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The tripeptide glutathione (gamma-glutamylcysteinylglycine; GSH) is the predominant low molecular mass thiol in cells. The function of GSH is of considerable interest, with the molecule being implicated in numerous cellular processes in addition to being a major cellular antioxidant. The enzyme glutamate-cysteine ligase (GCL) is the rate-limiting step in GSH synthesis. The GCL assay described here is based on high-performance liquid chromatography and exploits the electrochemically active nature of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-GC), the product of GCL activity. This method allows for the direct detection of gamma-GC rather than relying on derivatization of the molecule or linked assays. The sensitivity of the assay is sufficient to allow for the measurement of GCL activity in cultured cells. The specific activity of GCL in rat primary culture astrocytes was 9.7 +/- 1.7 nmol gamma-GC synthesized/min/mg protein.  相似文献   

A simple, of less than 20 min duration, quasi-isocratic high-pressure liquid chromatographic system designed for effective analysis of phenylthiohydantoin-amino acids derived from Edman sequencing is described. A second 30-min quasi-isocratic system is presented which may be used when sequenced samples contain extraneous 254 nm-absorbing material. Conditions affecting chromatogram reproducibility are also examined.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of cholecystokinins in biological material, based on high-pressure liquid chromatography with direct electrochemical detection (HPLC-EC), is described. Using this method, the levels of cholecystokinin tetrapeptide and octapeptide sulfate in rat brain cortex, hippocampus, striatum, and brain stem were measured and found to be comparable to those reported using radioimmunoassay methods. We show that HPLC-EC is sensitive enough to accurately determine neuropeptides in brain tissue without prior derivatization and is therefore, due to its simplicity, an attractive alternative to existing methods.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of catecholamine sulfoconjugate isomers (CA-S) in urine was developed. The photo-induced fluorogenic reaction of CA-S with ethylenediamine reported previously was applied to the postcolumn labeling of HPLC for sensitive and selective detection. Special equipment for the reaction was made with a uv-irradiation lamp and a reaction coil of Teflon tubing inside a temperature-controlled reaction box. Lower determination limits of this system were 1 to 2 pmol. Urine samples pretreated with small ion-exchange resin columns were subjected to HPLC. Peaks corresponding to CA-S were identified quantitatively by two different separation methods. Thus, all six CA-S were first detected in the urine of normal individuals. The excretion rates of dopamine 3-sulfate, dopamine 4-sulfate, norepinephrine 3-sulfate, norepinephrine 4-sulfate, epinephrine 3-sulfate, and epinephrine 4-sulfate were 420 +/- 240, 98 +/- 55, 86 +/- 95, 15 +/- 14, 18 +/- 7, and 3 +/- 1 ng/min (+/- SD), respectively (n = 5).  相似文献   

We developed and validated a rapid, sensitive, and specific liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method for determination of global DNA methylation in tissue. DNA was extracted by phenol–chloroform, hydrolyzed using 88% formic acid at 140 °C, spiked with cytosine-2,4-13C15N2 as internal standard, evaporated under nitrogen, reconstituted in methanol, and analyzed by LC–MS/MS in multiple reaction monitoring mode to reflect the global DNA methylation of the tissue. The method was linear throughout the range of clinical interest and had good sensitivity, with a limit of quantification of 0.5 pg for both cytosine (Cyt) and 5-methylcytosine (5mCyt). The linear range of calibration curve was 1–50 and 1–100 ng/ml for 5mCyt and Cyt, respectively, with a correlation coefficient higher than 0.99. The relative standard deviation (RSD) was 0.70–4.09% and 0.60–4.81% for Cyt and 5mCyt, respectively. The intraday precision expressed as RSD ranged from 1.86% to 4.67%, whereas the interday values ranged from 3.72% to 4.68%. The recovery of the method varied from 86.52% to 105.14%. This yielded a simple and reliable LC–MS/MS assay for detection of Cyt and 5mCyt, thereby enabling the evaluation of global DNA methylation.  相似文献   

A major improvement in the purification of the oxygenase protein (component A) of the methane monooxygenase has been effected. By employing high-pressure gel permeation chromatography several purification steps may be omitted from the previously published scheme. Furthermore the yield of the protein is enhanced and more importantly the recovered protein displays an increased specific activity, unlike that purified by other techniques.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a lipophilic gaseous molecule synthesized by the enzymatic oxidation of L-arginine. During periods of inflammation, phagocytic cells generate copious quantities of NO and other reactive oxygen species. The combination of NO with other reactive oxygen species promotes nitration of ambient biomolecules, including protein tyrosine residues and membrane-localized gamma-tocopherol. The oxidative chemistry of NO and derived redox congeners is reviewed. Techniques are described for the determination of 3-nitro-tyrosine and 5-nitro-gamma-tocopherol in biological samples using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection.  相似文献   

