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It has been demonstrated previously that mixed cell suspensions from the female reproductive tract consisting of human epithelial and stromal cells were capable of presenting foreign antigen to autologous T cells. There have been, however, no reported studies examining antigen presentation by isolated epithelial cells from the human female reproductive tract. It is now shown that freshly isolated epithelial cells from the uterine endometrium constitutively express MHC class II antigen and that class II was upregulated on cultured epithelium by interferon gamma (IFNγ). Using a highly purified preparation, it was demonstrated that these epithelial cells were able to process and present tetanus toxoid recall antigen driving autologous T cell proliferation. Cells isolated from the basolateral sub-epithelium stroma were also potent antigen presenting cells in this model system. Thus, isolated endometrial epithelial cells were able to directly process and present antigen to T cells and may be responsible for the transcytosis and delivery of antigen to professional antigen presenting cells found in the sub-epithelial stroma.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) initiate primary immune responses by presenting pathogen-derived antigens in association with major histocompatibility Class II molecules (MHC II) to T cells. In DCs, MHC II is constitutively synthesized and loaded at endosomes with peptides from hydrolyzed endogenous proteins or exogenously acquired antigens. Whether peptide loaded MHC II (MHC II-p) is subsequently recruited to and stably expressed at the plasma membrane or degraded in lysosomes is determined by the status of the DC. In immature DCs, MHC II-p is ubiquitinated after peptide loading, driving its sorting to the luminal vesicles of multivesicular bodies. These luminal vesicles, and the MHC II-p they carry, are delivered to lysosomes for degradation. MHC II-p is inefficiently ubiquitinated in DCs that are activated by pathogens or inflammatory stimuli, thus allowing its transfer to and stable expression at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Immature dendritic cells (DCs) sample their environment for antigens and after stimulation present peptide associated with major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II) to naive T cells. We have studied the intracellular trafficking of MHC II in cultured DCs. In immature cells, the majority of MHC II was stored intracellularly at the internal vesicles of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). In contrast, DM, an accessory molecule required for peptide loading, was located predominantly at the limiting membrane of MVBs. After stimulation, the internal vesicles carrying MHC II were transferred to the limiting membrane of the MVB, bringing MHC II and DM to the same membrane domain. Concomitantly, the MVBs transformed into long tubular organelles that extended into the periphery of the cells. Vesicles that were formed at the tips of these tubules nonselectively incorporated MHC II and DM and presumably mediated transport to the plasma membrane. We propose that in maturing DCs, the reorganization of MVBs is fundamental for the timing of MHC II antigen loading and transport to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The molecular details of antigen processing and presentation by MHC class I and class II molecules have been studied extensively for almost three decades. Although the basic principles of these processes were laid out approximately 10 years ago, the recent years have revealed many details and provided new insights into their control and specificity. MHC molecules use various biochemical reactions to achieve successful presentation of antigenic fragments to the immune system. Here we present a timely evaluation of the biology of antigen presentation and a survey of issues that are considered unresolved. The continuing flow of new details into our understanding of the biology of MHC class I and class II antigen presentation builds a system involving several cell biological processes, which is discussed in this Review.  相似文献   

The primary function of the monomorphic MHC class Ib molecule Qa-1(b) is to present peptides derived from the leader sequences of other MHC class I molecules for recognition by the CD94-NKG2 receptors expressed by NK and T cells. Whereas the mode of peptide presentation by its ortholog HLA-E, and subsequent recognition by CD94-NKG2A, is known, the molecular basis of Qa-1(b) function is unclear. We have assessed the interaction between Qa-1(b) and CD94-NKG2A and shown that they interact with an affinity of 17 μM. Furthermore, we have determined the structure of Qa-1(b) bound to the leader sequence peptide, Qdm (AMAPRTLLL), to a resolution of 1.9 ? and compared it with that of HLA-E. The crystal structure provided a basis for understanding the restricted peptide repertoire of Qa-1(b). Whereas the Qa-1(b-AMAPRTLLL) complex was similar to that of HLA-E, significant sequence and structural differences were observed between the respective Ag-binding clefts. However, the conformation of the Qdm peptide bound by Qa-1(b) was very similar to that of peptide bound to HLA-E. Although a number of conserved innate receptors can recognize heterologous ligands from other species, the structural differences between Qa-1(b) and HLA-E manifested in CD94-NKG2A ligand recognition being species specific despite similarities in peptide sequence and conformation. Collectively, our data illustrate the structural homology between Qa-1(b) and HLA-E and provide a structural basis for understanding peptide repertoire selection and the specificity of the interaction of Qa-1(b) with CD94-NKG2 receptors.  相似文献   

