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Inorganic mercury in contaminated soils and sediments is relatively immobile, though biological and chemical processes can transform it to more toxic and bioavailable methylmercury. Methylmercury is neurotoxic to vertebrates and is biomagnified in animal tissues as it is passed from prey to predator. Traditional remediation strategies for mercury contaminated soils are expensive and site-destructive. As an alternative we propose the use of transgenic aquatic, salt marsh, and upland plants to remove available inorganic mercury and methylmercury from contaminated soils and sediments. Plants engineered with a modified bacterial mercuric reductase gene, merA, are capable of converting Hg(II) taken up by roots to the much less toxic Hg(0), which is volatilized from the plant. Plants engineered to express the bacterial organo-mercurial lyase gene, merB, are capable of converting methylmercury taken up by plant roots into sulfhydryl-bound Hg(II). Plants expressing both genes are capable of converting ionic mercury and methylmercury to volatile Hg(0) which is released into an enormous global atmospheric Hg(0) pool. To assess the phytoremediation capability of plants containing the merA gene, a variety of assays were carried out with the model plants Arabidopsis thaliana, and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum).  相似文献   

姜廷波  丁宝建  李凤娟  杨传平 《遗传学报》2006,33(12):1120-1126
铁蛋白是一种由24个亚基组成的高分子贮藏蛋白质,可以储存多达4500个铁原子,在动植物及微生物的新陈代谢中起着非常重要的作用。有研究表明,外源铁蛋白的大量表达可以提高植物储存铁离子的能力。为了明确外源铁蛋白基因转化植物中内源铁蛋白基因差异表达与植物含铁量的关系,本研究在成功获得2个烟草铁蛋白基因的全长cDNA克隆NtFerl(登录号:ay083924)和NtFer2(登录号:ay141105)的基础上,以烟草品种SR-1(Nicotiana tabacum cv.Petit Havana SR-1)为受体,培育了转铁蛋白基因烟草。将双元载体pBI121中的GUS基因用来自大豆的铁蛋白基因SoyFer1(登录号:m64337)置换,利用农杆菌介导法转化烟草叶盘,获得在CaMV35S启动子驱动表达的大豆铁蛋白基因转化烟草植株。Northern杂交和Western杂交分析表明外源铁蛋白基因在转基因烟草中得到了正确表达。比较转基因烟草和非转基因烟草的内源铁蛋白基因表达强度、叶片铁含量、根系铁还原酶活性、株高和鲜重表明,外源铁蛋白基因不但促进了NtFer1的表达,提高转基因植株的储存铁的能力和根系铁还原酶活性,而且促进植株的生长速度。以上结果说明,外源铁蛋白基因转化烟草中内源铁蛋白基因的表达、铁离子的还原吸收及光和作用都得到了进一步的提高。  相似文献   

For studying the effects of endogenous ferritin gene expressions (NtFer1, GenBank accession number ay083924; and NtFer2, GenBank accession number ay141105) on the iron homeostasis in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants expressing soybean (Glycine max Merr) ferritin gene (SoyFer1, GenBank accession number m64337), the transgenic tobacco has been produced by placing soybean ferritin cDNA cassette under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter. The exogenous gene expression was examined by both Northern- and Western-blot analyses. Comparison of endogenous ferritin gene expressions between nontransformant and transgenic tobacco plants showed that the expression of NtFer1 was increased in the leaves of transgenic tobacco plants, whereas the NtFer2 expression was unchanged. The iron concentration in the leaves of transgenic tobacco plants was about 1.5-folds higher than that in nontransformant. Enhanced growth of transgenic tobacco was observed at the early development stages, resulting in plant height and fresh weights significantly greater than those in the nontransformant. These results demonstrated that exogenous ferritin expression induced increased expression of at least one of the endogenous ferritin genes in transgenic tobacco plants by enhancing the ferric chelate reductase activity and iron transport ability of the root, and improved the rate of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Iron administration to iron-starved cocklebur (Xanthium pensylvanicum) plants causes an increase in the iron content of ferritin fractions extracted from mature leaves. Xanthium plants grown under long days (vegetative stage) have more iron and ferritin than similarly iron-treated plants induced to flower under short day regimes. This first demonstration of ferritin in cocklebur (Compositae) leaves suggests that a substantial portion of iron that enters the iron-starved plant appears as this protein-iron macromolecule.  相似文献   

