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RNase MRP is a site-specific endonuclease that processes primer mitochondrial RNA from the leading-strand origin of mitochondrial DNA replication. Using deletional analysis and saturation mutagenesis, we have determined the substrate requirements for cleavage by mouse mitochondrial RNase MRP. Two regions of sequence homology among vertebrate mitochondrial RNA primers, conserved sequence blocks II and III, were found to be critical for both efficient and accurate cleavage; a third region of sequence homology, conserved sequence block I, was dispensable. Analysis of insertion and deletion mutations within conserved sequence block II demonstrated that the specificity of RNase MRP accommodates the natural sequence heterogeneity of conserved sequence block II in vivo. Heterologous assays with human RNase MRP and mutated mouse mitochondrial RNA substrates indicated that sequences essential for substrate recognition are conserved between mammalian species.  相似文献   

DNA-RNase H adducts were used for site specific cleavage of RNA and DNA-RNA duplexes, whereas nonspecific DNA interaction with ribonuclease A (RNase A) has been observed. The aim of this study was to examine the complexation of calf-thymus DNA with RNase A at physiological condition, using constant DNA concentration (12.5 mM) and various protein contents (1 microM to 270 microM). FTIR, UV-visible, and CD spectroscopic methods were used to analyse protein binding mode, the binding constant and the effects of nucleic acid-enzyme interaction on both DNA and protein conformations. Our structural analysis showed a strong RNase-PO2 binding and minor interaction with G-C bases with overall binding constant of K = 6.1 x 10(4) M(-1). The RNase-DNA interaction alters the protein secondary structure with a major reduction of the alpha-helix and increase of the beta-sheet and random structure, while DNA remains in the B-family structure.  相似文献   

Bacteria producing endonuclease colicins are protected against the cytotoxic activity by a small immunity protein that binds with high affinity and specificity to inactivate the endonuclease. This complex is released into the extracellular medium, and the immunity protein is jettisoned upon binding of the complex to susceptible cells. However, it is not known how and at what stage during infection the immunity protein release occurs. Here, we constructed a hybrid immunity protein composed of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fused to the colicin E2 immunity protein (Im2) to enhance its detection. The EGFP-Im2 protein binds the free colicin E2 with a 1:1 stoichiometry and specifically inhibits its DNase activity. The addition of this hybrid complex to susceptible cells reveals that the release of the hybrid immunity protein is a time-dependent process. This process is achieved 20 min after the addition of the complex to the cells. We showed that complex dissociation requires a functional translocon formed by the BtuB protein and one porin (either OmpF or OmpC) and a functional import machinery formed by the Tol proteins. Cell fractionation and protease susceptibility experiments indicate that the immunity protein does not cross the cell envelope during colicin import. These observations suggest that dissociation of the immunity protein occurs at the outer membrane surface and requires full translocation of the colicin E2 N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

The TonB protein transduces energy from the proton gradient across the cytoplasmic membrane of Gram-negative bacteria to TonB-dependent outer membrane receptors. It is a critically important protein in iron uptake, and deletion of this protein is known to decrease virulence of bacteria in animal models. This system has been used for Trojan horse antibiotic delivery. Here, we describe the high-resolution solution structure of Escherichia coli TonB residues 103-239 (TonB-CTD). TonB-CTD is monomeric with an unstructured N terminus (103-151) and a well structured C terminus (152-239). The structure contains a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet packed against two alpha-helices and an extended strand in a configuration homologous to the C-terminal domain of the TolA protein. Chemical shift perturbations to the TonB-CTD (1)H-(15)N HSCQ spectrum titrated with TonB box peptides modeled from the E.coli FhuA, FepA and BtuB proteins were all equivalent, indicating that all three peptides bind to the same region of TonB. Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements demonstrate that TonB-CTD interacts with the FhuA-derived peptide with a K(D)=36(+/-7) microM. On the basis of chemical shift data, the position of Gln160, and comparison to the TolA gp3 N1 complex crystal structure, we propose that the TonB box binds to TonB-CTD along the beta3-strand.  相似文献   

