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A survey to assess the prevalence of parasitic infections among axis deer (Cervus axis) in three National Parks in India revealed infections with the lungworm Muellerius capillaris. Clinical signs were not evident in infected animals. Therefore, it is suggested that C. axis is probably a carrier of the infection. Under laboratory conditions, terrestrial molluscs (Macrochalamys sp.) were infected with first stage larvae of M. capillaris collected from fecal pellets of C. axis. Feeding of third stage larvae collected from these snails on day 14 post exposure produced patent infections in goats. On day 31 post infection, adult M. capillaris could be collected from the lungs of infected goats. This study establishes the possibility of cross-transmission of M. capillaris between wild and domestic animals in India.  相似文献   

Song  Zhuoyan  Proctor  Heather 《Oecologia》2020,192(2):311-321
Oecologia - Prevalence of a parasite may be influenced by age of the habitat (= time available for hosts and parasites to colonize habitats), assemblage composition of host and non-host...  相似文献   

The regulation of infection by Muellerias capillaris was studied in three groups of Theba pisana. The regulation prior to penetration was very important for all the groups as assessed by the use of snail-conditioned water: a lytic activity was observed and the surviving larvae were less active than the control. The mortality rate of larvae after penetration was low in preinfected local group of snails, medium in the naive nonlocal group, and high in the naive local group.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in healthy dairy ruminants was investigated between 1996 and 1998 by a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR) technique. A total of 13 552 E. coli colonies from 726 cows, 28 sheep and 93 goats out of 112 randomly selected dairy farms in Hessia, Germany were analysed. STEC strains were recovered from 131 (18.0%) cows, nine (32.1%) sheep and 70 (75.3%) goats. Further characterization of the STEC isolates showed that 89 (0.66% of the investigated colonies) of animal field strains carried stx1 gene, 64 (0.47%) stx2 gene and 57 (0.42%) stx1 and stx2 gene. Sixty (93.8%) out of 64 stx2 field strains were harboured by cows. In contrast, 74 (83.1%) out of 89 stx1 dairy animal field strains were from ovine or caprine origin. Only 17 (8. 1%) stx-positive isolates (13 from cattle, three from sheep and only one from goat) were positive for eaeA gene. Eight (9.0%) of the stx1, five (7.8%) of the stx2 and four (7.0%) of the stx1/stx2 gene-positive field strains carried the eaeA gene. The prevalence of EHEC-haemolysin (EHEC-hlyA) gene sequence was 88.8% (79 isolates) of the stx1 and 68.8% (44 isolates) of the stx2 isolates. Out of 57 stx1- and stx2-positive field-strains, 34 (59.6%) carried the EHEC-hlyA gene. E. coli O serovars O:157 and O:111 were not found. Only one isolate was positive with O26 antiserum.  相似文献   

Helix aspersa, a land snail, has been experimentally infected with 2 species of nematodes Muellerius capillaris and Alloionema appendiculatum. A significant reduction of infection with M. capillaris was recorded in snails preinfected with A. appendiculatum, whereas snails preinfected with M. capillaris were as susceptible to A. appendiculatum.  相似文献   

Lungs and fecal samples from nine hunter-killed Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep were examined for lungworms. All samples contained adults and/or larvae of Muellerius capillaris (Mueller, 1889). Protostrongylus spp., the lungworms commonly reported from bighorn sheep, were not present in any samples. Larvae of M. capillaris bear a spine on the dorsal side of the posterior end and are shorter than dorsal-spined larvae of other lungworms recorded from North American ungulates. Larvae similar in shape but longer than those of Muellerius were found in free-ranging bighorn sheep in Alberta and British Columbia. In addition, dorsal-spined larvae have been found in bighorn sheep in Montana, North Dakota, and Washington. The identity of the dorsal-spined larvae is known only from sheep in South Dakota. Thus, caution must be taken when diagnosing lungworm infections in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep.  相似文献   

An unappreciated facet of biodiversity is that rich communities and high abundance may foster parasitism. For parasites that sequentially use different host species throughout complex life cycles, parasite diversity and abundance in 'downstream' hosts should logically increase with the diversity and abundance of 'upstream' hosts (which carry the preceding stages of parasites). Surprisingly, this logical assumption has little empirical support, especially regarding metazoan parasites. Few studies have attempted direct tests of this idea and most have lacked the appropriate scale of investigation. In two different studies, we used time-lapse videography to quantify birds at fine spatial scales, and then related bird communities to larval trematode communities in snail populations sampled at the same small spatial scales. Species richness, species heterogeneity and abundance of final host birds were positively correlated with species richness, species heterogeneity and abundance of trematodes in host snails. Such community-level interactions have rarely been demonstrated and have implications for community theory, epidemiological theory and ecosystem management.  相似文献   