Antigen (Ag) capture and presentation onto major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules by B lymphocytes is mediated by their surface Ag receptor (B cell receptor [BCR]). Therefore, the transport of vesicles that carry MHC class II and BCR-Ag complexes must be coordinated for them to converge for processing. In this study, we identify the actin-associated motor protein myosin II as being essential for this process. Myosin II is activated upon BCR engagement and associates with MHC class II-invariant chain complexes. Myosin II inhibition or depletion compromises the convergence and concentration of MHC class II and BCR-Ag complexes into lysosomes devoted to Ag processing. Accordingly, the formation of MHC class II-peptides and subsequent CD4 T cell activation are impaired in cells lacking myosin II activity. Therefore, myosin II emerges as a key motor protein in BCR-driven Ag processing and presentation.  相似文献   

In addition to their role as peptide binding proteins, MHC class II proteins can also function as signal transducing molecules. Recent work using B cells expressing genetically engineered truncated MHC class II molecules has suggested that signaling through the cytoplasmic domains of these proteins plays an important role in the generation of signals required for the activation of some T cell hybrids. Treatment of truncated Ia-expressing B cells with cAMP-elevating agents corrects the deficiency in Ag presentation by these cells. We report that the MHC class II-mediated signal appears to act by a mechanism that increases the efficiency of Ag presentation by B cells thereby lowering the amount of specific Ag required for T cell activation. We further show that the induction of the cAMP-induced signal in B cells is inhibited by cycloheximide and cytochalasin A, implicating protein synthesis as well as cytoskeletal rearrangements in Ag presentation to accessory signal- dependent hybrids. In contrast, these agents do not block Ag presentation to a T cell hybrid previously shown not to require the cAMP-induced signal for activation. The signal-dependent T hybrid is additionally dependent on LFA-1-ICAM-1 interaction for activation, whereas the signal-independent hybrid is not. These observations suggest the existence of two types of T cell hybrid with respect to their requirements for activation: those that require only the recognition of MHC class II-peptide complexes without accessory signals, as shown by their ability to respond to purified Ia on planar membranes, and those that, in addition to recognition of MHC II/Ag, require LFA-1-ICAM-1 interaction and the delivery of additional signal(s) induced in the B cell via signal transduction through MHC class II molecules.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II) molecules are targeted to endocytic compartments, known as MIIC, by the invariant chain (Ii) that is degraded upon arrival in these compartments. MHC II acquire antigenic fragments from endocytosed proteins for presentation at the cell surface. In a unique and complex series of reactions, MHC II succeed in exchanging a remaining fragment of Ii for other protein fragments in subdomains of MIIC before transport to the cell surface. Here, the mechanisms regulating loading and intracellular trafficking of MHC II are discussed.  相似文献   

The MHC class II-like molecule HLA-DM (DM) (H-2M in mice) catalyzes the exchange of CLIP for antigenic peptides in the endosomes of APCs. HLA-DO (DO) (H-2O in mice) is another class II-like molecule that is expressed in B cells, but not in other APCs. Studies have shown that DO impairs or modifies the peptide exchange activity of DM. To further evaluate the role of DO in Ag processing and presentation, we generated transgenic mice that expressed the human HLA-DOA and HLA-DOB genes under the control of a dendritic cell (DC)-specific promoter. Our analyses of DCs from these mice showed that as DO levels increased, cell surface levels of A(b)-CLIP also increased while class II-peptide levels decreased. The presentation of some, but not all, exogenous Ags to T cells or T hybridomas was significantly inhibited by DO. Surprisingly, H-2M accumulated in DO-expressing DCs and B cells, suggesting that H-2O/DO prolongs the half-life of H-2M. Overall, our studies showed that DO expression impaired H-2M function, resulting in Ag-specific down-modulation of class II Ag processing and presentation.  相似文献   

