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The contraction of smooth muscle is regulated primarily by intracellular Ca2+ signal. It is well established that the elevation of the cytosolic Ca2+ level activates myosin light chain kinase, which phosphorylates 20 kDa regulatory myosin light chain and activates myosin ATPase. The simultaneous measurement of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration and force development revealed that the alteration of the Ca2+-sensitivity of the contractile apparatus as well as the Ca2+ signal plays a critical role in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction. The fluctuation of an extent of myosin phosphorylation for a given change in Ca2+ concentration is considered to contribute to the major mechanisms regulating the Ca2+-sensitivity. The level of myosin phosphorylation is determined by the balance between phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. The phosphorylation level for a given Ca2+ elevation is increased either by Ca2+-independent activation of phosphorylation process or inhibition of dephosphorylation. In the last decade, the isolation and cloning of myosin phosphatase facilitated the understanding of regulatory mechanism of dephosphorylation process at the molecular level. The inhibition of myosin phosphatase can be achieved by (1) alteration of hetrotrimeric structure, (2) phosphorylation of 110 kDa regulatory subunit MYPT1 at the specific site and (3) inhibitory protein CPI-17 upon its phosphorylation. Rho-kinase was first identified to phosphorylate MYPT1, and later many kinases were found to phosphorylate MYPT1 and inhibit dephosphorylation of myosin. Similarly, the phosphorylation of CPI-17 can be catalysed by multiple kinases. Moreover, the myosin light chain can be phosphorylated by not only authentic myosin light chain kinase in a Ca2+-dependent manner but also by multiple kinases in a Ca2+-independent manner, thus adding a novel mechanism to the regulation of the Ca2+-sensitivity by regulating the phosphorylation process. It is now clarified that the protein kinase network is involved in the regulation of myosin phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. However, the physiological role of each component remains to be determined. One approach to accomplish this purpose is to investigate the effects of the dominant negative mutants of the signalling molecule on the smooth muscle contraction. In this regards, a protein transduction technique utilizing the cell-penetrating peptides would provide a useful tool. In the preliminary study, we succeeded in introducing a fragment of MYPT1 into the arterial strips, and found enhancement of contraction.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle myosin was purified from turkey gizzards with the 20,000-dalton light chains in the unphosphorylated state. The actin-activated MgATPase activity was 4 nmol/min/mg at 25 degrees C. When the myosin was phosphorylated to 2 mol of Pi/mol of myosin using purified myosin light chain kinase, calmodulin, and ATP, the actin-activated MgATPase activity rose to 51 nmol/min/mg. Complete dephosphorylation of the same myosin by a purified phosphatase lowered the activity to 5 nmol/min/mg, and complete rephosphorylation of the myosin following inhibition of the phosphatase raised it again to 46 nmol/min/mg. Human platelet myosin could be substituted for turkey gizzard myosin, with similar results. A chymotryptic fragment of smooth muscle myosin which retains the phosphorylated site on the 20,000-dalton light chain of myosin was prepared. Using the same scheme for reversible phosphorylation, this smooth muscle heavy meromyosin was found to show the same positive correlation between phosphorylation of the myosin light chain and the actin-activated MgATPase activity. The results with smooth muscle heavy meromyosin show that the effect of phosphorylation on the actin-activated MgATPase activity can be separated from the effects of phosphorylation on myosin filament assembly.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) is known to bind to thin filaments and myosin filaments. Telokin, an independently expressed protein with an identical amino acid sequence to that of the C-terminal domain of MLCK, has been shown to bind to unphosphorylated smooth muscle myosin. Thus, the functional significance of the C-terminal domain and the molecular morphology of MLCK were examined in detail. The C-terminal domain was removed from MLCK by alpha-chymotryptic digestion, and the activity of the digested MLCK was measured using myosin or the isolated 20-kDa light chain (LC20) as a substrate. The results showed that the digestion increased K(m) for myosin 3-fold whereas it did not change the value for LC20. In addition, telokin inhibited the phosphorylation of myosin by MLCK by increasing K(m) but only slightly increased K(m) for LC20. Electron microscopy indicated that MLCK was an elongated molecule but was flexible so as to form folded conformations. MLCK was crosslinked to unphosphorylated heavy meromyosin with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide in the absence of Ca(2+)/calmodulin (CaM), and electron microscopic observation of the products revealed that the MLCK molecule bound to the head-tail junction of heavy meromyosin. These results suggest that MLCK binds to the head-tail junction of unphosphorylated myosin through its C-terminal domain, where LC20 can be promptly phosphorylated through its catalytic domain following the Ca(2+)/CaM-dependent activation.  相似文献   

