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Six British species of the Cheilostomatous bryozoan genus Schizomavella Canu & Bassler, 1917 are described and figured. Neotype specimens are selected for S. auriculata (Hassall) and S. linearis (Hassall), and lectotypes are selected for S. cuspidata (Hincks) and 5. hastata (Hincks). S. hastiformis Hayward and Ryland is placed in synonymy with S. linearis. S. sarniensis sp. nov. is described from several south-west British localities.  相似文献   

Four species of the ascophoran 'sand-fauna'bryozoan genus Anoteropora arc now known from the Indian Ocean, and include A. magnicapitata, A. latirostris, A. inarmatu and A. otophora sp. n. Colonies are lunulitiform and anchored by basal rhizoids. The characters and distribution of all species, including fossil specimens, are described. Those of some related genera, including the Recent, east Atlantic Ascosia , and the Tertiary, European Kionidella and Stenosipora , are briefly discussed. A key to the species of Anoteropora is given.  相似文献   

Three new species are described in the cheilostomate bryozoan genus Schizoporella Hincks, 1877. British records of Scliizoporella dunkeri Reuss are shown to represent two previously unnamed species. Scliizoporella dunkeri is the senior synonym of the Adriatic species Schizoporella longirostris Hincks. Material of S. longirostris from British localities is referred in part to S. dunkeri and in part to a previously unnamed species.  相似文献   

Nine species of the cheilostomate bryozoan genus Parasmittina Osburn, 1952, are described. Neotype specimens are selected for P. parsevalii (Audouin) and P. raigii (Audouin). P. hastingsae Soule and Soule, P. agathae sp. nov., P. parsloeparsloei sp. nov., P. pectinata sp. nov. and P. solenosmilioides sp. nov. are described from Australian localities. P. fistulata (Harmer) is redescribed and P. decorata Soule and Soule is placed in the synonymy of P. delicatula (Busk).  相似文献   

Investigations of the common boreal-arctic cheilostomate bryozoans Cribrilina annulata and Celleporella hyalina have shown that the two species possess similar ovicell structures and reproductive patterns. Both species are characterized by frontal dwarf ovicellate zooids, that are female autozooidal polymorphs in C. hyalina and simultaneous hermaphroditic autozooids in C. annulata. The latter species in addition has ovicellate autozooids of the usual type. Each ovicell is formed from a maternal zooid only, and its cavity is lined by the outer hemispherical fold (ooecium) and the distal zooidal wall. The coelomic cavity of the ooecium is separated from the body cavity of the maternal zooid by a transverse wall with simple pores. Each pore is closed by a cell plug, and the ooecia may be considered as kenozooids. Each oocyte is accompanied by a single nurse cell that degenerates after ovulation. The eggs are macrolecithal in C. annulata and microlecithal in C. hyalina, and the former species is a non-placental brooder whereas the latter forms a placenta. Fertilization is precocious. Possible mechanisms of sperm entry as well as oviposition are discussed. The literature concerning ovicell structure and development in cheilostomates is analysed. It is proposed that the brood chamber of cribrimorphs evolved by a fusion of costae and a reduction of the daughter zooid in ancestral forms. © 1998 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved  相似文献   

Anatomical and SEM-studies of the brood-chambers (ovicells) in two bryozoans (Callopora dumerilii and C. lineata) were undertaken to resolve a long-term controversy existing in the literature about the origin of the ovicells. In contrast with the interpretation of Silén (1945 ), both species investigated possess hyperstomial ovicells with the ooecium formed by the distal (daughter) zooid. The ooecial coelomic cavity communicates with the zooidal coelom through a pore-like canal or canals remaining after the closure of an arch-shaped slit. The slit forms during ovicellogenesis. The communication canals are normally plugged by epithelial cells, however incompletely closed canals were also found in Callopora lineata. SEM-studies of noncleaned, air-dried specimens showed a relationship between membranous and calcified parts during early ovicellogenesis. It starts from a transverse wall as the calcification of the proximal part of the daughter zooid frontal wall, and has the shape of two flat rounded plates. There are no knobs or any other outgrowths. Conditions and phenomenology of hyperstomial ovicell formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-one species of Stylopoma Levinsen, 1909 are described and illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. S. spongites (Pallas, 1766), the type species, is redescribed from the neotype specimen and included here for completeness. A neotype specimen for S. duboisii (Audouin, 1826) and a lectotype specimen for S. viride (Thornely, 1905) are designated and 14 new species of Stylopoma are described from Indo-West Pacific material in the Recent bryozoan collections of the Natural History Museum, London.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has proven a valuable platform for fast and easy obtaining of large numbers of sequences at relatively low cost. In this study we use shot-gun sequencing method on Illumina HiSeq 2000, to obtain enough sequences for the assembly of the bryozoan Membranipora grandicella (Bryozoa: Cheilostomatida) mitochondrial genome, which is the first representative of the suborder Malacostegina. The complete mitochondrial genome is 15,861 bp in length, which is relatively larger than other studied bryozoans. The mitochondrial genome contains 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNAs and 20 transfer RNAs. To investigate the phylogenetic position and the inner relationships of the phylum Bryozoa, phylogenetic trees were constructed with amino acid sequences of 11 PCGs from 30 metazoans. Two superclades of protostomes, namely Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa, are recovered as monophyletic with strong support in both ML and Bayesian analyses. Somewhat to surprise, Bryozoa appears as the sister group of Chaetognatha with moderate or high support. The relationship among five bryozoans is Tubulipora flabellaris + (M. grandicella + (Flustrellidra hispida + (Bugula neritina + Watersipora subtorquata))), which supports for the view that Cheilostomatida is not a natural, monophyletic clade. NGS proved to be a quick and easy method for sequencing a complete mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

