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A cotton fiber was kept under slight tension and exposed locally to a stream of aqueous 1 N NaOH microdrops of 50 microm diameter. The resulting "macrodrop" of about 300 microm size was at the origin of the formation of Na-cellulose I domains extending about 550 microm from the center of the macrodrop along the fiber. The phase transformation zone between cellulose I and Na-cellulose I was mapped by scanning synchrotron radiation microdiffraction using a 300 nm x 300 nm beam. A stitching technique was used to limit radiation damage. Subsequent exposure of the NaOH containing macrodrop to a stream of H2O or HCl microdrops converted part of the Na-cellulose I back into cellulose I.  相似文献   

Water microdrops of about 50 microm in diameter, generated by an ink-jet system, have been used to hydrate fragments of Pogonophora tubes. In situ X-ray microdiffraction with a beam size of 10 microm was used to follow the structural transformations that affected the crystalline beta-chitin part of the specimens. Starting from anhydrous chitin, the formation of a full beta-chitin dihydrate was observed within about 90 s. A disordered intermediate phase with variable d-spacing that could be due to a mixture of anhydrous and hydrated beta-chitin layers was also detected.  相似文献   

Starch granule hydration has been examined on the level of a single potato starch granule by static and dynamic synchrotron radiation (SR) microdiffraction techniques. A cryofrozen, hydrated granule was mapped through a 5 microm SR-beam in order to investigate its internal organization. The edge of the granule showed fiber texture scattering due to radially oriented amylopectin helices. The variation of fiber texture across the granule center supports the model of concentric shells. The crystalline phase appears, however, to increase strongly toward the granule center due to a random amylopectin fraction, which could be related to crystallization of short-range ordered amylopectin during hydration. During gelatinization, the shell structure breaks down and remaining fiber-textured amylopectin domains belong probably to the swollen starch granule envelope. Hydration of a granule was initiated by a microdrop generator and followed in situ by SR-microdiffraction. A fast hydration process with a half time of about 7 s seems to reflect the porous nature of starch granules. The size of the hydrated domains suggests that this process is limited to the level of amylopectin side chain clusters. Longer hydration times are assumed to involve remaining short-range ordered amylopectin and results in larger domains.  相似文献   

Three layers (characterized by different orientations of the keratin molecules) from the outer to the inner side of human nail were observed by synchrotron X-ray microdiffraction. These layers are associated with the histological dorsal, intermediate and ventral plates. The hair-like type alpha-keratin filaments (81 A in diameter), are only present in the intermediate layer (accounting for approximately 2/3 of the nail width) and are perfectly oriented perpendicular to the growth axis, in the nail plane. Keratin filaments of stratum corneum (epidermis) type, found in the dorsal and ventral cells, are oriented in two privileged directions; parallel and perpendicular to the growth axis. This "sandwich" structure in the corneocytes and the strong intercellular junctions, gives the nail high mechanical rigidity and hardness, both in the curvature direction and in the growth direction. Lipid bilayers (49 A thick) parallel to the nail surface fill certain ampullar dilations of the dorsal plate and intercellular spaces in the ventral plate. Using X-ray micro-diffraction, we show that onychomycosis disrupts the keratin structure, probably during the synthesis phase.  相似文献   

The mechanism of active stress generation in tension wood is still not fully understood. To characterize the functional interdependency between the G-layer and the secondary cell wall, nanostructural characterization and mechanical tests were performed on native tension wood tissues of poplar (Populus nigra x Populus deltoids) and on tissues in which the G-layer was removed by an enzymatic treatment. In addition to the well-known axial orientation of the cellulose fibrils in the G-layer, it was shown that the microfibril angle of the S2-layer was very large (about 36 degrees). The removal of the G-layer resulted in an axial extension and a tangential contraction of the tissues. The tensile stress-strain curves of native tension wood slices showed a jagged appearance after yield that could not be seen in the enzyme-treated samples. The behaviour of the native tissue was modelled by assuming that cells deform elastically up to a critical strain at which the G-layer slips, causing a drop in stress. The results suggest that tensile stresses in poplar are generated in the living plant by a lateral swelling of the G-layer which forces the surrounding secondary cell wall to contract in the axial direction.  相似文献   

A change in cellulose lattice spacing can be detected during the release of wood maturation stress by synchrotron x-ray diffraction experiment. The lattice strain was found to be the same order of magnitude as the macroscopic strain. The fiber repeat distance, 1.033 nm evaluated for tension wood after the release of maturation stress was equal to the conventional wood values, whereas the value before stress release was larger, corresponding to a fiber repeat of 1.035 nm, nearly equal to that of cotton and ramie. Interestingly, the fiber repeat varied from 1.033 nm for wood to 1.040 nm for algal cellulose, with an increasing order of lateral size of cellulose microfibrils so far reported. These lines of experiments demonstrate that, before the stress release, the cellulose was in a state of tension, which is, to our knowledge, the first experimental evidence supporting the assumption that tension is induced in cellulose microfibrils.  相似文献   