T J Eddinger  R A Murphy 《Biochemistry》1988,27(10):3807-3811
Smooth muscle myosin heavy chains [SM1, approximately 205 kilodaltons (kDa), and SM2, approximately 200 kDa] were separated on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels. Peptide maps of the two heavy chains showed unique patterns. Limited proteolytic cleavage of purified swine stomach myosin was performed by using a variety of proteases to produce the major myosin fragments which were resolved on SDS gels. A single band was obtained for heavy meromyosin in the soluble fraction following chymotrypsin digestion. However, a variable number of bands were observed for light meromyosin fragments in the insoluble fraction after chymotrypsin digestion. Peptide mapping indicated that the two bands observed after short digestion times with chymotrypsin had relative mobility and solubility properties consistent with approximately 100- and 95-kDa light meromyosin (LMM) fragments. These results indicate that the region of difference between SM1 and SM2 lies in the LMM fragment.  相似文献   

The smooth muscle isoform of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) is a Ca2+-calmodulin-activated kinase that is found in many tissues. It is particularly important for regulating smooth muscle contraction by phosphorylation of myosin. This review summarizes selected aspects of recent biochemical work on MLCK that pertains to its function in smooth muscle. In general, the focus of the review is on new findings, unresolved issues, and areas with the potential for high physiological significance that need further study. The review includes a concise summary of the structure, substrates, and enzyme activity, followed by a discussion of the factors that may limit the effective activity of MLCK in the muscle. The interactions of each of the many domains of MLCK with the proteins of the contractile apparatus, and the multi-domain interactions of MLCK that may control its behaviors in the cell are summarized. Finally, new in vitro approaches to studying the mechanism of phosphorylation of myosin are introduced.  相似文献   

R A Cross  A Sobieszek 《FEBS letters》1985,188(2):367-374
Conventional smooth muscle myosin preparations contain a tightly bound myosin light chain kinase activity, which is incompletely removed by gel filtration at high ionic strength. We show here that by contrast, this kinase activity is released, together with calmodulin, under conditions in which myosin is in the folded configuration. The conformation-related release of kinase occurred for dephosphorylated myosin in both the presence and absence of ATP and Ca2+. Binding of kinase to extended phosphorylated myosin was relatively weaker than to dephosphorylated myosin, but was nonetheless detected. The kinetic consequences of this binding behaviour were determined by measuring initial myosin phosphorylation rates as a function of KCl concentration. Rate optima occurred at 60 mM KCl and 300 mM KCl, conditions favouring respectively stable filaments and stable extended monomers. Phosphorylation of the folded monomer was uniformly slow at low KCl concentrations. The folded myosin monomer is thus a relatively poor substrate for the kinase, and is therefore unlikely to represent an analog of the relaxed crossbridge configuration in myosin filaments.  相似文献   

Competition experiments using 9-anthroylcholine, a fluorescent dye that undergoes calmodulin-dependent binding by smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase [Malencik, D. A., Anderson, S. R., Bohnert, J. L., & Shalitin, Y. S. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 4031], demonstrate a strongly stabilizing interaction between the adenosine 5'-triphosphate and myosin light chain binding sites operating within the enzyme-calmodulin complex but probably not in the free enzyme. The interactions in the latter case may be even slightly destabilizing. The fluorescence enhancement in solutions containing 5.0 microM each of the enzyme and calmodulin is directly proportional to the maximum possible concentration of bound calcium on the basis of four calcium binding sites. Evidently, all four calcium binding sites of calmodulin contribute about equally to the enhanced binding of 9-anthroylcholine by the enzyme. Fluorescence titrations on solutions containing 1.0 microM enzyme plus calmodulin yield a Hill coefficient of 1.2 and K = 0.35 +/- 0.08 microM calcium. Three proteolytic fragments of smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase, apparent products of endogenous proteolysis, were isolated and characterized. All three possess calmodulin-dependent catalytic activity. Their interactions with 9-anthroylcholine, in both the presence and absence of calmodulin, are similar to those of the native enzyme. However, the stabilities of their complexes with calmodulin vary. The corresponding dissociation constants range from 2.8 nM for the native enzyme and 8.5 nM for the 96K fragment to approximately 15 nM for the 68K and 90K fragments [0.20 N KCl, 50 mM 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid, and 1 mM CaCl2, pH 7.3, 25 degrees C]. A coupled fluorometric assay, modified from a spectrophotometric assay for adenosine cyclic 3',5'-phosphate dependent protein kinase [Cook, P. F., Neville, M. E., Vrana, K. E., Hartl, F. T., & Roskoski, R. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 5794], has provided the first continuous recordings of myosin light chain kinase phosphotransferase activity. The results show that smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase is a responsive enzyme, whose activity adjusts rapidly to changes in solution conditions.  相似文献   

