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Exceptionally high levels of intraspecific variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences encoding 16S ribosomal RNA (16SrRNA) were detected in populations of the land snail Euhadra peliomphala from the eastern part of Japan. Geographical isolation has occurred within small areas and has created many genetically distinct local populations. These are morphologically segregated into two groups: the first consists of populations from the southern part of the Izu Peninsula, and the second of populations from other areas within the peninsula. They are separated by mountains in the middle of the peninsula. Sequence divergences between these two groups were 7.6–9.5%. The sequence divergences and geological ages of the Izu peninsula and its mountains suggest that the divergence rate of mitochondrial 16SrRNA sequences of this species is extremely rapid, approximately 10% per million years. This rapid evolutional")' rate of mtDNA and vicariance events due to tectonic events and sea level changes has also contributed to creating exceptional geographical variation in the mtDNA of this species.  相似文献   

Watanabe Y  Chiba S 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(11):2635-2645
A high level of geographical variation at an exceptionally fine scale was detected in the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA genes of a land snail species Euhadra quaesita from the Kanto region of Japan. In total, 50 haplotypes were detected from 27 populations, with most sample sites possessing private alleles. In some individual populations the different haplotypes do not fall as a monophyletic group, so that some of the haplotypes are phylogenetically distant, differing from each other by > 10%. In contrast, phylogenetically similar haplotypes were found in separate sites at long distances from their main distribution. Together, these findings strongly suggest that contraction and expansion of populations has occurred repeatedly in the past. The subsequent expansion of populations and migration from different areas may have mixed distant populations. This repetition of isolation and mixing has resulted in an exceptionally fine scale of geographical variation, and the accumulation of high genetic diversity within and between populations of this species.  相似文献   

Although many studies have demonstrated that variation in male genital morphology can influence male fertilization success, it remains unclear in many cases which mechanism(s) of sexual selection and sexual conflict produce the morphological divergence of genitalia. Distinguishing between such mechanisms requires, at the very least, information on the process by which genital morphology influences fertilization success. The length of the spermatophore‐producing organ (SPO) of the stylommatophoran land snails is a case in point. The length of the spermatophore may have an important influence on the transfer of the spermatophore to the recipient's genital tract. To test this hypothesis, we investigated in Euhadra peliomphala (Pfeiffer, 1850) the relationship between the length of the SPO in sperm donors and the position of their spermatophore in sperm recipients at 72, 84, and 96 h after mating. The results showed that longer spermatophores required longer times to reach a gametolytic organ and to begin to be digested. These findings suggest that this delay in spermatophore digestion explains the mechanism for the high fertilization success shown by snails with a long SPO. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Newly established populations are susceptible to founder events that reduce genetic variation. This may be counterbalanced by gene flow after populations become established or founders coming from genetically different populations. However, initial gains in genetic diversity may be short-lived if there is limited mixing between lineages and subsequent inbreeding, or if one lineage sweeps to fixation through selection or genetic drift. Here, we report on the genetic changes taking place within two newly established populations of intertidal snail over a 15-year period (~ 10 generations). Each translocation was set up using multiple, genetically distinct source populations. Our data show that higher levels of variation in the translocated populations compared to the source populations were maintained over time for both nuclear (microsatellite) and mitochondrial genes. Small changes in allele and haplotype frequencies were observed in the source populations and in one of the translocated populations, but marked changes were evident in the other, where there was a dramatic shift towards the genetic make-up of one of the source populations. These genetic changes occurred despite relatively large numbers of founders (200-374 adults) and no evidence of the population experiencing a severe reduction in effective population size. Our study shows that the genetic composition of newly established populations can vary greatly over time and that genetic outcomes can be highly variable, and significantly different from initial expectations, even when they are established using high numbers of individuals and involve source populations from the same geographic regions.  相似文献   