The presentation of protein Ag with MHC class II proteins involves the uptake of the protein Ag by endocytosis followed by processing, probably proteolysis, in an intracellular acidic compartment. However, there remains considerable controversy as to the precise route taken by the antigen and the MHC class II protein during this process. The unusual stability of Ag-MHC class II protein complexes has led to speculation that antigen can only associate with newly synthesized MHC class II molecules. An alternate possibility is that the MHC class II binding site can be regenerated within the cell during internalization and recycling of MHC class II proteins. To address these possibilities, three different murine B lymphoma lines were tested for their ability to process and present native protein Ag in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide or the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide or the protein export inhibitor, Brefeldin A. Both agents blocked the presentation of native OVA or native hen egg lysozyme to Ag-specific T cell hybridomas. No effect was seen on peptide presentation or on presentation to allo- or autoreactive T cells. Inasmuch as Brefeldin A has been previously shown to block protein export without affecting protein internalization or protein degradation in the endocytic pathway, the simplest interpretation of these data is that antigenic fragments generated in the APC after uptake by the endocytic pathway, preferentially associate with newly synthesized rather than mature MHC class II proteins.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II (MHCII) is constitutively expressed by immature dendritic cells (DC), but has a short half-life as a consequence of its transport to and degradation in lysosomes. For its transfer to lysosomes, MHCII is actively sorted to the intraluminal vesicles (ILV) of multivesicular bodies (MVB), a process driven by its ubiquitination. ILV have, besides their role as an intermediate compartment in lysosomal transfer, also been proposed to function as a site for MHCII antigen loading and temporal storage. In that scenario, DC would recruit antigen-loaded MHCII to the cell surface in response to a maturation stimulus by allowing ILV to fuse back with the MVB delimiting membrane. Other studies, however, explained the increase in cell surface expression during DC maturation by transient upregulation of MHCII synthesis and reduced sorting of newly synthesized MHCII to lysosomes. Here, we have characterized the relative contributions from the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways and found that the vast majority of antigen-loaded MHCII that is stably expressed at the plasma membrane by mature DC is synthesized after exposure to inflammatory stimuli. Pre-existing endosomal MHCII contributed only when it was not yet sorted to ILV at the moment of DC activation. Together with previous records, our current data are consistent with a model in which passage of MHCII through ILV is not required for antigen loading in maturing DC and in which sorting to ILV in immature DC provides a one-way ticket for lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells at environmental interfaces provide protection from potentially harmful agents, including pathogens. In addition to serving as a physical barrier and producing soluble mediators of immunity, such as cytokines or antimicrobial peptides, these cells are thought to function as nonprofessional APCs. In this regard, intestinal epithelial cells are particularly prominent because they express MHC class II molecules at the site of massive antigenic exposure. However, unlike bone marrow-derived professional APC, such as dendritic cells or B cells, little is known about the mechanisms of MHC class II presentation by the nonprofessional APC in vivo. The former use the lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin S (Cat S), whereas thymic cortical epithelial cells use cathepsin L (Cat L) for invariant chain degradation and MHC class II maturation. Unexpectedly, we found that murine Cat S plays a critical role in invariant chain degradation in intestinal epithelial cells. Furthermore, we report that nonprofessional APC present a class II-bound endogenous peptide to naive CD4 T cells in vivo in a Cat S-dependent fashion. These results suggest that in vivo, both professional and nonprofessional MHC class II-expressing APC use Cat S, but not Cat L, for MHC class II-mediated Ag presentation.  相似文献   

