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Electron microprobe analyses of calcium distribution in the ciliated protozoan, Spirostomum ambiguum, indicated several calcium rich sites. One site was an endoplasmic distribution of calcium coincident with phosphorus which corroborates previous findings of hydroxyapatite deposits within Spirostomum. These apatite deposits were distributed throughout the endoplasm, but not within the nuclei or the contractile vacuole. Calcium was also detected within the cortical region. Cortical calcium was in greater concentration in the anterior portion of the organism and decreased towards the posterior end (region containing the contractile vacuole). Phosphorus and potassium were also detected as gradients from the anterior end, whereas magnesium was detected in the same density throughout the cortical region. Line scans of cortical regions suggested (1) distributions of calcium within mitochondria and/or vesicles, and (2) calcium associated with bundles of microfilaments.  相似文献   

This paper reports on preliminary experiments on the controlled culturing of the freshwater ciliated protozoan Spirostomum ambiguum, as a first step in the development of a new low cost microbiotest, to complement the limited battery of standardized cost-effective toxicity tests presently available, with a representative of unicellular biota.Three strains of S. ambiguum originating from France and Poland respectively, have been grown in natural as well as in reconstituted waters, on several types of inert diets and in different temperature and light conditions.The best results in terms of survival and reproduction of the ciliates, leading to a standard recipe for stock culturing, were obtained at 20 °C, in reconstituted Volvic water and on a diet of oat flakes supplemented with dried leave powder as vegetal adjuvant, with weekly renewal of the medium and food. An average generation time of 4 days was obtained in the latter set of stock culturing conditions.  相似文献   

Electrically stimulated contraction of Spirostomum ambiguum was investigated by high speed cinematography (up to 6,000 pps). Contraction is completed in about 4 msec following a latent period of up to 30 msec. Reduction in length during contraction followed a sigmoid curve, and final length was about 50% of the original length. Contraction always started at the end of the animal directed towards the anode. When the length of each half was measured separately, it was found that the cathodal end lagged about 1 msec in all cases observed. Rate of contraction was increased when the external calcium contraction was increased, and was decreased in Ca-free and K-free solutions, but was unchanged in K-rich solutions. These results are interpreted in terms of contraction being associated with a relative increase of calcium bound to the contractile protein. The differential migration of potassium and calcium ions in an electric current would result in a temporary lowering of K+ at the anodal end of the animal, hence a relative rise would take place in the Ca++ available for binding. The results of experiments using changed calcium and potassium concentrations can be explained by this hypothesis which is in general agreement with modern work on muscle contraction and relaxation.  相似文献   

A microphotometric method is introduced that allows measurement of the contraction-relaxation kinetics of Spirostomum in response to electrical stimulation. The time course of contraction includes a rapidly contracting phase of some 4–5 mS during which cells shorten at a rate in excess of 100 cell lengths sec?1. While a stimulus strength-duration curve determines the threshold of the response, the response to above threshold stimuli of different strengths and to trains of stimuli suggest that contraction of Spirostomum may not be an all-or-none event. The kinetics of relaxation following high stimulating voltages and repetitive after contractions also induced by high voltages are explained by excitation-contraction coupling through a stimulus-dependent intermediate effector, possibly the release of calcium ions. Changes in resting membrane potential detected by intracellular recording do not influence the initiation of contraction, while microinjection of calcium buffers above 10?5 M Ca2+ invariably induces contraction.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Electron-microscopic observations of Spirostomum ambiguum have demonstrated additional details of superficial and deep tubular connections with peristomial and somatic kinetosomes. The superficial peristomial tubules appear to connect adjacent rows of kinetosomes. Anatomically, they course distally from the proximal kinetosomal plate. The deep tubules run proximally from the kinetosomal plate. Those in the somatic region appear to enter the endoplasm; those in the peristomial region leave the kinetosome as bundles of either 10 or 11 tubules which steadily converge to form 2 compact rows of 10 tubular bundles. These tubules connect to 2 of the 3 rows of 10 cilia each, the rows of 3 being separated by membranous folds protruding perpendicular to the peristomial groove. The rows of bundles converge further, enter the endoplasm and fan out again into tubular sheets, some of which appear to course in an antero-posterior direction. Another set of tubules arises from each of the kinetosomes in the 3rd row of 10 kinetosomes and courses proximally at a different angle from those arising from the 2 other kinetosome rows. Terminations have not been observed for the deep somatic or peristomial tubules. Their possible role in producing the forceful longitudinal contraction of Spirostomum is discussed.  相似文献   

