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植物DNA条形码技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA条形码技术是利用标准的、具有足够变异的、易扩增且相对较短的DNA片段在物种内的特异性和种间的多样性而创建的一种新的生物身份识别系统,从而实现对物种的快速自动鉴定。尽管这一技术在理论上和具体应用上仍存在很多争论。但DNA条形码概念自2003年由加拿大分类学家Paul Hebert首次提出后就在世界范围内受到了广泛关注。在植物类群中条形码的研究和应用尚处于探索阶段,稍落后于对动物类群的研究,这主要表现在:(1)DNA条形码的选择及其评价仍没有统一的标准:(2)对类群较全面的形态分类学修订和植物DNA条形码研究的结合十分缺乏:(3)以往研究在取样上尺度较大,而对具体类群的研究较少,一个科或一个属只用有限的种类作为代表,同一种内的取样个体数量也不足,这样虽然表面上看来利用选定的DNA条形码可以较容易地把代表物种区分开,但实际上目前建议的植物DNA条形码(例如由生命条形码咨询委员会植物工作组最近提出的rbcL和matK)由于其分子进化速率较慢,在种级水平上,特别是对于那些经历了适应辐射或快速进化的属来说,分辨率较低。而DNA条形码的应用主要集中在属内物种水平的鉴别,因此只有针对具体类群进行探索研究,发现进化速率较快、分辨率高且通用性好的条形码,才可能为建立完整的条形码数据库起到积极有效的作用。  相似文献   

The pondweeds (Potamogetonaceae) are among the most important plant groups in the aquatic environment. Owing to their high morphological and ecological diversity, species identification of this aquatic family remains problematic. DNA barcoding involves sequencing a standard DNA region and has been shown to be a powerful tool for species identification. In the present study, we tested four barcoding markers (rbcL, matK, internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and trnH-psbA) in 15 Potamogeton species and two Stuckenia species, representing most species of the Potamogetonaceae in China. The results show that all four regions can distinguish and support the newly proposed genera of Stuckenia from Potamogeton. Using ITS and trnH-psbA, significant interspecific genetic variability was shown. However, intraspecific genetic variability of trnH-psbA is high and so it is not suitable for barcoding in Potamogetonaceae. The ITS and matK regions showed good discrimination. However, matK was not easy to sequence using universal primers. The best performing single locus was ITS, making it a potentially useful DNA barcode in Potamogetonaceae.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a biological technique that uses short and standardized genes or DNA regions to facilitate species identification. DNA barcoding has been used successfully in several animal and plant groups. Ligustrum (Oleaceae) species occur widely throughout the world and are used as medicinal plants in China. Therefore, the accurate identification of species in this genus is necessary. Four potential DNA barcodes, namely the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and three chloroplast (cp) DNA regions (rbcL, marK, and trnH-psbA),were used to differentiate species within Ligustrum. BLAST, character-based method, tree-based methods and TAXONDNA analysis were used to investigate the molecular identification capabilities of the chosen markers for discriminating 92 samples representing 20 species of this genus. The results showed that the ITS sequences have the most variable information, followed by trnH-psbA, matK, and rbcL. All sequences of the four regions correctly identified the species at the genus level using BLAST alignment. At the species level, the discriminating power of rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA and ITS based on neighbor-joining (NJ) trees was 36.8%, 38.9%, 77.8%, and 80%,respectively. Using character-based and maximum parsimony (MP) tree methods together, the discriminating ability of trnH-psbA increased to 88.9%. All species could be differentiated using ITS when combining the NJ tree method with character-based or MP tree methods. Overall, the results indicate that DNA barcoding is an effective molecular identification method for Ligustrum species. We propose the nuclear ribosomal ITS as a plant barcode for plant identification and trnH-psbA as a candidate barcode sequence.  相似文献   

植物DNA条形码促进系统发育群落生态学发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
系统发育群落生态学是近年兴起的一个重要牛态学研究分支,它以群落生态学为基础并引入了系统发育的分析方法,全面动态地反映了群落中物种内和物种间的相互作用关系,揭示了群落格局形成的生态学过程,研究了生物多样性的形成及维持机制.巴拿马BCI(Barro Colorado Island)样地的成功例子说明,在固定样地进行长期的群落生态与系统发育研究切实可行且极具意义;DNA条形码的快速兴起对这一研究发挥着重要作用.本文先列举了群落生态与系统发育综合分析能解决的群落系统发育结构、群落生态位结构、生物地理学和性状进化等生态学问题;接着介绍了标准植物DNA条形码以及利用片段组合(rbcL+matK+trnH-psbA)进行快速物种识别和近缘种区分、精确群落系统发育关系的构建以及群落生态学研究;随后提出DNA条形码研究在类群水平上需注意两片段的条形码组合(matK+rbcL)在同属种鉴别能力上的不足,而在较大尺度群落水平上需对实验设计进行优化.DNA条形码将为探讨物种多样性及其维持机理、系统发育beta多样性以及群落水平上功能性状进化研究提供新的思路.  相似文献   

Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) is a large angiosperm family that includes many medicinally important species. The ability to identify these species and their adulterants is important, yet difficult to do so because of their subtle fruit morphological differences and often lack of diagnostic features in preserved specimens. Moreover, dried roots are often the official medical organs, making visual identification to species almost impossible. DNA barcoding has been proposed as a powerful taxonomic tool for species identification. The Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) Plant Working Group has recommended the combination of rbcL+matK as the core plant barcode. Recently, the China Plant BOL Group proposed that the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS), as well as a subset of this marker (ITS2), be incorporated alongside rbcL+matK into the core barcode for seed plants, particularly angiosperms. In this study, we assess the effectiveness of these four markers plus psbA‐trnH as Apiaceae barcodes. A total of 6032 sequences representing 1957 species in 385 diverse genera were sampled, of which 211 sequences from 50 individuals (representing seven species) were newly obtained. Of these five markers, ITS and ITS2 showed superior results in intra‐ and interspecific divergence and DNA barcoding gap assessments. For the matched data set (173 samples representing 45 species in five genera), the ITS locus had the highest identification efficiency (73.3%), yet ITS2 also performed relatively well with 66.7% identification efficiency. The identification efficiency increased to 82.2% when using an ITS+psbA‐trnH marker combination (ITS2+psbA‐trnH was 80%), which was significantly higher than that of rbcL+matK (40%). For the full sample data set (3052 ITS sequences, 3732 ITS2 sequences, 1011 psbA‐trnH sequences, 567 matK sequences and 566 rbcL sequences), ITS, ITS2, psbA‐trnH, matK and rbcL had 70.0%, 64.3%, 49.5%, 38.6% and 32.1% discrimination abilities, respectively. These results confirm that ITS or its subset ITS2 be incorporated into the core barcode for Apiaceae and that the combination of ITS/ITS2+psbA‐trnH has much potential value as a powerful, standard DNA barcode for Apiaceae identification.  相似文献   

DNA barcodes could be a useful tool for plant conservation. Of particular importance is the ability to identify unknown plant material, such as from customs seizures of illegally collected specimens. Mexican cacti are an example of a threatened group, under pressure because of wild collection for the xeriscaping trade and private collectors. Mexican cacti also provide a taxonomically and geographically coherent group with which to test DNA barcodes. Here, we sample the matK barcode for 528 species of Cactaceae including approximately 75% of Mexican species and test the utility of the matK region for species-level identification. We find that the matK DNA barcode can be used to identify uniquely 77% of species sampled, and 79-87% of species of particular conservation importance. However, this is far below the desired rate of 95% and there are significant issues for PCR amplification because of the variability of primer sites. Additionally, we test the nuclear ITS regions for the cactus subfamily Opuntioideae and for the genus Ariocarpus (subfamily Cactoideae). We observed higher rates of variation for ITS (86% unique for Opuntioideae sampled) but a much lower PCR success, encountering significant intra-individual polymorphism in Ariocarpus precluding the use of this marker in this taxon. We conclude that the matK region should provide useful information as a DNA barcode for Cactaceae if the problems with primers can be addressed, but matK alone is not sufficiently variable to achieve species-level identification. Additional complementary regions should be investigated as ITS is shown to be unsuitable.  相似文献   