The rediae of Fasciola hepatica were counted according to generation in adult and juvenile Lymnaea truncatula following single infection with Fasciola hepatica, double infection with F. hepatica and then Muellerius capillaris, or double infection with M. capillaris and F. hepatica. The rediae found in double infections were essentially first generation and an early cohort from the second generation. The following differences were observed in adult snails which underwent double infection when compared to corresponding single infections: i) dependent rediae were almost completely absent; ii) degenerating independent rediae were found in identical or decreased numbers; iii) living independent rediae of the first generation were decreased in number, while those of the second generation had variable decreased numbers. The results were similar in juvenile snails with double infections, except that the numbers of degenerating independent rediae were higher than those found in corresponding single infections and the numbers of rediae of the second generation were increased. The order of exposure in double infections had no influence on the number and maturation of fasciolid rediae.  相似文献   

Scrapie, an invariably fatal disease of sheep and goats, is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). The putative infectious agent is the host-encoded prion protein, PrP. The development of scrapie is closely linked to polymorphisms in the host PrP gene. The pathogenesis of most TSEs involves conversion of normal, cellular PrP into a protease-resistant, pathogenic isoform called PrPSc. The conversion to PrPSc involves change in secondary structure; it is impacts on these structural changes that may link polymorphisms to disease. Within the structured C-terminal part of PrP polymorphisms have been reported at 15 and 10 codons of the sheep and goat PrP genes respectively. Three polymorphisms in sheep are acutely linked to the occurrence of scrapie: A136V, R154H and Q171R/H. These generate five commonly observed alleles: ARQ, ARR, AHQ, ARH and VRQ. ARR and AHQ are associated with resistance; ARQ, ARH and VRQ are associated with susceptibility. There are subtle effects of specific allele pairings (genotypes). Generally, more susceptible genotypes have younger ages at death from scrapie. Different strains of scrapie occur which may attack genotypes differently. Different sheep breeds vary in the assortment of the five alleles that they predominantly encode. The reason for this variation is not known. Furthermore, certain genotypes may be susceptible to scrapie in some breeds and resistant in others. The explanation is not known, but may relate to different scrapie strains circulating in different breeds, or there may be effects of other genes which modulate the effect of PrP.  相似文献   

We tested for cross‐species amplification of microsatellite loci located throughout the domestic sheep (Ovis aries) genome in two north American mountain ungulates (bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis, and mountain goats, Oreamnos americanus). We identified 247 new polymorphic markers in bighorn sheep (≥ 3 alleles in one of two study populations) and 149 in mountain goats (≥ 2 alleles in a single study population) using 648 and 576 primer pairs, respectively. Our efforts increased the number of available polymorphic microsatellite markers to 327 for bighorn sheep and 180 for mountain goats. The average distance between successive polymorphic bighorn sheep and mountain goat markers inferred from the Australian domestic sheep genome linkage map (mean ± 1 SD) was 11.9 ± 9.2 and 15.8 ± 13.8 centimorgans, respectively. The development of genomic resources in these wildlife species enables future studies of the genetic architecture of trait variation.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis-like oocysts-sporocysts were found in four species of owls (Asio otus, Bubo bubo, Strix aluco, and Tyto alba) and in five species of predatory birds (Accipiter gentilis, Accipiter nisus, Buteo buteo, Circus aeruginosus, Falco tinnunculus). In addition, the muscles of 15 of 41 (36.5%) pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) and one of two jays (Garrulus glandarius) were found to harbor three types of Sarcocystis. Three of 15 (20%) infected pheasants had type I cystozoites (6-8 X 2 microns) in muscle homogenates, but sarcocysts were not seen whereas the other 12 infected pheasants had type II cystozoites (16 X 2-3 microns) and sarcocysts (90 X 600 microns) in their muscles. The one infected jay had type III cystozoites (8-10.5 X 2.5-3 microns) and sarcocysts (35-40 X greater than 770 microns) in its muscles.  相似文献   

The incidence of haemonchosis in sheep and goats in Sierra Leone showed a seasonal variation with a high peak in the dry season (October to January) and a low one from March to May. Mean relative densities were significantly higher in young hosts and showed two peaks, a high one from August to December and a low one from April to June while the mean relative densities of old hosts were low and exhibited an irregular seasonal pattern with no defined peaks. The peak seasons in young hosts coincided approximately with the dry and rainy seasons. Male hosts showed an overall higher but not a significant mean relative density than females but for most of the months mean relative densities of infection of female hosts were not significantly higher than those of males. The roles of climatic conditions and arrested development (hypobiosis) and self-cure and host age immunity on Haemonchus contortus worm burdens are discussed.  相似文献   

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