A microphotometric technique that displays rapid length changes of Spirostomum has been used to follow the variation with temperature of these kinetic parameters of myonemal contraction: contraction rate, relaxation rate and stimulus duration at threshold. In each case the exponential form of the relationship indicated that the gross rate constant might be equated with the limiting rate constant, k, of a driving chemical reaction, and from standard expressions of chemical kinetics the change in activation free energy appropriate to this reaction has been computed.  相似文献   


SYNOPSIS. During conjugation in Spirostomum ambiguum, the micronuclei divide thrice before synkaryon formation and 20 times thereafter. During the first meiotic division 18-24 bivalents, each about 0.5 μ or less appear on the spindle. They separate and pass to the poles. The details of the 2nd and 3rd prezygotic divisions and synkaryon formation by reciprocal exchange of gametic nuclei resemble those described for other ciliates in the literature. The synkaryon divides twice resulting in 4 nuclei; 2 of them become micronuclei and the remaining 2 macronuclear anlagen. The micronuclei enter into division, but this division is arrested in metaphase. The chromosomes in the macronuclear anlagen resemble those appearing in the Ist meiotic division in shape and size. In their maximum stage of development the macronuclear chromosomes are at least 3-4 times larger than those appearing in the arrested micronuclear metaphases in the same cell. There is no banding pattern of the chromosomes and therefore the possible extent of polyteny is difficult to evaluate. The chromosomes duplicate 3-4 times resulting in about 200–250 before they become indistinct as separate entities. Spirostomum is the only nonhypotrichous ciliate in which these cytologic features are described.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A study of the 'longitudinal fibrillar bundle' (LFB) and the 'contractile fibrillar system' (CFS) of a large protozoan ciliate, Spirostomum ambiguum , has been performed by means of an electron microscope. A system of sub-pellicular fibrils has been newly found and its function is discussed. Each LFB runs parallel with a longitudinal row of ciliary bases. It seems to be identical with the so-called kinetodesma. It is composed of tubular fibrils arranged in layered sheets, each of which contains 13 to 35 fibrils with the same diameter as the intra-ciliary fibrils and has a close connection to each of the ciliary bases. The CFS lies on a transitional plane between ectoplasm and endoplasm of the organism and forms a cobweb-like system of myofibrils as a whole. It stands in an intimate relationship with a characteristic vacuolar system. In a peristomial field, the fibrous structures are interrupted and somewhat thickened. A sub-pellicular system is composed of minute fibrils 20 to 26 mμ in diameter. The fibrils run parallel with each other in an antero-posterior direction, immediately beneath the inner pellicular membrane.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Comparisons are made between sectioned and negatively-stained mitochondria of the ciliate Spirostomum ambiguum. Particulate elements 70–80 A in diameter are associated with the surface of tubular cristae of negatively-stained and disrupted mitochondria; such particles are not seen in sectioned mitochondria fixed in various ways. As measured in sectioned material, the inner mitochondrial membrane forming the tubular cristae is about 100 A thick, while the outer mitochondrial membrane is about 50 A thick and is the more labile of the 2.  相似文献   

We detected a HPLC peak corresponding to 6-keto-PGF(1alpha), a stable metabolite of prostacyclin (PGI(2)), in [1-(14)C]arachidonate metabolites from the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. Quantitative analysis of 6-keto-PGF(1alpha) by enzyme immunoassay revealed that the synthesis and release were rapidly activated by the mechanical stimulation of a short centrifugation. The activation was suppressed significantly by a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, ibuprofen, and was independent of the extracellular Ca(2+). External addition of PGI(2) and its stable analogue, beraprost, caused a transient increase in the tumbling frequency of swimming. Other prostanoids, PGE(2) and PGF(2alpha), have no effect on the swimming. These results indicate that a free-living ciliate, T. thermophila, synthesizes and has a specific sensitivity to PGI(2).  相似文献   

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