Abstract Bambusoideae is an important subfamily of the grass family Poaceae that has considerable economic, ecologic and cultural value. In addition, Bambusoideae species are important constituents of the forest vegetation in China. Because of the paucity of flower‐bearing specimens and homoplasies of morphological characters, it is difficult to identify species of Bambusoideae using morphology alone, especially in the case of temperate woody bamboos (i.e. Arundinarieae). To this end, DNA barcoding has shown great potential in identifying species. The present study is the first attempt to test the feasibility of four proposed DNA barcoding markers (matK, rbcL, trnHpsbA, and internal transcribed spacer [ITS]) in identifying 27 species of the temperate woody bamboos. Three plastid markers showed high levels of universality, whereas the universality of ITS was comparatively low. A single plastid marker provided low levels of discrimination success at both the genus and species levels (<12%). Among the combinations of plastid markers, the highest discriminatory power was obtained using the combination of rbcL+matK (14.8%). Using a combination of three markers did not increase species discrimination. The nuclear region ITS alone could identify 66.7% of species, although fewer taxa were included in the ITS analyses than in the plastid analyses. When ITS was integrated with a single or combination of plastid markers, the species discriminatory power was significantly improved. We suggest that a combination of rbcL+ ITS, which exhibited the highest species identification power of all combinations in the present study, could be used as a potential DNA barcode for temperate woody bamboos.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a biological technique that uses short and standardized genes or DNA regions to facilitate species identification. DNA barcoding has been used successfully in several animal and plant groups. Ligustrum (Oleaceae) species occur widely throughout the world and are used as medicinal plants in China. Therefore, the accurate identification of species in this genus is necessary. Four potential DNA barcodes, namely the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and three chloroplast (cp) DNA regions (rbcL, matK, and trnH–psbA), were used to differentiate species within Ligustrum. BLAST, character-based method, tree-based methods and TAXONDNA analysis were used to investigate the molecular identification capabilities of the chosen markers for discriminating 92 samples representing 20 species of this genus. The results showed that the ITS sequences have the most variable information, followed by trnH–psbA, matK, and rbcL. All sequences of the four regions correctly identified the species at the genus level using BLAST alignment. At the species level, the discriminating power of rbcL, matK, trnH–psbA, and ITS based on neighbor-joining (NJ) trees was 36.8%, 38.9%, 77.8%, and 80%, respectively. Using character-based and maximum parsimony (MP) tree methods together, the discriminating ability of trnH–psbA increased to 88.9%. All species could be differentiated using ITS when combining the NJ tree method with character-based or MP tree methods. Overall, the results indicate that DNA barcoding is an effective molecular identification method for Ligustrum species. We propose the nuclear ribosomal ITS as a plant barcode for plant identification and trnH–psbA as a candidate barcode sequence.  相似文献   

蒟蒻薯属(Tacca)植物种间在形态上差别不大,导致分类上存在一定的困难。DNA条形码是一种利用短的DNA标准片段来鉴别和发现物种的方法。本研究利用核基因ITS片段和叶绿体基因trnH psbA, rbcL, matK片段对蒟蒻薯属6个种的DNA条形码进行研究,对4个DNA片段可用性,种内种间变异,barcode gap进行了分析,采用Tree based和BBA两种方法比较不同序列的鉴定能力。结果显示:单片段ITS正确鉴定率最高,片段组合rbcL+matK正确鉴定率最高。支持CBOL植物工作组推荐的条码组合rbcL+matK可作为蒟蒻薯属物种鉴定的标准条码,建议ITS片段作为候选条码。丝须蒟蒻薯Tacca integrifolia采自西藏的居群与马来西亚居群形成了2个不同的遗传分支,且两者在形态上也存在一定的差异,很可能是一个新种。  相似文献   

秋海棠属植物种类繁多,形态变异多样,导致种类的系统放置混乱,近缘种类鉴定困难。利用DNA条形码实现物种快速准确的鉴定技术具有不受形态特征约束的优势,为秋海棠属植物的分类鉴定提供了新的方法。本研究选择4个DNA条形码候选片段(rbcL,matK,trnH psbA,ITS)对中国秋海棠属26种136个个体进行了分析。结果显示:叶绿体基因rbcL,matK和trnH psbA种内和种间变异小,对秋海棠属植物的鉴别能力有限;ITS/ITS2种内和种间变异大,在本研究中物种正确鉴定率达到100%/96%,可考虑作为秋海棠属DNA条形码鉴定的候选片段。研究结果支持中国植物条形码研究组建议将核基因ITS/ITS2纳入种子植物DNA条形码核心片段中的观点。  相似文献   

蒟蒻薯属(薯蓣科)植物DNA条形码研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蒟蒻薯属(Tacca)植物种间在形态上差别不大,导致分类上存在一定的困难.DNA条形码是一种利用短的DNA标准片段来鉴别和发现物种的方法.本研究利用核基因ITS片段和叶绿体基因trn H-psbA,rbcL,matK片段对蒟蒻薯属6个种的DNA条形码进行研究,对4个DNA片段可用性,种内种间变异,barcode gap进行了分析,采用Tree-based和BBA两种方法比较不同序列的鉴定能力.结果显示:单片段ITS正确鉴定率最高,片段组合rbcL+matK正确鉴定率最高.支持CBOL植物工作组推荐的条码组合rbcL+matK可作为蒟蒻薯属物种鉴定的标准条码,建议ITS片段作为候选条码.丝须蒟蒻薯Tacca integrifolia采自西藏的居群与马来西亚居群形成了2个不同的遗传分支,且两者在形态上也存在一定的差异,很可能是一个新种.  相似文献   