Perchloric acid extracts of tissues were neutralized with tri-N-octylamine and, after removal of ClO4?, subjected to preliminary purification on a Cu2+-loaded column of Chelex 100. A high-pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) anion-exchange procedure was developed and gave good resolution of the naturally occurring free nucleotides on a single column. Where heterogeneous peaks eluted, an effective supplementary analysis was achieved by reverse-phase HPLC. An HPLC paired-ion technique was also evaluated for use in nucleotide analysis. Although anion-exchange was best for overall separation of nucleotides, both reverse-phase and paired-ion chromatography gave excellent separation of cyclic nucleotides. Reduced pyridine nucleotides were detected and measured in the form of their acid-decomposition products. The recovery of nucleotides was examined throughout the described analytical techniques and shown to be quantitative.  相似文献   

A method is described for measurement of the cyclooxygenase products, thromboxane,prostacyclin, and prostaglandins (PG), and several prostaglandin metabolites. The procedure involves separation of the compounds by high-pressure liquid chromatography combined with identification and estimation by serologic analysis. These combined procedures have been used to identify and estimate five such products, PGE2, PGE1 PGF2α, PGF, and 6-keto-PGF, in the culture fluids of dog kidney cells stimulated by a tumor-promoting phorbol diester. The prostaglandin metabolites, 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2, 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PF2, 13,14-dihydro-PGE2, and 13,14-dihydro-PGF, were not found in these culture fluids.  相似文献   

We describe a method for the determination of the two major urinary metabolites of vitamin K as the methyl esters of their aglycone structures, 2-methyl-3-(3'-3'-carboxymethylpropyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone (5C-aglycone) and 2-methyl-3-(5'-carboxy-3'-methyl-2'-pentenyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone (7C-aglycone), by HPLC with electrochemical detection (ECD) in the redox mode. Urinary salts were removed by reversed-phase (C18) solid-phase extraction (SPE), and the predominantly conjugated vitamin K metabolites were hydrolyzed with methanolic HCl. The resulting carboxylic acid aglycones were quantitatively methylated with diazomethane and fractionated by normal-phase (silica) SPE. Final analysis was by reversed-phase (C18) HPLC with a methanol-aqueous mobile phase. Metabolites were detected by amperometric, oxidative ECD of their quinol forms, which were generated by postcolumn coulometric reduction at an upstream electrode. The assay gave excellent linearity (typically, r2 > or = 0.999) and high sensitivity with an on-column detection limit of < 3.5 fmol (< 1 pg). The interassay precision was typically 10%. Metabolite recovery was compared with that of an internal standard [2-methyl-3-(7'-carboxy-heptyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone] added to urine samples just before analysis. Using this methodology, we confirmed that the 5C- and 7C-aglycones were major catabolites of both phylloquinone (vitamin K1) and menaquinones (vitamin K2) in humans. We propose that the measurement of urinary vitamin K metabolite excretion is a candidate noninvasive marker of total vitamin K status.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is a member of the family of low-molecular-weight heat shock proteins that serve a vital role in physiological and pathological protein turnover. It appears to be one of the proteins involved in cell alterations during aging, degenerative disorders, and age-related cognitive decline. It is not known exactly how ubiquitin alterations are related to aging disorders; however, it is possible that ubiquitin is one of the target proteins for free-radical attack. In vivo, the free radical superoxide reacts with nitric oxide to form peroxynitrite, a powerful oxidant. Peroxynitrite may react directly with proteins, lipids, and other molecules to cause damage, with ubiquitin being a possible target. In vitro reaction of peroxynitrite with ubiquitin produces two modified forms of the protein, one oxidized at methionine and the other nitrated at tyrosine, which were characterized by electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The exact location of the nitrated tyrosine residue was determined by in-source collision-induced dissociation using electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Summary Following the Fmoc-tBu synthesis of an intramolecularly quenched substrate with the sequence NH2-Abz-Gly-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-Tyr(3-NO2)-Asp-OH, in addition to the target peptide a side product accounted for more than 50% of the crude product as measured by the integrated peak area by RP-HPLC analysis.1H NMR and ESI-MS analysis confirmed the presence of two Abz residues in this side product. The enzymatic and chemical methods revealed the position of this modification to be the hydroxyl function of Tyr(3-NO2). The side reaction was entirely prevented upon treatment of the resin bound peptide with piperidine prior to final TFA cleavage.  相似文献   

