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Portal proteins are components of large oligomeric dsDNA pumps connecting the icosahedral capsid of tailed bacteriophages to the tail. Prior to the tail attachment, dsDNA is actively pumped through a central cavity formed by the subunits. We have studied the portal protein of bacteriophage P22, which is the largest connector characterized among the tailed bacteriophages. The molecular weight of the monomer is 82.7 kDa, and it spontaneously assembles into an oligomeric structure of approximately 1.0 MDa. Here we present a preliminary biochemical and crystallographic characterization of this large macromolecular complex. The main difficulties related to the crystallization of P22 portal protein lay in the intrinsic dynamic nature of the portal oligomer. Recombinant connectors assembled from portal monomers expressed in Escherichia coli form rings of different stoichiometry in solution, which cannot be separated on the basis of their size. To overcome this intrinsic heterogeneity we devised a biochemical purification that separates different ring populations on the basis of their charge. Small ordered crystals were grown from drops containing a high concentration of the kosmotropic agent tert-butanol and used for data collection. A preliminary crystallographic analysis to 7.0-A resolution revealed that the P22 portal protein crystallized in space group I4 with unit cell dimensions a=b=409.4A, c=260.4A. This unit cell contains a total of eight connectors. Analysis of the noncrystallographic symmetry by the self-rotation function unambiguously confirmed that bacteriophage P22 portal protein is a dodecamer with a periodicity of 30 degrees. The cryo-EM reconstruction of the dodecahedral bacteriophage T3 portal protein will be used as a model to initiate phase extension and structure determination.  相似文献   

The temperate bacteriophages λ and P22 share similarities in their site-specific recombination reactions. Both require phage-encoded integrase (Int) proteins for integrative recombination and excisionase (Xis) proteins for excision. These proteins bind to core-type, arm-type, and Xis binding sites to facilitate the reaction. λ and P22 Xis proteins are both small proteins (λ Xis, 72 amino acids; P22 Xis, 116 amino acids) and have basic isoelectric points (for P22 Xis, 9.42; for λ Xis, 11.16). However, the P22 Xis and λ Xis primary sequences lack significant similarity at the amino acid level, and the linear organizations of the P22 phage attachment site DNA-binding sites have differences that could be important in quaternary intasome structure. We purified P22 Xis and studied the protein in vitro by means of electrophoretic mobility shift assays and footprinting, cross-linking, gel filtration stoichiometry, and DNA bending assays. We identified one protected site that is bent approximately 137 degrees when bound by P22 Xis. The protein binds cooperatively and at high protein concentrations protects secondary sites that may be important for function. Finally, we aligned the attP arms containing the major Xis binding sites from bacteriophages λ, P22, L5, HP1, and P2 and the conjugative transposon Tn916. The similarity in alignments among the sites suggests that Xis-containing bacteriophage arms may form similar structures.  相似文献   

Four amber fragments of the recombination-promoting P22 Erf protein were characterized. The intact Erf monomer contains 204 amino acids. The amber mutations produce fragments of 190, 149, 130 and 95 amino acid residues, all of which are inactive in vivo. The 190 residue fragment is more susceptible to proteolysis in cell extracts than is intact Erf. It breaks down to a stable remnant that is slightly larger than the 149 residue fragment. The 149 and 130 residue fragments are stable; electron microscopy of the purified fragments reveals that they have similar morphologies, retaining the ring-like oligomeric structure, but lacking the tooth-like protruding portions of intact Erf. Intact Erf and the 149 residue fragment have similar affinities for single-stranded DNA; the affinity of the 130 residue fragment is 40-fold lower in low salt at pH 6.0. The 95 residue fragment is unstable in vivo. These observations, combined with previous observations, are interpreted as suggesting that the boundary of the amino-terminal domain of the protein lies between residues 96 and 130, that certain residues between 131 and 149 form part of an interdomain DNA-binding segment of the protein, that the boundary of the carboxy-terminal domain lies to the C-terminal side of residue 149, and that the carboxy-terminal domain is not necessary for assembly of the ring oligomer, although it is essential for Erf activity in vivo.  相似文献   