Myrtaceae are one of the most species‐rich families of flowering plants in the Neotropics. They include several complex genera and species; Hexachlamys is one of the complex genera. It has not been recognized as a distinct genus and has been included in Eugenia, based on morphological grounds. Therefore, molecular systematic studies may be useful to understand and to help to solve these relationships. Here, we performed a molecular phylogenetic analysis using plastid and nuclear data in order to check the inclusion of Hexachlamys in Eugenia. Plastid (accD, rpoB, rpoC1, trnH‐psbA) and nuclear (ITS2) sequence data were analysed using Bayesian and maximum parsimony methods. The trees constructed using ITS2 and trnH‐psbA were the best able to resolve the relationships between species and genera, revealing the non‐monophyly of Hexachlamys. The molecular phylogenetic analyses were in agreement with previous morphological revisions that have included Hexachlamys in Eugenia. These results reinforce the importance of uniting knowledge and strategies to understand better issues of delimitation of genera and species in groups of plants with taxonomic problems. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 532–543.  相似文献   

核糖体转录间隔子2应用于鱼类种属的鉴别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁万安 《遗传》2010,32(4):369-374
为了防止珍稀鱼类的非法捕捞和销售, 鱼类种属的鉴别就成为非常关键的问题, 特别是形态学方法无法区分的样品(如鱼苗、鱼鳞、鱼卵、鱼肉及其加工产品等)。为了帮助珍稀鱼类资源的管理和保护, 文章报道了一种利用核糖体基因的转录间隔子2鉴别鱼类种属的分子遗传学方法: (1) 利用同一目鱼类5.8S rRNA和28S rRNA基因的保守性, 设计出扩增鲤形目鱼类这两个基因间转录间隔子2 DNA片段, 测序获得它们的碱基排列顺序; (2) 再根据不同鱼类转录间隔子2序列的差异, 设计出每种鱼的种属特异引物、种属鉴别标准物, 构建鱼类分子分类图谱, 利用PCR复合扩增技术鉴别鱼类种属。通过对国内不同地方采集的5种鲤形目鱼类的210个单一品种样本和40个混合样本的鉴别检验, 该方法能够准确、灵敏和快速鉴别这5种鱼, 可用于鱼类资源保护和评估、管理和开发, 特别是在渔业管理人员渔业执法、海关打击珍稀鱼类走私、防止商业欺诈和外来有害生物入侵等方面非常有用  相似文献   

黄精属(Polygonatum)的许多物种具有重要的药用价值,但目前缺乏能够准确、高效地鉴定黄精属药用植物的DNA条形码。本研究通过对ITS、trnK-matK、rbcL、psbA-trnH和psbK-psbI序列进行扩增和测序,并从ITS序列中提取ITS2序列,共获得黄精属7个药用物种23份样品的138条序列。进一步比较6个DNA条形码对黄精属药用植物的鉴定效率,并验证所筛选条形码的可靠性。结果显示:trnK-matK的种内和种间变异重合少且有较明显的条形码间隙,其他5个序列的种内和种间变异重合多且无条形码间隙;BLAST结果表明trnK-matK的鉴定效率最高(85.7%),系统发育树显示trnK-matK的鉴定能力最强,能将全部12个多花黄精样品聚在一支,并能区分黄精、滇黄精、玉竹、点花黄精和湖北黄精;AMOVA分析结果揭示trnK-matK的群体遗传分化指数(Fst)最高,适用于区分黄精属物种间差异。因此,trnK-matK最适用于黄精属药用植物的分子鉴定。  相似文献   

Isatis indigotica Fort. (Cruciferae) is a biennial medicinal plant. In order to protect the decreasing natural genetic resources of I. indigotica, three candidate DNA barcodes (ITS2, trnL-F and rbcL) were employed to establish an accurate and effective identification system for I. indigotica. The results demonstrated that all three candidate DNA barcodes have performed very well in I. indigotica. The interspecific genetic distances were obviously greater than the intraspecific distance among I. indigotica as indicated by ITS2, trnL-F and rbcL. Sequence alignment analysis of I. indigotica genotypes revealed that four SNPs (54, 108, 146 and 181 bp) located in ITS2, three (2, 30, 709 bp) in trnL-F and one (531 bp) in rbcL, respectively. UPGMA phylogenetic tree constructed from trnL-F and rbcL could allote I. indigotica to the correct corresponding genus, whereas rbcL could not distinguish I. indigotica from its adulterants. Meanwhile, UPGMA tree of ITS2 could accurately identify I. indigotica from its adulterants according to the corresponding species. Consequently, it can be concluded that ITS2 is a more suitable and accurate DNA barcode for identifying I. Indigotica and its adulterants than trnL-F and rbcL.  相似文献   