The construction of hybrids between colicins U and Y and the mutagenesis of the colicin Y gene (cya) have revealed amino acid residues important for interactions between colicin Y and its cognate immunity protein (Cyi). Four such residues (I578, T582, Y586 and V590) were found in helices 8 and 9 of the colicin Y pore-forming domain. To verify the importance of these residues, the corresponding amino acids in the colicin B protein were mutated to the residues present in colicin Y. An Escherichia coli strain with cloned colicin Y immunity gene (cyi) inactivated this mutant, but not the wild-type colicin B. In addition, interacting amino acid pairs in Cya and Cyi were identified using a set of Cyi point mutant strains. These data are consistent with antiparallel helix-helix interactions between Cyi helix T3 and Cya helix 8 of the pore-forming domain as a molecular mechanism of colicin Y inactivation by its immunity protein.  相似文献   

Activity domains of the TonB protein   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
Escherichia coli and related Gram-negative bacteria contain an energy-coupied transport system through the outer membrane which consists of the proteins TonB, ExbB, ExbD anchored in the cytoplasmic membrane and receptors in the outer membrane. Differences in the activities of the Escherichia coli and the Serratia marcescens TonB proteins were used to identify TonB functional domains. In E. coli TonB segments were replaced by equivalent fragments of S. marcescens TonB and the activities of the resulting chimaeric proteins were determined. In addition, E. coli TonB was truncated at the C-terminal end, and point mutants were generated using bisulphite. From the results obtained we draw the following conclusions: an important site of interaction between TonB and ExbB is located in the M-terminal region of TonB within or close to the cytoplasmic membrane since an N-terminal 44-residue fragment of TonB was stabilized by ExbB and interfered with wild-type TonB activity. In addition, the activity of a TonB derivative in which histidine residue 20 was replaced by arginine was strongly reduced, and a double mutant containing arginine-7 to histidine and alanine-22 to threonine substitutions displayed an impaired uptake of ferrichrome. Furthermore, the domain around residue 160 is involved in TonB activity. S. marcescens TonB segments of this region in E. coli TonB conferred S. marcescens TonB activities, and E. coli TonB pöint mutants displayed strongly impaired activities for the uptake of colicin B and M and ferric siderophores. Plasmid-encoded tonB mutants of this region showed negative complementation of chromosomal wild-type tonB, and certain tonB mutants suppressed colicin B TonB-box mutants. Uptake of colicins required different domains in TonB, for colicin B and M around residue 160 and for colicin la, a domain closer to the C-terminal end. Tandem duplication of the E. coli (EP)X(KP) region by insertion of the S. marcescens (EP)×(KP) region (38 residues) and replacement of lysine residue 91 by glutamate did not alter TonB activity so that no evidence was obtained for this region to be implicated in receptor binding. The aberrant electrophoretic mobility of TonB was caused by the praline-rich sequence since its removal resulted in a normal mobility.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Colicins are antibiotic-like proteins of Escherichia coli that kill related strains. Colicin E3 acts as an RNase that specifically cleaves 16S rRNA, thereby inactivating the ribosomes in the infected cell. The producing organism is protected against colicin E3 by a specific inhibitor, the immunity protein Im3, which forms a tight 1:1 complex with colicin E3 and renders it inactive. Crystallographic studies on colicin E3 and Im3 have been undertaken to unravel the structural basis for the ribonucleolytic activity and its inhibition. RESULTS: The crystal structure of Im3 has been determined to a resolution of 1.8 A. The structure consists of a four-standard antiparallel beta sheet flanked by three alpha helices on one side of the sheet. Thr7, Phe9, Phe16 and Phe74 form a hydrophobic cluster on the surface of the protein in the vicinity of Cys47. This cluster is part of a putative binding pocket which also includes nine polar residues. CONCLUSIONS: The putative binding pocket of Im3 is the probable site of interaction with colicin E3. The six acidic residues in the pocket may interact with some of the numerous basic residues of colicin E3. The involvement of hydrophobic moieties in the binding is consistent with the observation that the tight complex can only be dissociated by denaturation. The structure of Im3 resembles those of certain nucleic acid binding proteins, in particular domain II of topoisomerase I and RNA-binding proteins that contain the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) sequence motif. This observation suggests that Im3 has a nucleic acid binding function in addition to binding colicin E3.  相似文献   

