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To study possible changes in the transport metabolites betweenchloroplasts and cytoplasm during CAM induction of Mesembryanthemumcrystallinum, we compared substrate specificity of P11 translocator(s)in isolated chloroplasts from the C3 and CAM-induced plants.The [14C]glu-cose 6-phosphate (G6P) transport activity was significantonly in the chloroplasts of CAM-mode plants and not detectablein those of C3-mode, while a similar high rate of [32P]Pi uptakewas observed with both types of chloroplasts. Kinetic analysisof G6P uptake in the CAM chloroplasts showed a high Vmax [10.6µmol (mg Chl)–1 h–1] and a comparatively lowKm value (0.41 mM); the latter was similar to Ki values of Pi,3-phosphoglycerate and phospho-enolpyruvate, 0.30, 0.34 and0.47 mM, respectively. On the other hand, [32P]Pi uptake inthe CAM chloroplasts was inhibited competitively by G6P witha Ki value (8.4 mM) 20-fold higher than the Km value for G6Puptake, while that in C3 chloroplasts was not inhibited at all.These results suggest that a new G6P/Pi, counterexchange mechanismis induced in the chloroplast envelope of CAM-induced M. crystallinumin addition to the ordinary type of P, translocator, that cannottransport G6P, already present in the C3-type chloroplasts. (Received March 17, 1997; Accepted May 10, 1997)  相似文献   

Chloroplasts from CAM-Mesembryanthemum crystallinum can transport phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) across the envelope. The initial velocities of PEP uptake in the dark at 4°C exhibited saturation kinetics with increasing external PEP concentration. PEP uptake had a Vmax of 6.46 (±0.05) micromoles per milligram chlorophyll per hour and an apparent Kmpep of 0.148 (±0.004) millimolar. The uptake was competitively inhibited by Pi (apparent Ki = 0.19 millimolar), by glycerate 3-phosphate (apparent Ki = 0.13 millimolar), and by dihydroxyacetone phosphate, but malate and pyruvate were without effect. The chloroplasts were able to synthesize PEP when presented with pyruvate. PEP synthesis was light dependent. The prolonged synthesis and export of PEP from the chloroplasts required the presence of Pi or glycerate 3-phosphate in the external medium. It is suggested that the transport of pyruvate and PEP across the chloroplasts envelope is required during the gluconeogenic conversion of carbon from malate to storage carbohydrate in the light.  相似文献   

Thomas JC  Bohnert HJ 《Plant physiology》1993,103(4):1299-1304
We selected indicators of four different metabolic processes (Crassulacean acid metabolism [CAM], amino acid and nitrogen mobilization metabolism, osmoprotection, and plant defense mechanisms) to study the relationship between salt-stress-mediated and plant growth regulator (PGR)-induced responses in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (ice plant). Nacl and PGRs (cytokinin and abscisic acid [ABA]) are efficient elicitors of the well-studied Nacl stress responses: induction of the CAM form of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, proline pinitol accumulation, and the increase of an osmotin-like protein. NaCl and cytokinin are more effective than ABA in stimulating accumulation of proline and an osmotin-like protein before the plants are committed to flowering. The results are consistent with a plant defense-induction model, in which environmental stress and PGRs are distinct signals whose subsequent effects lead to overlapping responses, the magnitude of which depends on plant developmental status.  相似文献   

In Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase is synthesized de novo in response to osmotic stress, as part of the switch from C3-photosynthesis to Crassulacean acid metabolism. To better understand the environmental signals involved in this pathway, we have investigated the effects of light on the induced expression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase mRNA and protein in response to stress by 400 millimolar NaCl or 10 micromolar abscisic acid in hydroponically grown plants. When plants were grown in high-intensity fluorescent or incandescent light (850 microeinsteins per square meter per second), NaCl and abscisic acid induced approximately an eightfold accumulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase mRNA when compared to untreated controls. Levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase protein were high in these abscisic acid- and NaCl-treated plants, and detectable in the unstressed control. Growth in high-intensity incandescent (red) light resulted in approximately twofold higher levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase mRNA in the untreated plants when compared to control plants grown in high-intensity fluorescent light. In low light (300 microeinsteins per square meter per second fluorescent), only NaCl induced mRNA levels significantly above the untreated controls. Low light grown abscisic acid- and NaCl-treated plants contained a small amount of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase protein, whereas the (untreated) control plants did not contain detectable amounts of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. Environmental stimuli, such as light and osmotic stress, exert a combined effect on gene expression in this facultative halophyte.  相似文献   