汤洪敏  虞泓  吴刚  崔光芬 《菌物学报》2008,27(2):230-236
以松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake子实体为外类群,对大白口蘑T.giganteum野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝进行ITS序列测序,通过DNAStar软件进行比较分析。结果表明大白口蘑ITS序列长度为589bp,松口蘑ITS序列长度为601bp,ITS1和ITS2呈现不同程度的种间多态性;ITS序列测定证实了大白口蘑野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝的同质性,并且ITS区序列在大白口蘑种内不同菌株间的变异程度很小,表明使用通用引物ITS4和ITS5,通过PCR扩增测序即可用于大白口蘑的种质鉴定。  相似文献   

以松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake子实体为外类群,对大白口蘑T. giganteum 野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝进行ITS序列测序,通过DNAStar软件进行比较分析。结果表明大白口蘑ITS序列长度为589bp,松口蘑ITS序列长度为601bp,ITS1和ITS2呈现不同程度的种间多态性;ITS序列测定证实了大白口蘑野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝的同质性,并且ITS区序列在大白口蘑种内不同菌株间的变异程度很小,表明使用通用引物ITS4和ITS5,通过PCR扩增测序即可用于大白口蘑的种质鉴定。  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a method of species identification and recognition using DNA sequence data. A tiered or multilocus method has been recommended for barcoding plant species. In this study, we sampled 196 individuals representing 9 genera and 54 species of Juglandaceae to investigate the utility of the four potential barcoding loci (rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)). Our results show that all four DNA regions are easy to amplify and sequence. In the four tested DNA regions, ITS has the most variable information, and rbcL has the least. At generic level, seven of nine genera can be efficiently identified by matK. At species level, ITS has higher interspecific p-distance than the trnH-psbA region. Difficult to align in the whole family, ITS showed heterogeneous variability among different genera. Except for the monotypic genera (Cyclocarya, Annamocarya, Platycarya), ITS appeared to have limited power for species identification within the Carya and Engelhardia complex, and have no power for Juglans or Pterocarya. Overall, our results confirmed that a multilocus tiered method for plant barcoding was applicable and practicable. With higher priority, matK is proposed as the first-tier DNA region for genus discrimination, and the second locus at species level should have enough stable variable characters.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is becoming an increasingly popular means to identify species. The obscure discrimination in the genus Pterygiella calls into question the re-assessment of the criterion for species delimitation. We collected 20 individuals, representing all five described species of this genus in its distributional range. The aim was to use three proposed barcode DNA regions (rbcL, matK, and ITS) to diagnose Pterygiella species, and examine which barcode is more suitable for discerning the congeneric and related species. The results showed that the core barcodes matK and rbcL were comparatively less effective. However, the ITS region, especially ITS-1 and ITS-2, successfully identified all species in the genus. Furthermore, the secondary structure of ITS-2 RNA, especially compensatory base changes, appears complementary to classical primary sequence analysis for DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a method of species identification and recognition using DNA sequence data. A tiered or multilocus method has been recommended for barcoding plant species. In this study, we sampled 196 individuals representing 9 genera and 54 species of Juglandaceae to investigate the utility of the four potential barcoding loci (rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)). Our results show that all four DNA regions are easy to amplify and sequence. In the four tested DNA regions, ITS has the most variable information, and rbcL has the least. At generic level, seven of nine genera can be efficiently identified by matK. At species level, ITS has higher interspecific p-distance than the trnH-psbA region. Difficult to align in the whole family, ITS showed heterogeneous variability among different genera. Except for the monotypic genera (Cyclocarya, Annamocarya, Platycarya), ITS appeared to have limited power for species identification within the Carya and Engelhardia complex, and have no power for Juglans or Pterocarya. Overall, our results confirmed that a multilocus tiered method for plant barcoding was applicable and practicable. With higher priority, matK is proposed as the first-tier DNA region for genus discrimination, and the second locus at species level should have enough stable variable characters.  相似文献   

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