Aim We examined the species-area relation of Aegean land snails, comparing different models to describe the relation. By examining those factors other than area that may also affect species richness, we tested whether the Aegean land snail fauna was more influenced by equilibrial migration and colonization processes, or rather is conservative and relictual. Location The Aegean archipelago (Greece). Methods Sixty-five islands were examined. Data were taken from own collections and from literature sources. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the null hypothesis of no relationship between species richness and island area, elevation, distance to the next larger island, and the presence and extent of calcareous substrate. Results The single most important factor determining land snail species number was area. While colonization-extinction dynamics have frequently been cited to explain this result, this conclusion was not tenable in this study as it was contradicted by species number not being related to the islands’ distances to neighbouring larger islands, after accounting for other factors affecting species number. We also found that habitat diversity affected species richness even after accounting for the effects of area: both increased elevation and greater extent of calcareous substrate on islands resulted in higher species number. This effect was most likely due to the fact that particular ecological conditions increased the probability that particular species could survive on an island. We compared the utility of the power and extreme-value function models of the species-area relation and found that both gave substantially the same results. However, fitting the power function model using nonlinear regression was of questionable utility. Main conclusions We conclude that the snail fauna of the Aegean is relictual, not equilibrial. The unusually high number of land snail species found on Crete is consistent with this conclusion. Crete is a currently united island which was separated into at least six smaller islands for 7–9 million years during the Neogene. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that Crete still hosts a large number of endemic species of these paleoislands, resulting in a total number of species in excess of what would be expected based on area alone.  相似文献   

The impact of islands on the population structure of Anopheles flavirostris (Ludlow) (Diptera: Culicidae), the primary malaria vector in the Philippines, was assessed. A phylogenetic analysis of 16 cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) haplotypes revealed three clades: one basal clade containing genetically disparate haplotypes from Mindanao, and two derived clades, one of which was largely confined to the largest island, Luzon, and one that was widespread except for Luzon. For the Luzon clade, nested clade analysis revealed an isolation-by-distance effect, and a mismatch distribution analysis diagnosed a recent demographic expansion (sum of squared deviation, SDD = 0.0093, P= 0.075), which mirrors demographic attributes found in mainland primary malaria vectors and could inflate estimates of gene flow from F(ST). For the widespread clade, evidence of range expansion and past fragmentation and/or long distance colonization from the Visayas or Mindanao to Palawan is suggested. A south-to-north range expansion of An. flavirostris is suggested; estimates of coalescence for the Luzon clade was 214 000 years ago (ya) (95% confidence interval 35 600-298 000 ya), i.e. late Pleistocene. Present day rather than Pleistocene island association and some, but not all, sea barriers appeared to be important for An. flavirostris population structure. Our results suggest that endemic island malaria vector species need to be considered before any generalizations are made about the population structure of primary and secondary vectors.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was estimated by allozyme analysis at 26 loci in black rat populations (Rattus rattus) from 15 western Mediterranean islands (Hyéres, Corsica, Sardinia and related islets). Although overall variability levels were low (H = 0.025), the mean heterozygosity values for the islands were similar to those for three reference mainland populations. Within the islands, however, genetic diversity varied in relation to island size and geographic isolation. In particular, most small insular populations were significantly more variable than those on both large and isolated islands. The generic relationships between island populations were established by FST analyses indicating possible geographic origins and patterns of colonization. The maintenance of unexpectedly high levels of variability in the small island populations is discussed in relation to changes in the demographic and social structure observed in these populations. These island populations of black rat illustrate how genetic diversity may be efficiently maintained in a series of interconnected spatially fragmented populations.  相似文献   