To examine the functional role of the essential light chain (ELC) in the phosphorylation-dependent regulation of smooth muscle myosin, we replace the native light chain in smooth muscle myosin with bacterially expressed chimeric ELCs in which one or two of the four helix-loop-helix domains of chicken gizzard ELC were substituted by the corresponding domains of scallop (Aquipecten irradians) ELC. All of these myosins, regardless of the ELC mutations or regulatory light chain (RLC) phosphorylation, showed normal subunit constitutions and NH(4)(+)/EDTA-ATPase activities, both of which were similar to those of native myosin. None of the ELC mutations changed the actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin in the absence of RLC phosphorylation. However, in the presence of RLC phosphorylation, the substitution of domain 1 or 2 in the ELC significantly decreased the actin-activated ATPase activity, whereas the substitution of both of these domains did not change the activity. In contrast to myosin, the domain 2 substitution in the ELC did not affect the actin-activated ATPase activity of single-headed myosin subfragment 1. These results suggest an interhead interaction between domains 1 and 2 of ELCs which is required to attain the full actin-activated ATPase activity of smooth muscle myosin in the presence of RLC phosphorylation.  相似文献   

M P Walsh 《Biochemistry》1985,24(14):3724-3730
Myosin light chain kinase plays a central role in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction. The activity of this enzyme is controlled by protein-protein interaction (the Ca2+-dependent binding of calmodulin) and by phosphorylation catalyzed by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The effects of these two regulatory mechanisms on the conformation of myosin light chain kinase and the locations of the phosphorylation sites, the calmodulin-binding site, and the active site have been probed by limited proteolysis. Phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated myosin light chain kinases were subjected to limited digestion by four proteases having different peptide bond specificities (trypsin, chymotrypsin, Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, and thrombin), both in the presence and in the absence of bound calmodulin. The digests were compared in terms of gel electrophoretic pattern, distribution of phosphorylation sites, and Ca2+ dependence of kinase activity. A 24 500-dalton chymotryptic peptide containing both sites of phosphorylation was purified and tentatively identified as the amino-terminal peptide. The following conclusions can be drawn: neither phosphorylation nor calmodulin binding induces dramatic changes in the conformation of the kinase; the kinase contains two regions that are particularly susceptible to proteolytic cleavage, one located approximately 25 000 daltons from the amino terminus and the other near the center of the molecule; the two phosphorylation sites are located within 24 500 (probably 17 500) daltons of the amino terminus; the active site is located close to the center of the molecule; the calmodulin-binding site is located in the amino-terminal half of the molecule, between the sites of phosphorylation and the active site, and this region is very susceptible to cleavage by trypsin.  相似文献   

We have determined the sequence of the sites phosphorylated by protein kinase C in the turkey gizzard smooth muscle myosin light chain. In contrast to previous work (Nishikawa, M., Hidaka, H., and Adelstein, R. S. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 14069-14072), two-dimensional tryptic peptide maps of both heavy meromyosin and the isolated myosin light chain showed two major phosphopeptides, one containing phosphoserine and the other phosphothreonine. We have purified the succinylated tryptic phosphopeptides using reverse phase and DEAE high pressure liquid chromatography. The serine-containing peptide, residues 1-4 (Ac-SSKR), is the NH2-terminal peptide. The phosphorylated serine residue may be either serine 1 or serine 2. The threonine-containing peptide, residues 5-16, yielded the sequence AKAKTTKKRPQR. Analysis of the yields and radioactivity of the products from automated Edman degradation showed that threonine 9 is the phosphorylation site.  相似文献   