In the morphogenesis of double stranded DNA phages, a precursor protein shell empty of DNA is first assembled and then filled with DNA. The assembly of the correctly dimensioned precursor shell (procapsid) of Salmonella bacteriophage P22 requires the interaction of some 420 coat protein subunits with approximately 200 scaffolding protein subunits to form a double shelled particle with the scaffolding protein on the inside. In the course of DNA packaging, all of the scaffolding protein subunits exit from the procapsid and participate in further rounds of procapsid assembly (King and Casjens. 1974. Nature (Lond.). 251:112-119). To study the mechanism of shell assembly we have purified the coat and scaffolding protein subunits by selective dissociation of isolated procapsids. Both proteins can be obtained as soluble subunits in Tris buffer at near neutral pH. The coat protein sedimented in sucrose gradients as a roughly spherical monomer, while the scaffolding protein sedimented as if it were an elongated monomer. When the two proteins were mixed together in 1.5 M guanidine hydrochloride and dialyzed back to buffer at room temperature, procapsids formed which were very similar in morphology, sedimentation behavior, and protein composition to procapsids formed in vivo. Incubation of either protein alone under the same conditions did not yield any large structures. We interpret these results to mean that the assembly of the shell involves a switching of both proteins from their nonaggregating to their aggregating forms through their mutual interaction. The results are discussed in terms of the general problem of self-regulated assembly and the control of protein polymerization in morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage P22 virion is assembled from identical coat protein monomers in a complex reaction that is generally conserved among tailed, double-stranded DNA bacteriophages and viruses. Many coat proteins of dsDNA viruses have structures based on the HK97 fold, but in some viruses and phages there are additional domains. In the P22 coat protein, a “telokin-like” domain was recently identified, whose structure has not yet been characterized at high-resolution. Two recently published low-resolution cryo-EM reconstructions suggest markedly different folds for the telokin-like domain that lead to alternative conclusions about its function in capsid assembly and stability. Here we report 1H, 15N, and 13C NMR resonance assignments for the telokin-like domain. The secondary structure predicted from the chemical shift values obtained in this work shows significant discrepancies from both cryo-EM models but agrees better with one of the models. In particular, the functionally important “D-loop” in one model shows chemical shifts and solvent exchange protection more consistent with β-sheet structure. Our work will set the basis for a high-resolution NMR structure determination of the telokin-like domain that will help improve the cryo-EM models, and in turn lead to a better understanding of how coat protein monomers assemble into the icosahedral capsids required for virulence.  相似文献   

The structure and activities of the recombination-promoting P22 Erf protein were examined in vitro. Treatment of the protein with elastase produces a stable aminoterminal fragment, consisting of amino acid residues 1 to (approximately) 136. We have purified this fragment, designated fragment B, to apparent homogeneity by gel filtration chromatography. Fragment B retains the oligomeric structure and single-stranded DNA binding specificity of intact Erf. It differs, however, in lacking the ability of intact Erf to bind single-stranded DNA into large aggregates following mild heat treatment of the protein. In addition, its binding to DNA may be weaker than that of intact Erf. Intact Erf sediments through a sucrose gradient as a discrete species with an apparent s20,w of approximately 11.7 S. Its sedimentation behavior is affected little, if at all, by concentration. Fragment B also sediments as a discrete species at approximately 10.4 S. In the electron microscope, intact Erf appears as rings, with 10 to 14 small projecting structures resembling the teeth of a gear. Fragment B is similar, except that it appears to lack the peripheral structures. From these observations, we conclude that Erf consists of at least two structurally and functionally distinct domains, and that it has a discrete ring-like oligomeric structure.  相似文献   

