脉的离子通道机制。方法采用急性酶分离法(胶原酶Ⅰ型和弹性酶)获得健康成年SD大鼠单个PASMC,应用全细胞膜片钳记录方法,研究15-KETE对膜电位(Em)、膜电容(Cm)、电压门控钾电流(Ikv)的影响。结果①高浓度15-KETE(1×10-7mol/L、1×10-6mol/L)可引起PASMCs去极化,并且在细胞内钙被BAPTA缓冲后,15-KETE仍可引起PASMCs去极化,15-KETE对PASMC的膜电容无影响;②15-KETE(1×10-8~1×10-6mol/L)对Ikv的影响呈浓度依赖性和可逆性;③细胞内钙离子在生理浓度时([Ca2 ]i=75 nmol/L),15-KETE(1×10-6mol/L)对Ikv峰电流的抑制率显著高于细胞内无钙离子时。结论15-KETE可浓度依赖性的抑制Ikv,使常氧大鼠PASMCs去极化;细胞内钙离子加强了15-KETE对Ikv峰电流的抑制作用。  相似文献   

The transient K+ current (IK(A)) affects the rate of repetitive action potentials. The whole-cell patch-clamp technique was applied to cultured Drosophila neurons derived from embryonic neuroblasts. IK(A) was measured from neurons before and after application of 0.1 mM copper to the external saline. IK(A) was smaller in the copper-containing saline (12.0 +/- 1.6 pA) than in the control saline (37 +/- 6.5 pA). Activation and inactivation of IK(A) were unchanged by copper. These results suggest that copper can influence neuronal excitability and may affect neuronal function.  相似文献   

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