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Summary Plants with a pair of extra homologous telocentric chromosomes in addition to the normal chromosome complement are called ditelotetrasomics. Six types of ditelotetrasomics of barley have been obtained. Four types obtained in the selfed progenies of telotrisomics (Triplo 2S, Triplo 5S, Triplo 6S, and Triplo 7S) are reported in this paper. The ditelotetra 2S showed a stronger expression of the diagnostic characteristics of Triplo 2S. It was weak and small, with narrow, short, dark-green leaves, and was almost completely pollen and seed sterile. However, three other ditelotetrasomics (ditelotetra 5S, 6S, and 7S) did not show specific diagnostic characteristics and were similar to normal diploid plants, with the exception of ditelotetrasomic 5S, which showed some effects. At meiotic diakinesis and metaphase I, these ditelotetrasomic plants showed chromosome configurations of 6II+1IV, 7II+1 teloII, 6II+1III+1teloI, or 7II+2 teloI. Most of the sporocytes at anaphase and telophase in the first and second meiotic divisions showed almost normal chromosome behavior. Quartets were mostly normal with no micronuclei. Approximately 30% of the selfed progenies of these three ditelotetrasomics were ditelotetrasomics and almost 50% were telotrisomics, indicating a high percentage of male and female transmission of the extra telocentric chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary A crossing programme for trispecific hybridization including cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as the third parent was carried out. The primary hybrids comprised 11 interspecific combinations, each of which had either H. jubatum or H. lechleri as one of the parents. The second parent represented species closely or distantly related to H. jubatum and H. lechleri. In trispecific crosses with diploid barley, the seed set was 5.7%. Crosses with tetraploid barley were highly unsuccessful (0.2% seed set). Three lines of diploid barley were used in the crosses, i.e. Gull, Golden Promise and Vada. Generally, cv Gull had high crossability in crosses with related species in the primary hybrid. It is suggested that Gull has a genetic factor for crossability not present in cv Vada and cv Golden Promise. One accession of H. brachyantherum used in the primary hybrid had a very high crossability (seed set 54.7%) in combination with cv Vada but no viable offspring was produced. In all, two trispecific hybrids were raised, viz. (H. lechleri x H. brevisubulatum) x Gull (2n=7–30) and (H. jubatum x H. lechleri) x Gull (2n=20–22). The first combination invariably had a full complement of seven barley chromosomes plus an additional chromosome no. 7, but a varying number of chromosomes (19–22) of the wild-species hybrid. The second combination had a full set of barley chromosomes. The meiotic pairing was low in both combinations.  相似文献   

Seven barley(Hordeum vulgäre L.) cultivars tested varied greatly in their responses to root medium salinity (electrical conductivity of 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 dS nr-1)-lant growth was relatively more adversely affected than seed germination. Dry/fresh mass ratio increased at higher salinity levels in all barley cultivars indicating reduced water uptake. Higher K/Na ratio in plant shoots compared to that in the root medium solution indicated selective uptake of K that seems to be among processes involved in tolerance of cultivars to salinity stress.  相似文献   

Winterhardiness in cereals is the consequence of a number of complex and interacting component characters: cold tolerance, vernalization requirement, and photoperiod sensitivity. An understanding of the genetic basis of these component traits should allow for more-effective selection. Genome map-based analyses hold considerable promise for dissecting complex phenotypes. A 74-point linkage map was developed from 100 doubled haploid lines derived from a winter x spring barley cross and used as the basis for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses to determine the chromosome location of genes controlling components of winterhardiness. Despite the greater genome coverage provided by the current map, a previously-reported interval on chromosome 7 remains the only region where significant QTL effects for winter survival were detected in this population. QTLs for growth habit and heading date, under 16 h and 24 h light, map to the same region. A QTL for heading date under these photoperiod regimes also maps to chromosome 2. Contrasting alleles at these loci interact in an epistatic fashion. A distinct set of QTLs mapping to chromosomes 1, 2, 3, and 5 determined heading date under 8 h of light. Under field conditions, all QTLs identified under controlled environment conditions were determinants of heading date. Patterns of differential QTL expression, coupled with additive and additive x additive QTL effects, underscore the complexity of winterhardiness. The presence of unique phenotype combinations in the mapping population suggests that coincident QTLs for heading date and winter survival represent the effects of linkage rather than pleiotropy.  相似文献   