Many prokaryotic and eukaryotic double-stranded DNA viruses use a scaffolding protein to assemble their capsid. Assembly of the double-stranded DNA bacteriophage P22 procapsids requires the interaction of 415 molecules of coat protein and 60-300 molecules of scaffolding protein. Although the 303-amino-acid scaffolding protein is essential for proper assembly of procapsids, little is known about its structure beyond an NMR structure of the extreme C-terminus, which is known to interact with coat protein. Deletion mutagenesis indicates that other regions of scaffolding protein are involved in interactions with coat protein and other capsid proteins. Single-cysteine and double-cysteine variants of scaffolding protein were generated for use in fluorescence resonance energy transfer and cross-linking experiments designed to probe the conformation of scaffolding protein in solution and within procapsids. We showed that the N-terminus and the C-terminus are proximate in solution, and that the middle of the protein is near the N-terminus but not accessible to the C-terminus. In procapsids, the N-terminus was no longer accessible to the C-terminus, indicating that there is a conformational change in scaffolding protein upon assembly. In addition, our data are consistent with a model where scaffolding protein dimers are positioned parallel with one another with the associated C-termini.  相似文献   

The Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophage P22 assembles an icosahedral capsid precursor called a procapsid. The oligomeric portal protein ring, located at one vertex, comprises the conduit for DNA entry and exit. In conjunction with the DNA packaging enzymes, the portal ring is an integral component of a nanoscale machine that pumps DNA into the phage head. Although the portal vertex is assembled with high fidelity, the mechanism by which a single portal complex is incorporated during procapsid assembly remains unknown. The assembly of bacteriophage P22 portal rings has been characterized in vitro using a recombinant, His-tagged protein. Although the portal protein remained primarily unassembled within the cell, once purified, the highly soluble monomer assembled into rings at room temperature at high concentrations with a half time of approximately 1 h. Circular dichroic analysis of the monomers and rings indicated that the protein gained alpha-helicity upon polymerization. Thermal denaturation studies suggested that the rings contained an ordered domain that was not present in the unassembled monomer. A combination of 4,4'-dianilino-1,1'-binapthyl-5,5'-disulfonic acid (bis-ANS) binding fluorescence studies and limited proteolysis revealed that the N-terminal portion of the unassembled subunit is meta-stable and is susceptible to structural perturbation by bis-ANS. In conjunction with previously obtained data on the behavior of the P22 portal protein, we propose an assembly model for P22 portal rings that involves a meta-stable monomeric subunit.  相似文献   

The product of phage P22 gene c1 has two functions: it promotes synthesis of P22 repressor and it retards expression of some lytic genes. We present evidence that this product is inactivated in UV-irradiated hosts. The conditions for inactivation of c1 product include a functional DNA recombination system involving the host recA gene.  相似文献   

S Casjens  M B Adams  C Hall    J King 《Journal of virology》1985,53(1):174-179
In the assembly of bacteriophage P22, precursor particles containing two major proteins, the gene 5 coat protein and the gene 8 scaffolding protein, package the DNA molecule. During the encapsidation reaction all of the scaffolding protein molecules are released intact and subsequently participate in further rounds of DNA encapsidation. We have previously shown that even though it lies in the center of the late region of the genetic map, the scaffolding protein gene is not always expressed coordinately with the remainder of the late proteins and that some feature of the phage assembly process affects its expression. We present here in vivo experiments which show that there is an inverse correlation between the amount of unassembled scaffolding protein and the rate of scaffolding protein synthesis and that long amber fragments of the scaffolding protein can turn down the synthesis of intact scaffolding protein in trans. These results support a model for scaffolding protein regulation in which the feature of the assembly process which modulates the rate of scaffolding protein synthesis is the amount of unassembled scaffolding protein itself.  相似文献   

Salmonella bacteriophage P22 grows in two deoxyribonucleic acid initiation mutants of Escherichia coli under nonpermissive conditions, dnaA and dnaC. Functional products of genes dnaE, dnaZ, lig, dnaK, and dnaG are indispensable for deoxyribonucleic acid replication of P22. In 11 E. coli dnaB mutants belonging to all phenotypic groups, phage were produced at 42 degrees C.  相似文献   