Fawley KP  Fawley MW 《Protist》2007,158(3):325-336
The genus Nannochloropsis is well known from the marine environment but has only recently been reported from fresh and brackish waters. A single species, N. limnetica, was first documented from shallow lakes in Germany, where it produced spring blooms. A second unnamed isolate from a river in the United States has been characterized by sequence analysis and light microscopy. All of the Nannochloropsis species that have been described, both marine and freshwater, are small spheres with essentially no distinguishing morphological characteristics. Therefore, they must be characterized using molecular techniques. We have cultured numerous isolates of Nannochloropsis from a series of lakes on the James River in the Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota, USA, and 1 isolate from a pond in Itasca State Park, Minnesota, USA. The diversity among these isolates was determined by light microscopy and DNA sequence analysis. Seven distinct haplotypes of Nannochloropsis were found, one of which possesses 18S rDNA and rbcL sequences identical to those of N. limnetica from Europe. The 6 new haplotypes vary in rbcL sequences and some are morophologically distinct from each other and from N. limnetica. These types are described as the new taxa N. limnetica var. globosa, N. limnetica var. irregularis, N. limnetica var. dystrophica, and N. limnetica var. gutta. All of the Nannochloropsis isolates from Arrowwood and Itasca were cultured only from samples taken during cold-water periods. These results suggest that Nannochloropsis species may be better adapted to cold water conditions, including temperatures near 0 degrees C and ice cover.  相似文献   

The genus Adeonella Busk (1884) comprises 41 species, 15 of which are considered to be new to science. Adeonella lichenoides (Lamarck) is regarded as the senior synonym of A. platalea (Busk) (= A. polymorpha Busk), the type species of the genus. Adeonella is distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific realm, the Mediterranean, and the South Atlantic Ocean. Its highest diversity is found off the east coasts of southern Africa. Thirty-one species (15 new to science) are described and illustrated, morphology and geographical distribution are discussed and a key is provided to all recognized species.  相似文献   

Enrique Forero 《Brittonia》1972,24(2):143-147
Stryphnodendron campestre Forero andS. guianense (Aubl.) Benth. ssp.glandulosum Forero are described and illustrated, and notes on the nomenclature ofS. adstringens and on the exclusion ofS. colombianum from the genus are included.  相似文献   

Questidae is a poorly known polychaete family with many unusual characters, particularly with regard to its reproductive organs. Its taxonomic position remains uncertain, which can be partly referred to the limited material described to date. New material, mostly from shallow sublittoral sediments, shows that questids have a circummundane distribution. Questa Hartman, 1966 is revised to include Novaquesta Hobson, 1970 as a junior synonym. Eight species of questids are assigned to Questa , four of them are new to science: Questa bicirrata sp. n., Q. paucibranchiata sp. n., Q. mediterranea sp. n., and Q. riseri sp. n. Character patterns of the questid polychaetes described so far are cladistically analysed. The limitation of informative characters causes ambiguity in the most parsimonious reconstruction of the phylogeny of the family, and therefore, the Questidae is proposed to be classified as comprising only one genus.  相似文献   

The Diastoporidan colony consists of three zones: The marginal common bud, a narrow middle zone with erect peristomes and active polypides nourishing the whole colony, and a large central zone where the erect peristomes are detached, the secondary orifices thus formed are closed by terminal diaphragms, and the feeding polypides have degenerated. In many Diastoporidae the terminal closure is complete, but in several species the diaphragm is raised into a narrow, open tubule. In the latter type a dwarfed polypide with one tentacle only is regenerated: The autozooid is transformed into a heterozooid (“secondary nanozooid”), a unique phenomenon. Its function is unknown. The single tentacle of the “true nanozooids” of Diplosolen performs sweeping movements indicating a cleaning function. In two Plagioecia species “occasional nanozooids” were found, induced by disturbances of the colony growth. The function, if any, is unknown.  相似文献   

Among the predominantly purple- and red-flowered species of the genusCuphea, only seven yellow floral tube and/or yellow-petaled members in three sections were known. We add here two new species and one new variety.Cuphea congesta from Venezuela andC. splendida var.viridiflava from Bolivia are new to sect.Melvilla.Cuphea xanthopetala from Brazil is described in sect.Euandra and expands the presence of this feature to a fourth section of the genus. A key is provided to allCuphea with yellow floral tubes and/or yellow petals to expedite determinations when these exceptional character states are present.  相似文献   