Advances in Research on Genetically Engineered Plants for Metal Resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The engineering application of natural hyperaccumulators In removing or inactivating metal pollutants from soil and surface water In field trials mostly presents the insurmountable shortcoming of low efficiency owing to their little biomass and slow growth. Based on further understanding of the molecular mechanism of metal uptake, translocation, and also the separation, identification, and cloning of some related functional genes, this article highlights and summarizes In detail the advances in research on transgenlc techniques, such as Agrobacterlurn tumefaciens-medlated transformation and particle bombardment, in breeding of plants for metal resistance and accumulation, and points out that deepening the development of transgenlc plants Is one of the efficient approaches to improving phytoremedlatlon efficiency of metalcontaminated environments. From the viewpoint of sustainable development, governments should strengthen support to the development of genetic engineering for metal resistance and accumulation In plants.  相似文献   

We genetically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae to express ferritin, a ubiquitous iron storage protein, with the major heavy-chain subunit of tadpole ferritin. A 450-kDa ferritin complex can store up to 4,500 iron atoms in its central cavity. We cloned the tadpole ferritin heavy-chain gene (TFH) into the yeast shuttle vector YEp352 under the control of a hybrid alcohol dehydrogenase II and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase promoter. We confirmed transformation and expression by Northern blot analysis of the recombinant yeast, by Western blot analysis using an antibody against Escherichia coli-expressed TFH, and with Prussian blue staining that indicated that the yeast-expressed tadpole ferritin was assembled into a complex that could bind iron. The recombinant yeast was more iron tolerant in that 95% of transformed cells, but none of the recipient strain cells, could form colonies on plates containing 30 mM ferric citrate. The cell-associated concentration of iron was 500 μg per gram (dry cell weight) of the recombinant yeast but was 210 μg per gram (dry cell weight) in the wild type. These findings indicate that the iron-carrying capacity of yeast is improved by heterologous expression of tadpole ferritin and suggests that this approach may help relieve dietary iron deficiencies in domesticated animals by the use of the engineered yeast as a feed and food supplement.  相似文献   

The metalloregulatory protein ArsR, which offers high affinity and selectivity toward arsenite, was overexpressed in Escherichia coli in an attempt to increase the bioaccumulation of arsenic. Overproduction of ArsR resulted in elevated levels of arsenite bioaccumulation but also a severe reduction in cell growth. Incorporation of an elastin-like polypeptide as the fusion partner to ArsR (ELP153AR) improved cell growth by twofold without compromising the ability to accumulate arsenite. Resting cells overexpressing ELP153AR accumulated 5- and 60-fold-higher levels of arsenate and arsenite than control cells without ArsR overexpression. Conversely, no significant improvement in Cd2+ or Zn2+ accumulation was observed, validating the specificity of ArsR. The high affinity of ArsR allowed 100% removal of 50 ppb of arsenite from contaminated water with these engineered cells, providing a technology useful to comply with the newly approved U.S. Environmental Protection Agency limit of 10 ppb. These results open up the possibility of using cells overexpressing ArsR as an inexpensive, high-affinity ligand for arsenic removal from contaminated drinking and ground water.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins (PCs) with good binding affinities for a wide range of heavy metals were exploited to develop microbial sorbents for cadmium removal. PC synthase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe (SpPCS) was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, resulting in PC synthesis and 7.5-times-higher Cd accumulation. The coexpression of a variant γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase desensitized to feedback inhibition (GshI*) increased the supply of the PC precursor glutathione, resulting in further increases of 10- and 2-fold in PC production and Cd accumulation, respectively. A Cd transporter, MntA, was expressed with SpPCS and GshI* to improve Cd uptake, resulting in a further 1.5-fold increase in Cd accumulation. The level of Cd accumulation in this recombinant E. coli strain (31.6 μmol/g [dry weight] of cells) was more than 25-fold higher than that in the control strain.  相似文献   