Tumors evade immune surveillance despite the frequent expression of tumor-associated Ags (TAA). Tumor cells escape recognition by CD8(+) T cells through several mechanisms, including down-regulation of MHC class I molecules and associated Ag-processing machinery. However, although it is well accepted that optimal anti-tumor immune responses require tumor-reactive CD4(+) T cells, few studies have addressed how tumor cells evade CD4(+) T cell recognition. In this study, we show that a common TAA, GA733-2, and its murine orthologue, mouse epithelial glycoprotein (mEGP), function in blocking MHC class II-restricted Ag presentation by dendritic cells. GA733-2 is a common TAA that is expressed normally at low levels by some epithelial tissues and a subset of dendritic cells, but at high levels on colon, breast, lung, and some nonepithelial tumors. We show that ectopic expression of mEGP or GA733-2, respectively, in dendritic cells derived from murine bone marrow or human monocytes results in a dose-dependent inability to stimulate proliferation of Ag-specific or alloreactive CD4(+) T cells. Dendritic cells exposed to cell debris from tumors expressing mEGP are similarly compromised. Furthermore, mice immunized with dendritic cells expressing mEGP from a recombinant adenovirus vector exhibited a muted anti-adenovirus immune response. The inhibitory effect of mEGP was not due to down-regulation of functional MHC class II molecules or active suppression of T cells, and did not extend to T cell responses to superantigen. These results demonstrate a novel mechanism by which tumors may evade CD4(+) T cell-dependent immune responses through expression of a TAA.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins are recognized as significant participants in immune reactions. In this study, we have demonstrated that the cell surface presentation of MHC class I antigen was increased in tandem with increased heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression and the immunogenicity of rat T-9 glioma cells was enhanced by hyperthermia. T-9 cells showed growth inhibition for 24 h after the heat treatment at 43 degrees C for 1 h in vitro, but then resumed a normal growth rate. HSP70 expression reached a maximum at 24 h after heating. Flow cytometric analysis revealed a significant increase in MHC class I antigen on the surface of the heated cells. The augmentation of MHC class I surface expression started 24 h after heating and reached a maximum 48 h after heating. The expression of other immunologic mediators, such as intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and MHC class II antigens, did not increase. In an in vivo experiment using immunocompetent syngeneic rats (F344), growth of the heated T-9 cells, with augmentation of MHC class I antigen surface expression, was significantly inhibited, while the cells grew progressively in nude rats (F344/N Jcl-rnu). Furthermore, compared with lymphocytes from non-immunized (PBS only injection) rats or rats injected with non-heated T-9 cells, the splenic lymphocytes of the rats in which the heated T-9 cells were injected displayed specific cytotoxicity against T-9 cells. These results suggest that HSP70 is an important modulator of tumor cell immunogenicity, and that hyperthermic treatment of tumor cells can induce the host antitumor immunity via the expression of HSP70. These results may benefit further efforts on developing novel cancer immunotherapies based on hyperthermia.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus (VV), currently used in humans as a live vaccine for smallpox, can interfere with host immunity via several discrete mechanisms. In this study, the effect of VV on MHC class II-mediated Ag presentation was investigated. Following VV infection, the ability of professional and nonprofessional APC to present Ag and peptides to CD4+ T cells was impaired. Viral inhibition of class II Ag presentation could be detected within 1 h, with diminished T cell responses dependent upon the duration of APC infection and virus titer. Exposure of APC to replication-deficient virus also diminished class II Ag presentation. Virus infection of APC perturbed Ag presentation by newly synthesized and recycling class II molecules, with disruptions in both exogenous and cytoplasmic Ag presentation. Virus-driven expression of an endogenous Ag, failed to restore T cell responsiveness specific for this Ag in the context of MHC class II molecules. Yet, both class II protein steady-state and cell surface expression were not altered by VV. Biochemical and functional analysis revealed that VV infection directly interfered with ligand binding to class II molecules. Together, these observations suggest that disruption of MHC class II-mediated Ag presentation may be one of multiple strategies VV has evolved to escape host immune surveillance.  相似文献   