A cDNA library containing approximately 5,000 clones from germinating barley embryos was constructed and used to examine the variation in gene expression patterns during the first 4 days postimbibition. The expression profiles of embryos (including scutellum) from 4 to 96 h postimbibition were compared to a reference profile from 24 h postimbibition using microarray analysis. A subset of clones exhibiting tenfold or greater differential expression patterns was sequenced to elucidate function. All of the sequenced clones could be identified to at least EST level with 64% exhibiting homology to published protein sequences. Almost 95% of the library exhibited similar expression levels at the 4 h time point as at the 24 h reference point. From 24 to 96 h, however, considerable fluctuations in gene expression occurred. The observed patterns of gene expression for the classified genes are consistent with the expected genetic changes required to prepare an embryo for germinative development. A replicate set of clones for the 23-kDa jasmonate-induced protein was identified. The current data not only provides conclusive evidence for the expression patterns of this abundant stress-response protein in germinating embryos, but also serves to validate previous research into JIP-23 isoforms, function and the relationship between timing of mRNA upregulation and protein abundance.  相似文献   

Summary Using a modification of the alginate film culture technique we show that it is possible to prepare and culture tobacco mesophyll and barley cell suspension protoplasts without centrifugation. Comparable division frequencies and colony development were observed from protoplasts embedded with enzyme and protoplasts purified by centrifugation. A 3 × 30 min washing regime was found to be the minimum time necessary to remove the enzyme from the gelled alginate matrix. The procedure provides a more gentle method for isolating protoplasts. It has the additional benefit of recovering all of the cells released from the starting tissue. In particular, the smaller protoplasts that are frequently lost during conventional isolation, are maintained. In barley, we illustrate the use of the system for recovering plants from embryogenic protoplast-derived calli from the cultivars Dissa and Igri. Finally, using small volumes of enzyme (50 l) single cell aggregates were used to isolate and culture protoplasts.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BAP 6-benzyl aminopurine - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

 Electroporation is becoming an increasingly important technique for plant transformation. Nevertheless, no positive results were achieved in barley when uninucleate microspores were used as target cells. Since it was previously demonstrated that electric shocks create pores in the microspore cell wall, experiments were designed to verify the presence of nucleases in the electroporation mix. Aliquots of all the solutions used for microspore extraction, purification and transformation were collected and analysed using supercoiled pBI 221 as a substrate; a nuclease activity was detected in all samples. Though microspore rinsing removed most nucleolytic activity in the supernatants, DNA preservation in the electroporation buffer was difficult to achieve, because microspores appeared capable of synthesising and releasing endonucleases at any time. Microspore chilling at 0°C was fairly effective in reducing nuclease secretion in the mix, whereas 1%PEG or 10 mM EDTA maintained most of the DNA in a supercoiled or circular relaxed form. EDTA effects were counterbalanced by Mg2+, but not Ca2+ or Zn2+, and enhanced by Mn2+. Barley microspore nucleases actively degraded different DNAs as well as TMV RNA, and apparently had a molecular weight above 30 kDa. Nuclease inactivation with EDTA did not alter microspore viability and allowed a transient expression of the uidA gene in electroporated barley microspores. Received: 13 January 1997 / Accepted: 28 February 1997  相似文献   

 Osmotic adjustment (OA) was previously demonstrated to be an important adaptive mechanism of drought tolerance in cereals. In order to determine which genomic regions are involved in OA variation, 187 barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between Tadmor (drought tolerant) and Er/Apm (susceptible) were studied in a growth chamber for their OA capacity (through correlated traits and by calculation), at an early growth stage and under two water treatments (soil moisture of 14% and 100% of field capacity). The continuous distribution of the traits and their broad-sense line heritabilities, ranging from 0.04 to 0.44, indicated that OA and related traits should have a polygenic nature. A subset of 167 RILs were also genotyped using 78 RFLP, 32 RAPD and three morphological markers and a linkage map was constructed. Despite strong environmental effects acting on the traits, interval mapping and single-marker ANOVA allowed the detection of three QTLs for relative water content (RWC), four QTLs for osmotic potential (ψπ), two QTLs of osmotic potential at full turgor (ψπ100) and one QTL for osmotic adjustment at a soil moisture of 14% field capacity. For the irrigated treatment, only two QTLs were detected: one for RWC and one for ψπ100. Two chromosomal regions were involved in several OA-related trait variations and could be considered as regions controlling OA; these were present on chromosome 1 (7H) and chromosome 6 (6H), whereas other regions were specific for one trait. No major QTL was found. However, the genomic region involved in OA-related traits on chromosome 1 (7H) in barley seemed to be conserved for OA variation among cereals. Epistatic effects, with or without additive effects, acted on the traits. Received: 15 July 1997 / Accepted: 29 October 1997  相似文献   