Plasmid NAH7 was transferred from Pseudomonas putida PpG7 to P. putida R20 [R20(NAH7)], an antagonist of Pythium ultimum. The plasmid did not affect growth or survival of R20(NAH7) and was stably maintained under nonselective conditions in broth and soil and on sugar beet seeds. Plasmid NAH7 conferred to R20(NAH7) the ability to utilize salicylate in culture, agricultural field soil, and on sugar beet seeds. The metabolic activity of R20(NAH7), but not the wild-type R20, was greatly increased in soil by amendment with salicylate (250 μg/g) as measured by induced respiration. Population densities of R20(NAH7) were also enhanced in salicylate-amended soil, increasing from approximately 1 × 105 CFU/g to approximately 3 × 108 CFU/g after 35 h of incubation. In contrast, population densities of R20(NAH7) in nonamended soil were approximately 3 × 106 CFU/g of soil after 35 h of incubation. The concentration of salicylate in soil affected the rate and extent of population increase by R20(NAH7). At 50 to 250 μg of salicylate per g of soil, population densities of R20(NAH7) increased to approximately 108 CFU/g of soil by 48 h of incubation, with the fastest increase at 100 μg/g. A lag phase of approximately 24 h occurred before the population density increased in the presence of salicylate at 500 μg/g; at 1,000 μg/g, population densities of R20(NAH7) declined over the time period of the experiment. Population densities of R20(NAH7) on sugar beet seeds in soils amended with 100 μg of salicylate per g were not increased while ample carbon was present in the spermosphere. However, after carbon from the seed had been utilized, population densities of R20(NAH7) decreased significantly less (P = 0.005) on sugar beet seeds in soil amended with salicylate than in nonamended soil.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco P6 over-expressing ferritin is known to activate iron transport systems and to have increased iron content. Iron phytoextraction by this transgene is then expected to be higher than that of the wild-type (WT). In the present study, the possibility to modify iron availability for bacteria via the cultivation of the transgene P6 was explored by comparing the sensitivity to iron stress of bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of the two plant genotypes (WT and P6). This sensitivity was evaluated by measuring the bacterial density when plated on a solid media depleted (supplemented with 8-hydroxiquinoline) or not (supplemented with Fe-8-hydroxyquinoline) in iron. The experimental conditions favorable to the differential iron accumulation between the wild-type and transgenic tobacco were identified. The two plant genotypes were grown in three soils (Hervau, Thory and Oudun) chosen for their differences in iron content, and the plants were yielded at three stages (vegetative, floral bud and flowering). The highest differential accumulation of iron in favor of the over-expressing transgene was found in the plants at the floral bud stage when cultivated in the Oudun and Thory soils. Since at that stage, the plant growth was significantly higher in the Oudun soil, the phytoextraction of iron was the highest in this soil. At the floral bud stage, bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of the transgene cultivated in the Oudun and Thory soils appeared to be less susceptible to iron stress than those from the wild-type. Bacterial density recovered on agar medium depleted in iron was significantly the highest in the rhizosphere of the transgene cultivated in the Oudun soil. Altogether, these data indicate that the over-expressing ferritin transgenic plants, that accumulate and extract more iron from the rhizosphere than the wild-type plants, select in their rhizosphere bacteria less susceptible to iron stress compared to those selected by the wild-type plants.  相似文献   