Cocos Island is a small oceanic island midway between Costa Rica and the Galápagos Archipelago; about 2 Myr in age, it is the only tropical oceanic island in the eastern Pacific with tropical wet forest. We identified several hundred bark beetle specimens collected during recent expeditions by INBio, the National Biodiversity Institute of Costa Rica, and re-examined all specimens from earlier collections. We report 19 species in ten genera, seven or eight of which are endemic, making scolytines the largest group of beetles known from the island. We describe as new Pycnarthrum pseudoinsulare , Xyleborinus cocoensis , and Xyleborus sparsegranulosus , resurrect Xyleborus bispinatus as separate from X. ferrugineus , and report six other species as new to Cocos Island. Three-quarters of the scolytines reproduce by brother–sister mating, and we argue that inbreeders are superior island colonists because they are less affected than are outbreeders by problems of mate location and inbreeding depression. The fauna and flora of Cocos Island arrived by dispersal and human transport. We examine natural colonization patterns for the fauna, using the distributions of the relatives of island endemics: most colonization came from the Americas, but the closest relatives to some endemics are found on Caribbean or Galápagos islands. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 729–743.  相似文献   

Endemic land snails of the genus Mandarina of the oceanic Bonin Islands offer an exceptional example of habitat and character divergence among closely related species. In this study, microhabitat differences between sympatric ground-dwelling species were studied by distinguishing habitats on the basis of vegetation and types of litter. In all sites where two ground species coexisted, segregation occurred with each species showing preference for the microhabitat in which they were found. When they were in sympatry, one species was predominant in relatively wet and sheltered sites and the other in relatively dry and exposed sites. Although most species can live in both types of habitat, occupation by one species is inhibited by occupation by another. This suggests that competitive interaction between sympatric species caused segregation. Except for populations that have undergone interspecific hybridization, no examples were found of sympatric populations of two ground species sharing a similar shell colour. Species that were predominant in relatively wet and sheltered sites possessed shells with dark coloration and their colour patterns were mostly of one type. Species that were predominant in relatively dry and exposed sites possessed shells with bright coloration and their color patterns were polymorphic. Most populations from areas in which single species were distributed had shells with medium coloration. Microhabitat differentiation between sympatric species possibly caused diversification of shell colour, because bright shells are advantageous in sites where snails are largely exposed, and dark shells are advantageous in sites in where they are mostly sheltered from sunlight. In addition, frequency-dependent selection by predators hunting by sight may have operated to maintain colour polymorphism in the populations which are restricted to exposed habitats by competition with other sympatric species. This reveals the importance of interaction among closely related species as a cause of diversification in ecological and morphological traits.  相似文献   

以Anderson标准序列作为对照,用GeneDOC软件确定42个安徽汉族无关个体的mtDNA高变区I序列在线粒体基因组中的位置,通过序列比对软件clustalX分析安徽汉族群体mt DNA高变区I序列多态性,共检测到38种单倍型和57个变异位点.在mtDNA高变区I序列中14个bp的高变结构域中,安徽汉人16183位点变异率高达38%,在16187位点的变异率为4.8%.同时发现,安徽汉人与成都汉人在mtDNA高变区I 16183和16189位点的变异率接近,明显高于广东汉人.  相似文献   

Beringia is considered as an important glacial refugium that served as the main source for colonization of formerly glaciated Arctic regions. To obtain high resolution views of Arctic refugial history, we examined mitochondrial cytochrome b phylogeography in the northern genus of rodents, Lemmus (true lemmings), sampled across its circumpolar distribution. Strong phylogeographical structure suggests vicariant separation over several glacial-interglacial periods and does not provide evidence supporting the importance of Beringia for extensive colonization of formerly glaciated regions. Rather than a source of postglacial colonization, Beringia represents an area of intraspecific endemism previously undetected by biogeographical analysis. Existing phylogeographical structure suggests that vicariant separation by glacial barriers was an important factor generating genetic divergence and, thus, increasing genetic diversity in lemmings on continental and circumpolar scales. However, there is little evidence for the direct effect of the last glaciation on the level of genetic variation and allele genealogy in lemmings on a regional geographical scale. This finding implies that the population genetic models of postglacial colonization suggested for temperate taxa might have limited applicability for Arctic species.  相似文献   