Facultative CAM plants such as Mesembryanthemum crystallinum(ice plant) possess C3 metabolism when unstressed but developCAM under water or salt stress. When ice plants shift from C3metabolism to CAM, their stomata remain closed during the dayand open at night. Recent studies have shown that the stomatalresponse of ice plants in the C3 mode depends solely on theguard cell response to blue light. Recent evidence for a possiblerole of the xanthophyll, zeaxanthin in blue light photoreceptionof guard cells led to the question of whether changes in theregulation of the xanthophyll cycle in guard cells parallelthe shift from diurnal to nocturnal stomatal opening associatedwith CAM induction. In the present study, light-dependent stomatalopening and the operation of the xanthophyll cycle were characterizedin guard cells isolated from ice plants shifting from C3 metabolismto CAM. Stomata in epidermis detached from leaves with C3 metabolismopened in response to white light and blue light, but they didnot open in response to red light. Guard cells from these leavesshowed light-dependent conversion of violaxan-thin to zeaxanthin.Induction of CAM by NaCI abolished both white light- and bluelight-stimulated stomatal opening and light-dependent zeaxanthinformation. When guard cells isolated from leaves with CAM weretreated with 100 mM ascorbate, pH 5.0 for 1 h in darkness, guardcell zeaxanthin content increased at rates equal to or higherthan those stimulated by light in guard cells from leaves inthe C3 mode. The ascorbate effect indicates that chloroplastsin guard cells from leaves with CAM retain their competenceto operate the xanthophyll cycle, but that zeaxanthin formationdoes not take place in the light. The data suggest that inhibitionof light-dependent zeaxanthin formation in guard cells mightbe one of the regulatory steps mediating the shift from diurnalto nocturnal stomatal opening typical of plants with CAM. (Received July 5, 1996; Accepted December 12, 1996)  相似文献   

For the first time, photoautotrophic cell suspension cultures of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum have been established. The cells are growing in a sugar-free culture medium in the presence of 2 % (v/v) CO2 as the sole carbon source. A 16 h light photoperiod is applied. Increase in fresh and dry weight during a 21 days growth cycle was more than 3-fold. Treatment of the cells with 200 mM NaCl from day 10 to day 21 of subculture stimulated cell culture growth, enhanced CO2 fixation and elicited an increase in the extractable activities of enzymes related to CO2 fixation (RubisCO; PEP carboxylase) and malic acid metabolism (NAD / NADP dependent malic enzyme and malic acid dehydrogenase). The cells performed osmotic adjustment to high salinity by uptake of K+, Na+, Cl? and formation of proline as well as by a reduction in cell size. Although sugar and starch content of the cells changed during light/dark transition, a CAM-related diurnal fluctuation of malic acid was not observed.  相似文献   

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum responds to salt stress by switching from C3 photosynthesis to Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). During this transition the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) increases in soluble protein extracts from leaf tissue. We monitored CAM induction in plants irrigated with 0.5 molar NaCl for 5 days during the fourth, fifth, and sixth week after germination. Our results indicate that the age of the plant influenced the response to salt stress. There was no increase in PEPCase protein or PEPCase enzyme activity when plants were irrigated with 0.5 molar NaCl during the fourth and fifth week after germination. However, PEPCase activity increased within 2 to 3 days when plants were salt stressed during the sixth week after germination. Immunoblot analysis with anti-PEPCase antibodies showed that PEPCase synthesis was induced in both expanded leaves and in newly developing axillary shoot tissue. The increase in PEPCase protein was paralleled by an increase in PEPCase mRNA as assayed by immunoprecipitation of PEPCase from the in vitro translation products of RNA from salt-stressed plants. These results demonstrate that salinity increased the level of PEPCase in leaf and shoot tissue via a stress-induced increase in the steady-state level of translatable mRNA for this enzyme.  相似文献   

The induction of Crassulacean acid metabolism in M:esembryanthemum crystallinum was investigated in response to foliar application of gibberellic acid (GA). After 5 weeks of treatment, GA-treated plants showed 1.7- to almost a 4-fold increase of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPcase) activity with a concomitant increase in acid metabolism when compared to control plants. Immunoblot analysis indicated an increase in the PEPcase protein similar to that of salt treatment while Rubisco did not show a similar rise. The results indicate that exogenously applied GA accelerates plant developmental expression of PEPcase and Crassulacean acid metabolism in M: crystallinum.  相似文献   

Chu C  Dai Z  Ku MS  Edwards GE 《Plant physiology》1990,93(3):1253-1260
The facultative halophyte, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, shifts its mode of carbon assimilation from the C3 pathway to Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in response to water stress. In this study, exogenously applied abscisic acid (ABA), at micromolar concentrations, could partially substitute for water stress in induction of CAM in this species. ABA at concentrations of 5 to 10 micromolar, when applied to leaves or to the roots in hydroponic culture or in soil, induced the expression of CAM within days (as indicated by the nocturnal accumulation of total titratable acidity and malate). After applying ABA there was also an increase in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and NADP-malic enzyme activities. The degree and time course of induction by ABA were comparable to those induced by salt and water stress. Electrophoretic analyses of leaf soluble protein indicate that the increases in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity during the induction by ABA, salt, and water stress are due to an increase in the quantity of the enzyme protein. ABA may be a factor in the stress-induced expression of CAM in M. crystallinum, serving as a functional link between stress and biochemical adaptation.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity (300 mM NaCl), putrescine (Put), and the combination of two agents on the structure of chloroplasts and storage deposits were studied in the third leaf pair of a facultative halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Within 6 days, the common ice plants responded to NaCl and Put treatments by diminished chloroplast volumes and swollen grana. Different effects of the experimental treatments were primarily manifested in the chloroplast storage inclusions. Under the salinity conditions, the starch content dropped down almost threefold as compared to untreated plants (control), whereas the number of plastoglobules did not change. Put and Put + NaCl treatments further decreased the starch content per unit section area; in contrast, the plastoglobule area per chloroplast section increased eightfold and tenfold in Put and Put + NaCl treatments, respectively. The morphology and electronic density of plastoglobules changed in all treatments. In both Put treatments there ware no destructive changes in the chloroplasts, and therefore the authors presume that the increase in the numbers plastoglobules was related to the redirection of cell metabolism towards the products of the higher reduction potential. The ferritin deposits in the chloroplasts were observed in all treatments they were more abundant in the vascular parenchyma cells, especially under salinity. The ability of the common ice plants to accumulate large Fe quantities in their chloroplasts and the characteristic pectin-filled pockets, which were observed earlier, and intercellular spaces are probably related to the genetically determined traits of plant adaptation to salinity and water deficit.  相似文献   