The survival of wild-type and genetically engineered Pseudomonas putida PpY101 that contained a recombinant plasmid pSR134 conferring mercury resistance were monitored in aquatic microcosms. We used lake, river, and spring water samples. The density of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida decreased rapidly within 5 days (population change rate k -0.87 ~ -1.00 day?1), then moderately after 5 to 28 days (-0.10~, -0.14 day?1). The population change rates of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida were not significantly different. We studied the important factors affecting the survival of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida introduced in aquatic microcosms. Visible light exerted an adverse effect on the survival of the two strains. The densities of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida were almost constant until 7 days after inoculation in natural water filtered with a 0.45-µm membrane filter, or treated with cycloheximide to inhibit the growth of protozoa. These results suggested that protozoan predation was one of the most important factors for the survival of two strains. We examined the impact of the addition of genetically engineered and wild-type P. putida on indigenous bacteria and protozoa. Inoculation of genetically engineered or wild-type P. putida had no apparent effect on the density of indigenous bacteria. The density of protozoa increased in microcosms inoculated with genetically engineered or wild-type P. putida at 3 days after inoculation, but after 5 to 21 days, the density of protozoa decreased to the same level as the control microcosms.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins (PCs) are metal-binding cysteine-rich peptides, enzymatically synthesized in plants and yeasts from glutathione in response to heavy metal stress by PC synthase (EC In an attempt to increase the ability of bacterial cells to accumulate heavy metals, the Arabidopsis thaliana gene encoding PC synthase (AtPCS) was expressed in Escherichia coli. A marked accumulation of PCs was observed in vivo together with a decrease in the glutathione cellular content. When bacterial cells expressing AtPCS were placed in the presence of heavy metals such as cadmium or the metalloid arsenic, cellular metal contents were increased 20- and 50-fold, respectively. We discuss the possibility of using genes of the PC biosynthetic pathway to design bacterial strains or higher plants with increased abilities to accumulate toxic metals, and also arsenic, for use in bioremediation and/or phytoremediation processes.  相似文献   

在研究牛精浆蛋白 (bovineseminalplasmaproteins ,BSPproteins)及其相关蛋白在受精卵发育过程中的重要作用时 ,在人睾丸组织中发现并克隆了一个与BSP蛋白相关新基因的序列 ,其开放阅读框架 (openreadingframe ,ORF)编码了一个含 2 2 3个氨基酸残基的蛋白质 ,氨基酸序列中含有4个纤连蛋白Ⅱ型结构域 ,与BSP蛋白在结构上有一定的相似性 ,称其为人BSP相关蛋白 (humanBSP relatedprotein ,HBRP) ,并在GenBank注册 ,登录号为AF2 791 4。预测该蛋白是与BSP蛋白功能相关的结合蛋白 ,并已成功地将该基因定位在 1 9号染色体 1区 3带上。为进一步研究该新基因的生物学功能 ,利用重组质粒pEGFP C2 HBRP转染人胚肾HEK2 93细胞 ,通过G41 8筛选出药物抗性克隆 ,建立了稳定的基因工程细胞系 ,为该基因功能的研究奠定了基础 ,对该基因功能的进一步研究有重要的意义 义。  相似文献   

The extensive published discussion of potential ecological impacts of introduced genetic sequences and genetically engineered organisms has lacked a quantified delineation of the critical questions for the estimation of risk. Ultimately, the ecological risk assessment of introduced gene sequences is the application of evolution, population genetics, and ecology to risk estimation and decision making. This paper provides a framework for the estimation of risk due to introduced sequences in bacteria, and the principles should also hold for many diploid species. Horizontal genetic exchange poses new challenges for ecological risk assessment. Plasmid transfer can occur without any impacts, although the sequence can become ubiquitous in the population. Conversely, the introduction of a plasmid can change the dynamics of the host population, potentially altering the population minimum and maximum characteristics of its dynamics. Because of genetic exchange, new genetic information is unlikely to be constrained among one type of prokaryote. An example of the use of the model is given using genetic exchange data from a series of published soil microcosm experiments. The model demonstrates the increase in plasmid frequency when using experimentally derived conjugation frequencies. Application of these results to ongoing discussion of the risks of genetically engineered organisms is presented. Particular attention is paid to the transfer of genetic material and the resultant changes in host population dynamics.  相似文献   