Colicin D is known to kill target cells by cleaving tRNA(Arg). A colicin D-resistant mutant was selected that was altered in the inner membrane leader peptidase, LepB. The substituted residue (Asn274Lys) is located close to the catalytic site. The mutation abolishes colicin D cleavage but not the processing of exported proteins. LepB is required for colicin D cleavage, releasing a small C-terminal fragment that retains full tRNase activity. The immunity protein was found to prevent colicin D processing and furthermore masks tRNase activity, thus protecting colicin D against LepB-mediated cleavage during export. Catalytic colicins share a consensus sequence at their putative processing site. Mutations affecting normal processing of colicin D abolish cytotoxicity without affecting the in vitro tRNase activity.  相似文献   

Uptake of cobalamins by the transporter protein BtuB in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli requires the proton motive force and the transperiplasmic protein TonB. The Ton box sequence near the amino terminus of BtuB is conserved among all TonB-dependent transporters and is the only known site of mutations that confer a transport-defective phenotype which can be suppressed by certain substitutions at residue 160 in TonB. The crystallographic structures of the TonB-dependent transporter FhuA revealed that the region near the Ton box, which itself was not resolved, is exposed to the periplasmic space and undergoes an extensive shift in position upon binding of substrate. Site-directed disulfide bonding in intact cells has been used to show that the Ton box of BtuB and residues around position 160 of TonB approach each other in a highly oriented and specific manner to form BtuB-TonB heterodimers that are stimulated by the presence of transport substrate. Here, replacement of Ton box residues with proline or cysteine revealed that residue side chain recognition is not important for function, although replacement with proline at four of the seven Ton box positions impaired cobalamin transport. The defect in cobalamin utilization resulting from the L8P substitution was suppressed by cysteine substitutions in adjacent residues in BtuB or in TonB. This suppression did not restore active transport of cobalamins but may allow each transporter to function at most once. The uncoupled proline substitutions in BtuB markedly affected the pattern of disulfide bonding to TonB, both increasing the extent of cross-linking and shifting the pairs of residues that can be joined. Cross-linking of BtuB and TonB in the presence of the BtuB V10P substitution became independent of the presence of substrate, indicating an additional distortion of the exposure of the Ton box in the periplasmic space. TonB action thus requires a specific orientation for functional contact with the Ton box, and changes in the conformation of this region block transport by preventing substrate release and repeated transport cycles.  相似文献   

Energy-coupled reactions of the Escherichia coli outer membrane transport proteins BtuB and Cir require the tonB product. Some point mutations in a region of btuB and cir that is highly conserved in TonB-dependent transport proteins led to loss of TonB-coupled uptake of vitamin B12 and colicin Ia, whereas binding was unaffected. Most other point mutations in this region had no detectable effect on transport activity. Mutations in tonB that suppressed the transport defect phenotype of these btuB mutations were isolated. All carried changes of glutamine 165 to leucine, lysine, or proline. The various tonB mutations differed markedly in their suppression activities on different btuB or cir mutations. This allele specificity of suppression indicates that TonB interacts directly with the outer membrane transport proteins in a manner that recognizes the local conformation but not specific side chains within this conserved region. An effect of the context of the remainder of the protein was seen, since the same substitution (valine 10----glycine) in btuB and cir responded differently to the suppressors. This finding supports the proposal that TonB interacts with more of the transport proteins than the first conserved domain alone.  相似文献   