Moss CX  Tree TI  Watts C 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(8):2137-2147
Endocytosed antigens are proteolytically processed and small amounts of peptides captured by class II MHC molecules. The details of antigen proteolysis, peptide capture and how destruction of T-cell epitopes is avoided are incompletely understood. Using the tetanus toxin antigen, we show that the introduction of 3-6 cleavage sites is sufficient to trigger a partially unfolded conformation able to bind to class II MHC molecules. The known locations of T-cell epitopes and protease cleavage sites predict that large domains of processed antigen (8-35 kDa) are captured under these conditions. Remarkably, when antigen is bound to the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR), processing can trigger a concerted 'hand-over' reaction whereby BCR-associated processed antigen is captured by neighbouring class II MHC molecules. Early capture of minimally processed antigen and confinement of the processing and class II MHC loading reaction to the membrane plane may improve the likelihood of T-cell epitope survival in the class II MHC pathway and may help explain the reciprocal relationships observed between B- and T-cell epitopes in many protein antigens and autoantigens.  相似文献   

Antigen presentation by liposomes bearing class II MHC and membrane IL-1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liposomes containing membrane IL-1, Iak, and the antigen conalbumin were evaluated as "synthetic antigen presenting cells." The role of these three molecules in macrophage-T cell interaction was studied by testing their ability to induce the proliferation of a T-cell clone specific to conalbumin (the D10 cell line) or immune spleen cells sensitized three times in vivo with conalbumin. In the latter case, splenic macrophages were eliminated by adherence and a lysomotropic agent. The antigen conalbumin was presented on the surface of the liposomes as native undigested protein. When the liposomes presented native conalbumin, Iak, and membrane IL-1, significant proliferation occurred, but if the liposomes lacked membrane IL-1, the proliferation of the T-cell clone and the spleen cells reached only about 60 percent of the previous signal. Native conalbumin and class II antigen alone were required for T-cell activation, while membrane IL-1 only amplified the response. When the liposomes were made with only Iak and membrane IL-1, lacking conalbumin, there was no proliferation of antigen-specific target cells. These results indicated that in this synthetic system, membrane IL-1 increases the magnitude of the response but is not essential for the proliferative response of antigen-specific T cells.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus (VV) infection is known to inhibit dendritic cells (DC) functions in vitro. Paradoxically, VV is also highly immunogenic and thus has been used as a vaccine. In the present study, we investigated the effects of an in vivo VV infection on DC function by focusing on early innate immunity. Our data indicated that DC are activated upon in vivo VV infection of mice. Splenic DC from VV-infected mice expressed elevated levels of MHC class I and co-stimulatory molecules on their cell surface and exhibited the enhanced potential to produce cytokines upon LPS stimulation. DC from VV-infected mice also expressed a high level of interferon-beta. However, a VV infection resulted in the down-regulation of MHC class II expression and the impairment of antigen presentation to CD4 T cells by DC. Thus, during the early stage of a VV infection, although DC are impaired in some of the critical antigen presentation functions, they can promote innate immune defenses against viral infection.  相似文献   

Class II major histocompatibility molecules are the primary susceptibility locus for many autoimmune disorders, including type 1 diabetes. Human DQ8 and I-A(g7), in the NOD mouse model of spontaneous autoimmune diabetes, confers diabetes risk by modulating presentation of specific islet peptides in the thymus and periphery. We used an in silico molecular docking program to screen a large "druglike" chemical library to define small molecules capable of occupying specific structural pockets along the I-A(g7) binding groove, with the objective of influencing presentation to T cells of the autoantigen insulin B chain peptide consisting of amino acids 9-23. In this study we show, using both murine and human cells, that small molecules can enhance or inhibit specific TCR signaling in the presence of cognate target peptides, based upon the structural pocket targeted. The influence of compounds on the TCR response was pocket dependent, with pocket 1 and 6 compounds inhibiting responses and molecules directed at pocket 9 enhancing responses to peptide. At nanomolar concentrations, the inhibitory molecules block the insulin B chain peptide consisting of amino acids 9-23, endogenous insulin, and islet-stimulated T cell responses. Glyphosine, a pocket 9 compound, enhances insulin peptide presentation to T cells at concentrations as low as 10 nM, upregulates IL-10 secretion, and prevents diabetes in NOD mice. These studies present a novel method for identifying small molecules capable of both stimulating and inhibiting T cell responses, with potentially therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

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