 Boron toxicity has been recognised as an important problem limiting production in the low-rainfall regions of southern Australia, West Asia and North Africa. Genetic variation for boron toxicity tolerance in barley has been characterised but the mode of inheritance and the location of genes controlling tolerance were not previously known. A population of 150 doubled-haploid lines from a cross between a boron toxicity tolerant Algerian landrace, Sahara 3771, and the intolerant Australian cultivar Clipper was screened in four tolerance assays. An RFLP linkage map of the Clipper×Sahara population was used to identify chromosomal regions associated with boron tolerance in barley. Interval regression-mapping allowed the detection of four chromosomal regions involved in the boron tolerance traits measured. A region on chromosome 2H was associated with leaf-symptom expression, a region on chromosome 3H was associated with a reduction of the affect of boron toxicity on root growth suppression, a region on chromosome 6H was associated with reduced boron uptake, and a region on chromosome 4H was also associated with the control of boron uptake as well as being associated with root-length response, dry matter production and symptom expression. The benefits and potential of marker-assisted selection for boron toxicity tolerance are discussed. Received: 18 December 1997 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

Summary The genetics behind response in barley anther culture was studied with 22 reciprocal and one single: cross between three varieties with high and four varieties with low capacity for green plant formation. Effects of genotypes dominated embryo formation and percentages of green plants, accounting for 62 and 76% of total variation, respectively, with almost no genetic effect on the ability to regenerate plants from pollen embryos. Nuclear genes could explain all genotype effects in this plant material, since no reciprocal effects were indicated. The three parents with high and the four parents with low capacity for green plant formation formed two phenotypically homogeneous groups, producing 27–52% and 0–7% green plants, respectively. Genetic variation within hybrids for both embryo and green plant formation could be explained completely by general combining ability (GCA). The results are discussed with respect to a previous similar study in hexaploid wheat and the reported existence of DNA deletions in the plastid genomes in albino plants from anther culture of wheat and barley.  相似文献   

Summary Primary callus of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) derived from scutella (cv. Dissa) and anthers (cv. Igri) was used for protoplast isolation and plant regeneration. The protoplasts were embedded in agarose and cultured with nurse cells. The plating efficiency varied from 0.1% to 0.7%. Shoots regenerated from the developing callus. Plantlets were transferred to soil and cultivated in the greenhouse three to five months after protoplast isolation. All plants were normal in morphology, and most of them flowered and set seeds.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in the nitrogen content of seed of six barley cultivars was brought about by growing parent plants at four nitrogen levels. Shoot dry weight of plants grown for 23 days from these seeds was generally enhanced by an increase in seed nitrogen content. The most responsive cultivar was a primitive type of barley from Ethiopia. Cultivars with a longer breeding history were less responsive. Risø 1508 apparently had physiological and biochemical limitations in responding to extra seed nitrogen. In the barley cultivars studied extra seed nitrogen seems to supplement, rather than substitute for, nitrogen fertilizer in the seed bed.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophoretic assays of 1506 accessions of domestic (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wild (H. spontaneum Koch.) barley, maintained in the USDA World Barley Collection, led to the following conclusions: (1) worldwide the four esterase loci, Est 1, Est 2, Est 3, and Est 4, have a minimum of 7, 12, 6, and 7 alleles, respectively; (2) little or no genetic differentation has developed between H. vulgare and H. spontaneum at these four esterase loci; (3) substantial genetic polymorphism and heterozygosity occur within many of the accessions despite the heavy inbreeding which results from the mating system of predominant self fertilization and from genetic drift associated with maintenance in small populations; (4) patterns of geographical distribution of alleles at these four loci are not at random over both small and large geographical areas, including differences on a continental scale; (5) four among 16 four-locus combinations of alleles are found in excess and all other combinations occur in deficiency on a worldwide basis.This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant DEB 78-02046  相似文献   

 This study was conducted to detect the optimum conditions for DNA transfer into mature embryos of barley via electroporation. Cultured mature embryos of barley were directly electroporated in the presence of the pBI 121 vector carrying both the β-glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II) genes. It was found that 500 v/cm and 500 μFd capacitance was the optimum combination for healthy germination of the transformed plants from mature electroporated embryos. Effects of culture duration before electroporation and selection antibiotic concentrations on germination were also examined. Gene transfer performed on 3-day-old cultures resulted in the highest germination frequencies. GUS expression was observed on transversal sections of embryos and mature leaves from 3 month-old regenerants. PCR and Southern blot analyses show the presence of the npt II transgene in the genome of a plant. Received: 15 June 1999 / Revision received: 27 September 1999 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