Colicin E3 is a protein that kills Escherichia coli cells by a process that involves binding to a surface receptor, entering the cell and inactivating its protein biosynthetic machinery. Colicin E3 kills cells by a catalytic mechanism of a specific ribonucleolytic cleavage in 16S rRNA at the ribosomal decoding A-site between A1493 and G1494 (E. coli numbering system). The breaking of this single phosphodiester bond results in a complete cessation of protein biosynthesis and cell death. The inactive E517Q mutant of the catalytic domain of colicin E3 binds to 30S ribosomal subunits of Thermus thermophilus, as demonstrated by an immunoblotting assay. A model structure of the complex of the ribosomal subunit 30S and colicin E3, obtained via docking, explains the role of the catalytic residues, suggests a catalytic mechanism and provides insight into the specificity of the reaction. Furthermore, the model structure suggests that the inhibitory action of bound immunity is due to charge repulsion of this acidic protein by the negatively charged rRNA backbone  相似文献   

Colicins are toxins secreted by Escherichia coli in order to kill their competitors. Colicin D is a 75 kDa protein that consists of a translocation domain, a receptor-binding domain and a cytotoxic domain, which specifically cleaves the anticodon loop of all four tRNA(Arg) isoacceptors, thereby inactivating protein synthesis and leading to cell death. Here we report the 2.0 A resolution crystal structure of the complex between the toxic domain and its immunity protein ImmD. Neither component shows structural homology to known RNases or their inhibitors. In contrast to other characterized colicin nuclease-Imm complexes, the colicin D active site pocket is completely blocked by ImmD, which, by bringing a negatively charged cluster in opposition to a positively charged cluster on the surface of colicin D, appears to mimic the tRNA substrate backbone. Site-directed mutations affecting either the catalytic domain or the ImmD protein have led to the identification of the residues vital for catalytic activity and for the tight colicin D/ImmD interaction that inhibits colicin D toxicity and tRNase catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Abstract The current model of TonB-dependent colicin transport through the outer membrane of Escherichia coli proposes initial binding to receptor proteins, vectorial release from the receptors and uptake into the periplasm from where the colicins, according to their action, insert into the cytoplasmic membrane or enter the cytoplasm. The uptake is energy-dependent and the TonB protein interacts with the receptors as well as with the colicins. In this paper we have studied the uptake of colicins B and Ia, both pore-forming colicins, into various tonB point mutants. Colicin Ia resistance of the tonB mutant (G186D, R204H) was consistent with a defective Cir receptor-TonB interaction while colicin Ia resistance of E. coli expressing TonB of Serratia marcescens , or TonB of E. coli carrying a C-terminal fragment of the S. marcescens TonB, seemed to be caused by an impaired colicin Ia-TonB interaction. In contrast, E. coli tonB (G174R, V178I) was sensitive to colicin Ia and resistant to colicin B unless TonB, ExbB and ExbD were overproduced which resulted in colicin B sensitivity. The differential effects of tonB mutations indicate differences in the interaction of TonB with receptors and colicins.  相似文献   

In vitro channel activity of the C-terminal colicin E1 channel polypeptide under conditions of variable electrostatic interaction with synthetic lipid membranes showed distinct maxima with respect to pH and membrane surface potential. The membrane binding energy was determined from fluorescence quenching of the intrinsic tryptophans of the channel polypeptide by liposomes containing N-trinitrophenyl-phosphatidylethanolamine. Maximum in vitro colicin channel activity correlated with an intermediate magnitude of the electrostatic interaction. For conditions associated with maximum activity (40% anionic lipid, I = 0.12 M, pH 4.0), the free energy of binding was delta G approximately -9 kcal/mol, with nonelectrostatic and electrostatic components, delta Gnel approximately -5 kcal/mol and delta Gel approximately -4 kcal/mol, and an effective binding charge of +7 at pH 4.0. Binding of the channel polypeptide to negative membranes at pH 8 is minimal, whereas initial binding at pH 4 followed by a shift to pH 8 causes only 3-10% reversal of binding, implying that it is kinetically trapped, probably by a hydrophobic interaction. It was inferred that membrane binding and insertion involves an initial electrostatic interaction responsible for concentration and binding to the membrane surface. This is followed by insertion into the bilayer driven by hydrophobic forces, which are countered in the case of excessive electrostatic binding.  相似文献   