To advance our understanding of the formation of tension wood, we investigated the macromolecular arrangement in cell walls by Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIR) during maturation of tension wood in poplar (Populus tremula x P. alba, clone INRA 717-1B4). The relation between changes in composition and the deposition of the G-layer in tension wood was analysed. Polarised FTIR measurements indicated that in tension wood, already before G-layer formation, a more ordered structure of carbohydrates at an angle more parallel to the fibre axis exists. This was clearly different from the behaviour of opposite wood. With the formation of the S2 layer in opposite wood and the G-layer in tension wood, the orientation signals from the amorphous carbohydrates like hemicelluloses and pectins were different between opposite wood and tension wood. For tension wood, the orientation for these bands remains the same all along the cell wall maturation process, probably reflecting a continued deposition of xyloglucan or xylan, with an orientation different to that in the S2 wall throughout the whole process. In tension wood, the lignin was more highly oriented in the S2 layer than in opposite wood.  相似文献   

Ultrasmall P450scc cytochrome microcrystals are grown by classical hanging vapor diffusion and by its modification using homologous protein thin-film template displaying a long-range order. The nucleation and growth mechanisms of P450scc microcrystals are studied at the thin cytochrome film surface by a new microbeam grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering (microGISAXS) technique developed at the microfocus beamline of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. P450scc cytochrome crystals of about 5 microm are also investigated by synchrotron radiation diffraction in order to attempt a preliminary analysis of the atomic structure of this unique protein system yet unsolved.  相似文献   

Kim JS  Daniel G 《Planta》2012,236(1):35-50
Present work investigated glucomannan (GM) and xylan distribution in poplar xylem cells of normal- (NW), opposite- (OW) and tension wood (TW) with immunolocalization methods. GM labeling was mostly detected in the middle- and inner S(2) (+S(3)) layer of NW and OW fibers, while xylan labeling was observed in the whole secondary cell wall. GM labeling in vessels of NW and OW was much weaker than in fibers and mostly detected in the S(2) layer, whereas slightly stronger xylan labeling than fibers was detected in the whole secondary cell wall of vessels. Ray cells in NW and OW showed no GM labeling, but strong xylan labeling. These results indicate that GMs and xylans are spatially distributed in poplar xylem cells with different concentrations present in different cell types. Surprisingly, TW showed significant decrease of GM labeling in the normal secondary cell wall of gelatinous (G) fibers compared to NW and OW, while xylan labeling was almost identical indicating that the GM and xylan synthetic pathways in fibers have different reaction mechanisms against tension stress. Unlike fibers, no notable changes in GM labeling were detected in vessels of TW, suggesting that GM synthesis in vessels may not be affected by tension stress. GM and xylan was also detected in the G-layer with slightly stronger and much weaker labeling than the normal secondary cell wall of G-fibers. Differences in GM and xylan distribution are also discussed for the same functional cells found in hardwoods and softwoods.  相似文献   

Ethylene is produced in wood-forming tissues, and when applied exogenously, it has been shown to cause profound effects on the pattern and rate of wood development. However, the molecular regulation of ethylene biosynthesis during wood formation is poorly understood. We have characterised an abundant 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase gene (PttACO1) in the wood-forming tissues of Populus tremula (L.) x P. tremuloides (Michx). PttACO1 is primarily expressed in developing secondary xylem, and is specifically upregulated during secondary wall formation. Nevertheless, according to GC-MS analysis combined with tangential cryosectioning, the distribution of ACC was found to be fairly uniform across the cambial-region tissues. Gravitational stimulation, which causes tension wood to form on the upper side of the stem, resulted in a strong induction of PttACO1 expression and ACC oxidase activity in the tension wood-forming tissues. The ACC levels increased in parallel to the PttACO1 expression. However, the increase on the upper (tension wood) side was only minor, whereas large amounts of both ACC and its hydrolysable conjugates accumulated on the lower (opposite) side of the stem. This suggests that the relatively low level of ACC on the tension wood side is a result of its conversion to ethylene by the highly upregulated PttACO1, and the concurrent accumulation of ACC on the opposite side of the wood is because of the low PttACO1 levels. We conclude that PttACO1 and ACC oxidase activity, but not ACC availability, are important in the control of the asymmetric ethylene production within the poplar stem when tension wood is induced by gravitational stimulation.  相似文献   

PurposeMicroplanar X-ray beams (microbeams) originated by synchrotron sources have been delivered to the visual brain cortex regions in rodents to create microscopically narrow lesions. The effects of microbeams mimic those generated by microsurgical subpial transections (also known as multiple subpial transections) but are obtained in a low-invasive way.MethodsImage-guided atlas-based microbeam cortical transections have been generated on seven 1 month-old Wistar rats. An array of 10 parallel beams of 25 microns in thickness and spaced of 200 micron center-to-center was centered on the visual cortex and deposited an incident dose of 600 Gy.ResultsThe procedure was well tolerated by rats. After recovery, rats showed regular behavior, no sign of gross visual impairment and regular weight gain. After 3 months, rats were sacrificed and brains histologically examined. Cortical transections resembling those obtained through a surgical incision were found over the irradiated region. Remarkable sparing of the cortical columns adjacent to the transections was observed. No sign of radionecrosis was evident at least at this time point.ConclusionsThe visual brain cortex transected by synchrotron-generated microbeams showed an incision-like path of neuronal loss while adjacent non irradiated columns remained intact. These preliminary findings, to be further investigated also using other techniques, suggest that microbeam radiosurgery can affect the cortex at a cellular level providing a potential novel and attractive tool to study cortical function.  相似文献   