The effect of low serum estrogen levels on urinary bladder function remains poorly understood. Using a rabbit model, we analyzed the effects of estrogen on the expression of the isoforms of myosin, the molecular motor for muscle contraction, in detrusor smooth muscle. Expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, which differ in the COOH-terminal (SM1 and SM2) and the NH(2)-terminal (SM-A and SM-B) regions as a result of alternative splicing of the mRNA at either the 3'- or 5'-ends, was analyzed in age-matched female rabbits that were sham operated, ovariectomized (Ovx), and given estrogen after ovariectomy (4 rabbits/group). Ovx rabbits showed a significant decrease in the overall MHC content per gram of wet detrusor smooth muscle compared with controls (P < 0.04), which was reversed by estrogen replacement (P < 0.02). MHC content, as a proportion of total milligram of protein in the bladder tissue extracted, was also increased in estrogen-treated Ovx rabbits. Quantitative competitive RT-PCR revealed 1.72-, 2.63-, and 5.82 x 10(6) copies of MHC mRNA/100 ng total mRNA in Ovx, control, and estrogen-treated rabbits, respectively (P < 0.01). RT-PCR analysis using oligonucleotides specific for the region containing the SM1/SM2 MHC alternative splice sites indicated a lower SM2-to-SM1 ratio in estrogen-treated compared with control and Ovx rabbits (P < 0.05). Similarly, SDS-PAGE analysis of extracted myosin from estrogen-treated rabbits revealed a significantly lower SM2-to-SM1 isoform ratio compared with control and Ovx rabbits (P < 0.05). Expression of the SM-A and SM-B isoforms was not affected. These results indicate that myosin content is increased upon estrogen replacement in Ovx rabbits and that the abundance of SM1 relative to SM2 is greater in estrogen-treated rabbits compared with normal and Ovx rabbits. These data suggest that estrogen affects alternative splicing at the 3'-end of the MHC pre-mRNA to increase the proportion of SM1 vs. SM2.  相似文献   

Myosin light chain kinase phosphorylation in tracheal smooth muscle   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Purified myosin light chain kinase from smooth muscle is phosphorylated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, protein kinase C, and the multifunctional calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Because phosphorylation in a specific site (site A) by any one of these kinases desensitizes myosin light chain kinase to activation by Ca2+/calmodulin, kinase phosphorylation could play an important role in regulating smooth muscle contractility. This possibility was investigated in 32P-labeled bovine tracheal smooth muscle. Treatment of tissues with carbachol, KCl, isoproterenol, or phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate increased the extent of kinase phosphorylation. Six primary phosphopeptides (A-F) of myosin light chain kinase were identified. Site A was phosphorylated to an appreciable extent only with carbachol or KCl, agents which contract tracheal smooth muscle. The extent of site A phosphorylation correlated to increases in the concentration of Ca2+/calmodulin required for activation. These results show that cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C do not affect smooth muscle contractility by phosphorylating site A in myosin light chain kinase. It is proposed that phosphorylation of myosin light chain kinase in site A in contracting tracheal smooth muscle may play a role in the reported desensitization of contractile elements to activation by Ca2+.  相似文献   

The activity of smooth and non-muscle myosin II is regulated by phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain (RLC) at serine 19. The dephosphorylated state of full-length monomeric myosin is characterized by an asymmetric intramolecular head–head interaction that completely inhibits the ATPase activity, accompanied by a hairpin fold of the tail, which prevents filament assembly. Phosphorylation of serine 19 disrupts these head–head interactions by an unknown mechanism. Computational modeling (Tama et al., 2005. J. Mol. Biol. 345, 837–854) suggested that formation of the inhibited state is characterized by both torsional and bending motions about the myosin heavy chain (HC) at a location between the RLC and the essential light chain (ELC). Therefore, altering relative motions between the ELC and the RLC at this locus might disrupt the inhibited state. Based on this hypothesis we have derived an atomic model for the phosphorylated state of the smooth muscle myosin light chain domain (LCD). This model predicts a set of specific interactions between the N-terminal residues of the RLC with both the myosin HC and the ELC. Site directed mutagenesis was used to show that interactions between the phosphorylated N-terminus of the RLC and helix-A of the ELC are required for phosphorylation to activate smooth muscle myosin.  相似文献   