TonB is a protein prevalent in a large number of Gram-negative bacteria that is believed to be responsible for the energy transduction component in the import of ferric iron complexes and vitamin B12 across the outer membrane. We have analyzed all the TonB proteins that are currently contained in the Entrez database and have identified nine different clusters based on its conserved 90-residue C-terminal domain amino acid sequence. The vast majority of the proteins contained a single predicted cytoplasmic transmembrane domain; however, nine of the TonB proteins encompass a ∼290 amino acid N-terminal extension homologous to the MecR1 protein, which is composed of three additional predicted transmembrane helices. The periplasmic linker region, which is located between the N-terminal domain and the C-terminal domain, is extremely variable both in length (22–283 amino acids) and in proline content, indicating that a Pro-rich domain is not a required feature for all TonB proteins. The secondary structure of the C-terminal domain is found to be well preserved across all families, with the most variable region being between the second α-helix and the third β-strand of the antiparallel β-sheet. The fourth β-strand found in the solution structure of the Escherichia coli TonB C-terminal domain is not a well conserved feature in TonB proteins in most of the clusters. Interestingly, several of the TonB proteins contained two C-terminal domains in series. This analysis provides a framework for future structure-function studies of TonB, and it draws attention to the unusual features of several TonB proteins. Byron C. H. Chu and R. Sean Peacock contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Intracellular degradation of vertebrate ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) is accelerated by polyamines, the products of the pathway controlled by ODC. Antizyme, a reversible, tightly binding protein inhibitor of ODC activity, is believed to be involved in this process. Mouse and Trypanosoma brucei ODCs are structurally similar, but the trypanosome enzyme, unlike that of the mouse, is not regulated by intracellular polyamines when expressed in hamster cells (L. Ghoda, D. Sidney, M. Macrae, and P. Coffino, Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:2178-2185, 1992). We found that mouse ODC interacts with antizyme in vitro but trypanosome ODC does not. To localize the region necessary for binding, we made a series of enzymatically active chimeric mouse-trypanosome ODCs and tested them for antizyme interaction. Replacing residues 117 to 140 within the 461-amino-acid mouse ODC sequence with the equivalent region of trypanosome ODC disrupted both antizyme binding and in vivo regulation. Formation of an antizyme-ODC complex is therefore required for regulated degradation.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to describe an in vivo assay of the interactions taking place in the Tol-Pal or TonB-ExbB-ExbD envelope complexes in the periplasm of Escherichia coli and between them and colicins or g3p protein of filamentous bacteriophages. Domains of colicins or periplasmic soluble domains of Tol or TonB proteins can be artificially addressed to the periplasm of bacteria by fusing them to a signal sequence from an exported protein. These domains interact specifically in the periplasm with the Tol or TonB complexes and disturb their function, which can be directly detected by the appearance of specific tol or tonB phenotypes. This technique can be used to detect new interactions, to characterize them biochemically and to map them or to induce tol or tonB phenotypes to study the functions of these two complexes.  相似文献   

The colicin E1 lysis protein, CelA, was identified as a 3-kDa protein in induced cells of Escherichia coli K-12 carrying pColE1 by pulse-chase labeling with either [35S]cysteine or [3H]lysine. This 3-kDa protein was acylated, as shown by [2-3H]glycerol labeling, and seemed to correspond to the mature CelA protein. The rate of modification and processing of CelA was different from that observed for Cal, the colicin A lysis protein. In contrast to Cal, no intermediate form was detected for CelA, no signal peptide accumulated, and no modified precursor form was observed after globomycin treatment. Thus, the rate of synthesis would not be specific to lysis proteins. Solubilization in sodium dodecyl sulfate of the mature forms of both CelA and Cal varied similarly at the time of colicin release, indicating a change in lysis protein structure. This particular property would play a role in the mechanism of colicin export. The accumulation of the signal peptide seems to be a factor determining the toxicity of the lysis proteins since CelA provoked less cell damage than Cal. Quasi-lysis and killing due to CelA were higher in degP mutants than in wild-type cells. They were minimal in pldA mutants.  相似文献   

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