Gliocladium sp. TUB F-498, a wild strain of a lignocellulolytic fungus with a fast growth rate and enzyme production rate was selected as a potential in situ enzyme source for the bioprocessing of pretreated poplar wood (PPW) to ethanol in a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process. TUB F-498 produced 77 filter paper units of cellulase activity and 246 IU of -glucosidase activity per g dry weight of substrate utilized, as compared with the highly successful mutant reference strain Trichoderma reesei Rut-C30, which produced 100 filter paper units and 92 IU per g dry weight substrate in a stirred-tank fermentation. TUB F-498 also produced more xylanase and endoglucanase activity than Rut-C30 on PPW in shake-flask fermentations.  相似文献   

We studied the kinetics of proximal and distal bronchial response to histamine aerosol in healthy anesthetized and mechanically ventilated rabbits up to 60 min after histamine administration using a novel xenon-enhanced synchrotron radiation computed tomography imaging technique. Individual proximal airway constriction was assessed by measuring the luminal cross-sectional area. Distal airway obstruction was estimated by measuring the ventilated alveolar area after inhaled xenon administration. Respiratory system conductance was assessed continuously. Proximal airway cross-sectional area decreased by 57% of the baseline value by 20 min and recovered gradually but incompletely within 60 min. The ventilated alveolar area decreased immediately after histamine inhalation by 55% of baseline value and recovered rapidly thereafter. The results indicate that the airway reaction to inhaled histamine and the subsequent recovery are significantly slower in proximal than in distal bronchi in healthy rabbit. The findings suggest that physiological reaction mechanisms to inhaled histamine in the airway walls of large and small bronchi are not similar.  相似文献   

Nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation is used to determine the quadrupole splitting and the mean square displacement of the iron atom in deoxymyoglobin in the temperature range between 50 K and 243 K. Above 200 K an abnormally fast decay of the forward scattered intensity at short times after the synchrotron flash is observed, which is caused by protein-specific motions. The results strongly support the picture that protein dynamics seen at the position of the iron can be understood by harmonic motions in the low temperature regime while in the physiological regime diffusive motions in limited space are present. The shape of the resonance broadening function is investigated. An inhomogeneous broadening with a Lorentzian distribution indicating dipole interactions results in a better agreement with the experimental data than the common Gaussian distribution. Received: 30 August 1999 / Revised version: 22 October 1999 / Accepted: 6 December 1999  相似文献   

Fomes sclerodermeus is a white-rot fungus. Its production of laccase, manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase on sawdust-based media was evaluated. No lignin peroxidase activity was measured in any media tested. The higher production of laccase and manganese peroxidase were found on media containing poplar sawdust. F. sclerodermeus was grown on wood blocks of poplar during six months. Dry weight losses of the blocks reached a mean value of 51%. The quantification of cellulose and lignin in the 6-months incubated blocks showed losses of up to 58 and 56% for cellulose and lignin, respectively. The decay examined under microscope revealed mycelium colonizing the lumen of vessel elements, cell wall thinning and entire degradation of the radial parenchyma.  相似文献   

In stems of woody angiosperms responding to mechanical stress, imposed for instance by tilting the stem or formation of a branch, tension wood (TW) forms above the affected part, while anatomically distinct opposite wood (OW) forms below it. In poplar TW the S3 layer of the secondary walls is substituted by a “gelatinous layer” that is almost entirely composed of cellulose and has much lower hemicellulose contents than unstressed wood. However, changes in xylan contents (the predominant hemicelluloses), their interactions with other wall components and the mechanisms involved in TW formation have been little studied. Therefore, in the study reported here we determined the structure and distribution of xylans, cloned the genes encoding the xylan remodeling enzymes β-xylosidases (PtaBXLi), and examined their expression patterns during tension wood, normal wood and opposite wood xylogenesis in poplar. We confirm that poplar wood xylans are substituted solely by 4-O-methylglucuronic acid in both TW and OW. However, although glucuronoxylans are strongly represented in both primary and secondary layers of OW, no 4-O-methylGlcA xylan was found in G-layers of TW. Four full-length BXL cDNAs encoding putative β-xylosidases were cloned. One, PtaBXL1, for which xylosidase activity was confirmed by heterologous expression in Escherichia coli, exhibited a wood-specific expression pattern in TW. In conclusion, xylan as PtaBXL1, encoding β4-xylosidase activity, are down-regulated in TW.  相似文献   

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