We report here the generation of recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) able to produce the suicide gene product thymidine kinase (TK) or cytokine interleukin 4 (IL-4). In vitro cells infected with the engineered viruses expressed remarkably high levels of biologically active TK or IL-4 and showed no defects in replication compared to the wild-type virus. Recombinant viruses retained their ability to induce potent apoptosis in a variety of cancer cells, while normal cells were evidently more resistant to infection and were completely protected by interferon. Significantly, following direct intratumoral inoculation, VSV expressing either TK or IL-4 exhibited considerably more oncolytic activity against syngeneic breast or melanoma tumors in murine models than did the wild-type virus or control recombinant viruses expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP). Complete regression of a number of tumors was achieved, and increased granulocyte-infiltrating activity with concomitant, antitumor cytotoxic T-cell responses was observed. Aside from discovering greater oncolytic activity following direct intratumoral inoculation, however, we also established that VSV expressing IL-4 or TK, but not GFP, was able to exert enhanced antitumor activity against metastatic disease. Following intravenous administration of the recombinant viruses, immunocompetent BALB/c mice inoculated with mammary adenocarcinoma exhibited prolonged survival against lethal lung metastasis. Our data demonstrate the validity of developing novel types of engineered VSV for recombinant protein production and as a gene therapy vector for the treatment of malignant and other disease.  相似文献   

基因工程菌在生物降解中的应用及其发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在简要阐述基因工程菌构建方法的基础上,系统综述和评价了基因工程构建方法的研究进展及其在生物降解中存在的问题。  相似文献   

人工设计合成密码子优化的 VHb 基因及其天然的低氧启动子序列,并进行融合 T7 终止子克隆至 L-Phe 的高表达质粒中,构建高产 L-phe 的抗贫氧高密度发酵基因工程菌.高密度发酵过程中的低氧情况可诱导 VHb 基因的表达,含VHb 的工程菌较对照工程菌发酵结果显示:菌株的稳定期延长约4h,提高菌株的产酸周期,L-phe 产量提高约14%.  相似文献   

Zinc finger proteins were involved in response to different environmental stresses in plant species. A typical Cys2/His2-type (C2H2-type) zinc finger gene GmZF1 from soybean was isolated and was composed of 172 amino acids containing two conserved C2H2-type zinc finger domains. Phylogenetic analysis showed that GmZF1 was clustered on the same branch with six C2H2-type ZFPs from dicotyledonous plants excepting for GsZFP1, and distinguished those from monocotyledon species. The GmZF1 protein was localized at the nucleus, and has specific binding activity with EP1S core sequence, and nucleotide mutation in the core sequence of EPSPS promoter changed the binding ability between GmZF1 protein and core DNA element, implying that two amino acid residues, G and C boxed in core sequence TGACAGTGTCA possibly play positive regulation role in recognizing DNA-binding sites in GmZF1 proteins. High accumulation of GmZF1 mRNA induced by exogenous ABA suggested that GmZF1 was involved in an ABA-dependent signal transduction pathway. Over-expression of GmZF1 significantly improved the contents of proline and soluble sugar and decreased the MDA contents in the transgenic lines exposed to cold stress, indicating that transgenic Arabidopsis carrying GmZF1 gene have adaptive mechanisms to cold stress. Over-expression of GmZF1 also increased the expression of cold-regulated cor6.6 gene by probably recognizing protein-DNA binding sites, suggesting that GmZF1 from soybean could enhance the tolerance of Arabidopsis to cold stress by regulating expression of cold-regulation gene in the transgenic Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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