A cAMP-dependent regulatory protein which modulates the phosphorylation of scallop myosin regulatory light chain-a (RLC-a) by RLC-a myosin kinase (aMK) (Sohma, H. & Morita, F. (1986) J. Biochem. 100, 1155-1163) was purified from the scallop smooth muscle. RLC-a is abundant in the opaque portion of scallop smooth muscle, one of the catch muscles. The regulatory protein for aMK was purified by employing successively DEAE Toyopearl ion exchange chromatography, Sepharose 4B-8(6-aminohexylamino)cAMP affinity chromatography, and Sephadex G 100 gel filtration. The molecular mass of the regulatory protein was 41 kDa, based on the mobility in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. With increasing amounts of the regulatory protein, the aMK activity decreased, and complete inhibition was observed at the concentration of twice that of aMK. The aMK activity inhibited by the regulatory protein was restored by the addition of cAMP. These results suggest that aMK is similar to a catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, and the protein reported here is similar to its regulatory subunit. aMK may exist as an inactive form, as a combination with this regulatory protein, in vivo and be deinhibited by an increase in the intracellular concentration of cAMP. We discuss a possible correlation between the phosphorylation of RLC-a in myosin catalyzed by aMK and the catch state of the opaque portion of scallop smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Stretching of porcine carotid arterial muscle increased the phosphorylation of the 20 kDa myosin light chain from 0.23 to 0.68 mol [32P]phosphate/mol light chain, whereas stretching of phorbol dibutyrate treated muscle increased the phosphorylation from 0.30 to 0.91 mol/mol. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by two-dimensional tryptic phosphopeptide mapping was used to identify the enzyme involved in the stretch-induced phosphorylation. Quantitation of the [32P]phosphate content of the peptides revealed considerable light chain phosphorylation by protein kinase C only in the phorbol dibutyrate treated arterial muscle, whereas most of the light chain phosphorylation was attributable to myosin light chain kinase. Upon stretch of either the untreated or treated muscle, the total increment in [32P]phosphate incorporation into the light chain could be accounted for by peptides characteristic for myosin light chain kinase catalyzed phosphorylation, demonstrating that the stretch-induced phosphorylation is caused by this enzyme exclusively.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase (skMLCK) is a dedicated Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent serine–threonine protein kinase that phosphorylates the regulatory light chain (RLC) of sarcomeric myosin. It is expressed from the MYLK2 gene specifically in skeletal muscle fibers with most abundance in fast contracting muscles. Biochemically, activation occurs with Ca2+ binding to calmodulin forming a (Ca2+)4•calmodulin complex sufficient for activation with a diffusion limited, stoichiometric binding and displacement of a regulatory segment from skMLCK catalytic core. The N-terminal sequence of RLC then extends through the exposed catalytic cleft for Ser15 phosphorylation. Removal of Ca2+ results in the slow dissociation of calmodulin and inactivation of skMLCK. Combined biochemical properties provide unique features for the physiological responsiveness of RLC phosphorylation, including (1) rapid activation of MLCK by Ca2+/calmodulin, (2) limiting kinase activity so phosphorylation is slower than contraction, (3) slow MLCK inactivation after relaxation and (4) much greater kinase activity relative to myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCP). SkMLCK phosphorylation of myosin RLC modulates mechanical aspects of vertebrate skeletal muscle function. In permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers, phosphorylation-mediated alterations in myosin structure increase the rate of force-generation by myosin cross bridges to increase Ca2+-sensitivity of the contractile apparatus. Stimulation-induced increases in RLC phosphorylation in intact muscle produces isometric and concentric force potentiation to enhance dynamic aspects of muscle work and power in unfatigued or fatigued muscle. Moreover, RLC phosphorylation-mediated enhancements may interact with neural strategies for human skeletal muscle activation to ameliorate either central or peripheral aspects of fatigue.  相似文献   

The 20,000-dalton light chain of turkey gizzard myosin is phosphorylated at two sites. Dual phosphorylation is observed when both intact myosin and isolated light chains are used as substrates. Phosphorylation of the second site is not observed at higher ionic strength (e.g. 0.35 M KCl). The first phosphorylation site (serine 19) is phosphorylated preferentially to the second site. The latter is phosphorylated more slowly than the first site, and its phosphorylation requires relatively high concentrations of myosin light chain kinase. It is suggested that myosin light chain kinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of both sites on the light chain, and several reasons are cited that make it unlikely that a contaminant kinase is involved. The second phosphorylation site is a threonine residue. Based on the results of limited proteolysis of the light chain, it is concluded that the threonine residue is close to serine 19, and possible locations are threonines 9, 10, and 18. At all concentrations of MgCl2, phosphorylation of the second site markedly increases the actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin and accelerates the superprecipitation response of myosin plus actin.  相似文献   

Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) is a multifunctional regulatory protein of smooth muscle contraction [IUBMB Life 51 (2001) 337, for review]. The well-established mode for its regulation is to phosphorylate the 20 kDa myosin light chain (MLC 20) to activate myosin ATPase activity. MLCK exhibits myosin-binding activity in addition to this kinase activity. The myosin-binding activity also stimulates myosin ATPase activity without phosphorylating MLC 20 [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999) 6666]. We engineered an MLCK fragment containing the myosin-binding domain but devoid of a catalytic domain to explore how myosin is stimulated by this non-kinase pathway. The recombinant fragment thus obtained stimulated myosin ATPase activity by V(max)=5.53+/-0.63-fold with K(m)=4.22+/-0.58 microM (n=4). Similar stimulation figures were obtained by measuring the ATPase activity of HMM and S1. Binding of the fragment to both HMM and S1 was also verified, indicating that the fragment exerts stimulation through the myosin heads. Since S1 is in an active form regardless of the phosphorylated state of MLC 20, we conclude that the non-kinase stimulation is independent of the phosphorylating mode for activation of myosin.  相似文献   

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