Bloom AJ 《Plant physiology》1979,63(4):749-753
In experiments with the facultative Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, only plants which received high levels of inorganic salts fixed substantial amounts of CO2 by the CAM pathway. Equivalent osmolarities of polyethylene glycol 6000 did not yield any CAM fixation. Plant water potential and turgor pressure had no detectable influence on the amount of CAM fixation. These observations rule out the possibility that the inorganic ions were acting as osmotic agents.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight C4 species including both mono- and dicotyledonswere surveyed for light-enhanced pyruvate uptake into mesophyllchloroplasts and tested whether this enhancement could be mimickedby either a "sodium jump" or a "proton jump" of the medium inthe dark. The majority of species responded to a sodium jump,while only species of the Andropogoneae and the Arundinelleaefrom the Gramineae responded to a proton jump. (Received April 17, 1992; Accepted June 18, 1992)  相似文献   

To study vacuolar chloride (Cl) transport in the halophilic plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L., Cl uptake into isolated tonoplast vesicles was measured using the Cl-sensitive fluorescent dye lucigenin (N,N′-dimethyl-9,9′-bisacridinium dinitrate). Lucigenin was used at excitation and emission wavelengths of 433 nm and 506 nm, respectively, and showed a high sensitivity towards Cl, with a Stern-Volmer constant of 173 m −1 in standard assay buffer. While lucigenin fluorescence was strongly quenched by all halides, it was only weakly quenched, if at all, by other anions. However, the fluorescence intensity and Cl-sensitivity of lucigenin was shown to be strongly affected by alkaline pH and was dependent on the conjugate base used as the buffering ion. Chloride transport into tonoplast vesicles of M. crystallinum loaded with 10 mm lucigenin showed saturation-type kinetics with an apparent K m of 17.2 mm and a V max of 4.8 mm min−1. Vacuolar Cl transport was not affected by sulfate, malate, or nitrate. In the presence of 250 μm p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate, a known anion-transport inhibitor, vacuolar Cl transport was actually significantly increased by 24%. To determine absolute fluxes of Cl using this method, the average surface to volume ratio of the tonoplast vesicles was measured by electron microscopy to be 1.13 × 107 m−1. After correcting for a 4.4-fold lower apparent Stern-Volmer constant for intravesicular lucigenin, a maximum rate of Cl transport of 31 nmol m−2 sec−1 was calculated, in good agreement with values obtained for the plant vacuolar membrane using other techniques. Received: 18 February 2000/Revised: 30 June 2000  相似文献   

The facultative halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum responds to osmotic stress by switching from C3 photosynthesis to Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). This shift to CAM involves the stress-initiated up-regulation of mRNAs encoding CAM enzymes. The capability of the plants to induce a key CAM enzyme, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, is influenced by plant age, and it has been suggested that adaptation to salinity in M. crystallinum may be modulated by a developmental program that controls molecular responses to stress. We have compared the effects of plant age on the expression of two salinity-induced genes: Gpdl, which encodes the photosynthesis-related enzyme glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and Imtl, which encodes a methyl transferase involved in the biosynthesis of a putative osmoprotectant, pinitol. Imtl mRNA accumulation and the accompanying increase in pinitol in stressed Mesembryanthemum exhibit a pattern of induction distinct from that observed for CAM-related genes. We conclude that the molecular mechanisms that trigger Imtl and pinitol accumulation in response to salt stress in M. crystallinum differ in some respects from those that lead to CAM induction. There may be multiple signals or pathways that regulate inducible components of salinity tolerance in this facultative halophyte.  相似文献   

Arguments are given for a ferredoxin-mediated reduction of TcO4, preponderantly into extractable Tc(V) complexes, by illuminated, broken chloroplasts. Photosynthetic O2- and NADP-reduction competitively inhibit Tc incorporation. As for O2, the reaction can be stimulated by the auto-oxidizable electron acceptor methyl viologen. Furthermore TcO4 can function as terminal acceptor in the diaphorase reaction, with NADPH as electron donor.  相似文献   

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