Complete DNA sequences of the control region revealed a more fine-scale genetic structuring within and among Austrian brown trout Salmo trutta populations providing the opportunity for gene frequency analyses in the phylogeographic context. Ninety-two individuals (75%) were assigned to nine Danubian haplotypes and 31 individuals (25%) comprised seven Atlantic haplotypes of northern European origin. Three of the Atlantic haplotypes were also found in an Austrian hatchery breeding stock.  相似文献   

The skin colour of six endogamous groups of north India has been studied reflectometrically. The percentage reflectance at upper arm and forchead of 650 adult males (20–25 years) is described and discussed using 601 (425 nm), 605 (545 nm) and 609 (685 nm) filters of the “EEL” spectrophotometer. The inter-group heterogeneity is revealed by variance-ratio test. The t-test has been applied to study inter-group differences in pigmentation. Some correspondence has been found in skin colour with caste hierarchy, which holds only when the populations living in the same region are compared. These differences are assigned to adaptive adjustments superimposed by caste endogamy and assortative mating for skin colour.  相似文献   

Here, we present a study of the population genetic architecture and microevolution of the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) at the environmental margins in the Middle East using mitochondrial sequences and nuclear microsatellites. In contrast to the rather homogenous population structure typical of cave‐dwelling bats in climax tropical ecosystems, a relatively pronounced isolation by distance and population diversification was observed. The evolution of this pattern could be ascribed to the complicated demographic history at higher latitudes related to the range margin fragmentation and complex geomorphology of the studied area. Lineages from East Africa and Arabia show divergent positions. Within the northwestern unit, the most marked pattern of the microsatellite data set is connected with insularity, as demonstrated by the separate status of populations from Saharan oases and Cyprus. These demes also exhibit a reduction in genetic variability, which is presumably connected with founder effects, drift and other potential factors related to island evolution as site‐specific selection. Genetic clustering indicates a semipermeability of the desert barriers in the Sahara and Arabian Peninsula and a corridor role of the Nile Valley. The results emphasize the role of the island environment in restricting the gene flow in megabats, which is also corroborated by biogeographic patterns within the family, and suggests the possibility of nascent island speciation on Cyprus. Demographic analyses suggest that the colonization of the region was connected to the spread of agricultural plants; therefore, the peripatric processes described above might be because of or strengthened by anthropogenic changes in the environment.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellite loci and a partial sequence of the COII mitochondrial gene were used to investigate genetic differentiation in B. terrestris, a bumble bee of interest for its high-value crop pollination. The analysis included eight populations from the European continent, five from Mediterranean islands (six subspecies altogether) and one from Tenerife (initially described as a colour form of B. terrestris but recently considered as a separate species, B. canariensis). Eight of the 10 microsatellite loci displayed high levels of polymorphism in most populations. In B. terrestris populations, the total number of alleles detected per polymorphic locus ranged from 3 to 16, with observed allelic diversity from 3.8 ± 0.5 to 6.5 ± 1.4 and average calculated heterozygosities from 0.41 ± 0.09 to 0.65 ± 0.07. B. canariensis showed a significantly lower average calculated heterozygosity (0.12 ± 0.08) and observed allelic diversity (1.5 ± 0.04) as compared to both continental and island populations of B. terrestris. No significant differentiation was found among populations of B. terrestris from the European continent. In contrast, island populations were all significantly and most of them strongly differentiated from continental populations. B. terrestris mitochondrial DNA is characterized by a low nucleotide diversity: 0.18%± 0.07%, 0.20%± 0.04% and 0.27%± 0.04% for the continental populations, the island populations and all populations together, respectively. The only haplotype found in the Tenerife population differs by a single nucleotide substitution from the most common continental haplotype of B. terrestris. This situation, identical to that of Tyrrhenian islands populations and quite different from that of B. lucorum (15 substitutions between terrestris and lucorum mtDNA) casts doubts on the species status of B. canariensis. The large genetic distance between the Tenerife and B. terrestris populations estimated from microsatellite data result, most probably, from a severe bottleneck in the Canary island population. Microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA data call for the protection of the island populations of B. terrestris against importation of bumble bees of foreign origin which are used as crop pollinators.  相似文献   

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