The genera of Aphelininae (Aphelinidae) are reviewed on a worldwide basis. Identification keys and a phylogenetic hypothesis are presented for 16 genera, of which four are new (Mashimaro n.g. , Neophytis n.g. , Punkaphytis n.g. , Saengella n.g. ) and Paraphytis is resurrected. Newly described species are Mashimaro hawksi n.sp. , Mashimaro lasallei n.sp. , Neophytis myartsevae n.sp. , Neophytis munroi n.sp. , Punkaphytis erwini n.sp. and Punkaphytis hayati n.sp. New combinations from Aphytis include Neophytis melanosticus (Compere) and N. dealbatus (Compere), and Paraphytis acutaspidis (Rosen & DeBach), P. angusta (Compere), P. anomala (Compere), P. argenticorpa (Rosen & DeBach), P. australiensis (DeBach & Rosen), P. benassyi (Fabres), P. breviclavata (Huang), P. capillata (Howard), P. ciliata (Dodd), P. cochereaui (DeBach & Rosen), P. costalimai (Gomes), P. densiciliata (Huang), P. fabresi (DeBach & Rosen), P. haywardi (De Santis), P. hyalinipennis (Rosen & DeBach), P. maculatipennis (Dozier), P. maculata (Shafee), P. mandalayensis Rosen & DeBach, P. nigripes (Compere), P. noumeaensis (Howard), P. obscura (DeBach & Rosen), P. peculiaris (Girault), P. perplexa (Rosen & DeBach), P. transversa (Huang), P. vittata (Compere) (revived status) and P. wallumbillae (Girault). A parsimony analysis of 50 morphological characters for 54 species in 21 genera, including four outgroups (Coccophagus, Eunotiscus, Euryishomyia and Eriaphytis), resulted in three equally parsimonious trees supporting monophyly of all genera except Neophytis. Neophytis was paraphyletic to a monophyletic Aphytini but is monophyletic in unpublished molecular analyses. Three tribes are recognised (Aphelinini, Aphytini and Eutrichosomellini). The questionable inclusion of Eretmocerus (Eretmocerini) within Aphelininae is discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the three lygosomine skink genera occurring both in the Old World and the New World (Mabuya, Scincella and Sphenomorphus) were inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence of 12S and 16S rRNA genes. Results strongly suggested the non-monophyly for any of these three genera. Within the Mabuya group, Asian members appear to have diverged first, leaving the Neotropical and the Afro-Malagasy Mabuya as sister groups. These relationships, together with the absence of extant or fossil representatives of the Mabuya group from North America, strongly suggest the trans-Atlantic dispersals of Mabuya from Africa to Neotropics. Our results also indicated a closer affinity of the New World Scincella with the New World Sphenomorphus than with the Old World Scincella. Such relationships suggest the trans-Beringian dispersal of the common ancestor from Asia and its subsequent divergence into the North American Scincella and the Neotropical Sphenomorphus.  相似文献   

Seven species assigned to the genus Cribrilina are illustrated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and redescribed. At the present day, three species occur in the area studied: C. punctata (Hassall), C. cryptooecium Norman and C. annulata (Fabricius). The presence of Collarina balzaci (Audouin), which has previously been confused with Cribrilina punctata , is also reported. The following species of Cribrilina are known as Pliocene and Pleistocene fossils: C. punctata, C. cryptooecium, C. watersi Andersson, C. puncturata (Wood) and C. mucronata Canu & Lecointre. In addition, C. annulata and C. spitsbergensis Norman have been reported as fossils, but these occurrences could not be confirmed here by the examination of actual material. Lectotypes are selected for C. spitsbergensis, C. watersi, C. puncturata and C. mucronata. Type material of the American fossil C. marylandica , which has been synonymised with C. punctata , is illustrated.  相似文献   

As presently recognized, the small cheilostome bryozoan family Eurystomellidae (superfamily Catenicelloidea) comprises just two genera: Eurystomella Levinsen, 1909 , with three Recent species, and Selenariopsis Maplestone, 1913 ; with one Recent and two fossil species. Within Eurystomella sensu lato , colonies range from uni-/biserial to multiserial and the smooth gymnocystal frontal shields of zooids may be entire or have one to several large foramina. Here we describe seven new Recent species of encrusting eurystomellids from New Zealand and Japan. Including species of Selenariopsis , a cladistic analysis was carried out on 11 eurystomellid species and five outgroup species, the latter representing the families Cribrilinidae, Euthyroididae, Petalostegidae, and Catenicellidae. The results of the analysis support restricting Eurystomella to multiserial species with large frontal foramina, median suboral sutures, and basal pore-chambers. Two new genera, both with imperforate frontal shields and uniporous mural septula, are segregated from Eurystomella : uni-/biserial Zygopalme , with a median suboral suture and accssory perforations in the ovicellular kenozooid, and multiserial Integripelta , lacking the suture and accessory perforations.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 136 , 199–216.  相似文献   

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