Determination of cystamine by high-performance liquid chromatography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A highly sensitive and specific assay method for cystamine using high-performance liquid chromatography has been developed. The method is based on postcolumn derivatization of cystamine with o-phthaladehyde in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol and sodium hypochlorite. The separation of cystamine was achieved using a cation exchange column (ISC-05/S0504). The assay was linear over the concentration range of 2 to 200 pmol. For the application of this assay method to biological materials, the pretreatment with a cation exchange column (Dowex 50W X 8) was necessary to remove interfering o-phthaladehyde-reactive substances. Since cysteamine in biological materials was quantitatively converted to cystamine during these sampling procedures, this method was found to be suitable for assaying the cysteamine plus cystamine content in various organs and tissues. The cysteamine-cystamine content in various tissues of rat determined by the present assay method has been presented.  相似文献   

Following the Fmoc-tBu synthesis of an intramolecularly quenched substrate with the sequence NH2-Abz-Gly-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-Tyr(3-NO2)-Asp-OH, in addition to the target peptide a side product accounted for more than 50% of the crude product as measured by the integrated peak area by RP-HPLC analysis. 1H NMR and ESI-MS analysis confirmed the presence of two Abz residues in this side product. The enzymatic and chemical methods revealed the position of this modification to be the hydroxyl function of Tyr(3-NO2). The side reaction was entirely prevented upon treatment of the resin bound peptide with piperidine prior to final TFA cleavage.  相似文献   

杨娟 《工业微生物》2022,52(1):20-23
建立了以混合溶剂直接提取测定蜂蜜中甘油含量的方法.采用ZORBAX Carbohydrate a-nalysis(4.6 mm×250 mm 5-Micro)色谱柱,以乙腈/水(80:20,v/v)为流动相,示差检测器,使用乙腈/甲醇/水混合作为溶剂快速检测甘油.结果表明,应用此法的甘油浓度在10.0 mg/L~250...  相似文献   

The common methods to determine dissociation constants of solutes, e.g., uv spectrophotometry, potentiometry, and conductimetry, are accurate but require at least 1 nmol of compound. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) allows 1 pmol of a uv-absorbing compound to be detected. By adjusting the polarity of the mobile phase, reverse and normalphase properties of an ion-exchanger can be minimized, resulting in a high correlation between charge and retardation of the solute. Thus, the degree of ionization of several compounds was monitored in mobile-phase compositions of different pH values using cation exchange. The pK values of several pterin derivatives corresponded to those obtained by other methods. In addition, pK values of two unidentified pterin derivatives were determined, using only 20 pmol of each.  相似文献   

A potentiometric detector, based on electrodeposition of polypyrrole onto Pt electrode, was investigated in this study. The chromatographic performance of the PPy detector was investigated in ion chromatography. The resulting PPy detector exhibited good performance for AA determination with a wide linear range (1.0 × 10−6 to 1.0 × 10−2 M), a highly reproducible response (R.S.D. of 2.45%), without any interference and long-term stability. The calculated detection limit was 7.0 × 10−5 mM at 3σ. The calibration results showed good Nernstian behavior and also satisfactory low detection limit. In order to verify the reliability of the PPy detector, it was applied to the determination of AA in pharmaceutical samples. The results were satisfactory and agreed closely with the manufacturers’ stated contents. The PPy electrode can be used as an alternative novel potentiometric detector material for determination of AA in standards and pharmaceutical samples.  相似文献   

过柱纯化-高效液相色谱法测定玉米黄曲霉毒素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过硅镁净化柱纯化,利用高效液相色谱法测定了玉米(Zea mays)中的黄曲霉毒素,在短时间(10min)内实现了黄曲霉毒素主要组分B1、G1、B2和G2的分离,确定了它们的回归方程和检测限。并在此基础上,结合目前研究现状,分析了该方法在应用中存在的问题,讨论了B1、G1、B2和G24种主要组分的出峰顺序。该试验结果将有助于高效液相色谱法在检测黄曲霉毒素应用中的日臻完善。  相似文献   

Zhu X  Cai J  Yang J  Su Q 《Carbohydrate research》2005,340(10):1732-1738
A simple, rapid, selective, and specific high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed to quantitate glucosamine, and its application for estimating purity of chitin was investigated. The chromatographic separation was achieved using a reversed-phase C8 column, pre-column derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl chloride (Fmoc-Cl) and ultraviolet detection (lambda=254 nm). The mobile phase consisted of CH3CN and H2O. The optimum conditions of acid hydrolysis of chitin (concentration of HCl, temperature, and heating time) was obtained by performing the orthogonal array design (OAD) procedure and the released glucosamine was determined by the above HPLC method. The accuracy of the method was checked by the standard addition technique. The method was found to be specific with good linearity, accuracy, precision, and well suited for quantitation of glucosamine and determination of the purity of chitin in biological materials and food products.  相似文献   

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