J Lanman  R Tuma  P E Prevelige 《Biochemistry》1999,38(44):14614-14623
The bacteriophage P22 serves as a model for assembly of icosahedral dsDNA viruses. The P22 procapsid, which constitutes the precursor for DNA packaging, is built from 420 copies of a single coat protein with the aid of stoichiometric amounts of scaffolding protein. Upon DNA entry, the procapsid shell expands and matures into a stable virion. It was proposed that expansion is mediated by hinge bending and domain movement. We have used limited proteolysis to map the dynamic stability of the coat protein domain structures. The coat protein monomer is susceptible to proteolytic digestion, but limited proteolysis by small quantities of elastase or chymotrypsin yielded two metastable fragments (domains). The N-terminal domain (residues 1-180) is linked to the C-terminal domain (residues 205-429) by a protease-susceptible loop (residues 180-205). The two domains remain associated after the loop cleavage. Although only a small change of secondary structure results from the loop cleavage, both tertiary interdomain contacts and subunit thermostability are diminished. The intact loop is also required for assembly of the monomeric coat protein into procapsids. Upon assembly, coat protein becomes largely protease-resistant, baring cleavage within the loop region of about half of the subunits. Loop cleavage decreases the stability of the procapsids and facilitates heat-induced shell expansion. Upon expansion, the loop becomes protease-resistant. Our data suggest the loop region becomes more ordered during assembly and maturation and thereby plays an important role in both of these stages.  相似文献   

Molecular genetics of bacteriophage P22.   总被引:71,自引:5,他引:66       下载免费PDF全文

Analysis in vivo of the bacteriophage P22 headful nuclease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bacteriophage P22 packages its double-stranded DNA chromosomes from concatemeric replicating DNA in a processive, sequential fashion. According to this model, during the initial packaging event in such a series the packaging apparatus recognizes a nucleotide sequence, called pac, on the DNA, and then condenses DNA within the coat protein shell unidirectionally (rightward) from that point. DNA ends are generated near the pac site before or during the condensation reaction. The right end of the mature chromosome is created by a cut made in the DNA by the "headful nuclease" after a complete chromosome is condensed within the phage head. Subsequent packaging events on that concatemeric DNA begin at the end generated by the headful cut of the previous event and proceed in the same direction as the previous event. We report here accurate measurements of the P22 chromosome length (43,400( +/- 750) base-pairs, where the uncertainty is the range in observed lengths), genome length (41,830( +/- 315) base-pairs, where the uncertainty represents the accuracy with which the length is known), the terminal redundancy (1600( +/- 750) base-pairs or 3.8( +/- 1.8)%, where the uncertainty is the observed range) and the imprecision in the headful measuring device ( +/- 750 base-pairs or +/- 1.7%). In addition, we present evidence for a weak nucleotide sequence specificity in the headful nuclease. These findings lend further support to, and extend our understanding of, the sequential series model of P22 DNA packaging.  相似文献   

Sequence of the genome of Salmonella bacteriophage P22   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The sequence of the nonredundant region of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium temperate, serotype-converting bacteriophage P22 has been completed. The genome is 41,724 bp with an overall moles percent GC content of 47.1%. Numerous examples of potential integration host factor and C1-binding sites were identified in the sequence. In addition, five potential rho-independent terminators were discovered. Sixty-five genes were identified and annotated. While many of these had been described previously, we have added several new ones, including the genes involved in serotype conversion and late control. Two of the serotype conversion gene products show considerable sequence relatedness to GtrA and -B from Shigella phages SfII, SfV, and SfX. We have cloned the serotype-converting cassette (gtrABC) and demonstrated that it results in Salmonella serovar Typhimurium LT2 cells which express antigen O1. Many of the putative proteins show sequence relatedness to proteins from a great variety of other phages, supporting the hypothesis that this phage has evolved through the recombinational exchange of genetic information with other viruses.  相似文献   

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