The naturally occurring enantiomer of the various octadecanoids and jasmonates is established in a biosynthetic step catalyzed by the allene oxide cyclase (AOC). The AOC converts an allene oxide formed by an allene oxide synthase (AOS). Here, we show cloning and characterization of cDNAs encoding the AOC and a third AOS, respectively, in addition to the two AOSs previously published (Plant J. 21, 199-213, 2000). The ORF of the AOC-cDNA of 717 bp codes for a protein of 238 amino acid residues carrying a putative chloroplast target sequence. Overexpression without chloroplast target sequence revealed AOC activity. The AOC was found to be a single copy gene which mapped on chromosome 6H. AOC mRNA accumulation appeared in leaf segments upon treatment with various jasmonates, octadecanoids and ABA or during stress such as treatment with sorbitol or glucose solutions. Infection with powdery mildew activated AOC expression in susceptible and resistant lines of barley which correlated with PR1b expression. Among different tissues of barley seedlings, the scutellar node and leaf base accumulated AOC mRNA preferentially which correlated with accumulation of mRNAs for other biosynthetic enzymes (lipoxygenases, AOSs). AOC mRNA accumulation appeared also abundantly in parts of the root containing the tip and correlated with elevated levels of jasmonates. The data suggest a link of AOC expression and JA formation and support role of JA in stress responses and development of barley.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty six barley doubled-haploid lines (DH lines) were tested for variation in grain yield, yield components, plant height, and heading date after artificial infection with a German isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-PAV-Braunschweig). Of these 146 lines 76 were derived from the cross of the barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) tolerant cultivar ’Post’ to cv ’Vixen’ (Ryd2) and 70 from the cross of Post to cv ’Nixe’. Phenotypic measurements were gathered on both non-infected plants and plants artificially inoculated with BYDV-PAV by viruliferous aphids in pot and field experiments for three years at two locations. For all traits a continuous variation was observed suggesting a quantitative mode of inheritance for tolerance against BYDV-PAV. Using skeleton maps constructed using SSRs, AFLPs and RAPDs, two QTLs for relative grain yield per plant after BYDV infection, explaining about 47% of the phenotypic variance, were identified in Post × Vixen at the telomeric region of chromosome 2HL and at a region containing the Ryd2 gene on chromosome 3HL. In Post × Nixe, a QTL was found in exactly the same chromosome 2HL marker interval. In this cross, additional QTL were mapped on chromosomes 7H and 4H and together these explained about 40% of the phenotypic variance. QTL for effects of BYDV infection on yield components, plant height, and heading date generally mapped to the same marker intervals, or in the vicinity of the QTL for relative grain yield, on chromosomes 2HL and 3HL, suggesting that these regions are of special importance for tolerance to the Braunschweig isolate of BYDV-PAV. Possible applications of marker-assisted selection for BYDV tolerance based on these results are discussed. Received: 1 December 2000 / Accepted: 9 March 2001  相似文献   

Summary We have established embryogenic cell suspension cultures of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cultivars Igri, Gimpel, Princesse, and Baronesse) from anther-derived embryogenic callus. Suspension cultures of cultivars Igri and Gimpel were regenerable. The most successful cultivar was Igri, from which a number of independent cell lines producing plantlets were established. Plants could be transferred to soil; up to now, 50% of more than 200 regenerated plants were morphologically normal and fertile. The relative frequency of sterile plants increased as suspensions aged. Suspensions older than 1 year produced embryogenic callus but only albino plantlets could be regenerated.  相似文献   

Pyrenophora graminea is the seed-borne pathogen causal agent of barley leaf stripe disease. Near-isogenic lines (NILs) carrying resistance of the cv ”Thibaut” against the highly virulent isolate Dg2 were obtained by introgressing the resistance into the genetic background of the susceptible cv ”Mirco”. The segregation of the resistance gene was followed in a F2 population of 128 plants as well as on the F3 lines derived from the F2 plants; the segregation fitted the 1:2:1 ratio for a single gene. By using NILs, a RAPD marker associated with the resistance gene was identified; sequence-specific (STS) primers were designed on the basis of the amplicon sequence and a RILs mapping population with an AFLP-based map were used to position this molecular marker to barley chromosome 1 S (7HS). STS and CAPS markers were developed from RFLPs mapped to the telomeric region of barley chromosome 7HS and three polymorphic PCR-based markers were developed. The segregation of these markers was followed in the F2 population and their map position with respect to the resistance gene was determined. Our results indicate that the Thibaut resistance gene, which we designated as Rdg2a, maps to the telomeric region of barley chromosome 7HS and is flanked by the markers OPQ-9700 and MWG 2018 at distances of 3.1 and 2.5 cM respectively. The suitability of the PCR-based marker MWG2018 in selection- assisted barley breeding programs is discussed. Received: 22 June 2000 / Accepted: 16 October 2000  相似文献   

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